MAKE THE MOST OF THE RAINno matter if you know which key feature is most important to youor if you just want to navigate through the options available24. SEAMbe different - look different27. CONTRARYturn your world upside down28. NOVELTIESweird and wonderful26. STRETCHextra protection fromthe elements20. STYLEtake care of the details18. ECOsocially responsible22. SAFETYincreased visibility14. CITYperfect for the city10. MINIeasy to carry08. EVENTSwe’ve got you covered; whatever the weather06. BUDGETlowest cost per impression on the market16. PVCsee the world more clearly12. STORMPROOFtake the rough with the smooth01. UK MADEquick turnaroundOO. tevgot NTunndgh tturetMOMOOO0. tevgot ENTunndturegh tMOthort414asy NItr imetUKoundnyou tter theort414easy NItr impetUK oundtter iyou Cthett1Cr the cityh thOFh01lyy144EVwanou knlyy14. moothredrEVcoDGEDEwanou knrlyre cworVCtaTOOINMquihicnt toAKarlyre cworPVCytaSTOOyMINMquiwhicnt toAKcothepearkion ttto Oich koOOcothepearkion tOich ko nOOect TYe rouPRT Oy fete twhwOSTfect FTYhe rouMPROST Oy feate tOow whociae wotpeppost pantantnOOOMIMIverrcoveroUUUU11UOFOFrretketttttOO006.6. B06. 6. B06. 06. Bok d. 24.ibiilitdeetYLok d. 24.sibiilitdetYLTILT66STYETEe seeTIELT266STYETEe tseeNOVld upNTRSNOVld upNTRrld myearlweecthe ewnARYct6. Seased visibilitiak22tmor1616.e thweectheewnARY6. Seased visibillitak22tmor16.e the dLTIETT828dowra p- looETCinncre20e th PVeee smORMOhOOde dow8. NOVELTIEd28tra p- looRETCincre20ee th. PVhe smhORMOhOO. SEbe ..tFETYTTk2COEC4. SEbe tFETY2kCOEC8. N88nte7. C2718COOCCoothugh wS28. NntYse27.C18COCOOCOOmoothugh wSmootthturturSTYeerenerenerennderyETET242224AAtaktaatttaakk
GREAT BRITAINMANUFACTURED INWe are proud to boast 20+ Years of in-house UK Manufactured umbrellas,which gives you a choice of over 50+stock panel colours.We are proud to boast 20+ Years of in-house UK Manufactured umbrellas,which gives you a choice of over 50+stock panel colours.PANEL COLOURS: CHOOSE FROM ANY COMBINATION OF OUR 50+ STOCK COLOURS ON ANY OF OUR UK MADE UMBRELLASWHITE IVORY7499uSAND 468uCREAM7403cYELLOW109cGOLD123cSUNLIT SIESTA137cRIOORANGE2018uBRIGHTORANGE804cFLUORESCENTORANGE811cBLAZINGPINK213uCERISE192uSTRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE1765cLILAC2353uGAYLORD2073uROYALPURPLE2104cVIOLA2084uPRISMVIOLET2685uAUBERGINE525uCAMPARI195uWINE1945cCHERRY7627cSCARLET186cTERRACOTTA2350uBROWN7589cMILKCHOCOLATE7602cNAFFYGREEN5747uJAGUAR343uOXYDGREEN336uPETROL322uJADEGREEN7718uBOTTLEGREEN357cSEAGREEN3268uKINGFISHER2245uEMERALD355uLIME375cLONGCHAMPS367uAQUAMARINE7710cLAGOON3145uSKYBLUE2905uCAPRIBLUE2191cSALVIABLUE660uPACIFIC2192cSAPPHIRE3553uFRENCHNAVY288uROYALReflex Blue cBLUEMOON2146uCOBALT281uNAVY533cCHARCOAL446cGUNMETAL447uLIGHTGREY7537uPEARLGREY7534uBLACK METALLICSILVER*877cMETALLICGOLD*871cOf course, we also stock a largeselection of off-the-shelfumbrellas perfect for smallbudgets and quickturnaroundsOf course, we also stock a largeselection of off-the-shelfumbrellas perfect for smallbudgets and quickturnaroundsAll this on lead timesof just a WEEK!All this on lead timesof just a WEEK!That also means these umbrellas are availableto be dye sublimated across the full canopy,offering truly eye-catching possibilitiesThat also means these umbrellas are availableto be dye sublimated across the full canopy,offering truly eye-catching possibilitieslldtimldtimabeyleableable,y,y,PAGE 1
