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Travel from Tampa is a project by the ESL Class 2023-2024, McDill AFB Tampa, FL (USA).Contents: Alexandra Freudenreich, Aude Gau, Celine Lepain, Charlotte Hilmann,Cristina Simancas, Dominika Nepelska, Floriana Dalalau, Jana Bednarcikova, MagdalenaMroz, Maria del Mar Ferre, Silvia Russo, Simona Arpaia, Soile Alamaki.Design and layout: Simona ArpaiaProof reading: Charlotte HillmannGraphical check: Haeyeong JangApril 2024

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You are spending some time in the United State. Maybe you don’t know anyone, or youdon’t feel too confident with your English and you don’t know where to start to get thebest from this experience. Welcome on board! We were at the same page!But we had the chance to meet each other, and little by little the new comers becamepart of this international community while some other members moved for differentdestinations.Being part of this group is amazing, for many reasons: it gave us social connections anduseful advices for the everyday life (from the orthodontics to the beauty salon!), itintroduced us to many US traditions and made us understand better many US ways oflife (thanks to our precious Charlotte!).Travel tips either for short or long trips are one of the most valuable advices we usuallyshare: ideas for destinations or experiences, travel with kids, travel as a couple, travel inmotorbike or do a classic US roadtrip...Our different perspective in discovering the USA from different countries, backgroundand tastes is a treasure. Weather you are planning a day outing nearby or a longvacation far away, in this book you might find inspiration for your next trip from ourexperiences.We made every effort to ensure accuracy of the information in this guide as of presstime. However be aware that there might be changes in some things we suggested. WELCOME TO THE USAGet a glimpse of the USA through the eyes of an expat

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ABOUT US..............................................................................................3TRAVEL IN THE USA..............................................................................6FLORIDA.................................................................................................9GEORGIA..............................................................................................30SOUTH CAROLINA..............................................................................32NORTH CAROLINA..............................................................................34LOUSIANA............................................................................................36KENTUCKY...........................................................................................40TENNESSEE..........................................................................................42District of Columbia............................................................................44TEXAS...................................................................................................48NEW YORK...........................................................................................52ILLINOIS...............................................................................................56 MASSACHUSSETS................................................................................58MAINE..................................................................................................60ARIZONA..............................................................................................62UTAH....................................................................................................67NEVADA................................................................................................71CALIFORNIA.........................................................................................74INDEX OF DESTINATIONS..................................................................79TABLE OF CONTENTSOverview of the contents of this guide

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Simona, Italy simona.arpaia@gmail.comI have been several times in the USA, but this is the first time living herefor almost 1 year. It has been a fantastic chance to explore this part of theworld: the nature here it’s wild and amazing! I said “WOW” when I saw theLower Antelope Canyon (AZ) and the Giant Sequoias (CA).Celine, France “Having the chance to enjoy for 3 years a mutation in the sun of Florida”that’s how I see this parenthesis in my life. I hope to be able to discoverthe natural and also artistic beauties present on the American continent.And have fun with the wonderful people I can meet in Tampa Bay!Aude, France audegau@gmail.comWe are having an extraordinary family experience in Tampa for 3 years,with a little boy and 2 teenagers. We have always loved to travel andexplore, meet the locals, marvel at the nature, admire the architecture, tastetypical dishes, learn about the culture. It’s an experience of all the senses.Charlotte, USA aa@xxx.comI am from the United States. I have been teaching English for a very longtime and I am a volunteer teacher for the CENTCOM Family Center. Maria, Spain marferre00@hotmail.comI'm María, from Spain. It's our first time living outside of Spain. I have 3children of 11,10 and 7 years old. We want to enjoy this great adventure.Traveling, spending time in the countryside or enjoying nature is what welike the most. ABOUT US- 3 -These are us, from different parts of the world. Nice to meet you!

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Silvia, Italy russosilvia@yahoo.itI received a wonderful gift last year: I have been 6 months in Tampa Bayand I travelled to Washington DC, New York City, Florida Keys, Chicago, andNiagara Falls. Each place was amazing for a particular beauty. If I can Iwould return back immediately: but other 6 months would not be enough!Soile, Finland soile.alamaki@hotellialexander.fiThis was my first time in the USA and I fell in love with Tampa almostimmediately: the beauty, the cleanliness and, of course, the extremely hotweather were my first impressions. I discovered the town by foot and Iwalked along the Riverwalk and Bayshore Bvd over 100k in one month! Magda, Poland magdalena.mroz5@gmail.comMe and my family are living abroad for the 2nd time. First, we spent 3 yearsin London, UK, now our 3-year stay in Tampa, USA, is coming to an end. Ihave 2 teenagers: 17 and 13. We love traveling and discovering new places.The longest road trip in the USA is still ahead of us: West Coast, here we go!!Alex, Germany a_freudenreich@yahoo.comWe are incredibly lucky to live in the sunshine Florida for 4 years. Leavingfamily and friends behind was hard, but the adventure of America, enjoyingthe palm trees, the sun, the beaches and the American way of life make ushappy. We love our life and friends here, and enjoying this opportunity too!!Floriana, Romania d.floriana@yahoo.comWhen my family and I decided to come to Tampa, we didn't know what itwould be like here. Now I see Tampa as my home! Life here brought usmany opportunities and we made new friends that we will keep for ever.Every day I'm glad for this experience: it is wonderful for me and my family. ABOUT US- 4 -

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ABOUT US- 5 -Cristina, Spain tampa2373@gmail.comLiving in Tampa Bay can be great, however, distance from home mightcreate occasional difficulties. Being open minded and actively engaged withthe international community can help you overcome these hurdles. I hopeyou find happiness and exciting new adventures during your time here!Jana, Slovakia jbednarcikova15@gmail.comFor my family these 4 years in Tampa are our second stay in the US.Previously we spent a year in Kansas. We are passionate travelers and wehave visited many interesting places in 26 States, plus the Caribbean andsome countries in South America!Dominika, Poland szogunika2014@gmail.comLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minimveniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eacommodo consequat. Haeyeong, South Korea aa@xxx.comLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minimveniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eacommodo consequat.

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TRAVEL INTHE USAExploring Yosemite National Park - Simona

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GENERAL INFOThese tips might be useful for different type of travelsSimona, Italy - In the USA many places(restaurants, bars, museums, parks...)offer a discount or waivers for activeduty military: most of the time it is justa matter of ask and show the CAC.Throughout the year there are alsosome periods in which many facilitiesprovide special offers for militaryfamilies (for instance the Blue StarProgram from Memorial Day -lastweekend in May- until Labor Day -1stMonday in September-. Check it out Be aware that notall facilities offer waivers to ForeignMilitary.Maria, Spain - Some companies (likeAnheuser-Busch, producer ofBudweiser beer) offer once per year afree entrance ticket for active dutymilitary plus up to 3 familymembers or friends. With thisprogram you can enter for free inmany parks like, for instance, Busch Gardens in Tampa or Sea Worldin Orlando.To access this procedure the activeduty military has first to register and then check theinfo of the parks you are interest to.There are also other type of discounts.MILITARY DISCOUNT- 7 -Simona, Italy - In the BX Mall (MacDillAFB Building 926) there is a Tickets &Travel office that offers discountedtickets for many local events (such assport games, concerts...) andattractions (like theme parks, zoos,museums...).S imona, Italy - Some flying companiesoffer waivers for active duty USMilitary, however in somecircumstances this applies also toForeign Military who are temporaryserving in the US. In our group we havehad different experiences: for some ofus it worked, for others not. You cantry. These are the information weknow so far:Frontier, Spirit, and Delta provide 2free checked bags and a free carryon. Check on the flying companywebsite how to apply for this benefit:in some flights the active dutypassenger has to present the CAC atcheck in; in some others he/she has touse the when booking on line.This baggage waiver does not extendto family members or travelingcompanions.

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GENERAL INFO- 8 -Simona, Italy - Travel the US in a roadtrip is a classic. In some highways youmight find a lane marked as only HOVit means only High OccupancyVehicles: you can drive in that laneonly if in your vehicle are at least 2people.Simona, Italy - If you rent a car for yourtrip make sure that it fits your need.For instance if you book a compact carat the San Francisco Airport be awarethat for this size they only rent ElectricVehicols. Since this was not suitablefor our trip we had to switch to abigger car and pay more (and thencomplain with the company we usedfor the booking -the app Carla- andget a refund).Simona, Italy - It might sounds a weirdsuggestion, but if you’re travellingthrough Texas, Alabama, Georgia,Florida, South Carolina, and Kentuckydon’t miss a stop at Buc-ee’s. ThisTexan chain is not just a gas station, itis one of a kind experience! And theyclaim to have the cleanest restroomsin America. I don’t know if it’s true butthey are the cleanest I have found onhighways so far!ROAD TRIP Silvia, Italy - If you plan to visit populardestinations (like for example theStatue of Liberty in New York City) itcould be smart to book your ticket inadvance because you might risk not tofind a spot when you get there!RESERVATIONSimona, Italy - When you visit an USNational Park (like Yosemite Park,Bryce Canyon, Death Valley...) theremight be a fee per car which is usuallyaround 35$. If you plan to travel atleast 3 parks in a year check out America the Beautiful: it is an annualpass that covers the entrance fee inmany places. Its price is 80$, but thereare discounts for some type of visitors(for US Military it is free; sometimesthey apply this benefit to ForeignMilitary too).You can get it in person or order it online: FEE

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FLORIDAKayaking in Lettuce Park - Aude

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TAMPA BAYCristina, Spain - During the year the MacDill AFB organize several events for everybody: kids, families, adults.Follow its Facebook page to know allthe events happening in the base:’S GOING ON?- 10 -Nearby Tampa, ideal for day or half-day outingsSimona, Italy - Go to Ybor City is amust when you are in Tampa. One ofthe best way to get there is the TecoStreetcar from downtown. It is freeand operates daily every 15 minutesfrom early morning to late night. It isreally a viable transportation choice.Magda, Poland - St.Petersburg isalways a good destination for a oneday trip with kids, friends or guests. Weusually drive there by car (around 20-25 minutes) or a nice option is takingthe Cross-Bay-Ferry. It takes about 55minutes, but if you want to choose thisoption it is always better to booktickets online in advance.TRANSPORTSalt Shack on the Bay - SoileSimona, Italy - For a refreshing localhandmade ice pop made of fresh fruitgo to The Hyppo in Hyde Park, Tampa.Through the Florida there are alsoother locations of this ice pop maker.EATSimona, Italy - If you are in a summerbeach mood (also in winter time) I cansuggest you to have dinner either atSalt Shack on the Bay in Tampa or atThe Getaway in St. Petersburg. Theyare on the opposite sides of the GandyBridge, both on the bay and with areggae atmosphere.Floriana, Romania - Ybor City is knownalso for the good restaurants: if youwant to eat a Cuban sandwich go tothe Columbia restaurant; if you wantsomething Italian I recommend CasaSanto Stefano and Bernini of Ybor; ifyou want something Greek tryAcropolis Greek Taverna.

