T H E W O R T H Y O N EEvery year, for the four Sundays leadingup to Christmas, we observe the season ofAdvent. The word Advent refers to thearrival of something, or Someone, of vastimportance. It is a time for both honestreflection and hopeful anticipation.The world has changed. Much that oncewas has now been lost. We all feel it. Theprophet Isaiah wrote to a people in exile.Yet, he dared to put God’s dream for abetter future into words that his peoplecould live by. He spoke of a kingdom not oftheir own doing. It would be a gift. Theremaking of the whole world. Broughtabout, not through human effort, but byGod’s special Representative. The One.The singular Person who would succeedin all the ways the people themselves hadfailed. The only One in all of heaven andearth who is worthy to make God’s dreamfor the world a reality. He was known toIsaiah by many titles. The Child. TheKing. The Servant. The Messenger. Weknow Him by name – Jesus Christ.This Advent, we celebrate Jesus’ cominginto the world to rescue us, even as we lookand ache for him to come again, with thekingdom in hand, to finally set us – andthe world with us – right.
Guide FormatThe three elements to this Advent FamilyWorship are simple: Sing, Read, andPray. You can follow the order we havesuggested, or do things in your ownorder. The point is not to follow a script,but rather to spend some momentstogether worshipping God and learningfrom Him. In family worship, we praiseGod with our voices, hear God’s Wordread aloud, ponder it together in ourhearts, and pray for the Truth we justheard to change us. This may take aslittle as 10 minutes."In our family, during Advent, we beginFamily Worship by turning the lights oand lighting the candle(s), because itcaptures everyone’s attention. We evensing in the low light. The children thenseem to be a more captive audience aswe move into reading and prayer. We setout the coloring sheets and crayonswhen a parent begins reading, to keeptheir hands occupied." - Molly LockwoodTable of ContentsWeekly Devotions 4Scripture 12Hymns & Songs 14Recipes 20
W E E K O N E — F A I T HThe prophet Isaiah describes the world asa place of deep darkness and gloom.Instead of being God’s light, all too often,even we his people are a part of thatdarkness. But there is a Light fromoutside the world that shines into thedarkness. All the shadows flee before it. Achild. The Child. The One who wouldburn so brightly, so beautifully, that hewould light up the whole world. So muchso, that one day soon, when his kingdom isfinally all-the-way here, there will be nomore night. Oh, and no more sun. And nomore moon. Only his glory.Our Advent theme this week is faith.Against all of our lingering fear andunbelief, we light a candle as an act offaith in the One who has come into ourdarkness and will come again to banish itforever. Jesus Christ is the light of theworld. “Whoever believes in him will notperish but will have eternal life” (John3:16).4
D E V O T I O N A LS I N GTurn off all the lights and sit in the darkness together for a moment.Light the first Advent candle as you sing a song of your choice from theback of this guide. (see Song Guide on page 14 and playlists onpage 26)R E A DRead Isaiah 9:6-7 aloud (see Scripture Guide on page 12)Turn the lights up a little to continue reading the Advent theme * thisis a great time to set out coloring sheets and crayons for youngerchildren*Read aloud our Advent Theme (left hand side, entitled "Faith")For further discussion:Is it surprising that the promised Hero would come as a baby? Why?P R A YFirst, adore God for his love.Second, confess how you can live in fear of the darkness, instead offaith in the Light of the World.Third, give thanks for Jesus. He is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He is the Light that shines in thedarkness, and the darkness has not overcome Him and never will!Lastly, ask the Holy Spirit to help you live as the light of the world.5
W E E K T W O — H O P EThe prophet Isaiah describes the world asa cruel place. Where tyrants reign and thestrong prey on the weak. Instead of livingas God’s faithful image-bearers, we, toooften, perpetuate oppression and injustice.As it turns out, we’re not very good atbeing in charge. But there is a One who isworthy to rule the world. A King. TheKing. His righteousness and faithfulnesscause all who live under his leadership toflourish. One day soon, when His heavenlykingdom has fully broken into this world,all that has been broken by sin and deathwill be healed.Our Advent theme this week is hope. Indefiance of cynicism and despair, we lighta candle to express our hope in the futurekingdom of the One who will make thefuture God has promised a reality. Hopebelieves that tomorrow is a sure thing.But, for today, we “wait for our blessedhope, the appearing of the glory of ourgreat God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus2:13).6
