As you ponder your vision for your life be specific and write in great detail Put a time frame on it Write about every area of your life Your relationships Your emotional well being Your physical well being Your professional well being Your financial well being Your personal well being Your spiritual well being For more ideas about these areas check out my blog The 7 Pillars of Life https mastervisionsmomentum com category sevenpillarsoflife
Take time to ponder what is really important to you This is the time to recognize that what matters most to you may be different than what matters most to other family members or to friends and associates That is OK There is no absolute right or wrong Only what is right for you Your vision is about what you crave in your heart What truly matters to you If you truly invest in this process it will take up much more than the page provided Write as much as possible with as great of specificity and detail as possible then keep that document for reference and transfer the high points into your Momentum Planner This planner has been designed for 100 days Every 100 days re evaluate your vision It may be the same but if you are growing and progressing it will be growing and progressing also Vision is not stagnant It evolves as we evolve Be open to growth and to change As you expand your vision you expand your possibilities To quote Audrey Hepburn Nothing is impossible The word alone says I m possible
Converting vision into goals is where the rubber meets the road The more explicit you were in creating your vision the easier it will be to create explicit and measurable goals For example I want to lose weight is a nice concept but it is insufficiently explicit and it is not measurable The chances of it happening are slim to non existent I am committed to losing 20 pounds by ______ ______ ______ specific date next week is not realistic but a date 4 months away is Both the amount of weight and the time frame are clearly defined There is also a huge difference between I want to and I am committed to
Five Year Goals Three Year Goals One Year Goals Six Months Goals 100 Day Goals SUCCESS
For each goal record a why You are creating a living document You will update this document every 100 days As you update it don t be surprised if goals time frames and whys change In your Momentum Planner record your goals for the next 3 6 months You may well surprise yourself and accomplish more in the next 100 days than you would anticipate is possible Make sure your why is as explicit as your goal Whys are what power change If your why is unclear or if it doesn t emotionally resonate with you it will not be powerful enough to propel you forward towards achieving your goal
Then there are the obstacles that will stand in your way They may be people They may be a lack of resources They may be your own fears Identify them Again the more explicit you are about exactly what they are the better able you will be to create strategies to blast through them Record the anticipated obstacles and your strategy for slicing through them Limit your goals to the three that are the most important for the next 100 days The more you scatter your focus the more difficult it is to accomplish anything
Once you have created your goals for the next 3 6 months it is time to plan your month Set aside time each month to do this Some people like to do it on the last Sunday of the previous month It doesn t matter whether you do it then or at another time What matters is that you are focused and can work for about an hour prior to the start of the new month You will have already filled in the dates in your Momentum Planner You may have already calendared certain events and commitments Look at the goals you have established and choose a 1 Commitment for the month Fill it in It may be one of your goals It may be the prep work required for one or more of your goals
If one of your 3 6 month goals is to complete the first draft of a book you want to write then perhaps your 1 Commitment for the month would be to create an outline for your book Once you have determined your 1 Commitment choose three specific measurable actions that will support that commitment or other goals you have for the period At least one of these actions MUST support your 1 Commitment but it is not necessary for all three to do so
A 2 hour block of time every day to write It could be a time to record thoughts and principles you want to develop It could be time spent developing a character It could be time creating content Be specific 5 7am 10 12am 9 11pm whatever works for you Creating or expanding a morning routine to set up your day A brisk 30 minute walk every day to clear your mind and get endorphins flowing
Filling in your why for each of these actions will provide a foundation for their accomplishment We know the importance of a solid foundation to support a building Your whys are the foundation that support your actions That is why they are crucial Just as a poor foundation will place a building at risk a poor why will place the successful completion of your action plan at risk If your why for a 2 hour dedicated time to write is because writing is a priority in your life and you feel unfulfilled and incomplete without time spent writing each day that is a why that will support your action plan If your why is that your read in a book somewhere that this is what writers do It doesn t have the same power Create your whys for all three action steps Once you are done review it carefully to insure it feels right and appropriate for where you are at and affirm your commitment to taking action as detailed in your action steps As you accomplish each one record the date and give yourself a reward
Once your plan for the month is in place it is time to plan your next week This process will be very similar to the process you used to plan your month Since most people view their week as beginning on Monday Sunday is a good day to do this The important thing is that it is done prior to the start of your week Depending on the complexity of what you are dealing with this process should take 15 30 minutes It does need to be done at a time and a place where you are free from distractions and you can focus on your priorities and the week ahead Review your month s plan before you proceed If you have not already done so make sure the dates are filled in Think about your 1 Commitment for the week and fill it in This will generally be something that supports your 1 Commitment for the month Using the commitment to create an outline for a book the commitment for this week might be to create the bullet points for the outline with plans to fill in details during the remaining weeks of the month
