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The Tifereth Israel Newsletter: The FORUM | Sept-Oct 2024

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IN THIS ISSUE:B’nei MitzvahWhy I Love Tifereth IsraelA Letter from the PresidentHigh Holiday PreviewAdult Jewish LearningReligious School & Youth ProgramsFORUMFORUMFORUMFORUMTHE TIFERETH ISRAELPage 2Page 4Page 4Pages 5-7Page 7Page 8Page 8September-October 2024Av / Elul 5784-Tishrei 5785New Learning Series, Coming Soon!HIGH HOLIDAY PREVIEW INSIDE!

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1Shabbat Times Shabbat Shoftim September 6-7 / 4 Elul Shabbat Begins/Candle Lighting 7:35 pm Shabbat Ends/Havdalah 8:35 pm Shabbat Ki Teitzei September 13-14 / 11 ElulShabbat Begins/Candle Lighting 7:24 pmShabbat Ends/Havdalah 8:24 pmShabbat Ki Tavo September 20-21 / 18 ElulShabbat Begins/Candle Lighting 7:12 pmShabbat Ends/Havdalah 8:12 pmShabbat Nitzavim-Vayeilech / Leil Selichot September 27-28 / 25 Elul Shabbat Begins/Candle Lighting 7:01 pmShabbat Ends/Havdalah 8:01 pmLight refreshments & program 8:30 pmLeil Selichot services with Agudas Achim 9:30 pm Ha’Azinu / Shabbat Shuva October 4-5 / 3 TishreiRosh Hashanah Ends/Candle Lighting 6:50 pm Shabbat Ends/Havdalah 7:50 pmYom Kippur October 11-12 / 10 TishreiYom Kippur Begins/Candle Lighting 6:39 pm Yom Kippur Ends/Havdalah 7:39 pmShabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot October 18-19 / 17 TishreiChag Ends/Shabbat Begins/Candle Lighting 6:28 pm Shabbat Ends/Havdalah 7:28 pm Shabbat Beresheet October 25-26 / 24 TishreiShabbat Begins/Candle Lighting 6:19 pm Shabbat Ends/Havdalah 8:57 pmWeekly babysitting on Shabbat is available from 10:00 am-12:00 noon for families with children Pre-K and under.For a full schedule of High Holiday services, please see page 6!Service Times• Weekday morning minyan starts early, at 7:20 am, on Rosh Chodesh including Tuesday, September 3. We start late, at 9:00 am, on Labor Day.• Weekday evening minyan is cancelled on Labor Day.• On Saturday mornings we begin with a Shabbat Warmup at 9:00 am (the 1st Shabbat of the month is “Mah Chadash: What’s News in Israel,” the 2nd Shabbat of the month is “Torah Talks.”)Updates and livestream links can always be found at and in each weekly “Staying Connected” email.

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2Community Shout-Outs...thank you to Jason & Rachel Feldman and to Economy Linen for donating the table clothes and napkins that were used at the Family Friday Night Shabbat Dinner in August....thank you Joe & Ruth Sniderman and Jerry & Judy Liepack for sponsoring this year’s Annual Picnic....mazal tov to Peg Ising & Alan Berliner on their upcoming wedding in September....welcome home to the Braver Weisler family, who enjoyed world travels during Rabbi Alex Braver’s sabbatical! We can’t wait to hear all about it.B’nei MitzvahEliana Ruth Rubin will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 14, 2024. Eliana is the daughter of Lauren & Jared Rubin, sister of Asher, and Nathan Rubin, and granddaughter of Marjorie & Jack Plackter, of Margate, New Jersey, and Susan & Steve Rubin, of New Albany, Ohio. Eliana is a 7th grade student at Bexley Middle School and attended the Samuel M. Melton Religious School. She is very appreciative of the Bat Mitzvah instruction she received from her tutor Daniel Betzel and Rabbi Skolnik.Eliana is an accomplished dancer. She trains at Pinnell Dance Center and often spends her weekends traveling to dance competitions and conventions. Eliana is also a cheerleader at Bexley Middle School, is a member of the Bexley ski club, and loves spending her free time with her friends, family and her dog Ruby. For Eliana’s Mitzvah Project, Eliana collected new and gently used dancewear, dance shoes, and costumes from dancers all over the Columbus region for dancers in need. She collected more than 500 items for donation. All donations were sent to Reach Out And Dance Ohio (“ROAD Ohio”) and Dance Fairies. Andrew J Dragin will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 21, 2024. Andrew is the son of Lisa & Danny Dragin, brother of Jacob Dragin, grandson of Joni & Al Dragin, z”l, and Jerry, z”l & Judy Edelman, and great-grandson of Yetta Worly. Andrew is a 7th grade student at Bexley Middle School and attended the Samuel M. Melton Religious School. He is appreciative of the amazing instruction he received from his tutors Dr. Jerry Benis and Rabbi Hillel Skolnik. He is also grateful to all of his religious school and Hebrew school teachers, including Morah Paige, and the support of the entire Tifereth Israel community. Andrew loves sports - primarily basketball and tennis - and is an avid reader. He has attended Camp Livingston, Camp Wise, and Six Points Sports Academy in the last few years.

