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THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship Guide

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Message FriendshipBaptist Churchwww.friendshipbchurch.orgMarch 5th - April 14th, 2025THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and DiscipleshipWHAT’S INSIDEWHAT IS LENT?WHAT WE ARE READING?FASTING GUIDEWEEKLY DEVOTIONAL GUIDEDANIEL’S FAST RECIPESYour paragraph text

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A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH2As we prepare for the sacred season of Lent, weenter a time of renewal, reflection, andrecommitting to God’s purpose in our lives. Thisyear, we embark on a transformative journeyunder our 2025 Lenten theme: "THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal andDiscipleship"“I am the vine, you are the branches. He whoabides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;for without Me you can do nothing.” – John15:5 (NKJV)For decades, Friendship Baptist Church hasstood as a pillar of faith, strength, andcommunity in the heart of the Historic LibertyDistrict. Like the roots of this church run deep inthe soil of Black resilience and liberation, so toomust our faith remain deeply connected toChrist. This Lenten season, we are called toabide in Him, to be renewed in spirit, and towalk boldly in discipleship.Fasting in UnityLent is not just an individual journey—it is acommunity commitment to draw nearer to God. Aswe fast, let us do so in unity, remembering that whenwe sacrifice together, we grow together. Whetherthrough the Daniel fast, intermittent fasting, orfasting from distractions, let our focus be onspiritual renewal and dependence on God.The Biblical Foundation of FastingFrom Moses to Jesus, fasting has been a sacredpractice of surrender and transformation. InMatthew 4:2, Jesus fasted for 40 days before steppingfully into His mission. In Isaiah 58:6, fasting isdescribed as a means to break chains, set theoppressed free, and bring justice. For us, fasting isnot about deprivation but preparation—strengthening our hearts and minds for the workGod has called us to do.A Call to Abide & ThriveFriendship, we are more than a church—we are aliving testimony of faith, love, andperseverance. As we fast and pray together, weprepare ourselves to bear much fruit in ourfamilies, our church, and our community. Wehonor our past, embrace our present, andstep boldly into our future.We are Friendship—The Church on theCorner, where Everybody is Somebody andChrist is ALL!Let us THRIVE together in faith, restoration, andrenewal. Blessings ,Rev. Dr. Arthur H. Mitchell, D.Min.Pastor, Friendship Baptist ChurchFrom the Desk ofDEARFRIENDSHIP FAMILY,FRIENDS, &FAITH PARTNERS:

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A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH3WHAT IS LENT?Lent is a 40-day season of reflection,repentance, and spiritual preparationleading up to Easter Sunday. It isobserved by many Christian traditions,including Catholic, Protestant, andOrthodox churches, as a time of fasting,prayer, and almsgiving to draw closer toGod.The word "Lent" comes from the OldEnglish "lencten," meaning "spring"—symbolizing renewal and transformation.Origins of Lent in the Catholic ChurchLent traces its roots to the early centuriesof Christianity and was formalized by theCatholic Church.Lent traces its roots to the early centuries of Christianity and was formalized by the Catholic Church.What is the Significance of Lent?Lent is a time of: Repentance – Turning away from sinand returning to God1. Renewal – Strengthening faith anddeepening spiritual discipline2. Sacrifice & Self-Denial – Letting goof distractions to focus on Christ3. Preparation – Journeying toward thevictory of Easter4.Lent invites believers to walk with Christon His journey to the Cross andResurrection.A Call to Observe LentLent is an opportunity for spiritualrenewal and transformation. Whetherthrough fasting, prayer, giving, orworship, this season calls us to returnto God with our whole hearts."THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship"

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All Books Available on Amazon, Kindle & AudibleSUPPLEMENTALREADING & ACTIVITIESDURING LENTRECOMMENDED BOOKSWriting with African American women in mind, RenitaWeems probes beneath the surface to find out how thewomen of Scripture felt about themselves-by looking athow they treated other women. Believing that acommon thread of sacred female experiences continuesto bind centuries of women, Weems offers the hopethat "we are just a sister away from our healing."In The 21-Day Financial Fast,Michelle proposes a field-tested financial challenge: for twenty-one days, put awayyour credit cards and buy only the barest essentials. Whathappens next will forever change the way you thinkabout wealth.With Michelle's guidance, you'll discover how to:Break bad spending habitsPlot a course to become debt-free with the Debt DashPlanAvoid the temptation of overspending for collegeLearn how to prepare elderly relatives and yourself forfuture long-term care expensesBe prepared for any contingency with a Life HappensFundStop worrying about money and find the pricelesspower of financial peaceJoin the thousands of others who have already discoveredpractical ways to achieve financial freedom andexperience what it truly means to live a life of financialpeace and prosperity.A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH4"THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship"

