In our infant classrooms, we areable to smoothly accommodateeach child's individual scheduleby providing two additionalteachers more than what isrequired by the state. Superior RatiosInfantsWe are parents ourselves, so weknow that the first year with a newbaby comes with challenges. That'swhy we provide diapers, wipes,linens, and nutritious baby friendlyfoods so that parents can spend lesstime packing, and more timeenjoying their little ones..All Inclusive careOur infant classrooms are designedwith our babies in mind. We provideindividualized, loving care +support for each infant to grow at theirown pace.
The toddler rooms explore inmultiple settings throughout the dayincluding their classrooms,multipurpose room, and outdoorplay areas. Our toddlers alsoparticipate in the weekly Jump Bunch, Nature and Musicclasses.A Separate Space for Play ToddlersEvery day, our curious toddlersembark on a journey of explorationand discovery. Engaging with theworld through a variety of activities,such as art, exercise, sensory play anddramatic play, they learn thefundamentals of colors, shapes, letters,and numbers in a fun and interactiveway.In our toddler rooms, children will beencouraged to express theirindependence by washing their ownhands, feeding themselves, usingutensils, and choosing their ownactivities during center time. Whenyour child is ready to move out ofdiapers, our staff will help to make thisa smooth transition as well. Emerging INDEPENDENCE
Preschool+PreKExtra Curriculars As part of our Full CircleCurriculum, preschool and Pre-Kstudents have the opportunity toparticipate in extracurricularssuch as Music, Yoga, and JumpBunch on a weekly basis.Our preschool and pre-kprograms nurture confidence andcuriosity, setting the stage foracademic and personal success. Balanced Family Academy Preschool + PreKis designed to prepare children to march intofuture classrooms with confidence andknowledge that puts them ahead of the pack.Along with building strong social skills, wealso offer a comprehensive curriculum toensure they’re ready for elementary school.With our superior ratios, our trained teachersare able to help each child to ease into amore structured daily schedule and moreadvanced curriculum.KindergartenREADINESS
BrainBUILDERSDailyIn our infant classrooms,Daily Brain Builders aredesigned to immersebabies in new language,textures, and artexperiences.InfantMotor MondayActivities that support motor development,such as discovery baskets, reach, pull +grab exercises, sit-to-stand toys + kickingexercises, tunnel play + crawling, towertipping, exploring rattles and musicalinstruments, etc.Texture TuesdayOpportunities to explore new textures andignite the five senses, such as, paintingwith feet, exploring sensory bottles, tastesafe sensory, etc.Wordy Wednesday Anything that introduces our babies tonew language, such as, storytime andsingalong books, felt stories, songs andfingerplay, poems, baby sign language,play narration, etc.Thumbs Up ThursdayHands-on art, sensory, or play invitations,including finger painting, discoverybaskets, hand or finger puppet play, colormixing, etc. Fun FridayAnything "fun" under the sun, includingthemed photoshoots, felt play or stickywalls, dance parties, etc.
In our toddler classrooms theDaily Brain Builders aredesigned to offer a variety ofart, sensory, gross motor,and guided play experiencesthat are tailor-made for ourtoddlers' busy bodies. Toddler Make It Monday any kind of art activities or groupprojects that we can “make” together,including arts and crafts, collaborativemurals, building challenges, sensoryrecipes we mix together, etc.Tactile Tuesdayhands-on sensory or guided playexperiences that allow toddlers to makediscoveries about the world, includingtouch + feel books, discovery boards,sensory bottles, textured block play,hands-on color sorting, sticky walls,exploring new textures, etc. Winded Wednesdaygross motor games and exercises thatget our kiddos' hearts pumpin',including movement prompts, yoga,dancing, balloon play, parachutes, etc.Theme ThursdayCurriculum theme-enhancing activitiesthat bring learning to life in theclassroom, including singalong books,felt stories, + finger-plays featured atcircle time, theme-enhancing art projectsor dramatic play setups, guided playfeaturing themed toys, etc. Fine Motor Fridayany kind of activity that strengthens finemotor skills and hand strength, includingsticker collages, sensory bins featuringdiscovery tools (e.g., eye droppers,tongs, etc.), coloring, sorting with tongs,etc. BrainBUILDERSDaily
In our Preschool and PreKclassrooms, the daily brainbuilders are designed to sparkcuriosity and turn up the learningdial and challenge our littlelearners through hands-onscience, math, literacy. Preschool + PreKMessy MondayAnything that requires us to roll up oursleeves and get messy! Examplesinclude: messy sensory play, mixed-media art projects, cutting trays, etc.Telescope Tuesday Any activity that extends learning on atopic. Examples include: science ornature discovery, matching games, etc.Wildlife WednesdayAny kind of animal-themed lessons,stories, and hands-on science that teachus about the amazing wildlife on Earth.Examples include: exploring animaladaptations and habits, identifying andcreating animal tracks, read alouds thatfeature animal characters, etc.Three-D Thursdayhands-on math, science, art, andengineering activities that explore three-dimensional objects. Examples include:building challenges and block play,hands-on counting boards and patternmaking, clay sculptures and play doughcreations, etc.Friend FridayKindness and character-building lessonsthat teach our kiddos to embrace eachother's differences and approach otherswith compassion. Examples include:multicultural read alouds and lessons,greeting games and kindness role plays,team building games, etc.BrainBUILDERSDaily
School AgePROGRAMSAfter-school programs are anextension of the traditional elementaryschool day, with a large emphases oninteractive and social experiences.Each day the students will have theopportunity to participate in a themedgroup activity, play outdoors, eatafternoon snack with friends, andfinish up any school work assignmentsassigned by their primary teacher. On days the school districts areclosed, but our academies are open,there may be the opportunity to attenda local adventure with our school-ageteachers. With safety as a top priority,and child enrolled in our after-schoolprograms participate in annual bussafety lessons with our staff. Full Day KindergartenOur full-day Kindergarten curriculumfocuses on skills to help studentsbecome lifelong learners, criticalthinkers, flexible and creative problemsolvers, and open-mindedcommunicators. Additionally, ourstate-certified teachers place a largeemphasis on phonics instruction,writing exploration, and STEM basedactivities. Children enrolled in thisprogram are able to attend from6:30am-6:00pm; however, themandatory, structured school dayhours extend from 9:00am-3:00pm.Summer CampAfter School CareAt the heart of our school-ageofferings are our annual summercamp programs. After all, summertimeis perhaps the best time to create themost treasured childhood memories!From special visitors at the school, towater days, to field trips visiting localparks, the adventures are endless.