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Tzedek Program24

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EVENT CO-CHAIRSCarly & Jeff SparksDana & Barry Sandweiss2023-2024 COUNCILMEMBERS AT LARGEHila Ben AbrahamEmilie FanConnie FlachsLauren Rodriguez-GoldsteinRhona LyonsJenifer NewmarkDana SilverblattPatrick ThimanguRichard WolkowitzJCRC STAFFLauren Abraham | Student to Student DirectorCheryl Adelstein | Interim Director of OperationsRachel Bray | Communications & Engagement CoordinatorElyse Picker | Program DirectorRabbi Scott Shafrin | Executive DirectorJennifer Swanson | Director of OperationsBOARD CHAIRJoel IskiwitchEXECUTIVE DIRECTORRabbi Scott Shafrin2023-2024 BOARD MEMBERSJoel Iskiwitch | ChairAnna Goldfarb Shabsin | Vice ChairJulia Mendelow | SecretaryJane Rubin | TreasurerDavid Rosenstock | Development ChairNancy Solomon Desloge | Nominating & Governance ChairPaul Sorenson | Programming ChairDeborah Price | Immediate Past ChairSally AltmanKaren AroestyShira BerkowitzSusan BlockLaura HorwitzMichael NovackIsaac PollackNikki Weinstein

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MILTON I. & MERLE K.GOLDSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP3GABRIELLE BOYDHISTORY OF THE GOLDSTEIN SCHOLARSHIPMilton I. and Merle K. Goldstein graduated from Soldan HighSchool in the 1930s. Lifelong residents of the City of St. Louis andUniversity City, they valued their Soldan education and thefoundation it provided for further study and intellectualdevelopment. Both earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees fromWashington University in St. Louis. Milton also earned a J.D. fromHarvard Law School. Milton and Merle Goldstein considerededucation to be essential to a meaningful life and regarded theopportunity to learn as fundamental. After their deaths, their fourchildren and three daughters-in-law created the Milton I. andMerle K. Goldstein Scholarship Fund to honor their memory.Given the importance Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein attached to highereducation, their community, and social justice, it seemed afitting tribute to offer an annual scholarship in their names tohelp graduates of their high school alma mater defray some ofthe cost of attending college. The Goldstein Scholarship was established at the JewishFederation of St. Louis and is administered by the JewishCommunity Relations Council of St. Louis. Milton served asPresident of the JCRC, Vice Chair of NJCRAC (now, the JCPA) andwas longtime Chair of its Church-State Committee among hismany community involvements.Gabrielle Boyd, a native of St. Louis,Missouri, is the youngest of four, withincredible ambition and empathy forothers. She is currently a senior attendingSoldan International Studies HighSchool. After graduating, she plans toattend Saint Louis University to studyPsychology. She dreams of becoming achild psychologist to help children inlow-income neighborhoods. Her desireis to get her Ph.D. and start up her ownprivate practice.

