UK Permanent Makeup Experts Academy is founded by our head educator andelite PMU artist Amy Louise who has over 23 years of experience in the beautyindustry. Amy has been running her private PMU clinic for several years in Kentand has won multiple awards including the most recent - ‘Beauty IndustryTrainer Of The Year 2023', ’Semi Permanent Makeup Artist Of The Year 2023',HBA award ranking 10th place for ‘SPMU Artist Of The Year in UK 2023’ and 4thPlace in the PMU world championships in the ‘Shaded Eyeliner’ category 2023.At UK Permanent Makeup Experts we like to do things a little differently. Weknow that students wanting to learn permanent makeup will be wanting to finda course that will enable them to feel confident in performing theseprocedures. Besides, it’s a huge investment so it has to be the right decision!This is why we have a whopping 14 academy days included in ourcomprehensive PMU course.Our mission is to provide world class PMU training, with the mostcomprehensive courses in our industry, while offering outstanding studentaftercare and support to set you up for a successful, lucrative career in thisamazing industry!Our students are trained by highly experienced PMU artist Amy Louise who istruly dedicated to your success! As part of your course, you will have a fullmarketing strategy and ongoing coaching to ensure you know how to gain asteady flow of new clients and feel supported through the process.We provide you with a starter kit with our full PMU Course and an option to buyseparately if taking a single module of the PMU course. If you choose not tohave a starter kit you will learn exactly what you need and where to buy it fromas part of our course anyway. We don’t tie you down to any specific brands orhigh cost machines, we simply recommend what we use in our own clinicbecause we know our products have consistent, world-class results.We understand that PMU is a skill that takes time and practice to master whichis why we invite you back for FREE bonus workshop days 1-3 months after yourinitial training course. During these days you can practice any techniques youmay need a little extra guidance on, troubleshoot or even learn a new advancedtechnique - for example winged eyeliner of melanin rich lips neutralisation.We are super proud to acknowledge nowhere else in the PMU world is offeringmore post training support than we are!
Hey I’m Amy, thanks for downloading our course prospectus. I’m soexcited to welcome you into the amazing world of Permanent Makeup!I’ve been running my private PMU clinic for many years in Kent and lastyear was so amazing for me! Despite being a single mum of two smallchildren, I opened my own high street clinic and PMU training academy!Not just this, but last year was also the year I became a multi-awardwinning PMU artist and took part in the PMU world championships!Being able to grow my business rapidly, with my babies by my side onopening day felt great and I did this without any loans or outside funding.PMU is a high profit treatment, so this enabled me to get to this extremelysatisfying point in my career. I work 9:30-2:30 on clinic days so that I cando the school and nursery runs. I am proof of what is financially possiblewhen you become a busy PMU artist and the freedom it gives your lifeespecially as a single mum. The world really is our oyster!I am an eternal optimist and a true believer that if you focus on yourdreams, have the determination to pursue your goals and the rightmindset, you are capable of achieving whatever you set out to achieve.And I want to give you the support and tools to make your dreams a realitytoo. Being fully booked PMU artist is possible and I want to show you how!I am dedicated to ensuring my students receive an outstanding experienceat my permanent makeup academy in Swanley, Kent. I am always aimingto go above and beyond what is expected of my training which has beenattracting students from all far corners of the UK.I warmly welcome you to my academy for a taster session or discountedPMU treatment to help you decide if this career is for you and if we are theright academy for you.I am always happy to help, so please get in touch with me if you have anyquestions.
Join us, and embark on an incredible personal growth journey whentaking the most comprehensive accredited PMU training course toset you up for a future of success as a permanent makeup artist! Learn skills and techniques to confidently provide permanentmakeup with our expert artist and educator Amy Louise who has over23 years beauty industry experience, loyal, royal and celebrities asher previous clientele and a six star luxury environment customerservice experience she can share with you. Amy also includes ongoing coaching as part of her package as shestrongly believes that this is a hugely important to your personalsuccess. Our PMU course is accredited by ABT and you’ll receive yourcertificate to gain insurance on your last day of training. We alsoprovide you with a discount on your first year of insurance.Amy wishes to share her top tips with you to enable you to enjoy thesame success as she has. We welcome you for a fun, friendly andsupportive learning experience that can truly change your life!