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SUPPLEMENTALREADING & ACTIVITIESDURING LENTRECOMMENDED BOOKS CONT.This comprehensive book is for you if youseek a closer walk with God, whether youwonder how to fast or you've beenpracticing this spiritual discipline for years.As you learn the clear biblical reasons forfasting, you'll also be introduced to ninebiblical fasts that God can use for specificphysical and spiritual outcomes.A self-care guidebook full of activities forBlack men everywhere pursuing joy,creating connections, confronting racism,and working through intergenerationaltrauma.Join Susan as she shares the secrets to:Reclaiming the ancient spiritual disciplines of fastingand prayerFollowing the 21-day plan to physical and spiritualhealth (adaptable for a fast of any length)Cooking healthy meals using Daniel Fast foodsParticipating in a group fast with your church, family,or friendsLearning how to hear from God and discern Hispurpose for your lifeDiscover an infinitely richer and more abundant life asyou embark on the Daniel Fast. Includes an FAQ section,devotionals, and 21 days’ worth of healthy eating recipes!A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH5"THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship"

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ACTIVITIES DURING LENTJoin us each Wednesday Night @ 6pm for Bible Study!In- PersonEvery Thursday in March - Walk the block with Pastor Art National Nutrition Month AwarenessGather your family and friends and walk together in support of National Nutritionawareness. Let’s get moving, make better food choices and develop positive eatinghabits. Start time: 10:00 am.March 8th & 15th - Line Dancing 6pm - 8pm | $5 admissionsDust off your boots and get ready to step, slide, and have a great time at our LineDancing Event! Join us for fun, fellowship, and fitness as we move to the beat together.No experience needed—just bring your energy and a smile! March 22nd - Community Outreach Day | 11am - 1pmIf you are not involved in our Outreach, we invite you to volunteer at our MarchFood/Clothing Pantry event. Please contact the church office to signup.In support of our community outreach, American Redcross, Valley Helath Care andC.O.R.E. will be on hand.A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH6"THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship"Monday - Friday | Prayer Call 6amJoin us daily on the Prayer Line . (Dial-in) 1-515-604-9094 AC: 324651483#

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WHAT IS FASTING?Fasting is a spiritual discipline that deepens ourconnection with God by denying the physical tostrengthen the spiritual. It is more than just abstainingfrom food—it is an intentional act of Renewing Faith,Restoring Purpose, and Reaching People.Renewing Faith – Fasting redirects our focus fromworldly distractions to divine dependence. As wehunger for God’s presence, we grow in faith andspiritual clarity (Isaiah 58:6-9).Restoring Purpose – Fasting reminds us of our divinecalling. It helps us realign our hearts, minds, andactions with God’s will, bringing clarity to our purposein life and ministry (Joel 2:12).Reaching People – Fasting is not just personal; it iscommunal. As we fast, we intercede for our families,church, and community, seeking God’s power to heal,deliver, and transform lives (Matthew 6:16-18).FASTINGDURING LENTTHRIVE25: A Call to Fast and FlourishIn THRIVE25, fasting is not about deprivation but aboutgrowth, healing, and transformation. It is an invitation todraw closer to God, seek personal and collectiverenewal, and step boldly into the work of revitalizing ourfaith, reclaiming our purpose, and reaching ourcommunity with love and justice.As we journey through this season of fasting, may weemerge spiritually refreshed, purposefully restored, anddeeply committed to reaching the world for Christ!STAGE 1*Food: Eliminate ALL beef, pork, caffeinated drinks (Coffee/Soda) ,sweets (cookies, candies, desserts), fried foods, breads and ALLdairy (milk, cheese, ice cream). Beverages only from 7 PM - 7 AMor whichever 12-hour period you designate. Drink 64+ ounces ofwater daily unless otherwise advised by your physician. Otherdrinks include herbal teas, protein smoothies and reduced sugarbeverages AFTER athletic workouts (Gatorade G2, VitaminWater Zero, Powerade Zero). Vitamins and supplements areallowed and encouraged. Using an Air Fryer is acceptable.Unsweetened oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk,or soy milk is acceptable.Entertainment: Limit Gaming ( Candy Crush, Monopoly Go, etc.), lottery,bingo, Internet Surfing, and limiting social media(2hrs/day)A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH7WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 - TUESDAY, MARCH 18No Retail or Online purchases. Abstain from non-essential purchases. By non-essential, we mean ALLluxury and/or discretionary expenses. Support MinorityOwned and Local Businesses. Celebratory events isacceptable.Financial:STAGE 2*Food: In ADDITION to Stage 1, limit all meals to what iscommonly known as the “Daniel Fast”. Vegetables,fruits, nuts and liquids are allowed. Vitamins andsupplements are allowed and encouragedWEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 - MONDAY, APRIL 1412:01am*Disclaimer:“If you are under the care of a physician, or have a pre-existing health condition, please check with your physicianprior to beginning this fasting regimen.”"THRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship"