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Simona, Italy - Mazzaro’s ItalianMarket in St. Pete saved me when Imissed too much biscotti, panettoneand Italian bread and cheese! Ofcourse they don’t have everything butenough to feed my family homesick.Charlotte, USA - Kayaking withmanatees during the cold wintermonths is just a 15 minute car driveaway: simply drive across the GandyBridge to St Petersburg, and you’ll findUrban Kai kayak rentals( Manatees cannottolerate the cold so when thetemperatures drop, the water getscold. There’s a power plant in this areawhere warm water flows from. Thiswarm water attracts the manatee soit’s possible to see as many as 20manatee depending on month.December-February are the besttime of the year.SEE & DOTAMPA BAY- 11 -Floriana, Romania - If you are fromEurope, I recommend these Europeanstores in St. Pete: Mazzaro ItalianMarket for Italian food, Marko'sMeat&Deli and Kallina's Caffe forEastern European food (for countrieslike Poland, Romania, Bulgaria,Slovakia, Lithuania and Hungary).Floriana, Romania - If you want to buyvegetables, fruit, meat, and cheesedirectly from the producers you cango to Plant City Farm & Flea Market.Simona, Italy - Tarpon Spring is theGreek enclave in the US: here thepresence of Greek Americans isstronger than any other US city. Thatsaid, a stop at the small NationalBakery on 451 Athens St. will give youthe chance to get bread, pastries,cheese and other delicacies not onlyGreek, but more generallyMediterranean style.SPECIAL GROCERYFloriana, Romania - If you want a goodice cream in the area look upYogurtology.Magda, Poland - Our favorite place tohave a lunch or dinner with family andfriends is Salt Shack. Located by OldTampa Bay this place has an amazingatmosphere, delicious food and drinksand also live music on weekends.Meeting a manatee - Charlotte

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TAMPA BAY- 12 -Floriana, Romania - Ybor City is acharming little town, full of history,founded by Cuban, Italian and Spanishemigrants, known in the past as theCigar Capital of the World.One of the most visited areas there isthe 7th Avenue. In Ybor you will meetchickens and roosters on the streetand on the terraces of restaurants,they are protected by law and livepeacefully here.Classic Ybor - SimonaSimona, Italy - Chickens are allowed toroam freely throughout Ybor City. They are living memorials to the foundingand early days of this area of Tampa.You will meet the largest groups ofroosters and hens in Centennial Park,but it’s easy to meet them in all Ybor. Floriana, Romania - In Ybor you can visitthe El Reloj cigar factory, you can alsoopt for a class where you can learn tomake cigars and you can test them!Simona, Italy - J.C. Newman CigarCompany is the oldest family-ownedcigar maker in A merica. They rollpremium cigars both by hand and byhand-operated antique machines. Aguided tour there is a really interestingexperience.Magda, Poland - I love Ybor City, a veryCuban neighborhood with rich history.It has an easy access by car (manyparking lots in Ybor City Area) or byfree streetcar from Downtown Tampa.In this part of the city there are manyfestivals, parades, flea markets,concerts. We also visited J.C. NewmanCigar Factory and we had a fantasticguide. It is better to book the visitonline because it’s often sold out.Floriana, Romania - An interestingactivity in Ybor is pottery: go to DRIPYBOR, here you can make your ownclay or mosaic souvenirs.Floriana, Romania - I found interestingthe Mafia tour of Ybor City. Through ityou will discover where the mafia metfor gambling, the secret alleys wherethe mafia hid and where they had theircourt.

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TAMPA BAY- 13 -Floriana, Romania - I like Floridasprings a lot: my favorites are CrystalRiver, Weeki Wachee Spring, 3 SisterSprings, 7 Sisters Springs but the bestis Chassahowitzka River. I like it therebecause you can rent a boat for up to5 people and you can go with thewhole family together and find areaswhere you can swim!Celine, France - Weedon IslandPreserve in St Petersburg is a nicepreserved area where you can visit theCultural and Natural History Centerwhen you have guests and have apleasant walk on the boardwalk. Butfor me, this area is perfect for akayak trip: a numbered circuit allowsyou to discover birds, fish, crabs anddolphins passing through.Simona, Italy - The Sunken Gardens inSt Petersburg are a botanical gardenestablished in 1911. On Groupon youcan often find good deals to purchasean open ticket to visit this peacefulplace. Be aware that it may be closeddue to inclement weather.Magda, Poland - The Florida Aquariumis a beautiful place to learn aboutFloridian fauna and flora with a part ofmangrove forest in the middle. It is notso big place so after we visitedAmerican Victory Ship & Museumand then we went for a lunch inSparkman Wharf a nice place builtfrom ship containers with many barsand restaurants. After we went for awalk along Hillsborough River on thefamous Tampa Riverwalk.Simona, Italy - Tampa Theater issomething unique! You can go thereand enjoy an event (a box-office movie,a live show, a premiere during theGasparilla Film Festival in March, or asilent movie accompanied by anorgan!), but I suggest you to enterthere for the first time through aguided tour. I think it is better like thisbecause there are some weird thingsinside and a guide can can give you allthe answers as soon as you are curiousby what you see. I found it sofascinating and kitsch at the sametime. It was really really interesting.Weedon Island - Magda

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TAMPA BAY- 14 -Simona, Italy - Phoebe is the iconicpink flamingo located at the thirdfloor of the main terminal in TampaInternational Airport. This artinstallation, which is 21-foot-tall, wasplaced in 2022 and has been a hugehit since then.Phoebe - CelineGasparilla invasion - CelineMaria, Spain - Gasparilla is a streetparty held the last Saturday of January.It is the day the pirates land inTampa and take over the city. Afterthere is a joyous parade of floats allalong the Bayshore.You can enjoy the party by renting aboat (also on base at the Marina) andfollow the pirate ship with a crowd ofother boats. Another option is to watch the arrivalof the ship by land from any point onDavis Island, Convention Center area,or part of the Bayshore and thenwatch the parade.Consider that it is very crowd andthat for eating and drinking the pricesare quite expensive. If it is a sunny daydon’t forget to take with you waterand a hat.Usually there is a 2 hours marginbetween the arrival of the pirate shipto downtown and the beginning of theparade, which lasts other 2 hours atleast.Magda, Poland - In St.Petersburgthere is plenty of museums,restaurants, cafés and walking areas.My favorite museums are: The Dali,Imagine Museum, The James Museumof Western & Wildlife Art and Museumof Fine Arts. On Saturdays in thedowntown takes place the morningmarket. Also many festivals, exhibits,concerts and events are organized inthis city.

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TAMPA BAY- 15 -Simona, Italy - On Ana Maria Island Ilike Coquina Beach the white sandbeach is long and quite deep, andbehind it is a forest with tables andother facilities, as changing rooms,showers and a small cafè. There isplenty of free parking.Maria, Spain - One of the most popularand unique experiences you can havein Venice Beach, is hunting for sharkteeth! To find them, you need a sieveor sifter and the best time is after astorm. People say that if you find oneit will give you good luck! Parking isfree and you can enjoy a wonderfulsunset on the pier or sitting in therestaurant.Celine, Spain - To me, the best beach inTampa Bay is Fort de Soto: it’s a realpreserved area with 11km of beaches.I prefer the North Beach with its finesand. You can rent bikes and kayaks,you can fish and there are many picnicareas. Parking is 5$/day.Simona, Italy - Fort De Soto is also oneof my favorite beaches. On the EastBeach people do kite surf with theSkyline Bridge in the background.The Military Fort is nothing special, butI saw kids having fun climbing thecannons.THE BEACHESMagda, Poland - Indian Rocks Beach inClearwater is our favourite place to gofor a walk on the beach, to swim or justrelax on the sand. White sand and bluewater are all what we need. There areso many beaches here, that everyonewill find something perfect.Indian Rocks Beach - MagdaSt. Petersburg - Magda

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TAMPA BAYFloriana, Romania - Among severaltheme parks in the area, my favorite isWiki Waki Mermaids where theyhave a mermaid show, swimmingpool, boat ride on the river, slides.Floriana, Romania - Picking fruits andvegetables in the farms is always afun activity for children. There aremany places not too far from Tampa:for oranges, grapefruits, and limes goto Dooley Groves, for strawberries goto Three Son Farm, for blueberries goto Church Lake Farms.Celine, France - Visit the RinglingMuseum complex in Sarasota: JohnRingling was a rail, real estate andcircus tycoon. His wonderful Italianstyle winter house (Cà d’Zan) can bevisited but your kids will enjoy betterthe Circus Museum: a 1/12scale model makes it possible tounderstand the functioning of thistravelling circus that criss-crossed theUSA by train for decades. Everythingyou want to know about circus will beexplained!In the John & Mable Ringling Museumof Art, the family gathered anexceptional collection of Europeanpaintings and tapestries from the 14thto the 18th century. This specificmuseum is free on Mondays.WITH KIDS- 16 -Maria, Spain - Picking strawberries isa lot of fun for children. The best time is February. There aremany places where you can go. We went to Three Son Farms, L.L.C.“McIntosh Station” (you can find themon Facebook, phone number is 813763-3242). In 2024 you paid 1$ for the box andyou could pickup as many freshstrawberries as you want. They werepriced $3 per pound.St Petersburg pier - MagdaSimona, Italy - A stroll at St. Petersburgpier is always a good idea! I love thisplace and on holiday time (Halloween,Christmas...) there are always specialactivities for kids.

