Message THE TIFERETH ISRAELFORUMMarch - April 2025Adar - Iyyar 5785IN THIS ISSUE:Rabbi’s MessageMarch CalendarApril CalendarB’nei MitzvahWhy I Love Tifereth Israel &Executive Director’s MessageAdult Jewish LearningReligious School & Youth ProgramsPage 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 6Page 9Page 11
1Service TimesWe start morning minyan at 7:20 am when Rosh Chodesh falls on a weekday: Monday, April28th and Tuesday, April 29th. On federal holidays & Jewish festival days/Yamim Tovim that fall on weekdays, morning minyanstarts at 9:00 am. There is no evening minyan on federal holidays. Updates and livestream links can always be found at and in each weekly“Staying Connected” email. parents Cara Wasserstrom & ChrisWeible, sister Daniella Bell Weible,grandparents Jayne & Rick Nathans,Jon Wasserstrom & Robin Lifter, andMarisella & John Weible.9:30amMarch 15 & April 1960 YearsNorman & Susan Brusk - Apr. 1150 YearsRandal & Rochelle Topolosky - Mar. 1545 YearsDavid & Susan Chijner - Mar. 16Leon & Elaine Pollack - Mar. 2340 YearsLee & Stacy Rosenthal - Mar. 1730 YearsCharles & Barbara Schaefer - Mar. 1125 YearsChris & Sara Zeigler - Apr. 115 YearsAndrew & Erin Samuels - Apr. 17Desmond & Tiffany Shipp - Mar. 6Tzedek Tzedek TirdofRabbi Alex BraverLast month, I found myself in a freezing cold Wasington, D.C. evening, walking with a few dozen Jewish teens from across the country on a monuments tour. We started at the Albert Einstein memorial statue outside the National Academy of Sciences, then worked our way through the Vietnam and Korean War memorials, up the stairs to the Lincoln memorial, finally ending at the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial. The teens — including three from Tifereth Israel — were having a great time, so I walked along quietly at the rear, where I had plenty of time to reflect on the meaning of our trip.This was the first attempt at an education and advocacy trip for teens in the Conservativemovement, called “Ruchot” (winds — like the “winds of change”). Spearheaded by the JewishTheological Seminary, we were invited to spend Shabbat in D.C. for a weekend of study anddiscussion, followed by a whirlwind tour of the Capitol Hill. Over the course of the weekend,our students got to learn from educators and activists on issues related to the environment,immigration, and reproductive freedom, with perspectives grounded in our Jewish values …along with additional learning about how to effectively advocate to elected representatives. I can’t tell you how proud I was of our students, who each wrote short, personal speeches todeliver to elected representatives and their staffers. Each speech was rooted in their ownunique story, and tied to how they understood the Jewish call to justice. I’m not sure if wemanaged to change any minds in Congress, but I do know that we were received respectfullyand heard deeply by everyone we encountered, in both parties, including staffers fromCongresswoman Joyce Beatty (who spoke at Tifereth for our Martin Luther King, Jr. Shabbat),and a staff member of Ohio Senator Bernie Moreno.That night on our monument tour — walking past all those memorials to those slain in war,and to the heroes of our country who embodied and defended its deepest values — I was filledwith both deep doubts and fears about the direction our country is headed, along with Continued on Page 4
2MARCH 2025SUNMONTUESWEDTHURSFRISAT12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31Auxillary Groups/CommiteesOutside EventsFamily & YouthEventsReligious School EventsReligious ServicesAdult Education9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Service10am - Babysitting11am - Boker Tov & Boker OrHavdallah7:04pm9am - Shabbat Warmup10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Israel Discussion GroupHavdallah7:12pmHavdallah8:19pmHavdallah8:26pmHavdallah8:34pm9am - Shabbat Warmup10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Kiddush Club9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Service10am - Babysitting9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Service10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Kiddush Club7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Kabbalat Shabbat7:30am - Minyan @ TI3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10am - Social Action Meeting7:30am - Minyan @ TI3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI6:30pm - Annual Giving Shabbat DinnerRosh Chodesh AdarRefugee ShabbatErev PurimParshat TetzavehShabbat Zachor 