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3As of August 28, 2024Norman J. Bloch, father of Susan and Steven Bloch and stepchildren Keith, Laura, and Kristen Kandetzke; brother of Dan (Nicki) Bloch; grandfather to 7.Erwin Cohen, father of Howard (Jodi) Cohen, and Susan (Matthew) Ungar; brother of Donald Cohen; grandfather of Lindsay (Kenny) Acker, Carly (Aaron) Blynn, Nick Ungar, and Brandon (Lindsey) Cohen; great grandfather of Collins, Tyler, and Jemma.Beverly Eisenberg, sister of Harriette (Darryl) Robbins and Stanley Eisenberg; Aunt of Sherri (Barry) Flaks and their children, Logan, Katelyn, and Evan Flaks, Jennifer (Jonathan) Miller and their children Sydney and Ari Miller, Julie Robbins (Joe) Kim and their son Max Robbins Kim, and Allie Robbins (Dina Levi) and their children Ezra Robbins Levi and Dasha Levi Robbins.E. Michael Fliegel, father of Tobi Fliegel, Joel (Rebecca) Fliegel, Seth (Krista) Fliegel, Jared Fliegel, and Jeffrey (Tim Buskirk) White; brother of Wendy (Rob) Cohen, Madalyn (Roger) Benjamin, and Alan (Lynn) Fliegel; uncle to Aron (Rivka) Cohen and Josh (Noa Rabinowitz) Cohen; grandfather of Micah, Jordon, Caleb, Emma, Lainie, Tovah, Maya, Carissa, and Kaitlyn; great uncle of Emmett, Ora, Rafe, and Aya.Milton Gershovitz, brother of Rose (Manny, z”l) Elman; uncle of Victor & Lori Elman, Marian & Randy Cuenot, and Jeff & Jodi Elman; great uncle of Rachel Baroff; great great uncle of Harper Baroff, and many other beloved great nieces and nephews.Laureen (Tia) R. Phillips, mother of Bart, Larry (Tamara), and Diane (David Kantor) Phillips; grandmother of Freddie, Sammi, Allie, Jacob, and Sophie; aunt of Greg Pomish (Liz).Dr. Richard “Rick” Vesler, husband of Rena Vesler; father of Ruth (Andreas Konrad) and Ryan (Lauren); grandfather of Cash; brother of Sheila Schwartz; brother- in-law of Rachel (Scott) Temple, Moses Gaynor (Hannah Widlus) and Jeremy (Linda) Gaynor.In Memoriam

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4Why I Love Tifereth Israel............................................................................Sheila SokolI joined Tifereth Israel in 2001, where many of my friends belonged. It was a dening time for me, as it was then that I met Marty Robins, who would become my partner for the next 21 years. Also, I knew I didn’t want to be just a “member,” but I wanted to give back to the community.Being one whose parents and grandparents were involved in our shul in Massachusetts, as well as in other organizations, the blessings of Tikkun Olam and volunteering in other groups were instilled in me from a young age. It has been my pleasure to participate in committees, help with mailings, deliver Shabbat bags to new members, and to serve at the reception desk during a summer when it was located near the downstairs ofces. I particularly enjoy working with B.R.E.A.D. and the Social Action Committee. Through all of those interactions, I made many new friends, for which I am thankful.When I am sitting in the sanctuary, it is a comfort for me to feel connected to my Judaism and my spirituality. I love that Tifereth Israel is a welcoming congregation to so many diverse individuals and situations.Finally, I want to acknowledge the support of our wonderful clergy during the times I have reached out to them.Committing to Respectful Dialogue...........................................................................Lee Rosenthal, PresidentThe Mission Statement of Tifereth Israel states, in part, as follows: “…We are passionate about inclusion of all people, of all levels of Jewish knowledge and experience, of all nancial means, of all lifestyles. Standing with the State of Israel, we facilitate a deep connection with the Eternal and with our Jewish Brothers and Sisters throughout the world.” I agree, one hundred percent, with our mission. We must be tolerant and respectful of all members and guests who attend our services and events, regardless of one’s political view, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Just as importantly, in my view, is our mission to stand with and support Israel. We may have disparate views regarding our support or nonsupport of Israel’s government and management of the war, but as an institution, we support