This Week at Casa Worship the Lord!
Watch the pre-recorded study on Facebook or YouTube Casa Channels
Midweek Christian Growth Zoom Bible Study will Resume on Wednesday evening, Nov. 29th
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those whocurse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray forthose who spitefully use you and persecute you, Matt5:44 The Love Of God Is Yours!
Your prayers are needed to intercede at thegates of heaven for members, their familiesand for those who send in their prayerrequests. PrayersIf you need prayer email us
The Love Center
Have you ever wanted to give a Christmas gift that would really make a difference? Well here is your chance. The Love Center, a ministry of Casa de Cristo Church and Apostolic Center , supplies clothes; food; shower and laundry services for those who are experiencing homelessness and anyone else in need.
The Love Center is currently accepting donations of gently used or new clothes for men and women. Items that are needed are hoodies; men's and women's jackets/coats; tee shirts ( sizes medium, large and extra large); sweaters; socks; and men's shoes.
If you would like to donate any of these items , please bring them to the church any Sunday between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM or call Pastor Jim Simpson at 602-359-2474 and make arrangements to receive your donation.
Thank You and God bless,
Pastor Rev Jim Simpson, Director of the Love Center
YouTube @CasaDeCristo/streamsFacebook #casadecristo
OutFamilyPicnicNov 18th 10 AMNorth Mountain ParkCasa will provide hot dogs. Bring apotluck dish to share. Fall FestivalVollunteers will be celebrated at thisevent.
The Casa de Cristo Christmas party is December 16th at 6 PMat Pastor Jim and Johnny's home. The party is open to all Casade Cristo members, attendees, their families, and friends. Meat and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dessert orside dish to share as you are able. Please sign up on the sheetlocated in the social hall or call Pastor Jim at 602-359-2474 tosign up.
The Love Of God Is Yours 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him John 3 16 17
Casa Out’N’About Will Not Meet inNovember. Scott’s GenerationsGlendale and 7th StreetNext Meeting Saturday, December 30th10 am - Noon
Financial State
Because we are not publishing weekly through the summer we have not been posting the offering updates. While operating funds have been low donations have allowed us to continue to minister to the homeless and others in our community
Your tithes and offerings support the work of the church. If you want to support a specific ministry indicate that on your donation. (there are check boxes on the Donation site linked below). If you want to pay the bills and support the expenses of the church mark General Fund.
Remember that your gifts are just that, gifts to honor our God. Give cheerfully and watch the way God blesses you and the work of your church.
A big thank you to Emily and Veronica who have stepped up to clean the church. Please speak to one of them, talk to one of the stewards at church or email, if you would like to help. More volunteers will allow us to create teams so don't hesitate to put your name in just because you know someone else has already volunteered.
The Love Of God Is Yours 43 You have heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy 44 But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you Matthew 5 43 44
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1029 E Turney AvePhoenix AZ 85014
This Week Casa