D E V O T I O N A LS I N GTurn off all the lights and sit in the darkness together for a moment.Light the first Advent candle and remind the children that itsymbolizes our faith in Jesus, the Light of the World.Then light the second Advent candle as you sing a song of your choice(see Song Guide on page 14 and playlists on page 26).R E A DRead Isaiah 11:1-9 aloud. (see Scripture Guide on page 12)Turn the lights up a little to continue reading the Advent theme * thisis a great time to set out coloring sheets and crayons for youngerchildren*Read aloud our Advent Theme (left hand side, entitled "Hope")For further discussion:If you were king, what would you change? What kinds of laws wouldyou put into place?What kind of king is Jesus? What words does Isaiah use to describeHim?P R A YFirst, adore Jesus for being a righteous and faithful judge, full ofwisdom, understanding, counsel, and might.Second, confess how you use your strength to lift yourself up, insteadof using your strength to lift up the weak like Jesus does.Third, give thanks for the future Kingdom Jesus is bringing, when Hewill heal everything that is broken.Lastly, ask Jesus to come back quickly!7
W E E K T H R E E — L O V EThe prophet Isaiah decries the pride andboasting of the human heart. We are toobig for our britches. It’s a big problem,because,whenwe’resofocusedon ourselves,it is hard to love and serve others. TheBible says that greatness is humility. Yet,God’s people, like all the rest of mankind,too often still grasp for power. But there isOne who has been tasked with remakingthe world through sacrificial love. TheServant. Imagine the surprise whenthe Servant, God’s representative, came...serving. The people scratched their heads.One day soon, he will come back to theearth, but this time as an enthroned Kingbringing His glorious kingdom. Peoplewill be surprised again, when they realizethat, in the end, the world bows tomeekness.Our Advent theme this week is love.Against all of the pride and selfishnessthat still finds a home in our hearts, welight a candle as a declaration of our lovefor the One who came not to be served butto serve and give his life for his people.Jesus Christ. The Lion of Judah. TheLamb that was slain. “We love because Hefirst loved us” (1 John 4:19).8
D E V O T I O N A LS I N GTurn off all the lights and sit in the darkness together for a moment.Light the first Advent candle and remind the children that itsymbolizes our faith in Jesus, the Light of the World.Light the second Advent candle and remind them that it symbolizeshope in the future Kingdom Jesus will bring.Then, light the third Advent candle as you tell them that today’s candlesymbolizes the love of Jesus. Sing a song of your choice. (See SongGuide on page 14 and playlists on page 26)R E A DRead Isaiah 53:4-6 aloud. (see Scripture Guide on page 13)Turn the lights up a little to continue reading the Advent theme * thisis a great time to set out coloring sheets and crayons for youngerchildren*Read aloud our Advent Theme (left hand side, entitled "Love")For further discussion:Is there anyone who is difficult for you to love? Why? What did Jesus'love cost him?P R A YFirst, adore Jesus for being a humble Servant, even though He is Lordof everything.Second, confess how you love yourself more than you love others, andconstantly miss opportunities to be a servant.Third, give thanks that Jesus' love led Him straight to the Cross,where He paid the price for all of our sin.Lastly, ask the Holy Spirit to make you a loving, humble servant likeHe is!9
W E E K F O U R — J O YThe prophet Isaiah gives voice to thesadness of the world. Even God’s peopleare not exempt from having brokenhearts. The world is broken and beyondrepair, at least, by human hands. Butthere is One who can rebuild and restore.The Messenger, sent by God, with goodnews. Anointed by God for the specialwork of bringing about the reversal of allour loss and grief. One day soon, when allthat work is done, and the kingdom isfinally all-the-way here, the eternal"instead" will make up for everything.Beauty instead of ashes. Joy instead ofmourning. Comfort instead of shame. Wewill see then that life really is a fairy-tale,and we will all live happily-ever-after.Our Advent theme this week is joy. As aprotest against all the sadness that stillclings to the world, we light a candleanticipating our coming joy in Jesus’kingdom. “Those who sow in tears willreap with shouts of joy” (Psalm 126:5).10
D E V O T I O N A LS I N GTurn off all the lights and sit in the darkness together for a moment.Light the first Advent candle and remind the children that itsymbolizes our faith in Jesus, the Light of the World.Light the second Advent candle and remind them that it symbolizeshope in the future Kingdom Jesus will bring.Light the third Advent candle and remind them that it symbolizes thelove of Jesus that led Him to come as a Servant and ultimately sacrificeHis life.Lastly, light the fourth Advent candle as you tell them that today’scandle symbolizes the everlasting joy we will have in Jesus’ Kingdom!Sing a song of your choice. (See Song Guide on page 14 andplaylists on page 26)R E A DRead Isaiah 61:1-7, 10-11 aloud. (see Scripture Guide on page 13)Turn the lights up a little to continue reading the Advent theme * thisis a great time to set out coloring sheets and crayons for youngerchildren*Read aloud our Advent Theme (left hand side, entitled "Joy")P R A YFirst, adore Jesus for being a messenger of good news to our sadworld.Second, confess that even though we have heard and believed thegood news, we often forget, neglect, and even refuse to bring it to thosearound us who desperately need to hear it.Third, give thanks for the day when Jesus will restore everything,and finally replace our sadness with unending joy.Lastly, ask Jesus to help us be messengers of His good news,messengers of joy!11
