NEWS & EVENTS !"#!$%&'$%( !")*+%(+"#!'$!#,-., !"#$#%&'"&(!()"!*+,! -!(" .-"#$#%&'.""/!*&&.0"-1-&2&0/"(&&.0"(!.3456* "++*&&'&"!&0"&!7$8"&!*&-")"& &9"&+(!.3*:$$)$$$&2&0/"(&&.0"-&;&3&("distributed amount is excluded from gross in-come. In addi3on, the distribu3on counts towards the required minimum distribu3on amount for the tax year. Each IRA owner age 70 ½ or older can exclude from gross income up to $100,000 of a QCD. For a married couple each with an IRA, if both spouses are age 70 ½ or over when the distribu3on is made each spouse can exclude up to $100,000 for a total of $200,000. Blue Christmas ServiceBlue Christmas ServiceBlue Christmas ServiceBlue Christmas Service THE HOLIDAY SEASON CAN BE HARD FOR SOME OF US. KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE ABCDEFADGHCIIJHKLHMEGMANAHKBO&(&1"-"" ."#&%P$$ OFFICE NUMBER (941) 426-1734 PASTOR Rev. Dorothy Johns Email: Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 am –1:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours By Appointment +=// +?+<&".9P +!&-& P =."PQ&""2"!&(!P01!2#/(!33454!6/!!!7!787/!!7!!"#!/Q&!&0R!!P9#%%#:!!!0%/;%!#%4are welcome to join us on Wednesdays in the Fellow-ship Hall at 10:00 am.
ORDER OF WORSHIP S>"0-!"01"!&("!TU"!!!VORDER OF WORSHIP December 15, 2024 Q"0(" &/+7 " "! &/& WQ&!!-"Q"&"*!="?-*!"!(1""&Q&")?-3-X- +7 W+1&3&0> (sung twice as the Light enters) "&"!&(-0-()(+9&""&"&-"0!&00&(Y?"!&!"U"!!Y"&"!&(->!"!""0-(W&00=!(responsive) <!!#7!4!!#/Q"0"P00Z"!00!""T(,! &["!&(-0<!"!4+!70%%/Q"0"P="00.&[&(-0&("!!)&(!&(!--!&00Z""&&00P?"!"["&(!-)*T( "!\ "\W> ]^1!)# S ")=?-'""(U"!!V_ &3*<&]%0(",! " &/+ -"-&3&0Q&"(unison) T(*01"&([)&9*"!""01"!-!3 "*!)(&!0!"&("&"&"-01"*&(01"*"-.&"0&&!(""!)!3-&"&&0"!"&!&"("00"&"&(."-("(.""! "))U"!!!+0& ")"& "Q&!&0Q&"X="?(,!Q&" <&"&"&1")&00"(."& ")9-( ")00."(""&&!!"&1"T1"!!(&(&0."&(Y&(*-1"!"!&!!"!&!"*-1"!""!&!!&-&!!(0"&(!" &3).("01"!* "10)*"!"9-( )&(""&("-0*"1" ! " December 15, 2024 ="-("!! -\U"&3!)&1"-"0(""!!)"&0(!"&1&0*&-"&"">"&!"(!""&(."&**""&")" &!;-& ""0"&-""0-!&_0&3!"-+!"&()"(!0"!"2"!&-.0"&3!&(" !&"&&-"("&""&'00")!0(")(&3;")&00&"&00"(01"[!0&("!0U`! "!!&-"!&!&9" ("&" -[(- "00."!a&(!"1""")!&0!& "!!&-"*")*ORDER OF WORSHIP continued ""1-="!&(b"-!W'0-]^Wb"Q&"(unison) .(&T()"-1"&9!*"!"-a!&.0"!!" &(!"" *""("-)0""&9"()&(.- *!"""(( &"b"1"!"01"!&!"0& -("!*01"&(-&"*&00"0" ""&0! &/+7" ?9"cP7 <74(=""!!&-" ST("!+! -V (2=>W> ]#1!)c)% S+& "&(-0"&V W="?-*!T"!+="0( W""(3 WQ!0("* If able to do so, please stand. **"="0""^%%#7c%""! "00.&3;"">0&(/"=! -[(-"00&0!."&1)"0-&&"("!!&!"&3&"".*!)0"!""(U`!&00)"'& -01"!&(!""9-01"&&&!T(&""&""&!""1""-("![&(-&3(")9-&"0-*!00(!"0"(&9"!!&(.-""&00*" PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: 20<>"&7,"2,0 3?Gardens of North Port 2":North Port Pines &7+!1!0!!!7/@1#!#!!!##3/Q0"&!""P7#A!31/
