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It can be hard to start over if you are feelingalone and unsupported, so it’s important tobuild a strong support system of family andfriends who can provide emotional andlogistical help during this difficult time. Create a Support System:Starting over can feel overwhelming at first,but don’t be discouraged! Instead of trying totake on too much all at once, focus on takingsmall steps. Set achievable, incremental goalsand take them one at a time. Take Small StepsAs you start over in life, you’re bound to makemistakes—but don’t be too hard on yourself!Instead of dwelling on your past failures orgetting stuck in an emotional rut, offeryourself grace and forgiveness. Remindyourself that everyone makes mistakes, andthat it’s ok to stumble as long as you keepmoving forward. A N G E L A P R I C E Offer Yourself GraceWhen your spirit is broken, it can feel like you have nowhere to turn and no way topick up the pieces. It’s tempting to give in to despair, but that won’t help youmove forward. Instead of focusing on what has been lost, focus on how you canuse this opportunity as a chance for renewal and growth. Here are some additionaltips that will help you start over when your spirit has been broken:Starting over can be a trying experience filledwith setbacks and disappointments—butremember that there’s always somethingpositive even during the darkest moments.Surround yourself with people who will lift youup and make it a habit to find the silver liningin every situation. Find Positivityteachable moments

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Featured ArtistBrian Thompson

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Life after a FelonyIt is essential to adopt a growth mindset, the belief that abilities andintelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embraceyour past experiences as lessons, not as definitive judgments of yourcharacter. With a growth mindset, every challenge becomes an opportunityfor learning and self-improvement.Education can serve as a crucial springboard to a new life. Many institutionsoffer educational programs and vocational training to former felons, helpingthem acquire new skills and knowledge. Education not only providespractical benefits like improving employment prospects but also promotespersonal growth, instilling confidence and a sense of achievement.Next, seeking gainful employment can be a significant step towardsstability and self-reliance. While a felony conviction may pose hurdles in jobhunting, numerous organizations are dedicated to helping former felonsfind employment. The "ban the box" movement, for example, encouragesemployers to remove the check box that asks about criminal records fromtheir hiring applications. Such initiatives can help to level the playing field,allowing individuals to be evaluated based on their skills and capabilities,rather than their past.Support networks also play a vital role in fostering positivity and resilience.Maintaining connections with supportive family members, friends, ormentors can provide emotional strength, guidance, and encouragement inchallenging times. In addition, there are many community organizations andsupport groups that offer resources and assistance for reintegration intosociety.Finally, giving back to the community can be an immensely rewardingexperience. Volunteering and participating in community projects canfoster a sense of purpose and belonging. Moreover, sharing personalexperiences and lessons learned can inspire and guide others who may bestruggling with similar challenges. While the aim of this article is to encourage positivity, resilience, and personal growth in the face of adversity, it's crucial to clarify that we donot, under any circumstances, condone or endorse criminal behavior or unlawful activities. This content is meant to provide hope andmotivation for individuals who have served their sentences and are seeking to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society as responsible, law-abiding citizens. It is in no way an encouragement to commit criminal acts or view legal consequences lightly. We firmly believe in theprinciples of justice and the importance of abiding by the laws and societal norms that safeguard individual rights, ensure public safety, andmaintain social order.

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I was not happy that someone elseexperienced infidelity. I was happy thatsomeone else talked about it. When I wasprocessing my own experience I foundmyself in circles and spaces where peopleonly shared their highlight reels. Andwhile it is much easier to only share thegood things, there is value in sharing ourfull stories, and not editing out thedifficult seasons. By sharing your truth and yourexperiences, you can help remove someof the shame and negative emotionspeople may feel when life happens. Ioften say our stories give other peoplepermission to be imperfect. Furthermore,by sharing our stories we can help otherpeople better navigate challengingsituations. So yes, I have been cheated on, but I washealed and God used my pain for good.For so long I thought being cheated onand navigating the breakup was my wholestory and that was not the case. God tookmy experience and positioned me to blessother women by sharing it.Is it possible that God wants to use yourstory to bless someone as well? This verse reminds me that God isintentional with our existence and ourexperiences.“For if you keep silent at this time, reliefand deliverance will rise for the Jewsfrom another place, but you and yourfather’s house will perish. And whoknows whether you have not come to thekingdom for such a time as this?”Esther 4:14 ESV

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