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The Way To My Heart Business Plan

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LEG SAVER HOTLINEThe purpose of The Way To My Heart's Leg Saver Hotline isto democratize access to life and limb-saving informationand care to improve health equity and reduce the number ofpre-mature heart attacks, strokes, and amputations globally.415-233-2730Call us2023

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Kym McNicholasCeo - The Way To My Heart, Inc.001KymStrictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Since inception, The Way to My Heart is credited with saving nearly 1,000 patients on deck foramputation, from losing their limb. One of the biggest catalysts for our success was acommunications network that allowed patients to reach out direct-to-me and a team ofvolunteers in real-time where we could provide education, high-touch advocacy, and real-timesupport that led to life and limb-saving resources and care. Now, we are expanding our "LegSaver Hotline" hoping to save the 18 million more patients believed to be at-risk of losing theirlife and limb here in the U.S. due to Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.).Dear Respected Stakeholders, I am an Emmy Award-winning journalist who found her life'spurpose while covering a story which I believe needed a new ending, one which didn't involvepre-mature heart attacks, strokes, and amputations. So, I decided to create it through "The WayTo My Heart," which is my passion and purpose in life. Over the last seven years I've traveled the world watching hundreds of doctors performthousands of hours of life and limb-saving procedures in nearly a dozen countries and more than30 States for patients with peripheral artery disease, a common circulation issues in mainly legsthat impacts 3 in 5 heart attack sufferers and 1 in 5 over age 60. All of what I've learned andcontinue to learn during my journey, along with relationships I've developed with physicians andclinicians, I use on the frontlines to help improve the quality of life for patients globally.

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To support patients and caregivers through high-touch advocacy,education, and interaction. Success is getting patients to the rightphysician and to comply with lifestyle modifications after procedures.THE WAY TO MY HEART INCVisionMissionObjectives002Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyOur vision is to improve the quality of life for P.A.D. sufferersaround the world while dramatically reducing healthcare costs.Strategic Plan2023 - 2028Leg Saver Hotline - 2023Through journalistic investigations, vascular specialists, patients, and medical device-makers as well ashospital and outpatient-based centers were interviewed. It was discovered that many heart attacks,strokes and amputations are preventable. The right doctor, the right treatment and right advocacy andsupport were found to make a difference in life and limb.BackgroundEducation – provide timely, unique, patient driven, in-depth content.Conferences - bi-annual, five hours in length featuring up to 25presenters with thousands of viewers. Radio Show/Podcast: Weekly Q&A on a variety of helpful topics.Newsletter/Books – published regularly covering new treatmentoptions, patient stories and critical questions to ask physicians. Orientation – Monthly P.A.D. basics for patients and caregiversAdvocacy – be a friend in health through a patient’s journey.Appointment preparation via private meetingsSupport during appointments via phone/video chatAppointment follow-up to discuss patient’s diagnosis andtreatment options, as well as long-term strategy.Support – lifestyle modification, and specific care programs."My Steps" text-based remote walking accountability/support "Your Way" diet program with free access to a dietitianCare Access Program (C.A.P) removing financial barriers.The Way To My Heart aims to remove logistical, financial, and emotionalbarriers to timely, effective, life and limb-saving care through:GoalsIn 2022, nearly $100,000 was raised to accomplish our objectives via private donors and grants.To continue the programs shown above, $800,000 is needed annually.1. Expand The Way To My Heart's "Leg Saver Hotline" as the gateway to reaching and managing patients.2. Continue reaching the nearly 12,000 patients worldwide including the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe,and the Philippines3. Conduct aggressive fund raising to provide our continuing support to patients and caregivers in need.