the State of Israel, and will continue to do so. On a weekly basis, our synagogue includes worshipers who align strongly with the words we pray, as well as those who have strong objections. As a synagogue afliated with the Conservative movement, we often nd ourselves hosting a big tent with varying opinions of which we strive to be tolerant. It is no easy task but we continue to work toward that goal.What remains is our steadfast commitment to our mission statement, that we stand in support of the State of Israel and will continue to pray for its wellbeing. It in no way limits our hearts from the desire of peace and security for all those who yearn for it. But our prayers are sacred and will continue to be recited as they have been for the past many months. As we approach the High Holidays, we face the difcult truth that our mission is not for everyone and that sometimes individuals make the decision to seek spiritual fulllment elsewhere. I hope that in the coming year we can be ever more respectful of each other with our words and actions, embrace the dialogue that is needed and nd a way to pray together during the entirety of our service.

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particularly meaningful, as the upcoming festivals lead us directly into a familial celebration which we hope to experience together with all of you in health, happiness, joy and peace. On Shabbat morning, November 2nd, our son, Liav, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah! I admit I might be biased, but Liav is a bright, funny, athletic, kind and caring young man. Sharon and I are tremendously proud of him and feel incredibly blessed that his Bar Mitzvah will be celebrated here at Congregation Tifereth Israel.I speak from experience when I tell you that celebrating your Bar Mitzvah as the son of a rabbi (let alone two rabbis as is the case for Liav) comes with its own expectations and pressures. Yet without question, it comes with the immense blessing of celebrating this auspicious milestone with your entire congregational family. Although we will not be sending personalized invitations to every member of Congregation Tifereth Israel, please know from both Sharon and me that your presence at Liav’s Bar Mtizvah would honor us, would only increase our joy and would serve as a precious display of making this year one of L’chaim Tovim Ul’shalom, for good life and for peace.Shanah Tovah,Rabbi Hillel Skolnik5As I trust you have by now noticed, our theme for this year’s High Holidays is “L’chaim Tovim Ul’shalom/For Good Life and Peace.” This phrase, straight from our liturgy for these Days of Awe, speaks directly to the fact that our prayers this year are for more than simply to be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life. When we sing these words together we will petition God not only to be alive, but to be granted the blessing of health, happiness, joy and peace during the new year. It reminds us that our prayers on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are not only for those days, they are for all of 5785.Thinking ahead to upcoming important moments is not only appropriate, it is healthy for each of us. At the same time as we spend these holidays engaged in acts of repentance, we also are making plans. Some of us make plans to travel while others are thinking of a new adventure in life.The pages of this Forum are lled with exciting opportunities to be part of Congregation Tifereth Israel on days that are not Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I hope that you will peruse these pages and make plans to join us on the High Holidays and then many, many times in addition to those most sacred of days.In the Skolnik household, the prayer for experiencing the year in good life and peace is HigH Holiday Passes“...our prayers on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are not only for those days, they are for all of 5785.We are proud to invite everyone to services, free of charge. One pass per family will be required at the door for members and guests alike. Members will receive a High Holiday postcard “pass” in the mail in September. Guests may request passes using the “Request a Free Pass” option on our High Holiday webpage.

