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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 3Welcome to ornhill CollegeA warm welcome to ornhill College which has been educating young ladies in Derry City and beyond since 1932. We enjoy the advantage of an excellent location on a spacious site with state-of-the-art facilities. ornhill College is a safe and inspiring place to learn, where children are respected, their talents nurtured and they thrive. Adults and children work towards this goal together. As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, ornhill College is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practiced, respected, protected and promoted.We are a college renowned for academic excellence and want to promote the holistic development of all our pupils from Year 8 until the threshold of young adulthood. is involves fullling their emotional, social, physical and spiritual needs which are met by a highly qualied and dedicated sta. Our Mercy Ethos permeates all aspects of life where a welcoming, inclusive and nurturing environment will provide a multitude of opportunities to enable your daughters to be the very best they can be and realise their true potential. As a listening school we value the partnership we have with parents, as we aspire to facilitate the best learning experience for each child as they embark on their seven-year journey with us.We are a community which recognises the uniqueness and individuality of each pupil in our care and will actively promote their many gifts and talents. e welfare of every girl is paramount to everything we do as we want every pupil to be happy and to develop meaningful relationships. Promoting emotional resilience and well-being will equip pupils with skills for life so that their aspirations for their future can be a vision that becomes, one day, a reality.We are very proud of our school and our pupils and look forward to showcasing what ornhill College has to oer when you visit on our Open Day. Principal Ms Sharon Mallett
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 5Making the Right ChoiceWe understand that choosing the right school for your child is such an important decision and one that takes much thought and deliberation. So why should you consider ornhill College? We are proud to say that we oer excellent teaching, outstanding achievements, and fabulous facilities. Pupils and sta work together in an environment which is conducive to enjoyable, relevant learning and which equips our students for the modern world.Our school aims to educate girls to live condently, become women of vision, hope and compassion whilst maximising their individual learning potential. We place an emphasis on the attainment of high academic standards, alongside seeking to establish clear, moral, and spiritual guidelines for all our students.e care and welfare of all central to our planning A continued focus on academic excellenceHigh expectations from all for all Our commitments to youClear and regular communication to help parents/carers stay informed and connected Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 5
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Making the Transition In ornhill College we endeavour to make the transition from primary to secondary level education as smooth as possible for both parents/carers and children alike.Our induction programme has been designed to be an enjoyable and informative experience for all and to ensure that every student settles into their new school with ease. Our induction programme consists of: • A Parent/Carer Information Session• A Year 8 Summer Scheme Programme• An Induction Day at the start of the school term• Class Buddies to support each form class• Ongoing SupportParent/Carer Information Session.Parents/carers you will be invited to attend a Year 8 Information Session in May before your child starts at ornhill College. is session will provide you with essential information about how we can work together on the next stage of your child’s educational journey.Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 7
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 9Year 8 Induction Day e Induction Day takes place at the very start of the new term and will allow your child to meet their class and form teacher. ey will be guided through the important information they need to get started on their educational journey and engage in activities to further develop friendships with their peers. is Induction Day is a very special day as it will mark the begining of their ornhill College journey!Year 8 Class BuddiesOur Year 8 Class Buddies, who are members of our Junior Prefect Team, will be on-hand to welcome and oer support to your child as they begin the rst day in their new school. ese same buddies will assist each form class during their rst few weeks at ornhill College by accompanying them to their classes, to the canteen/lunch rooms and to the buses/carpark at the end of the school day until they are condent enough to do these on their own.
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In ornhill College we are committed to providing outstanding Pastoral Care. e welfare of each girl is central to everything we do. Placing considerable importance on the well-being of our pupils is fully integrated into our daily routines, curriculum and extra-curricular activities. It permeates all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of sta.A Caring SchoolWe operate a Year Group system within three schools - Junior School (Years 8-10) Middle School (Years 11-12) and Senior School (Years 13-14). We strive to provide a system of wraparound care and so each form class is cared for by their Form Teacher, Head of Year and Head of School.We have a dedicated safeguarding team including a designated teacher for child protection who works closely with our sta and a range of agencies and counsellors to support the well-being of our pupils. Our safeguarding ethos is visible and lived throughout the school.Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 11We believe that when pupils feel safe and cared for, they will achieve their full potential. erefore, the emotional health and well-being of all is promoted and we collaborate closely with parents/carers to ensure this.
