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UC San Diego Young Scholars Summer 2025 Catalog

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Summer 2025 CoursesGrades 1-5

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Taught by credentialed educators!Hosted atUC San Diego campus!Over 30coursesoffered!YOUNG SCHOLARSUC San Diego CREATE YoungScholars is a 2025 family-paidenrichment program providedby UC San Diego CREATE forstudents grades 1-12. Week 1: June 23rd - June 27thWeek 2: July 7th - July 11th Pay via Eventbrite for the specific week. See info.Download & explore ourcourse catalogIgnite Curiosity!Ignite Curiosity!

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CRLP (READING)Voices for Water: Exploring Clean Waterthrough Story, STEM, and Designing YourOwn Water Filter (Grade 5)In this exciting class, Young Scholars will diveinto language arts and science through theinspiring book The Water Princess by SusanVerde. You’ll explore the United NationsSustainability Development Goal #6: CleanWater and Sanitation, take on a hands-on STEMchallenge by designing your own water filters,and write powerful letters advocating for cleanwater access. By the end, Young Scholars willpresent their designs and ideas and step intothe role of change-makers — ready to create acleaner world!SCIENCEPollinator Power! (Grade 2)Discover the incredible world of pollinators inthis hands-on STEAM adventure! Young Scholarswill become biodiversity detectives as weexplore the rich variety of life on and aroundthe UCSD campus! Through teamwork, creativity,and curiosity, Young Scholars will explore howbees, butterflies, and other pollinators helpplants thrive and how we can protect theseamazing helpers.Zine-Makers Lab: Exploring YOUThrough Art and Storytelling (Grade 4)Young Scholars! Get ready to create your veryown mini-magazine in this fun, week-long Zine-Makers Lab! You’ll explore your unique identitythrough storytelling and drawing, by mixing artand writing to share your story in a creativeway. Along the way, Young Scholars will buildthe confidence to express yourself, and let yourimagination shine. By the end of the week, allYoung Scholars will have a one-of-a-kind zine(or a whole stack of zines) to share with familyand friends. Let’s get making!Poetry to Picture Books (Grade 1)Poetry to picture books! Young Scholars will lovethe stories we dive into together and beforethey know it they will understand the meaningbehind the stories they are enjoying! Through aseries of fun activities and hands-onexperiences with language, we will help ourYoung Scholars develop increasing amounts ofself-awareness, empathy, cultural competence,and teamwork. Go Team! In this course, YoungScholars will practice sharing their ideasthrough grade-appropriate forms of language,art, and public speaking — as we get themsuper excited to share their learning.hUmaNITY: Growing Connection &Compassion in Children (Grade 1)Young Scholars will begin the week by askingand answering questions about their identitiesto ignite their curiosity. Age-appropriate textswill anchor our journey as points of reflectionand connection to build friendliness andconnection among our students. Young Scholarswill use their voices to create a posterhighlighting their takeaway message from thecourse. We will close our week with acelebratory Campus Community Walk, wherethe Young Scholars will display their posters andshare their voices with the UCSD community.Discovering My Superpower (Grade 2)Calling all Young Scholars Heroes! Get ready toembark on a fabulous journey of "Finding YourSuperhero." Our curriculum uses the concept ofsuperheroes to help Young Scholars identify anddevelop their personal strengths and positivetraits, essentially viewing themselves as a"superhero" with special abilities to navigatechallenges while improving their readingcomprehension. We will dive into excitingstories, from classic superhero comics to thrillingadventures, all while having FUN! Throughinteractive activities, games, superhero trainingcamp, creative art projects and more, oursuperheroes will learn problem-solving skills. Bythe end of the course, our superheroes will beequipped with confidence in themselves — andthe tools to read — ready to take on anyliterary challenge that comes their way.The Best Summer Ever: Fostering a Loveof Reading (Grade 2)In the course we will use the children's bookPaletero Man