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Thirrili A4 membership brochure

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Your guide tobecoming a

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Postvention Leadership The loss of a loved one to suicide is a challenging and difcult time, impacting on individuals, families, and communities. Postvention support is provided in the aftermath of suicide.Thirrili provides support across Australia to individuals, families and communities by providing practical supports and tools for education and information about suicide prevention to reduce the traumatic impacts of suicide.We engage in advocacy and policy at all levels of Government and the not-for-prot sector to ensure that the voices and needs of those affected by suicide are heard and addressed, fostering a more informed and compassionate approach to suicide prevention and postvention. Grounded in Indigenous values with Country at the centre, our governance structures embody a cyclical nature, reecting the profound connection and continuous feedback loop between Thirrili and community. When community become members of Thirrili, they transition into pivotal roles, signicantly inuencing our governance, and effectively the way we work with community.This inclusive approach is pivotal in balancing power, promoting shared decision-making, highlighting the importance of lived experience, and is deeply informed by the principle of self-determination, all of which are essential for authentic healing and growth within the community.Join our movement We rmly believe that real change starts with the collective strength of our community. By becoming an organisational or individual member, you will be an essential part of strategy to drive systemic change, advocate for suicide awareness, and harness the strength and spirit within our communities.Why become a Member?Our membership base supports us to be strong advocates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.You can make a positive contribution to reducing the traumatic impacts of suicide by becoming a member of Thirrili.Belong to a supportive and active communityThirrili offers a supportive network of like-minded individuals and organisations committed to making a difference in the lives of those affected by suicide. Be the change you want to seeAs a Thirrili member, you actively participate in shaping the future of our organisation and our initiatives. Your ideas, experiences, and perspectives will drive us towards meaningful systems change that reects the needs and hopes of our communities.Empowerment through self-determinationWe uphold the principle of self-determination, recognising that every member’s voice is crucial in making decisions that impact our communities. By becoming a Thirrili member, you become an active part of our transformative journey towards healing, strength, and cultural empowerment. As a member, you will have the opportunity to: – Participate in community-driven initiatives and decision-making processes. – Collaborate with like-minded individuals and organisations to address suicide postvention challenges. – Access resources, training, and support to enhance your skills and knowledge. – Advocate for culturally safe and responsive suicide postvention strategies and support systems. – Contribute to research, knowledge translation and advocacy efforts to create meaningful change for Indigenous communities.Your membership will provide you with the opportunity to join this important national organisation and participate in the conversations and activities which will reduce suicide in our communities. Together, we can make a signicant impact and create a future where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities are thriving and ourishing for future generations to be free from the traumatic impacts of suicide.Full Membership requirements – Individuals must be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander – Organisations must be Aboriginal Community Controlled Non-voting membershipNon-Indigenous individuals, organisations and businesses can join with Associate membership who share the Thirrili vision and values in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities as genuine allies. Thirrili Indigenous Suicide Postvention Services is an Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation dedicated to creating positive change and support for individuals and communities affected by suicide.

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Membership categoriesORGANISATIONAL FULLMEMBERStrengthen partnerships, promote community ownership, and actively contribute to system delivery and change.ELIGIBILITYLike-organisations working in suicide postvention including Mental Health, SEWB, cultural healing, workforce, primary health careBENEFITS – Voting rights – Eligibility for election totheThirrili Board – Apply for small grants – Policy engagement – Access to Thirrili’s workshops and expert consultations – Priority access to Thirrili’s research and reports – Networking opportunities – Receive our newsletter and othercommunications – Cross promotion opportunities – Job advertising INDIVIDUAL FULL MEMBERConnect, support, and collaborate with fellow community members to address suicide postvention challenges.ELIGIBILITYCommunity advocates supporting suicide prevention initiativesBENEFITS – Voting rights – Eligibility for election to theThirrili Board – Apply for small grants – Policy engagement – Access to Thirrili’s workshops and expert consultations – Priority access to Thirrili’s research and reports – Networking opportunities – Invitations to events and activities – Receive our newsletter and other communicationsNON-VOTING MEMBERProvide invaluable support to ourinitiatives and stay connected with our progress.Collaborate with us to achieve ourgoals.ELIGIBILITYA person or an organisation must becommitted to the Principal Purpose of the Company.BENEFITS – Opportunities to work collaboratively on relevant projects – Cross promotion opportunities – Receive our newsletter and othercommunicationsWhen community become members of Thirrili, they transition into pivotal roles, signicantly inuencing our governance, and effectively the way we work with community.

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Connect with usStay updated on our events and initiatives byfollowing us on social media.Contact us For membership inquiries, please contact our membership coordinator. 1800 805 Scan this QR code to complete themembership form.