TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION陈 嘉 庚 诞 ⾠ 1 5 0 周 年 庆 典IMPACT OF ASIAHONOURING THE PAST ENERGIZING THE FUTUREAbdullah HadiCo-Founder & CEOArezou Energi PratamaDr Liew Kian HengFounderLiew StrategicsJason MaDirector & PrincipalITG Maple Glory Utd SchDr AlfonsoVegaraFounderFundacion MetropoliToby YamFounderBlue Wing FundTheresiaLumban GaoFounderIV.YOU. IndonesiaCesar Jung-HaradaAssoc Prof Of DesignSITThomas KnudsenPrincipalRumah GroupDaphne TayCEO & FounderBluente Pte LtdTobias AngSocial Impact EntrepreneurAlex Tan Tiong HeeTrustee & Legal Advisor Settlement of Dr Lim B. K.Annie SongFounderFortune Times, SingaporeHalkalJordyFounder & CEOSantosa Agroland Investama邀请 投资者; 慈善家; 影响⼒领导者; 企业家; 创始⼈INVITINGINVESTORS PHILANTHROPISTS IMPACT-LEADERS ENTREPRENEURS FOUNDERS....2024年10⽉4⽇星期五 新加坡河畔富丽华酒店FRIDAY 4 OCTOBER 2024 FURAMA RIVERFRONT SINGAPORE.影响 ⼒投 资商 业研 讨会 前进 动⼒ 连接 企业 共 创影 响⼒ 成功F O R W A R D M O M E N T U MIMPACT INVESTMENT BUSINESSSYMPOSIUMCONNECTING BUSINESSES FOR IMPACT SUCCESS
Tan Dib JinHonarary Chairman, Impact Of Asia LimitedHonarary Advisor, Organising Committee of TKK 150th Anniversary CelebrationEldest Grand Son Of Tan Kah KeeDearest families, esteemed colleagues, and cherished friends,It brings me great joy to share the news of the forthcoming Tan Kah Kee 150thAnniversary Celebration, set to grace the vibrant city of Singapore.Tan Kah Kee's journey commenced at a tender age of 16 when he joined our family's ricemill and sundries businesses in Singapore. Embarking as a youthful apprentice, his pathwas marked by unwavering determination and an innate entrepreneurial spirit, leadinghim to pioneer new horizons in business, industry, education, politics, social development,community service, nationalism, patriotism, and philanthropy. Each endeavourdemanded strategic management skills acquired through self-learning, underpinned byvalues of leadership, collaboration, benevolence, sincerity, perseverance, respect, andtrust.With meticulous attention to detail, Tan Kah Kee constructed an empire spanningagricultural farming, consumable and non-consumable manufacturing, propertydevelopment, shipping service portfolio, and international trade. His mentorshipextended to nurturing and guiding other business and philanthropic luminaries of his era,leaving an indelible mark on Singapore's landscape. His philanthropic endeavours, drivenby a sense of patriotism and selflessness, endured despite adversity, earning him the titleof the "Henry Ford of Malaya" and the "Rubber King."In the mid-1920s, Tan Kah Kee's enterprises provided livelihoods for over 20,000individuals and supported more than 10 educational institutions in Malaya. He firmlybelieved in the transformative power of education as a catalyst for social progress.The Tan Kah Kee 150th Anniversary Celebration serves as a poignant tribute to mygrandfather's enduring legacy, while also serving as a beacon of inspiration for futuregenerations to pursue their own unique paths to greatness.I am confident that the array of captivating events planned for the celebration will notonly enrich our lives but also leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of futuregenerations.With eager anticipation, I warmly welcome you to join us at the Tan Kah Kee 150thAnniversary Celebration.Warm regards,Tan Dib JinHONOURING THE PAST ENERGIZING THE FUTUREINVITATIONTAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
Daryl TanExecutive Chairman, Impact Of Asia LimitedChairman, Organising Committee of TKK 150th Anniversary CelebrationGreat Grand Son Of Tan Kah KeeDearest families, esteemed colleagues, and cherished friends,As we embark on this journey together, I am delighted to introduce Impact Of AsiaLimited (IOA), a noble endeavour dedicated to fostering culture of collaboration and joint-initiative in impact-investing to realise meaningful social, environmental and financialbenefits. At IOA, our unwavering commitment lies in nurturing the education andtraining sectors across our region, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.In collaboration with our esteemed partners and benefactors who share our vision, weendeavour to realize sustainable project outcomes that leave a lasting mark on thecommunities we serve.It is with great enthusiasm that I extend a warm welcome to you all to join us incommemorating the Tan Kah Kee 150th Anniversary Celebration in Singapore through the Tan Kah Kee 150th Symposium.While we pay homage to our illustrious past, our gaze remains fixed on the horizon of ourfuture endeavours. Our curated Symposium not only celebrates our heritage but alsoprovides a platform for Singaporean and international delegates to showcase theirtalents, exchange insights, and forge connections, all in pursuit of a common