S C R I P T U R E G U I D EScripture Passages & SongsLinks to songs can be found on pg. 26Week 1 - Isiah 9: 6-76 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be uponhis shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and ofpeace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, toestablish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this timeforth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this."John 1:1-7" by The Lockwoods"In the Beginning" by Slugs and Bugs (1 John 1)"Isaiah 9:2-7" by The LockwoodsWeek 2 - Isiah 11:1-91 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from hisroots shall bear fruit. 2 And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, theSpirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spiritof knowledge and the fear of the LORD. 3 And his delight shall be in the fear ofthe LORD. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what hisears hear, 4 but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide withequity for the meek of the earth; and he shall strike the earth with the rod of hismouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked. 5 Righteousnessshall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins. 6 The wolf shalldwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and thecalf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.7 The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and thelion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of thecobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. 9 They shallnot hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of theknowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea."A Good Good King (Isaiah 11)" by Rain for Roots12
Week 3 - Isiah 53:4-64 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed himstricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for ourtransgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisementthat brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. 6 All we like sheephave gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORDhas laid on him the iniquity of us all.“With His Wounds We Are Healed” Movement 3, by The Corner Room“By His Wounds” by Slugs and BugsWeek 4 - Isiah 61:1-7, 10-111 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me tobring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, toproclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who arebound; 2 to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor, and the day of vengeance ofour God; to comfort all who mourn; 3 to grant to those who mourn in Zion— togive them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead ofmourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be calledoaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified. 4 Theyshall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; theyshall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations. 5 Strangersshall stand and tend your flocks; foreigners shall be your plowmen andvinedressers; 6 but you shall be called the priests of the LORD; they shall speakof you as the ministers of our God; you shall eat the wealth of the nations, and intheir glory you shall boast. 7 Instead of your shame there shall be a doubleportion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their landthey shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy... 10 I willgreatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed mewith the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as abride adorns herself with her jewels. 11 For as the earth brings forth its sprouts,and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord GOD willcause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations.“The Spirit of the Lord (Isaiah 61:1)" by Seeds Family Worship13
H Y M N S & S O N G S14
20E G G C U S T A R D P I E4 eggs 3/4 cup sugar1 Tbsp. butter½ tsp. salt1 tsp. vanilla2 cups milk (scalded)1 unbaked deep dish pie shellPreheat oven to 350. Beat eggs until they create a foam. Add sugar, saltand scalded milk, butter, and vanilla. Pour slowly in unbaked shelland bake for 25-30 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center ofcustard comes out clean.When having friends over for a meal, consider leaving some of themeal prep undone. Everyone always ends up hanging out in thekitchen anyway and asking how they can help, so give them anopportunity to assist you with any last-minute preparations. This willgive your guests a sense of belonging and can cultivate greatconversations.