6:12pmPurimParshat Ki Tisa7:19pmParshat VayakhelShabbat Parah 7:26pmParshat PekudeiShabbat HaChodesh 7:34pmJTS StudentAmbassador7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Mincha @ TI5:30pm - Laila Tov Purim7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI6:15pm - Purim Spiel7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7pm - Judaism 1017:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group6pm - BREAD Meeting7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7pm - Judaism 101 & 20112pm - Lunch & Learn7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7pm - Judaism 101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA6:45pm - Board Meeting7:30am - Minyan @ TI5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Minyan @ AA9am - TI Religious School11am - Parents Havurah9am - Minyan @ AA1:30pm - Community Purim Festival9am - Minyan @ AA11am - LGBTQ Havurah9am - Minyan @ AA9am - TI Religious School11am - Couples Havurah9am - Parkinson’s Play9am - TI Religious School9am - Minyan @ AA10am - Men’s Club Brunch9am - 4th Gr. B Mitz. MeetJTS Student AmbassadorShushan PurimAnniversary Shabbat5:45pm - Purim Dinner6:45pm - Ma’ariv & Megillah ReadingRosh Chodesh Nisan6:30pm - Jews By Choice Potluck Shabbat7pm - Judaism 101 & 201Parshat TerumahShabbat Shekalim6:04pm7:00pm - Hevra Kadisha9:30am - Shabbat Service9:30am - Shabbat Service
3APRIL 2025SUNMONTUESWEDTHURSFRISAT56 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 0 0 00 01 2 3 40 3Auxillary Groups/CommiteesOutside EventsFamily & YouthEventsReligious School EventsReligious ServicesAdult Education9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Service 10am - Babysitting11am - Boker Tov & Boker OrHavdallah8:41pm9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Israel Discussion GroupHavdallah8:48pmHavdallah8:55pmHavdallah9:02pm9am - Pesach Day 7 Services9:30am - Babysitting9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Service 10am - Babysitting7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI6:30pm - Pre-Pesach Dinner7:15am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10am - Social Action Meeting7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7pm - Judaism 101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:15am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA6pm - Lounge Night (Gr. 8-12)6:45pm - Board Meeting7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:20am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:20am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Minyan @ AA9am - TI Religious School11am - Parents HavurahShabbat CholHamo’ed Pesach7:55pmErev PesachParshat TzavShabbat HaGadol 7:48pmParshat Shmini8:02pmYom HaShoahParshat Vayikra7:41pmRosh Chodesh Iyyar Rosh Chodesh IyyarYom HaZikaron7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Perek Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA6:30pm - Rabbi Walks Into A Bar7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group7pm - Judaism 101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI6:30pm - BREAD Rally12:30pm - Kiddush Club7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TIOffice ClosedPesach 27:15am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle5:30pm - Minyan @ TI10:30am - Short Story Group12pm - Lunch & Learn7:15am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi +5:30pm - Minyan @ TI5:30pm - Kabbalat Shabbat 1019am - Minyan @ AA9am - TI Religious School10am - Men’s Club Brunch11:30am - Boker Tov PreschoolBat Mitzvah ofKate GrischkanPesach 1Chol Hamo'ed Pesach 3Chol Hamo'ed Pesach 4Chol Hamo'ed Pesach 5Chol Hamo'ed Pesach 6Pesach 7Anniversary ShabbatPesach 87:00pm - WoW ProgramBat Mitzvah ofBea Ketner9am - Pesach Day 1 Services9am - Babysitting11am - Pesach Boker Tov9:00am - Pesach Day 2 Services5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Babysitting11am - Pesach Boker Tov9am - Pesach Day 8 Services12:00pm - LGBTQ Havurah9:30am - Babysitting7pm - Yom HaZikaron Community Ceremony @ JCC