by author Lucky Diaz to divedeeply into a text that explores a key aspect ofsummertime in his community. We will have ourYoung Scholars use this book to build and reflecton their own core summer memories and thinkabout how it represents themselves, their family,or their community. By celebrating the joy intheir families and communities, Young Scholarswill also learn to celebrate and improve their“learning to read” skills, by having multiple,enjoyable opportunities to foster their love andjoy for books.Powering Minds through Literacy andCollaborative Exploration (Grade 4)Discover your POWER in this dynamic week-longcourse designed for young minds. YoungScholars will become more adaptable andteam-oriented through fun and collaborativeactivities that incorporate powerful learningand grow their emotional intelligence! UsingThe Wild Robot by Peter Brown, Young Scholarswill become confident as they show and explainwhat they know! Growing Young Scholars is ouraim so they can innovate, think, and speak withconfidence, and NEVER GIVE UP!Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Doors(Grade 5)As our Young Scholars enter adolescence,seeing and appreciate themselves and otherscan be difficult. Learning about one's self andothers is an integral part of education andhuman development. Join us in this course whereour Young Scholars will deepen their levels ofself-awareness, collaborative problem-solving,and cultural competence, all while delving intothe stories and artwork of Indigenous People.Engineers: Exploring Our World andUCSD Campus (Grade 3)Be exposed to engineering! In this course, YoungScholars will advance their understanding ofscience and engineering, while exploring theUCSD campus. Through hands-on challengesand activities, Young Scholars will tackle variouspressing science topics and practices, anddesign real-world solutions using Little Bits, aprogrammable, pocket-sized computer. By theend of the week, Young Scholars will apply theirknowledge by designing an innovative projectin response to a scientific and engineeringchallenge. Scholars will present their solution,and will learn to clearly and convincinglycommunicate their work, develop critical skills,and be one step closer to college and careerready. Young Scholars Come and Challengeyourself. Make an impact. Move one step closerto shaping the future! STEAM Innovators: Robots Unleashed(Grade 4)Unleash your STEAM Potential! In this course,Young Scholars will uncover how their uniquetalents and interests can shape their futureSTEAM careers. Through the tackling of real-world challenges with robotics, Young Scholarswill design creative solutions for our world. Frombrainstorming ideas to building and testingprototypes, students will develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They'll sparkimagination and discover how they can make adifference in the world through STEAM!Science and Health Changemakers(Grade 4)Join us for an exciting week of innovation andsustainability at UCSD! Our Young Scholars willteam up to tackle real-world environmentalchallenges right here on campus. Usingengineering and problem-solving skills, studentswill design and build models of their creativesolutions. The week will culminate in a designshowcase, where scholars will present theirprojects to peers, family, and the community.This is a fantastic opportunity to inspire the nextgeneration of environmental leaders and makea lasting impact.Energy Champions (Grade 4)Get ready to dive into the exciting world ofenergy, motion, and collisions through hands-onactivities and games! In this interactive course,students will design and play energy-themedgames while experimenting with creativesolutions that transform energy from one form toanother, testing and refining their ideas formaximum impact. Along the way, students willcollaborate, share strategies, and build theircommunication skills as they uncover the thrillingways energy shapes our world.Science and Health Storytellers (Grade 5)Combine science and storytelling to shareimportant scientific messages! Students will learnabout local science and health issues whiledeveloping creative writing and digital mediaskills. The week concludes with a showcase ofstudent-created scientific and health-relatedstories, videos, and presentations.*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. *Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course.