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 13ornhill College strives to achieve a fully inclusive learning environment to allow all pupils to make outstanding progress. We have a holistic approach to learning to ensure each pupil has access to the full curriculum and facilities. We understand that each pupil is unique, and our Learning Support Team work tirelessly to adopt a personalised approach to support pupils in a wide variety of settings. We work closely with pupils, sta, and parents/carers to provide additional support when needed. SEN provision is a key priority in ornhill College and is embedded in all teaching and learning. e learning experience is further enhanced through our tailored Learning Support lessons which provide an opportunity for Key Stage 3 pupils to develop Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our Learning Support room serves as a sanctuary for pupils fostering a secure and nurturing environment where students can explore, grow and overcome challenges. Within its walls, a sense of belonging ourishes, allowing individuals to express themselves without judgment. e Learning Support team provide tailored assistance, building the condence and resilience of each pupil. A Supportive SchoolEducating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 13
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 15As a Catholic school, we understand that parental preference for ornhill College implies a commitment to the school’s Christian ethos and to the Religious Education programme provided in this college. However, the school welcomes pupils from other faith traditions and will make the necessary arrangements to accommodate a person’s faith commitment. Grounded in the Mercy tradition of education, we see religious faith and practice as something which is an integral part of the whole school experience of our students and we aim to foster and promote faith development throughout the entire curriculum and school community. Our lived Mercy Ethos is also exemplied though the faith-based programmes. Pupils are given opportunities to take an active role in the Ambassador of St Paul Award, Pope John Paul II Award and the Year 13 Mercy Group. ese opportunities uphold our unique history and the value that Mercy has to both individuals and our wider community.A School Of FaithOur OratoryWe are privileged in ornhill College to have a beautiful Oratory located in the heart of the school building. e Oratory is used for Mass and services for class groups or simply a quiet space where any member of our school community can go to reect, pray or just take time to be quiet in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.e Mercy Moments Awards are awarded to pupils demonstrating and living out our Mercy Values of: Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Justice, Hope and Joy. Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 15
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 17Rewarding ExcellenceIn ornhill College we strive to model positive behaviours and build strong relationships. We encourage students to demonstrate high standards of respect, co-operation and organisation in both their behaviours and academic work. To that end we are committed to recognising and rewarding their motivation, eorts and achievements. Pupils are recognised and rewarded in the following ways:• Junior School Reward Steps• Personal acknowledgement• Oral and written feedback• Displays of work• Sharing of work with parents/carers• Positive comments • Certicates • Postcards• Personalised letters home• Positive phone calls• Pastoral/subject noticeboards • Attendance awards• Appointment to posts of responsibility• School website• School Twitter account• Nomination for participation in prestigious competitions and projects • Achievements celebrated in assembly • Local media coverage • Prize-Giving ceremoniesAt Key Stage 3 a structured reward system is in place called Junior School Reward Steps. Pupils have the opportunity to gain points for a wide range of categories including excellence in class, charitable endeavours, courtesy and kindness. We believe that every student should receive recognition and reward as they progress through the year.Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 17
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 19Staying Connected Communication between pupils, parents/carers and teachers is an integral part of our school practice and we do this in several ways.e Daybooke individual daybook will be used by all pupils to record homework, receive comments from teachers and to ensure that there are clear lines of communication between home and school. e daybook will be regularly monitored by form teachers and parents/carers are required to sign it weekly.Social MediaSocial Media - We use Twitter and Instagram as a means to keep our school community informed about events and to acknowledge the daily achievements of our students. Many departments and pastoral areas also have their own accounts to share the outstanding work that pupils are engaging in. Parent/Teacher MeetingsWe recognise that parents/carers play an active role in their child’s education and welcome the opportunity to meet personally with parents/carers to discuss their child’s progress.Monthly Newsletter Each month a vibrant and informative newsletter is shared with pupils, parents/carers and sta. It is used to showcase the wonderful talents and work of our school community whilst also celebrating the outstanding achievements of individual pupils and groups.ornhill College App SIMS App is used as another method to communicate with pupils and parents/carers. Information and notices are posted regularly via the app to keep everyone up to date with all areas of school life. Pupil progress reports, which are communicated at various stages throughout the year, can also be accessed through the app.Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 19
ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202420Curriculum Across all Key Stages• Art & Design• Citizenship• Computing• Drama• Employability• English• Geography• History• Home Economics• ICT• French • Irish• Spanish• Mathematics• Music• Personal Development & Social Education• Physical Education• Religious Education• Science• Technology & Design4• Applied Health & Social Care (Single and Double Award) • Applied Life & Health Sciences (Double Award) • Art & Design • Biology • BTEC ICT • Business Studies • Professional Business Services • Careers Programme • Chemistry • Drama & eatre Studies • Digital Technology • English Literature • Enrichment • Geography • Government & Politics • History • French • Irish • Spanish • Mathematics • Music • Physical Education • Physics • Psychology• Religious Education • Statistics • BTEC Travel & Tourism • Art & Design • Biology• Business Communication Systems• Careers Programme• Chemistry• Child Development• Digital Technology • Double & Triple Award Science• Drama• English Language• English Literature• Food and Nutrition• French • Further Maths• Geography• Health & Social Care• History• Irish• Learning for Life and Work • Maths• Music• Personal Development and Social Education• Physical Education• Physics• Religious Education• Spanish• Statistics• Technology and DesignOther subjects can also be accessed through the Foyle Learning Community. Further information about curriculum provision is available from the school on request.