4Kate Elizabeth Grischkan will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on April 5, 2025. Kate is the daughter of Jon and Jenny Grischkan and the sister of Noah Grischkan. She is the granddaughter of Nancy (z”l) and Richard Slate, and Gloria and Michael Grischkan. Kate attends Bexley Middle School and the Samuel M. Religious School. Kate enjoys doing theatre, baking, art, and hanging out with her friends at home during the school year and in the summer at Camp Wise. Kate received her Bat Mitzvah instruction from Sari Goldson and for her Bat Mitzvah project, she spent hours cleaning and organizing her school theatre department behindthe scenes. Jon and Jenny invite relatives, friends and congregation members to join them on thishappy occasion and to enjoy a kiddush luncheon in Kate’s honor.B’nei MitzvahMarch 1st & April 5thBeatrice Gesha Ketner will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 26, 2025. Beatrice is the daughter of Jessica and Joel Ketner and the sister of Matilda and Edith. She is the granddaughter of Felice and Jerry Kassoy of Columbus, Ohio, Bruce and Jacqueline Orlov of Delaware, Ohio and Scott and Sandy Ketner of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.Beatrice is a 7th grade student at Columbus School for Girls and attends the Samuel M. Melton Religious School. Beatrice is receiving her Bat Mitzvah instruction from Dafna Skolnik. Beatrice is a competitive gymnast, plays tennis for her Middle School, and loves traveling, reading, and hanging out with her friends. She loves spending part of her summers at Camp Ramah in the Rockies. Beatrice has always had a love for animals and has decided that for her Mitzvah project she wantsto raise money for Back to the Wild. Back to the Wild is a wildlife refuge center in Ohio thatrehabilitates displaced, injured and orphaned animals and releases them back to their naturalhabitat. Back to the Wild also has a mission to educate children and foster a love, respect andappreciation for the natural world. Jessica and Joel invite relatives, friends, and congregationmembers to join them on this happy occasion for services and a kiddush luncheon in Beatrice’shonor. Kiddush will be sponsored by Felice and Jerry Kassoy.Continued from Page 1...stubborn seeds of hope that refused to be crushed by cynicism or despair, as I followed behindthis group of passionate and engaged Jewish teens.In March and April, we’ll mark two crucial holidays that embody some of our deepest values.Purim may seem like it’s all about costumes and carnivals, but at its core, it’s a holiday aboutsurviving oppression and extermination as a minority in a non-Jewish society — and grapplingwith just how precarious our position as Jews has often been. Passover is perhaps ourtradition’s clearest call to freedom and justice, not just for us but for all peoples. Takentogether, they are a powerful reminder of both what we’re fighting for and why. Takentogether, they remind us that sometimes we’re saved by a mighty hand and an outstretchedarm … and other times we’re saved by random chance, some fortunate coincidences, and onewell-placed person with the courage to speak out.As you make your way from hamentaschen to matzah in the coming months, I hope you’llembrace the warmth and joy of these celebrations in our community — and also be open totheir reminders of what we believe in and strive for as Jews.
5Joseph Blum Father of Michael (Audrey) Blum, Kenneth (Diana) Blum, and Robert (Beth) Blum; Grandfatherof Stefan (Yu) Blum and Corey (Amy) Blum, Shira (Zachary) Dubey, and Melanie (Ciro) Amato;Great-Grandfather of Levi, Sammy, Sidney, Caleb, Felix, Jemma, Ari and Ellis; Brother ofEvelyn Rossman.Herbert GlimcherHusband of DeeDee Glimcher, Father of David (Lenore), Robert (Megan), Ellen, and Michael(Spenser) Glimcher, brother of Arne (Milly), Grandfather of Nick, Jordan, Brandon, Jason,Gabe, Quinicie, Layne, Brock, Leah, Grant, and Blair, and beloved Great-Grandfather of tenGreat-Grandchildren.Steven L. GoodmanHusband of Denise Hill Goodman, Father of Joey Goodman and Zach (Robyn) Goodman,Brother of Mike (Janice) Goodman, Grandfather of Kierston, Kaden, Landon, Logan, andLondyn, and Great-Grandfather of Nolan.Fredrick Jay GottliebBrother of Paul (Marsha) Gottlieb; Father of Melissa Bowen, Amy Budin, and Charles (Tali)Gottlieb; beloved Grandfather of ten and Great-Grandfather of three.Kathryn GreenMother of Rebekah (Andrew), Emily (Christopher), Ken (Caroline), and Jerry (Laura);Grandmother of Adam, Alissa, Amelia, Jonathan, Melody, and Graycen; Sister of Sharon, Dick,Dave, Mick, Don, and Skip.Bernard HirschFather of Mitchell (Laura) Hirsch, Susan (Robert) Gross, and David (Kim Wolfe) Hirsch;Grandfather of Adam, Abigail, Aaron, Isabel, and Maxwell; Brother of Edith Flom Schneider.Marc Edward KatzHusband of Julie Liss-Katz; Father of Rachel (Geoff Storchan) Katz, Aviva (Michael) Waitz, andAlex (Elena Mayer) Katz; brother of Howard (Beth) Katz and Barry Katz; Grandfather ofNoah, Ethan, Jonah, Emma, Rami and Maya.Stanley Howard KatzFather of