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T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F A L A B A M A A T H L E T I C T R A I N I N G P R O G R A MP A S T P R E S E N T F U T U R E LEGENDSI S S U E N O . 4S P R I N G 2 0 2 4GRADUATION 2024:End of an Era...New Beginnings

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C O N T E N T SMESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTORP A G E 3Welcome from Dr. Lizzie Elder, theDirector of the UA Athletic TrainingProgramGRADUATION 2024P A G E 6The last class of the BSAT Programand the first class of the MSATProgramBUILT BY BAMAHow you can stay involved in theprogramP A G E 2 0P A G E 1 7A-DAY TAILGATEThe AT Program hosted alumni,current students, and future studentsto campus for a spring game tailgateP A G E 1 2PRECEPTOR SPOTLIGHTAlex GuinDCH Encore - Tuscaloosa CountyHigh SchoolBSAT 3Y Gianna Rosenboom receives her graduation cord from AT Program Director Lizzie ElderSTUDENT SPOTLIGHTP A G E 1 0AT Research Day / The RandallOutstanding Undergraduate ResearchAwardP A G E 1 6FACULTY SPOTLIGHTDr. Jeri Zemke

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message from the directorStudents, parents, alumni, and UA AT Program Supporters, We have been talking about this for a long time, but the time has officiallycome where our BSAT program is closing. We graduated 26 students in ourfinal BSAT cohort and 14 students in our first MSAT cohort. ProfessionalAthletic Training Education at The University of Alabama will now exclusivelybe through our MSAT Program. The BSAT program has a long history ofproducing fantastic athletic trainers and we look forward to continuing thislegacy in our MSAT Program. I shared this with our students at our AT Program graduation event, but Iwant to publicly express my gratitude. At my high school graduation, ourspeaker emphasized “The last great task of a leader is to say thank you.”Before we officially close the BSAT program, I want to take some time to saythank you. Thank you to the students for entrusting us with your ATEducation. Thank you to the faculty for pouring into these students,navigating change, being innovative and adaptable, and supporting mepersonally and professionally. Thank you to the countless preceptors,alumni, and program supporters whose contributions have paved the way forour success. P A G E T H R E E | A T L E G E N D S

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AT Program Director/AssociateProfessor205-348-7320eelder@ua.edumessage from the directorAmidst this collective appreciation, there isone individual whose influence cannot beoverstated – Dr. Deidre Leaver-Dunn. So asmy last great task for the BSAT program, Iwant to recognize her. The success of theBSAT program stands as a testament to hervision, dedication, and tireless efforts tonurture, expand, and sustain it over theyears. Dr. Leaver-Dunn's advocacy, oftenbehind the scenes, has been instrumental insecuring resources including our relocation toCapital Hall, shaping initiatives and pavingthe way for the MSAT program, and fosteringa vibrant alumni network crucial to thestudents’ educational and professionaljourneys. On a personal note, Deidre hasbeen a mentor and friend. She hasdemonstrated how to be a working mom andleader and I am thankful for her guidance.P A G E F O U R | A T L E G E N D SIn the field of athletic training, success is not just about mastering techniques andprotocols—it's about forging meaningful connections, advocating for our patients,and continuously striving for excellence. We encourage everyone to embraceevery opportunity to learn and grow, whether through continuing educationcourses, mentorship from seasoned professionals, or hands-on experience indiverse settings. The field of athletic training is constantly evolving, and it'sessential to stay adaptable and open-minded in the face of change. We enjoyedseeing many of you at the ALATA meeting and hope to see you at NATA in NewOrleans and our alumni event! I hope you enjoy reading about the AT Program and the people that make usgreat! ROLL TIDE!

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GRADUATION2024Graduation is always a special day in the life of the program, but this year was alittle different in that for the first (and only) time, the UA AT Program graduatedits last BSAT class and its first MSAT class at the same ceremony. This year,forty students from the UA BSAT and MSAT programs received diplomas andembarked on their careers as official UA Alumni.P A G E S I X | A T L E G E N D SUA AT Program MSAT Class of 2024UA AT Program BSAT Class of 2024

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The week began with a ceremony held inthe UA Football team meeting room. MSATstudents were hooded by ProgramDirector Lizzie Elder, while BSAT studentsreceived their graduation cords. Studentsheard from Dr. Elder and UA Director ofSports Medicine Jeff Allen. This year’sguest speaker was ALATA Hall of FamerBill McDonald, who emphasized thechanges he has seen in the profession andencouraged students to relish therelationships they had developed.