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TAMPA BAY- 17 -Simona, Italy - We had a throwback inthe ‘80s spending a Saturday eveningin United Skate of America located inTampa North. Dj, fluo colors andstrobo lights were the frame both tous, funny rollers, and to many muchexperienced rollers that were reallyamazing to watch. This event was adultonly, but they organize also kids andteenager events during day time. Youcan rent skates or rollerblade. Theyapply Military discount.Floriana, Romania - Do you want to hitthe floor in Tampa? There are manylocation to go dancing with friends. Irecommend Coyote Ugly in Ybor City,Good Night John Boy in St Pete, andSal y Mar in Midtown Tampa.Simona, Italy - On a Saturday eveningwe ended up to the Seminole HardRock Casino: it came out it is one ofthe largest tribal casinos in term ofspace, number of slots and tablegames. There are also restaurants andbars.It was unbelievably crowded, loud andalienating, not really my thing. If youplan to travel to Las Vegas I would saygo to the Sin City first, but if you don’tplan the trip to Nevada a stop to thiscasino is definitely something differentto do.A NIGHT OUTSimona, Italy - We had so much funheading to Good Night John Boy in StPete in a girls night out. There is noentrance fee and both the music andthe people inside was vary, for age andstyle. We went on a Friday evening,there was some line to get in but onceinside good vibes only!Celine, France - Dallas Bull is a place inTampa where you can dance (or try todance) the line-dance on countrymusic. This “cowboy dance” looks notthat easy, but on Thursdays & FridaysDallas Bull offer free dance classes.And if you don’t feel ready to dance onthe weekend, you can still enjoy anevening here looking many amazingdancers on the dance floor.On Saturday entrance fee was 21$ perperson and free drinks for all evening.Floriana, Romania - Ybor City is knownfor its nightlife. Here you can findmany bars with music for all tastes,where you can also dance. It's a gooddestination if you want to go out withfriends to have fun.Magda, Poland - Amalie Arena is homeof the Bolts, Tampa Bay Lightning, afamous hockey team. The venue hostsexciting hockey games but also manydifferent events, like some amazingconcerts. The best way to purchasetickets is through Ticketmaster.

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Magda, Poland - Visiting Disney Worldis almost every kid (small and big) dream. It was our too.We bought our tickets in ITT Office atthe base. We chose tickets for 3 days(with military & Florida residentsdiscount) and we visited MagicKingdom, EPCOT, and HollywoodStudios.The parking lot costs 30$ per day.There is an app where we uploadedtickets to our phones. This app is alsouseful to order food at somerestaurants in the parks or to checktime of lines to the rides.There were 3 busy days for us, but wehad an amazing time at Disney.Simona, Italy - Orlando Magic basketteam is famous worldwide. Watch aNBA game live in Orlando (less than2hrs drive from Tampa, trafficpermitting) was really fun! The TicketOffice in base has discounted tickets.SEE & DOORLANDOabout 137 km from Tampa- 18 -Magda, Poland - We stayed inWyndham Hotel 15 minutes’ drivefrom parks. There are also shuttlebuses from hotels, but the hoursfor us didn’t work so we drove by ourcar every day.STAYMagic Kingdom - MagdaCeline, France - Guests staying at oneofficial Universal Orlando ResortHotels can use Early Park Admissionand enter the Universal Studios 1hour before the general public everyday of their stays, including check-inand check-out dates. Good news if youwant to take pictures of The WizardingWorld of Harry Potter and perhapsmake one or two other attractions. It’sthe same at the Volcano Bay waterpark.

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OCALAFloriana, Romania - This is a weekenddestination because you have a lot todo here! When we were there we wentkayaking on Silver Spring, we visitedthe Ocala National Forest where youcan do ziplining and where you canfind many farms and enjoy ahorseback riding tour, it was anunique experience!If you like, you can also attend a horseriding competition in the largestequestrian complex in the UnitedStates. Check it out the Ocala page In the area we also visited a beautifulbotanical garden: the Cedar LakesWoods and Gardens.SEE & DO- 19 -about 157 km from TampaCeline, Florence - The Silver SpringsState Park was once a theme parkwhere in 1878 were invented the glass-bottomed boats to show visitors thenatural springs and the incredibly clearwaters of the Silver River. You cankayak here: you can rent one kayakfor 30$/1hour or if you have your ownyou just have to pay 4$ to use the river.You will paddle with manatees, gators,tortoises and if you are lucky you cansee monkeys too!Floriana, Romania - We saw hundredsof alligators in the LaChua Trail: inwinter time, they occasionally emergefrom their burrows to bask in the sunduring warmer weather.Another attraction in the Ocala area isDevil's Den Spring, where you cansnorkeling in a cave.Cedar Lake - FlorianaLa Chua Trail - Floriana

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TITUSVILLE- 20 -about 200 km from TampaAlex, Germany - If you want to start acruise from Cape Canveral and wantto stay the night before in the area,book the hotel very early, thousands ofother people might have the sameidea!STAYSimona, Italy - Seeing a rocket launchis an incredible experience! You cancheck the schedule of the launches inCape Canaveral on this web Itlooks like a nerd website (not anofficial one) but we found it veryaccurate and informative. Rememberthat a launch can be cancelled lastminute due to several factors. Alsogood to know is that in Titusville thereare several public spots (most ofthem parks) where people stops to seethe launch: you will be far away fromthe launching pad but it is nice too.Magda, Poland - We saw a couple oftimes a rocket launch. One, the mostamazing for us, was from Cocoa Beachabout 10km away from NASA. Whenthe weather is nice with a clear sky,you can observe a rocket launch fromTampa too: on MacDill’s pier, 200 kmaway from NASA!SEE & DOThe rocket in the sky - CelineCeline, France - If you are visiting theKennedy Space Center you don’tneed a special ticket to see a daytimerocket launch: if you pay you canattend the launch as close as possibleto the shooting area, but you canalso go in a launch area for free, justbehind the Atlantis west pavilion. Alarge screen, a commentator andbleachers will be waiting for you andyour family.Silvia, Italy - If you are visiting theKennedy Space Center in only oneday, consider to take the bus toApollo/Saturn V Center as first thing,because the last bus departures at2.00/3.00 pm.With the entrance ticket you can alsosee a rocket launch from the areainside the space center, but only smallrockets not Falcon Heavy.

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The rocket on the ground - MagdaTITUSVILLE- 21 -Magda, Poland - We bought our ticketsfor Kennedy Space Center in base’sTicket Office because it’s cheaper thanbuy them online or on site.After entering Kennedy Center, thebest way to start the visit is to take afree bus to Apollo/Saturn V Center.The bus is every 15-20 minutes till2.00/3.00 pm. There the story aboutspace begins. After returning to themain center, we went to Atlantisbuilding: it is the second part of thestory. Then we visited other buildings:Mars, Legends and Heros, Gatewayand Planet Play (huge playground witha small coffee shop inside).Maria, Spain - During the month ofSeptember kids between 3 and 11years old with a paying adult can getfree admission at the Kennedy SpaceCenter is free. WITH KIDSJana, Slovakia - After our visit toKennedy Space Center, we stayed onemore day in a small but cute beachside town: Cocoa Beach. It is reallyfew minutes drive from the KennedySpace Center. We enjoyed the wavesof Atlantic Ocean on the beach, andthe historic Cocoa Beach Pier with itsshops, bars, restaurants andentertainment. You can also take astroll in Downtown Cocoa Beach with avariety of restaurants and cafes.C eline, France - A kayak trip by nightis a magic experience! Bio-luminescence Kayak Tours in theMerritt Island National Wildlife Refugewill allow you to discover two localfeatures: bio-luminescent combjellies and plankton. When theymove in the water they create aglowing effect and your paddle willglow as you maneuver the waterways!If you are lucky, you can also seedolphins, manatees and rays. You cansee bio-luminescence produced byplankton from May to November andby comb jelly in winter months.Relax in Coca Beach - Jana

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DAYTONA BEACHSimona, Italy - For our stay in Daytonawe booked the Streamline Hotel inDaytona Beach: this Art Deco buildingjust across the beach was thebirthplace of the Nascar in 1947.Many pictures on the walls and in theelevator will tell you this story.STAYSimona, Italy - We visited Daytona insummer and it was not racing period.Nevertheless a guided tour of thecircuit was very interesting and funand, in my opinion, better than see therace: trying the slope of the track wasamazing! Military discount applies.Simona, Italy - We didn’t thought that inDaytona Beach the sand was sopacked: it is really hard and nosurprise that they used to race here!Car are still allowed to come here, butracing it’s not admitted anymore.On this type of beach when the tideraise the ground will be wet waybefore the sea will cover it, so beaware of it if you are laying down onyour beach towel!Magda, Poland - Here we visited one ofthe most popular car racing tracks: theDaytona 500 InternationalSpeedway. The best way to purchasetickets and reserve a date is onlinethrough their website. The tourincludes guide, visit the track, finishline, stands and amazing museum. Wehad the opportunity to watch go-kartsracing as part of the InternationalCompetition on the day we visited itDaytona Speedway Center.SEE & DO- 22 -about 224 km from TampaDaytona Circuit - Magda

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ST. AUGUSTINEFloriana, Romania - I visited thisdestination during Winter Holidayswhen it is very nice lit, but I definitelywant to return here in the summer aswell because the city is nice thanks toits different architecture with anEuropean influence.Maria, Spain - From mid-November,to the end of January, SaintAugustine is decorated with Christmaslights and it is impressive. Irecommend that you go in mid-January, that's when there are lesspeople.Magda, Poland - We visited this townduring winter break. There is a festivalcalled The Nights of Lights (fromlate November till end of January). Ithas been listed as one of ten bestChristmas lights display in theworld by National Geographic. Thecity really looks magical.WHEN- 23 -about 290 km from TampaMaria, Spain - My recommendations:the Fort, visit the prison and theFountain of Youth.Magda, Poland - The Fountain of YouthArchaeological Park, The FortCastillo de San Marco, CathedralBasilica, George Street are worth avisit.SEE & DOCeline, France - The Budget Inn StAugustin (12 Anastasia Blvd) is a noneexpensive hotel with free parking: youhave just to cross the Bridge of Lionsand you arrive in town by walking… sobeautiful!STAYMagda, Poland - If you want to eat in areal American Diner I recommendedto go for a breakfast in Georgie’sDiner.EATA night of lights - Magda

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ST. AUGUSTINEAude, France - On Fort George Islandthere is the the Kingsley Plantation awell-preserved former cottonplantation that in the past wasaccessible only by boat. This place is the only remainingtestimony in Florida of this piece ofUS history: around 60 slaves workedhere in appalling conditions.It also hold the story of Anna Kingsley,a girl captured in Senegal at the age of13 that had been sold as a slave to herfuture husband who brought her toFlorida. In 1811 she was emancipatedand became mistress of the place andmanaged her own slaves.Nowadays the place is sublime andfree. Rangers are available to answeryour questions.There we saw dolphins and turtles aswell.NEARBYFloriana, Romania - The city offers veryinteresting and fun museums forchildren, such as the St. AugustinePirate & Treasure Museum, Ripley'sBelieve It or Not and the St.Augustine Alligator Farm ZoologicalPark.WITH KIDS- 24 - A window on the plantation - Aude

