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Inspect it Log it ALL IN REAL TIME NO PAPER NEEDED Provide real time noti cations to company and third party inspectors to perform inspections when trucks are loaded and unloaded Inspectors verify slump air content temperature and other batch attributes The results are then linked to the delivery E ticket Inspectors do not have to be TruckPay users to view the deliveries and to perform the inspections Provide and update electronic inspector logbooks in real time where inspectors can see all delivery inspections they have performed sorted by the day week month or other speci ed period JBS TruckPay s Job Board Service FIND DRIVERS ASSIGN JOBS TRACK MATERIALS WORLDWIDE Hire subcontractor and IOO drivers and pay them using the JBS Electronically negotiate with subcontractors and brokers on the JBS about the number of trucks that are needed at a particular time for any job Save dispatchers from having to call their brokers every time there is a change in the schedule Keep a digital record of precisely the number of trucks that were ordered and when they are scheduled to arrive as con rmed by the broker 4 3 Inches 75 Air Content Fahrenheit Inspection Notes Dispatch company subcontractor and IOO drivers for any time interval to pick up and deliver materials For example drivers can start picking up at the plant at 7 00AM arrive every 5 minutes until 8 00AM then arrive every 15 minutes until the end of the day Drivers will instantly get updated job noti cations so they know when to show up Track company subcontractor and IOO drivers in real time See the type of material all its attributes such as temperature and slump as well as the weight and volume being carried in the truck Customizable Logistics Platform INTEGRATE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL DOTs TRUCK SCALES AND THIRD PARTY VENDORS Integrate E tickets with any DOT or third party vendor E ticket APIs so that delivery and inspection data can be sent in real time to all stakeholders Integrate truck scale weighments so that drivers stay safely in their trucks and get their weights on their mobile devices with or without integrating with other third party systems such as JWS Work with third party accounting ERP systems such as Sage and SAP by exporting EXCEL CSV or PDF les or through custom APIs SUPPORTS GLOBAL ENTERPRISE USAGE Provides a multi lingual multi metric multi currency platform that di erentiates between the time zones where the jobs are created and where they are being viewed Jobs can be speci ed to be in the imperial or metric system or both so that distance can be measured in miles or kilometers and volume can be measured in cubic yards or cubic meters Jobs can even be speci ed to use kilometers for distance but cubic yards for volume Roles and privileges are assigned so that users are only allowed access to those parts of the system that are relevant to their jobs E TICKETING E INSPECTIONS CEMENTING PAPERLESS LOGISTICS E SCALE TICKETS PAVING THE WAY WORLDWIDE UPLOAD INSPECTION STORED MIX DESIGNS DOT 3RD PARTY INTEGRATION E INVOICES E PAYMENTS

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Design it Mix it Inspect it Load it Deliver it and E Ticket it REAL TIME PAPERLESS LOGISTICS Create batch tickets for any mix design or download them from third party vendors Generate customer job and delivery reports based on any mix design classi cations PSI slump mag agg size state certi ed mixes or other speci ed categories Get Started Today The ticket to more e cient operations more jobs happier customers and greater pro ts Record mix designs on E Tickets precisely as speci ed SAP style or make amendments on a batch by batch basis as with JWS Connect to automated batch panels such as a Jonel controller or allow batch masters to manually enter batch tickets Ensure compliance with federal DOT website accessibility requirements by using TruckPay s AAA ADA compliant web portal for DOT contracts DIGITAL READY MIX ASPHALT WORKFLOW E BATCH TICKET INSPECTION BATCH PRODUCTION CUSTOMER DIGITAL SIGNATURES CONSTITUENT WEIGHTS VOLUMES MANUAL OR AUTOMATED BATCH CONTROLLER NAME JOB NUMBER BATCH MASTER AMENDMENTS QUANTITY PRODUCED DELIVERY SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER Mobile Cloud Based DOT Compliant E Ticketing Fleet Management System for Ready Mix and Hot Mix Asphalt Producers and Contractors TruckPay is available on the web iOS and Android All data is securely stored in the cloud www TruckPay com E TICKET MIX DESIGN GET A TRUCK LOAD OF EVERYTHING CONTACT US 1 866 901 7884 info TruckPay com www TruckPay com Copyright 2022 TruckPay Inc All Rights Reserved Pave the way with our unique inspection E Manifest technology www TruckPay com

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