Bespoke CanopyBespoke CanopySquare Stylefour large panels and four smallercorner panels to create a squarestyle canopy, for a different lookand larger print areawe have various canopy styles available to suit your needs; our Round, Double, Square or Vented canopies are available on any uk made stormproof umbrella while the six and one piece canopy are available as stand alone products. All using any combination of our 50+ stock panel coloursor pantone matched to any colour of the spectum OPTIONSRndthe standard option when it comes to umbrella canopies;a perfect balance of form and functionclassicVentedsixteen half panels that createstwo individual canopies which whensewn together to allow gusts of wind to simply pass straight throughPAGE 2
Six Panelsix oversize panels for a larger print areaor reduced registration issues on TotalSubdesignsOne Pieceseamless one piece canopy that allows for printing over the entire canopywith no registration issues in either square or roundDbledouble the print area for double thepossibilities; sixteen full size panels sewn back to back to allow for completelyseperate designs or colours to bedisplayed on the inside and outside of your chosen umbrellaPAGE 3
GREAT BRITISH1BB1B1BBB11BBBDDDD//DD///1B111ED//1B1B1BEDEDE1 BBBededededededdedBBBBBedededededededdedfffffffffooooooooooooooooorrrrrddddddddddddBlBlackddBBk///k/Si/Sil/S/SSivvveeeerereeeeeeeeee· ChChChChhChChChChChChChChChCChCChheaeaeaeaeaeaeapepepepepepepepepeeststststststststssUUUUUUUK KKKKKMaMaMaMdeede golf size ummmmbmbmbmmrerellllaaa· WiWiWWndndndndndnddddddddndndddddprprprprrpppprprprprprprprprprpprpooooooooooof f fIrIronoon fraammmemm· TwTwTwwo oo frframmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecococcccclooloururuooooooooptions availaaaababaababaaleee1BBD/1BED Bedford Black/Silver· Cheapest UK Made golf size umbrella· Windproof Iron frame· Two frame colour options available2L2L2L2L22L2L2L2LL2L2LLL2L2LL2LUUUUUUUKUUUUUUU London n CiCiiiitytytytytyytytyytytytytUUUUUniniononnonJJJJJJJacacacckkK LondonnCiCitytytyttyttytytytytyttyUUUUniniononnonacacacaakkkk· Sturdyyyyyyyyyyyddddddddddddddoooouououooublbble e ecaanonoopypypyppyppypywwwwwwwititititith h hh hUnUUnnUUUioioioiooonn n n nnJaJaJaaJackckckckckckiiiiiiiinnnnerer··WoWoWoWoWoWoWWoWooWoWooWooWoWoooododdodododooooodododoeneneneneeccrorooookhhanandldldddlddlle e e ee e asaasaasasassssstatatatandndnddnddararrrdddddd···BrBrBrBrBranananaandidididdngngccanabbbeeadadddededededededdeed ddddddd d totototottttheheheheiinnnnererereeccccananananananoooopopooooooyyytotototoo2LUK London City Union Jack· Sturdy double canopy with Union Jack inner· Wooden crook handle as standard· Branding can be added to the inner canopy tooPANEL COLOURS: CHOOSE FROM ANY COMBINATION OF OUR 50+ STOCK COLOURS ON ANY OF OUR UK MADE UMBRELLASWHITEIVORY7499uSAND 468uCREAM7403cYELLOW109cGOLD123cSUNLIT SIESTA137cRIOORANGE2018uBRIGHTORANGE804cFLUORESCENTORANGE811cBLAZINGPINK213uCERISE192uSTRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE1765cLILAC2353uGAYLORD2073uROYALPURPLE2104cVIOLA2084uPRISMVIOLET2685uAUBERGINE525uCAMPARI195uWINE1945cCHERRY7627cSCARLET186cTERRACOTTA2350uBROWN7589cMILKCHOCOLATE7602cNAFFYGREEN5747uJAGUAR343uOXYDGREEN336uPETROL322uJADEGREEN7718uBOTTLEGREEN357cSEAGREEN3268uKINGFISHER2245uEMERALD355uLIME375cLONGCHAMPS367uAQUAMARINE7710cLAGOON3145uSKYBLUE2905uCAPRIBLUE2191cSALVIABLUE660uPACIFIC2192cSAPPHIRE3553uFRENCHNAVY288uROYALReflex Blue cBLUEMOON2146uCOBALT281uNAVY533cCHARCOAL446cGUNMETAL447uLIGHTGREY7537uPEARLGREY7534uBLACKMETALLICSILVER*877cMETALLICGOLD*871cPANEL COLOURS: CHOOSE FROM ANY COMBINATION OF OUR 