goal:inspiring one another and the generations to come to strive for greatness in their ownunique quests.As I move forward in the journey ahead, I reflect on the profound legacies of my forebears,urging us to honour the Kah Kee Spirit — an ethos of relentless self-improvement andinnovation that echoes through the halls of various esteemed learning institutions.At Hwa Chong, the mantra of self-empowerment echoes loud and clear, igniting theflames of potential within each individual. Meanwhile, Xiamen University espouses thenoble pursuit of self-mastery and the pursuit of perfection, while Jimei Universitychampions the values of sincerity and perseverance.In the words of my great-grandfather, Tan Kah Kee, "Without education, there would beno industry, no prosperity." His wisdom resonates deeply, reminding us of the imperativeto evolve and progress lest we face the spectre of obsolescence.With profound anticipation, I eagerly anticipate your esteemed presence as we join handsto craft a shared legacy of success during the TKK 150th Anniversary Celebration.Warm regards,Daryl Tan HONOURING THE PAST ENERGIZING THE FUTUREWELCOMETAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
LEGACY & IMPACTDuring his era, Tan Kah Kee forged a significant business legacy spanning agricultural farming, consumable and non-consumable manufacturing, property development, shipping services, and global trade. This legacy, underpinned byvalues of collaboration, leadership, benevolence, sincerity, perseverance, respect, and trust, embodies the “Kah Kee Spirit”.In alignment with the “Kah Kee Spirit”, the TKK150 Symposium entitled Forward Momentum: Connecting Businessesfor Impact Success serves as a unique platform connecting investors, innovators, philanthropists and professionals in theimpact-investment sector from the region and beyond. It facilitates connections, collaborations and cooperations formeaningful purposes tailored for SMEs and Start-Ups. This event is essential for those seeking growth trajectories. FORWARD MOMENTUMThe TKK150 Symposium will focus on education, healthcare, and sustainability pivotal sectors. Our programme is curatedwith a distinctive concept and categorisation: 1. Investor’s Priority Private investors will emphasise their investment interests and highlight collaboration opportunities in their areas of industry specialisation 2. Innovator’s Pitch Innovators will present fresh-notion or innovative projects to pursue co-investments and collaborative interests that can generate mutual benefits.CENTRAL-THEME HO NORING THE PAST ENERGIZING THE FUTURE is the central theme for TTK150 Symposium. It underscores theopportunities for businesses to connect, collaborate and cooperate. SUB-THEMEEducati on SectorEducation & DevelopmentEducation Technologye-CommerceHealthcare Sector Elder Care Healthcare TechnologyFood & BeverageSustinability SectorInfrastructure & DevelopmentEnvironment CareAgriculture & DevelopmentINTRODUCTIONTAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
BENEFITSYOU WILL WALK AWAY WITHThe TKK150 Symposium offers significant opportunities and benefits for business participants:1. Connection, collaboration and cooperation opportunities with businesses seeking growth trajectories 2. Business lead opportunities for commercial outcomes and ongoing business development support3. Engagements with featured investors and innovators specially coordinated based on dedicated breakout platforms4. Insights on emerging opportunities & innovative ideas from investors & expert practitioners5. Access to fresh ideas from innovators’ and entrepreneurs’ experiencesYOU WILL MEET WITHThe TKK150 Symposium attracts the highest calibre of delegates from the region and beyond:IMPACT OF TKK150 SYMPOSIUMThe principal priority for the TKK150 Symposium are focused on mobilising resources, igniting connections, fosteringcollaborations and empowering cooperations. It also provides exchange of specialised insights among stakeholders thusattracting the highest calibre of delegates from the region and beyond.Private Investors Venture CapitalistsCorporate LeadersImpact-Investment Entrepreneurs Social Entrepreneurs Government RepresentativesEmpower Cooperations Engage SpeakersExchange Insights & IdeasMobilise Resources Ignite Connections Guide CollaborationsTAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