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EVERGLADESMagda, Poland - It is an amazing placeto see alligators in a wild. Really coolexperience is to ride an airboat and wechoose Buffalo Tiger’s Florida,because the guide was a real Indianfrom Miccosukee Tribe. There, we alsovisited Miccosukee Indian Villagewhere we learnt about history ofIndians in Florida, and we saw showwith alligators. Another fun thing to dois to drive Loop Rd (94) in the middleof Big Cypress Wildlife Area: it feelslike a safari where you can see cypressforest, swamps, birds, turtles, andalligators in their natural habitat.SEE & DO- 25 -about 321 km from TampaThe air-boat - MagdaFlorida gator - Magda

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MIAMISimona, Italy - When you choose youraccommodation in Miami check outalso for the car parking because it’snot always granted and it can be veryexpensive. The Ocean Five Hotel inMiami Beach has a very good location(walking distance from the beach andOcean Drive) and offers free parkingfor Military.Sioile, Finland - We stayed over twonights at the Holiday Inn MiamiBeach- Oceanfront an IHG Hotel andnearby the sea. I didn ́t like it toomuch: breakfast was basic, lobby wasa little bit shabby and the hotel wasquite expensive.STAY- 26 -about 436 km from TampaJana, Slovakia - I recommend to stop inthe iconic Versailles restaurant inLittle Havana to experience tastyCuban cuisine. I liked Ropa Vieja –shredded beef with white rice andsweet plantains. However, if you go tothe restaurant during dinner time,take into consideration longer waitingtime or book your table in advance. SOBE on a bad day is still SOBE - SimonaSimona, Italy - You will see often SOBE.It is the acronym for South Beach, themost famous beach in Miami.GOOD TO KNOWSoile, Finland - We stopped for a coffeeat the Versailles bakery one of theworld ́s famous Cuban restaurant. Wedrank a cup of coffee and ate deliciousKey Lime pies. I can highly recommendthis place: they have such a lovelybakery and enormous selection.EATA glimpse of Calle Ocho - Jana

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MIAMIMagda, Poland - We were there 3 timesand every time we saw different partof the city. We love Little Havana withiconic street Calle Ocho, WynwoodWalls district known for amazinggraffiti and many music clubs, OceanDrive with beautiful Art Decobuildings, Miami Beach BotanicalGarden, and our favorite beach on KeyBiscayne Island. We also took a touron Island Queen Boat from Baysidearound Miami to see harbour andmillionaire’s houses.Jana, Slovakia - There are so manyplaces to explore in Miami, but wehave visited some of them severaltimes: Little Havana with the iconicCalle Ocho, Wynnwood walls district,Bayfront park, Ocean Drive, The ArtDeco Historic District, South Beach,and of course a boat tour. If you spentmore time in Miami, visit KeyBiscayne, an island with beautifulwhite sandy beaches, a wide variety ofoutdoor activities, an iconic lighthouse,and nature preserves. The wholeisland is a bike friendly destination.Soile, Finland - We rented bicycles fora day and rode along the Miami Beachboardwalk. We also took a boat cruiseto the Biscayne Bay to see millionaireshouses from the sea. You can find onthe internet different companies who offer cruises for travellers.- 27 -Simona, Italy - I would defineWynwood a hippie-chicneighborhood: it is full of murals, barand restaurants. In my opinion thebest painted facade is the externalstair on the side of the Arlo WynwoodHotel. You can see it from outside, but I asked to the reception if I could get into see the stairs, and they let me go :-)So don’t be shy. There is also a niceterrace bar.Floriana, Romania - Among the many,different things to do in Miami, Irecommend to have a boat tour: it’sfun and cheap and you will see thestunning houses of the celebrities, thebeaches, and the nice skyline of Miamifrom the sea.SEE & DOThat’s Miami! - Magda

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Floriana, Romania - Key West is myfavorite destination in Florida! Thedrive from Key Largo to Key West isamazing! I stopped the car in differentplaces just to take pictures and see thewater!Soile, Finland - During our drive to KeyWest I saw long bridges and beautifulsea and nature on the both side. I wasimpressed!Magda, Poland - There are many waysto go to Key West: plane, boat, or car.We drove all the way through FloridaKeys, and it is an amazing experienceto see all islands connected bybridges. We did different stops, andwe stopped also by the Seven MilesBridge.GET THEREFLORIDA KEYSFloriana, Romania - Key West is anexpensive destination, so I suggest youto choose an accommodation on theway to Key West: I would recommendIslamorada or Marathon.Soile, Finland - We booked HeronHouse in Key West. It wasn‘t a typicalhotel, it was adults-only guesthousenear Duval Street. The customerservant, Roman was an extremely kindand exceptional person. Breakfast wassimple, but our guesthouse was bigand fine and location was perfect.STAY- 28 -about 641 km from TampaSoile, Finland - We stopped by CafeSole a very romantic and adorableFrench restaurant situated in theSouthard Street. Food was excellent!Alex, Germany - In a small side street ofthe Duval Street we found the bestpizza outside Europe: Clemente’swood fired trolley Pizzeria. I was inPizza heaven!EATFloriana, Romania - In the Florida Keysit is wonderful to have (or rent) akayak or paddle board: the water isso turquoise!In Key West, Furycat is a companythat offers several water activities likeboat tours to see the dolphins,snorkeling, parasailing or rent a Jet SkiSoile, Finland - A must have experienceis to see the sunset in Key West. Wewent to the beach near Fort ZacharyTaylor which is the historic State Park.The sun dropped into the sea and I fellin love with Key West!SEE & DO

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FLORIDA KEYS- 29 -Jana, Slovakia - Mallory Square is theright spot to catch an amazingsunset. We had there a wonderfultime with drinks and live music atadjacent Sunset Pier. Moreover,Mallory Square with its gift shops, artgalleries, and coffee shops is a greatplace to purchase some souvenirs,handcrafted goods, or get some sweettreats.Soile, Finland - We wanted to see theSouthermost Point but the landmarkwas crowded of tourists and lineswere long so we skipped it.Silvia, Italy - You cannot leave Key Westwithout two pictures: the 0 mile labeland the Southernmost point. Usuallythere is a small line to make the photo.If you choose a clear day you mightsee the Cuban coast in front of you: itis 90 miles away.The Southernmost Point - MagdaCeline, France - If you have teenagers,you absolutely need to visit Fort EastMartello Museum, not because of theold building but for the world’s mosthaunted doll: Robert the Doll.Teenagers know the movie The Curseof Robert the Doll and would love totake a picture of him, but be careful,you will have to ask him forpermission first!WITH KIDSMagda, Poland - On our way to KeyWest we stopped in the DolphinResearch Center to learn about theseanimals and to see rescued dolphinstraining.Soile, Finland - I recommend a guidedtour at the Hemingway House: bydoing so you get more informationabout the place.The starting point - Silvia

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GEORGIAPark in Savannah - Magda

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about 535 km from TampaAlex, Germany - If you are looking for areal “gone with the wind" southernfeeling in the USA, head to Savannah,even if the movie was made inCalifornia (but that’s another story!).It’s a journey through time thatbegins with ancient cobbelstones(heavy time for your car if you decidenot to walk) and ends with the historicdistrict and parks like in a fairy tale.Although there are many smallenchanting stores and a beautifulpromenade makes for greatmemories.WHY HERE?SAVANNAH- 31 -Magda, Poland - My family enjoyedwalking through this town. BeautifulForsyth Park, Chippewa Square knownas Forrest Gump Park next toSavannah Theatre, Pulaski Square andRiver Street with many small shopsand restaurants.We took Savannah Riverboat CruisesTour on the Georgia Queen Boat, andwe sailed on Savannah River to thePulaski Fort and back.SEE & DOMagda, Poland - We have found ahidden gem: Green TruckNeighborhood Pub: deliciousfood, and amazing atmosphere.EATThe Georgia Queen - Magda

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SOUTHCAROLINAAngel Oat Tree - Magda

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about 700 km from TampaCHARLESTON- 33 -Magda, Poland - Here you can learn alot of American history! We visitedHistoric City Market, French Quarter,Old Slave Mart Museum, RainbowRow, Waterfront Park with Pier, andMaritime Museum which myteenagers loved, especially the aircraftcarrier USS Yorktown. We also havespent one afternoon on the beautifulFolly Beach.Jana, Slovakia - Charleston is apedestrian-friendly city, with iconicpoints of interest like Rainbow Row (12brightly painted historic houses), JoeRiley Waterfront Park, Charleston CityMarket (one of the oldest city marketsin the USA). You can just stroll downthe cobblestone streets with variety ofrestaurant and soak the southernatmosphere, observe colorful houseswith diverse plants and flowers in thewindows or in front yards.SEE & DOA stroll in Charleston - MagdaJana, Slovakia - Close to Charlestonthere are a few plantations worth tovisit. We picked Boone HallPlantation & Gardens, and we werevery satisfied.NEARBYJana, Slovakia - I recommend youJambalaya, an American Creole andCajun rice dish of French, African, andSpanish influence or Shrimp and Grits– yummy!EATBoone Hall Plantation - Jana

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NORTHCAROLINABlue Ridge Mountains - Magda

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about 700 km from TampaASHVILLE- 35 -Magda, Poland - We stayed in a rentedhouse in the suburbs of Ashville with abeautiful backyard and view on themountains from our patio. From herewe had an easy access to hiking trailsin the Blue Ridge Mountains.STAYMagda, Poland - In Ashville there aremany opportunities to spend your timein Downtown Art District with manymuseums and galleries, River ArtsDistrict, Berm Park where you can renta mountain bike and ride on trails orgo shopping in Outlets Center. Magda, Poland - In the Blue RidgeMountains we visited DuPont StateRecreational Forest with breathtakingwaterfalls and Pisgah NationalForest. It’s relaxing to seat by thewaterfall and swim in the river afterhiking in the mountains. We also drove Blue Ridge Parkwaywith many amazing overlook points.SEE & DOMagda, Poland - In the Blue RidgeMountains our kids had a lot of fun onthe Sliding Rock, an unusual slide inthe river.WITH KIDSMagda, Poland - We visited the smalltown of Brevard, where we learnt alittle bit about white squirrels in thisarea.NEARBYMagda, Poland - We visited someamazing small restaurants. Griff’sKitchen & Bar surprised us withamazing taste of food. Juicy Lucy’sBurger Bar & Grill was recommendedby our host, and we were notdisappointed.EATThe Sliding Rock - Magda

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LOUSIANANOLA Garden District - Simona