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45MICHAEL & BARBARANEWMARK INSTITUTEFOR HUMAN RELATIONSPLURALISM AWARDThe Newmark Institute forHuman Relations PluralismAward, inaugurated in2023, are given to fiveindividuals whose workadvances a pluralisticsociety where diversereligious, racial, and ethnic groups live andwork together and theirdifferences enhance thecommunity.DR. HAN KO DR. AUBREY TAYLORMCCLAINKIMBERLY JADENORWOODJACK SISK THEOLOGYDEPARTMENT OFVISITATIONACADEMYHan Ko has demonstrated anunwavering commitment tocommunity service and economicdevelopment initiatives fordecades. A founding member ofthe Gateway Korea Foundation,Han has tirelessly worked tosupport and promotemulticulturalism withincommunities and his efforts havebeen instrumental in promotingpeace through enhanced culturalunderstanding. As a foundingmember of the Jewish/AsianAmerican Dialogue Group,L’Chaim Tea House, Han hasworked closely with members ofthe Newmark Institute to createprograms that bring ourcommunities together throughdiscussions of intersectionality ofJewish and Asian-Americanexperiences in St. Louis.Aubrey Taylor McClain, Ph.D. isthe Shapiro Chair for Jewish-Christian Studies and an AssociateProfessor in the Department ofTheology at Greenville Universityin Greenville, Illinois. In her currentrole, Dr. McClain teaches classes inbiblical studies and Jewish historyand directs the Shapiro JewishChristian Studies program andendowment, which wasestablished to teach Greenvillestudents about Judaism andChristianity’s interconnected past,present, and future, to combatantisemitism, and to promotedialogue and reconciliationbetween Jewish and Christiancommunities. She also overseesthe Sandmel Lecture Fund, whichaims to ensure that Jewish voicesare heard on Greenville’s campus.Kimberly Jade Norwood is theHenry H. Oberschelp Professor ofLaw at Washington UniversitySchool of Law. She has taught arange of courses from personalinjury classes to education lawand policy to a course on implicitbiases. She is the principal partnerof her consulting company, KJNEquity Consultants, LLC whichconducts implicit bias and culturalcompetency workshops, and DEIassessments. She was also amongthe group of national expertsadvising Starbucks on thecompany’s implicit biasprogramming. She’s written twobooks, Color Matters: Skin ToneBias & the Myth of a Post-RacialAmerica and Ferguson’s Fault Lines:The Race Quake that Rocked aNation was published in 2016.Kim participated in the 2022Newmark Institute AfricanAmerican-Jewish DC Trip, whichaimed to strengthen relationshipsbetween the African Americanand Jewish communities.Jack Sisk is the President of theInterfaith Partnership of GreaterSt. Louis, which was established in1985 and includes representativesof more than 30 religions anddenominations. He is alongstanding participant in theInterfaith Breakfast DialogueGroup, a program of the NewmarkInstitute. He also is the founderand executive director of TheLiving Insights Center, which is auniversal religious and spiritualcenter located in Clayton. TheCenter is believed to be theclosest thing to a museum of theworld's religions in the westernhemisphere, but it's really more asanctuary and gathering place forpeople of all faiths. His deepinvolvement in the interfaithcommunity in St. Louis hasfostered lifelong relationships withthe Jewish community.The Theology Department ofVisitation Academy is alongstanding partner school ofStudent to Student, a program ofthe Newmark Institute. It beganwith a thought: to teach Jesus atVisitation Academy, we mustteach his Jewish background andtradition. Visitation Academyinvited former JCRC ExecutiveDirector, Batya Abramson-Goldstein to come share aboutJudaism. This resulted in adecades-long relationship in whichstudents in Visitation’s WorldReligions class learned fromJewish students in the Student toStudent program, eventually withFawn Chapel and now with thecurrent Director of Student toStudent, Lauren Abraham.