Joshua Katz, Michelle Grey, Teri Mancuso, Tobi Cartmill, Zachary Katz, LaurenCortes, and Bonnie Taylor (Dave). Grandfather of Daniel (Rachel) Grey; Hailee (Seth) Yarus;Hannah, Jessica, and Nicholas; Mya, Samuel, Nev, and Abram; Jeffrey (Michelle) and Andrew(Hope); and Jeremiah (Kayla) and Courtney. Brother of Renee Levine and Donald (Phyllis)Katz and beloved Great-Grandfather of five.Joyce LevensonMother of Bryan Levenson and sister of Albert (Christine) Kalvin.Susan Hoffheimer MottMother of Joshua (Kelly) Mott and Tamar (Robert) Forrest; Sister of Larry Hoffheimer; Sister-in-law of Hanno Mott and Lolya Lipchitz; and Grandmother of Shalom Jacob Mott, Lilah Mott,and Isabella Forrest.Bruce YaillenHusband of Judy Light Yaillen; Father of Noam Yaillen and Goldi (Joseph) Sibony; Brother ofBarry (John Fisher) Yaillen and Alan (Laurie Dien) Yaillen; Saba/Grandfather of Leo andMaia.In MemoriumAs of February 26, 2024
Why I Love Tifereth IsraelTradition, family, religious life, education, friendships, our clergy, and so much more are just a few reasons why I love our synagogue. My paternal grandparents were members of Tifereth Israel. It is where my father became a Bar Mitzvah. My parents were members of the congregation for many years. My sister, Lani, and I went to Hebrew School at TI and we each became a Bat Mitzvah, officiated by Rabbi Zelizer. Lani and I were active in USY. In addition, Lani had the wonderful opportunity of attending Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, an experience from which she holds so many fond memories. In 1981, my husband, Randy, and I shared the honor of having Rabbi Berman marry us. Years later, we had 2 daughters, Sari and Mara, who also attended the TIReligious School, had their Bat Mitzvahs, and then graduated from Hebrew High School. Now,our daughters and sons-in-law have children of their own, who have had their brisses and babynamings at Tifereth. Today, my husband, Randy, enjoys attending daily minyan and learning so much about Judaismfrom the best: Rabbis Berman, Braver, and Skolnik. As my father, Jerry Knight, did for so manyyears, Randy truly loves the synagogue and looks forward to attending minyan every morning. Randy and I were fortunate to have had a photography business for over 30 years. Wheneverwe had the opportunity to photograph at Tifereth Israel, we felt very comfortable. Tifereth Israel is such a huge part of my family’s heritage. With 5 generations and over 100years of attending the synagogue, I can truly say it is a place I cherish. Over the years, so muchhas changed, but the warmth, the Jewish heritage, and the joy one feels when one walksthrough the doors of Tifereth Israel has never changed.6Joni RosenFull Hearts, Fuller CalendarNancy Gurwin, Executive DirectorOccasionally, I glance at our calendar and feel truly amazed by the variety of classes (for both youth and adults), programs for all ages, youth group activities, meetings we host, and of course, our weekday, Shabbat, and Holiday services, along with so much more that occurs every month at Tifereth Israel. In early February, we had the pleasure of hosting the Bexley High School Vocal Ensemble, which was a delightful and well-attended event. Simultaneously, about 25 people participated in "When a Rabbi Walks into a Bar" at BrewDog in New Albany. It's quite rare for a day here to pass without any activity.So, why am I sharing all of this? You can access the calendar just like I can. Did you notice thevibrant new calendar that made its debut in last month’s Forum? It’s definitely your go-toresource for everything Tifereth.Having programs, classes, and events every day means our building is constantly “on.” Thisresults in higher usage of electricity, gas, water, security, and staff compared to having just oneor two events each week, with services primarily on Shabbat and Holidays. Undoubtedly, ourstunning, spacious synagogue should always be active, and we should take pride in what wehave here.To maintain all of this, we need your ongoing support. The end of the fiscal year is just aroundthe corner. If you haven’t had the opportunity to settle your outstanding dues from previousyears or this current year, we kindly ask you to reach out to Brandon Hensley, our AccountingManager, at 614-928-3287 or We’re here to help make this processas smooth as possible.We eagerly anticipate sharing many more exciting and new events at Tifereth Israel with you.Thank you for your continued support. Together, we can achieve great things at Tifereth Israel.
