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Tranquil Retreat

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WelcomeT H E T R A N Q U L R E T R E A T*best viewed from a computer,otherwise if having issues with loading, try disconnecting from wifi and use data

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Welcome To Our Home!We live and work in Phoenix, but we escape toMunds Park every chance we get. We love thebeautiful outdoors and the unmatched charmthat Munds Park has to offer.We’ve taken great care to design the homewith a modern zen touch of style and featuresfor comfort and safety, while still maintainingthe wonderful feeling of being in themountains. We have chosen to use natural,non-toxic cleaning solutions, organic sheetsand eco-friendly towels to match our lifestyle.Please think of this as your home while youare here and have a great time!We truly hope you enjoy your experience hereas we aim to provide rest ,relaxation,healingand comfort! Please contact us if you have anyquestions or need assistance. Kind regards,Traci & Jason

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Take a moment to adjust the temperatureto your liking. (Instructions for thermostatsare on the next page) We want you to be as comfortable aspossible. Here , you will find information about thecheck-in/check-out procedures, homeguides and house policies “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forestwilderness.”- John Muir.

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HEATThe mini split works for cooling andheating. There are also several wall heatersthroughout the home (bathrooms included).The units with built-in thermostats can beset by pushing the switch to the left for“Heat On”. Please use the + and – keys toset your desired temperature. COOLThere are ceiling fans ,floor fans &windowfans . There is a portable air conditioner inthe family room and loft if needed. Openingthe windows at night and closing them inthe morning is the best way to keep thehome cool during summer days.

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CHECK-IN4pmPlease take a moment to check the home for cleanliness,appropriate amount of linens and anything else that willmake your stay better. If anything isn’t up to yourstandards, please report any dissatisfaction within thefirst 4 hours to us. We can quickly enhance your stay. I am happy to accommodate an early check-inif the cleaner is finished and house is ready.Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee a specifictime before 4.

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3 cars allowed. Only park in the driveway.Nostreet parking allowed. Any cars parked in thestreet will be ticketed and you may be towed. Garage access may be granted upon need andapproval. We use the home as well and store ourpersonal items as well as supplies. PARKINGD O O R L O C KThe front door is a smart lockYour custom door code will disclosed the week prior to your stayWake up the door by swiping across the displayEnter in your 6 digit code plus the #signIt will say “unlocked” Turn the handle down to disengage deadbolt and the door will openThe system will automatically lock in 30 secondsClose the door and pull handle up to engage deadboltdoor will lock after 30 secondsIf the deadbolt does not engage : enter your code, it will say “unlocked” then pull handle up toengage deadbolt

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WIFIThe wifi network is = ConnectButDisconnectpassword= shown on sign under TV

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TV • Turn on TV with the Roku remote bypressing red buttonYou will have access to Amazon Video,Disney,Netflix, ,HBO Max,Gaia Please let me know if account is logged intoany other account other than Traci

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HOT TUBTo adjust the heat down, press the blue temperature button.To adjust the heat up, press red temperature button.Please rinse off before entering The soap on your body can cause foam and it’s not a bathtub either so please consider the dirt on your bodies staying in tubfor future guests .. yuck! Especially if you’ve come back from a beautiful hike. Oh my! Please just rinse off. We appreciate it! Turn on the jets using the far left button on the control panel.The two grey knobs to the left and right of the control panel control the flow of water between both sides of the jets. Turn on/ off to get more power on the opposite side.The big grey wheel controls how many jets are on. Adjust to turn on and off but PLEASE DO NOT run completely off whilejets are on… at least one side needs to be pushing water.Do not block filter or stick any body parts inside.There is a very powerful pump on the button of the jacuzzi that sucks water. Please do not dunk your head or get your hairclose to this! Do not lower the temperature of the spa below 95 degrees. To turn on the light press the light button on the control panel, click on and off and on again to cycle through differentcolors.When you are finished for the day turn off the jets, put cover back on , and restore the temperature to 102 degrees.

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Spa Fairy comes twice aweek to maintain thespaUsually Tuesdays andFridaysThey will knock onfront door and let youknow they are comingaround back to service

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Tesla EV Level 1 & 2 32A 8A 110V 240V ETL NEMA 14-50 & 5-15 Please notify me so I can give you access EV VEHICLES

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BABIESLots of Baby Gear AvailableCrib, Sheets,Blanket PlaypenHighchair,Baby Feeding Set Bouncy Chair(upon request)Baby Bath, Kneeling Pad and Arm Rest Baby Monitor Outlet Covers*please remind me of baby coming and I can have baby items set up

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Please enjoy theHot Cocoa & Tea Bar…and don’t forget themarshmallows! ...and it wouldn't be amountain retreatwithout a S'more!