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6HigH Holiday service & Program scHeduleThis schedule is subject to change. Check our High Holiday webpage for the most up-to-date rabbah... to the family of Julius and Roselyn Margulies, z”l, for sponsoring the Simchat Torah Brisket Kiddush in their loving memory, and to the Eisenberg Family Foundation for providing candy bars for the Simchat Torah celebration.

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7addiTioNal HigH Holiday iNFormaTioNaccessiBiliTy | Services will be livestreamed for those unable to join us in person. Pick up a mahzor at the synagogue reception desk. Questions? Contact Leslie at Due to limited space, handicap parking should be reserved using the form on our High Holiday webpage, or contact Wendy at & eTrog seTs | We are making high-quality lulav & etrog sets available for $55 each. Orders must be placed using the form on our High Holiday webpage by Weds, Sept 25. You will be notied by email when your set is ready to be picked up at the synagogue.yiZKor BooK dedicaTioNs | Each year, we create a new booklet that automatically lists the names of all those remembered by our congregation throughout the year. We also offer space for dedications at the beginning of the book in exchange for a donation. To make a dedication, please complete the form on our High Holiday webpage by Weds, Sept 18.Bread “rodeF TZedeK“ NeTWorK lisTeNiNg sessioN Sun, Oct 20 | 1:00-2:15 pm | TI SukkahJoin the “seekers of justice” to discuss what local issues matter most to you. RSVP or share questions with Cathy at CathyJLevine@gmail.comsalmoN, sTeaK, & scoTcH iN THe suKKaH Tues, Oct 22 | 6:00-8:00 pm | TI SukkahA Men’s Club tradition! Tickets and more information coming soon.Plus! gaTHer WiTH us iN THe suKKaH For...days oF aWe learNiNgA High Holiday tradition, our rabbis and guest speakers focus several pre-Holiday learning sessions on topics that help us prepare for the Days of Awe ahead.Kiddush Club with Rabbi Hillel Skolnik Sat, Sept 7 at 12:30 pm | Social HallLunch & Learn with Cantor Jack Chomsky Weds, Sept 11 at 12:00 noon | Zoom onlyLunch & Learn with Rabbi Harold Berman Weds, Sept 25 at 12:00 noon | Zoom and Downtown 65 E. State St @ Keggler Brown Hill & RitterKiddush Club with Rabbi Alex Braver Sat, Sept 28 at 12:30 pm | Social HallWeeKly learNiNg seriesSHOMREI MITZVOT YOMI | Explore seven new subsections of the book The Observant Life each week. Join us as we engage in deeper study on how the commandments in Judaism are observed in modern times! | Tues at 9:00 am | Zoom & In-PersonRABBIS’ STUDY CIRCLE | Join our study group as we explore each week’s Torah portion with essays and reflection from contemporary sources and classic thinkers. | Weds at 9:30 am | Zoom & In-PersonSISTERHOOD SHORT STORY GROUP | The short story group hosts lively discussions of intriguing stories that engage and entertain. | Weds at 10:30 am | Zoom OnlyRASHI+ | Returns Oct 31! Through careful reading and lively discussion, come study the classic commentary of Rashi and other medieval Torah commentators. No Hebrew required. | Thurs at 8:30 am | Zoom OnlyBOOK GROUP: TO BE A JEW TODAY by NOAH FELDMAN | Join us for discussion of this leading public intellectual’s timely reckoning with how Jews can and should make sense of their tradition and each other. | Fri at 8:15 am | Zoom OnlyWELCOMING SHABBAT MINDFULNESS | Explore meditation techniques from a Jewish perspective. Ease yourselves away from the stresses of the week. All are welcome. | Fri at 3:00 pm | Zoom Only All classes are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. Join us on Zoom at JeWisH QuesTioNs: Judaism 101 Weds from 7:00-8:30 pm beginning Oct 30 | Discover a deeper sense of what it means to live a meaningful Jewish life. Suggested donation of $360, or $613 for a couple, with member discounts and nancial aid available. Learn more and sign up at lauNcHiNg sooN:HavuroT - small grouP learNiNg series PARENTS’ HAVURAH: PARENTING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Sun from 11:00 am-12:30 pm beginning Sept 22 LGBTQ TI: EVERYDAY HOLINESS Sun from 11:00 am-12:30 pm beginning Sept 29 ANI LEDODI: JEWISH WISDOM FOR STRONG RELATIONSHIPS Sun from 11:00 am-12:30 pm beginning Nov 3Contact Rabbi Alex Braver at for more information or to request to join.Plus! Stay tuned for more information about Judaism 201 intensives on Weds nights beginning in November.

