RETIREMENT SAVINGS STRATEGIESVan Deusen & Associates, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan
This material has been prepared by T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc., for general and educational purposes only. This material does not provide recommendations concerning investments, investment strategies, or account types. It is not individualized to the needs of any specific investor and not intended to suggest any particular investment action is appropriate for you nor is it intended to serve as the primary basis for investment decision-making. T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc., its affiliates, and its associates do not provide legal or tax advice. Any tax-related discussion contained in this website, including any attachments/links, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding any tax penalties or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to any other party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Please consult your independent legal counsel and/or professional tax advisor regarding any legal or tax issues raised in this material.
10 years no contributionsno contributions35 yearsCOMPOUNDINGThis chart is for illustrative purposes only and is not meant to represent the performance of any specific investment option. Final account balances are rounded to the nearest thousand. Assumes $40,000 salary with $500 invested each month in a tax-deferred account and a 7% annual rate of return for a hypothetical investor from age 20 to age 65. The Account Values at age 65 are tax-deferred and contributions and earnings are subject to taxes upon withdrawal.All investments involve risk, including possible loss of principal.Source: T. Rowe PriceYears of SavingSAVING 15% PER MONTH$861,000$1,779,000$918,000Age 20306545 yearsBefore-Tax Account Value at Age 65
PLAN FEATURESVesting ScheduleCompany ContributionsContribution TypesContribution LimitsYou are eligible to participate in the plan if you are at least 21 years old and have completed 60 days of service PlanEligibility
Vesting ScheduleCompany ContributionsContribution TypesYou can contribute:Between 1% and 100% of your pay to your planUp to the IRS limit:$22,500 for 2023Up to an additional $7,500 if you will be age 50 or over by the end of the year and contribute the maximum allowed by your planContribution LimitsPlanEligibility PLAN FEATURES
Vesting ScheduleCompany ContributionsContribution TypesContribution LimitsPlanEligibility PLAN FEATURESYou can make before-taxand/or Roth contributions to the plan
Vesting ScheduleCompany Contribution:Your employer will make an Employer Matching Contribution of 100% on the first 3% of salary deferrals and then 50% on the next 3% of salary deferrals Company ContributionsContribution TypesContribution LimitsPlanEligibility PLAN FEATURES
Vesting ScheduleCompany ContributionsContribution TypesContribution LimitsPlanEligibility PLAN FEATURESCompany Contribution:You are always 100% vestedin the salary deferral portion of your account.You are 100% immediately vested in your Employer Matching Contributions
11RETIREMENT SAVINGS: HOW MUCH SHOULD I HAVE?Assumptions: Benchmarks are based on a target multiple at retirement age and a savings trajectory over time consistent with that target and the savings rate needed to achieve it. Household income grows at 5% until age 45 and 3% (the assumed inflation rate) thereafter. Investment returns before retirement are 7% before taxes, and savings grow tax deferred. The person retires at age 65 and begins withdrawing 4% of assets (a rate intended to support steady inflation-adjusted spending over a 30-year retirement). Ranges are based on individuals or couples with current household income between $75,000 and $250,000. Investor's Age: Savings Benchmarks:30 half of salary saved today35 1x to 1.5x salary saved today40 1.5x to 2.5x salary saved today45 2.5x to 4x salary saved today50 3x to 5.5x salary saved today55 4.5x to 8x salary saved today60 6x to 11x salary saved today65 7x to 13.5x salary saved today15%*SAVE6%Consider increasing contributions by 2% gradually to build toward 15% target*including company matchInvestors should strive to AT LEAST
This is a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only and is not meant to represent the investment return of any of your plan’s options. Assumes a starting salary of $40,000, which increases an average of 3% annually. The assumed initial contribution rate is 6% with a 7% annual return. The example goes further to assume a 2% annual increase with a 15% cap. Your situation will vary. All investments involve risk, including possible loss of principal the performance of any specific investment option. The assumptions used may not reflect actual market conditions or your specific circumstances, and do not account for plan or IRS limits. Please be sure to take all of your assets, income, and investments into consideration in assessing your retirement savings adequacy.ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION INCREASES0200,000400,000600,000800,0001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30$333,432$759,014$No annual increase in contribution rateContribution rate increased by 2% per year
AUTO-INCREASE Automatically increases your payroll deduction each year You choose the amount of the increase and the month you want it to occur
174111FURTHER DETAIL ATrps.troweprice.com Current list of investment options Performance information Morningstar fund fact sheetsPLAN FEATURES: INVESTMENT OPTIONSAge-Based InvestmentsStock Mutual Funds/TrustsBond Mutual FundsMoney Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts
15ASSET ALLOCATIONThe allocations are age-based only. Depending on your risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial situation, you may need to make adjustments. Diversification cannot assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.Stocks Bonds Money Market/Stable Value90%–100%Stocks0%–10%Bonds90%–100%Stocks0%–10%Bonds80%–100%Stocks0%–20%BondsAge:20sAge:30sAge:40s65%-85%Stocks15%-35%Bonds45%-65%Stocks30%-50%Bonds0%-10%Money Market/Stable Value30%-50%Stocks40%-60%Bonds0%-20%Money Market/Stable ValueAge:50sAge:60sAge:70s andover
ASSET ALLOCATION ASSUMPTIONSOur asset allocation models are designed to meet the needs of a hypothetical investor with an assumed age 65 retirement and a withdrawal horizon of 30 years. The model allocations are based upon an analysis that seeks to balance long‐term return potential with anticipated short‐term volatility. The model reflects our view of appropriate levels of tradeoff between potential return and short‐term volatility for investors of certain age ranges. The longer the time frame for investing, the higher the allocation is to stocks (and the higher the volatility) versus bonds or cash. Limitations:While the models have been designed with reasonable assumptions and methods, the tool provides hypothetical models only and has certain limitations. The models do not take into account individual circumstances or preferences, and the model displayed for your age may not align with your accumulation timeframe, withdrawal horizon, or view of the appropriate levels of tradeoff between potential return and short-term volatility. Investing consistent with a model allocation does not protect against losses or guarantee future results.Please be sure to take other assets, income and investments into consideration in reviewing results that do not incorporate that information. Other T. Rowe Price educational tools or advice services use different assumptions and methods and may yield different outcomes.
PLAN FEATURESBeneficiariesLoansWithdrawalsUnder specific circumstances, you have access to your vested account balance
BeneficiariesLoansWithdrawalsYou have the option to borrow from your vested account balancePLAN FEATURES
BeneficiariesWithdrawalsLoansPLAN FEATURESIn the event of your death, your designated beneficiaries will inherit your account
20MONITOR YOUR ACCOUNTLog in wherever you are, whatever your deviceCheck in on your progress toward retirementrps.troweprice.com | 1-800-922-9945Quickly view and access accounts and balancesNote: tips and tools to help you plan for retirement, save for college, pay down debt, and more.
1-800-922-9945rps.troweprice.comT. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc.202210-2558619©2022 T. Rowe Price. All Rights Reserved. T. ROWE PRICE, INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE, and the Bighorn Sheep design are, collectively and/ or apart, trademarks of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. RETIRE WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.
To Plan Sponsors and AttendeesThis presentation should only be used as a visual presentation for T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc., client meetings. This program should not be altered in any manner.To Web Meeting AttendeesFor security reasons, please do not speak or email any personal information during this meeting. For example, you should not give your address, Social Security number, or account information during this web meeting.