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45MICHAEL & BARBARANEWMARK INSTITUTEFOR HUMAN RELATIONSPLURALISM AWARDThe Newmark Institute forHuman Relations PluralismAward, inaugurated in2023, are given to fiveindividuals whose workadvances a pluralisticsociety where diversereligious, racial, and ethnic groups live andwork together and theirdifferences enhance thecommunity.DR. HAN KO DR. AUBREY TAYLORMCCLAINKIMBERLY JADENORWOODJACK SISK THEOLOGYDEPARTMENT OFVISITATIONACADEMYHan Ko has demonstrated anunwavering commitment tocommunity service and economicdevelopment initiatives fordecades. A founding member ofthe Gateway Korea Foundation,Han has tirelessly worked tosupport and promotemulticulturalism withincommunities and his efforts havebeen instrumental in promotingpeace through enhanced culturalunderstanding. As a foundingmember of the Jewish/AsianAmerican Dialogue Group,L’Chaim Tea House, Han hasworked closely with members ofthe Newmark Institute to createprograms that bring ourcommunities together throughdiscussions of intersectionality ofJewish and Asian-Americanexperiences in St. Louis.Aubrey Taylor McClain, Ph.D. isthe Shapiro Chair for Jewish-Christian Studies and an AssociateProfessor in the Department ofTheology at Greenville Universityin Greenville, Illinois. In her currentrole, Dr. McClain teaches classes inbiblical studies and Jewish historyand directs the Shapiro JewishChristian Studies program andendowment, which wasestablished to teach Greenvillestudents about Judaism andChristianity’s interconnected past,present, and future, to combatantisemitism, and to promotedialogue and reconciliationbetween Jewish and Christiancommunities. She also overseesthe Sandmel Lecture Fund, whichaims to ensure that Jewish voicesare heard on Greenville’s campus.Kimberly Jade Norwood is theHenry H. Oberschelp Professor ofLaw at Washington UniversitySchool of Law. She has taught arange of courses from personalinjury classes to education lawand policy to a course on implicitbiases. She is the principal partnerof her consulting company, KJNEquity Consultants, LLC whichconducts implicit bias and culturalcompetency workshops, and DEIassessments. She was also amongthe group of national expertsadvising Starbucks on thecompany’s implicit biasprogramming. She’s written twobooks, Color Matters: Skin ToneBias & the Myth of a Post-RacialAmerica and Ferguson’s Fault Lines:The Race Quake that Rocked aNation was published in 2016.Kim participated in the 2022Newmark Institute AfricanAmerican-Jewish DC Trip, whichaimed to strengthen relationshipsbetween the African Americanand Jewish communities.Jack Sisk is the President of theInterfaith Partnership of GreaterSt. Louis, which was established in1985 and includes representativesof more than 30 religions anddenominations. He is alongstanding participant in theInterfaith Breakfast DialogueGroup, a program of the NewmarkInstitute. He also is the founderand executive director of TheLiving Insights Center, which is auniversal religious and spiritualcenter located in Clayton. TheCenter is believed to be theclosest thing to a museum of theworld's religions in the westernhemisphere, but it's really more asanctuary and gathering place forpeople of all faiths. His deepinvolvement in the interfaithcommunity in St. Louis hasfostered lifelong relationships withthe Jewish community.The Theology Department ofVisitation Academy is alongstanding partner school ofStudent to Student, a program ofthe Newmark Institute. It beganwith a thought: to teach Jesus atVisitation Academy, we mustteach his Jewish background andtradition. Visitation Academyinvited former JCRC ExecutiveDirector, Batya Abramson-Goldstein to come share aboutJudaism. This resulted in adecades-long relationship in whichstudents in Visitation’s WorldReligions class learned fromJewish students in the Student toStudent program, eventually withFawn Chapel and now with thecurrent Director of Student toStudent, Lauren Abraham.

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MICHAEL & BARBARA NEWMARKEMERGING LEADER AWARD6DAVID G. ROSENSTOCKDavid G. Rosenstock retired from thebusiness of chemistry in 2022 after 37years. He originally worked for The DowChemical Company for 20 years in a varietyof sales and business management roles,and retired after working for Minneapolis-based Hawkins, Inc. as Business VicePresident and member of the executiveteam. David has served on the board ofUnited Hebrew Congregation since 2012and was president of UH 2018-19. He wasan At Large member of the JCRC Council2015-18. David was in the 2014 cohort ofthe Millstone Fellows. David has also held leadership positions onnon-profit boards for organizations focusedon community theatre, advocacy forindividuals with developmental disabilities,and support of public school musicprograms. He earned a BS in IndustrialEngineering from Purdue University and anMBA in Finance and Marketing from theAnderson School at UCLA. David and hiswife Lisa will have been married for 35years in May, 2024. Their delightful young-adult children are Jacob, Greta, and MaggieRosenstock.

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7ANNAGOLDFARB SHABSINAnna Goldfarb Shabsin is honored tovolunteer with JCRC and, of course, to bepresented with an award at this year'sTzedek ceremony alongside so manyamazing peers. Anna became a fan of JCRCmany years ago as a temple representativeto the Council. Over the years, she hasserved as a member of the EnvironmentPolicy Subcommittee, then the Board andnow the Executive Committee. She hasserved on committees and boards ofmultiple Jewish and non-Jewishorganizations in the St. Louis region andnationally. Over the years, she was proudto be a Millstone Fellow and a Levy Fellow.During the day, you can find Anna at theBrown School at Washington University,teaching classes on policy, lobbying,economics and Constitutional law. She isalso the Assistant Dean for the Master ofSocial Policy program and the coordinatorof Wash U's JD MSW dual degree program.Although she loves learning with herstudents on the St. Louis flagship campus,she especially enjoys teaching in Wash U's students on the St. Louis flagship campus,she especially enjoys teaching in Wash U'sPrison Education Program, working withthe students on the Pacific and Vandaliacampuses. Since 2014, she has been theSafe Zone educator for all faculty and staffat Wash U, ensuring that our campus is aninclusive and welcoming place for LGBTQstudents, faculty, staff and visitors.For Anna, the best times are those spentwith friends and family. She was happy tomarry her husband, Sheldon Weisgrau, lastsummer and she is the proud mother toSam and Daniel Shabsin and the equallyproud step-mother to Evan and MollyWeisgrau.MICHAEL & BARBARA NEWMARKEMERGING LEADER AWARD