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9Lee Rosenthal President Ted Borkan 1st Vice PresidentJess Reback 2nd Vice PresidentJamie Goldson TreasurerTammy Forrest SecretaryMark Rosenson Men’s Club PresidentBonnie Bloom Sisterhood PresidentCongregation Tifereth Israel1354 East Broad StreetColumbus, Ohio 43205614-253-8523 • TiferethIsrael.orgInfo@TiferethIsrael.orgOur bi-monthly Forum newsletter is digital. If we can better serve you by sending you a printed copy, please email Nicole at Hillel | 614-928-3297Rabbi Alex | 614-928-3294Rabbi Emeritus Harold | 614-253-2438Cantor Emeritus Jack Nancy Gurwin | Executive | 614-928-3269Paige Richards | Director of Family Life & | 614-928-3289Stacy Grossman | Program | 614-928-3272Stephanie Hukle | Membership | 614-928-3291Nicole Kaunitz | Marketing & Comms | 614-928-3286Brandon Hensley | Accounting | 614-928-3287Juan Pineda | Facilities | ext. 130Thelma Jimerson | Kitchen | ext. 104Wendy Lake | Administrative | 614-928-3295Navah Moore | Administrative | 614-928-3284Administrative Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pmThere are no administrative ofce hours on Sundays.Office ClosingsMonday, September 2 - Labor DayThursday-Friday, October 3-4 - Rosh HashanahThursday-Friday, October 17-18 - Sukkot I & IIThursday, October 24 - Shemini AtzeretFriday, October 25 - Simchat Torah

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“As a torch is not diminished, though it kindles a million candles, so will one not lose who gives to a good cause.” — Exodus Rabbah 30:3ADULT JEWISH LEARNINGIn Honor of:Marsha & Bob Polster 60th anniversary & Marsha’s 80th birthday from Dr. Gerald & Susan WinerJan Lyddon & Bruce McComb’s 50th anniversary from Fran Duchene & Ralph SpitzenJulie Jacobson’s birthday from Franklin & Hannah KaunitzJanet Schwarz’s birthday from Franklin & Hannah KaunitzIn Memory of:Shandel Litwak from Judy CanowitzIsrael Litwak from Judy CanowitzLawrence Louis Stolz from Larry & Rosa StolzBUILDING FUND In Appreciation of:Rabbi Hillel Skolnik from Leon & Elaine PollackRabbi Alex Braver from Leon & Elaine PollackIn Memory of:Gloria B. Jacobson from Michael T. & Julie JacobsonCAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Our aliyah from Evelyn & Gabriella WeinerMarsha & Bob Polster’s 60th anniversary & Marsha’s 80th birthday from Ronald & Gayle MillerIn Memory of:Florence & Isadore Gurevitz from Carol Shkolnik & Andrew MeyersAviva Gaiser from Dr. Mark & Cynthia LevyJudie Block from Jack Gold & Jeff GrissFelicia Mendelian & Hedwig Eckstein from Miriam BerkBettie Olender Polak from Susan Tanur EllmanNancy Reiches from Trudy HorkinCULTURAL ARTS FUNDIn Honor of:Gary Cheses’ 85th birthday from Karen & Neil MossThe birth of Jack Chomsky & Susan Gellman’s new grandchild from Leslie RosenIn Memory of:Erwin Cohen from Barry & Miriam DavisJack Fisher from Goldie FisherSpeedy Recovery of:Dr. Rosa Stolz from Carol & Steve HandlerDOROTHY KAHN DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Memory of:William Glick from Ronald BlankEDELMAN-ZISSER FAMILY USY RUACH FUNDIn Memory of:Rose Finkelstein, Judith Teitelbaum, Muriel Edelman from Lynn & Sheryl EdelmanArlene Kane from Lynn & Sheryl Edelman & FamilyEDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Chava Tennenbaum from Carole TennenbaumEISENBERG FAMILY FUNDIn Memory of:Eva Beckman from Adam & Jill