21R O A S T B E E F S L I D E R S1 Package of slider buns1.25 lbs of deli roast beef sliced thin (BH London Broil is my favorite)12 slices of deli white American cheese sliced medium (1 slice per slider)1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce6 Tbsp. butter3 Tbsp. brown sugar1 Tbsp. poppy seeds1 Tbsp. cream style horseradish plus more for spreadingPreheat oven 350 degrees Split your slider rolls and spread a thinamount of horseradish sauce on the bottom bun. Spray a 9x13 dishlightly with non stick spray. Arrange the bottom halves in the dish andlayer a folded half slice cheese, a generous amount of roast beef andanother folded half of American cheese then put on your top bun. Ina sauce pan combine butter, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce,horseradish and poppy seeds. Heat over medium until ingredients arecombined and melted. Brush the mixture over the sandwiches,making sure the sauce drips in between the sandwiches too. Bake for20-30 minutes until the tops are slightly brown and crispy.Where the food is, they will go. I like having appetizers out and readywhen guests arrive. I’ve learned that wherever I put them tends to bewhere friends will congregate the most, even after the appetizers arefinished. If I put them in the kitchen: Everyone is standing, chatting,munching and hanging in there. If I put them in the living room:Everyone is sitting cozy on the couches. If I put them on the patio:Everyone is pulling up seats and enjoying being outside. Put the foodwhere you want the party to be!21
22S W E E T P O T A T O C A S S E R O L E3 large sweet potatoes - baked1/4 cup sugarOptional: Orange juice to taste(approximately 1/3 cup)2 eggs1 tsp. vanilla extract1/4 cup milk, cream or evaporated milk1/2 cup butter1 tsp. salt1 tsp. cinnamonBake washed sweet potatoes in 400 degree oven until soft and peel.Place in large mixing bowl and whip with butter. Add eggs and mix.Add remaining ingredients and pour into a greased 13x9 baking dish.Topping: Mix brown sugar, flour, butter and pecans until crumblyand sprinkle on top. (I don’t always use all of the topping.) Bake 30 -40 minutes in 350 degree oven until bubbly and topping is crispyTopping1 cup brown sugar1/3 cup flour1/3 cup butter1 cup pecans, chopped
Traditions are part of what makes the Christmas season so special toeach of us. The memories of past Christmas seasons with family andfriends bring smiles to our faces and warmth to our hearts. There arealso disappointments and hurts from our past that can dim the joy ofthe present if we allow them to consume our thoughts. The greatestgift ever given arrived in a simple stable in Bethlehem when the loveof God became flesh and “dwelt among us”. John’s gospel reminds usthat Jesus “came to his own and his own people did not receive him”.So how do we invite God’s greatest love-gift, Jesus, into our homesand hearts during this Advent season and make room for him in ourfamilies and hearts?My earliest Christmas memories begin in a very small house with mysingle mother, my brother, and myself. Christmas gifts were few andthere was no large extended family to join us for an extravagantChristmas dinner. When December rolled around, my mother had usfirst go through our current toys to gather good-condition toys toshare with those not as fortunate as ourselves. She would take us andthe toys to the local fire station to drop off our loved toys to children inneed. We learned early that Christmas was first to be focused ongiving to others. I remember many a Christmas when she wouldinvite people without family to join our simple meal. In fact, she oftenwould gather the lonely and invite them home for a meal all duringthe year. These were my first “lessons” in hospitality. As we think ofJesus as an unwelcomed stranger to our world in need of hospitality,maybe we could look around and be a gatherer of the lonely, theoutcast, and the forgotten that God loved enough to come as a baby tosave.Lord, make us bold this Christmas to extend your welcome to thosearound us and to embrace this as a new tradition. Give us eyes to seeand a heart that cares.23
24S U G A R & S P I C E C A K EMy family always called this Sugar & Spice Cake. And I always doublethe icing. It’s a super easy sheet cake that is delicious.1¾ cups flour2 cups sugar¾ cup cocoa powder2 tsp. baking soda1 tsp. baking powder1 tsp. salt2 eggs1 cup black coffee, at room temperature1 cup buttermilk (or sour milk)½ cup vegetable or canola oil1 tsp. vanilla
My host tip is to always use the fine China. Every occasion with familyand friends is a reason to celebrate, decorate, and make it special. It’sworth the extra dishes and a chance that something could get broken.Frosting½ cup butter, softened2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled3 cups powdered sugar3 Tbsp. milk2 tsp. vanillaPreheat oven to 350°. Combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda,baking powder, and salt in a large mixing bowl or stand mixer. Addeggs, coffee, buttermilk, oil, and vanilla. Beat for several minutes.Batter will be thin. Pour batter into a greased and floured 13×9-inchpan. Bake 30 – 35 minutes. Combine frosting ingredients and mixuntil creamy. Frost cake.25
O N L I N E R E S O U R C E SAdvent Scripture MeditationsSpotify: redeemerwh.org/advent-spotifyApple Music: redeemerwh.org/advent-appleAdvent Hymns & SongsSpotify: redeemerwh.org/advent-hymns-spotifyApple Music: redeemerwh.org/advent-hymns-appleBehold the Lamb of God (Andrew Peterson)Spotify: redeemerwh.org/btlog-spotifyApple Music: redeemerwh.org/btlog-apple26