10Join us at TI for L&L in March & April!
14In order for an acknowledgment to be sent from our office and acknowledgment in The Forum, the minimum donation to ourvarious funds is set at $18. Donations to the Prayer Book Fund are set as follows: Siddur Lev Shalem-$36/Chumash-$50Donation Listings“As a torch is not diminished, though it kindles a million candles, so will one not lose who gives to a good cause.” - Exodus Rabbah 30:3Congregation Tifereth Israel gratefully acknowledges the following contributors’ gifts from 12/23/2024 to 2/17/2025 :ADULT JEWISH LEARNINGIn Memory of:Ron Hensley from Brandon Hensley & Jake FreisthlerBruce Yaillen from Cathy Levine & Jon Groner, Leslie RosenEdwin McComb from Cathy Levine & Jon GronerNorman Newmark from Dr. Arnold Good & Lisa NewmarkEvelyn G. Fisher from Goldie FisherFred Gottlieb from Jon Groner & Cathy Levine, Michael & Janet Price, Ruth Bank, Susie & Carl Seletz, The Budin FamilyBen Blumenreich, Louis Blumenreich, Rosa Blumenreich, Ruth Chasnow, Stanley Luftschein, Lawrence Louis Stolz, Thelma Stolz from Lawrence & Dr. Rosa StolzMarla Lipman from Marilyn FaisShirley Hayla Gutter from Sol L BlackANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Michael & Janice GoodmanStephanie & Jeramie HukleStephen & Emily WatermanBUILDING FUND In Honor of:Rabbi Braver from Dr. Elizabeth PetuchowskiIn Memory of:Fred Gottlieb from Dr. Elizabeth PetuchowskiBen Fireman from The Rofsky FamilyCAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Jean Horkin from Trudy HorkinHerb Glimcher from Nelson & Carole GenshaftRonald Gary Klayman from Nelson & Carole GenshaftGeri Ellman from Susan Tanur EllmanCLAUDIA RINKOV FUNDIn Memory of:Tesse Ness from Dena SolomonCULTURAL ARTS FUNDIn Memory of:Bruce Yaillen from Caryn BloombergDOROTHY KAHN DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Memory of:Albert A. Blank from Ronald BlankSally M Glick from Ronald BlankEDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Dr. Ze'ev Davidovitch from Galia DavidovitchHerb Glimcher from Sara PfaffEDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Philip Shleiferman from Florence GurwinEISENBERG FAMILY FUNDIn Honor of:Liav's Bar Mitzvah from Sharon EisenbergIn Memory of:Steven M. Eisenberg from Adam & Jill EisenbergFLORLYN & LAWRENCE FREEDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Joe Blum from Trudy HorkinJACK ROTH MASORTI FUNDIn Memory of:Gerald Winer from Judy KaplanskyKIDDUSH FUNDIn Honor of:Rabbi Berman from Dr. Barry & Emily HindinIn Memory of:Philip Gurwin from Florence GurwinMARGULIES FAMILY FUNDIn Memory of:Bruce Yaillen from Mary SchmertzMARK STEIMAN SPECIAL NEEDS FUNDIn Memory of:Rose Solomon from Dena SolomonMeyer Steiman, Gordon Chafetz, Mendel Minuk from Dr. Gerald & Sandi SteimanMILTON & ELAINE LEWIN FAMILY FUNDIn Memory of:Jack Madison from Andrew & Carrie MadisonMilton Lewin from Andy & Carrie MadisonCathy Stone from Carrie & Andy MadisonMINNIE COBEY LIBRARY FUNDIn Memory of:Bruce Yaillen from Rob & Wendy CohenMIRIAM & WILLIAM A SCHIMMELMAN FUNDIn Memory of:Joe Blum from Judith MaybruckElsie Maybruck from Judith MaybruckNORMAN COHEN FUNDIn Honor of:Ron & Pam Cohen from Stan CohenIn Memory of:Erwin & Annette Cohen, Norman & Esther