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8HEATHER FLEMINGHeather Fleming is the Founder andExecutive Director of the Missouri EquityEducation Partnership (MOEEP) and theauthor of two books, My Black FriendSays...: Lessons in Equity, Inclusion, andCultural Competency and The Advocate inMe: Advocates and Activists' Workbook andJournal, which was released in March. Prior to her work in organizing and equitytraining, she started her career workingeight years in the public service sector. Shethen moved into education and served asan English Language Arts teacher for 14years. She credits this experience, as wellas being a mother to three incrediblechildren, Jordan, Jalen, and Rion, plus herbonus son Sergio, as the reason she ispassionate about her work advocating foran equitable society. "Our children deservebetter experiences and opportunities thanwe had. I am trying to be the best ancestorI can be by creating a better future forthose who will come after me."In 2018, Heather left teaching to become afull-time equity and inclusion training andprogram design professional with heroriginal organization, In PurposeEducational Services. When that workbecame threatened through theintroduction of anti-equity laws, she beganMOEEP to organize people andcommunities to fight back against attemptsto harm and divide. As the attacks on equity grew moreexpansive, so did the mission and goals ofMOEEP. This has led Heather and herfellow advocates to create coalitions andpartnerships across the state fromJefferson City to school districts tocommunities, both rural and urban. Hergoal for her work in this field is to promotehealing, understanding, and equity for all.NORMAN A. STACKCOMMUNITY RELATIONS AWARD

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JOEL & JOANNE ISKIWITCHISRAEL AWARD9BARRY ROSENBERGBarry Rosenberg is Professor of Practice atthe Brown School of Social Work atWashington University in St. Louis, where hehas taught since 1998. He is also Director ofthe Center for Human Service Leadership,which provides organizational capacitybuilding services to the nonprofits housed atDelmar DivINe. In this role, he designs andconducts executive education programs fornew and aspiring nonprofit CEOs, middlemanagers and others. He also providesconsulting services and training in nonprofitleadership development, management,strategic planning, and board governance. In 2012, he retired as President and CEO ofthe Jewish Federation of St. Louis, after 20years in that position. As CEO, he playedleadership roles in national and internationalJewish affairs including the historic rescue ofEthiopian Jews, and winning the freedom andsubsequent mass migration of Jews from theformer Soviet Union to Israel and the UnitedStates. Prior to coming to St. Louis, he servedfor 14 years with the Jewish Federation ofNorth Jersey - the last eight years as itsExecutive Director.Throughout his career, Rosenberg has focusedon leadership and professional development.He led the creation of the Millstone Institutefor Jewish Leadership, an innovativecommunity-wide development program forprofessional and volunteer leaders. Rosenberghas served in leadership capacities in a varietyof professional organizations and non-profitboards including Board Secretary of ForestPark Forever, Advisory Board of the NewmarkInstitute for Human Relations and theOrganizational Development Committee ofUnited Way of Greater St. Louis. He is married to Barbara Levin, a native ofBaltimore, who recently stepped down after20 years as Teaching Professor at The BrownSchool. She was Founding Chair of NonprofitMissouri. They have a daughter, Rebecca, ason-in-law Mark, and three grand-daughtersElana, Louisa and Leah, of blessed memory.