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Key aspects of the Daniel Fast: Plant-based diet (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts,and seeds) No meat, dairy, or processed foods No sweeteners, alcohol, or caffeine Increased prayer, worship, and study of God’s WordHOW TO FAST?Before embarking on a fast, participants should preparethemselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. Keep inmind that fasting is not a form of dieting and allparticipants should consult their primary carephysicians before making any changes to their diet. Wealso suggest preparing your meals in advance in orderto maximize and focus your time and energy.Remember, the objective of fasting is not only toeliminate things from your daily routine, but also toreplace them with prayer. If you usually eat breakfast ata certain time during the day, replace that time byspending time in prayer. If you normally watch TV whenyou get home from work, consider replacing that timewith reading the word of God. As you fast, it isimportant to be consistent. However, if you break yourfast by accident or even miss a few days, don’t beatyourself up or give up. Rather, get right back to yourfasting objectives. Remember, the objective isn’t to beperfect, the objective is to be transformed.WHAT IS THE DANIELFAST?The Daniel Fast is a biblically-based, partial fastinspired by the Prophet Daniel’s commitment to honorGod through his diet and devotion. It is a spiritualdiscipline that feeds the soul, strengthens the spirit,and renews the body, aligning with both Daniel’sbiblical accounts and the teachings in The Daniel Fastby Susan Gregory.A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH8Biblical Foundation of the Daniel FastDaniel 1:8-16 – A Fast for Spiritual and PhysicalHealth1.As a young man in Babylon, Daniel refused todefile himself with the king’s rich food and wine,choosing instead a diet of vegetables andwater. After 10 days, Daniel and his companionsappeared healthier and stronger than thosewho ate the royal food.This passage teaches us that fasting is aboutdiscipline, obedience, and honoring God in allareas of life—including what we consume.Daniel 10:2-3 – A Fast for Spiritual Breakthrough2.In a later account, Daniel mourned and fastedfor 21 days, eating no meat, no wine, and norich foods as he sought understanding fromGod.At the end of his fast, Daniel received a divinerevelation and experienced a spiritualbreakthrough, showing us that fasting is a wayto seek God’s wisdom, clarity, andintervention.The Purpose and Practiceof the Daniel FastAs Susan Gregory explains in The Daniel Fast: FeedYour Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, and Renew YourBody, the Daniel Fast is not just about food—it is aboutspiritual renewal. It is a time of prayer, reflection,and consecration that allows believers to draw closerto God.Why Fast Like Daniel? Spiritual Growth – Aligns us with God’s will anddeepens our faith Physical Renewal – Cleanses the body andpromotes well-being Mental Clarity – Removes distractions and increasesfocus on God Emotional Healing – Creates space for restorationand peace Divine Direction – Opens the heart to hear from Godand gain wisdomA Call to Fast and THRIVEThe Daniel Fast is not just a diet—it’s a sacred disciplinethat allows us to experience renewal, restoration, andrevelation. As we embark on this journey, may we, likeDaniel, commit to seeking God wholeheartedly, trusting thatHe will feed our souls, strengthen our spirits, and renewour bodies."We are Friendship—the church on the corner, whereeverybody is somebody and Christ is ALL!"