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Online & On The Front LinesCommunity.TheWayToMyHeart.orgThe Way To My Heart is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that provides free education,high-touch advocacy, and real-time support for patients suffering from one of the mostdebilitating diseases many have never heard of, yet three-in-five heart attack sufferershave it. It's called Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.), which is a circulation issue mainly inthe legs caused by plaque build-up. Early diagnosis and early appropriate treatment canprevent pre-mature heart attacks, strokes, and amputations related to P.A.D. The Way ToMy Heart's programs reduce the logistical, financial, and emotional barriers to getting thattimely, effective, and medically necessary resources care so that patients can live alonger, better quality of life.003Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023ABOUT US

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Jay plays tennis one week afteran advanced trained physicianunblocked the artery behindhis knee. The Way To My Heart helpedJay find a limb saver after hishealthcare team said the onlyway he would play tennis againis 'if you grow new arteries.' He won a National doubleschampionship title a year afterhis revascularization. Martha hugs hergrandaughter after aphysician 'gave me my lifeback.' Doctors prior tofinding The Way To MyHeart told her she had nooption but amputation.To support patients and caregivers through high-touch advocacy, education,and interaction. Success is getting patients to the right physician and to complywith lifestyle modifications after procedures.Our vision is to improve the quality of life for P.A.D. sufferers around the world whiledramatically reducing healthcare costs.VISIONMISSION004Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Nurse Practitioner Kay found The Way To My Heartafter her doctor marked her palliative since hecouldn't clear blockages in her abdomen arteries.Kay lost hope until our team educated her on newtreatment options and how to find an advancedskilled doctor. She also enrolled in our "My Steps"walking program, which inspired her to get up fromher wheelchair for the first time in three years.After treatment by her new doctor, she dancedwith her husband for the first time in five years.

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Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.) is a common condition in which narrowed arteriesreduce blood flow to the arms or legs. Lack of early diagnosis, early treatment, andeducation are leading to high rates of pre-mature heart attacks, strokes, and amputation. Lack of awareness: Studies showinsufficient awareness of its clinicalmanifestations, including intermittentclaudication and critical limb ischemiaand of its risk of adverse cardiovascularand limb outcomes. THE PROBLEM005Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Lack of health equity: Race and/or socioeconomic stature results in AfricanAmericans and Hispanics up to three times more likely to have a P.A.D. relatedamputation.Lack of rehab access: Walking is the best medicine for P.A.D. and few supervisedexercise therapy programs exists and where they do, few complete them or remaincompliant long-term.Lack of dietary support: Diet is one of the biggest factors in disease and yet fewdietitians are available for support.Lack of compliance: Most patients are non-compliant with medications and lifestylemodifications leading to more frequent, costly medical care. Lack of early diagnosis: Symptoms of leg pain, leg cramps, neuropathy are oftenmisdiagnosed as old age, diabetic neuropathy, or sciatica. Lack of early treatment: Most with it don't know, if at all, until advanced stages andheart attack, stroke, amputation are eminent.Lack of availability: Physicians and facilities are overburdened causing significantdelays in patient care, including diagnosis, treatment, and comprehensive education. Lack of care consistency: Different doctors have different treatment options andpatients don't know a limb saving option might be available elsewhere. 200 Responses200 ResponsesLack of education: Patientsdon't have access to real-timeanswers to questions aboutdiagnosis and treatment optionsresulting in fear, stress, anxietythat can worsen one's vascularcondition. Dr. Google is their go-to because of that.

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THE PROBLEM10 Facts about PAD006Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLegendary Harlem Globetrotter Larry "Shorty" ColemanHost of The Way To My Heart's"One Step Away' SeriesLost left leg due to P.A.D.The Way To My Heart savedright leg.3-in-5 heart attack sufferers have P.A.D.1-in-5 over age 60 has P.A.D.1-in-3 diabetics over age 50 has P.A.D.About 50% of Americans has diabetes; P.A.D. is a prevalentcomplication.Every 6 minutes a P.A.D. related amputation is performed in U.S.Every 20 seconds a P.A.D. (diabetic ulcer) related amputation isperformed globally.85% of all P.A.D. related amputations are preventable with earlydiagnosis & appropriate treatment.90% of amputations are performed without attempts to restorebloodflow within a year prior.Only 10% of all P.A.D. specialists are trained in advanced limbsalvage.More than 75% of nearly 500 patients polled say they experienceunmanaged lifestyle limiting pain due to P.A.D. Saver Hotline - 2023

