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TruDOSE-The Healing Cascade

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THE HEALING CASCADEThe body repairs every tissue in the body in a sequential order of events called the healing cascade, which can be understood as 5 sequential events your body undergoes to heal any injury in the body – from a paper cut to a traumatic brain injury.

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THE HEALING CASCADEThe importance of your platelets At the heart of the TruDOSETM therapy there contains a dose specific concentration of your body’s platelets. Platelets can be compared to drones1 circulating in the blood stream continuously searching for two things…

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1. Repair needs2. ThreatsWhen your platelet encounters a repair need, it activates the healing cascade.1Li et al. 2017. Platelets as autonomous drones for hemostatic and immune surveillanceMature Platelet @SEMMagnification x 5,335 Click To View Study

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THE HEALING CASCADEThe importance of your platelets Not only do platelets initiate and actively participate within the healing cascade, they govern the sequential events to ensure the entire process can be completed under time sensitive constraints.

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PHASE ONEHEMOSTASISThere is an injuryCirculating platelets identify an injury and activate the 5 steps of repair

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Identifying InjuryWhen tissues and cells become injured, they release information molecules into the bloodstream called DAMPs. In a sense, DAMPs are like an injury status report.• What caused the injury• Extent of the injury• What’s needed to fix the injuryHELP!

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Identifying InjuryPlatelets posses antennas that are continually looking out for these DAMP reports. When the platelet intercepts this report, it immediately initiates the healing cascade while simultaneously signaling your bone marrow to start making platelets equipped with all of the repair packages needed for this individual repair.HELP!

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PHASE TWOThis is where the platelet calls in the body’s immune cells.INFLAMMATIONInflammation

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InflammationConsidering the platelet has intimate knowledge of the injury site, it is capable of signaling to the immune system the quantity and type of immune cells needed for Step Two. Furthermore, the platelet manages the activity of these immune cells like a general contractor on a job site. Upon arrival, the platelet delivers execution, as well as, an order of sequence instructions to the immune cells to facilitate repair efficiency. Without the platelet’s involvement, these inflammatory cells would be lost and execute their individual part in the wrong order.

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PHASE THREEThis is where the platelet actively involves itself within the process to create new blood vessels.GRANULATION& ANGIOGENESISNew blood vesselsare created

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Blood Vessel FormationPlatelets are the only cell that contain the specific growth factors that give rise to new blood vessels. The important point to realize is stem cells cannot reach damage tissue. Blood vessels are like water channels leading to an ocean. If there are no channels there is no access. If there are no blood vessels; oxygen, nutrients, and tissue repair “stem cells” have no way of accessing the injured tissue.

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PHASE FOURThis is where the platelet summons the stem cells to begin turning itself into new tissue.REEPITHELIALIZATIONBeginning stages oftissue re-modeling

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Tissue Repair/GranulationThis stage is known as biomass replacement. Every organ and tissue has an optimum number of dierentiated cell types needed for healthy organ function. Damage, injury, infection, or toxin exposure results in lost cells that must be replaced. Once the insult has been addressed, cells must be replaced to restore organ function. Following the creation of new blood vessels, the platelet summons stem cells to come and replace the lost biomass.

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PHASE FIVEInjured tissue completes its’ repair and exits out of the healing cascadeTISSUE REMODELINGFinal stages oftissue re-modeling

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Final TissueRemodelingThe final stage of remodeling can be seen as: • Older cells continually dividing into new cells• Older cells pass along instructions, metabolic memories, and programming to the new cells from before the time of the injury and activation of the Healing Cascade.• Complete biomass tissue replacement is completed with cells.

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• Healing continues as instructions and materials are passed along from older, neighboring cells carrying metabolic memories and programming from before the time of the tissue injury that initially activated the Healing Cascade.• Cells, allocated by the body, are returned to back to their original areas and consider their involvement complete.Final TissueRemodeling

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What happens when the healing cascade doesn’t go as planned? What happens if the tissue isn’t fully repaired by Stage 5?

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The Healing Cascade is a time sensitive order of events. Simply, the body cannot allocate resources for repair indefinitely and so it must establish a time clock when it will return these resources back to their original areas. Hopefully the damaged tissue has been fully repaired by this time point whereby it resumes normal function. However, if the tissue has not been fully repaired by this time point, then it is left to complete its final repairs without the body’s help. Becoming Chronic12354

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Becoming Chronicafter Archambault et al. 1995; Arnocrky et al. 2007YESNO

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Becoming ChronicYESNOWhen we are younger, our tissues carry a reservoir of cells they can use to complete repairs but this reservoir becomes depleted as we age. When the tissue cannot complete repairs, it continually signals help from the body to which no help is provided. This leaves the damaged tissue in a continuous vicious cycle of continually trying to fix itself.

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If your condition of pain exceeds past 90 days, then you are officially, and clinically, living with a chronic condition stuck in a negative feedback loop of inflammation. Simply, the damaged tissue is unable to complete its repairs and continually signals the body for help. Immune cells continually arrive, but are not guided by the platelet. Thus, a continuous cycle of painful inflammation ensues.CHRONICINFLAMMATION INFLAMMATIONHEMOSTASISGRANULATION& ANGIOGENESISREEPITHELIALIZATIONTISSUE REMODELING

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Most people only seek “stem cell” treatments when all other treatments have failed and as the last resort. When you get a stem cell injection and have any chronic condition, that is essentially skipping steps 1,2, and 3 of the healing cascade and going right to step 4. Not only does this ignore the body’s innate order of healing itself but if there are no vascular highways reestablished to the injured tissue. Thus, amount of stem cells can ever make it if vascular highways are not present.CHRONICINFLAMMATION INFLAMMATIONHEMOSTASISGRANULATION& ANGIOGENESISREEPITHELIALIZATIONTISSUE REMODELING

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The TruDOSE™ platelet therapy differs because it supplies the one thing responsible for reinitiating the body’s natural order of events to begin – the platelet. It’s a tailored therapy containing a dose specific/ high concentration of your body’s platelets and restarts the healing cascade process.CHRONICINFLAMMATION HEMOSTASISGRANULATION& ANGIOGENESISREEPITHELIALIZATIONTISSUE REMODELINGINFLAMMATION

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