Weekly coaching & mentoring calls with Amy duringyour first month after completing your initial trainingOngoing coaching with AmyMarketing plan and ongoing advice to help you gainnew clientsLifetime support & mentoring3 bonus workshop days to improve your confidenceFree removal training 1-3 months after your initialtraining days3 Shadow days to watch Amy working on real clients ather clinicLive demonstrations by your trainerStudent practice on siliconeStudent practice on live models provided by usMaximum 2-3 students per classSilicone practice skins for home practice includedABT accreditedGuaranteed & discounted insurance with ABT
Affordable monthly payment plans are available forall of our courses with ‘Paythen’. ‘Paythen’ payment plans do not require any creditcheck to make sure that our courses are affordableand accessible to everyone. Tailored payment plansare spread over weekly or monthly low costinstalments.‘Paythen’ is a payment plan tool that allows you tomanage the cost of your training easier than payingin one full payment.
During our PMU course you'll learn several techniques to make sureyou have a wide range of skills that you can use to suit the needs ofmany different client types.you'll learn several techniques to create hair strokes, Ombre,powder, combination brows. Lip liner, lip blush, full lip colour, lashenhancement, top lash line lower lash line, flicked eyeliner.You are then invited return for your confidence boosting days 1-3months later. We know that no where else is offering three freeconfidence boosting days to enhance your skills further. Normallyyou need to pay for further training but if you want to learn anadvanced technique you can use these days for just that and it’s allincluded!You are also invited back for free removal training and three shadowsessions where you can join Amy working on real clients in her clinic. We are confident that these clear, unique differences set us wayapart from other PMU academies because it helps you enhance yourskills, perfect any areas that you may need a little more support withand ultimately become an advanced PMU artist.You will also have weekly 121 coaching calls with Amy for the firstmonth after your initial training days. We will be able work togetherto find out what is the best training progression for your confidenceboosting days so you get the most of all your training with us.If that's not enough reasons already, don't forget you'll also haveaccess to lifetime support from the academy to help grow yourcareer as a PMU artist and go from strength to strength.
Once you have booked your PMU course, you’ll receive an electronic copyof your course training manual. You can print off several worksheets andlearning exercises to practice before your practical training days. Werecommend reading through the theory in your course manual to ensureyour practical days can be used more towards your practical skill building.We will have a theory quiz on day 1 to check your learning andunderstanding.Week 1 we study brows over three practical days at the academy. You willbe supported by your tutor during your procedures to ensure you deliveran amazing brows treatment. You will practice n live models asking for aselection of brow styles including ombre, powder, combination brows.H O M E S T U D YP R A C T I C A L W E E K 1 - B R O W SP R A C T I C A L W E E K 2 - L I P SWeek 2 we study lip blush over two practical days at the academy. Welearn lip specific cautions and treatment process to ensure you’ll befeeling super confident in this procedure.C O N F I D E N C E B O O S T I N G W O R K S H O P S - 3 D A Y SCome back to academy 1-3 months after your initial training days toperfect your skills. You get three workshop days (one per treatment areayou learn)P R A C T I C A L W E E K 3 - E Y E L I N E RWeek 3 we study eyeliner/lash enhancement over two practical days at theacademy. We learn eyeliner specific cautions and we leave this procedureuntil last as many students feel nervous with this procedure. We feel thatleaving this area until the end you’ll be feeling more confident in yourskills to embark o eyeliner training.S H A D O W S E S S I O N S - 3 D A Y SCome back to academy 1-3 months after your initial training days toshadow our busy PMU clinic to pick up extra tips & tricks.R E M O V A L T R A I N I N G B O N U S D A Y ! - 1 D A YBonus removal training day for saline removal method for PMU corrections
Practice brow mapping techniquesStudy training manual theory workDrawing techniquesHair stroke patterns and designsComplete brows worksheets before practical training daysTheory study recap & quizbrow mapping & pre draw practicepractice different techniques to create different lookssilicone technique perfectioncolour theory & pigment selectionskin type, undertones and healed results expectationswatch live model demonstration by tutorprepare treatment area for live model tomorrowtreatment process step by stepH O M E S T U D YA C A D E M Y D A Y 1A C A D E M Y D A Y 2Brows live model Hair strokessupport from tutor during treatmentEvaluation & feedbackA C A D E M Y D A Y 3Brows live model Ombre/powderSupport from tutor during tretmentEvaluation & feedbackC O N F I D E N C E B O O S T I N G W O R K S H O P D A Y 4Tailored training day to your specific needs and natural progressionA T O W N P A C E9 : 3 0 A M - 5 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P MS H A D O W S E S S I O N D A Y 5we can schedule you to shadow treatments that you most wish to seeF L E X I B L E T I M I N G S
