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Travel Brochure

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CHARLOTTEINVITES YOU TOGet on a local boat cruise along thecelebrated splendor and majesticIngoude River and witness thespectacular sunset, as well as anunrivaled riverside vantage point.THE SUNSET CHASINGRIVER CRUISEENJOY YOURADVENTUREWITH USFradel and Spies Travel Agent123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345123-456-7890

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THE INGOUDE SUNSET RIVERCRUISE ADVENTUREINGOUDE AT GLIMPSEIngoude has been one of theincreasingly touristy destinations thatattract large hordes of enquiring andathirst travelers.This place offers the center forexperiencing the local nature andculture. Not to mention the grandIngoude River with its mystical views.Enjoy a slow-paced and tranquil 2-levelor 2-deck longboat cruise, equippedwith some seats for a sunset huntingtrip.It is usually a 2-hour adventure alongthe majestic Ingoude Riverfor adults) $ 15.00 (for children)Daily operation4:15pm to 5:45pm (dependingon the season)#2 | INGOUDE FAMILYSUNSET RIVER CRUISEAdult only+ 1 complimentarydrinkDaily operation4:30pm – 6:30pm#1 | INGOUDE ROYALRIVER CRUISE$ 25.00$ 25.00

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THE INGOUDE SUNSET RIVERCRUISE ADVENTUREINGOUDE AT GLIMPSEIngoude has been one of theincreasingly touristy destinations thatattract large hordes of enquiring andathirst travelers.This place offers the center forexperiencing the local nature andculture. Not to mention the grandIngoude River with its mystical views.Enjoy a slow-paced and tranquil 2-levelor 2-deck longboat cruise, equippedwith some seats for a sunset huntingtrip.It is usually a 2-hour adventure alongthe majestic Ingoude Riverfor adults) $ 15.00 (for children)Daily operation4:15pm to 5:45pm (dependingon the season)#2 | INGOUDE FAMILYSUNSET RIVER CRUISEAdult only+ 1 complimentarydrinkDaily operation4:30pm – 6:30pm#1 | INGOUDE ROYALRIVER CRUISE$ 25.00$ 25.00

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THE INGOUDE SUNSET RIVERCRUISE ADVENTUREINGOUDE AT GLIMPSEIngoude has been one of theincreasingly touristy destinations thatattract large hordes of enquiring andathirst travelers.This place offers the center forexperiencing the local nature andculture. Not to mention the grandIngoude River with its mystical views.Enjoy a slow-paced and tranquil 2-levelor 2-deck longboat cruise, equippedwith some seats for a sunset huntingtrip.It is usually a 2-hour adventure alongthe majestic Ingoude Riverfor adults) $ 15.00 (for children)Daily operation4:15pm to 5:45pm (dependingon the season)#2 | INGOUDE FAMILYSUNSET RIVER CRUISEAdult only+ 1 complimentarydrinkDaily operation4:30pm – 6:30pm#1 | INGOUDE ROYALRIVER CRUISE$ 25.00$ 25.00

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CHARLOTTEINVITES YOU TOGet on a local boat cruise along thecelebrated splendor and majesticIngoude River and witness thespectacular sunset, as well as anunrivaled riverside vantage point.THE SUNSET CHASINGRIVER CRUISEENJOY YOURADVENTUREWITH USFradel and Spies Travel Agent123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345123-456-7890

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CHARLOTTEINVITES YOU TOGet on a local boat cruise along thecelebrated splendor and majesticIngoude River and witness thespectacular sunset, as well as anunrivaled riverside vantage point.THE SUNSET CHASINGRIVER CRUISEENJOY YOURADVENTUREWITH USFradel and Spies Travel Agent123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345123-456-7890