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Week 1: Renewing Our Connection to God Focus: Seeking God through fasting and prayer. DAY 1 Matthew 6:16-18 – Pray for sincerity in fasting. DAY 2 Isaiah 58:6-7 – Seek justice and serve others. DAY 3 Psalm 42:1-2 – Hunger for God’s presence. DAY 4 John 15:4 – Abide in Christ. DAY 5 Jeremiah 29:13 – Seek God wholeheartedly. DAY 6 James 4:8 – Draw near to God. DAY 7 Romans 12:1 – Offer yourself to God fully. Week 2: Restoring Our Purpose in Christ Focus: Embracing our identity and calling. DAY 8 Ephesians 2:10 – Walk in your divine purpose. DAY 9 Philippians 1:6 – Trust God’s work in you. DAY 10 Colossians 3:23-24 – Serve with excellence. DAY 11 Isaiah 61:1-3– Minister to the brokenhearted. DAY 12 Corinthians 5:17– Embrace new life in Christ. DAY. 13 Romans 8:28 – Believe in God’s plan. DAY 14 Hebrews 12:1-2– Run your race with endurance.PRAYER MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH9Stay connected withus on the Bibleapp.

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A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH10Week 3: Strengthening Our Discipleship Walk Focus: Living out faith through action. DAY 15 Matthew 28:19-20 – Commit to making disciples. DAY 16 Luke 9:23 – Take up your cross daily. DAY 17 Acts 2:42-47 – Engage in community and teaching. DAY 18 1 John 2:6 – Walk as Jesus walked. DAY 19 Timothy 2:2 – Pass on the faith. DAY 20 Titus 2:11-14 – Live a godly life. DAY 21 John 13:34-35 – Love as Jesus loved. Week 4: Fasting for Breakthrough and TransformationFocus: Seeking renewal through sacrifice. DAY 22 Joel 2:12-13 – Return to God with fasting. DAY 23 Daniel 10:2-3 – Seek wisdom through fasting. DAY 24 Mark – Believe in breakthrough through prayer and fasting. DAY 25 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Humble yourself before God. DAY 26 Ezra 8:23 – Fast for divine guidance. DAY 27 Nehemiah 1:4-5 – Pray for community restoration. DAY 28 Psalm 51:10-12 – Seek a renewed spirit. PRAYER MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL

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A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH11 Week 5: Reaching People with the Love of Christ Focus: Extending faith beyond ourselves. DAY 29 Matthew 5:14-16 – Be a light to others. DAY 30 Romans 10:14-15 – Share the gospel boldly. DAY 31 Luke 4:18-19 – Proclaim freedom to the oppressed. DAY 32 Galatians 6:9-10 – Serve others persistently. DAY 33 Micah 6:8 – Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. DAY 34 Proverbs 19:17 – Help those in need. DAY 35 Isaiah 58:10-11 – Be a restorer of the broken. Holy Week: Thriving in Resurrection Power DAY 36 Matthew 21:9 (Palm Sunday) – Declare Jesus as King. DAY 37 John 13:14-15 (Maundy Thursday) – Serve with humility. DAY 38 Isaiah 53:5 (Good Friday) – Find healing through Christ’s suffering. DAY 39 Romans 6:4 (Holy Saturday) – Embrace new life in Christ. DAY 40 Matthew 28:6 (Resurrection Sunday) – Celebrate the risen Savior! PRAYER MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL

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A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH12BLUEBERRY MANGOSMOOTHIE1 cup water or unsweetened almond milk, coconutmilk, rice milk, or soy milk1 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks1 fresh or frozen banana, peeled, sliced1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries1 tablespoon flaxseed meal, optional1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakesMix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.APPLE-CINNAMONHOT CEREAL1 (14.5-ounce) can coconut milk2 cups cooked brown rice1 apple, chopped, unpeeled (about 1½ cups)1banana, mashed (about 1 cup)1cup roughly chopped dates1½ teaspoons cinnamonPinch nutmeg½ cup toasted pecans or walnutsAdd coconut milk, brown rice, apple, banana, dates,cinnamon, and nutmeg to a medium saucepan. Cook overmedium-low heat about 10 minutes or until heated through.Stir frequently to prevent burning on bottom of pan.Sprinkle 1-tablespoon pecans or walnuts over each serving.Yield: 8 servings (serving size: about 1/2 cup) STIR-FRY VEGETABLESWITH BROWN RICE1½ cups old-fashioned rolled oats1½ cups unsweetened almond milk½ cup unsweetened applesauce¼ cup chopped dried apricots¼ cup chopped dates or raisins¼ cup chopped pecans or walnuts½ teaspoon cinnamon¼ teaspoon saltPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Put all ingredients in a largebowl and stir well. Transfer to an 8 by 8-inch baking dishthat has been lightly rubbed with olive oil. Pour oatmealmixture into dish and bake 45–50 minutes or until slightlybrowned and crispy on Kristen Feola, “Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast”by Kristen Feola, “Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast”1 tablespoon sesame oil 3 green onions (finely chopped)3 tablespoons fresh ginger (minced)4 cups fresh broccoli (chopped)½ pound fresh green beans (chopped)2 carrots (peeled and sliced on diagonal)1 bell pepper (red, yellow, or orange)2 cloves garlic (minced)4 cups greens (chopped kale, bok choy, spinach, collards, etc) 1 can sliced water chestnuts (drained) 3 cups cookedbrown rice 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 ½ cups peas (iffrozen run under water to thaw) ½ cup toasted slicedalmondsHeat a deep skillet or wok over medium heat for about 1minute. Add oil and heat for 1 minute. Add green onions andginger. Sauté for 5 minutes. Add broccoli, green beans,carrots, bell pepper, and garlic. Stir fry for 8–10 minutes. Addgreens and toss for about 2 minutes or until greens arewilted. Stir in water chestnuts, brown rice, soy sauce, peas,and almonds. Serve as a complete mealby Kristen Feola, “Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast”by Susan Gregory “The Daniel Fast”Yield: 6 servings (serving size: 2 squares)DANIEL FAST RECIPESBAKED OATMEAL