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On Friday, students crossed thestage at Coleman Coliseum tobecome official UA graduates andAT Program Alumni. We could notbe more proud of these youngprofessionals and are excited tosee what the future holds!Roll Tide!P A G E N I N E | A T L E G E N D S

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P A G E T E N | A T L E G E N D SStudent SpotlightAT Research DayOn Friday, April 12, the UA AT Program held its first annual AT Research Dayat Capital Hall. Each second-year student in the MSAT program is required tocomplete a research project or critically appraised topic as part of theirCapstone Project. Students are paired with faculty mentors to guide them incompleting the projects. Each student created posters representing their research. Faculty andfriends of the program were invited to interact with students as theypresented their results.

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P A G E E L E V E N | A T L E G E N D SStudent SpotlightThe Randall OutstandingUndergraduate ResearchAwardThe University of Alabama held a luncheon on April 9 to recognize the 2024winners of the Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. We arevery proud to announce that 3Y BSAT Student Kali Rhodes was one of thetwenty-two students who received this prestigious award.The award was created in 1997 by the Randall Publishing Company inmemory of Henry Pettus Randall, Jr., who was a student at UA during theDepression. As a graduate, Randall founded many successful businesses, buthe also worked to recognize excellence in students at UA, becoming thefounding member of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities andColleges.Nominated by faculty member Dr. Ryan Moran, Kali was recognized for herresearch topic: Biomechanics of Head Impacts in Collegiate Football. Kali hasworked with Dr. Moran for the past two years. Congratulations, Kali!Kali with UA President Stuart Bell Kali with faculty mentor Dr. Ryan Moran

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Those who have had theopportunity to work as a highschool athletic trainer will attestto the fact that it can be a verydemanding job. Many times, thereis only one athletic trainercovering multiple sports, withpractices and games overlapping.No one can be in two places atonce, and it can be difficult tonavigate the pressures of beingresponsible for so many athletesin so many situations.But Tuscaloosa County HighSchool athletic trainer Alex Guinhas learned to manage thedemands of his position with therewards he sees every day. Nottoo long ago, he received a callfrom a physician saying that if hehad not acted, a student-athletewould no longer be alive. It’s thatkind of memorable moment thatkeeps Alex willing and ready toserve his patients. ALEXGUIN"DON’T EXPECT YOURSELF TOKNOW EVERYTHING. IT IS OKTO ASK QUESTIONS. I’VEBEEN PRACTICING FOR NINEYEARS AND I STILL ASKQUESTIONS!”Preceptor SpotlightP A G E T W E L V E | A T L E G E N D S

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Preceptor SpotlightP A G E T H I R T E E N | A T L E G E N D SLike many ATs, Alex suffered an injuryin high school and his high schoolathletic trainer played a huge role inhelping him return to play. Thisexperience led him to pursue athletictraining as a career. Alex graduatedfrom the UA Athletic Training Programas a part of the class of 2015. Hereceived his Master’s degree from UA inMay 2019. As a professional, he hasprovided healthcare to countless highschool athletes in the West Alabamaarea, working at Bryant High School,West Blocton High School, andBrookwood High School. In his currentposition, Alex is employed throughTCHS to serve as a health scienceteacher and through DCH Encore SportsMedicine to serve as an athletic trainer."SHOW UP WITH APOSITIVE ATTITUDE,BRING GOODQUESTIONS, AND BEREADY TO LEARN ANDWORK!”

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Preceptor SpotlightP A G E F O U R T E E N | A T L E G E N D SAlex has also served as a preceptor forthe UA AT Program since 2015. Workingwith UA AT students has been a full-circle experience. He says that his mostmemorable moments working with UAstudents have been when he seesstudents “get it”. He appreciates whenstudents make the connection betweenwhat they have learned in the classroomand what they are experiencing in theclinical setting. And like most UApreceptors, he relishes the relationshipshe has built and he particularly enjoysseeing his students build thoserelationships as well. When asked whathe enjoys most about being a preceptor,he says that it is “being able to pass onthings I’ve gathered and learned overthe years. Being able to share thingsthat have and have not worked for methroughout my time practicing.”For students assigned to work with Alex,his advice is to “show up with a positiveattitude, bring good questions, and beready to learn and work!” And his adviceto new ATs entering professionalpractice? “The days are long but theyears are short. Don’t panic when it’sTuesday at 9:30 pm, your game is inovertime or extra innings, and you havesix more games that week. Don’t expectyourself to know everything. It is OK toask questions. I’ve been practicing fornine years and I still ask questions!”

