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Message T H E B R A N D

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SalonTREND: W h e r e E v e r y d a y L u x u r yM e e t s C u t t i n g - E d g e S t y l eAt SalonTRENDnewyork, luxury isn’t justreserved for special occasions—it’s woveninto the fabric of everyday life. What beganover a decade ago as a small salon fueled byambition has blossomed into an award-winning powerhouse of style and creativity.From the runway of New York Fashion Week tothe shores of Miami Swim Week, and countlesseditorial shoots in between, SalonTREND isredefining what it means to look and feel yourbest.The driving force behind this transformation?Owner and award-winning stylist, SheretteFabi-Parker, whose expertise in craftingmodern, show-stopping looks ensures noclient ever leaves less than dazzled. Whetheryou’re prepping for a glamorous event orsimply treating yourself to a day of self-care,Sherette and her team deliver perfectionevery time.But it’s not just about looking good—it’s aboutgiving your hair the royal treatment itdeserves. Partnering with TRUSS Professional,SalonTRENDnewyork uses only the finestproducts to ensure your hair is not juststyled, but nourished—leaving you with thehealthiest, most luxurious hair possible.At the heart of it all is a commitment toelegance, creativity, and empowerment. Theexpert team at SalonTREND has over 30 yearsof collective experience, and their workspeaks for itself—numerous accolades andindustry recognition back up their reputationfor creating personalized, stunning looks.Inspiring clients to embrace their innerbeauty and express their creativity,SalonTRENDnewyork is more than a salon—it’san experience. So, whether you’re looking torefresh your style or completely reinvent yourlook, this is the place where your best self isalways on the horizon.

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Hair Stylist, salonTREND brand owner, Industry Expert, and Top100 Blondes One Shot finalist, Sherette Fabi-Parker is taking overthe beauty industry with her fierce entrepreneurial spirit andconsistent on TREND knowledge of the industry.You’ve seen her work on runways for New York Fashion Week,Miami Swim Week, and dozens of editorial photoshoots withfashion photographer, Weston Mosberg, but what you may notknow is that she also owns a salon (salonTREND), clothing line(TRENDmodel), and magazine (coming soon!). Sherette isconsistently expanding her knowledge of the industry and newtechniques to provide her clients with hair that is unbelievablygorgeous.Sherette started her career with Regis Corporation, the largest hairsalon chain in the world. Her time with the company helped her tomold her natural ability into a truly unmatched talent. Since hertime there, she has won dozens of awards and worked withcelebrities, politicians, and models alike. With many years ofexperience in the industry, an artistic vision, and persistentambition, salonTREND was born.At the root of all her success, is a woman who shows gratitude forall of her accomplishments every day and manifests exactly whatshe wants. Sherette has created an environment at salonTRENDthat makes those around her feel empowered and beautiful.

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Hair inspoT R E N D B L O N D E S

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Cole, a Masters of Balayage Top 10 winner, hasworked at SalonTREND for over 5 years underowner Sherette. Known for his artistic talent, hespecializes in dimensional color and men'shaircuts. Cole continually enhances his skillsthrough education and observing fellow stylists,gaining recognition on platforms likeBeautyLaunchPad and BeautiFinder. He hasshowcased his work in over 200 runway shows forNew York Fashion Week and Miami Swim Week,even walking the runway himself. Cole aims tobring positivity and beauty to his clients, ensuringthey leave his chair feeling refreshed and amazedby their new hair.

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Hair inspo T R E N D C O P P E R

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Carlie is a skilled hair stylist atSalonTREND, where she gained valuableexperience as a salon coordinator. Shecontinually improves her techniques,which has elevated her natural abilities.Her work has been featured on majorbeauty platforms, and she has competedin the AlfaParf Milano Colorist Of The Yearcontest for two consecutive years.Recently, she joined the TREND hair team,styling models for Miami Swim Week andNew York Fashion Week. Carlie takes pridein making her clients happy, ensuring theyleave with stunning hair that impressesothers.

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SalonTREND- Voted Beauty Launchpad's TOPSALONS OF 2024Sherette Fabi-Parker is a true success story. After a malicious fire destroyedeverything she had worked for, she didn’t give up. Instead, she rebuilt andcreated one of the most in-demand salons in the country. Her incrediblejourney is proof that with determination and passion, you can turn anysetback into a major comeback!From rock bottom, SalonTREND was built from the ground up. Thehardships faced only serve to highlight the incredible significanceof the salon’s success. This story is not just about overcomingadversity—it is a powerful reminder of the strength within us all torise above life’s toughest moments. It stands as an inspiration foranyone facing challenges, showing that perseverance and innerstrength can transform even the most difficult paths into triumphs.Beauty Launchpad asked Sherette,"What is the most challenging thing thathappened while opening your salon?"To which she replied with, "Stayingmotivated while fighting the severedepression and anxiety that came afterthe tragedies I faced. I struggled touphold what I set out to create and feltas though I wasn’t giving my clients theenergy they deserved and the energythat I wanted to provide. I struggled tofind my spark again, but I prevailed! Isurvived rock bottom, and now I amgiving my TRENDmodels™ and my teamexactly the version of me they deserveand more!"

