22www.directmetals.com800.711.4939BAR GRATINGTiteWeld® 7-TW-4 Welded SteelIN STOCK!!7-TW-4SPANSPAN7/16"7-TW-44"7/16"7-TW-22"7-TW-4TiteWeld® super narrow welded grating - ideal for those very tight spacing requirements when you need maximum “roll-a-bility.” TiteWeld® satises both ADA comfort requirements for wheel chairs and walking pedestrians. TiteWeld® is IN STOCK and ready to ship.Panel Width Chart (in.) 7-TW-4 TiteWeld® Dimensions Are Out-to-Out of Bearing Bars** No. of Bars 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3/16" Bars 5/8 1-1/16 1-1/2 1-15/16 2-3/8 2-13/16 3-1/4 3-11/16 4-1/8 4-9/16 5 5-7/16 5-7/8 6-5/16 6-3/4 No. of Bars 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3/16" Bars 7-3/16 7-5/8 8-1/16 8-1/2 8-15/16 9-3/8 9-13/16 10-1/4 10-11/16 11-1/8 11-9/16 12 12-7/16 12-7/8 13-5/16 No. of Bars 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3/16" Bars 13-3/4 14-3/16 14-5/8 15-1/16 15-1/2 15-15/16 16-3/8 16-13/16 17-1/4 17-11/16 18-1/8 18-9/16 19 19-7/16 19-7/8 No. of Bars 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 3/16" Bars 20-5/16 20-3/4 21-3/16 21-5/8 22-1/16 22-1/2 22-15/16 23-3/8 23-13/16**Add 1/4" for extended cross bars. Deduct 1/16" for 1/8" bearing bars. Standard panel widths indicated in bold.*Based on 27.429 bars/ft. of grating width. Bearing bars 7/16" c.c. Add .6 lbs./sq. ft. for 7-TW-2. 1/8" bearing bars available upon inquiry. Note: Grating for spans to the left of the heavy line have a deection less than 1/4" for uniform loads of 100 lbs./sq. ft. This is the maximum deection to afford pedestrian comfort, and can be exceeded for other types of load at the discretion of the engineer. The actual “Ped (pedestrian) Span” under this condi-tion is shown above for each size of grating. When serrated grating is specied, the depth of grating required for a specic load will be 1/4" greater than that shown in these tables. 3/4" x 3/16" serrated grating is NOT available.IN STOCK!!ADA CompliantWt.*Lbs.Sq. Ft.13.7318.0922.4526.8131.2035.5939.9244.31UDCDUDCDUDCDUDCDUDCDUDCDUDCDUDCDClearSpan2'- 0" 2'- 6" 3'- 0" 3'- 6" 4'- 0" 4'- 6" 5'- 0" 5'- 6" 6'- 0" 6'- 6" 7'- 0" 8'- 0"1446.0991446.0792571.0742571.0604018.0604018.0485786.0505786.0407875.0437875.03410286.03710286.03013018.03313018.02616072.03016072.030926.1551157.1241646.1162057.0932571.0933214.0743703.0784629.0625040.0676300.0536583.0588229.0478332.05210414.04110286.04712857.037643.223964.1791143.1681714.1341786.1342679.1072571.1123857.0893500.0965250.0774572.0846857.0675786.0748679.0607143.06710714.054472.304827.243840.2281469.1821312.1822296.1461889.1523306.1222571.1304500.1043359.1145878.0914251.1017439.0815248.0919184.073362.398723.318643.2981286.2381004.2382009.1911446.1992893.1591969.1703938.1362571.1495143.1193255.1326509.1064018.1198036.095286.503643.402508.3771143.302794.3021786.2411143.2512571.2011556.2163500.1722032.1894572.1512571.1685786.1343175.1517143.121231.620579.497411.4651029.373643.3721607.298926.3102314.2481260.2663150.2131646.2334114.1862083.2705207.1662571.1866429.149340.563935.451531.4501461.360765.3752104.3001041.3222864.2581360.2823740.2251721.2504734.2002125.2255844.180286.671857.536446.5361339.429643.4471929.358875.3832625.3061143.3353429.2681446.2984339.2381786.2685357.215380.6291236.503548.5251780.420746.4502423.360974.3933165.3151232.3504006.2801522.3154945.252U - Safe uniform load in pounds/sq. ft.C - Safe concentrated load in pounds/ft. grating widthD - Deection in inchesLoads and deectionsgiven in this table aretheoretical, and are based on a unit stress of 18,000 psi.328.7301148.584472.6081653.487643.5212250.417840.4562939.3651063.4063719.3241312.3654592.292251.9531004.762362.7951446.635492.6811969.545643.5962571.477814.5303255.4241004.4764018.381Bar Size,Inches3/4 x 3/161 x 3/161-1/4 x 3/161-1/2 x 3/161-3/4 x 3/162 x 3/162-1/4 x 3/162-1/2 x 3/16