HIGHLIGHTSFEATURED SPEAKERS SESSIONS Hear from dynamic speakers across keynote, bigpicture, and deep dive sessions who lead theirinnovative thinking and ability to inspire ideasAUCTION DYNAMICSSESSIONS Incorporate elements of an auction, such asbidding paddles, to create an engaging andinteractive experience for participants.FACILITATED NETWORKINGSESSIONS WITH SPEAKERSConnect with speakers in a breakout session toheighten engagements and explore areas ofmutual interestsFREE-FORM NETWORKINGSESSIONS WITH DELEGATESNetwork with delegates from the region andbeyond based on a casual and relaxed socialsetting OPEN-FORMATPANEL EXCHANGESExchange insights and expertise with featuredspeakers in an open-format by highligtingsuccess stories, experiences, and lessons learnedWELCOME DINNER SESSIONWITH FEATURED SPEAKERSEstablish connections and foster strongerrelationships with delegates and speakers in arelaxed setting TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALDr Liew Kian HengFounder, Liew StrategicsFounder of Liew Strategics/Consultants, Dr Liew KH is a practisingprofessional engineer and undertakes strategic management onmasterplanning of infrastructures. As an innovator he holds patents; oneon SWP Dewatering For Land Reclamation & Ground Improvements.He serves 40 years in contributing to local and foreign education such asmentoring interns, mentees and, start-ups including Frugal Innovationsand InnoVenture for NUS IEL and Polytechnics on Entrepreneurships; active in school Alumni, Boards of Governors/Directors with his industrypractices. He is also an Associate Lecturer for SIM – RMIT on Building &Construction Management for the past 25 years and regularlycontributes at local and international conferences on sustainability - food, water and green energy relating to UN SDGs.Dr Liew draws attention on the strategic management approach,particularly in the realm of education, social enterprise and strategicdevelopments as pioneered by Tan Kah Kee, a selfless modest OverseasChinese immigrant, in the early 1900s. His sharing initiates andunderscores Tan Kah Kee’s legendary impact on strategic managementwhich is never recorded in any formal studies - influencing hiscompatriots, institutions, and countries to this day and beyond. Tan Kah Kee’s innovations in overcoming adversities and unwaveringcommitments exemplify the spirit of human achievement. All his actionsand their impacts were driven by his patriotic and philanthropic self-determination.KEYNOTE MESSAGE & MODERATORKEYNOTE ADDRESS & INVESTOR‘S PRIORI TYJason MaDirector & Principal, ITG Maple Glory Education GroupJason Ma is the Director & Principal to ITG Maple Glory Education Group.It is a top educational institution in Xiamen City of China. The EducationGroup is a co-investment between the private sector and Xiamen ITGGroup Corp Ltd (Fortune Top 500 Company)Jason Ma will showcase the Group’s business niches, investment interestareas and experiences in the education sector. He will also highlight theareas of the group investments in agriculture (commodity) andhealthcare sectors. INVESTOR’S PRIORITY
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALINVESTOR’S PRIORITYINVESTOR’S PRIORITYDr Alfonso VegaraFounder, Fundacion MetropoliDr. Alfonso Vegara is the Founder and Honorary President of FundacionMetropoli, an international hub for urban research, design, andinnovation. Fundacion Metropoli collaborated with Microsoft to developprojects globally at the intersection of Territory and Technology. In 2016,he concluded the direction of the "Caribe & Santanderes Diamond inColombia" project, which received the "Innovative Idea Award of 2015"from the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. He is a Fellowand Trustee of the Eisenhower Fellowships and has served as theHonorary Consul General of Singapore in Madrid since 2005.Dr. Alfonso Vegara will showcase Fundación Metropoli's role and theimpact it created in its key projects including the recent Kura Kura Bali, aSpecial Economic Zone Of Indonesia, that is now developed as anintegrated economic environment for tourism and creative industries.He will present the areas of his organisation’s investment focus, interestsand experiences, as well as provide insights how others can participateas collaborators and co-investors to capitalize on urban research, designand innovation.Toby YamFounder, Blue Wing FundToby Yam is the Founder of Blue Wing Fund. His investments arefocused on the tech, food & beverage, e-commerce, real estate, arts andeducation sectors. As an angel investor, he has backed 59 private entitiesand 2 public listed companies spanning over 6 industries and 50 citieswithin China. Toby Yam is a visiting lecturer at Xiamen University and theauthor of the book “Efficient Communication”. He is also the PresidentOf Fujian Fund for Children’s Education providing annual funding forthousands of underprivileged children.Toby Yam will discuss how Blue Wing Fund fosters the development ofits investments and the positive social impact it has made on thecommunity. He will also share his experiences, investment preferences,potential collaboration areas, and upcoming ventures outside China.