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about 1.059 km from TampaCristina, Spain - If you've read TomSawyer or The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn or if you've seen The Princess andthe frog movie, you'll love New Orleans!WHY HERE?Cristina, Spain - The best way to getaround the city is the streetcar, foronly $3 you can use it all day. You canpurchase the ticket directly on thetram. The Saint Charles StreetcarLine is the oldest line, from downtownit leads to the Garden District orMagazine street, two places that aredefinitely worth visiting. For more to know also that bus 202 takesyou from downtown to the airport foronly $1.50!TRANSPORTSimona, Italy - You will see often NOLA.It is the acronym for New Orleans,Lousiana.GOOD TO KNOWNEW ORLEANSFloriana, Romania - I really liked NewOrleans, it's a happy, colorful city, fullof joy. It is a city with many tourists soit is a bit crowded and not so clean.The highlight in New Orleans is FrenchQuarter and Bourbon Street, both dayand night. There people sing anddance in the street, there are manyshops and cafes and the houses arespecial, colorful with many flowers andgreenery on the balconies.Jana, Slovakia - We enjoyed the livelyatmosphere during our walks throughNOLA. I recommend you visiting St.Louis Cemetery with famous above-ground tombs. There are even offeredseveral cemetery tours.SEE & DO- 37 -Cristina, Spain - Don't miss The Fleurtygirl shop in 3137 Magazine Streetwhere you will find the most originalsouvenirs!SHOPPINGAn original souvenir - Cristina

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NEW ORLEANS- 38 -Jana, Slovakia - We took a boat tourthrough the swamp close by, and wecould see lot of wildlife like alligators,crawfish, turtles, shrimp, deer, andboar. If you want to see more wildlife, Irecommend you going there in warmmonths, because in cold weathersome animals hibernate. There areseveral companies offering these tourson the Internet, you can choose whatfits to you. We took Cajun EncountersHoney Island Swamp Tour.Jana, Slovakia - There are severalplantations near NOLA, we decided forthe Oak Alley Plantation, famousfrom the movie Interview with theVampire. We learned a lot of aboutslavery. Despite the sad history, theplantation is a nice place with thewonderful Oak Alley.Floriana, Roman ia - There are manyplantations in this area and we visitedOak Alley. The entrance is quiteexpensive and for children it was notvery interesting.Simona, Italy - When we visited NOLA itwas expected cold and rain, so ourplan not to freeze strolling around thecity was to visit Mardì Gras World, thewarehouse where carnival floats aremade. At the end the weather was notthat bad and we preferred to spendour time open air in Garden District.Simona, Italy - The beignet is a staplein New Orleans and almost every travelguide recommends to try it at thehistoric Café du Monde in DecaturStreet. But in my opinion this placewas too crowded and not so nice. Ienjoyed the beignet better at the CafeBeignet in Canal Street in a quieterroom enjoying a magic piano playing.Cristina, Spain - There are many Cafédu Monde in NOLA, the most beautifuland without queuing is the Café duMonde City Park, it is located at 56Dreyfous Dr. The city park is two timesbigger than the Central Park in NewYork! - CristinaFloriana, Romania - The food is good inNOLA and we found a restaurant weliked so much that we went twice! It’sthe Fiery Crab Seafood Restaurantwhere we ate the famous seafood bowl.

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NEW ORLEANSJana, Slovakia - Try Gumbo it is madewith a dark roux, vegetables, chicken,sausage, and shrimp, and served overrice. Try Jambalaya consisting of meat(pork, chicken, or even rabbit), seafood(shrimp, crab, crawfish), or both (oftenincluding andouille either way) andcooked with vegetables, stock, rice, andvarious seasonings. And try alligatorsausage too!Cristina, Spain - Try the Chargrilledoysters! These are a famous dish inLouisiana. Locals say the best time toorder them is in any month that has an“R” in it to get fresh and large oysters.Grilled with garlic, herbs, butter andcheese, they are a delicacy!- 39 -Chargrilled oysters - CristinaJana, Slovakia - If you travel fromTampa by car, I recommend you tostop in Battleship Memorial Park(Mobile, Alabama). It is about 8 hrsdrive from Tampa and about 2 hrsfrom New Orleans. There you canexplore USS Alabama Battleship, USSDrum Submarine, Aircraft Pavilion,Tanks and Artillery. Walking throughthe battleship and the submarine welearned about the life of sailors. Veryinteresting for children as they climbon the deck and touch many things.NEARBY

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KENTUCKYAn American love affair - Simona

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about 1.235 km from TampaBOWLING GREEN- 41 -Simona, Italy - The National CorvetteMuseum is an interesting place aboutthe iconic America’s Sports Car. It is notonly about engines and car design, butalso a pathway on culture and society.Furthermore every month there is araffle to win a Corvette (by the way, Ididn’t win). Entrance ticket costs 20$.Simona, Italy - Mammoth CaveNational Park is a protected naturalarea that contains within it theMammoth Caves, the longest cavesystem in the world. The area is aWorld Heritage Site and a biospherereserve.There are many things to do. We did aguided tour in the longest cave, but ifyou want to do it be aware that it isquite easy but there are some narrowpassages.SEE & DOSim ona, Italy - Whiskey is the genericname given to the distillate made fromthe fermentation and distillation ofgrain. Bourbon identifies the specificwhiskey produced in Kentucky with itsown characteristics. In this trip I havelearned that all bourbon is whiskey,but not all whiskey is bourbon.In the area there are many distilleriesthat offer guided tours and classes tolearn about bourbon and just cross thestate border there is the TennesseeWhiskey Trail a 25-stop distillery tour. Jack Daniel’s, one of the majorproducer known worldwide, is basednot too far away.GOOD TO KNOWSimona, Italy - We have dear friendsliving in Kentucky and initially this roadtrip was meant just to spend a coupleof days together with them. Well itturned out a really nice area for a stopin a longer road trip or for anexcursion while visiting the morefamous Nashville which is not too faraway.WHY HERE?Simona, Italy - Nashville, Tennessee, isabout 1hr drive south of BowlingGreen. The city is home of the CountryMusic Hall of Fame. In this museumvisitors are immersed in the historyand sounds of country music andquickly realise how broad countrymusic is: next some classics singersyou’ve also got other artists like TaylorSwift who started in country music.NEARBY

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TENNESSEE Let’s talk about music- Jana

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about 1.312 km from TampaMEMPHIS- 43 -Another interesting place to swing by isthe lively Beale Street, the placewhere blues was born: especially inthe night, there are numerous livemusic clubs open.I recommend also the National CivilRights Museum at the Lorraine Motel,where Martin Luther King Jr. wasassassinated in 1968.Our family enjoyed too a riverboatsightseeing tour on the MississippiRiver.Jana, Slovakia - Memphis is knownworldwide for its barbecue. Weverified this information in therestaurant Central BBQ Downtownand they did not disappoint. The foodwas very good and reasonably priced.However, around 2pm we waited inthe line to get in around 45 minutes.EATJana, Slovakia - The kids can enjoy theworld-famous Duck March in thelobby of The Peabody Hotel inDowntown. The march takes placedaily at 11am and 5pm and is for free. Isuggest you to come there 30 minutesearlier, because it is usually crowded.WITH KIDSJana, Slovakia - Memphis is connectedwith music and history. It offersseveral museums you can visitaccording to your preferences.Music lovers can visit Sun Studio oftenreferred to as the birthplace of rock'n' roll.You can also experience Graceland,the kingdom of Elvis and see hisfamous jungle room, pink Cadillac,record collection, Elvis’ grave, or walkthrough his customized private jet.SEE & DO Let’s talk about music 2 - Jana

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District ofColumbia Walk in Washington - Aude

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about 1.451 km from TampaWASHINGTON DC- 45 -Jana, Slovakia - When in DC, we preferto stay in a hotel in Crystal City, whichis a very nice, clean and safeneighborhood close to the ArlingtonCemetery and very easy accessible bypublic transport (Metro blue line).Magda, Poland - We stayed in atownhouse booked via Airbnb: WHICHNAME OF THE TOWNHOUSE?.We were at walking distance fromCapitol, Peace & WashingtonMonuments, Abraham LincolnMemorial and The White House.There are many beautiful parks in thearea, amazing museums, andrestaurants.We really enjoyed being there.STAYJana, Slovakia - My favorite places in DCare The Capitol and The Library ofCongress, both of them are for free,but for a guided tour in the Capitol youhave to make a reservation in advance,and for the library you need a freetimed-entry ticket.Ma ria, Spain - What about to visit TheWhite House? I mean inside! Theprocess to apply is not really wellknown. You must request the visitthrough the congress-representative according to yourresidence (I live in South Tampa and in2024 it was Mrs. Kathy Castor you have to check the infoabout the Tour Request on thecongress-representative website, applyand fill the required information.Afterwards you will receive an emailwith a link to add to the request all thepersonal details of the people comingwith you.The White House receives thousandsof requests. I do not know the criteriato select the visitors, but if you arechosen, or not, the confirmation isprovided a couple of weeks before thedate of your visit.SEE & DOThe White House - Aude

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Jana, Slovakia - If you like the world ofespionage and undercover agents theSpy museum could be a great place tovisit. In spite of the fact that mostmuseums in DC are for free, there is anentrance fee in Spy museum. Themuseum is recommended for childrenover 7 years.Maria, Spain - From the LincolnMemorial to the Capitol is about a 4kilometers route with variousmonuments and many museumsaround, all free. Be aware that at theAir and Space Museum, although it isfree, you must reserve admission onthe museum's website.I recommend that you plan ahead eachday because at one museum alone youcould spend an entire day there!WASHINGTON DC- 46 -The Capitol - MagdaNEARBYSilvia, Italy - You can find a place ofprayer and reflection at ArlingtonNational Cemetery. It is an extendedand historical cemetery where you canalso find the JFK’s grave. There is anample expanse of tidy tombs and thesilence dominates the entire valley.Near the cemetery, you can find theMarine Corps War Memorial, afamous monument representing ascene from Iwo Jima battle with anAmerican flag in World War II.Jana, Slovakia - Besides all the mustsees in DC (the Capitol, the WhiteHouse, the Washington Monumentand all the Memorials), we likedArlington National Cemetery withthe changing of the guard at the Tombof the Unknown Soldier. We learned alot about the conditions for the guards,their duty life and many otherinteresting information.Yellow flowers in Arlington - Silvia

