This Week at CasaJune 2023
Pride Month and Juneteenth Celebrations
Midweek Christian Growth
The Love Center
Where you may connect with us? YouTube This Week @Casa to subscribe.
We are in need of people to help clean the Sanctuary and Social Hall. If you are able to help, please contact a steward. Stewards are Tracey Allen, Kathy McAllister, James Chambers, Scott Watson, Stephen Bolick and Angel Claborn.
Financial State
Because we are not publishing weekly through the summer we have not been posting the offering updates. But I will share here that our Stewards were put in the awkward position of not having sufficient funds for the work of the church this month.
Your tithes and offerings support the work of the church. If you want to support a specific ministry indicate that on your donation. (there are check boxes on the Donation site linked below). If you want to pay the bills and support the expenses of the church mark General Fund.
Remember that your gifts are just that, gifts to honor our God. Give cheerfully and watch the way God blesses you and the work of your church.
1029 E Turney Ave Phoenix AZ 85014