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Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Data Resources I IntroductionWelcome to this new profile of Zantaz Data Resources for our Zantaz MarketPlace InternationalNetwork of Authorized Agents and White-Label Resellers [“Resellers”].Zantaz Data Resources specializes in Data Optimization and Advanced Archiving, distinguishingitself by addressing the challenge of rapidly harnessing escalating Unstructured Data at scale.With our legacy international customer base, Zantaz Data Resources is a trusted leader in securedata archiving, featuring our proprietary Advanced Archives [Zantaz EAS and HPCA on-premisessolutions and our IDOL-based Z Cloud Archive]. This foundation has allowed Zantaz DataResources to maintain advanced and compliant data solutions across various industries, ensuringdata integrity, security, accessibility, andvalue.Zantaz Ai Smart Data ProcessingIn the new digital AI age, Zantaz DataResources is now positioned at theforefront of the evolution in datamanagement, leading the way withinnovative solutions that effectively andsecurely leverage the power of ArtificialIntelligence.The introduction of Zantaz’s AI-infused AiSmart Data Processing marks asignificant advancement in ourmarket-leading offerings. Thiscomprehensive Ai Smart Data Processingsolution stack includes our proprietary AiData Optimizer, which collectivelytransforms the avalanche of UnstructuredData into Actionable Smart Data atremarkable scale and speed, providingdramatic data storage cost savings andmaximum ROI on an organization’s entiredata estate and its growing investment in AI.Zantaz MarketPlace’s International Network of Authorized Agents and ResellersWe created Zantaz Data Resources to provide substantial value and limitless potential, and we arenow making our extraordinary solutions available to accounts worldwide through ZantazMarketPlace’s International Network of Authorized Agents and Resellers.William White President, Zantaz Data ResourcesPage 2 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Ai Smart Data Processing I Agents Only I Early-AccessI want to thank all our International Agents for contributing to building our new Zantaz MarketPlace.Your involvement has been instrumental in developing our presentation, sales, marketing, andcommission strategies for Zantaz Data Resources.Although the global release of Ai Smart Data Processing is scheduled for January 1, 2025, we havedecided to give our International Network of Agents early access to Ai Smart Data Processing foryour customers.Note: What this early-access program means is that as a Zantaz MarketPlace AuthorizedAgent, you will have the opportunity to make warm introductions to potential customersbefore any general release of the global marketing campaigns for Ai Smart DataProcessing by Zantaz Data Resources [which is now scheduled for January 1st].Jamie Welsted, the Creative Director of Zantaz MarketPlace, will work closely with you to ensurethat you have everything you need to make your introductions a success. Jamie’s new ZantazMarketPlace Resource Library [now available online at] includes demovideos and marketing presentations, and it provides direct access to the Zantaz Terabyte Testerand Sandbox. Jamie is committed to equipping you with the tools and support necessary toconfidently and successfully introduce Ai Smart Data Processing to your potential customers.Note: is password protected and provided exclusively for ZantazMarketPlace Authorized Agents and Resellers. It is not for customers.We are excited to offer you this early access to Ai Smart Data Processing. Let it roll.Page 4 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz MarketPlace I '24 Summer ConferenceA heartfelt thank you to everyone who traveled to Williamsville, NY, for our second ZantazMarketPlace International Summer Conference. Your contributions, insights, and enthusiasmgreatly enhanced the quality of our presentations and discussions throughout the week.Giancarlo's was an ideal venue, and the food and hospitality provided by Gabriela, Anthony, andtheir entire team made the event both enjoyable and memorable.Once again, we enjoyed a variety of enthusiastic presentations that were informative,thought-provoking, and often inspiring. The face-to-face interactions facilitated spontaneousexchanges of ideas, which continue to complement our effective international remote workenvironment.While virtual communication tools are valuable for our global collaborations, they cannot fullyreplicate the richness and depth of in-person dialogue. As I mentioned at the outset, this year'sconference marked the end of our practice phase, and it certainly proved beneficial.Data OptimizationThroughout the week, we showcased ournew Data Optimizer, set for general releaseto customers worldwide on January 1st.Introducing the Zantaz MarketPlaceThe Zantaz MarketPlace '24 SummerConference also provided a platform tohighlight the exceptional opportunities ournew Zantaz MarketPlace will offer to ourburgeoning International Network ofAuthorized Agents and Resellers.This week's meetings, presentations, anddiscussions presented a unique opportunityfor all attendees to actively participate inshaping our future, which promisessignificant benefits for everyone willing tobuild it.Once again, thank you to everyone who attended the Zantaz MarketPlace '24 SummerConference. Our few days together exceeded expectations, and the future looks incredibly bright.Save the date for next year: Zantaz MarketPlace '25 Summer Conference [possibly in SanSebastian, Spain] from Monday, June 23rd to Wednesday, June 25th.Page 6 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz MarketPlace I Agent OnboardingOur mission is to establish Zantaz MarketPlace as a business resource that providescomprehensive global access to exceptional Zantaz products and services for our Agents andResellers worldwide. Zantaz MarketPlace represents a culmination of our vision to leverage ourresources for greater opportunities, growth, and profitability.Launching January 1stWith our January 1, 2025 launch, Zantaz MarketPlace will deliver an easily accessible and usefullibrary of essential information on all Zantaz Data Resources offerings. Our MarketPlace willfacilitate and enhance opportunities for our Agents and Resellers. As the Zantaz offerings grow,our Agents and Resellers and their customer opportunities will grow as well.International Network of Agents and ResellersCentral to our mission will be the success of our Agents and Resellers. By providing global accessand showcasing a diverse array of remarkable Zantaz products and services, Zantaz MarketPlacewill equip our Agents and Resellers with the tools to effectively meet the needs of theircommercial, institutional, and government customers worldwide.● Global AccessAgents and Resellers will have authorized global access to a broad spectrum of Zantazofferings, streamlining the sales process and maximizing revenue potential.● Comprehensive SupportZantaz will provide robust sales support, fulfillment protocols, and exceptional commissionstructures, ensuring our Agents and Resellers are incentivized and fully empowered.● Value PropositionEach Zantaz product and service will be meticulously detailed in a Smart Card to highlightits unique value proposition, ensuring that Agents and Resellers can effectivelycommunicate benefits to prospective customers.● Agent EmpowermentThrough training, certification programs, and ongoing support, Zantaz MarketPlace willempower Agents and Resellers to capitalize on opportunities and drive mutual growth.Agents and Resellers are responsible for cultivating opportunities through their existing network. Ifan Agent creates merely an introduction that generates an opportunity for Zantaz, that Agent willstill be commissioned appropriately for the resulting paid business. Agents and Resellers whohave existing relationships as a trusted provider within their market can now leverage theserelationships with Zantaz offerings, which in turn will strengthen their customer relationships andprovide additional earnings.Looking ahead, Zantaz Data Resources remains committed to continuous innovation andexpansion. We aim to enhance our MarketPlace with new offerings, advanced technologies, andenhanced support services to ensure our network remains at the forefront of technology.Page 8 Zantaz MarketPlace