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COMPUTER SCIENCEBe an Inventor: Engineering Your Ideasto Life (Grades 4-5)Ready to be an innovator? Inventor? This campwill teach middle school Young Scholars howthey can become a trailblazer in technologythrough hands-on experiences in electricalengineering and computer science. In this multi-day STEM camp, Young Scholars will createtheir own electronic inventions with Arduinomicrocontrollers by designing their own circuitsand coding them. LEDs, servos, buttons, sensorsand more will allow the Young Scholars'imaginations to come alive with input andoutput components. For those interested, theYoung Scholar's inventions can even becontrolled by their cell phones! Our motto: Be acreator of technology, not just a consumer.Become a Young Scholar tech trailblazer!MATHMagical Math and Multicultural FairyTales Workshop (Grade 1)Calling All First Graders! Join us for a magicalhands-on workshop where math meetsmulticultural fairy tales! In this exciting program,your Young Scholar will explore beloved storieslike Goldilocks and the Three Bears and TheThree Little Pigs while practicing essential mathskills. Young Scholars will love to engage inhands-on math, engineering, and art activitiesthat include counting, adding, and ordering —all while having a blast! Enroll today and let theadventure begin! Your Young Scholar's journeyinto the world of math and storytelling awaits!Mix, Measure, and Munch (Grade 1)Young Scholar Munchers Unite! Join us for asummer adventure where making and munchinghealthy snacks meets math! Through engagingactivities, Young Scholars will explore thewonders of math while preparing healthy andtasty snacks. To ensure everyone has a safe andenjoyable experience, please share any foodallergies or dietary restrictions at the time ofregistration. Let’s experience some learning anddelicious fun together!Multicultural Math Games (Grade 3)Reignite our Young Scholar's joy of mathematicsin this one-of-a-kind course! Together, we willdive into fun math games, all of which aredesigned to deepen problem-solving skills byallowing our Young Scholars to organizeinformation systematically. The math gamesused will come from all around the worldexposing our Scholars to the ways differentcountries approach playing with math — allwhile learning more mathematicssimultaneously! Mission: Robotics - Drones and Robots inAction (Grade 3)Young Scholars Take Flight! Join us for anexciting adventure into the world of roboticsand drones! In this hands-on course, YoungScholars will build and program their ownrobots, learn to fly drones, and discover howthese technologies are changing the world.Through fun challenges, teamwork, and real-world career exploration, Young Scholars willgain confidence in their problem-solving skillsand spark their curiosity about future techcareers. Whether building a robot or soaringthrough the skies with a drone, this course willinspire the innovators of tomorrow!STEM OUTREACHOcean Weather Investigators (Grade 5)Dive into the fascinating world of marineweather! Students will explore how oceanconditions affect local weather patterns,conduct hands-on experiments, and learn to usereal scientific instruments. Through fieldobservations and data collection aroundcampus, students will discover the connectionsbetween ocean temperatures, wind patterns,and coastal weather phenomena.Amazing Amateur Arborists (Grade 5)Explore the awesome ways trees support ourcommunity. Through science, art, and design,Young Scholars will dive into photosynthesis, thecarbon cycle, and systems that support planthealth. They will learn how scientists use cutting-edge tools like Heat Explorer and NormalizedDifference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps, andall while having a fun time — they'll discoverhow trees interact with the environment. YoungScholars will sketch, model, and collaborate tobring their ideas to life!Course NameEducator NameWeek 1: June 23-27, 2025Week 2: July 7-11, 2025Discovering My SuperpowerKim Barnes1pm-4pmN/APowering Minds through Literacy and Collaborative...Whitney Doucette1pm-4pmN/AScience & Health StorytellersJenifer da LuzN/A1pm-4pmScience & Health ChangemakersAlaska EnglishN/A9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmBe an Inventor: Engineering Your Ideas to Life Shirley MirandaN/A* 9am-12pm or* 1pm-4pmPoetry to Picture BooksKara Holtzman1pm-4pm N/AhUmaNITY: Growing Connection & Compassion in ChildrenMandy Herrmann9am-12pmN/AMirrors, Windows, and Sliding DoorsJanice Anderson1pm-4pmN/AMix, Measure, and MunchRachelle Bacong9am-12pmN/AMulticultural Math GamesCynthia Montano1pm-4pmN/APollinator Power!Erin Leavitt9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmN/AMagical Math & Multicultural Fairy Tales WorkshopAmy WertN/A9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmMission: Robotics - Drones and Robots in Action Sarah HillardN/A9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmOcean Weather InvestigatorsDorothy DunhamN/A1pm-4pmThe Best Summer Ever: Fostering a Love of ReadingYaritza Hernandez9am-12pmN/AVoices for Water: Exploring Clean Water Through Story...Rebecca Colangelo9am-12pmN/AZine-Makers Lab: Exploring YOU Through Art and StorytellingCamie Dyess9am-12pmN/ASTEAM Innovators: Robots UnleashedJosephine Barroga9am-12pm 9am-12pmEngineers: Exploring Our World & UC San Diego CampusJoyce YangN/A9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmAmazing Amateur ArboristsJenifer da Luz; Dorothy Dunham9am-12pm9am-12pmEnergy ChampionsJosephine Barroga1pm-4pm 1pm-4pm*N/A: NOT APPLICABLE. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE TAUGHT DURING THE SPECIFIED WEEK.*OR: THIS COURSE IS TAUGHT IN BOTH THE AM AND PM SECTIONS.Interested? Check out the YoungScholars website for*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course.

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Summer 2025 CoursesGrades 6-8

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Taught by credentialed educators!Hosted atUC San Diego campus!Over 30coursesoffered!YOUNG SCHOLARSUC San Diego CREATE YoungScholars is a 2025 family-paidenrichment program providedby UC San Diego CREATE forstudents grades 1-12. Week 1: June 23rd - June 27thWeek 2: July 7th - July 11th Pay via Eventbrite for the specific week. See info.Download & explore ourcourse catalogIgnite Curiosity!Ignite Curiosity!

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MATHZombie Credit Cards (Grades 6-8)Stop the Zombie Spread and learn financialmanagement at the same time! Young Scholars willexplore exponential functions while working onstopping the spread of a zombie outbreak. Highlyengaging projects will have Young Scholars tackle thecosts of prepping a Zombie-proof doomsday shelter —and what it means financially to use a credit card tofund their purchases. Next, the Young Scholars will lookat the cost of the debt they have accrued from theirpurchases as they discover that the zombie outbreakwas fake news, and finally, they will look at variousfacets of personal finance and investing.COMPUTER SCIENCECode Your Vision: Design and Build theProduct of Your Dreams (Grades 6-10)This course is designed to equip students with the skillsto design and construct any project or product theycan imagine with the integration of engineering, art,and computer science. Students will learn the basics ofelectrical engineering and be able to analyze, repairand construct an electrical circuit. Students will alsolearn to read, construct code, and program sensors,LEDs, and servos through two different microcontrollers.Students will use the knowledge and skills gained todesign and create their own invention, robocraft orfashion item to showcase.*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Be an Inventor: Engineering Your Ideasto Life (Grades 6-8)Ready to be an innovator? Inventor? This camp willteach middle school Young Scholars how they canbecome a trailblazer in technology through hands-onexperiences in electrical engineering and computerscience. In this multi-day STEM camp, Young Scholarswill create their own electronic inventions with Arduinomicrocontrollers by designing their own circuits andcoding them. LEDs, servos, buttons, sensors and morewill allow the Young Scholars' imaginations to comealive with input and output components. For thoseinterested, the Young Scholar's inventions can even becontrolled by their cell phones! Our motto: Be acreator of technology, not just a consumer. Become aYoung Scholar tech trailblazer!*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. SCIENCESTEM OUTREACHMission: Robotics - Drones and Robots inAction (Grade 6-8)Young Scholars Take Flight! Join us for an excitingadventure into the world of robotics and drones! In thishands-on course, Young Scholars will build andprogram their own robots, learn to fly drones, anddiscover how these technologies are changing theworld. Through fun challenges, teamwork, and real-world career exploration, Young Scholars will gainconfidence in their problem-solving skills and sparktheir curiosity about future tech careers. Whetherbuilding a robot or soaring through the skies with adrone, this course will inspire the innovators oftomorrow!Video Game Development with GamifiedLearning (Grades 6-8)Dive into the exciting world of game creation — noexperience needed! In this hands-on, gamified course,Young Scholars will design and program small gameprototypes, breaking the process into fun, bite-sizedsteps. Play learning games, analyze popular hits, andchoose your own creative projects to explore. YoungScholars will be able to work solo or team up to createtheir very own Game Development Studio with acustom logo. Scholars will also learn futuristic gamecrafting tools using AI. By the end, all of our YoungScholars will have the skills — and the games — toprove they are true creators. Game on!