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A LENTEN JOURNEY | FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH13CAJUN RED BEANSAND RICE½ tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil½ cup chopped green pepper½ cup chopped red onion½ cup sliced celery¼ cup water2 teaspoons Creole Seasoning1 (15.5-ounce) can red kidney beans, CHIPOTLE BLACK BEANBURGERS1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained1 cup mashed cooked sweet potatoes (about 1 large BBQ JACKFRUIT PULLEDPORK4 20-ounce cans young green jackfruit, in water or brine2 tablespoon olive oil2 small sweet onion, diced2 cups of your favorite sugar-free BBQ sauce1 cup of waterSriracha hot sauce, to tastesalt, to tastevegan ColeslawINSTRUCTIONSbrine. Chop off the hard center core portions, ifdesired. I like the texture better with the tougherparts removed. Set aside.Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat,then add the onion and cook for 3-4 minutes untiltranslucent.Add the jackfruit, BBQ sauce and 1/2 cup of water.Stir well to combine, then cover and simmer for 20minutes on low-medium heat, stirring occasionally.After 20 minutes, remove the lid and mash thejackfruit with a potato masher or two forks, to create ashredded texture so it resembled pulled pork. AddSriracha hot sauce and salt to taste.To finish, turn the heat up to high and cook for another10 minutes, stirring frequently. This helps it dry up abit and get blackened in some spots, which makes itextra tasty!Remove from heat and serve on buns with VeganColeslaw. Enjoy!Yield: 8 servingsrinsed and drained 2 cups cooked brown riceHeat olive oil in a large, deep skillet over medium heat. Addgreen peppers, onions, and celery. Cook until vegetablesare softened, about 3–5 minutes. Add water and CreoleSeasoning. Stir well. Mix in kidney beans and rice. Lowerheat and cook another 5 minutes or until heated through.Yield: 8 servings (serving size: 1/2 cup)by Kristen Feola, “Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast”by Kristen Feola, “Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast”sweet potato, peeled) ¼ cup oat flour (see Recipe Notes) or brown rice flour½ tablespoon dried parsley¼ teaspoon chipotle chili pepper seasoning¼ teaspoon garlic powder¼ teaspoon salt1/8 teaspoon pepperPreheat oven to broil setting. With a potato masher or fork,mash black beans in a large bowl, leaving about 1/4 ofthe beans whole. Mix in sweet potatoes, oat flour, parsley,chipotle chili pepper seasoning, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Scoop out 1/3 cup of bean mixture, and place onan 11x 17-inchbaking sheet that has been rubbed witholive oil. Flatten and shape into a circle with spatula. Repeatwith the remaining bean mixture to make 6 burgers.Broil 4 inches from heat about 7–8 minutes or until golden brown. Flip burgers carefully with spatula. Broil 2-3 more minutes, and serve.Yield: 6 servings (serving size: 1 burger) RUCTIONSby Sis. Dee Franklin

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FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCHCOLUMBUS, GA 31901REV. DR. ARTHUR H. MITCHELL, D.MIN., PASTOR @theship_bc | www.friendshipbchurch.orgTHRIVE: A Lenten Journey of Renewal and Discipleship