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The Advantage Co I Legacy of SuccessThough a new company, Zantaz Data Resources has been built on our remarkable legacy ofsuccess in technology. Over 25 years ago, we launched Advantage Systems Professionals inPittsford, NY, as the first of the Advantage Co’s independently owned and operated techpartnerships. Since then, our success in the tech space has benefited everyone who has had theresolve to invest, create, innovate, adapt, and persevere.FedRamp Authorization for the First Cloud PlatformOne of the Advantage Co’s most outstanding tech development was being the first to earn theFedRAMP Authority to Operate - blazing a trail for our remarkable problem-solving developmentefforts in the world of first-generation and next-generation tech platforms. Launched in NorthCarolina with our Managing Partner, John Keese, Autonomic Resources developed thegroundbreaking FedCloud Platform, ARC-P, to become the first to secure the highly covetedFedRamp Authorization for a cloud platform for federal agencies.Over a decade ago, the Obama Administration recognized the need to transition to a secure clouddeployment model for all 450+ federal agencies. Autonomic Resources answered the call todevelop the highest-level-security federal cloud platform [based on the stringent NIST demands]that could be utilized by all federal agencies [including our alpha account, the Department ofDefense] and all of their potential providers. Remarkably, we delivered the first FedRampAuthorized Cloud Platform well ahead of industry giants like AWS, Azure, Google, and IBM. Onceauthorized, we brokered a highly successful sale of our FedCloud Platform to CSC.Azure Digital Transformation SolutionsAlso of note was our successful engagement with our Capax Global partnership’s alpha account,United Airlines [prior to Capax Global’s successful acquisition by Hitachi Data Systems]. WhileUnited Airlines and Microsoft were building a new reservation system in Azure, they came across amyriad of challenges that only Capax Global could solve. As a long-time Microsoft Azure Partner,Capax Global, under the guidance of founding partners Jerry and Jessica Hawk, deliveredunbelievably complex and technical solutions to some of the world’s largest companies, and theirwork with United Airlines was no exception. Click hereZantaz's Data OptimizerContinuing our legacy of technology innovation, Zantaz's Data Optimizer is being introduced as themarket-leading solution in the competitive AI-driven landscape, where global organizationsgrapple with the challenge of managing AI as well as an avalanche of Unstructured Data.Zantaz’s new SaaS or on-premise deployed Data Optimizer leverages human-augmented AI,blending the speed and analytical power of our AI Data Organizer with human expertise. Thisuniversal tool is pivotal in converting Unstructured Data into valuable Actionable Smart Data atscale and speed, enabling organizations to eliminate ROT and dramatically reduce data storagecosts while delivering the hoped-for but elusive ROI on their substantial AI investments.Page 10 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz MarketPlace I Agent Activation and LinksWelcome to the Zantaz MarketPlace. Zantaz MarketPlace WebsiteThis booklet is specifically for prospective and current Zantaz MarketPlace Agents. For anyquestions, comments, clarifications, or corrections, please contact Jamie Welsted or 716.430.2929.5 Steps [with links] to Agent Activation and MarketPlace ParticipationHere are the 5 steps you need to take to become an authorized and participative agent:1. Read this SimpleBooklet in its entirety.2. Fill out the online Zantaz MarketPlace Agent Form.Zantaz MarketPlace Agent Registration Form LinkThis is a quick and simple registration form that provides us with your basic profile andcontact information.3. ConfirmationZantaz MarketPlace Agent Letter of EngagementThis engagement letter confirms the agreement between Zantaz MarketPlace and theAgent as an independent contractor to represent Zantaz MarketPlace and its portfolio ofindependently owned and operated Providers. DocuSign Link4. Account RegistrationZantaz MarketPlace Agent's Account Reservation Request FormTo register an opportunity, complete the Reservation Request Form. Zantaz MarketPlacewill review the request and notify you of approval to make introductions to potentialcustomers, resellers, or acquirers.5. Zantaz MarketPlace Global AccessZantaz MarketPlace Agent LoginClick on ‘Log In’ in the header and enter the required information. Use the email addressyou provided during registration to complete your account setup. Zantaz MarketPlace willreview your information and approve full access.Page 12 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Data Optimization I Agent Commission ProgramThe Data Optimization Agent Commission for the sale of our Data Optimizer is a remarkable 30%of the License Fee. A Data Optimization Agent can also sell Data Optimization’s 5-YearWhite-Label Reseller License for $1M and receive a 30% commission [$300k].The Level 1 Agent’s 30% Commission for a new license activation is broken down into threeseparate components: 10% commission for the referral, 10% commission for the presentation, and10% commission for the closing of the sale. This rewards full participation by the Agent.Key Offering: Data OptimizationData Optimization $2,000 per Terabyte SaaS DeploymentData Optimization provides deep indexation with full text and content search. This enablesuser-driven identification, classification, and profiling with user-designated retention policies. TheAI-infused Level 3 Scan goes beyond the deep scan by engaging the AI analysis workflows withscheduling and automation. Level 3 AI-driven models can be used on business-critical data, whileother data, where appropriate, can be handled by more economical Intelligent Data Scans.On-Premise Deployment $1M Annual Unlimited LicenseFor an on-premise deployment of Data Optimization, the user can purchase an Annual License forUnlimited Use [$1M] or a 5-Year License for Unlimited Use [$4M].Page 14 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Data Resources I Data OptimizationWhy Data Optimization is EssentialOver the years, Zantaz Data Resources has continued to update and upgrade our core AdvancedArchive solutions [i.e. EAS, HPCA, and Z Cloud Archive] to keep our customers at the forefront ofarchive technologies. However, a few years ago, our development team recognized a dramaticneed to provide data tools that harnessed the escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data ourcustomers were being overwhelmed with.Turning Data into a Valuable Asset at Speed and ScaleManaging and utilizing Unstructured Data, such as text documents, images, and videos, isparticularly