EisenbergHOWARD LYNN FUNDIn Memory of:Phyllis Hardy from Marvin & Sharon PaineI.C. & FRANCES BENIS EDUCATION FUNDIn Memory of:I.C. “Cy” Benis from David & Dee-Dee SteinJACK & JOAN WALLICK EDUCATION FUNDIn Memory of:Albert Wasserstrom from James & Nancy WasserstromVictor Plaine from Joan WallickRichard Wasserstrom from Joan WallickJoe Wessinger from Joan WallickJack Wallick from Joan WallickErwin Cohen from Joan WallickKIDDUSH FUNDIn Appreciation of:Rabbi Berman for my aliyah & birthday wishes from Carole TennenbaumIn Honor of:Jan Lyddon & Bruce McComb from Dr. David Greenberg & Dr. Susan HodgeMANNA CAFEIn Memory of:Marian Bogante from Rhonda, Larry & Maxie BoganteMARK STEIMAN SPECIAL NEEDS FUNDIn Memory of:Freda Senser from Bernard & Sandra SenserCorrine Grumpich from Bernard & Sandra SenserMEN’S CLUB In Appreciation of:Shabbat morning aliyot from Dale NashIn Memory of:Helen Fradkin from Alexander FradkinMINNIE COBEY LIBRARY FUNDIn Memory of:Michael Fliegel from Marilyn FaisDaniel Berk from Robert & Wendy CohenCharles Cohen from Robert & Wendy CohenBeverly Eisenberg from Sally & Bob BrownIn order for an acknowledgment to be sent from our ofce and acknowledgment in The Forum, the minimum donation to our various funds is set at $18. Donations to the Prayer Book Fund are set as follows: Siddur Lev Shalem-$36/Chumash-$50Congregation Tifereth Israel gratefully acknowledges the following contributors’ gifts from 6/26-8/26/2024:10Donation Listings

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11Jenny Schear from Marilyn GalinkinSidney Levinson from Mildred CaligHarry Calig from Mildred CaligLenora Rehmar from Paul RehmarLois Marcus from Rex Moskovitz & Debra MarcusSol H. Berger from Robert BergerClaire Blumenreich Goldshine from Rosa & Larry StolzErnst Levy Lindeck from Ruth Lindeck FormanRichard Deutch from Ruthetta TopoloskyHarry Gross from Stuart & Susie SchillingManny Elman from Victor & Lori ElmanRELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUNDIn Memory of:Madelaine M. Reiss from Jill WinerHarvey Klein from Leslie RosenSimon Chodosh from Louis & Sheila ChodoshDr. Harold A. Korn from Margery & Marc HollanderSolomon Milstein from Sheila & Lou ChodoshSECURITY FUNDIn Appreciation of:Judith Korn Oppenheimer from Elizabeth PetuchowskiIn Honor of:Stephanie & Gerry Waterman’s 50th wedding anniversary from Dr. Marc & Margery HollanderThe marriage of Alan Berliner & Peg Ising from Rachel & David FriedmanIn Memory of:Betty Bloomfield from Cathy BloomfieldSidney Kaplan from Charlotte KaplanGrace Cotlar from Charlotte KaplanMichael Fliegel from Dr. Marc & Margery HollanderJoseph Reiss from Jill WinerCharles Talis from Michael & Hillary TalisEarl W. Schwartz & Shirley Schwartz from Michael & Susan StrawWilliam L. Kleinfeldt from Rita AntelBen Edelstein from Steven & Elaine EdelsteinSIDNEY AND BERTHA WASSERSTROM FUNDIn Memory of:Charlotte Friedman from Bradley & Julie WasserstromRose Ruben & Saul Ruben from Bruce WasserstromSISTERHOOD FLOWER FUNDIn Memory of:Jacqueline Berliner, Lotte Berliner, Israel Berliner from Alan Berliner & Margaret IsingFlorence & Isadore Gurevitz from Andrew Meyers & Carol ShkolnikFanny & George Hoffman, Frida Fleischmann, Hanna & Paul Fleischmann, Dr. Milton & Louise Levitin, Linda Levitin Harris from Barry & Alice LevitinLoved ones from Bentsion & Mira BilenkoJoyce Eisler & Rumi Wajnryb from