ORDER OF WORSHIP S>"0-!"01"!&("!TU"!!!VORDER OF WORSHIP December 15, 2024 Q"0(" &/+7 " "! &/& WQ&!!-"Q"&"*!="?-*!"!(1""&Q&")?-3-X- +7 W+1&3&0> (sung twice as the Light enters) "&"!&(-0-()(+9&""&"&-"0!&00&(Y?"!&!"U"!!Y"&"!&(->!"!""0-(W&00=!(responsive) <!!#7!4!!#/Q"0"P00Z"!00!""T(,! &["!&(-0<!"!4+!70%%/Q"0"P="00.&[&(-0&("!!)&(!&(!--!&00Z""&&00P?"!"["&(!-)*T( "!\ "\W> ]^1!)# S ")=?-'""(U"!!V_ &3*<&]%0(",! " &/+ -"-&3&0Q&"(unison) T(*01"&([)&9*"!""01"!-!3 "*!)(&!0!"&("&"&"-01"*&(01"*"-.&"0&&!(""!)!3-&"&&0"!"&!&"("00"&"&(."-("(.""! "))U"!!!+0& ")"& "Q&!&0Q&"X="?(,!Q&" <&"&"&1")&00"(."& ")9-( ")00."(""&&!!"&1"T1"!!(&(&0."&(Y&(*-1"!"!&!!"!&!"*-1"!""!&!!&-&!!(0"&(!" &3).("01"!* "10)*"!"9-( )&(""&("-0*"1" ! " December 15, 2024 ="-("!! -\U"&3!)&1"-"0(""!!)"&0(!"&1&0*&-"&"">"&!"(!""&(."&**""&")" &!;-& ""0"&-""0-!&_0&3!"-+!"&()"(!0"!"2"!&-.0"&3!&(" !&"&&-"("&""&'00")!0(")(&3;")&00&"&00"(01"[!0&("!0U`! "!!&-"!&!&9" ("&" -[(- "00."!a&(!"1""")!&0!& "!!&-"*")*ORDER OF WORSHIP continued ""1-="!&(b"-!W'0-]^Wb"Q&"(unison) .(&T()"-1"&9!*"!"-a!&.0"!!" &(!"" *""("-)0""&9"()&(.- *!"""(( &"b"1"!"01"!&!"0& -("!*01"&(-&"*&00"0" ""&0! &/+7" ?9"cP7 <74(=""!!&-" ST("!+! -V (2=>W> ]#1!)c)% S+& "&(-0"&V W="?-*!T"!+="0( W""(3 WQ!0("* If able to do so, please stand. **"="0""^%%#7c%""! "00.&3;"">0&(/"=! -[(-"00&0!."&1)"0-&&"("!!&!"&3&"".*!)0"!""(U`!&00)"'& -01"!&(!""9-01"&&&!T(&""&""&!""1""-("![&(-&3(")9-&"0-*!00(!"0"(&9"!!&(.-""&00*" PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: 20<>"&7,"2,0 3?Gardens of North Port 2":North Port Pines &7+!1!0!!!7/@1#!#!!!##3/Q0"&!""P7#A!31/
NEWS & EVENTS !"#!$%&'$%( !")*+%(+"#!'$!#,-., !"#$#%&'"&(!()"!*+,! -!(" .-"#$#%&'.""/!*&&.0"-1-&2&0/"(&&.0"(!.3456* "++*&&'&"!&0"&!7$8"&!*&-")"& &9"&+(!.3*:$$)$$$&2&0/"(&&.0"-&;&3&("distributed amount is excluded from gross in-come. In addi3on, the distribu3on counts towards the required minimum distribu3on amount for the tax year. Each IRA owner age 70 ½ or older can exclude from gross income up to $100,000 of a QCD. For a married couple each with an IRA, if both spouses are age 70 ½ or over when the distribu3on is made each spouse can exclude up to $100,000 for a total of $200,000. Blue Christmas ServiceBlue Christmas ServiceBlue Christmas ServiceBlue Christmas Service THE HOLIDAY SEASON CAN BE HARD FOR SOME OF US. KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE ABCDEFADGHCIIJHKLHMEGMANAHKBO&(&1"-"" ."#&%P$$ OFFICE NUMBER (941) 426-1734 PASTOR Rev. Dorothy Johns Email: Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 am –1:00 pm Pastor’s Office Hours By Appointment +=// +?+<&".9P +!&-& P =."PQ&""2"!&(!P01!2#/(!33454!6/!!!7!787/!!7!!"#!/Q&!&0R!!P9#%%#:!!!0%/;%!#%4are welcome to join us on Wednesdays in the Fellow-ship Hall at 10:00 am.