50+ STOCK COLOURS ON ANY OF OUR UK MADE UMBRELLASWHITEIVORY7499uSAND 468uCREAM7403cYELLOW109cGOLD123cSUNLIT SIESTA137cRIOORANGE2018uBRIGHTORANGE804cFLUORESCENTORANGE811cBLAZINGPINK213uCERISE192uSTRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE1765cLILAC2353uGAYLORD2073uROYALPURPLE2104cVIOLA2084uPRISMVIOLET2685uAUBERGINE525uCAMPARI195uWINE1945cCHERRY7627cSCARLET186cTERRACOTTA2350uBROWN7589cMILKCHOCOLATE7602cNAFFYGREEN5747uJAGUAR343uOXYDGREEN336uPETROL322uJADEGREEN7718uBOTTLEGREEN357cSEAGREEN3268uKINGFISHER2245uEMERALD355uLIME375cLONGCHAMPS367uAQUAMARINE7710cLAGOON3145uSKYBLUE2905uCAPRIBLUE2191cSALVIABLUE660uPACIFIC2192cSAPPHIRE3553uFRENCHNAVY288uROYALReflex Blue cBLUEMOON2146uCOBALT281uNAVY533cCHARCOAL446cGUNMETAL447uLIGHTGREY7537uPEARLGREY7534uBLACKMETALLICSILVER*877cMETALLICGOLD*871cPAGE 4
MANUFACTURING6S6S6S6SPCCPPCP SSppepepeectctctrummHeeHeeeeeeeexoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxooxoxoBrBrBrBBBBBBelelealaSSppppptctcttrurmmHHHxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoooBrBrBBBBBBelelellalalaaa··SiSix x ovoverersisizezeppananelels sfofor largerrppririntntntntntntntntntnttaaaaaaaaaaaaarerererrererererererrerraaa· StStrorongng stoormrmprprooooffframmme withhssteteelelrribibss·BlBack rubbbbererccoaoateted pistolgrip hahandndlele6SPC Spectrum HexoBrella· Six oversize panels for larger print area· Strong stormproof frame with steel ribs· Black rubber coated pistol grip handle·StStrororoongngaaaaandndndnddndrrrreleleleliaiaaiaiaiaaaaaaabbbblbbblblblblblblbbble e SpSpectrumumffframeme1SPV Spectrum Sport Vented· Strong and reliable Spectrum frame· Vented canopy for increased stability· Sixteen half panels for maximum impactPANEL COLOURS: CHOOSE FROM ANY COMBINATION OF OUR 50+ STOCK COLOURS ON ANY OF OUR UK MADE UMBRELLASWHITEIVORY7499uSAND 468uCREAM7403cYELLOW109cGOLD123cSUNLIT SIESTA137cRIOORANGE2018uBRIGHTORANGE804cFLUORESCENTORANGE811cBLAZINGPINK213uCERISE192uSTRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE1765cLILAC2353uGAYLORD2073uROYALPURPLE2104cVIOLA2084uPRISMVIOLET2685uAUBERGINE525uCAMPARI195uWINE1945cCHERRY7627cSCARLET186cTERRACOTTA2350uBROWN7589cMILKCHOCOLATE7602cNAFFYGREEN5747uJAGUAR343uOXYDGREEN336uPETROL322uJADEGREEN7718uBOTTLEGREEN357cSEAGREEN3268uKINGFISHER2245uEMERALD355uLIME375cLONGCHAMPS367uAQUAMARINE7710cLAGOON3145uSKYBLUE2905uCAPRIBLUE2191cSALVIABLUE660uPACIFIC2192cSAPPHIRE3553uFRENCHNAVY288uROYALReflex Blue cBLUEMOON2146uCOBALT281uNAVY533cCHARCOAL446cGUNMETAL447uLIGHTGREY7537uPEARLGREY7534uBLACKMETALLICSILVER*877cMETALLICGOLD*871cPANEL COLOURS: CHOOSE FROM ANY COMBINATION OF OUR 50+ STOCK COLOURS ON ANY OF OUR UK MADE UMBRELLASWHITEIVORY7499uSAND 468uCREAM7403cYELLOW109cGOLD123cSUNLIT SIESTA137cRIOORANGE2018uBRIGHTORANGE804cFLUORESCENTORANGE811cBLAZINGPINK213uCERISE192uSTRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE1765cLILAC2353uGAYLORD2073uROYALPURPLE2104cVIOLA2084uPRISMVIOLET2685uAUBERGINE525uCAMPARI195uWINE1945cCHERRY7627cSCARLET186cTERRACOTTA2350uBROWN7589cMILKCHOCOLATE7602cNAFFYGREEN5747uJAGUAR343uOXYDGREEN336uPETROL322uJADEGREEN7718uBOTTLEGREEN357cSEAGREEN3268uKINGFISHER2245uEMERALD355uLIME375cLONGCHAMPS367uAQUAMARINE7710cLAGOON3145uSKYBLUE2905uCAPRIBLUE2191cSALVIABLUE660uPACIFIC2192cSAPPHIRE3553uFRENCHNAVY288uROYALReflex Blue cBLUEMOON2146uCOBALT281uNAVY533cCHARCOAL446cGUNMETAL447uLIGHTGREY7537uPEARLGREY7534uBLACKMETALLICSILVER*877cMETALLICGOLD*871cPAGE 5