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WASHINGTON DC- 47 -Simona, Italy - The Battle of Iwo Jimacommemorated in the monument inArlington is portrayed in two moviesdirected by Clint Eastwood: Lettersfrom Iwo Jima and Flag of our fathers.These movies describe the battle fromtwo different viewpoints: the Americanone and the Japanese one.Having seen both the movies gave mea better idea of this historic event andmade the monument moremeaningful to me.GOOD TO KNOWMagda, Poland - On our road-trip toWashington DC we drove the SkylineDrive. It is a 105 miles long roadthrough the Appalachian Mountainsand Shenandoah National Park.There is a speed limit of 30 m/h,so it took us around 5 hours to do it.But the views there are breathtaking.Many people stay in this area forcouple of days on many campingplaces and hike on trails. This is a niceopportunity for people who want todrive to Niagara Falls. It’s on the waybetween Tampa and Buffalo.The view from the Skyline Drive - MagdaMarine Corps War Memorialnt - Silvia

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TEXAS TEXAS Photo: Texas Longhorn - SimonaTexas Longhorn - Simona

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Floriana, Romania - In Dallas I wasimpressed by the highways. Once wearrived, the first goal was the ReunionTower: from there you can see thewhole city and you can decide whereto go next. I recommend you to visitthe 6th Floor Museum, the placewhere President Kennedy was shot.SEE & GOFloriana, Romania - Half an hour fromDallas you can visit the farm whereDallas, the TV show of the ‘80s, wasfilmed: Southfork Ranch. We didn'topt for the tour because it was tooexpensive but we visited outside.Simona, Italy - Forth Worth Stockyardsare worth a visit: it is an historicaldistrict that tells you the history ofTexas’s famous livestock industry.Twice per day, in the morning and inthe afternoon, there is the cattle driveand you can see how big longhorn are. An art installation in Pioneer PlazaDallas celebrates this Texas heritage.Floriana, Romania - One hour fromDallas, on the way to Austin, westopped at Waco where we visited theMammoth National Monument, it's anice place for children.NEARBYFloriana, Romania - Of course in Texaswe would eat steak! And I recommendTerry Black's Barbecue restaurant.EATFloriana, Romania - We spent a week ofvacation in this trip: we flew fromTampa to Dallas, rented a car andvisited Texas (Dallas, Austin, Houston,San Antonio) and then Lousiana (NewOrleans), where we flew back to Tampa.Simona, Italy - The highways aroundDallas are impressive: a multilevellabyrinth that runs around andpartially inside the city. Be aware that inthe interchanges following the GPSdirections can be tricky: if you get thewrong exit it might require severalmiles before hitting again the rightroad.TRANSPORTATIONDALLASabout 1.775 km from Tampa- 49 -Part of the highways - Simona

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Floriana, Romania - Austin is a veryclean, elegant, European-style city.Here you have to visit the TexasCapitol, both outside and inside, towalk along Congress Avenue, the mainstreet, and West 6th Street and strollaround Lady Bird Lake.SEE & DOFloriana, Romania - I recommend youto visit the McKinney Falls State Park,it's a park with small waterfalls andvery beautiful landscapes.NEARBYFloriana, Romania - On the way fromDallas to Austin I recommend you tostop at Mt Bonnell: it's a place fromwhere you can see the Colorado Riverand Austin in the distance, it's awonderful view.GET THEREAUSTINabout 1.842 km from Tampa- 50 -McKinney Falls State Park - FlorianaA glimpse of the Capitol - JanaJana, Slovakia - Texas State Capitol is amust see. We took a free guided tourthrough the building to learn moreabout the Capitol and its history. Thetours start every 20 minutes and youdo not need a reservation in advance.You can park your car for free at theparking lot across the street in thefront of Capitol.Downtown is pedestrian-friendly, youcan take a stroll and enjoy theatmosphere of this vibrant city withnumerous coffee shops, bars andrestaurants.

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Jana, Slovakia - A direct flight fromTampa to San Antonio takes around3hrs. If you are lucky, you canpurchase the tickets for a bargain.GET THERESAN ANTONIOabout 1.892 km from Tampa- 51 -Jana, Slovakia - San Antonio is a perfectdestination for a long weekend, if youstay in a hotel close to River Walk or indowntown, you do not need a car, allof the most important places ofinterest are within walking distance.GOOD TO KNOWJana, Slovakia - The most visited placehere is River Walk with manyrestaurants and bars with live musicand Mariachi bands especially at night.You can walk along the River Walk oryou can take a guided boat tour toexplore more about the history of thetown. To experience more of theplace, I recommend you visit it duringthe day and at night.Another place worth of visit is the 750foot-tall Tower of Americas. From theObservation Deck you can see abeautiful scenery of the city. There is a4D theater in the Tower, where youcan learn about history of the towerand the city. We bought Tower of theAmericas & Go Rio Combo Tickets,valid 1 day, you can enter the towermultiple times moreover take a guidedboat tour. San Fernando Cathedral offers aspectacular light show about thehistory of the city projected onto thecathedral’s facade. The show takesplace on Fridays and Saturdays at9pm, 9.30pm and 10pm.If you want to learn more abouthistory visit The Alamo: you canreserve free tickets for Alamo churchor schedule a guided tour through thepremises. SEE & DOJana, Slovakia - We ate at Schilo’s, theoldest operating restaurant in SanAntonio. It serves Texan-German food.If you prefer Mexican cuisine theoldest Mexican restaurant is Casa Rio,situated exactly at River walk andfamous in pictures from San Antoniobecause of its colorful umbrellas.EATJana, Slovakia - From San Antonio, youcan plan a day trip to Austin by car. Ittakes you around 1,5 hour, dependingon actual traffic, and it is worth. Youcan rent a car from companies at theairport or in downtown San Antonio.NEARBY

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NEW YORKClassic NYC - Magda

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NEW YORK CITYabout 1.821 km from Tampa- 53 -Silvia, Italy - If you have to come back toJFK Airport with public transportationremember that the Metrocard is validonly from the JFK airport: to returnthere the ticket costs about 6,50/8,00$.TRANSPORTMagda, Poland - We visited NYCthrough the Thanksgiving Break. Forthe Empire State Building we bookedour tickets online a couple weeksbefore our visit.RESERVATIONJana, Slovakia - Check hotels on theNew Jersey side of Hudson River’sbank. They are usually less expensivethan those in Manhattan, only onestop far away from Manhattan bymetro, and if you are lucky, you can geta room looking over Manhattan.STAYJana, Slovakia - NYC is beautiful in everyseason but for me it is the mostmagical in December with all HolidayLights. Do not miss The RockefellerCenter Christmas Tree, The BryantPark Holiday Village, or the iconicwindow displays on Fifth Avenue.WHEN4th of July in NYC - SilviaSimona, Italy - NYC offers every type offood for every budget, but if you arethere during cold days and at lunchtime you are looking for a quick stop toeat something hot to warm you upwithout being bankrupted give WholeFoods Market a chance. In Manhattanthere is plenty of them and it workslike the one in Tampa: you can fill abox with the food you like and eat it atthe tables available for customers.EAT

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NEW YORK CITY- 54 -Magda, Poland - One day we walked onthe Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattantoward Brooklyn and then we took aferry on East River to Greenpoint.It’s a nice view on Manhattan fromriver, and the ferry costs only 4$ perperson or even less if you buy moretickets for your family at once.Jana, Slovakia - During our first visit inNYC we took a Hop-on Hop-off buswith 3 different loops.It was a great decision, because it ismost convenient and efficient way tosight-see in the city. We saw a lot ofinteresting places and neighborhoodsin a short time. You can get off the busat any designated stop close to anyattraction or landmark.Once you are done exploring get backon the next bus. There were entrancetickets to some attractions (Statue ofLiberty, Empire State Building,Rockefeller Center) included in theprice.Check different companies and pickone according to your preferences.Jana, Slovakia - If you are a fan of theTV show Friends, you can see thefamous apartment building on 90Bedford Street in Greenwich Village.SEE & DOSimona, Italy - One of the best things todo in New York is to see the city fromabove. There are several skyscrapersin Manhattan whose observatoriesoffer spectacular views of the islandfrom different perspectives.Two of downtown's most iconicrooftops are the Empire StateBuilding and Top of the Rock. I likedboth of them.Check when is the sunset during yourvisit to NYC and, if it fits your schedule,book your ticket to the rooftopaccordingly to view the scenario bothon day light and in the dark. It might bethe busiest hour but I loved it!Night in NYC - Silvia

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NIAGARA FALLSabout 2.021 km from Tampa- 55-Silvia, Italy - In my opinion a wonderfulview of the falls is from the Canadianside because you can admire them infront of you. Get the boat: it will sailjust below the falls! Warning: you willget a huge amount of water!Simona, Italy - Maid of the Mist is theboat tour we took from Canada to seethe Falls closer: they are impressive.Consider that you can get really wet, sobalance the opportunity to exchangeyour device’s care for a good photo!SEE & DOMagda, Poland - We stayed in theDouble Tree Hotel by Hilton next toNiagara Falls and walking distance toeverything on American side.Simona, Italy - We reached Niagara Fallsin a long road trip throughout the USA.We slept in Buffalo and then we spenta day at the falls.STAYSimona, Italy - We parked the car in theUS and then we crossed the borderto reach Canada on foot. It startedjust as a fun idea and it came out as asmart one: there were so many carspacked in line to cross the border oneither way. The only thing to consideris that for coming back in the US therewas a small fee per person to pay toaccess the bridge. At the time we did it,only coins were accepted. Check it inadvance if you choose this option.GOOD TO KNOWSplash! - DominikaWet rainbow - SilviaMagda, Poland - We walked on theGoat Island where there are manyopportunities to see the Falls fromdifferent perspectives. It’s nice to seeeverything in the day and then in theevening with lights and the fireworks.Magda, Poland - We drove to Lewiston,a small, adorable town by the river andnext to a State Park by Ontario Lake.NEARBY

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ILLINOISChicago by night - Silvia

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Silvia, Italy - A wonderful journey canbe done along the river: rent a boatat the Navy Pier and sail along theriver while taking pictures. Then whenyou are boots on the ground walk onthe Riverwalk taking pictures fromanother perspective.Silvia, Italy - Do not miss the Cloudgate a beautiful “big bean”surrounded by Millennium Park.Simona, Italy - Millennium Park is ashowcase of architecture.The Jay Pritzker Pavillion, designedby Frank Gehry, is a shell-shapedoutdoor music auditorium. Itsstructure, made of steel and titanium,is curved and futuristic.The Bean (or officially the Cloud Gate)is a large sculpture of mirror-polishedmetal by Anish Kapoor. It’s so fun tosee the world (and yourself) reflectedin it. And it really give you the chanceto get amazing pictures.The Crown Fountain is a structureconsisting of two towers from whichwater cascades. At some point,however, faces appear on the towersand water begins to gush from theirmouths. The water is only there insummer, and it is great fun to cool offin this fountain.SEE & DOCHICAGOabout 1.891 km from Tampa- 57 -Chicago by day - SilviaSimona, Italy - A lot of movies are set inChicago and it was so cool explore thecity having seen them! Among msyfavorites there are the iconic The BluesBrothers (Chicago claims to be the cityof blues) and The Untouchables(Chicago was also the city of Al Caponeand a lot of other gangsters).Also the medical tv show E.R., popularin the ‘90s was set here.GOOD TO KNOWSimona, Italy - I have been there in Juneand in the same week it was hot andcold every other day, but the wind wasthere everyday! No surprise thatChicago is known as the windy city.WHEN