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BATYA ABRAMSON-GOLDSTEINLEGACY AWARD10THE BOHM FAMILY:LEE Z”L, MILFORD Z”L, ROBERT Z”L,SUE, DAVID & JOANLee z"l, the beloved matriarch of the Bohmfamily, was a registered nurse and greatphilanthropist. Among her many roles, Leeproudly served as a campaign chair andpresident of the Women's Division of theJewish Federation of St. Louis, president ofthe St. Louis Jewish Family and Children'sServices, and board member of theAmerican Jewish Family and Children'sAssociation. Lee was the loving wife ofMilford z'l and mother of Robert z"l, andDavid Bohm.Robert z"l earned his MBA fromWashington University in St. Louis andwent on to running a successful retail babyfurniture supply store. Once his businesswas up and running, Robert became anactive volunteer. He served as president ofCovenant-Chai, a position his mother alsoonce held, and joined the Board ofDirectors at Congregation Shaare Emeth.Robert, along with his brother David, alsoco-chaired the St. Louis America-IsraelChamber of Commerce which wasestablished by their father. Robert was theproud husband of Sue and father to Joshand Justin.established by their father. Robert was theproud husband of Sue and father to Joshand Justin.David is the immediate past chair of theJewish Council for Public Affairs, havingserved in various leadership capacities withJCPA for nearly 30 years. David serves onthe Board of Directors and ExecutiveCommittee of the Great RiversEnvironmental Law Center and the Boardof Directors of ARC Angels Foundation,dedicated to the prevention of teen suicidethrough education and awareness. He isalso a member of the St. Louis RegionalAdvisory Board of American JewishCommittee. He has served on numerousvolunteer boards over the years, includingCongregation Shaare Emeth, the St. LouisJewish Federation, and the St. Louis JCC.He and his wife Joan have been married fornearly 45 years and are the parents of twoboys, Joseph and Eric.

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1213ABOUT THE AWARDSMICHAEL & BARBARA NEWMARKEMERGING LEADER AWARDThe Michael and Barbara NewmarkEmerging Leader Award honors individualswho are early in their tenure with JCRC andhave demonstrated strong leadership in theSt. Louis Jewish community.The award was generously established byMichael and Barbara Newmark to inspireemerging leaders to be more active in theirroles within the JCRC and to intensify theircommunity relations experiences on both alocal and national level. Emerging Leaderawardees are invited, as a guest of theJCRC, to the Jewish Council for PublicAffairs annual conference and/or otherrelevant national gatherings in whichdelegates help shape the Jewishcommunity’s broad ranging agenda.JOEL & JOANNE ISKIWITCH ISRAEL AWARDThe Joel and Joanne Iskiwitch Israel Awardwas established in 2023. This awardrecognizes the work of individuals ororganizations who enhance connectionbetween the St. Louis community and Israelthrough economic ties, education, and/oradvocacy.The award was generously established byJoel and Joanne Iskiwitch, longtimesupporters and active volunteers with theJCRC, as an outgrowth of their deep loveand connection to the State of Israel. Inestablishing the award, Joel and Joanneseek to better demonstrate to the people inthe St. Louis region what Israel is like, whoits people are, and what the country standsfor. Moreover, the partnership allows theregion to become a major supporter of theeconomic growth of the country.NORMAN A. STACKCOMMUNITY RELATIONS AWARDThe Norman A. Stack Community RelationsAward honors a leader in the communitywho has worked tirelessly in intergroupunderstanding, interfaith relations, andsocial justice work.The award was established in the memoryof Norman A. Stack, past Executive Directorof the JCRC. As Executive Director, heworked tirelessly at promoting mutualunderstanding between religious and ethnicgroups. Norman conducted human relationsworkshops at St. Louis University and wasone of the founding members of theInterfaith Breakfast Dialogue Group. In thespring of 1965, he was among those whomarched with Dr. King in Selma. Normanwas accurately – and lovingly – described asone who “understood understanding.”BATYA ABRAMSON-GOLDSTEINLEGACY AWARDThe Batya Abramson-Goldstein LegacyAward recognizes those whose exceptionalleadership and vision have had an enduringimpact on the JCRC and its communityrelations mission.The award is named for Batya Abramson-Goldstein, past Executive Director of theJCRC. Batya has devoted her professionallife to community relations andstrengthening relationships between theJewish community and the broader St. Louiscommunity, earning the personal respectand admiration of so many along the way.During her 26-year tenure with the JCRC,the last 12 years serving as the ExecutiveDirector, Batya developed innovativeprogramming to foster a broad awarenessof our shared humanity and inspire apassion for the pursuit of social justice.