Cohen, Susie Herwald from Stan CohenRABBI NATHAN & FLORENCE ZELIZER AND DEBORAH ZELIZER KAPLAN FUNDIn Memory of:Herbert Glimcher from Debbi HandlerRABBIS DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Appreciation of:Rabbi Skolnik & Rabbi Braver for their support of Mila Lewin during her Bat Mitzvah from Adam & Stephanie LewinRabbi Alex Braver from Dr. Stephen PariserRabbi Hillel Skolnik from Dr. Stephen PariserRabbi Alex in honor of our granddaughter Daniella Gordon's conversion and baby-naming from Michael GordonThe Rabbis from Michelle Levin
15In Honor of:Liav Skolnik becoming a Bar Mitzvah from Adam & Jill EisenbergRabbis Skolnik, Braver, & Berman for their exceptional support & guidance during a very difficult time from Susan WinerIn Memory of:Phyllis Rosenfeld from Aaron Rosenfeld & Adele O'ConnerHerb Glimcher from Adam & Jill Eisenberg, Jodi & Howard Cohen & FamilyMarc Katz from Charles & Linda FreidenbergMarian Dach, Eva & Paul Glimcher from Debbi & Chuck Sugarman and Kandi & Larry DachVictor Weinstein, Leah Weinstein, Eva Glimcher from Diane GlimcherBruce Yaillen from Dr. Jack Gold & Jeff Griss, Dr. Jerry & Judy Liepack, Karen Benjamin, Lola Steinhart, Pamela MaggiedIrving Simon from Dr. Larry & Cheryl SimonSigmund Danzansky from Dr. Steven & Gale KlaymanMeyer Klayman from Dr. Steven & Gale KlaymanIrwin D. Jacobs from Gerald & Francine JacobsLois Roth from Gerald & Francine JacobsMadalyn Schlezinger from Howard SchlezingerRose & John Schwarz from Janet SchwarzSteven Goodman from Janet SchwarzSanford Betker from Janice Rosansky & Arlene BaaselDavid Canowitz from Judy CanowitzEdwin McComb from Karen BenjaminMelvin Goldshine from Karen BenjaminClaudia Lyddon from Karen BenjaminMillie Klein from Karen BenjaminRose Schwarz from Karen BenjaminRosalie Owens from Karen BenjaminClaire Blumenreich Goldshine, Joseph Goldshine, Melvyn Goldshine from Lawrence & Dr. Rosa StolzFredrick Gottlieb from Linda & Charles FreidenbergSteven L. Goodman from Linda & Michael MarlinStuart Steinhart from Lola SteinhartConstance Brown from Marvin BrownFrances K. Brown from Marvin BrownAnne Kay Fishman from Marvin BrownIsador Rehmar from Paul RehmarJerome & Anita Knight from Randy & Joni RosenDr. Herbert Bell from Rick & Jayne NathansJennie Hefter from Robert BergerDr. Matthew J. Kauffman from Roberta KauffmanDr. Edward Kauffman from Roberta KauffmanDora Abrams, Frieda Raikin & Dr. David S. Raikin from Shirley AbramsMyrtle Schwartz from Shirley Masser GoldsteinElaine Lemeshow, Gladys Schanback & Joseph Lemeshow from Stanley LemeshowBeatriz Meltzer from Steve & Elaine Edelstein & FamilyRELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUNDIn Honor of:Rick & Jayne Nathan's granddaughter's birth from Gary & Amy NathansIn Memory of:Dr. Philip B. Hollander from Dr. Marc & Margery HollanderROBERT & SHERRY GOLDENBERG FUNDFor The Speedy Recovery of:Mike Goodman from Michael & Janice GoodmanIn Memory of:Steve Goodman from Michael & Janice Goodman, Sherry GoldenbergBen Fireman from Michael & Janice GoodmanBob Goldenberg, Esther Winter Rosen & Mitchel Rosen, Ruth Rollnick Goldenberg & Thomas Goldenberg from Sherry Goldenberg, Rhonda & Steve Goldenberg, Marcy & Alan, Evan & Parker BlumbergSAMUEL MELTON