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OUR SOLUTION01 02 03To provide unique, patientdriven, in-depth content that istimely: Conferences - quarterly, sixhours in length featuring up to25 presenters with thousands ofviewers. Newsletter – publishedmonthly including newtreatment options, patientstories and critical questions todiscuss with physicians, and aquarterly special diving intospecialty topics. Seminars – virtual, interactivediscussions weekly withvascular physicians, devicecompanies, pharma, dietexperts and other practitionersto address timely topics. Orientation and Publications –for patients and caregiversImproving health equityImproving patient quality of lifeReducing pre-mature heart attacks, strokes, and amputationReducing healthcare democratizing access to critical resources designed to save life and limb.To be a friend in healththroughout a patient’sjourney: Appointmentscheduling to helpexpedite timely, effectivecare.Appointmentpreparation via privatemeetings to prioritize keypoints and criticalquestions. Support duringappointments viaphone/video chat to helpfacilitate a productive &satisfying conversationbetween patient andphysician. Appointment follow-upto discuss diagnosis andtreatment options.To provide critical resourcesnecessary to help patientsbe a partner in their care: Lifestyle modificationprograms - Walking, diet,smoking cessation Care Access Program (CAP) -Removes financial barriers relief, transportation,caregivers, medicalequipment, healthy food. Community & peermentoring - Support groups onFacebook & via proprietaryapp. Amputation PreventionPanel - free second opinion bynearly two dozen advancedPAD specialists. 24/7 Leg Saver Hotline -Remove structural barriers togetting answers to advocacy support007Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023

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THE GATEWAYLeg Saver Hotline008Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyOn the frontlines is The Way To My Heart's LegSaver Hotline where operators, whom we callour "P.A.D. Navigators," are standing by to directpatients to critical life and limb-savingeducation, hight-touch advocacy & support. Leg Saver Hotline - 2023(415) 320-7138The Leg Saver Hotline does not offer medical device. It provides a friend in health who'sUp until recently, initial onboarding via the Leg Saver Hotline was managed by founderKym McNicholas with up to 100 calls weekly along with a team of volunteer P.A.D.Navigators supporting patients with thousands of interactions weekly through socialmedia channels. Leg Saver Hotline expansion in 2023 will expand outreach and manpower to increaseimpact, guiding more patients through the hotline for additional resources.available each day tovalidate patient concernsand answer questions inreal-time in order to mitigatedisease-related stress andanxiety betweenappointments, help facilitatetimely, effective limb andlife-saving care, and supportpatients with critical lifestylemodifications.Daily Calls January 20232010

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EXPANSION009Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Leg Saver Hotline (415) 320-7138Improving access tocomprehensive education,high-touch advocacy and real-time support. Closing the gap betweenappointments with tangible,actionable, limb-savingguidance without boundariesof time and space.Removing structural barriersthat limit physical access tocritical life and limb-savingresources to at-risk,vulnerable communities.Free life and limb-saving resources at the fingertips of patients virtually. Healthcaresystem front office staff answer calls for scheduling and taking messages for physiciansand clinicians. Patients don't have real-time access to comprehensive education abouttheir disease, help navigating the healthcare system to ensure advanced care, lifestylemodification support, or resources that remove financial and logistical barriers to timelyeffective life and limb-saving care. The New Social Healthcare Model