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1213ABOUT THE AWARDSMICHAEL & BARBARA NEWMARKEMERGING LEADER AWARDThe Michael and Barbara NewmarkEmerging Leader Award honors individualswho are early in their tenure with JCRC andhave demonstrated strong leadership in theSt. Louis Jewish community.The award was generously established byMichael and Barbara Newmark to inspireemerging leaders to be more active in theirroles within the JCRC and to intensify theircommunity relations experiences on both alocal and national level. Emerging Leaderawardees are invited, as a guest of theJCRC, to the Jewish Council for PublicAffairs annual conference and/or otherrelevant national gatherings in whichdelegates help shape the Jewishcommunity’s broad ranging agenda.JOEL & JOANNE ISKIWITCH ISRAEL AWARDThe Joel and Joanne Iskiwitch Israel Awardwas established in 2023. This awardrecognizes the work of individuals ororganizations who enhance connectionbetween the St. Louis community and Israelthrough economic ties, education, and/oradvocacy.The award was generously established byJoel and Joanne Iskiwitch, longtimesupporters and active volunteers with theJCRC, as an outgrowth of their deep loveand connection to the State of Israel. Inestablishing the award, Joel and Joanneseek to better demonstrate to the people inthe St. Louis region what Israel is like, whoits people are, and what the country standsfor. Moreover, the partnership allows theregion to become a major supporter of theeconomic growth of the country.NORMAN A. STACKCOMMUNITY RELATIONS AWARDThe Norman A. Stack Community RelationsAward honors a leader in the communitywho has worked tirelessly in intergroupunderstanding, interfaith relations, andsocial justice work.The award was established in the memoryof Norman A. Stack, past Executive Directorof the JCRC. As Executive Director, heworked tirelessly at promoting mutualunderstanding between religious and ethnicgroups. Norman conducted human relationsworkshops at St. Louis University and wasone of the founding members of theInterfaith Breakfast Dialogue Group. In thespring of 1965, he was among those whomarched with Dr. King in Selma. Normanwas accurately – and lovingly – described asone who “understood understanding.”BATYA ABRAMSON-GOLDSTEINLEGACY AWARDThe Batya Abramson-Goldstein LegacyAward recognizes those whose exceptionalleadership and vision have had an enduringimpact on the JCRC and its communityrelations mission.The award is named for Batya Abramson-Goldstein, past Executive Director of theJCRC. Batya has devoted her professionallife to community relations andstrengthening relationships between theJewish community and the broader St. Louiscommunity, earning the personal respectand admiration of so many along the way.During her 26-year tenure with the JCRC,the last 12 years serving as the ExecutiveDirector, Batya developed innovativeprogramming to foster a broad awarenessof our shared humanity and inspire apassion for the pursuit of social justice.

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Danna McKitrick, P.C.7701 Forsyth Blvd., Ste. 1200 │ St. Louis, MO 63105 │ 314.726.1000dannamckitrick.comLee z”l, Milford z”l, Robert z”l, Sue, David, & JoanCongratulations toThe Bohm Family 2024 Batya Abramsom-Goldstein Legacy Award HonoreesDanna McKitrick attorneys congratulate their colleague David Bohm and his family on this well-deserved recognition for their commitment and involvement with the Jewish and interfaith communities and dedication to social justice issues both in St. Louis and on the national level. David R. BohmAorney at LawLegal Soluons for Businesses & IndividualsBusiness Advisory | Contracts | Employment IssuesEstates & Trusts | Intellectual Property | Ligaon | Real EstateDanna McKitrick attorneys congratulatetheir colleague David Bohm and his familyon this well-deserved recognition for their commitment and involvement with the Jewish and interfaith communities anddedication to social justice issues bothin St. Louis and on the national level.David R. BohmAttorney at LawCongratulations toThe Bohm Family2024 Batya Abramson-GoldsteinLegacy Award HonoreesLee z”l, Milford z”l, Robert z”l,Sue, David & Joan

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PolsinelliPolsinelli Law Firm has nationwide attorneysadvising clients on health care, real estate, finance,technology, private equity, and corporatetransactions.Congrats toJCRC and all of theawardees. We saluteyou and are proud tobe a sponsor of the2024 Tzedek Awards!

