This Week at Casa
The Love Center
Midweek Christian Growth
Zoom Bible Study will Resume on Wednesday evening, Jan. 3rd
Join us the last Saturday of Every Month
1029 E Turney Ave Phoenix AZ 85014
Connect with us! YouTube This Week @Casa to subscribe.
Your prayers are needed to intercede at thegates of heaven for members, their familiesand for those who send in their prayerrequests. PrayersIf you need prayer email us
Sign Up Now!
The Love Of God Is Yours 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him John 3 16 17
Casa Cleaning DaySaturday January 20thFocus on the Storage Shed9am until
Financial Update
Your tithes and offerings support the work of the church. If you want to support a specific ministry indicate that on your donation. (there are check boxes on the Donation site linked below). If you want to pay the bills and support the expenses of the church mark General Fund. Remember those expenses include the power that drives the Love Center, keeps fridges running in the Deacons' pantry and allows the SALT ministry to prepare meals periodically for the community.
And know that All of Your gifts honor our God. Give cheerfully and watch the way God blesses you and the work of your church.
The Love Center, a ministry of Casa de Cristo Church and Apostolic Center , supplies clothes; food; shower and laundry services for those who are experiencing homelessness and anyone else in need.
The Love Center is currently accepting donations of gently used or new clothes for men and women. Items that are needed are hoodies; men's and women's jackets/coats; tee shirts ( sizes medium, large and extra large); sweaters; socks; and men's shoes.
If you would like to donate any of these items , please bring them to the church any Sunday between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM or call Pastor Jim Simpson at 602-359-2474 and make arrangements to receive your donation.
Thank You and God bless,
Pastor Rev Jim Simpson, Director of the Love Center
The Love Of God Is Yours 43 You have heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy 44 But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you Matthew 5 43 44
Watch Our Advent ServicesFollow us now on the Casa de Cristo Facebook Channel Or YouTube Channel
At Casa church is more than sermons and songs. It’s about sharing the love of God throughout the year!
You are continually in our prayers! May the coming year be Blessed and filled with Love! ~ Your Casa Pastors
1029 E Turney AvePhoenix AZ 85014