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALINNOVATOR’S PITCHINNOVATOR’S PITCHHaikal JordyFounder & CEO, Santosa Agroland InvestamaHaikal Jordy is a budding trailblazer in the field of sustainabledevelopment within the Jember Regency Of East Java Province. With aprofessional background in tourism and entrepreneurship, his focusareas are on sustainable agricultural business, community-based circulareconomy, green energy, sustainable and responsible tourism.Santosa Agroland Investama (SAI) supports Jember Regency's circulareconomy by cultivating sweet sorghum on its own 300-hectare land.SAO subsequently processes the sweet sorghum into bio ethanol, silage,bio pellets, and health-oriented food items. The initiative led by SAI isendorsed and supported by the central, regional, and districtgovernments of Indonesia, along with local universities and farmerunions.Haikal Jordy will present his entrepreneurship journey, discuss futuretrends, and demonstrate how SAI successfully provides solutions tocommunity challenges. He will also highlight potential collaborationsand partnerships to enhance Santosa Agroland Investama’s services andmarket reach, aiming for both social and business benefits.Cesar Jung-HaradaAssociate Professor Of Design, Singapore Institute Of TechnologyBased in Singapore, Cesar Jung-Harada is a French-Japanese designer,environmentalist, educator, and entrepreneur, passionate about oceantechnology, impact innovation, and education. He is currently acandidate Ph.D. in Design and Ocean Innovation at the CNAM (France),Former Director of MakerBay LTD (Hong Kong Makerspace) andScoutbots LTD (Ocean Robotic Startup). Cesar serves as a Trustee of theboard of HBKU (Qatar), the Wyng Foundation (Hong Kong), and regularlydelivers workshops and keynotes at international conferences in placessuch as the UN, Harvard or TED. Professor Cesar Jung-Harada will highlight his project, Safecast 3.0,Trusted Environmental Data - the world's largest environmental datacitizen science project, having collected over 225 million datapoint andrecently deployed radioactivity sensors in Ukraine that will be the first toknow if the unthinkable is to happen. He will present areas of potentialcollaborations on his project, targeting for both social and commercialbenefits.
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALINNOVATOR’S PITCHINNOVATOR’S PITCHAbdullah HadiCo-Founder & CEOPT Arezou Energi PratamaAbdullah Hadi is a business leader in sustainable and renewable energy,with expertise in biomass production, specifically wood chips, woodpallets, and sawdust blocks.Arezou Energi Pratama is currently in the expansion phase to becomethe leading and largest biomass facility in Central Java. The company ispositioning itself to further strengthen the local economy and serve as amodel for environmentally responsible industrial practices in the area.Arezou Energi Pratama is committed to transforming vacant land andempowering local communities to produce premium biomass. Byconverting unused areas into productive spaces, the company fosterssustainable energy through advanced and eco-friendly forestmanagement techniques.Abdullah Hadi will share insights from his entrepreneurial journey,explore upcoming trends, and showcase how Arezou Energi Pratamaaddresses community needs. Additionally, he will outline opportunitiesfor partnerships and collaborations to expand the company’s productofferings and international market expansions, driving both social andbusiness impacts.Theresia Lumban GaoFounder, IV.YOU. IndonesiaTheresia Lumban Gaol established IV.YOU. with the aim of supportingindividuals on their personal wellness journeys while enhancing thelivelihoods of qualified private nurses and healthcare professionals inIndonesia. IV. YOU. Indonesia focuses on providing professional IVtherapy & wellness treatments in homes and offices in Indonesia.Theresia will discuss IV.YOU.'s wellness initiatives, current industry trends,and the company's growth trajectory. Additionally, she will emphasiseopportunities for collaborations and partnerships to further IV.YOU.market expansion, targeting both social and business gains.
PANEL DISCUSSIONTAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL“ The Role of Technology in AdvancingImpact Investment Strategies in SouthEast Asia ”
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALPANELISTDaphne TayCEO & Founder, Bluente Pte LtdDaphne Tay is the CEO and Founder of Bluente Pte Ltd. She worked as aconsultant at Bain for over five years, specialising in digitaltransformation and consumer and retail projects. She spearheaded thedevelopment and implementation of a digital solution and app for aglobal agriculture company, earning the Bain Results Challenge Award. Bluente Pte Ltd offers a platform that enhances enterprise languageproductivity through document translation and business languagelearning. Its AI-powered translation tool, which uses glossaries vetted byindustry experts, translates 23 file types into over 120 languages. This toolsaves time and resources needed for external translations, deliveringtranslated output in under 2 minutes. It surpasses Google Translate inaccuracy for Asian languages and Arabic. Bluente’s learning toolfacilitates micro-learning in organizations, enabling teams to masterindustry-specific technical terms. Bluente has been recognized by theAWS EdStart program, named one of the Top 10 startups by Google forStartups SEA, and awarded a grant by KKR Small Businesses.Daphne Tay will elaborate her experiences and industry-trends on howtechnology drives further progress within the impact industry and AI-powered translation service sector.PANELISTAlex Tan Tiong HeeTrustee & Legal Advisor to the Settlement of Dr Lim Boon Keng (1921)Alex Tan is a Trustee & Legal Advisor to the Settlement of Dr Lim BoonKeng (1921). He co-authored “Theatres of Memory: Industrial Heritage of20th Century Singapore” and contributed to the book “World War II @Bukit Brown by Claire Leow and Catherine Lim (eds.) (Ethos Books,2016)”. He has served as Honorary Secretary of Goh Loo Club, CouncilMember of The China Society, Honorary Secretary of the SingaporeHeritage Society, Committee Member of the Southeast Asian CeramicSociety, member of the Leong Khay Huay Kuan, as well as Co-Founder ofChronicles Research & Education Pte Ltd. Alex Tan will narrate the achievements of Tan Kah Kee and how thelatter leveraged technology to advance the impact investment sectorduring his time.