challenging [and beyond the capabilities of current data archive solutions].Complicating matters even more, escalating Data Bloat is often metastasizing in scattered systemsand departments, leading to data fragmentation. This fragmentation can make rapidly identifying,accessing, searching, storing, exposing risk, analyzing, and effectively utilizing Data Assets difficultwhile dramatically diminishing the anticipated ROI on your organization’s expensive investment indata generation and AI LLMs.But now we have the solution… Zantaz has answered thischallenge by delivering ourData Optimization solution thatcan rapidly harness massiveamounts of Unstructured Dataat exabyte scale, turning it intoActionable Smart Data [ratherthan just relocating it to a datalake or other unproductivestorage repositories].Although solutions claim toaddress Data Bloat, none canperform at the speed or scaleof our Data Optimizer, which can now scan 8 million files per hour [that’s one billion files per week].Introducing Zantaz's Advanced Archive 1.0On January 1, 2025, Zantaz will officially embark on a new era in Data Optimization by releasingour Data Optimizer to select EAS, HPCA, and Z Archive users worldwide.Zantaz's Advanced Data Optimization AI-infused tool kit will transform and modernize howorganizations solve their rapidly accelerating Unstructured Data challenges, especially itstroublesome Dark Data.Page 16 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Solution Profiles I Innovation Beyond ArchivingThrough continuous innovation and a commitment to responsible AI excellence and security,Zantaz Data Resources remains a trusted partner for enterprises worldwide, guiding them throughthe complexities of data archiving in an ever-changing AI-driven technological environment.Zantaz is poised to lead the data archive market in the new digital AI age, providing ourinternational customer base with universal state-of-the-art solutions such as our Ai-infused DataOptimization tools that meet the evolving demands of data governance, storage, compliance, risk,eDiscovery, and security.Turning the Avalanche of Unstructured Data into Valuable Actionable Smart DataOrganizations are generating an avalanche of Unstructured Data at an unprecedented rate [as theamount of data that is being generated in the world - according to Michael Dell - will double everyeight months], fueled by factors such as increased digitalization, IoT devices, social media, AI, andcustomer interactions, as well as challenging distributed workforces and increased utilization ofchat and collaboration platforms [MS Teams, Zoom, Slack, etc.]. This runaway growth has exposedthe damaging limitations of every organization’s legacy data solutions that leave massive amountsof Unstructured Data in the lurch.As the premier data archivists in the legal, BFSI, healthcare, government, and commercialmarkets, we recognize that every organization is caught up in this data predicament. With ournew Data Optimizer, we are now able to successfully and rapidly address the avalanche ofUnstructured Data that is overwhelming organizations. Our new AI-infused Data Optimizationtools have been developed to process Unstructured Data at speed and scale, rapidly turningenormous stores of Unstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data - providing real value to anentire data estate.Zantaz's AI Data CompanionZantaz's Ai Data Companion brings unparalleled capabilities to the challenges of the moderndigital landscape. With the explosion of Unstructured Data, traditional data archive tools fall shortin handling the complexity and volume of current data environments.Zantaz’s Data Optimizer not only optimizes data storage and compliance but also unlocks thevalue of previously unusable data with our AI Data Organizer, turning Dark Data into ActionableSmart Data that can drive business insights, innovation, and profit. With our cutting-edge AI DataOrganizer, Zantaz Data Resources is redefining the data optimization landscape.Rapid SaaS and On-Premise Deployment with Logix HostingZantaz Data Resources ensures that all our On-Premise and SaaS Advanced Archive solutions aredeployed, delivered, and supported with the highest reliability and performance standards. OurLogix Hosting empowers Zantaz Data Resources to offer a seamless and efficient DataOptimization and archiving experience, leveraging the latest advancements in AI and cloudtechnology. Logix Hosting also provides Zantaz’s Terabyte Tester as a SaaS consumable,proof-of-value tool to demonstrate Zantaz Data Optimizer's ability to deliver an immediate ROI.Page 18 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Solution Profiles I Advanced Archive 1.0The ProblemEnterprises are inundated with an avalanche of often unidentified and unusable data, leading torunaway data storage costs and potential risks. Traditional archiving solutions only managearchive-ready data, leaving a vast amount of potentially critical business data unactionable.The SolutionZantaz Data Resources has developed an intelligent AI-infused Data Optimization system thatproactively identifies, indexes, classifies, profiles, and organizes all data, including Unactionable[Dark] Data, allowing global enterprises and governments to implement custom retention policieseffectively while ensuring that not only all of their archived data - but all of their stored data -remains uncompromised and in its immutable state, maintaining the secure chain of custody.Our data optimization never exposes the data.AI Data OrganizerUnlike traditional archives that passively store provided data, our Advanced Archives activelyselect and manage data based on our AI Data Organizer’s intelligent criteria, ensuring optimalutilization of storage resources and enhancing data retrieval processes.Our AI Data Organizer stands out due to its ability to discern, select, and manage the data itretains, offering a more refined, intelligent, cost-effective, secure, and proactive approach to dataarchiving in particular and data storage in general. It ensures only the most relevant and valuabledata is retained, optimizing storage resources and enhancing rapid data retrieval.Our ongoing enhancements to our Advanced Archives further support the ability of organizationsto access, identify, organize, retain, and derive intelligence from their avalanche of Big Data.Advanced Archive 1.0’s unique modular end-to-end solutions enable organizations to start at anypoint in the information governance process and evolve our universal deployment strategy to meetunique needs in a phased manner. Our customers also have the ability to leverage a combinationof cloud, on-premise, and hybrid deployment structures without disrupting end users.Logix HostingThe Data Optimization Tool Kit can be readily deployed on-premise or as a SaaS deployment byour Logix Hosting division. Logix Hosting’s data center location not only houses Zantaz’sAdvanced Archive 1.0 but also platforms for many federal government agencies and governmentsystems integrators. This location was certified with a FedRAMP Ready designation in 2017.Page 20 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Solution Profile I Data OptimizationZantaz’s new Data Optimizer revolutionizes data governance and storage with universal SaaS oron-premise deployment of its AI-driven capabilities [allowing for rapid and seamless integrationwith existing systems, including EAS, HPCA, or Z Cloud Archive]. This agnostic solution offersadvanced control over data estates, effectively managing Unstructured Data at speed and scaleand transforming any current