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TREND takes Miami and makes waves atMiami Swim WeekTeam TREND made a significant impact in Miami in July 2022, led by Sherette, whoguided her team through an impressive portfolio of over 220 runway shows during NewYork Fashion Week and Miami Swim Week.During their time in Miami, TREND seized the opportunity to conduct their ownphotoshoot. Taking advantage of the stunning beach scenery, they collaborated withrunway models Kyla and Abryelle at a rooftop pool overlooking South Beach.Watch this photoshoot in live action byscanning the QR code above!

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I came to the realization that I wanted tobuild something that I wasn’t seeing! Ihad been exposed to all of the things Ididn’t want to be and what I did notwant to represent. So, I decided to bewhat I knew I was meant to be, all whileopening a salon that could representeverything I believed in. SalonTREND’s mission statement,(which many other stylists, salons, andbrands have tried to play off of), is“CHANGE. CREATE. INSPIRE.” I wantedto be a business and a brand thatrepresented these words to the fullestextent.Don’t Stop Believing by Journeybecause never giving up is exactlywhat brought me to opening TRENDand leading the business and myteam to success!People will love you until theydon’t! They love to see you do well,just never better than them!NOBODY! Short of my husband, I don’t placeany one person above the next. The real“celebrities” in my eyes are the people that arehelping to save and rescue dogs on the daily. All things 90's!! Blowouts, layers,volume! I love it all! I highly encourageall of my clients to try new things andkeep up with what is new and popular!Even if it's something that is making acomeback again!

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What legacy do you hope to leavebehind in the beauty industry?I hope for my legacy to be that I was apowerful leader and was someone thatencouraged others to be their true,authentic self in everything they do! Inand out for their career. I hope to havepeople remember me as someone thatcreated an environment that was anexperience unlike any other, they'dexperience. Be your own person andbuild up your own brand!What strategies have you found mosteffective in growing your salon in a rapidlychanging market?Never doing what everyone else is! I havealways prided myself and my business on thefact that we are different. From the productswe use to the education we engulf ourselvesin. I have and always will do what peopletend to call "too much".How would you describe the industrytoday vs from when you started?Today, we have hair influencers, who Ifeel are tainting the industry. Theirfollower count matters more than theirtalent level and experience!As powerful as social media is, this isunfortunately becoming the new norm!FOLLOWERS are what people areconcerned about.The industry has moved away fromfocusing on the value of our clients! Thename of the game is getting a clienteleand making that clientele happy.Education also used to be a prestigiousthing to do, and now if a hairstylist has acertain amount of followers, no matterhow expert they are, they put on an“education tour” charging an insaneamount of money to show the one foiltechnique they know how to do. What has been the most pivotal moment in yourcareer that shaped how you approach both yourbusiness and clients today?Saying a lot of "no's" and not worrying about beingthe hairstylist, or person, that everyone needs towant or like! People will love you until they don't.Boundaries are what have played a huge role inkeeping me from getting burnt out.

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At salonTREND, we’re all about more than justgreat hair—though we’ve got that coveredtoo! From fresh cuts to modern colors, ourteam ensures you leave looking fabulous andfeeling confident. But what really sets usapart? We’re a community of beauty with apurpose!Beyond beauty, we’re passionate aboutmaking a difference. Over the years, we’veraised money and supplies for multiple dogrescue programs, helping furry friends inneed. Whether it’s organizing supply drives ordonating a portion of our proceeds, we loveusing our space to give back.So, come for the glam, stay for the good vibes.At salonTREND, you’re not just getting a newlook—you’re part of a movement that’s allabout beauty, community, and compassion!More than just a salon& more than just hairstylists

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T R E N D g i v e s b a c k

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One of our beautiful TRENDmodels, Lyndsey, modeling herfresh TREND blonde done by Sherette!Sherette has been doing hair for over 20 years and has always had astrong love and passion for creating all colors, but especiallyblondes!Her skill set and the specific regimen formulated for eachTRENDmodel is what sets apart the quality of TREND blondes!