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L I N E N S & L A U N D R Y- B L A C K W A S H C L O T H S A R ED E S I G N A T E D F O R M A K E - U PR E M O V A L - P L U S H T E R R Y R O B E S F O RT H E H O T - T U B A R E H A N G I N GI N Y O U R C L O S E T- P L E A S E B R I N G T O W E L S I FY O U P L A N T O V I S I T S L I D ER O C K E T C- A L L T O W E L S A R E T O B EK E P T I N T H E H O M E IF YOU DO LAUNDRY WHILE YOURE ON VACATION???...THE DRYER WORKS BEST ON TIMED DRY *to conserve water , energy, and ensure our cleaner has ample time to clean andsanitize the home we leave sufficient towels for each guest butplease let me know if you need more

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PROPANE HEATERS/FIRE PITFor your safety, please be careful when utilizing thepropane tanks outside. Its easier to light the fire-pitwith two people. Push the knob in and turn as directedwhile pushing igniter button. The second person canuse a long lighter and light near coil. TURN OFF tanks after use by turning the knobsclockwise until they won’t turn any longer. $50 Fee will be assessed if a propane tank is found on Notify me if propane is empty. We will supply a refill

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S H O W E R SLike all homes, when multiplepeople stay together…the hotwater may be limited. Wesuggest spreading out showersto make sure everyone gets hotwater. P L U M B I N GPinewood Sanitary is a delicatesystem in Munds Park so NOfeminine products or facial wipescan be flushed. Please dispose ofproperly. Since we are a bit away from the chaos and grocery, I try to leave a few staples in the home for shared use.Please help yourself, but please notify me if you used thelast of it so I can be sure to replenish before next guest PANTRY

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F I R E P L A C EFirewood and starters are provided inthe cubby to the left of the fireplace.(Cubby door lifts upward). Please makesure the flu is open prior to lighting yourfire. Screens can be closed once the fire islit. The home is equipped with Nestsmoke and carbon monoxide detectorsfor your safety.

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U P S T A I R S L O F TPlease watch your head when inthe loft area. It is cozy and fun tosleep up there, but as you cansee…the ceilings are fairly low.

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PESTSIt is the forest and we do our best tokeep the home pest free. Because we arepet & kid friendly we use non toxic pestcontrol. Different seasons bring outdifferent pests. If you do see an excess ofinsects or webs please notify us and wewill handle it ASAP.

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We welcome well seasoned guests over the age of 25 Smoking is NOT permitted in OR AROUND thehome. If you smoke this is not the home for you. No wood burning fires outside! There is a ban onoutdoor fires and you will be fined/evicted Gas fire pits are there for your use but if left on willincur a charge to refill. No loud music after 10 PM. We must be respectful toour neighbors as part of this great community.For your safety, no one under the age of 12 ispermitted in the hot-tub. Anyone under 18 needs tobe supervised.Parties of 9 or more are not permitted and would besubject to eviction. No illegal drugs or weapons allowed at any timeMunds a dark sky community- bistro lights off after10 HOUSE RULES

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DOGSDogs are allowed UPON APPROVAL with a pet fee. Remit petfee prior to arrival.Please keep them off the furniture and bedding. Pleasedon't leave them unattended. The turf is for games andyoga so please be sure they use the dog run. Imaginedoing down dog and smelling dog doo. ick! The cleaningfee does not include pet waste removal. If your dog uses the turf ,please just hose it off. Thank you! Munds Park does also have leash laws so no dog is everallowed off leash.

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@thetranquilretreat_mundsparkThank You forstaying with us! We hope you have an amazing time and comeback again! Please follow us and tag us inyour photos

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Please take kitchentrash to containersnext to the garageGarbage Please turn off bedroom wall heaters, leave wall heaters on that havethermostats at 72. Mini split can beleft at 78 Thermostats Leave used towels inlaundry room & usedbeds unmadeLinensPlease make sure to close windowsand lock front and back door LockupPlease remember all of yourbelongings… including your phonechargers. Belongings Please load dishes and start load pods are under kitchen sink Dishes Please remove yourfood from therefrigerator FoodEASY PEASYCheck-Out Checklist Call me with any questions or concerns Our cleaner is scheduled to show up at 11 am to ensure shehas enough time to clean and sanitize for the next guests. If you are running behind, please notify me .Thank you!

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Being up in the woods , in a rare occasion, we lose power.I will get notifcations from APS and communicate with you.You can also check APS to see potential cause and estimated time of restoration There is a drawer with candles & a lantern for lighting .Stay warm by the fire and roast some marshmallowsIf it will be an extended period, we do have a gas powered generator for emergencies and will guideyou through access if roads are closed and our staff are not able to come helpEmergency ContactIn the event of a medical or personal emergency, please dial 9-11. If there areany electrical/plumbing/maintenance issues, please contact us immediately. 480-440-7485Pinewood Fire Department(928) 286-9885