data storage or archive into a modern, smart system. Data Optimizerenables efficient data optimization while also dramatically reducing data storage costs.1. Data ConnectThis tool acts as a universal connector, linking to various data sources within an organization. Itsability to connect to data at an exabyte scale, scanning 8 million files per hour, ensures that allUnstructured Data, regardless of its location or format, can be accessed and processed.2. Data InsightOnce connected, the Data Insight tool analyzes the Unstructured Data by identifying, enriching,and indexing it. This converts the raw, unusable data into Actionable Smart Data. This meansadding context and meaning to the data, making it searchable and analyzable. For example, DataInsight can extract metadata, identify sensitive information, and categorize data based on content.3. Unified Data OpticThe Unified Data Optic provides a unified view of all data, which is now Actionable Smart Data.This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the organization's data landscape. This holisticview is enabled by an Elasticsearch Indexing Database, which aggregates data from varioussources and facilitates efficient data discovery and retrieval.In the age of Big Data, making informed decisions requires access to accurate, relevant, and timelyinformation. Data Optimization helps you cut through the noise and get to the heart of your data.By providing a unified view of all your data assets and leveraging AI-powered analytics, you gaindeeper insights that can inform your strategic decisions and give you a competitive edge.4. AI Data OrganizerOur intelligent routing system uses AI to enforce the organization’s policies, compliance, utilization,and security demands. Based on pre-defined rules, the AI Data Organizer will automatically deleteROT data, migrate data to different storage tiers based on its value and access needs, or route it tospecific applications. Ai Data Organizer can identify and prioritize critical business data forhigh-performance storage while moving less frequently accessed data to more cost-effectivestorage options. This intelligent routing reduces storage costs and ensures compliance.By combining these four key tools, Zantaz's Data Optimizer offers a powerful solution for managingthe growing volume of Unstructured Data. The result is a comprehensive, AI-driven approach todata management that enables organizations to unlock the full potential of their Unstructured Datawhile minimizing costs and risks.Page 22 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Solution Profiles I AI Data OrganizerBy identifying and disposing of ROT and re-tiering what is now Actionable Smart Data, Zantaz DataAI Data Organizer will dramatically reduce an organization’s data storage costs, optimize resourceallocation, and maximize ROI.Policy, Compliance, Utilization, and Security DrivenData Optimizer’s AI-infused Policy, Compliance, Utilization, and Security Demand-Driven AI DataOrganizer ensures the processes and actions are transparent, understandable, and accountable,enabling the organization to identify and correct errors or biases.Artificial Intelligence & Data IntegrityZantaz’s Data Optimization is crucial for building trust in AI and internal LLMs among users,regulators, and other stakeholders. With Zantaz’s remarkable AI Data Organizer tool, DataOptimizer mitigates risks related to data misuse, privacy breaches, and unethical AI behavior.➔ Data Quality and IntegrityData Optimization starts by ensuring that data is properly identified, uncompromised, andreliable to prevent garbage-in-garbage-out scenarios that lead to unintendedconsequences or risk due to incorrect conclusions or actions, especially by AI systems.➔ Data Privacy and SecurityData Optimizer protects sensitive and personal data, especially when used by internalLLMs, in compliance with data protection regulations [e.g., GDPR, CCPA] and ensures thatdata is securely stored and transmitted.➔ Ethical Use of DataAI Data Organizer allows for the establishment of guidelines to prevent biases in AI LargeLanguage Models [LLMs] and ensures AI systems respect human rights and values.➔ Compliance with RegulationsAI Data Organizer ensures that LLMs and their use of data comply with all relevant lawsand regulations, including those specific to certain industries or types of data.➔ Data Accessibility and SharingData Optimizer facilitates controlled access to data within and outside your organization,promoting collaboration while respecting data privacy.➔ SustainabilityAI Data Organizer mitigates the environmental impact of running AI models that createmassive amounts of useless and high-risk data while implementing strategies to reducecarbon footprint and energy consumption.➔ Future-Proof Archiving and IntegrationAI Data Organizer ensures that your organization's archiving processes remain modernand future-proof. The solution adapts to emerging technologies and regulatory changes,providing advanced features to address new challenges in data management. Moreover,Data Optimizer seamlessly integrates with all storage, maximizing the value of stored data,enhancing overall data management capabilities, and dramatically increasing data ROI.Page 24 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Data Resources I Customers and PartnershipsZantaz Data Resources is esteemed by global data management leaders for its expertise in cloudhosting, security operations, data retention, compliance, archiving, and IDOL. Its diverse customerbase includes renowned data management providers and organizations trusting Zantaz DataResources' solutions for our critical data management needs. Key clients include EY Global,McDermott International, GE, Barclays, Network Rail, SiriusXM Radio, McKesson, Lloyds Bank ofLondon, Rolls Royce Solutions, Kirkland & Ellis, 14 of the top 100 Law Firms, among others.Zantaz Data Resources Key Client Testimonials: EY Global“When our legal team performs an investigation, the results have to be very quick. The Zantazsystem is like magic. In 30 seconds, we have a result. This is important for the volume of datathat we have, which is 250 TB for Germany alone. The interface is very easy to use to fill evencomplex requests for compliance with our regulatory requirements. ” - Benoit Ferron,Infrastructure Engineer | EY GlobalGE [Alpha Deployment] Case Study: Impact and ValueZantaz’s alpha deployment of Data Detect demonstrates the profound impact of this solution inmanaging over-preserved data. This collaboration has significantly reduced GE’s data storagecosts and enhanced the effectiveness of its analytics programs. By addressing GE's big dataproblem, Data Insight has showcased itscapability to solve complex datamanagement issues, leading tosubstantial cost savings and improveddata analysis.By leveraging Data Detect, GE is able tointelligently re-tier its data storage,moving over 4 PB of data off of expensiveTier 2 storage and moving nearly 6 PB ofpreviously unidentified Unactionable[Dark] Data to significantly cheapercloud-based storage. Data Detectsaved GE an estimated $30M - an incredible 60% reduction in storage costs over 3years.Zantaz Data Storage ROI Calculator and its ImpactThe Zantaz Data Storage ROI Calculator offers a tangible demonstration of Data Optimization’sunprecedented cost-saving potential. Such significant cost savings, along with enhanced searchcapabilities and data security, underline Zantaz Data Resources' effectiveness in optimizing datastorage and ensuring data confidentiality. This is before monetizing the value of your entireUnstructured Data