1FVA Fibrestorm ValueStormproof fibreglass ribsStrong fibreglass stemUpto full colour printFVAFVA FVAFVA1FVAFVAFVAFibrmproStormprfifiStrong fiStfiptoptoptoUptopto full5IMP Budget GolfWindproof frameUpto full colour printChoice of 18 stock canopy colours2IMP Budget WalkerAutomatic openingStylish Black Eva handle Striped canopies2IMP AutStylStri5IMPWiUpChPAGE 6
BUDGEGETBUDGETLow Cost but High Impact;even our budget range of umbrellas are made to high standards and some are still fully stormproof.Making sure your umbrella will stand the test of time meaning your investment pays for itself in the long run 6BGT Budget SuperMiniOur lowest cost mini umbrellaNo minimum order quantityUpto full colour printing6MIN SuperMiniColour co-ordinated handle & carry strapUpto full colour printing availableChoice of 9 stock canopy colours66MIN SuperColour co-oUptoUptopto full coChoChoice of of 9 1104 AC Regular UmbrellaConvenient automatic function for quick openingWindproof for flexibility and stability in windy conditionsHigh corrosionprotection due to galvanized steel shaftPAGE 7
We’ve got you covered, whatever the weather;Whether its an outdoor or indoor event we have brilliant marketing tools that offer amazing cost price per views with branding on an epic scale 7CAF Cafe BarrierPractical and perfect for any locationHeavy duty black steel frame and crossbarsMassive, high visibility print areaAF Cafe Barrier9115 : FARE TravelMate Beach Shopper▪ Huge maincompartment with large storage space ▪ Zipped pocket for separate valuables▪ Smartphone pocket and bottle bag inside▪ Adjustable straps with sturdy snap hook 2PAR 2m Wooden ParasolModern six panelled parasolTotal sub designs can go edge to edgeBespoke UK made canopy option3PAR Classic Garden ParasolTraditional parasol with adjustable stemCoated steel stem with tilt mechanism18 Stock panel coloursPrHeM7CAAR 2m Wooden Parasolodern six panelled parasolotal sub designs can go edge to edgeespoke UK made canopy optionCoated steell stem with tilt mec18 Stock pannel coloursPAGE 8
7DIR Directors ChairSturdy wooden frameFull colour branding to seat and backrestPrint both sides of the backrest formaximum exposure3GAZ 3m x 3m GazeboStrong but lightweight aluminium frameFull colour printing all over at no extra costExtensive additional extras to customise yourgazebo to suit your budget7DCK Deck Chair100% Wooden frameMassive print areaDouble sided option availablePAGE 9
The go to product for most people... with good reason.Mini umbrellas cover every option you could ever want. Retail quality,windproof, extensive colour choices.There really is a mini umbrella tosuit even the most exactingof requirements 5512 FARE AC miniLow cost retail quality umbrellaFlexible windproof frameAutomatic opening function5008 FARE Alu miniLightweightPerfect handbag UmbrellaBranded decal option6XEC Executive TelescopicAutomatic opening and closingZipped carry caseBranded decal option6XECAutZipBraPAGE 10
6DUO DuoMiniFull colour print availableAlternating white panelsNo minimum order quantity6DUO Full coAlternNo m5460 FARE AOC miniAutomatic opening & closingEuropes best selling telescoping umbrellaChoice of 17 stunning colour options546AEC5644 FARE Oversize MiniFancy automatic Open/Close functionHigh Quality Windproof SystemColoured Shaft and Joints5644 FancyHighColouPAGE 11PAGE 11
