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Photos4deco.comHome decoration wall art

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photos4decoBased in Geneva and specializing in creative, artistic photography. We createstriking, memorable images that tell stories of natural events, people in theirenvironment, or entire buildings and architecture.

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Hi, I am Klemens and a fundamentally positive person who is stilloptimistic about the future.I came across two statements that basically prove very well why I built awebsite for photographers.The first statement comes from Andy Warhol “I never read, I just look atpictures” and the second from the United Nations High Commissioner forHuman Rights, Volker Türk, with the statement “Le futur dystopique estdéjà là” translated “What comes is already there”.Both statements describe the world we find ourselves in today. Every daywe see images of people drowning at the gates of Europe or burningrefugee camps and forests scattered across the globe, which lead us moreand more into a negative world. The dystopian (what a terrible word) has not simply become omnipresent,it is our real present that we do confront. However, our world is still largelya paradise, and we can only save it into a positive future, if we approachthis cosmos emotionally. My photographers prove exactly this with their images. It’s worth fightingfor this world, because we only have this one. I hope you will join me on this journey so that we can think positive againand take appropriate action to stop climate change, because the moreprecisely we know our near future thanks to data-supported forecasts, themore the space for fantasies that go beyond that, shrink.Showing the wonders of our world through the lens of a camera isprobably the best way back to a positive future. So hang these wonders onyour wall or show them on other surfaces in order to convince others thatthis fight for paradise is worth every effort.KLEMENS LINVERSFounder

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This presentation shows the numerous possibilities one has to create focalpoints in interior decoration with the printing surfaces, images and framesphoto4deco offers to choose from. The materials and frames like Masterprints behind acrylic glass (up to 500x240 cm);Designer, Shadow gap, Aluminum art box or Slimline and Pop Art frames ;Two, Three or Four multipart print surfaces (horizontal or vertical);Round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or even twelve-sided motif options;Materials like Acrylic glass, Dibond, Canvas, Forex or Wood;Home decor items like pillows, cups, blankets and many others.

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Masterprint - Fine Art in perfection for greatmasterpiecesOur seamless fine art pigment printing forimpressive formats – up to 500 x 240 cm – wasdeveloped by our engineers and is unique in theworld. We combine the revolutionary printingtechnology with paper made specifically for us.Finally, the master print is laminated withsilicone under acrylic glass to achieve a perfectresult in XXL.

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Excellent frame design!Colorful and extravagant at the same time: Show off yourphoto impressively with a frame from our new Design Edition,which was created in cooperation with the award-winningStudio Besau-Marguerre from Hamburg. The frames areavailable in three editions: yellow, purple and green. What'sspecial: Each frame consists of four different colored stripsfrom the respective color world.the studio

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KLEMENS LINVERSFounderRegister and buy your Wall ArtDecor at Wholesale prices - 30%off from Regular PriceGet an affiliate link and earn onevery purchase from your clients Photo in a shadow gap frame – for afloating effectPresent your photo as professionally as isusual at leading art fairs: in a gallery framewith a shadow gap. There is a 7 mm wideshadow gap between the mountedphotograph and the frame strip - thismeans that the work appears to float in thereal wood veneer frameFrames are available in numerous coloursand white borders of sizes of 1 cm, 3 cm oreven 8 cm

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ArtBox made of aluminum - your photo as a design objectAn ArtBox with a satin aluminum frame turns your photo into asculptural gallery object. Choose between three availabledepths – depending on the desired effect. You can choosefrom various presentation variants to refine your motif, forexample acrylic glass or aluminum dibond. In the compact,modern ArtBox in silver or black, your photos will become areal eye-catcher on the gallery wall.

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Photos in a pop art frame: stage images effectivelyShiny material with a bright neon effect: You can show off yourphoto impressively in the trend-setting pop art frame made ofacrylic glass. The colored variants of the Pop Art frame setstrong accents. For a subtle effect, choose the Pop Art frame inthe glossy black or white versions.

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Multipart photosUnique effect: your photo as a multi-part muralAs a multi-part, you can emphasize the imagecomposition of your motif or achieve excitingeffects through a contrasting division. The imageis cut precisely so that no parts of your motif arelost. We can do two, three or four partshorizontal or vertical printing in various sizes.

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Round to polygonal: give your photo a special shapeRound images and polygons in the usual premiumquality add special accents to your wall. Thegeometric design turns your photo into an opticaldesign element that enhances the expressiveness ofyour motif. The round or polygonal shape givesabstract works a distinctive character and stagesportraits as impressive murals.follow yourmood

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High-quality photo paper with a 75-year brilliance guaranteeModernly exposed and classicallydeveloped: We produce the lambdaprints on high-quality Fuji Crystal DPII photo paper using laser exposureand chemical development -guaranteed color brilliance for 75years.Fuji crystal dp iiOrder your photo on Ilford B/Wphoto paper onlineThe photo print on black and whiteIlford photo paper impresses with itsstrong contrasts and optical density.Your image motif shines vividly withbright white tones and rich black –for intense depth.Illford B/W

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I would be happy to talk to you about yourprojects.We can have a video conference call whichyou can schedule on my