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“I absolutely loved having Alex as my athletic trainer as well asmy teacher. As our athletic trainer, he never failed to show ushow deeply he cared for us as athletes and people. Alex woulddrop anything and everything to be with an athlete that reachedout to him, that needed care. He was very organized and alwaysstayed available for us when we needed him. When caring forinjuries, or doing rehab, Alex always told us his purpose for theactions he was performing and how they would help us toprevent further injury. I always felt comfortable going to Alex asmy athletic trainer, he did a great job of being veryapproachable. As a teacher, he was also very organized in theclassroom. He did a good job at keeping us intrigued bycombining hands on activities and traditional course work. Hewas very thorough and cared deeply that each studentunderstood the material before moving on. After being aroundAlex for my high school career, he really made me becomeinterested in becoming an athletic trainer. Because of him, Iplan to apply for the Athletic Training program at UA in thefuture. His passion for his job was inspiring to me and sparkedmy interest in the field.”Preceptor SpotlightP A G E F I F T E E N | A T L E G E N D SBecause of his dedication to student-athletes like Maci and hisinvestment into the futures of new athletic trainers, Alex was recentlynamed the ALATA Secondary School Athletic Trainer of the year for 2024.We are so proud to count Alex among our alumni. Congratulations!Maci Humber, a former student of Alex’s at TCHS, is currently ascholarship softball player at Calhoun Community College. She creditsAlex for helping her to discover the field of athletic training as a futurecareer. Maci writes:

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P A G E S I X T E E N | A T L E G E N D SFaculty SpotlightDR. JERIZEMKEThe UA AT Program would liketo congratulate Dr. Jeri Zemkeon her promotion to AssociateProfessor and her recentselection as the Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion andLeadership Development Chairand Commissioner for theCAATE.Our own “JZ” recently markedtwenty years of service to TheUniversity of Alabama and tothe UA AT Program. During hercareer, she has influencedhundreds of new athletictrainers to become caring,dedicated health careprofessionals. Her career hasbeen characterized bypassionate advocacy and thepositive advancement ofathletic training.Under Jeri’s leadership as the Clinical Education Coordinator for the program,students have continued to thrive in the clinical setting. She is known fordetailed and careful clinical placement decisions which emphasize theexperience of each placement and the development of each student in theclinical setting. She has constantly championed the success of her studentsboth in and out of the classroom.Congratulations, JZ, and THANK YOU for your unwavering dedication to thisfield and to your students! We are lucky to have you!

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A - D A YT A I L G A T E P A G E S E V E N T E E N | A T L E G E N D SIt’s a new era in Alabamafootball with the retirement ofCoach Saban and the arrival ofCoach DeBoer. It’s also a newera in the UA MSAT Program aswe transition completely to ourMSAT Program. But one thingthat remains the same is thepride we have in our alumniand our current students.On April 13, we invited alumni,current students, and incomingstudents, as well as friends andfamily members to join us inCapital Hall for an A-DayTailgate. The event took place afew hours before the annual A-Day Spring football game. Wewere thrilled to see somefamiliar faces and also to beable to start to acclimate ourincoming students to campusand to the program. And as abonus, Bama won!

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P A G E E I G H T E E N | A T L E G E N D SA - D A YT A I L G A T E

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P A G E N I N E T E E N | A T L E G E N D SA - D A YT A I L G A T E

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BUILT BY B MAAT PROGRAM MERCH>The UA AT Program isfortunate to be able tooffer scholarships tocurrently enrolledstudents. The DeLostFamily Legacy AnnualScholarship andEndowed Scholarship forimmersive experiencesand the Rodney BrownAcademic Scholarship inAthletic Training allow usto award scholarships foracademic excellence. Youcan contribute by and selectingthe appropriatescholarship fund. We trulyappreciate your gifts!The UA Supe Store is nowcarrying a variety of clothingitems that can be purchasedonline. Scan the QR code to seethe collection. A portion of theproceeds of each sale is donatedto the UA AT Program.P A G E T W E N T Y | A T L E G E N D SWE WANT TO HEARFROM YOU!Our program isextremely proud ofits rich tradition andsense of community.We want tocontinue to spreadthe word aboutgreat thingshappening with ouralumni! Scan belowor CLICK HERE toget in touch! FEEDBACK>GIVE BACK>GIVE BACK>

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“Success doesn’tcome from pie-in-the-sky thinking. It’s the result ofconsciously doingsomething each daythat will add to youroverall excellence.”-Nick Saban