Looking for an umbrella that can take some punishment but still come back for more? Then look no further...Our stormproof umbrellas are designed to flip backinto shape without breaking if the wind turns them inside out on you, making a stormproof umbrella an investment rather than a purchaseFSTS 1F1SFibrestormBest selling fibreglass ststeme&&rrribibibssTotal print coverage availableChCheapepeststUUK Kmaadedesstotormrmprproooof fggolfumbmrerlla onttthehemmarakekett1SSD StormSport UK Double CanopyDouble canopy for maximum print visibilityRubber coated handlePush button safety runneryt visibility1TVU TourVent UKFibreglass stem and ribsAutomatic openingOversized vented canopy1SSDDoRuPusPAGE 12
1FSA Fibrestorm AutoEVA handle with decal optionAutomatic opening functionPantone match to any colourof the spectrum1SPC Spectrum SportUnparalleled customisation optionsStormproof steel ribs11 spike, stem, handle & tip cup colour options at no extra cost 1SPCUnSto11 sco6GUS SuperVentChequerboard vented canopyRubber golf grip handleFull colour print availablePAGE 13
1XEC Executive WalkerBest selling UK made walking umbrellaStormproof frame and ribsAutomatic opening mechanism5675 FARE RainLite Classic AOC Midsize MiniAutomatic open & close chrome buttonExclusive wooden crook handleWater and dirt repellent canopyIdeal for the city executives or everyday urban use;OuOur r cocollection of city umbrellas rarangnge efrfroom bespoke UK made to clcassisiccblblacack k cacnopies,all featuring ththhe trtradadititional style crroook handles. 567AEW5402 FARE AOC MiniElegant crook handleAutomatic funtion for quick opening and closingFlexible windproof frame for stormy conditions FanAutomFlexible5402 Elega1XEC Executive WalkerBest selling UK made walkStormproof frame and ribPAGE 14
4704 FARE Exclusive 60th Edition midsize Chrome-plated genuine wood handleWooden shaft and chrome runnerHigh quality windproof system for maximum flexibilitydsizee2LCW London City WalkerChunky wooden crook handleBespoke UK made canopiesThicker stem for added sturdiness2LCCBT5644 FARE Steel AOC Oversize MiniSoft Feel / Metal handleWindproof systemOriginal waterSAVE cover materiale MiniaterialPAGE 15
3PVC PVC ColourSuper clear PVC canopyColoured binding, spike, stem and ribs9 Trim colour opotions available 1PVC PVC Dome Super clear PVC canopyDeep Dome “Birdcage” designWhite plastic crook handle2PVC PVC Dome Super clear PVC canopyAutomatic function for quick openingWhite plastic spike, tips and crook handlePAGE 16
7712 FARE Pure AC RegularTransparent cover & colourful elementsMore light and vision in all weather conditionsHigh-quality polyethylene material2333 FARE Pure AC GolfTransparent cover & coloured detailsMore light and sight in any weatherHigh-quality polyethylene material6PVC PVC Half PVC half poly pongeeColour co-ordinated Trim and Tie-wrapBlack rubber coated handle6PVC PVC Half PVC half poly pongeeColour co-ordinated Trim and Tie-wrapBlack rubber coated handlePAGE 17
two Productsin one9159 | Mini umbrella ÖkoBrella ShoppingSTANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified The sleeve can be used as a practical shopping bag with storage compartment for the umbrellaSustainable shopping come wind or rainNEW!98 cmThose who love ose wnd are concioue nature and are concious about their eco footprint are well advised footprint are well advised to use FARE ÖkooBrange. Made primaella Range. Made primarily of rreenneewwaa recyllclledd materiiallsbbllee aanndd recy ce ma er as.TTakke responsibilitour own hands wty into your own hands with us.PAGE 18