estate [which Data Optimization has converted to Actionable Smart Data].Page 26 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Data Resources I Advanced Archive 1.0Advanced Archive 1.0 is a comprehensive data archiving platform that enables our clients toprotect, optimize, and search their electronically stored information in over 3000 different fileformats from 400 information sources in 140 languages while automating governance processes.Advanced Archive 1.0 delivers a comprehensive and scalable archiving solution designed to helporganizations meet all regulatory and legal obligations.With the explosion of data in recent years, regulatory bodies have introduced new legislation andregulations that place the burden on companies to maintain compliance at all times. These lawsand regulations range from privacy requirements such as GDPR and CCPA, to audit requirements,to discovery requirements. Advanced Archive 1.0 provides one solution that enables clients tocomply with all relevant laws and regulations. In addition, retention schedules can be custom-builtto meet any requirements on each specific type of data in the archive, streamline the lifecyclemanagement process, and mitigate risk associated with unnecessary data retention.Meticulous Data AggregationAdvanced Archive 1.0 begins with precisely connecting and aggregating your targeted data. Withour Advanced Archive 1.0 working in concert with Ai Smart Data Processing, we provide theessential tools to identify, enrich, index, and securely store a wide variety of data.Office 365 ComplianceAdvanced Archive 1.0 is the industry leader in Office 365 integration. Our unique bi-directionaldata integration mitigates risk while delivering evolved control, improved eDiscovery, easier datagovernance, and increased value to the utilization of the entire Microsoft Suite.Compliance and eDiscovery in Office 365 require a high level of expertise and active monitoring tomaintain perpetual legal holds, inactive users, and other mechanisms to ensure complete recordscompliance. A Microsoft 365 or Office 365 mailbox can’t be used as a journaling mailbox.Journaling mailboxes contain sensitive information, so you need secure access to them. Messagesin the journaling mailbox may be part of legal proceedings or subject to regulatory requirements.Beyond the challenge of ongoing journal capture for customers that have gone from on-premisesExchange to Exchange Online, a common challenge they must overcome is what to do with theirhistorical journal data. Advanced Archive 1.0 provides a repository for migrating legacy journalsand ongoing journal capture. This creates a single source of truth for journaled communicationswithout the danger of incomplete records or the need for active management.Advanced Archive 1.0 provides organizations with a compliant, highly secure, and immutablearchive repository to unify, encrypt, preserve, secure, access, and utilize their most critical datawhile ensuring they retain complete ownership and governance of their communications.Page 28 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Powerful Enterprise SearchUsers want to be able to access their information at all times. However, granting this can be costlyand burdensome for any organization and can potentially increase legal risks. With AdvancedArchive 1.0, users can be granted instant access to their data from anywhere and at any time.Users can benefit from searching and retrieving data with an easy-to-use web-based interface.Business risks and costs can be significantly reduced by enabling users to find critical information,seamlessly drive automated retention policies, and support business compliance around internalinvestigations and external litigation.Saas DeploymentZantaz Data Resources differentiates itself in its belief that security, reliability, resiliency, and expertmanagement are all of paramount importance to the successful adoption and return on investmentof an enterprise solution. Unlike traditional cloud services that are fully shared [multi-tenant] toreduce costs, Zantaz’s hosted SaaS archive instances are deployed as single-tenant installations.Each client’s environment is isolated, ensuring that only they have access to their data and it meetsstrict security and privacy requirements.Powerful eDiscovery SearchEnterprise-wide search across 100,000+ custodians can quickly be culled and refined using severalfiltering and search options. Boolean expressions can be built in the Advanced Search Builder,which provides a user-friendly interface allowing users to add a virtually unlimited amount ofsearch terms and e-discovery operators, automatically generating a complex search query,allowing eDiscovery professionals to structure advanced boolean searches to include proximitysearches, addressing, wildcards, and standard [content, date range, and custodian] criteria.Regulatory and Compliance SearchAdvanced Archive 1.0 ensures that organizations can complete regulatory and compliancesearches quickly and cost-effectively, reducing the costs and risks associated with fines andinvestigations. Government entities can confidently respond to open records or requests from theFreedom of Information Act (FOIA).eDiscovery and Compliance with ConfidenceImmutable storage in the Advanced Archive ensures that metadata and the data itself cannot bedeleted or altered. Securing immutable evidence is key for compliance and eDiscovery. Zantaz’sarchive technology is used strategically to secure critical digital evidence, enforce legal holds,provide a verifiable chain of custody, and protect data from cyber-attacks. Exported data is andaudit trails are compliant with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) so that organizations candeliver data for legal requests with confidence.The immutable storage options and comprehensive audit trails available in Zantaz Discoveryensure that organizations are never unprepared for an audit, regulatory investigation, or subpoena.All actions performed in the systems can be reviewed to ensure proper use of the system and toprotect the organization from charges of spoliation or improper handling of evidence.Page 29 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Data Resources I Logix Hosting DivisionLogix Hosting’s Solution EngineersIn a technology sales scenario, Logix Hosting’s Solution Engineers play a vital role in bridging thegap between the technical aspects of the products and the needs of the customer.Our Solution Engineers are crucial throughout the sales process, providing technical expertisefrom pre-sales activities to post-sales support, ensuring that customers receive the right solutionsand ongoing assistance. Here’s how Logix Hosting’s Solution Engineers fit into the process:1. Pre-Sales Support and Technical ConsultationLogix Hosting’s Solution Engineers work with sales teams to understand customerrequirements and provide technical expertise during the initial discussions. LogixHosting’s Solution Engineers participate in strategy meetings with sales teams to align oncustomer goals, product offerings, and sales tactics in order to help design andrecommend solutions that fit the customer's needs, ensuring that the proposedtechnologies align with client objectives.2. Demonstrations, Presentations, and Product DemosOur Solution Engineers conduct live demonstrations of the technology, showcasing itsfeatures and benefits to potential customers, and they present detailed technicalinformation to help stakeholders understand the solution’s capabilities.3. Requirements Gathering with Deep Dive SessionsLogix Hosting’s Solution Engineers