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WORKFLOW010Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Leg Saver Hotline (415) 320-7138MedicalStudentsPADWarriorsPADCaregiversHealthCoachesPatientAdvocatesDietitian PhysicianConnectionSpecialistInsuranceSupportNurse/NursePractitionerSocialWorkerThe Way To My Heart's Leg saver Hotline is divided into two tiers. Tier 1 is designed to assessthe needs of the caller and determine whether they can meet the needs of the caller witheducation, advocacy, and support or whether the caller is best transferred to a Tier 2representative. Tier 1 is a mix of patients as advocates, caregivers highly experienced in caringfor someone with P.A.D., health coaches, and medical students. Medical students are aprimary focus for the Leg Saver Hotline as P.A.D. is still under-diagnosed due to limitededucation in a broad curriculum. Providing the opportunity for nursing, podiatric, primarycare, and physician assistant students to be on the front lines with patients will help reduceamputations long-term as recognition of symptoms will improve at earlier stages of disease. Tier 2 of the Leg Saver Hotline offers support with connecting to a limb saver, help findinglocalized resources such as free or low-cost food and transportation, assistance withunderstanding health insurance options, and access to a dietitian to provide answers to real-time questions about healthier eating habits. Dietary support is especially important becausemost patients never have the opportunity to have a dietary consult as dietitians are few, mostinsurance only cover one consult if at all, and there's typically no follow-up to ensurecompliance. If patients want additional dietary support, they have to pay out-of-pocket andthat creates a barrier for the most vulnerable populations. Since diet is one of the biggestfactors that must be modified to improve the prognosis for P.A.D. patients, The Way To MyHeart has partnered with Boston Heart Diagnostics to make dietitians available daily forpatients across America. They will help patients make decisions on healthier choices at meal-time, how to read ingredients and nutrition labels to choose the healthier options, assist themin filling out the worksheets provided in The Way To My Heart's "Food For Thought" diet book,and create a list of critical questions to discuss with their healthcare team.

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CALL CENTER GOALS011Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023EducationPAD ManagementStrategyAppointmentpreparation (criticalquestions)Assistance withappointmentschedulingEmotional supportOnboarding into onlinesupport communitiesOnboarding intolifestyle modificationprograms (diet, walking,smoking)Point to onlineresources (videos, PADguides, downloadableitems)Referral to 'The Way ToMy Heart' specialist:connection to aphysicianfinancial resources(i.e. transportation,food, co-pay relief,medicalequipment)advocacy duringappointmentsadditionalemotional supportdietary support010203ASSESS IMMEDIATE NEED RESOLVE IMMEDIATE NEED DETERMINE/SCHEDULE FOLOW-UPWelfare Checks/AppointmentremindersQuality of Life/Success SurveysquarterlyContinuance of JourneyMappingLifestyle modificationcompliance Continued appointmentadvocacyHang up and call 911 |P.A.D. Navigator calls localER to inform them patientis on the way to expeditecare.Talk about SymptomsNeeds testingNeeds help schedulingNeeds help finding adoctorTalk about resultsNeeds help schedulingRefer for help findingdoctorAppointment prepNeeds a second opinionRefer for help findingdoctorHelp schedulingAppointment prepLifestyle ModificationSupportRefer to LIVE dietitianRefer to walkingprogramRefer to smokingcessaationEmotional SupportRefer to PerformanceCoachRefer to fellow patientRefer to patientcommunities

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Radio Show/PodcastWeekly show on vascular health broadcast in a top 5 broadcast market in the U.S. Show issimulcast on the web. New video podcast series "One Step Away" will broaden our reach.OUTREACHSocial Media/Web012Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyThe Way To My Heart operates more thanhalf-a-dozen groups on social media thathave the largest number of grassrootsmembers who are searching for peripheralartery disease support.Leg Saver Hotline - 2023WebThe Way To My Heart'swebsite and proprietaryAPP on iPhone and GooglePlay have acceleratedinterest in gettingeducation, high-touchadvocacy, and real-timesupport.The only two resources links offered on theADA's website are to The Way To My Heart's LegSaver Hotline and to its Doctor finder. Medical device and pharma companies offer freetesting sites and The Way To My Heart canprovide a free hotline to help understand resultsand help get patients to timely, effective care.AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATIONIndustry Testing Events Healthcare professionals call us to supportpatients who are non-compliant, are alone andneed support, and/or are in need of us removingfinancial barriers.Physicians, Clinicians, FacilitiesThe Way To My Heart directly targets vulnerableareas.Direct MailCoach Susan visiting aphysician's office towork with patients onanxiety and stressreduction, as well aswith cardio-inducedexercises they can doin their