AOC mini umbrella ÖkoBrella STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified cover made of recycled plastics Comfortable bamboo handleArt.AC midsize bamboo umbrella ÖkoBrella STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified cover made of recycled plastics Shaft, tips and handle made of bambooArt.Bamboo provides a sustainable material for the handle.Eco-friendly packaging54297379…and made into granules.Then heated and meltedto create a polyester fibre …… that can be woven intomaterial to coverour ÖkoBrella!Plastic waste is collected, cleaned …AC regular umbrella ÖkoBrella STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified cover made of recycled plastics Naturally patterned wooden handle Additional refinement of the release button possibleArt.1122Naturalcolourvariation
» We do not just consider existing production processes as part of our sustainability strategy, but also look at new, progressive technologies.When on the search for new, more sustainable production options, we discovered a revolutionary dyeing process which dramatically reduces both consumption of valuable raw materials as well as energy consumption and environmental impact with hazardous matter. We also use this process for our new waterSAVE cover material, which is now used for the popular STYLE range, the Colorline umbrellas, and the new FARE®-Steel for the first time.The yarn made from recycled plastic for our waterSAVE cover material is already fully dyed during the production process. In this case, no water is required whatsoever. Far fewer chemicals are used and the drying time in energy-consuming machines is a thing of the past. 5484 | Mini umbrella FARE®-AOC-Mini Style Surprising effect on opening Coloured grip rings, ribs and seams Extremely stable and flexible frame97 cm 4784 | AC midsize umbrella FARE®-Style Shaft, ribs and handle rings in contrasting colours Popular midsize format112 cmPAGE 20
» REDUCING CO2 EMISSIONS BY MORE THAN60%» REDUCING ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY UP TO 70%The typical dyeing process for woven fabrics requires large quantities of fresh water, chemicals, and energy. As the new process is a “dry” process, there is no purification and treatment of the water beforehand at all, saving a lot of energy.DUE TO WATERSAVE COVER MATERIAL: TOTAL WATER SAVED PER UMBRELLA IS ALMOST 6 L ** This is calculated based on water savings of 2 million litres for processing around 300,000 m² of fabric, from which around 350,000 umbrellas can be made.»REDUCING SLUDGE PRODUCTION BY 98%1084 | AC regular umbrella Colorline A great look at an attractive price Additional refinement of the release button possible Handle suitable for laser engraving105 cm5644 | Oversize mini umbrella FARE®-AOC Colorline Coloured painted shaft and coloured joints Soft-Feel handle with colour trimmed push-buttonNEW!105 cmPAGE 21
NAT URE PROVIDES ILLUMINATING EXTRAS TO GRAB Shaft with LED lighting in modern coloursOne of 7 colours, or 2 different colour change speeds can be selected7905 | AC midsize umbrella FARE®-SwitchAutomatic regular umbrella with LED technologyTrendy reflective silver pipingLi-ion battery with micro USB charge connector in the handleawd112 cmPAGE 22
5477 | AOC mini umbrella FARE®-ColorReflexSleeve with trendy reflective pipingzwd96 cm5547 | Mini umbrella FARE®-AC PlusCover and sleeve with trendy reflective silver pipingA striking look, even in dry weatherExample: Custom design, screen print repeated on fashionable reflective pipingAlso available in 2 attractive neon coloursawd100 cmxFashionable reflective coating matching the sleeve colour on 2 panels and the piping on the other 6 panels 347377 | AC golf umbrella FARE®-ColorReflexCoating almost invisible when not reflectedad120 cmPAGE 23