*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Art, Science and Engineering: BuildingSculptures & Altering Light throughMoving Mobiles (Grades 6-8)Do you love both Art and Science? Want to paint withyour own dyes from foraged materials? Want to buildsculptures that can move and alter light? In this courseYoung Scholars will learn how dyes work. YoungScholars will transform what was "trash" into fantasticmoving mobiles and will participate in a "YoungScholars Art and Science Showcase" at week's endwhere they will get to show off their pieces and thescience and engineering lessons they have learned!Science of Sound: Build Speakers,Experiment, and Engineer YourSoundtrack! (Grades 6-8)Discover the fascinating world of sound in the Scienceof Sound! In this hands-on course, Young Scholars willexplore how vibrations create sound by building andtesting their own functional speakers. Young Scholarswill dive headfirst into the art of audio engineering asthey design and produce their own custom songs.Young Scholars will experiment with resonantfrequencies by tuning beakers to perform simplemelodies, further unlocking the science behind musicand acoustics. Whether Scholars are budding scientists,engineers, or musicians, this course combines creativityand STEM to inspire curiosity and innovation. Join usand bring sound to life in exciting and unexpectedways!Wind, Rain and Fire - Becoming aMeteorologist (Grades 7-8)Do you want to be a weather person? Are youinterested in meteorology? Do you want to understandthe causes of wildfires better? In this class, you cancollaborate with other Young Scholars to collect andthen analyze important types of weather-related data.Young Scholars will then use this data to create anoriginal Public Service Announcement (PSA) for how toprevent wildfires in their own backyards!*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Young Leaders: Making Change throughCreative Action (Grades 6-9)Young Scholars will learn how to create effectivemarketing campaigns by integrating key principlesand solutions, young scholars will develop practicalleadership skills by collaborating on real-worldprojects that address various environmental and socialissues.By practicing at the intersection of creativity andmarketing, the scholars will gain valuable experienceusing art and digital media to communicate messagesthat are important to them.Interested? Check out the Young Scholars websitefor more information:createyoungscholars.ucsd.eduAmusement Park Science (Grades 6-8)Want a week filled with fun and games? In thiscourse you will learn the physics of amusementpark. You will apply that information to design andbuild a model of your own ride (human powered)and game. The week culminates in our own YoungScholars Carnival Showcase to show off yourcreations and Science learning.*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Save the Pollinators: Through Microbitcoding, data, and Landscape Design(Grades 6-8)Unleash your inner scientist and problem-solver in thishands-on course! Learn to code Microbits usingMakeCode block language to collect real-worldenvironmental data, including humidity, temperature,and light exposure. Explore the UCSD campus as yourliving laboratory, gathering data to uncover patterns inlocal ecosystems. Then, put your findings to work bydesigning creative, data-driven solutions to supportpollinators and improve landscapes. With no priorcoding experience required, this course is perfect forcurious minds ready to blend technology, nature, andinnovation to make a difference. Join us and become achampion for pollinators and the environment!*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Course NameEducator NameWeek 1: June 23-27, 2025Week 2: July 7-11, 2025William Carter 1pm-4pmN/AYoung Leaders: Making Change through Creative ActionElizabeth Hunter-Drake9am-12pm 9am-12pmArt, Science and Engineering: Building Sculptures & Altering...Jordan Sipes 1pm-4pm 1pm-4pmZombie Credit CardsTina Tom 9am-12pmN/ACode Your Vision: Design and Build the Product...Rachel Davey9am-12pm 9am-12pmScience of Sound: Build Speakers, Experiment, and Engineer...Jason Berman N/A 9am-12pmVideo Game Development with Gamified LearningKim Klinko 9am-12pmN/AWind, Rain and Fire - Becoming a MeteorologistSarah Hillard 1pm-4pmN/AMission: Robotics - Drones and Robots in ActionShirley Miranda9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmN/A*Be an Inventor: Engineering Your Ideas to LifeElizabeth Hunter-Drake 1pm-4pm1pm-4pmAmusement Park Science*N/A: NOT APPLICABLE. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE TAUGHT DURING THE SPECIFIED WEEK.*OR: THIS COURSE IS TAUGHT IN BOTH THE AM AND PM SECTIONS.Rachel Davey1pm-4pm 1pm-4pmSave the Pollinators: Through Microbit...*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course.