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ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202422Fabulous Facilities In ornhill College we are truly blessed to have such outstanding facilities to enhance the educational experience of our pupils. Many of these are used as part of our extra-curricular provision too.
Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 23Extra-curricular activitiesA wide range of activities and clubs are available to students in ornhill College and at the start of the academic year we encourage every year 8 girl to take part in at least one of these. Each year this list is updated to take account of the interests of our students.Getting involved in activities either at lunchtimes or after school is a great way to meet new people, enjoy an activity they are interested in or to take up a new interest. Engaging in extra-curricular activities not only broadens pupil perspectives but also assists them to strike a healthy work/life balance.Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 23
ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202424Outcomes“Pupils continue to achieve very high outcomes in public examinations at key stage 4 and post-16.” ETIornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202424
Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 25In ornhill College we believe it is important that our students are provided with opportunities to “Live Life to e Full” and to celebrate all of their achievements. Our students and sta work hard to achieve high outcomes in all aspects of school life.We are extremely proud of the outstanding outcomes achieved in the 2023 external examinations.GCSEPercentage of Pupils achieving 7+ A*-C grades including Maths and English2022-23100%A LevelPercentage of Pupils achieving 3+ A levels at grades A*-C2022-2389.5%A Successful School
ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202426Leavers’ DestinationsIn ornhill College we take great pride in the wide array of career pathways our students follow when they leave us, progressing into Higher Education, Further Education, Higher Level Apprenticeships (HLA’s) or employment. e vast majority of our Class of 2023 have taken places in third level education across Ireland, the UK and North America. A number of our students secured highly sought aer places on Higher Level Apprenticeships, earning while they learn, with businesses including; CME Group, Deloitte, EF McCambridge & Co and E&I Engineering. is year one of our students is even pursuing her Haute Cuisine Chef Diploma at the prestigious Culinary Institute of Barcelona.London - Total Students:1Kings College London, University of LondonEast of England - Total Students:2Anglia Ruskin University - 1University of Cambridge - 1East Midlands - Total Students:4Loughborough University - 2University of Nottingham - 2Yorkshire & e Humber - Total Students:2Sheeld Hallam University - 1University of York - 1North East - Total Students: 8Newcastle University - 4Northumbria University, Newcastle - 2University of Sunderland - 1South East - Total Students:5BIMM University - 1University of Brighton - 1University of Chichester - 1Solent University (Southampton) - 1University of Sussex - 1Scotland - Total Students:10e University of Edinburgh - 5Edinburgh Napier University - 1Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh - 1University of St Andrews - 1University of Strathclyde - 1North West - Total Students:17Liverpool John Moores University - 12Liverpool Hope University - 3University of Liverpool - 1Manchester Metropolitan University - 1Northern Ireland - Total Students: 87Queens University Belfast - 48Ulster University - 37Strnamillis University College - 2Wales -Total Students: 3Bangor University - 1Cardi University - 1Cardi Metropolitan University - 1West Midlands -Total Students: 1Harper and Keele Veterinary School - 1South West -Total Students: 1University of Bath - 1
Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 27“As I sit in my new room at the University of Edinburgh writing this message to you all, I am overcome with a sense of appreciation for the school that prepared me so well for this next stage. Studying Medicine in this amazing city, has been an aspiration of mine for as long as I remember, and I reect on how ornhill nurtured my abilities to allow my dream to become a reality. “ Emma Corns, Class of 2023
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 29A Message from our Head GirlMy name is Mary Keogh, an honoured and privileged member of ornhill College and current Head Girl. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you as you begin to prepare for the next stage of your exciting journey at secondary school.Deciding which school is best for you can be a daunting experience. Seven years ago, I was in the exact same position as you and I was experiencing mixed emotions about leaving primary school, thinking that I would never be able to adjust to life in the big school. But now, looking back I couldn’t be more grateful to my younger self who made the decision to choose this wonderful school. ornhill welcomed each and every one of us with open arms into a nurturing and attentive environment which has allowed me to blossom into the capable, condent young woman that I am today. I can safely say all the opportunities aorded to me by ornhill and the vast pastoral and academic support networks that exist within the school environment have equipped me with all the