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LEAVEA MARKWhat stories will others tell about you?What will they remember and share about you and your heart?For better or worse, those stories will define you and the markthat you leave. Are you leaving a quick impression or a lastingimprint? We don’t live forever, but the marks and ripple effects ofour everyday choices will. Will those be faithful and fruitful? Youget to decide. Be intentional. Be purposeful. Be generous.Giving away of your time, talents and heart creates changein the world in a very real way. Even the smallest expressionof generosity may seem insignificant at the time, but can makean uplifting, lasting imprint on someone’s life that you maywitness or one that only God knows. Generosity is not a action,it’s a lifestyle, illustrated by how you shape and share your time,your heart and your treasures.Be persistent in leaving a markof generosity so that its impact will be etched into the heartsof generations to come.Every day gives you a chance to buildsomething that will outlive you. What will your mark be?“One generation will declare Your works to thenext and will proclaim Your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

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FULFILLINGTHE VISION STRATEGY To and Through the Coach We pursue our vision and mission through the strategy of to andthrough the coach. We seek ministry first to coaches hearts, marriages and families. Then,when ready, we ministerthrough coaches to their fellow coaches, teams and athlete leaders. Billy Graham said, “A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will inan entire lifetime.” With the influence of a coach, FCA recognizes the most strategic way to reach more athletes is to first reach the coach.INTEGRITY (Proverbs 11:3) We will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately and publicly. SERVING (John 13:1-17) We will model Jesus’ example of serving. TEAMWORK (Philippians 2:1-4) We will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships. EXCELLENCE (Colossians 3:23-24) We will honor and glorify God in all we do. VALUESOur relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Wordthrough Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and ExcellenceFCA was founded in 1954. It was a dream stirred byGod in the heart of Don McClanen that if athletes canendorse shaving cream, razor blades and cigarettes,surely they can endorse Jesus. With Don’s imprint,now six decades later, FCA reaches millions ofpeople every year as we seek to fulfill the vision.

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“The question often asked is FCA as needed orrelevant today as it was back then,and I would saymore so.FCA is God’s amazing,miraculous dreambeing fulfilled still to this day.”Don McClanen, FCA FounderENGAGE (1 Thessalonians 2:8) We engage coaches andathletes through genuine relationships sharing ourlives and the gospel. EQUIP (Ephesians 4:12) We equip coaches and athletes to grow in Christthrough God’s Word. EMPOWER (2 Timothy 2:2) We empower coaches andathletes to engage and equip others to know and growin Christ.METHODS As FCA matures, we seek to make disciples throughour methods of engaging, equipping and empoweringcoaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ andlead others to do the same.

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COACHLANDRYA MAN OF FAITHOne of the key influencers of the FCA ministry was Coach TomLandry. Beyond his legendary coaching success with the DallasCowboys, Tom Landry left his mark as a gentleman, a familyman and a man of faith. Even now, years after his death,he continues to inspire many to follow his example.Coach Landry’s legacy of impact with FCA began in 1962 at the National FCA Conference in Estes Park, Colorado, with 700 coaches and athletes. There he experienced firsthand the unique opportunity FCA provided for him to make an imprint by sharing his faith with young athletes, who in turn, could influence others to follow Jesus Christ. Landry devoted a large portion of his time to FCA in a variety of ways. He shared his faith at numerous national events, conferences, banquets and fundraisers. In the mid-1960’s, he joined FCA’s National Board of Trustees, where he served faithfully for a decade, including his role as chairman of the board and contributing to many decisions, which strengthened and advanced the ministry. For 30 years, he remained one of the most authentic teammates and active spokespersons in the history of the ministry. “Histories are about the pastThe Fellowship of Christian Athletes movement is about the future,about chnged lives now changing other lives for eternity.”TOM LANDRY

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INFLUENCEEach one of us has a story to tell - a real-life tale that has the power to inspire others todream big, to think big, and to initiate change. Some of these faces may be familiar andsome may not, but the common thread that binds them together is that they are allgamechangers. Influencers. They have followed in the purposeful footsteps of Coach TomLandry. Through their love of sport and desire to make a difference, they have forever lefttheir imprint, transcending age, gender, nationality and socio- economic boundaries. Theseteammates have made generosity a habit; they have shared their time and talents withmillions across the globe and their generosity has become part of the mark that they leave. You have the opportunity to do the same. Each and every day is a personal testimony foryour legacy, and when you lead with your heart, you create an inspiring ripple effect for generations to come.

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The Tom Landry Associates program names in honor of Coach Tom Landry to commemorate his legacy of impact notjust in football but also for the Kingdom, and as a very special friend,leader and benefactor to FCA. The Tom Landry Associates program recognizes major donors who areleaving a legacy of impact for generations to come through generouslyinvesting in FCA’s vision “to see the world impacted for Jesus Christthrough the influence of coaches and athletes.” This program specificallyhonors donors at giving levels beginning at $10,000 annually.We invite you to learn more through the video and pages ahead. If youhave any questions please contact Trevor Bloom at 760-884-6266 ortbloom@fca.orgThe Tom Landry Associates Program

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THE TOM LANDRY ASSOCIATES PROGRAMGIVING LEVELSTOM LANDRY TEAMMATETOM LANDRY CAPTAINTOM LANDRY ALL-PROTOM LANDRY CHAMPION$10,000 ANNUAL GIFT$25,000 ANNUAL GIFT$50,000 ANNUAL GIFT$100,000 ANNUAL GIFTWe are grateful for your prayerful consideration to support FCA above the ordinaryand to become part of a select group of committed donors inspired to live a legacyof impact through FCA. The TLA Program offers four distinct annual giving levels. Itis our hope, but not a requirement, that you continue as part of the TLA Programeach year. Gifts are welcome in cash or stock at any one time or throughout the year.Gifts can be designated (to a specific staff person, area or program) orundesignated (to support the ongoing ministry efforts of FCA through thearea of greatest need).

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PSALM 145:4“One Generation will declare yourworks to the nex and will proclaimyour mighty acts.”RUN TO WINRUN WITH US“Do you not knowthat the runnersin a stadium all race, but only onereceives the prize? Run in such away that you may win.Now everyonewhocompetesexercises self- controlineverything,However, they do ittoreceive a perishable crown,but wean imperishable one.”1 Corinthians 9:24-25YOUR LEGACYYOUR IMPACTYOUR IMPRINTGod is moving in FCA with record participation andcommitments to Christ as we engage, equip and empowercoaches and athletes. It is our desire to see the worldtransformed by Jesus Christ through the influence ofcoaches and athletes.We need your prayers for God’s guidance. We need your involvement in our ministries. We need your financialinvestment.Come join us as our teammate and leave a legacy bymaking a difference in lives now and for generations tocome.YOUR MARKAt FCA, we know that victory does not come easily.Every day the competition for the hearts of youngpeople gets bigger, more challenging and even morethreatening. But in this sports- crazed world, webelieve sports is the catalyst that can turn a generationto Christ. A generation willing daily to do their best inevery area, to not take the easy way and to give 100%.A generation that knows what it means to run the racefor the imperishable crown.

Page 11 PO Box 10515 | Salinas, CA 93912 | 760-884-6266 | centralcalfca.orgTREVOR BLOOMtbloom@fca.orgArea Director Stanislaus County