Once you have created your 1 Commitment for the week it is time to complete your action plan This process will mirror the one you used to create your monthly plan Identify three specific measurable actions that will support your 1 Commitment or other goals you have for this period Using the monthly plan as a basis you action plan for the first week of the month might include Identification of the major points or characters for the book If it is nonfiction these points actually might represent chapters during subsequent weeks other ideas may be listed below each chapter heading to provide direction and organization for content creation at a later date If it is a work of fiction it might involve identifying the main characters and creating an avatar for each of them during subsequent weeks their personalities and relationships could be fleshed out along with a story line In this way at the end of the month you will have created that outline for either a work of fiction or non fiction
Create or expand your morning routine During subsequent weeks you can see what is working and what is not and tweak it as required to achieve something you are comfortable with and works for you By the end of the month you will have created a habit that will support you moving forward and you will have met your objective If you have not been walking your action plan the first week might simply be to walk for 10 minutes a day As the weeks progress you can increase your distance each week and identify a time frame for it to be a brisk walk At the end of the month you will have comfortably worked up to a brisk walk of 30 minutes per day
As you can see each of these action plans for the week support your 1 Commitment for the week and the month and the other goals you have established for that month Life happens There are times when your action plan may need to focus elsewhere Everything you are doing is creating a living document not a steel straight jacket It is designed to support the changes that are important to you not to restrict your freedom to live life as you choose For each commitment in your action plan remember to include your why You are building a foundation and you want it to be stable and secure As you accomplish each one record the date and give yourself a reward
lk Take Wa te Call Don request Send in Org Help the t today Work ou w list Start ne s are e g n lle Cha ake life m what ing I st intere quote his like t it y live b Each day is an opportunity to start over to recommit to your dreams and goals with new energy increased focus and full commitment Yesterday is in the rear view mirror What happened yesterday is done The time to celebrate was last night The time for regret over missed opportunities was last night Bringing the good or the bad forward will diminish todays potential The very first thing you do in the morning is open your Momentum Planner and read the inspirational quote at the top of the left hand page Take a moment to let it sink in and ponder its application in your life Beginning your day with inspiration and uplifting ideas lays the foundation for a happy and productive day Then record what you are grateful for Unless you are an insomniac it should be more than being grateful for a good night s sleep
Be specific For example I am grateful for my wife who hides love notes in the pockets of my clothes I always seem to find them when I need them most and they feel like a warm loving hug from her Or I am grateful that I am finding joy in jogging every morning This started out as drudgery but I have found peace and joy in the stillness of the early morning where the only sounds I hear are my feet hitting the pavement and the birds chirping Don t allow gratitude to become redundant where you cycle through a handful of items As you expand your horizons of gratitude you will find your ability to see opportunities expand also Before creating your action plan for the day take a moment to review your action plan for the week Make sure that the plan you create for today is in alignment with your action plan for the week Make sure you are doing something each day to move you forward on your 1 Commitment for the week
Daily schedules will vary from individual to individual For the business person every hour may be filled in with appointments For the soccer mom it may be keeping track of kid s doctor s appointments and practice and game schedules for 2 3 kids For the self employed it may require blocks of time set aside for business building projects or client servicing Every situation is unique Fill in the hours as they work for you The early riser may want to start at 5am with a morning routine The night owl may not start their day till 10am Fill in the times that work for you in a way that works for you Some individuals just use a half dozen lines at the top of the page for their schedule and then record notes of things to remember or follow up on at a later date on the rest of the page The right way is the way that works best for you
At the end of the day an evening routine is a time for accountability Don t leave it till you are so tired you can t see straight There is so much to be learned about yourself in this process it deserves your full attention This is not a laundry list of mundane tasks This is something that brought you one step closer to being the person you are striving to be Learning is growth It is progression It may not be anything that moves you towards your commitment but it is significant because balance is incredibly important for a happy successful life Perhaps you learned to play a new song on the guitar Terrific
It matters for a reason Perhaps it is as simple as playing the guitar relaxes you and bring you joy Acknowledge it Feel it Look back over your day Perhaps you got the order you had spent weeks working on Perhaps you reached out to an old friend and had a great phone call There is no better way to begin or end a day than with gratitude Record it as your priority Tomorrow morning as you plan your day remember to look at what you recorded here as well as at your weekly plan This will help you stay focused and on target and moving forward