Bob & Lisa WajnrybAnnie Vassall from Charles & Linda FreidenbergRuth Freidenberg Papier from Charles & Linda FreidenbergDan Lincove from David LincoveJerome Robbins from Dr. Darryl & Harriette RobbinsSanford Rogers, Sarah Rich, Eva Abramson from Dr. Gary & Ellen RogersAlfred Imber from Dr. Eileen CohenLena Levina from Emma BakmanMaya Shnaider from Eugene PatlashenkoAaron Magaziner from Eugene PatlashenkoLoved ones from Gregg & Carol MarxVilma Linder from Harvey & Shelley HandlerScott Friedman from Jerome Friedman & Sue TopoloskyMadelaine & Joseph Reiss from Jill WinerCarol Zelizer Stoff from Kevin & Sheila KroosMIRIAM & WILLIAM A SCHIMMELMAN FUNDIn Memory of:William Schimmelman from Judith MaybruckMiriam Schimmelman from Judith MaybruckJacob Schimmelman from Judith MaybruckNORMAN COHEN FUNDIn Memory of:Erwin Cohen from Beth Weiner, Howard Schlezinger, Family and Friends of Erwin’s family, Melinda Frank, Nusgart Giving Fund, Rickie Gole, Rita Weintraub, Robert & Susan Stone, Shelly & Barry Igdaloff, Lori Riga & Jeff WeinerPRAYER BOOK FUNDIn Memory of:Salha Ghodsizadeh from Yousef & Rita GhodsizadehPROGRAMMINGIn Memory of:Judy Blair from Joel & Terri GhitmanRABBIS DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Appreciation of:Rabbi Skolnik, for all that you have taught me and continue to teach me about Judaism from Audree MoisonRabbi Skolnik’s services for the beautiful naming of Noa Goldie Moss from Cheri Weiner & Lee PearlmanRabbi Skolnik’s support during this difficult time from Dr. Darryl & Harriette RobbinsRabbi Skolnik helping with Jonah’s Bar Mitzvah from Dr. Julian & Dr. Lindsay GoodmanRabbi Skolnik hosting his annual July 4th parade watch party from Marilyn FaisRabbi Skolnik from Phyllis SoloveRabbi Berman, thank you for joining us for our daughter’s baby naming from Shiran & Matt PosnerRabbi Hillel Skolnik from Susan Tanur EllmanIn Honor of:Rabbi Skolnik leading Kabbalat Shabbat from Audree MoisonThe upcoming marriage of Peg Ising & Alan Berliner from Linda Marlin, Mark and Paula Weinstein, Phyllis KomerofskyRabbi Berman for blessing Romy Schepps Posner from Shiran BenDorIn Memory of:Ida Sarah Schiffman & Alexander Schiffman from Anne BonowitzJean Passoff from Bonnie MayDr. Allan Blair from Brad & Susie BlairJudith Blair from Brad & Susie BlairBarbara Krakoff Blair from Brad & Susie BlairHyman H. Weinberg & Charles H. Friedman from Dr. Alan & Ireena WeinbergPhilip T. Hodge from Dr. David Greenberg & Dr. Susan HodgeMollie Rogers from Dr. Gary & Ellen RogersSylvan Danzansky from Dr. Steven & Gale KlaymanRobin Schlein from Howard SchleinHelen Sully from Ira & Nancy SullyHoward Pryor from Ira & Nancy SullyMichael Fliegel from Janet SchwarzMarvin H. Rosansky from Janice RosanskyFlorence G Walens & Joseph Gross from Judith E Walens- WebberAlbert Shkolnik from Laurie & Ron ShkolnikErwin Cohen from Laurie & Ron Shkolnik, Nelson & Carole Genshaft, Ruthetta TopoloskyFran Golden from Linda & Michael MarlinCelia Feldman from Linda & Michael MarlinLisa Schwartz Tudzin from Lola SteinhartRuth Hirsh & Morris Hirsh from Marilyn Cohen