engage with customers to gather detailedrequirements, ensuring that all technical specifications are captured. Our SolutionEngineers then assist in designing tailored solutions that fit the customer's specific needs,collaborating with sales to ensure alignment with customer expectations.4. Proposal Development and Technical InputLogix Hosting’s Solution Engineers contribute technical content to proposals and bids,clarifying how the solution meets the customer's needs and addressing any technicalconcerns.5. Implementation Planning and StrategyOnce a sale is made, Logix Hosting’s Solution Engineers often assist in creating a detailedimplementation plan, outlining technical steps and resources required.6. Post-Sales Support with Implementation Assistance, Training, and DocumentationLogix Hosting’s Solution Engineers are involved in the deployment of the solution, workingalongside implementation teams to ensure successful integration. Our Solution Engineersprovide training to clients and create documentation to facilitate understanding and usageof the technology.7. Ongoing Relationship Management as a Technical LiaisonLogix Hosting’s Solution Engineers act as a point of contact for technical queries, helpingto maintain relationships and ensure customer satisfaction.Page 30 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz Data Resources I Staff ProfilesThe success of Zantaz Resources is directly tied to the caliber of the business and technicalleadership of our Zantaz Resources Executive Team. Will, Dan, Jack, Ali, and Vincent are seasonedprofessionals with experience providing high-performance cloud computing infrastructureIT-managed services in enterprise archiving, eDiscovery, and data governance engagements.Will White, PresidentWill is the President of Zantaz Data Resources, leading the company'sstrategic direction focusing on enterprise data management,governance, eDiscovery, and archiving. With over eight years ofexperience in the enterprise archiving space, Will has successfullyguided clients across diverse industries [including healthcare, BFSI,legal, and manufacturing] in selecting and implementing datamanagement solutions.Will is passionate about helping organizations leverage their dataassets to drive growth and innovation. He holds a Global MBA fromCase Western Reserve University, which enhances his ability to drive innovation and deliverexceptional results in a global business context.Looking ahead, he aims to position Zantaz Data Resources at the forefront of AI-infused datamanagement solutions, helping clients navigate the increasingly complex data landscape of thefuture.Dan Burgio, Chief Account DirectorDan is the Chief Account Director at Zantaz Data Resources,overseeing the customer base and Account Executive team. With over15 years of experience across sustainability, ESG, and corporate realestate, Dan is a key player in helping organizations optimize datapractices while minimizing environmental impact.Dan’s background in corporate real estate from his tenure at HSBC,combined with extensive ESG consulting experience, offers a uniqueperspective that bridges physical infrastructure, digital assets, andsustainable business practices. He has successfully developed ESG programs, conductedmateriality assessments, and aligned reporting with global standards such as GRI, TCFD, SASB,and CDP, ensuring compliance with complex regulatory environments.Dan holds a Master of Laws [LLM] in Sustainable Development from the Università degli Studi diMilano, a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Allegheny College, and hascompleted a Corporate Sustainability Management program at the Yale School of Management.Page 32 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Jonathan Gilmartin, Chief Products OfficerAs the Chief Product Officer at Zantaz Data Resources, I am dedicatedto leading the development of innovative, market-leading products thatdeliver exceptional value to our customers. My objective is to ensurethe proprietary solutions at Zantaz are equipped with cutting-edgefeatures and capabilities while prioritizing seamless user experiences.By aligning product strategy with customer needs, I strive to createproducts that not only meet market demands but also set new industrystandards.With over 17 years of experience in senior IT roles across industries such as finance, automotive,logistics, retail, and travel, I bring a wealth of technical expertise and strategic insight to the Zantazleadership team.Jack Boswell, Account ExecutiveJack is an Account Executive at Zantaz Data Resources, where heexcels in customer relationship management. In his role, Jack isresponsible for developing and implementing account strategies, aswell as leading social media and business development initiatives toenhance brand awareness and drive growth.Before joining Zantaz, Jack gained valuable experience as a BusinessAdministration Representative at The Advantage Co. His expertise indigital marketing, social media, business analysis, and strategiccommunication through roles at Total Sports Enterprises and Craftmixhas provided him with a strong foundation in marketing and sales.Jack holds a Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA] in Business Administration andManagement from the University at Buffalo School of Management, where he was an activemember of the UB Equity Research Group and UB DECA. He is currently pursuing his Master ofBusiness Administration [MBA] at the same institution.Ali Saadat, Account ExecutiveAli Sadaat is an accomplished Account Executive with over a decade ofexperience in enterprise sales, business development, and clientmanagement. Currently, he serves as an Account Executive at ZantazData Resources, where he leverages his extensive background inAI-driven solutions and complex sales processes. His career spansmultiple industries, including FinTech, SaaS, and AI-enabledtechnologies, focusing on driving digital transformation, enhancingcustomer experiences, and exceeding sales goals.Page 33 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Data Optimizer I User Agreement I Draft #11. Effective Date: [Insert Date]2. Acceptance of TermsBy accessing or using our Data Optimization services, you agree to be bound by this UserAgreement. If you do not agree, do not use our services.3. Services ProvidedWe provide the Data Optimization for Unstructured Data.4. Intellectual PropertyAll content, features, and functionality of our services, including but not limited to text,graphics, logos, and software, are the exclusive property of Zantaz Data Resources LLCand are protected by applicable intellectual property laws.5. User ResponsibilitiesYou are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. Youagree to use the services in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.6. Payment TermsFees for our services will be detailed in your subscription plan. Payments are due asdetailed in your subscription plan.7. TerminationThis agreement begins on the effective date and continues until terminated by eitherparty. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the services at ourdiscretion, particularly for violations of this agreement. You may terminate your account atany time through your account settings or by contacting us. Termination will be effective atthe end of the current billing cycle.8. Limitation of LiabilityTo the fullest extent permitted by law, our liability for any claims arising from thisagreement shall be limited to the amount you paid for the services in the last threemonths. We are not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.9. Privacy PolicyYour use of our services is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which describes how wecollect, use, and protect your information.10. ModificationsWe reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time. We will notify you of anysignificant changes via email or through our platform. Continued use of the services aftersuch modifications constitutes acceptance of the new terms.11. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of theState of New York, USA]. Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved in thecourts of the State of New York, USA.12. Contact InformationFor questions about this agreement, please contact us at [insert contact information].Page 37 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz MarketPlace I Zantaz Agent AgreementThis engagement letter confirms the agreement between Zantaz MarketPlace and__________________ ["Agent"] regarding the Agent’s engagement as an independent contractorto represent Zantaz Data Resources.1. Provider AuthorizationWilliam White is the President of Zantaz Data Resources and is fully authorized by ZantazData Resources to enter into this agreement with the Agent as an AuthorizedRepresentative. Zantaz is independently responsible for its Agent relationship,authorization, and compensation.2. Engagement ScopeThe Agent is engaged in identifying and introducing potential resellers and customers toZantaz Data Resources, negotiating on Zantaz Data Resources' behalf under its direction,and assisting in the transaction process leading to an engagement.3. Authorization to RepresentBefore any authorized presentation or negotiation, all of an Agent’s potential resellers andcustomers must be submitted for approval by Zantaz Data Resources.4. Data Optimization License Fee CommissionsNew Data Optimization License Commissions are earned across three agent levels:For a $1k/TeraByte SaaS License, a $1M Annual On-Premise Unlimited Usage License, or$3M Five-Year On-Premise License, Level 1 Agents receive up to a 30% commission [10%commission for the Referral, 10% commission for the presentation, and 10% commission forthe closing of the sale], Level 2 Agents receive 7.5%, and Level 3 Agents receive 2.5%.License Renewal Commissions are 10% for Level 1 Agents, 3% for Level 2, and 1% for Level3, provided the Agent is actively engaged in the promotion, presentation, and sale of DataOptimization.Note: In all cases, the Agent must remain actively engaged in the promotion, presentation,and sale of Data Optimization. For clarity’s sake, to remain an Agent in good standing andeligible for any commissions, an Agent must present Data Optimization to at least oneviable potential customer per quarter. Additionally, to remain an Agent in good standingand eligible for any renewal commissions, an Agent must remain actively engaged with thesatisfaction of the account throughout the license period. For clarity’s sake, to remain anAgent in good standing and eligible for any renewal commissions, an Agent must reporton the active account at least once per quarter.5. Term and TerminationThis agreement is effective from January 1, 2025, and will continue until December 31,2025. Either party may terminate this agreement with 30 days written notice to the otherparty, provided, however, that the commission obligations to the Agent under section 2will survive any termination with respect to introductions made or transactions initiatedprior to termination.Page 38 Zantaz MarketPlace

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6. ConfidentialityThe Agent agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary and non-publicinformation disclosed during the term of this engagement and to not use such informationfor any purpose other than the services provided under this agreement.7. Independent ContractorIt is understood that the Agent is an independent contractor and not an employee, partner,or co-venturer of Zantaz MarketPlace or Zantaz Data Resources. The Agent is responsiblefor all taxes, insurance, and other obligations arising from payments received under thisagreement.8. Indemnification and Limitation of LiabilityEach party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other parties against anyclaims, losses, damages, or liabilities directly arising out of or in connection with anymisleading information or misrepresentation regarding the business's revenue, earnings,or valuation provided to third parties, including potential buyers or investors.This indemnification does not apply to any information provided in good faith based onreasonable assumptions and industry standards. It is acknowledged that projections andforecasts inherently contain uncertainties, and all parties commit to act in good faith whenpresenting such information. This clause ensures that parties are protected againstunfounded claims and are encouraged to maintain integrity and transparency in theircommunications.9. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of New York State, without regard to itsconflict of laws principles.10. Entire AgreementThis letter constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to thesubject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations,and discussions, whether oral or written.Sincerely, Acknowledged and Agreed________________________ _________________________________William White Agent NamePresident, Zantaz Data ResourcesDate: ____________________Page 39 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Zantaz MarketPlace I White-Label Reseller LicenseThis Agreement ["Agreement"] is entered into as of this ____ day of __________, 2024 [the"Effective Date"], by and between Zantaz Data Resources ["Zantaz"], a New York limited liabilitycompany, with its principal place of business at [Zantaz Address]; and [Reseller Name] ["Reseller"],a [Reseller Entity Type], with its principal place of business at [Reseller Address].Whereas, Zantaz wishes to establish its Ai Smart Data White-Label Program as a business resourcethat provides comprehensive access to exceptional Zantaz resources, products, and services[“Offerings”] for authorized Resellers worldwide.Whereas, Resellers have existing relationships as a trusted provider within their market.Leveraging these relationships will enable the Reseller to sell Zantaz Offerings, which in turn willstrengthen Resellers' customer relationships and provide additional earnings.Whereas, Resellers are responsible for cultivating opportunities through their existing network.1. BackgroundZantaz provides the Ai Smart Data Processing platform ["Ai Smart Data"], an advancedAI-driven data analytics, visualization, and reporting solution. Reseller seeks to market andresell Ai Smart Data under its own brand and trademark to approved Customers.2. Appointment as Reseller2.1. Zantaz appoints Reseller as a non-exclusive reseller for Ai Smart Data in theDesignated Territory. The Designated Territory is [ ].2.2. Reseller may market, promote, and resell Ai Smart Data solely to approvedCustomers.2.3. Reseller may not sublicense, distribute, authorize, or appoint any dealers,sub-resellers, agents, representatives, subcontractors, or other third parties toadvertise, promote, resell, or distribute Zantaz Offerings without prior writtenconsent from Zantaz.2.4. Zantaz reserves the right to modify, update, or discontinue Ai Smart Data withreasonable notice to Reseller.3. White-Label Branding3.1. Reseller may rebrand Ai Smart Data using its company name, logo, and marketing.3.2. Reseller must disclose to Customers that Zantaz provides the underlyingtechnology, delivery, deployment, and support.3.3. Reseller shall not use Zantaz's name or trademarks without prior written approval,except for disclosures required under this Agreement.4. License Grant4.1. The license term is five [5] years from the Effective Date.4.2. Reseller shall pay a license fee of $1,000,000 [one million dollars] for the five-yearterm, due upon execution of this Agreement.Page 40 Zantaz MarketPlace