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MASSACHUSSETSDowntown Boston - Jana

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Magda, Poland - Boston was one ofmany stops on our road trip on theEast Coast. It’s an amazing citywhere old buildings and newskyscrapers exist side by side and it’snot overwhelming. We walked fromBoston Common Park, throughDowntown (Old South Meeting House,Old State House, Hall Market) to theLong Wharf with beautiful ChristopherColumbus Waterfront Park.Jana, Slovakia - If you want to see 16historic landmarks in Boston, take awalk on the 2,5 mile long FreedomTrail. Just follow the red stripe on thestreet. Right on the trail you can findThe USS Constitution, the World’sOldest Naval Ship Still Afloat.Moreover, you will pass throughseveral famous neighborhoods likeBeacon Hill, North End, Charlestown.There are many wonderful restaurantsand café along the trail you can stopat.Jana, Slovakia - If you like shopping,stop at Faneuil Marketplace calledalso Quincy Market with plenty ofsouvenir and art shops, local andinternational brands, restaurants andpubs right on the Freedom trail.SEE & DOBOSTONabout 2.158 km from Tampa- 59 -Magda, Poland - We drove toGloucester to sail with Cape AnnWhale Watch Tour and see whalesand dolphins in their natural habitat.Extraordinary experience to seea wild whale!After the tour we enjoyed the rest ofthe day walking through this cutesmall town with many beautiful shops,restaurants, café, beach, and parks.NEARBYI spot a whale - MagdaJana, Slovakia - Our daughter (16) wasvery interested in Harward Universityand MIT tours. We got a lot ofinteresting information about one ofthe best universities in the world.However I recommend checking thetour availability in advance.Jana, Slovakia - To get around in Bostonwe used subway system (MBTA). It wasclean, reliable , with numerous stops,and we felt safe. Downtown Boston iscompact and walkable.TRANSPORT

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MAINEThe foliage in October - Simona

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BAR HARBORSimona, Italy - Maine was in my bucket-list because I was a huge fan of the tvshow Murder, she wrote with AngelaLansbury. Beside the plot, I loved thedrizzly and chilly atmosphere of theimaginary Cabot Cove, the lighthouses,the fishermen and the stormy sea. Ican confirm that visiting Maine inOctober we found that mood... exceptthat the exterior filming of the serieswas mainly done in Mendocino (northof San Francisco) because Maine wastoo expensive!Nevertheless, if you have alreadychecked the main US staples, I thinkMaine is definitely worth a visit. ManyAmericans spend their vacation herein every season.WHY HERE?Simona, Italy - When I was there I atelobster every day! The most iconic andunique place to eat my daily lobsterwas The young’s lobster pound inBelfast, a really basic, spartan fishmarket in front of the sea. We hit it ona dark evening with wind and rainalerts and although the place was notexactly cozy (due mainly to theweather circumstances) our dinnerwas tasty and fresh, provided directlyfrom fishermen.EATabout 2.788 km from Tampa- 61 -Simona, Italy - Embark on a captivatingjourney through the rugged coastlineswith a local map that will guide you inexploring the enchanting world oflighthouses. We got the map by the hosts of ourhotel that thought us where to parkalso.Some lighthouses are iconic, like thethe Marshall Point lighthouse thatsigned the end of Forrest Gump’s runon the Atlantic ocean. SEE & DOSimona, Italy - It was so fun to spendsome time into the eclectic antiqueshop 1A Relics. The building'sarchitecture alone is worth a visit! Looking for treasures - Simona

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ARIZONA Windows’ background is real - Simona

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MONUMENT VALLEYSimona, Italy - We hit the MonumentValley in a bigger road trip and werented a car in Las Vegas for it. Thesmart thing was to rent a 4x4 or AWDcar because the inside the MonumentValley the road is unpaved andhaving this car made everything mucheasier.TRANSPORTATIONSimona, Italy - The Forrest Gumppoint is a must for an iconic photo.Good to know is to go there in themorning, so you can take a picturewith the sun on your back!Simona, Italy - We were there inNovember and around 5pm it wasalready dark. We did an amazing thinggetting in the car and driving out ofthe lights of the village and the street.Being in the middle of nowhere in aplace that you don’t know at all, it wasscary somehow but I saw one of themost spectacular starry nights ofmy life.SEE & DOabout 3.324 km from Tampa- 63 - A Far West icon - SimonaSimona, Italy - We planned our road-trip to spend in Oljato the night beforeour visit to the Monument Valley. Westayed at Goulding’s Lodge. Luckly forus it was nice, because there were notmany other options over there (wesaw just another hotel inside the parkof the Monument Valley and acamping nearby our lodge). STAYSimona, Italy - The Monument Valleybecame an icon of the AmericanWest in the 1930s when the directorJohn Ford picked it as location for hismovie Stagecoach starring John Wayneand for many other movies after it.He knew about Monument Valleythanks to the pioneering spirit of Harryand Mike Goulding, the owners of thetrade post in Oljato who were lookingfor new, much needed income duringGreat Depression.GOOD TO KNOW

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ANTELOPE CANYONSimona, Italy - In the Lower AntelopeCanyon you will go down in the canyonthrough stairs and narrow passages.Nothing too difficult to do, but notaccessible if you have walking issues. Inthis case it might be better to visit theUpper Antelope Canyon.Simona, Italy - In case of rain on thesite or even 30km away, the visit tothe canyon will be cancelled becausethe risk of flooding is high and it can bereally dangerous.Floriana, Romania - A very importantthing is the time zone: it changes just nearby the Antelope Canyon (it'sexactly the same time as in Las Vegas).Simona, Italy - This area is part of theNavajo Nation which is spread in NewMexico, Utah, and Arizona. It was reallyinteresting to know more about this.GOOD TO KNOWFloriana, Romania - Don’t miss theHorseshoe Band which is 10 minutesdrive from the Lower Antelope Canyon.Alex, Germany - If you want to take ashort hike through desert andstones to the (small) Hanging Gardenin Page, you will be regarded with anincredibly beautiful view.NEARBYabout 3.430 km from Tampa- 64 -Floriana, Romania - It is good to bookthe canyon tour at least a month inadvance because it is in high demand.I found the cheapest tickets Whenyou get there at the desk don’t forgetto mention you are military and showyour ID: you’ll get 15$ back per adult.RESERVATIONHorseshoe Bend - Floriana Modern Navajo art - Simona

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Celine, France - You can easily climb theHole in the Rock and admire the viewof the city.WITH KIDSCeline, France - Don’t miss thePhoenix’s Desert Botanical Garden:you can walk among Saguaro cactusand other 50,000 plants.SEE & DOCeline, France - Try a new experienceusing a driverless car, accessible onlyhere and in San Francisco for themoment. Install the app Waymo Oneand up to 4 passengers can ride at atime in a Jaguar! Just like a taxi, the cardrives you to your destination.If you have kids you have to providethem proper seats.Furthermore be aware that ther arecameras in the car: they ca watch youduring your drive!TRANSPORTATIONPHOENIXabout 3.468 km from Tampa- 65 -Phoenix hearts - CelineThe botanical garden - Celine

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Celine, France - From Phoenix the GranCanyon is 4 hrs driving. Along the waytake the 89A and 179 instead of themotorway to explore the OakCreek Canyon in the Sedona area:there is also the Chapel of the HolyCross, a church chained to the rock!GET THERECeline, France - If you visit the GrandCanyon in February you might havethe chance to make wonderfulpictures with the snow!WHENSimona, Italy - The Grand Canyon ishuge: we decided to explore the SouthRim. Our road trip started from LasVegas, we stopped for the night inWilliams and then we hit the GrandCanyon. Since it was November andthe days were shorter we had notenough time to hike the bottom of thecanyon (going down can take up to 5hrs ...and then you have to come back),so we decided enjoy it from the top forsome breathless views that you canreach hiking, by bike or taking thefree shuttle.In this part of the Gran Canyon (SouthRim) I would suggest to avoid to takeyour car to get to the panoramic pointsbecause for some of them there are noparking lots.On the way out we hiked for most ofthe way: many panoramic points werequite close each other and the trail ispretty easy; we just took the bus for acouple of stops that were at a longerdistance. SEE & DOGRAND CANYONabout 3.474 km from Tampa- 66 -The majesty of Gran Canyon - Celine

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UTAH Arches National park - Simona

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Simona, Italy - I discovered that Moabattracts many tourists because it isknown as the capital of outdoor life.The town is small and we spent just anevening there but there was a niceatmosphere.NEARBYARCHES NATIONAL PARKabout 3.402 km from Tampa- 68 -Simona, Italy - The Arch National Parkwas amazing! We spent an entire dayhiking and seeing dozens of archesand thousands of stones! To spend a day among stones mightlook like a crazy thing to say, but thesenatural monuments are reallysomething unbelievable. They are alldifferent one from the other: there isthe longest arch, then the one in thesand, than those that at a certain timeshows the moon in its hole, and so on.Plus you can partially climb many ofthem!SEE & DOSimona, Italy - The Delicate Arch is thelargest free-standing arch in the park.It is a stone icon and the symbol of theState of Utah. The trail to get there is about 5km anda hiking of 1h 30 min (plus the same toget back). Unfortunately we didn’tmake it because it was too late. I willcome back one day.The sky in the holes - SimonaWile E Coyote and Road Runner are coming - Simona

