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Create and File E Manifests Automatically GET REAL TIME TRACKING OF HAZARDOUS LOADS Meet EPA DOT hazardous waste transport reporting requirements Reduce risks of rejected shipments by enabling all parties to follow the material en route CHOOSE THE BEST CHECK IN CHECK OUT METHOD FOR THE JOB Capture up to 4 driver and site supervisor digital signatures Use QR codes to con rm pick up and delivery of waste materials Have remote site supervisors visually con rm check outs ADAPT E MANIFESTS TO SUPPORT INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION Trucks to Rails Rails to Trucks and Trucks or Rails to Ships Weigh In Using E Scale Tickets Improve Cash Flow SHORTEN THE ENTIRE WEIGHMENT PROCESS SO MATERIALS ARE DELIVERED FASTER ELIMINATE PAPER AND AUTOMATE BACK OFFICE OPERATIONS Greatly improve driver productivity by enabling drivers to get their tare gross and net weights on their smart devices without leaving their trucks Quickly generate and reconcile electronic invoices Reduce billing discrepancies over lost or illegitimate paper tickets Prevent disputes over illegible multi paper manifests Reduce potential risks for on the job injuries lower insurance costs and promote a safer work environment by having drivers weigh in from the safety of their trucks Validate and digitally sign o on invoices before paying them or deny payments for speci c reasons Enable dispatchers and customers to monitor truck weighments in real time so they can con rm the accuracy of expected pick ups and deliveries Eliminate paper checks Pay suppliers and third party carriers and receive customer electronic payments on a pre arranged schedule to help improve cash ow VIEW FULL HISTORICAL REPORTS BY ANY ATTRIBUTE REFERENCED ON AN E TICKET E MANIFEST OR E SCALE TICKET Integrate TruckPay with other ERP systems such as SAP JWA and NetSuite Use TruckPay analytics to identify operational strengths and weaknesses Export data to pdf excel and csv le formats SECURELY STORE E DOCUMENTS IN THE TRUCKPAY DOCUMENT VAULT HAZARDOUS WASTE DIGITAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY WASTE GENERATOR Automatically prevent any carrier from working on your jobs without validated insurance and compliance documents WASTE RECEIVER REAL TIME REPORTING E MANIFEST S ME N TS EPA DOT TS C A LE T I CK E T CHECK OUT E FILE FE S E P AY CHECK IN E M A NI E S E T IC K REAL TIME REPORTING S ET E IN VOICE S

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