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CAMPAIGNSPAWS For PAD013Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyThe Way To My Heart Inc took a newapproach to P.A.D. awareness with aunique walking challenge during P.A.D.Awareness Month in September. PAWSfor PAD raises awareness for the nearly 4million unadopted dogs who are availableto help save limbs, if only they could finda new walking companion.Why?Walking is the best medicine for theprevention of and the treatment of P.A.D.The more people walk, the better theircirculation. If someone has a dog, theytend to walk 22 minutes more each day toimprove their vascular health, accordingto a study published in the journal BMCPublic Health in 2017. Leg Saver Hotline - 2023The Way To My Heart was the first to haveNational awareness DAY declared for P.A.D. Itspatient advisory board voted to call it "Red SockDay for PAD Awareness" because the redrepresents the circulation they desire. Thetoebox and heel represent what happens withpoor circulation. "SOCK IT to PAD is catchy. Andwe've sold hundreds of "official" Red Sock Daysocks. Doctors and patients around the worldposted pictures in their socks on social media tohelp raise awareness to "SOCK IT to P.A.D. National Red Sock Day for P.A.D. Awareness

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CAMPAIGNS"Hey Doc...Not Dog" Take off my socks!014Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyThe question our team first faced was,"How do we get patients to ask theirdoctor to check their legs and feet for'pulses?' We came up with "Hey Doc...NotDog campaign which patients enjoyed. Leg Saver Hotline - 2023"Hey Doctor... Let's C.H.A.T."When our founder's Mom transitioned dueto an undetected aneurysm, P.A.D. patientsapproached our wellness team aboutwhether they should get checked. Since TheWay To My Heart recognizes vascular issuesare not typically isolated to the legs, wewere faced with a new question, "How do weget patients to ask their doctor for a head-to-toe vascular check-up?" That's how theacronym "C.H.A.T came about, encouragingpatients to inspire their doctors to checkthe Carotids, Heart, Abdomen, and Toes. Weapproached Cardiovascular Systems Incabout partnering with their patientadvocacy campaign, "Take A Stand AgainstAmputation to partner on the development& distribution of posters to doctors acrossAmerica.

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MEDIASyndicated Series015Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Expansion of the show now includes our"Save My Piggies" series, which is spun outinto a separate online vertical after runningduring the radio broadcast. It featurespatients with P.A.D. candidly sharing theirstories with P.A.D. to inspire others to getearly diagnosis, early appropriatetreatment, and a potentially life and limb-Since founder Kym McNicholas is an EmmyAward-winning journalist, The Way To MyHeart is able to leverage her notoriety andexperience and long-time mediarelationships for awareness and educationopportunities. After having the most downloaded showand podcast on Silicon Valley's KDOW-AMradio station, "Kym McNicholas onInnovation, where she interviewed topentrepreneurs such as Virgin's Sir RichardBranson, Dropbox's Drew Houston, andRing's Jamie Siminoff, she was able tolaunch "The Heart of Innovation," on theirsister network, KTRB "860 AM The Answer"in the top five media market in the U.S. Cardiovascular Systems Inc. offered tosponsor the show and brought inInterventional Cardiologist Dr. JohnPhillips as co-host. Since launch in June of2022, the show has had a total of nearly100,000 downloads online and about74,000 listening hours on the radiomonthly.saving second opinion if on deck for amputation. We also launched an after show inpartnership with Larry "Shorty Coleman," who lost his left leg to amputation and throughThe Way To My Heart's efforts, has managed to save his right leg. During this 1 hourpodcast, "Shorty" & "Chief P.A.D. Warrior" Douglas share inspiring words with patients.

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PUBLICATIONS100 Page "Food For Thought" Diet Special016Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023PADdy's Post started out as a monthlynewsletter and within six-monthsexpanded into quarterly specials withpatients in The Way To My Heart'snetwork asking for more in-depth contenton issues they cared about most includingdiet, exercise, and mental health.The Way To My Heart has attractedrenowned experts in their respective fieldto contribute content such as Dr. MichaelDansinger, physician advisor to TV hitseries "Biggest Loser," who also wroteTufts University's impactful diabetesreversal program. Also contributing isBrian Cuban, world renowned author andspeaker on mental wellbeing, who's alsobrother of famous Shark Tank star andNBA team owner Mark Cuban.12 Page "Mental Health Special" 15 Page "Walking As Medicine Special"