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Floriana, Romania - The Zion NationalPark is just 2 hours drive from LasVegas: it's worth the drive!Dominika, Poland - Zion is a wonderfulpark. A good place to spend sometime, both for experienced walkersand for those who love sitting on thecouch and decide to get up from it! Itoffers many hiking paths that willlead to beautiful viewpoints with verydifferent degrees of difficulty andwalking time.WHY HERE?ZION NATIONAL PARKabout 3.608 km from Tampa- 69 -Floriana, Romania - You can stop at theVisitor Center and from there you can either go hiking (but only if you areproperly equipped) or take the bus toreach different points to admire theview. You have to be patient becausethere are a lot of people.Dominika, Poland - The trail leading tothe top of The Angels Landing Trailis quite a challenge, and priorpermission for the last part is required.For those who like other challenges,some of the trails run literally throughthe water, like The Narrows Trailleading through the Slot Canyons. Thisis not an ordinary trail, as it leads alongthe Virgin River bed. The river levelvaries depending on the season. InApril, we met hikers returning from thistrail, and by their clothes it wasobvious that the water they werewalking in reached above their waists!SEE & DODominika, Poland - You can enter thepark from 2 entrances that may beopen or closed depending on theseason. Therefore it is worth checkingthe direction from which you will traveland have a look on any further info.GOOD TO KNOWDominika, Poland - From March toSeptember the hiking trails are openand free public transport in the parkavailable. We visited it in April, it wasclose to 20°C and it was perfect forhiking, which was our plan. However,you should always be prepared forvarious weather conditions: 2 daysearlier it was close to 5°C! Apparently,even in the summer, you should beprepared not for such cold, but for therains that often occur here in theafternoon hours.WHEN

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Floriana, Romania - The road in BryceCanyon is spectacular, if you go onSpring break or Thanksgiving youcan catch snow both on the road andin the canyon. I recommend stoppingat the points: Bryce Point and SunsetPoint.Alex, Germany - For us the best time isthe end of October, still warm but nottoo hot: perfect hiking weather.WHENBRYCE CANYONabout 3.683 km from Tampa- 70 -Simona, Italy - Elevation is between2.400 mt e 2.700 mt and it is windy:dress accordingly!GOOD TO KNOWAlex, Germany - We chose the longhike for the Bryce Canyon andstarted at the Sunrise Point down toQueen's Garden and then the NavajoLoop, at the end you can choose tocontinue or go back up. If you are in agood physical condition and haveenough to drink with you, I do 100%recommend to continue and hike thePeekaboo Trail. At the entrance of thetrail you can go right or straight ahead,we went right and didn’t regret it. It issimply breathtakingly beautiful and Idon´t know how many times I saidthat during that 6 hour hike!The next day we were there at 7am tosee the sunrise. I can only repeatmyself, breathtaking (and pretty coldin October).SEE & DOViewpoint in Bryce Canyon - DominikaPinnacles and snow - Floriana

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NEVADA The Fabulous Las Vegas - Simona

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LAS VEGASabout 3.741 km from Tampa- 72 -Floriana, Romania - I‘d recommendstaying in the area of the BellagioHotel where there is also the famousfountain (that runs from 3pm). This issomewhere in the middle of the Strip.Alex, Germany - We stayed at HotelJockey Club, an aging but clean andinexpensive small hotel, directly on theStrip between the Cosmopolitan andthe Bellagio with fully equippedapartments. The pool of Cosmopolitanis available after registration.Simona, Italy - We stayed at TheSahara Hotel at one end of the Strip.It was not a problem to walk to themiddle, but next time I’d likesomething closer.STAYSimona, Italy - In Goodsprings, not toofar away from Las Vegas, you can enjoya cold beer and a good hamburger in areal classic Far West saloon: ThePioneer Saloon established in 1913, aNevada Historic Landmark that isfeatured in many films, TV shows,music videos and even the video game.Floriana, Romania - For food, I suggestGordon Ramsay Burger's restaurant.EATSimona, Italy - Among many amazingand crazy things in Las Vegas I thinkthat this is an hidden gem: the Pinballhall of fame. Entrance is free andthere are displayed more than 200flippers, from the ‘40s to the new ones.You can play for few coins: personally Ihad more fun playing 3$ there than10$ at the casino.Floriana, Romania - I recommend takinga walk on the Strip and entering asmany of the hotels as possible, eachwith a different theme. In Vegas youcan choose to go to a show at Cirquede Soleil (they have a military discountat some of the shows) or if you likeadrenaline, you can skyjump at theStrat Hotel, zipline at the Linq Hotelor take an ATV trip to the sand dunesnear Vegas.SEE & DOThe saloon! - Simona

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Simona, Italy - In the desert, along thefar southern end of the Las VegasBoulevard, you will spot some tallhoodoos made of colorful rocks: it isa temporary art installation calledSeven Magic Mountains. It is a greatbackground for photos. I believe it ison display until 2027.Simona, Italy - Las Vegas was thestarting point of a road trip that tookus to Arizona and Utah. The first stopwe did was at The Hoover Dam, amassive work of engineering that wascrucial for giving power to many areas.The tour was interesting, but I have toadmit that my husband was way moreexcited than me in this project.NEARBYLAS VEGAS- 73 -Alex, Germany - Away from the bigshows, we were lucky enough toaccidentally get into Marriage can bemurder an incredibly funny show. Thebest way to get there is with an Uberor cab.Simona, Italy - We found the Strip areareally cool and fun: we spent long timeexploring hotels, strolling around andwatching any sort of lights (the Spherewas amazing!). One night we decidedto go to Freemont Experience, whichis the old area of bar and casino: wellyou can really feel the difference ofthis area from the Strip! It is lessglamourus and quite vintage,nevertheless it was fun to spend anight there too.SEE & DOA bunch of color in the desert - SimonaFreemon experience vintage icon - Simona

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CALIFORNIAGiant sequoias are huge! - Simona

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Floriana, Romania - It's one of myfavorite cities in the USA. If you gethere, I recommend you walk throughthe downtown and the GaslampQuarter, it's an area full of terracesand bars, it's very lively, especially atnight. The port of San Diego is verybeautiful, with many restaurants onthe waterfront and parks.Simona, Italy - The UnconditionalSurrender is a series of computer-generated statues that recreates thefamous embrace between a sailor anda nurse celebrating the end of WorldWar II in New York's Times Square in1945.The one in San Diego is 25 feet tall.You can find other copies in manyplaces in the US and in Europe too.SEE & DOFloriana, Romania - On the outskirts ofthe city you can go to see the PacificOcean, we went to Ocean Beach, anarea famous for surfing.Floriana, Romania - La Jolla is asuburb of San Diego and it is awonderful place!! You must go to LaJolla Cove, see the sea lions and thebeautiful scenery there.NEARBYSAN DIEGOFloriana, Romania - In Ocean Beach Irecommend to eat at South BeachBar & Grille, they have amazing fishtacos!EATabout 3.941 km from Tampa- 75 -The Unconditional Surrender - Floriana

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Floriana, Romania - It's a big andcrowded city, you have to prepare witha lot of patience until you enter thecity because it is very crowded.GOOD TO KNOWLOS ANGELESabout 4.065 km from Tampa- 76 -Floriana, Romania - We chose to visitthe Griffith Observatory, from thereyou can see the whole city and thefamous Hollywood sign. Parking isfree and you can also get to theHollywood sign from here in aboutone hour walk.Another famous area is the Walk ofFame, a crowded area, with manysouvenir and food shops. The BeverlyHills area is also very beautiful, withvery beautiful shops. If you have time,I recommend that you also take a tourof the celebrities' homes and go onSanta Monica Beach.SEE & DOSimona, Italy - I’veFOTO FOTO FOTOINFO INFO INFO ply dummy text of theprinting and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry'sstandard dummy text ever since the1500s, when an unknown printer tooka galley of type and scrambled it tomake a type specimen book. It hassurvived not only five centuries, butalso the leap into electronictypesetting, remaining essentiallyunchanged. It was popularised in the1960s with the release of Letrasetsheets containing Lorem Ipsumpassages, and more recently withdesktop publishing software like AldusPageMaker including versions ofLorem Ipsum.FOTO E INFO

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Simona, Italy - We stayed 3 nights atthe Beresford Arms Hotel. It is acomfort old style hotel that offered toits clients a simple breakfast, but mostof all a free glass of wine and somelittle snacks every day around 5pm:this hotel social hour was a perfectpit stop between our day tours andour night outings.STAYSAN FRANCISCOSimona, Italy - I’ve found the guidedtour to Alcatraz really interesting. Theferry departures quite frequently fromPier 33. It is better to reserve your spotin advance because this excursion isreally popular and some slots in themorning can easily be fully booked.RESERVATIONabout 4.556 km from Tampa- 77 -Simona, Italy - Cable Cars are a realicon in San Francisco. They are oftenreally crowded of tourists, and I agreethat if you are here it is an experiencenot to miss!We took it in Market Street to gotowards Lambard Street and at thePowell terminus we got the chance tosee the turntable for the streetcarreversal: two men and an ingenioussystem! Plus, thanks to the suggestionof a local lady we met on the street, wevisited the Cable Car Museum: it’sfree and interesting. You will realizethat the whole San Francisco cable carsystem can itself be regarded as aworking museum!Simona, Italy - There are many GoldenGate view points. I liked a lot thoseon Conzelman Rd. outside the city SEE & DOCable Car in SFO - SimonaSimona, Italy - In these last years SanFrancisco has a growing badreputation. It is true that there are alot of homeless. We didn’t haveproblems but in the evening outsidewe felt quite uncomfortable as well.GOOD TO KNOW

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INDEX OF DESTINATIONSListed per State and in alphabetical orderARIZONA ANTELOPE CANYON.........................................................................64 GRAND CANYON...............................................................................66 MONUMENT VALLEY........................................................................63 PHOENIX............................................................................................65CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES....................................................................................76 SAN DIEGO........................................................................................75 SAN FRANCISCO................................................................................77District of Columbia WASHINGTON DC.............................................................................45FLORIDA EVERGLADES......................................................................................25 DAYTONA BEACH..............................................................................22 FLORIDA KEYS...................................................................................28 MIAMI.................................................................................................26 OCALA................................................................................................19 ORLANDO..........................................................................................18 ST. AUGUSTINE ................................................................................23 TAMPA BAY .......................................................................................10 TITUSVILLE.........................................................................................20GEORGIA SAVANNAH........................................................................................31ILLINOIS CHICAGO.............................................................................................57- 79 -

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INDEX OF DESTINATIONSKENTUCKY BOWLING GREEN...............................................................................41LOUSIANA NEW ORLEANS...................................................................................37MAINE BAR HARBOR......................................................................................61MASSACHUSSETS BOSTON..............................................................................................59NEVADA LAS VEGAS..........................................................................................72NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY..................................................................................53 NIAGARA FALLS..................................................................................55NORTH CAROLINA ASHVILLE.............................................................................................35SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON.....................................................................................33TENNESSE MEMPHIS............................................................................................43TEXAS AUSTIN................................................................................................50 DALLAS................................................................................................49 SAN ANTONIO....................................................................................51UTAH ARCHES NATIONAL PARK..................................................................68 BRYCE CANYON.................................................................................70 ZION NATIONAL PARK.......................................................................69- 80 -

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The Salt Shack on the Bay by Simona