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“The Kat”Sherette’s modern dayrendition of the 90’s bob.Watch how she creates thisnow viral haircut!T R E N D b l o w o u tCole takes us step bystep on how to createthis at home!T R E N D c u r l sCarlie shows howshe creates thesebeachy waves!s t y l e ss c a n t h e QR c o d e s t o w a tc h e a c h s t y l e c o m e t o l i f e

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T H E M A K I N G O FT R E N DSherette’s journey in the beauty industry began in 1994 when she started as a receptionist at CostCutters. By 1996, she had become a licensed stylist and began cutting hair. A year later, in 1997,Sherette opened a brand-new Cost Cutters location. By 1999, she had turned it into one of the topsalons in the U.S., earning the prestigious title of Manager of the Year at just 20 years old.In 2000, while continuing to lease and expand her business, Sherette also became an educatorfor Paul Mitchell and American Crew under Regis Corporation.By 2002, Sherette felt that she had reached the peak of her growth at Cost Cutters anddecided it was time to venture out on her own. On February 14, 2002, in typical Sherettefashion, she opened her very own salon that same day—starting small in the back of a carlot. Her clientele quickly grew, and success followed suit.In 2008, Sherette purchased the property where her salon was located. During this time,she also became a caregiver to both her mother and mother-in-law. She lost her mom in2010 and her mother-in-law in 2012. By the end of 2012, Sherette had become a burnt-out,complacent stylist, struggling with boundaries and feeling disconnected from the creativeenergy that had once fueled her. She even considered leaving the industry altogether.In 2013, after a devastating fire at her salon, Sherette decided to work at a friend’s salon,hoping to rebuild, embrace change, and reconnect with her passion. However, after just 10months, the hostile and degrading work environment pushed her to leave. In May of 2014,Sherette launched TREND, her own salon.(photo of damage from Sherette’s salon fire)

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Now, celebrating 10 years of SalonTREND, it’s hard not to look back onall she has risen from, and what she continues to rise from daily. All withthe endless love, support and guidance of her husband,Lynn.Looking back, it felt like her life was on repeat, similar to the lessons shehad learned back in 1999 when she first began building businesses.Armed with experience, resilience, and the lessons learned frombetrayal, Sherette was ready to forge ahead. TREND quickly took shapefrom the ground up, with the name inspired by a dream and the motto“Change, Create, Inspire”—words that symbolized healing, newbeginnings, and the future. These guiding principles became thefoundation upon which TREND was built.

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The results we achieve speak for themselves!This is your chance to share inspiration photos and ask any questions you might have.Our artists prioritize your hair's health and will never proceed with any processes that couldrisk damage. We take pride in our dedication to hair care. Through ongoing education andresearch, we stay informed about the products we use during your appointment and thoseyou can use at home.At salonTREND, we understand that a successful appointment starts with a thoroughconsultation. During this session, the TRENDmodel and stylist will discuss your hair goals andidentify the best products to achieve them.What makes our consultations unique is our genuine commitment to your hair's health. We notonly focus on your aspirations but also review your hair history and assess its condition whilelistening to your preferences.Why does TREND approach the consultation with suchseriousness?

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TREND’s f a v t i p s f o r a c h i e v i n g y o u r h e a l t h i e s t h a i rNEVER sleep with wet hair! Did you know that your hair is the most delicate when it is wet? Sleeping with wet hair cancause breakage, frizz, and in some cases will actually cause mildew!ALWAYS use heat protectant! Even when blow drying your hair, heat can cause damage over time. Using heat tools without usingproper heat protection will also cause fading in your color! Ask your TREND stylist what hearprotectant they recommend for you! Do you notice your color getting dull and your hair becoming dry? You may have hard water!Having hard water can be very frustrating and damaging to your hair. Don’t worry—TREND has ananswer! We offer a wide variety of detoxifying and clarifying treatments in the salon, as well asshampoos you can continue to use at home to combat this water issue. We also strongly recommendthat all our TREND models install shower head filters!Slick back buns are all the rage right now, but here is why you might want to limit how often you aredoing them! Tension on your hair will cause breakage and can even result in thinning at your hairline!Wearing a tight style with wet hair and/or while wearing a hair mask will result in even more damagethan wearing it while your hair is dry! Remember, hair is the most delicate while it is wet, so wearing atight style with wet hair will just accelerate the amount of damage that will be left!Combating Hard Water!LAY OFF THE SLICK BACK STYLES!