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Gordon Chinn & Samuel Bloom from Leland Chinn & Nancy BloomArthur Chinn from Leland Chinn & Nancy BloomJerome Hackman, Rebecca Hackman, Jay Katz, Elaine Rembrandt, Cheri Wasserstrom from Linda KatzEllen Schottenstein from Lior & Amy RahavLev Bakman from Mikhail & Lidiya ZhuravlevDaniel Wagner, Idel Shirin, Moshe Shirin from Mira & Bentsion BilenkoMendel Shirin from Mira BilenkoDobrish Nudel from Mira BilenkoEmil Haas from Barry & Miriam DavisMarilyn Singer, Lewis Singer, Molly Singer, David Schiller, Harriet Schiller, Harold Schacker, Martha Schacker, Alexander Resin, Iva Resin from Jonathan SingerSarah Gutter from Sol BlackLeon Handler, Rosa Handler, Natalie Handler from Stephen & Carol HandlerSOCIAL ACTION FUNDIn Appreciation of:The support of the daily minyan-goers during my year of saying Kaddish for my father from Josh FeinbergIn Memory of:Leo Feingold from Dr. Edward & Bari PollyeaScott Friedman from Dr. Leonard & Terry JanisNorman Bloch from Jon Groner & Cathy LevineRhoda Edelman from Joyce Edelman, Neal Hoffman, Josh Hoffman & Ilana HoffmanDr. Harold A. Korn from Judith Korn OppenheimerMichael Fliegel from Judith Korn Oppenheimer, Naomi & Steve WeissBonnie Litt from Judy CanowitzRonald Tanur from Susan Tanur EllmanSYNAGOGUE FUNDIn Appreciation of:Rabbi Berman’s support during this difficult time from Dr. Darryl & Harriette RobbinsRabbi Berman for officiating at the Irwin Pass unveiling from Esther PassStacy Grossman & the Staff of Tifereth Israel for saving the day from Nancy McCormackNancy Gurwin saying Kaddish for my mother, Marian Bogante from Rhonda BoganteNancy Gurwin from Susan Tanur EllmanIn Honor of:Jan Lyddon & Bruce McComb’s 50th anniversary from Corinne & Jeff Covel, Dr. Eileen Cohen, Stacy GrossmanIn Memory of:Mildred Van Tosh from Albert & Louise SiegelMaxine Goldstein from Darryl & Harriette RobbinsJerome Robbins from Darryl and Harriette RobbinsMichael Fliegel from Dr. Gerald & June FrankelJoseph Sholiton, Rose Sholiton, Samuel Werman, Rose Werman, Rabbi Marilyn Werman, Paul Werman, Jerome Zanar, Louise Zanar, Eileen Zanar from Dr. Howard & Gwen WermanLillian Janis from Dr. Leonard & Terry JanisJoseph Thomas from Dr. Marvin & Marilyn ThomasBarbara Goldstein from Dr. Michael & Susan SteinJudy & Allan Blair from Dr. Scott & Lori BlairAaron Kraut from Edward KrautLev Bakman from Emma BakmanEarl C. Soule from Harriet FelsenthalCharlie Sloin from Harriette & Darryl RobbinsEllen Schottenstein from Howard & Linda SchottensteinAlan Lerner from Jill HayesPearl Taleisnick from Michael & Hillary TalisRenee J. Price from Michael & Janet PriceSam Calig from Mildred CaligMarcy Hyman from Randy & Joni RosenBabbette Stone & Ann Greenfield from Robert & Susan StoneBeverly Eisenberg from Roger & Marilyn FriedmanJeffrey A. Cohen from Sandra CohenHessel Yemin from Shifra ElkindManya Bromberg from Sophia PesisRose Fox Blair from Susie & Brad BlairIrene Krakoff from Susie & Brad BlairBeverly Eisenberg from Terry & Lenny JanisLena Golod from Zinaida GolodSpeedy Recovery of:Jerry Friedman from Terry & Lenny JanisVILMA LINDER FUNDIn Memory of:Vilma Linder from Harvey & Shelley HandlerBeverly Eisenberg from Harvey & Shelley HandlerWILLA SNIDERMAN FUNDIn Memory of:Myron Kornfeld from Elliot & Eileen ReiffSonia Hoffman from Michael & Luann GurevitzYOUTH PROGRAMSIn Honor of:The birth of Lola Mariel Wilhelms from The Merzel FamilyIn Memory of:Michael Fliegel from Cathy Levine & Jon GronerLester Heiny from Dr. Lawrence & Suzanne HeinyEvelyn Krauss from Edward KraussGerald Blott from Howard & Judith Blott12

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