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(314) 212-1500 | royalbanksofmo.comInvesting in Our Communities, One Hero at a Time.Royal Banks of Missouri Congratulates the 2024 Tzedek Awards Honorees!

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CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS314.290.3300www.RubinBrown.comCongratulations to the winners of the Tzedek AwardsFor over 70 years, RubinBrown has helped clients build and protect value while at all times honoring our responsibility to serve the public interest.RubinBrown’s tax, accounting and consulting services are grounded in professional vision and understanding of our clients’ goals.RubinBrown. It’s our name. But our clients know it means personal service backed by experience, integrity and value.As part of being our best for others, RubinBrown is proud to congratulate the winners of the Tzedek Awards.Congratulations!RubinBrown is proud to support theJewish Community Relations Council

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We congratulatethis year’s Tzedek Awardhonorees and thankJCRC for their vital workin our community!-The Sandweiss Family-

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“When a large stone is tossed in the middle of a still pond, the wave will quickly lose its initial energy and the pond will return to calm and still. Instead, we need hundreds of handfuls of smaller stones being constantly thrown into the pond. We need converging ripples going to and coming from every direction. We need for the pond to never be still.” Michael StaenbergThank you to JCRC for the work you do in our community.We join you in honoring all the Tzedek award winners.You make the ripples that spread throughout our community!

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to the 2024 Tzedek Award HonoreesFrom~The St. Louis Jewish Light~Connecting the CommunityMazelTov

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WashU is proud to support organizations like the JCRC who share our commitment to strengthening connections, understanding, and partnerships across the St. Louis region and to creating a fair and equitable society for all.Congratulations to all of tonight’s JCRC Tzedek honorees!Washington University in St.

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For decades we have workedwith, and learned from,Milford z”l and Lee z”land worked closely with David. We congratulate the entireBohm family for theirgenerations of leadership in ourcommunity and nationally.For decades we have workedwith, and learned from,Milford z”l and Lee z”land worked closely with David. We congratulate the entireBohm family for theirgenerations of leadership in ourcommunity and nationally.Newmark

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David,We’re so happy to be yourneighbor and colleague.Mazal Tov!Paul and Fran Kravitz

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Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor andbest wishes for your continued success!From your friends,Sherilyn and Barry Krell Cheryl and Lew LeveyWe Congratulate This Year’sMichael & Barbara Newmark Institutefor Human Relations Pluralism Award Honorees:DR. HAN KODR. AUBREY TAYLOR MCCLAINKIMBERLY JADE NORWOODJACK SISKTHEOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF VISITATION ACADEMY -Barbara & Michael Newmark-

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Congratulationsto all ofTzedek AwardHonorees.Thank you forall you do!Lynn & Dr. Carl Lyss

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In honor ofBarry Rosenbergreceiving theJoel & Joanne IskiwitchIsrael AwardFrom your friendsMiriam & Steve Singer

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The Jewish CommunityRelations Council of St. Louisthanks Heather Flemingfor her ongoing partnershipwith the Jewish communityand her inspirationalleadership. Mazal tov!

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With Admiration & Appreciation,Student to Student, a program of theNewmark Institute at JCRCCongratulations to theTheology Department ofVisitation Academy! Your 30+ year partnershipwith Student to Studenthas meant the world to us!

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Mazal TovBarry Rosenberg on thiswell-deserved award.Thank you for yoursteadfast support of Israel.Best wishes, always.Karen Berry ElbertCharles Elbert

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Anna and David,Your leadership and work tomake our world a better placeinspire me! Mazal Tov!Nancy Solomon Desloge