essential skills as I begin to prepare for the next chapter of my life. Skills that you too will acquire during your time here. Not only has this school shaped me into the person I am today, but it has also provided lifelong friendships and memories which I will carry into the future. I can guarantee that if you decide to become a ornhill girl and a member of our school family, you too will gain the same experiences and sense of fullment as I have. Be excited for this new journey, for the new experiences such as trying on your uniform for the very rst time or meeting new people. Remember that we will provide the warmest of welcomes in an environment where every member of sta wants the best for you, enabling you to thrive both academically and personally.I want to wish you all the very best of luck as you progress into the next stage of your education.Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 29
ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202430My condence has grown since I joined this school. I was delighted when I found out that my new school had a football team because I love playing the sport. ere are lots of extra-curricular activities to get involved in and there is something for everyone. My favourite subject is History because I love my teacher and love learning about the past. Eva - Year 8ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202430
Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 31I am a member of the Junior Choir and I also take part in Cross Country. I enjoy both of them very much. ornhill was a great choice of school for me and I am really enjoying being here.Caoimhe - Year 8My favourite subjects are Art, TD, Irish and Spanish. All my teachers are really kind and helpful. During lunchtimes there are many activities to take part in such as the Club Ceili, Spanish Club, French Club, Reelrobics and much, much more! “Beidh am ar dóigh agaibh anseo i gColáiste Chnoc na nDealg” Mia - Year 8Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 31
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Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 33e Board of Governors has determined that admission to ornhill College in 2024 will be by an Entrance Test. (SEAG Entrance Assessment)In the event of the number of applicants being greater than the Admissions Number for the school, applicants shall be selected in the order of priority set down below, based on the information provided at the date of application. ADMISSIONS CRITERIA 2024 e outcomes/results of the SEAG Assessment will be ranked as follows: Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, Band 4, Band 5 and Band 6. 1 1st preference applicants awarded Band in the SEAG Entrance Assessment. 1. 1st preference applicants awarded Band 1 in the SEAG Entrance Assessment. 2. 1st preference applicants awarded Band 2 in the SEAG Entrance Assessment.3. 1st preference applicants awarded Band 3 in the SEAG Entrance Assessment. 4. 1st preference applicants awarded Band 4 in the SEAG Entrance Assessment. 5. 1st preference applicants awarded Band 5 in the SEAG Entrance Assessment. 6. 1st preference applicants awarded Band 6 in the SEAG Entrance Assessment. 7. In the event of oversubscription of places and there are more applicants with a particular Band than places remaining, then any available places will be allocated by the application of the following sub-criteria in the order of priority set down below: (i) Applicants who, at the date of application, have a child of the family currently enrolled at the College or who will be in the coming year. (ii) Applicants who, at the date of their application, are the eldest child of the family to be eligible to apply for admission to the College. Eldest child of the family eligible to apply for admission as dened in DENI Circular 2022/15. (iii) Applicants who, at the date of application, are a Child Looked Aer. 8. In the event of oversubscription aer the application of sub-criteria 7 (i-iii), applicants will be selected for admission on the basis of initial letter(s) of surname as entered on the pupil’s long birth certicate in the order set out below: I N M C Mac W X A P Y H R G O B V D Q K S U T Z Mc L F J E is order was determined by random selection and witnessed by an independent adjudicator. NB: A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE COPY OF THE COMPLETE THORNHILL COLLEGE YEAR 8 ADMISSIONS CRITERIA INCLUDING ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE NOTES IS AVAILABLE ON THE COLLEGE WEBSITE.Admissions Criteria For Entry 2024
School PrayerLord, I give you praise and thanksat the beginning of this new dayfor all the blessings I have received in my life.Lead me to live fully in the present moment andenjoy all that is good around me.Help me to live our school motto, “y Kingdom Come”, and because you are with me, let me see you in all those I meet today.I ask you to bless anyone in our community who isworried or in need of help.Teach me to show your concern and care for others.Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us.Amenornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202434
Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 35ornhill College Derry | Girls Grammar School | Prospectus 202435Educating concerned, informed, adaptable members of the world community 35THORNHILL COLLEGE142 Culmore Road, Derry. BT48 8JFT: 028 71355800F: 028 71353311E: Sharon Mallett BSSc MSc MSc PGDFHE PQHFollow us @ornhillDerry