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALPANELISTAnnie SongFounder, Publisher & Editor in Chief, Fortune Times, SingaporeAnnie Song founded Fortune Times, Singapore's first Chinese businessmagazine, in 2004. She has conducted exclusive interviews with prominent business leadersfrom China, Singapore, and Southeast Asia. Over two decades, FortuneTimes has become a leading Chinese business media outlet in SoutheastAsia, reaching passengers on reputable airlines, including SingaporeAirlines. Annie Song holds a degree in Economics and Law with aspecialization in Management Accounting from Zhongnan University,along with an MBA and a Master's in Banking & Finance fromLoughborough University. In 2016, she assumed the roles of honorarysecretary for the Singapore Business & Professional Women’s Association– Mandarin Chapter (SBPWA-MC) and board member of the SingaporeCouncil of Women’s Organization (SCWO).Annie Song will share her experiences and the industry-trends on howtechnology drives further progress within the impact industry andpublishing sector.PANELISTTobias AngSocial Impact EntrepreneurTobias Ang has spearheaded early-stage startups developing amovement analytics platform to improve patient care and rehabilitationservices, as well as a home-health monitoring solution to support seniorsliving independently within the local community. Professionally, TobiasAng was awarded the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB)scholarship and holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering fromuniversities in Germany and Sweden. His expertise lies in the medicaltechnology sector.Tobias Ang will share his experiences and industry-trends on howtechnology is driving further progress in the impact investment sectorwithin the healthcare industry
TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALPANELISTThomas KnudsenPrincipal, Rumah GroupThomas Knudsen serves as a Principal to Rumah Group withresponsibility for its impact investment initiatives. He is also the Advisorto both Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds in the supply chain,infrastructure and energy transition spaces. Rumah Group, a family office based in Singapore, is dedicated tosustainable investments, community development, and environmentalstewardship, along with ongoing philanthropic initiatives.Thomas Knudsen will share on his experiences, industry-trends andthemes that relate to his portfolio solutions and models relevant forinvestors.
AN UNMISSABLE CHANCEWith more than a dynamic program and vital networking opportunities, the TKK150 Symposium offers an unmissablechance for delegates within the region and beyond to be at the forefront conversation fo, innovation and exchange ofideas. REGISTRATIONJoin us for the TKK150 Symposium entitled Forward Momentum: Connecting Businesses for Impact Success onFriday, 4 October 2024 at Furama Riverfront SingaporeBusiness delegates from Singapore can avail themselves of early bird registration benefits. To find out more, pleasecontact the TKK150 Anniversary Celebration Secretariat.International business delegates will be provided with a bundled offer comprising accommodation in Singapore,Welcome Dinner and registration for the TKK150 Symposium. For further information, please reach out to the TKK150Anniversary Celebration Secretariat.PROGRAMMEREGISTRATION PROCESS & FEEFor further information, please reach out to the TKK150 Anniversary Celebration Secretariat or https://ioa.sg/registerEarly Bird Registration Fee of SGD200.00 (100 seats only).Normal Registration Fee of SGD250.00OPPORTUNITY08:00 - 09:00 Registration, Refreshment & Networking09:00 - 09:30Welcome & Introduction09:30 - 12:0012:00 - 13:00Lunch & networking13:00 - 15:00Theme: Forward Momentum 15:00 - 16:00Closing & Networking16:30 - 1800Breakout Sessions With Investors & InnovatorsDURATION DESCRIPTIONSpecial Note: Welcome Dinner hosted by organiser will be held for Speakers and VIPs on Thursday, 3 Oct 2024TAN KAH KEE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALTheme: Energising Futures & Panel Discussion