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5. Eligibility5.1. In order to be eligible for the payment of any Commission hereunder for aCustomer provided to Zantaz, the Reseller’s Customer engagement may not bewith any current Customer of Zantaz or Customer that Zantaz is soliciting.6. Lead Registration6.1. As and when a Customer is identified, Reseller must submit to Zantaz a completedCustomer Registration Form, a specimen copy of which is attached hereto asExhibit A [or in another form, including email, containing substantially the sameinformation]. Upon receiving the Customer Registration Form, Zantaz shall, withinfive [5] business days, either accept or reject the Customer being offered.6.2. No Customer will be deemed accepted in the absence of a counter-signature onthe Customer Registration Form.6.3. Zantaz reserves, in its sole and absolute discretion, the ability to accept or rejectany proffered Customer, and the Parties hereby acknowledge that Zantaz shallonly accept those Customers where Zantaz’s products and/or services can bereasonably and successfully provided.6.4. If a Customer Registration Form is accepted, the Reseller will follow up theintroduction by such means and in such manner, as it deems appropriate, at itssole cost and expense.6.5. Once a Customer has been accepted, Reseller shall have the exclusive right topursue the Customer for a period of one [1] year from Zantaz’s acceptance of theCustomer pursuant to the Customer solicitation being ongoing and effective asdetermined by Zantaz.7. CommissionsReseller will receive:7.1. 50% commission on the license fee for each new $1,000,000 Ai Smart DataOne-Year On-Premise License sold and paid in full.7.2. 20% commission on renewals of existing licenses paid in full.7.3. Zantaz shall pay commissions within 15 business days of receiving full paymentfrom the Reseller’s Customer or the Reseller.8. Customer Agreements8.1. Reseller may resell and charge Customers for Zantaz Offerings at pricesdetermined in Reseller's sole discretion but at no time less than Zantaz’s MinimumAcceptable Price.8.2. Reseller acknowledges that Zantaz has the right, at any time, to modify any or allof the Zantaz Offerings and Minimum Acceptable Price.8.3. Reseller shall enter into agreements provided by Zantaz with Customers for therebranded Ai Smart Data, ensuring compliance with this Agreement.8.4. Reseller is responsible for all Customer payments.8.5. Customer agreements must protect Zantaz's intellectual property and proprietaryrights.8.6. Reseller shall provide Zantaz with executed copies of Customer agreements.Page 41 Zantaz MarketPlace

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9. Support and Maintenance9.1. The relationship between Reseller’s Customer and Zantaz shall be as specified inthe applicable Zantaz end-user license agreement. Notwithstanding theforegoing, as between Zantaz and Reseller, Reseller shall be solely responsible forresponding to written and oral requests for technical assistance and using bestefforts to diagnose and solve the problems presented by Reseller’s Customers.9.2. Reseller shall provide first-line support to Customers, including responding tobasic inquiries and escalating complex issues to Zantaz.9.3. Zantaz shall provide technical support, updates, bug fixes, and maintenance for allZantaz Offerings.9.4. Zantaz will train and equip Reseller with resources to facilitate first-line support.9.5. Zantaz will remain fully responsible for the delivery and fulfillment of all ZantazOfferings agreed to with the Customer in the authorized Statement of Work.10. Marketing and Promotion10.1. Reseller is solely responsible for marketing and promoting Ai Smart Data under itsrebranded name.10.2. Reseller shall adhere to all applicable laws and avoid false or misleadingstatements in marketing materials.10.3. All marketing materials require Zantaz's prior approval.11. Data Security and Privacy11.1. Reseller must comply with all applicable data protection laws and ensureadequate safeguards for Customer data.11.2. Reseller shall promptly notify Zantaz of any suspected data breaches.12. Intellectual Property12.1. Zantaz retains all intellectual property rights to its Offerings, including, but notlimited to, Ai Smart Data.12.2. Reseller’s rights are limited to those granted explicitly in this Agreement.12.3. Reseller shall not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble Ai SmartData or any Zantaz Offerings.13. Term and Termination13.1. This Agreement shall remain in effect for five [5] years unless terminated earlier.13.2. Either party may terminate for material breach, insolvency, or bankruptcy of theother party.13.3. Upon termination, Reseller shall cease all marketing and sales activities and returnor destroy all related materials.14. Disclaimer of Warranties14.1. Zantaz warrants that Ai Smart Data and all Zantaz Offerings will perform asdescribed in the documentation for 30 days after delivery.Page 42 Zantaz MarketPlace

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15. Limitation of Liability15.1. Zantaz shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.15.2. Zantaz's total liability under this Agreement shall not exceed the license fees paidby Reseller in the 12 months preceding the claim.16. IndemnificationReseller shall indemnify and defend Zantaz against claims arising from:16.1. Reseller's breach of this Agreement;16.2. Reseller's negligence or misconduct;16.3. Claims by Customers regarding the rebranded Ai Smart Data or any ZantazOffering.17. Relationship of the PartiesZantaz and Reseller are independent contractors and shall not bind or obligate each other.18. Assignment18.1. Reseller may not assign this Agreement without prior written consent from Zantaz.18.2. Zantaz may assign this Agreement to an affiliate or as part of a corporatetransaction.19. Governing LawThis Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York, excluding its conflicts oflaw principles.20. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedesall prior agreements.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date set forthabove.Zantaz Data Resources [Reseller Name]By: _____________________________ By: _____________________________Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________Title: ___________________________ Title: ___________________________Page 43 Zantaz MarketPlace

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Exhibit A: Customer Approval FormA Customer approval request must be completed and approved before the Customer is solicited.Application submitted by or on behalf of:[Name/Title]Phone:Fax:Email:Customer Information:Company Name:Address:E-Mail Address:Zantaz Product[s]:Projected Services:____ Accepted ____ RejectedApplication submitted by or on behalf of:[Name/Title]Phone:Fax:Email:Customer Information:Company Name:Address:E-Mail Address:Zantaz Product[s]:Projected Services:____ Accepted ____ RejectedApplication submitted by or on behalf of:[Name/Title]Phone:Fax:Email:Customer Information:Company Name:Address:E-Mail Address:Zantaz Product[s]:Projected Services:____ Accepted ____ RejectedPage 44 Zantaz MarketPlace

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