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DEVELOPMENT TIMELINEPlatform developmentCenter Training / Center RolloutOnboarding of Operators (P.A.D. Navigators)Tier 2 AdditionsThe Way To My Heart received a$10,000 grant to build a call center thatcan offer multiple tiers of support.Contracts were signed with Ring Central& AnswerNet to ensure 24/7 coverage.The Way To My Heart's Call Centerexpansion will rollout over March & Aprilas additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 operatorsare trained and added. Tier 2 will includePhysician Connection Specialist,Dietitian, Performance Coach, patientpeer mentors.The Way To My Heart is working with anursing school, with 15 locationsnationwide, for Tier 1 callers. Script is beingfinalized for Tier 1 operators. Finalizingpartnership with Boston Heart Diagnosticsfor Tier 2 dietitians to supplement staff.Finalizing contracts with select patients &caregivers for peer mentorship.The Way To My Heart hopes for additionalfinancing to bring on a social worker,insurance support, and managing NursePractitioner this Month as part of our Tier 2network.February 2023April 2023March 2023May 2023017Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023

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PERFORMANCEDASHBOARD500+2,120Critical resourcesprovided topatients includinghealthy food,transportation,co-pay relief,medicalequipment:Leg Saver HotlineCalls (3 years):Limbs saved (no-option patients):Nearly 1,000 The Way To My Heart Patient Interactions:150,000 +018Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyThe Way To My Heart Community:Nearly 12,000 Leg Saver Hotline - 2023

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TANGIBLE IMPACT GLOBALLY019Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Indiana - United StatesNew York - United States

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TANGIBLE IMPACT GLOBALLY020Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Pennsylvania - United StatesManilla - Phillipines93-year-old Mary Alice was on deck for a transmetatarsal amputation (losing1/4 of the foot from toes) when her son found The Way To My Heart. Hervascular specialist did not know how to use wires and balloons to clearblockages below-the-knee and said she had no option but amputation. Werecommended a second opinion from an advanced limb saver in New Jerseywho was trained in taking wires and balloons clear to the arteries in the foot.Two years later, at age 95, she is still walking with both feet in tact. Dondonn reached out to The WayTo My Heartafter his doctorordered a Below-the-kneeamputation due to non-healing toeulcers. He was using bleach to soakhis toes as he didn’t have money orknowledge otherwise. Our doctorssuggested it was Buergers, not PAD.We helped him quit smoking,provided wound care supplies, &virtual wound care support. He onlylost one toe. Walking again.

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TANGIBLE IMPACT GLOBALLY021Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Sydney - AustraliaJunelle had a rare life-threatening bloodclotting condition that her vascularsurgeon overlooked. The Way To My Heartsuggested a second opinion fromadvanced Limb Saver Dr. ShannonThomas, who diagnosed the rarecondition. If she had gone forward withthe bypass operation as her originalvascular surgeon had planned, shewould've lost her leg, possibly her life.Capetown - South AfricaCherie, a British citizen, fell ill while livingwith her fiancé in South Africa. Doctorshad her on deck for a bypass elsewhereconsidered 'palliative care' as it's extreme.I advocated for her to her doctor andinspired him to use advanced wire andballoon techniques to unblock her legarteries. Success. A year later she developed additional blockages, which her doctors wouldn't waiver fromamputation. The Way To My Heart bought a plane ticket for she and her teenageson to move back to the UK for not only limb but life-saving care. The Way To MyHeart also set up housing, transportation, and warm clothing for colder weather.

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TANGIBLE IMPACT GLOBALLY022Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023The Way To My Heart's Lifestyle Modification Support WORKS!The Way To My Heart's Advocacy WORKS!

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TANGIBLE IMPACT GLOBALLY023Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023The Way To My Heart's Education Programs WORK!