BE DIFFERENT - LOOK DIFFERENT Seam An eye-catcher all along the line: The FAREmodels stand out pleasantly due to their contrasting panel seam piping, but never push themselves into the foreground. We leave that up to your brand! PAGE 24
Coloured panel seam piping ensures a very special look5639 | AOC oversize mini umbrella FARE®-SeamOpens and closes at the push of a buttonMatt/ shiny divided soft-touch handlezwd104 cm4399 | AC midsize umbrella FARE®-SeamOpens automatically at the push of a buttonMatt/ shiny divided soft-touch handleawd115 cmPAGE 25
Opened as large as a golf umbrella, closed only as long as a regularumbrellaTHE FULL BROADSIDE AGAINST THE RAINOf course: Whether backpack, handbag or laptop, important things have to be protected under your umbrella! This is where the FARE Stretch makes its grand appearance. It offers additional rain protection all around – or only where it matters. Even when closed, it is not too long and therefore always a pleasant companion. AC golf umbrella FARE®-Stretch 360Automatic extension of the cover at all panelsBetter protection overall, but just 84 cm long when foldedAdditional large advertising spaceArt.7709An additionaladvertising spacethat can be printed individuallyPAGE 26
reflective coatingWhen folding, the wet side is pulled inwards5415 FARE Contrary AOC oversize miniReverse Automatic open and closeHigh quality windproof systemSoft touch handle7717 FARE Reflex Contrary RegularTrendy design with reverse open and closeHigh quality windproof systemSoft touch handleCan be dried standing on the tips, to save spaceAlso available with cloud designinner as standard7715 FARE Contrary RegularReverse Automatic open and closeHigh quality windproof systemSilver Reflex piping7719 FARE Contrary Regular(Clouds)PAGE 27
7799 | AC midsize umbrella FARE®-SoundPlays the recorded sound when opened at the push of a buttonIndividual customisation with your distinctive sound!Perfect for sound logos, jingles or claimsExample: Screen print on one panelNEW!Example: Doming sticker on handleExample: Individual soundI’m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain …awd112 cmPAGE 28
Example: Custom filling of transparent handle at customer’s request Example: Screen print on one panel5052 | Mini umbrella FARE®-FillitTransparent handle with twist claspSpace for ideas: filled individually to customer requirementsNEW!d98 cmerrequirementsPAGE 29
Why Umbrellas?Why Umbrellas?Mass outreach at low costIncreased brand recognitionAlternative business cardPowerful marketing platformTactile with long lifespanAMAZINGValuerain is pretty much guaranteedall year in the UK these daysso you can imagine using anumbrella daily is a great investmentLarge PrintAreaswith print sizes in excess of300mm there’s no chance ofmissing your brandHUGEExposurecrowds, sporting and corporate name it, if there are people there,they’ll see your brollycrowds, sporting and corporate eventsyou name it, if there are people therethey’ll see your brollys...e,LongLastingwith a stormproofumbrella, even if itblows inside out ourfibreglass ribs let youuse your brolly over& over* based on plain Budget golf (Qty 25) price and average 147 wet days per yearFrom a give-away promo gift to something that will stay with a customer for years,promotional umbrellas offer everything you’d want from a marketing productwhy choose apromotional umbrella?