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Summer 2025 CoursesGrades 9-12

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Taught by credentialed educators!Hosted atUC San Diego campus!Over 30coursesoffered!YOUNG SCHOLARSUC San Diego CREATE YoungScholars is a 2025 family-paidenrichment program providedby UC San Diego CREATE forstudents grades 1-12. Week 1: June 23rd - June 27thWeek 2: July 7th - July 11th Pay via Eventbrite for the specific week. See info.Download & explore ourcourse catalogIgnite Curiosity!Ignite Curiosity!

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COLLEGE ACCESSFuture Focus: College Prep and CareerDiscoverySign up for the ultimate opportunity for high schoolYoung Scholars to take charge of their future! In thisdynamic and engaging course, Young Scholars willuncover their passions, explore exciting career paths,and master the skills needed to excel in the collegeapplication process. Through hands-on projects andmentorship, they’ll build confidence, learn to craftstandout personal statements, and create a clear,actionable plan for success in college and beyond.With supports that inspires BIG thinking, this courseempowers teens to dream boldly and turn thosedreams into reality. Don’t let them miss out!*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. CRLP (READING)Stitching Shakespeare for Stage andScreen Experience an interdisciplinary exploration intohistorical costume design for the women ofWilliam Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night'sDream.” Young Scholars will participate in aclose reading of the play while simultaneouslylearning about historical fashion through fourdistinct time periods in order to design andstitch their own miniature gown. Basic handsewing techniques will be utilized as well asperiod-appropriate fabrics and historicallyaccurate dressmaking techniques. Whetheryou’re an aspiring fashion designer, moviedirector, writer, or artist, this course is a perfectopportunity to get hands on with history.MATHSummer Bridge to AP Calculus Enter AP Calculus AB with confidence! YoungScholars will get an immersive experience in thefoundational topics essential for Calculussuccess. Led by experienced and successful APCalculus instructor in a supportive, hands-onenvironment, Young Scholars will not onlystrengthen their math skills but they will alsogain strategies for tackling AP-style problems.Students can sign up for Morning, Afternoon, orstay all day to gain even more practice in thesefoundational Calculus topics.Morning Session Topics Include:Rate of Change and AccumulationStrategic Graphing using key functionfeaturesPiecewise-Defined Functions, Continuity,Domain LimitationsAfternoon Session Topics Include:Exponential and Log Equations FunctionAnalysisManipulating and Solving TrigonometricEquationsA deep dive into the Unit CircleFuture Focus: College Prep and Career Discovery Jacqueline Bermudez Iglesias 9am-12pm 9am-12pmIntroduction to Java Programming Language Greg Miranda9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmSummer Bridge to AP Calculus (Morning Session) Anne Marie Almaraz9am-12pm9am-12pmAdvanced Chemistry Review Hannah Nakamoto9am-12pmN/A*Future Ready: Navigating Your College and Career Potential Brittany Oka9am-12pm or 1pm-4pmN/AStitching Shakespeare for Stage and Screen Sarah Murray9am-12pmN/AThe Physics of Skateboarding John Yeager 1pm-4pmN/ACourse NameEducator NameWeek 1: June 23-27, 2025Week 2: July 7-11, 2025Tina Tom 9am-12pmN/ACode Your Vision: Design and Build the Product...Advanced Chemistry Review Young Scholars will receive a detailed review of keychemistry concepts needed to prepare them for APChemistry. We will perform labs, go outside, playchemistry-related games to drive home information —and have fun! But most of all we will get ready-set-goto excel in AP Chemistry next year!SCIENCECOMPUTER SCIENCECode Your Vision: Design and Build theProduct of Your Dreams (Grades 6-10)This course is designed to equip students withthe skills to design and construct any project orproduct they can imagine with the integrationof engineering, art, and computer science.Students will learn the basics of electricalengineering and be able to analyze, repair andconstruct an electrical circuit. Students will alsolearn to read, construct code, and programsensors, LEDs, and servos through two differentmicrocontrollers. Students will use theknowledge and skills gained to design andcreate their own invention, robocraft or fashionitem to showcase.*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. The Physics of Skateboarding Young Scholars will prepare to take AP Physics 1 bylearning many of the concepts needed for the coursethrough the lens of skateboarding. Over the course ofthe week Young Scholars will be learning aboutkinematics, forces, circular motion, energy and more.There will not be any skateboarding done during thecourse, but we will watch videos and study skate spotsaround campus to learn and apply physics concepts.Future Ready: Navigating Your Collegeand Career Potential Designed for rising 9th-12th grade Young Scholars, thiscourse will guide Scholars through the critical aspectsof preparing for college, career, and personaldevelopment. Topics include understanding college lifeand expectations, career decision-making, choosing amajor, self-awareness, interpersonal relationships, andteam-building. Students will engage in interactivelessons, group discussions, and hands-on activities tohelp them gain clarity on their future goals andenhance essential life skills. By the end of the workshop,Young Scholars will have the tools to confidently makeinformed decisions about their college and careerpaths and foster strong personal and interpersonalgrowth. Perfect for Scholars whether they are headedto two-year or four-year colleges, trade/vocationalprograms, the military, or straight to the world of workafter high school!*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Introduction to Java ProgrammingLanguageGet Ready to Program! In this hands-onprogramming course, Young Scholars will learnthe basics of programming in Java to help themprepare to take a high school programmingcourse such as AP CS A or an introductorycollege level Java course. These skills areessential not just for future computer scientistsbut increasingly expected for most fields fromvisual arts and business to chemistry and publichealth!*N/A: NOT APPLICABLE. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE TAUGHT DURING THE SPECIFIED WEEK.*OR: THIS COURSE IS TAUGHT IN BOTH THE AM AND PM SECTIONS.Interested? Check out the Young Scholars website formore*Wi-Fi enabled devices (e.g., Chromebooks,etc.) may be required for this course. Summer Bridge to AP Calculus (Afternoon Session) Anne Marie Almaraz1pm-4pm1pm-4pmTales & Textures: Weaving Words andWorldsIn this course, students will explore the art ofcrafting compelling fiction through engaginglessons in character development, plot structure,dialogue, and setting. Through a variety ofwriting exercises, students will refine theirstorytelling skills and create their own shortstories. The course culminates in a final projectwhere students will bring their stories to life bydesigning a visual representation—whetherthrough illustrations, storyboards, or digitalmedia—to complement their written work.Perfect for aspiring writers and artists alike, thisclass offers a dynamic blend of creativeexpression and practical skill-building. Tales & Textures: Weaving Words and Worlds Sarah Murray1pm-4pmN/A