H O M E S T U D YA C A D E M Y D A Y 1A C A D E M Y D A Y 2Lips live modelSupport from tutor during treatmentEvaluation & feedackC O N F I D E N C E B O O S T I N G W O R K S H O P D A Y 3Come back to academy 1-3 months after your initial trainingdays to perfect your skillsPractice LIP mapping techniquesStudy training manual theory workDrawing techniquesLip shading techniquesComplete lips worksheets before practical training daysA T O W N P A C ETheory study recap & quizLip mapping & pre draw practicepractice different techniques to create different lookssilicone technique perfectioncolour theory & pigment selectionskin type, undertones and healed results expectationswatch live model demonstration by tutorprepare treatment area for live model tomorrowtreatment process step by step9 : 3 0 A M - 5 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P MS H A D O W S E S S I O N D A Y 4F L E X I B L E T I M I N G Swe can schedule you to shadow treatments that you most wish to see
H O M E S T U D YA C A D E M Y D A Y 1A C A D E M Y D A Y 2Eyeliner live modelSupport from tutor during treatmentEvaluation & feedackC O N F I D E N C E B O O S T I N G W O R K S H O P D A Y 3Come back to academy 1-3 months after your initial trainingdays to perfect your skillsPractice eyeliner shaping techniquesStudy training manual theory workDrawing techniquesEyeliner shading techniquesComplete eyeliner worksheets before practical training daysA T O W N P A C ETheory study recap & quizeyeliner shaping & pre draw practicepractice different techniques to create different lookssilicone technique perfectioncolour theory & pigment selectionskin type, undertones and healed results expectationswatch live model demonstration by tutorprepare treatment area for live model tomorrowtreatment process step by step9 : 3 0 A M - 5 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P M9 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P MS H A D O W S E S S I O N D A Y 4F L E X I B L E T I M I N G Swe can schedule you to shadow treatments that you most wish to see
1 D A Y T R A I N I N GRemoval theoryscience behind saline removalingredients & different available removal productsaftercare & healing expectationstreatment demonstration by tutorcertification of completion9 : 3 0 A M - 1 2 P M
When you take the full PMU course you'll benefit from having your full kitand machine included at no extra cost.Your kit will include the same PMU machine that Amy uses in her clinicA selection of needle configurationsA selection of pigments suitable for eyeliner, lips and eyebrowsAll the tools needed for successful eyebrow mappingHygiene and PPE neededAs you'll have three confidence boosting days to use werecommend using them as a day for each area you have learnthowever, if you prefer to use all your days on one area then you canuse them as you wish.As an added bonus SPMU removal training day can be taken at theend of your course. Having this extra treatment under your belt willset you apart from the rest!Come along to our clinic to watch us working on real clients to pickup extra tips and tricks to use in your own clinic. This is included forfree in our courses!
We will support you with marketing advice and ongoingsupport in this category. There are many ways to gain asteady flow of new clients for PMU but many artists areunaware of these which results in a struggle to stay busy inan ever growing competitive industry.Our PMU clinic is consistently booked up several weeks inadvance all year round and we want to show our studentsexactly how!Being a fully booked PMU artists is the dream for many andwe know exactly how you can make this a reality!We welcome you to this amazingly rewarding career to be asuccessful and well known pioneer in our industry!
You can learn just one treatment area but you still get ouramazing full benefits that you get with our full course including;Weekly coaching calls for the first month after your trainingFree additional confidence boosting workshop day 1-3 monthsafter your initial trainingFree shadow sessionOngoing coaching & supportOngoing marketing support and advice£12505 academy days£7504 academy days£7504 academy days
I understand that research is important for many potentialstudents and getting a feel of a place is part of that process. Ispent almost 10 years procrastinating on which academy totrain with! Academy visits was a part of my own research as ithelped me chose where and who to train with. I noticed thatnone of the academies were providing any incentives for suchextensive research so here’s a little treat from me!S T U D E N T 5 0U S E T H I S P R O M O C O D E F O R A N Y N E W P M U T R E A T M E N T A T O U RC L I N I C B E F O R E O R A F T E R Y O U R T R A I N I N G . N O C O U R S EB O O K I N G N E C E S A R R Y T O U S E T H I S D I S C O U N T !
Now that you have found out about all of the amazing benefitsof learning with UK PMU Experts we hope to welcome you to ouracademy soon for a life changing, positive learning experiencewith us!If you have any questions about our courses then we'd loveto hear from you.If you would like to book onto one of our courses, pleaseget in touch with us for our next available course dates.Lastly, we can't wait to watch you grow into a superawesome PMU artist after you leave our course feelingconfident in your new skills!
C O N T A C T D E T A I L SAmy Louise 07503702399amy@amylouiseuk.comwww.ukpmuexperts.comwww.ukpermanentmakeupacademy.com@amylouiseuk@ukpmuexperts12A High Street, Swanley, Kent, BR88BE