It is amazing how our subconscious can process information and ideas when it is not distracted by conscious thought Is there something you can t seem to figure out Note it as a request to your subconscious The natural reaction is to say No No that will keep me awake tossing and turning all night For most people that is not the case Write it down and forget about it You no longer need to think about it Keep a note pad by your bed so you can record ideas that pop into your brain during the night or first thing in the morning Do not think about them just jot them down as they have a tendency to disappear quickly It s 2am and I thought About the last goal I Would like to achieve By going to make amends Go about your day It may not exactly follow your plan it probably won t but it will keep you focused on what you are striving for and what you need to do to get there 1 Stop looking for Ms Right and I thought 2 Take 10 minute break 3 Stop referring to her as 4 Stay home more often
If you create an action plan for May and complete that action in May record the date of completion on the May page If it takes longer than anticipated and you don t complete it till June or July still record the date of completion on the May page The power of keeping commitments to yourself and completing what you set out to do is incredibly powerful There is an old saying that if you shoot for the sun and only hit the moon or a star you are so much further ahead than if you hadn t tried at all Whether it takes longer to hit the sun than you had anticipated or whether you hit the moon instead celebrate your willingness to take action and succeed
Your willingness to take action and to persist when the road gets rocky places you in the top 1 2 of the people on the planet Most are afraid to try or unwilling to do the work Celebrate your accomplishments Reward yourself with the proverbial gold star you received in kindergarten when you fulfilled an assignment The reward can be as simple as an hour curled up with a novel from your favorite author to a night on the town Save the big rewards for the big accomplishments but acknowledge and reward yourself for all accomplishments On your monthly and weekly planning sheets there is a place to record the date the action was accomplished and the reward you gave yourself List each of those accomplishments in the back of your Momentum Planner on The Accomplishments page You will undoubtedly accomplish other things that weren t on your action plan Add them to your list of accomplishments in the back of your planner At the end of 100 days you will be amazed to see everything you have accomplished This will energize you and give you confidence to stretch as you establish a new vision and new goals for the next 3 6 months
My name is Ada Lloyd and I created The Momentum Planner I grew up in New York City in an abusive situation I escaped in a socially acceptable way by leaving home for college one month after my 16th birthday Even as a teenager I understood that I might not have control over my present but I had the capacity to take control of my future I was determined to do so I read I studied I wrote and I made a lot of mistakes along the way
I listened to tapes I attended seminars I took risks and I regularly stepped outside of my comfort zone I made more mistakes I learned that mistakes could be stepping stones to future success if I learned from them I learned that I prospered when I created a structured plan for myself It gave me focus and clarity direction and a framework within which to work It didn t matter if it was a business plan or a plan for my personal growth and development or a plan for healing from my abuse I needed a solid plan I tried a variety of systems and planners None of them provided the flexible support I wanted None of them asked me to think only to record None of them gave me encouragement on a challenging day Another one Bites the Dust
I began collecting inspirational quotes that resonated with me At last count I had in excess of 2500 I realized that just as healthy food is important for a healthy body healthy ideas are essential for a healthy mind and spirit I made sure I pondered on at least one every day I first created The Momentum Planner for me It was a place to record my vision and my goals A place to create an action plan to accomplish them A place to inspire me and remind me of the importance of gratitude A place to prioritize commitments to myself and to be accountable God s gifts put man s best dreams to shame
Life coaching clients began to design a life that reflected their priorities and make changes to bring more of what they wanted into their lives and have less of what they didn t want in their lives For them this was a huge win In many instances they took these principles to family members and changed the group dynamic in a way in which it resulted in a stronger and a happier family Business coaching clients who had originally been life coaching clients already had a step up Regardless of where they started their 1 concern was that it felt as though their businesses owned them rather than them owning their business By using these same strategies they were able to restructure businesses so they had a much better life work balance and the way the business operated was more congruent with their personal values Steven Covey
This resulted in a significant reduction in their stress level as well as improved business and personal relationships In some cases the choice was to sacrifice some top line revenue in the process yet even in those cases the bottom line improved A happier life with less stress and greater income is definitely a win When I realized what a blessing it was in my client s lives as well as in my own I knew I had to share it I hope it does for you a fraction of what it has done for my clients and myself If it does it will be a life altering investment in yourself quarter after quarter year after year as you revisit your vision and your goals and achieve things you dreamed of but assumed were out of reach What you create will be a living document In 100 days when you begin anew you will create a different living document because you will be in a different place Don t wait 100 days to change or update your vision and your goals As your vistas expand don t hesitate to expand your vision EDGAR ALLEN POE
The Momentum Planner is a living resource It may well change with time Please share your triumphs and suggestions with me at ada mastervisionsmomentum com You have the power to create the life of your dreams Step up Do the work Do it now You are worth it I appreciate the trust you placed in me when you made your purchase I am rooting for you to succeed Ada
MASTER VISIONS MOMENTUM ada mastervisionsmomentum com www productivedailyplanner com