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS/KEY ADVISORSChemistryLevel 024Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023PATIENT ADVISORY BOARD

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AMPUTATION PREVENTIONPANELChemistryLevel 025Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 202385% of P.A.D. related amputations are preventable ...with the right doctor, right tools, and right technique. Nearly 1,000 limbs saved since inception with FREE access to case reviews virtually byvolunteering physicians around the world. Whereas facilities charge for a case review, with some patients unable to access secondopinions due to insurance constraints, The Way To My Heart's A.P.P. helps patients:✔ Find out if there's even a glimmer of hope ✔ Get critical questions to ask your doctor ✔ Discover new tools & techniques to discuss with their doctor✔ Find out if they should get a second opinion locally

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OPERATING BUDGET026Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023

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OPERATING BUDGET027Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023

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OPERATING BUDGET028Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023

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Within 24 hours to ensure initial needsare met/offer further assistance.Daily, weekly, monthly follow-updepending on patient presentation ofdisease and program onboarding.Three-month (4x year) assessment forquality of life, symptom check-in,ensure appointment follow-ups arescheduled with their physicians, offeradditional support. Patient Reported quality of life Walking Distance Number of steps/Claudication Time6 Minute Walking Test Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) improvement Ultrasound Improvement Compliance with lifestyle modificationsAmputation averted (If on deck foramputation) Improved patency time for procedures The impact The Way To My Heart has had in the 3.5 years since inception is measurable. Withadditional resources, it's impact is exponential. Our follow-up schedule with strategicallydesigned survey questions will demonstrate the impact going forward. LEG SAVER HOTLINE METRICSLeg Saver Hotline ImpactFOLLOW-UP SCHEDULE SURVEY QUESTIONS029Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyData collected may be used through partnerships with researchers to help improve diagnosis,treatment, and long-term care for patients with periperal artery disease. We have the largestcommunity of P.A.D. patients globally. Data is not cherry-picked so is valuable.Data Collected = Industry ImpactLeg Saver Hotline - 2023Provide a P.A.D. Navigator alongside patients for the duration of their journey.Prevent patients from falling through the cracks leading to CLI, amputation.Increase compliance with lifestyle modifications, medication, appointments.Long-term Pa tient Partnership474 RepondentsPAD PAIN CHARTNearly 65% ofpatients polledreport theyexperience at leastlifestyle limitingpain daily

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GOALSOVERALL OBJECTIVESOur goal is to continue reaching the nearly 12,000 patients worldwide including the USA,Canada, Australia, Africa, Europe, and the Philippines and expand that networkexponentially. We will also continue aggressive fundraising to support our education,advocacy, and support efforts so as to never have to say, "No" to anyone in need of lifeand limb-saving care. To date, approximately $200,000 has been raised to accomplishour objectives. To continue our programs, a cumulative $800,000 is needed annually.030Strictly Confidential, For Recipient OnlyLeg Saver Hotline - 2023The Way To My Heart is based in MarinCounty, California. To support thecommunity in which we are based, this localRotary helped us provide our new "Food ForThought" diet handbook tocardiovascular/vascular offices to use withtheir patients. The handbook, which sells onAmazon, is being purchased by doctors inthe U.S. and U.K. to support their patientswith peripheral artery disease work withtheir healthcare team and The Way To MyHeart's P.A.D. Navigators to improve theirdietary habits. The Way To My Heart received $10,000to lay the groundwork for our expandedcall center. This grant allowed us tobuild the platform and start hiring Tier 1call operators and provide dailydietitian support for patients throughthe Leg Saver Hotline. $20,000 Boston Scientific GrantThe Way To My Heart received a $20,000grant to launch the first-ever text-basedwalking program and community topromote "Walking as medicine." for P.A.D.patients. More than 700 participants areengaging in our walking community,participating in monthly challenges, andproviding peer support. More than 100patients are currently participating in ourtext-based walking program, reportingtheir daily steps. The Way To My Heartmonitors steps and sends progressreports to physicians. Data is beingcollected on whether walking improveslong-term patency following procedures.$10,000 Friedman Foundation Grant $2,500 Rotary Tiburon/Sunset Grant

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THANK YOUThe Way To My Heart's Leg Saver Hotline is empoweringpatients with the resources they need to live a betterquality of life by democratizing access to free education,high-touch advocacy, and real-time support. Thank youfrom the bottom of my heart for considering theopportunity to save life & limb together. Address29 Unionstone Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903Telephone415-233-2730Websitewww.TheWayToMyHeart.orgLeg Saver Hotline - 2023