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David Rosenstock, Mazal Tov on receiving theMichael & Barbara Newmark Emerging Leader Award! Marilen PitlerAnna Goldfarb Shabsin, Mazal Tov on receiving theMichael & Barbara Newmark Emerging Leader Award! Marilen PitlerHeather Fleming, Congratulations on receiving the Norman A. StackCommunity Relations Award. So very well deserved.Marilen Pitler, VP Advocacy, NCJWSTLIn Honor of Barry RosenbergKol HaKavod dear friend!Nikki & Paul GoldsteinMazal Tov on a well deserved honorFondly,Barbara Bianco In Honor of Barry Rosenberg and Heather Fleming,Congratulations on this well-deserved awards!Carla & Mike FeuerIn Honor of Anna ShabsinSo proud of your commitment to doing good in the world!Patty BloomDavid Rosenstock, Mazal Tov on being honored with theBarbara & Michael Newmark Emerging Leadership Award!Leslie & Barry YoffieBarry Rosenberg, congrats on receiving theJoel & Joanne Iskiwitch Israel award. Well deserved!Ruth LedermanAJC St. Louis warmly congratulates JCRC`s 2024 Tzedek Award honorees The Bohm Family, whosetowering legacy has been passed L’Dor v’Dor, to strengthen our community. Barry Rosenberg, avisionary professional whose commitment for Israel and the Jewish people is an example to follow.

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In Honor of Barry RosenbergReceiving the Joel & Joanne Iskiwitch Israel AwardSusan & Alan WitteMazal Tov on receiving the Joel & Joanne Iskiwitch Israel Award. Joan & Sherman SilberIn Honor of David BohmPatty CroughanMazal Tov on receiving the Batya Abramson-Goldstein Legacy Award.Your steadfast support is an inspiration to our community!Julia MendelowHeather, congratulations! Thank you for all you do to support social justicein our community.Julia MendelowMazal Tov on this well deserved Joel & Joanne Iskiwitch Israel Award!Julia & Larry MendelowIn Honor of the Bohm FamilyReceiving the Batya Abramson-Goldstein Legacy AwardSusan & Alan WitteIn Honor of David RosenstockMerle & Marty ObermanCongratulations to the JCRC on celebrating 85 years!Thank you for the important work you are doing in St. Louis!Mazal Tov to every honoree, wishing you all the best!

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Philip DeitchDenise FieldDonn RubinJosh AvigadGerry GreimanAnna GinsbergSusan MlynarczykDr. Andrew RehfeldJohn KalishmanPhyllis MarkusBrad KafkaSteve MalterHilary CedergreenLes StermanJeffrey SparksDeborah PriceJoe PerelesCheryl AdelsteinRick AbramsJulia MendelowDan FriedmanNancy Solomon DeslogePast Recipients (1989-2023)MICHAEL & BARBARA NEWMARK EMERGING LEADER AWARDO’Ray Graber *Dean Michael Allen *Margaret Sonnenday *Reverend Rudy Pulido James Buford *Reverend William Chapman *Ronald L. Jackson Harry James Cargas *Gregory Freeman *Reverend Paul C. Reinert; S.J. *Father Vincent A. Heier Dr. Waheed Rana *Anna Crosslin Rev. Dr. Martin Rafanan Frankie Freeman *Charles Brennan Chris Chadwick Rev. Dr. David Greenhaw Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon Dr. Robert Archibald Dr. Dennis Golden Rev. Dr. Paul T. Reiter Ghazala Hayat; MD Fr. Richard A. Peddicord; O.P Sr. Carla Mae Streeter; O.P Timothy O’Leary Elizabeth (Beth) J. StroblePaul ReuterFr. Paul Stark; S.J.*Jorge RiopedreMichael P. McMillanF. Javier Orozco, OFS, PHD Rev. Dr. Dieter HeinzlDr. Donald SuggsDr. Frances LevineRev. Roderick BurtonMarie Kenyon*of blessed memoryPast Recipients (1989-2023)NORMAN A. STACK COMMUNITY RELATIONS AWARDDonn RubinPast Recipients (established 2023)JOEL & JOANNE ISKIWITCH ISRAEL AWARDBarbara and Michael NewmarkLynn and Dr. Carl LyssHarvey SchneiderRabbi Howard KaplanskyDr. Arlene & Rabbi Jeffrey StiffmanPast Recipients (2019-2023)BATYA ABRAMSON-GOLDSTEIN LEGACY AWARDPast Recipients (established 2023)MICHAEL & BARBARA NEWMARK PLURALISM AWARDThe Reverend Mike AngellCaroline FanReverend Gabrielle NS KennedyRam LakshmananGuillermo A. Rodriguez

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