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“I wasn't looking for a change, but somehow, I found Sherette's Instagram page and couldn't stopscrolling.It wasn't just the beautiful hairstyles that pulled me in. It was her knowledge base for teaching when andhow to use certain hair products. It was her passion for debunking hair myths with facts. THEN, it was hercommitment to personal & professional growth. She is a visionary who wants to transform the ordinaryinto an extraordinary experience. The team at Salon TREND is in sync with each other being the bestthey can be and bringing their clients to a new level of style, color, and hair health. My hair has never feltmore alive and I leave each appointment feeling personally empowered by their skills and spirit.Binghamton needs this type of energy and artistic ability. Bravo Salon TREND.”“I just wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the amazing work you've done withmy hair. To say you’ve transformed it would be an understatement. I can’t remember the last time I feltthis confident about my hair, and I owe it all to you and your team.Before coming to your salon, I was so lost. I had tried countless products and worked with many stylists,but no one seemed to truly understand my hair and what it had been through. I’d leave with a temporaryfixes—blowouts that lasted for 48 hours before my hair would return to its damaged, lifeless state. I hadlost all confidence in my hair and was honestly embarrassed by its condition when I walked into yoursalon. But the moment I stepped through your doors, you and your team greeted me with warmth andpositivity, telling me, "You look beautiful." It was such a relief and made me feel at ease for the first timein a long while.I’ll never forget the consultation, where you looked at my hair and said, “We can fix this.” You didn’t justthrow products at me and hope for the best. You took the time to explain exactly what my hair neededand guided me through how to use the products properly—something no one had ever done before. Youmade sure I had a plan in place, and that made all the difference. Instead of another quick fix, I feltempowered and confident that my hair would be well cared for.I understand that the process took time, but the results are undeniable. The quality of my hair and thecare I’ve received has been beyond worth the investment. Now, when I step into shoots and events, Iwalk in with real confidence, knowing my hair is in the best possible condition.Thank you again for everything, for being not only a talented stylist but also for your genuine kindnessand dedication to my hair’s health and beauty. I truly feel like a new person, and I couldn’t have done itwithout you and your team.”

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“ I f y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a h i g h - e n d s a l o n e x p e r i e n c e , y o u M U S Tc o m e t o T r e n d S a l o n ! A b s o l u t e l y m a d e m e f a l l i n l o v e w i t h m yh a i r a g a i n ! 5 G o l d S t a r s ! ! ”“ F u l l o f d o w n t o e a r t h p e o p l e . C a r e b o t h a b o u t t h e h a i r a n dt h e c l i e n t . B e e n g o i n g h e r e f o r y e a r s a n d h a v e a l w a y s l e f tw i t h t h e h a i r o f m y d r e a m s . I c a n n o t s a y e n o u g h g o o d t h i n g sa b o u t t h e w h o l e s a l o n . ”“ I s e a r c h e d f o r y e a r s f o r s o m e o n e t o c a r e a b o u t m y h a i r a sm u c h a s l d o . W h e n I f o u n d T r e n d I k n e w I f o u n d w h a t I w a sl o o k i n g f o r ! ! C o l e e x c e e d s m y e x p e c t a t i o n s a n d l e a v e s m e w i t hn o t h i n g s h o r t o f p e r f e c t i o n e v e r y s i n g l e t i m e . ”“ T h e B E S T m y h a i r h a s e v e r l o o k e d ! I g e t s o m a n y c o m p l i m e n t st h a n k s t o C a r l i e a n d h e r t a l e n t ! O n e t h i n g t h a t I l o v e i s h o w e a c hs t y l i s t w o r k s t o g e t h e r a n d w a n t s t h e b e s t f o r t h e c l i e n t ! T h e y a r ea l l e x t r e m e l y k n o w l e d g e a b l e w i t h k n o w i n g w h a t ' s b e s t f o r y o u h a i ra n d t h e p r o p e r w a y t o t a k e c a r e o f i t . I t ' s a p o s i t i v e v i b e s a l o n a n dt h e b e s t t h i n g i s y o u w a l k o u t f e e l i n g l i k e a R O C K S T A R ! ! ! ”

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T R E N D t a k e a w a yAt TREND, we invite you to embrace the exhilarating journey of following your heart. When youstand firm in your beliefs and pour your heart and positive energy into everything you do, youopen the door to a world of blessings and possibilities.At TREND, we have proven that we are your daily reminder toTogether, let’s celebrate the incredible journey of becoming your best self! The world is waitingfor your unique light to shine. Keep pushing forward with heart and hope and watch as yourdreams unfold before you.Remember, true growth is born from CHANGE. It’s through transformation that you re-CREATEyour life at every level. Each shift you experience propels you into new chapters that will INSPIREyou, uplift you, and ignite your passion.Along your path, you may encounter moments when others doubt you, telling you that “youcan’t.” But let those words fuel you! Recognize that their doubts are simply signs that you areevolving, that you are stepping into your power, and that your growth is stirring the status quo.You are breaking free from the limitations that bind others, and that can make them uncomfortable.

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