FUNDIn Memory of:Stanley H. Katz from Teri Mancuso & FamilySECURITY FUNDIn Appreciation of:Lee & Stacy Rosenthal from Alex & Annie KainIn Honor of:Ron Solove's big birthday from Dr. Marc & Margery HollanderIn Memory of:Samuel Good from Dr. Arnold Good & Lisa NewmarkMarc Katz from Dr. Marc & Margery HollanderHarold Willen from Faye, Larry & Hayley WillenMiriam Hoffman from Marvin & Renee ResnikFred Gottlieb from Wilma Gottlieb & May GlazerSIDNEY AND BERTHA WASSERSTROM FUNDIn Memory of:Donna Wasserstrom from Bradley & Julie WasserstromRebecca Wasserstrom from Bruce WasserstromSISTERHOOD FLOWER FUNDIn Memory of:Rozalia Khazron from Alexander & Margaret FradkinLen Merzel, Shirley & Alfred Lipsky, Edward & Esther Center and Albert Alop from Alison & Jeff MerzelLoved ones from Arthur & Judith UhrmanLoved ones from Benjamin & Mary Beth ZacksSaul Nyman from Bradley & Julie WasserstromNorann O'Brien from Brandon Hensley & Jake FreisthlerJack M. Stone from Carol & Steve HandlerMarilyn Beth Stone from Carol & Steve HandlerKenneth Weinberg, Cheri Kronenfeld, Hinda Riker & Sue Weinberg from Dr. Alan & Ireena WeinbergRobert Rapenport, Tillie Rapenport, Marvin Rapenport, Irving Goldstein & Miriam Goldstein from Dr. Gary & Debbie GoldsteinLoved ones from Eliott & Toni GoodNadezda Lipskya from Eugene PatlashenkoRaisa Patlashenko from Eugene PatlashenkoIda Winer from Fred WinerJudith Weiner from Gary & Amy NathansDr. James Tennenbaum from Ginny & Mike SchlonskyHenry Fisher, Ida & Louis Kramer, Evelyn & Jack Fisher, Annlea Glass from Goldie FisherLeonard Schottenstein from Howard & Linda SchottensteinGerald Weintraub from Jodi & Howard CohenCarole Rabinowitz from Laura & John RyzenmanFannie Goldshine, Elsie Luftschein, Stephen Lutfschein from Lawrence & Dr. Rosa StolzLoved ones from Lynn & Sheryl EdelmanMarla Lipman from Marilyn FaisBruce Yaillen from Mark & Martha RosensonSam L. Gurevitz, Ovidio Moscardino, Sonia Hoffman, Philip Hoffman, Giovanni Moscardino from Mauro & Debra MoscardinoVladlen Solistro from Mikhail & Lidiya ZhuravlevDavid Bilenko from Mira BilenkoEsther Shirin from Mira BilenkoPauline Miller from Martin & Debra RosenthalBarbara E. Hergenrather Sarver from Paula Sarver GrossJerome & Anita Knight from Randy & Joni RosenDr. Morris Krakoff & Rose Eisenman from Scott & Lori BlairWilliam Neil Bellamy from Sheila & Kevin KroosBob Goldenberg, Esther Winter Rosen, Mitchel Rosen, Ruth Rollnick Goldenberg, Thomas Goldenberg from Sherry GoldenbergMiron Golod from Zinaida GolodBoris Betser from Zinaida Golod
16SOCIAL ACTION FUNDIn Honor of:Congresswoman Joyce Beatty from Susan Tanur EllmanIn Memory of:Sylvia Meyers from Andrew Meyers & Carol ShkolnikMiriam Pollyea from Dr. Edward & Bari PollyeaBruce Yaillen from Jill & Fred WinerHerb Glimcher from Karen & Neil Moss, Richard StoffBurton Schildhouse from Michael T. & Julie JacobsonRose Halasz from Trudy HorkinCarol Zelizer Stoff from Richard Stoff & Jenni Stoff SoodSYNAGOGUE FUNDIn Appreciation of:Our aliyah from Bernard & Reta SigalRabbi Harold Berman from Dr. Stephen PariserIn Memory of:Herb Glimcher from Alan & Carol Radnor, Albert, Berko, Shelley & Leo Glimcher, Betty & Larry Harris & Gloria Zwelling, Bobbi & Rick Altman, Brad & Susie Blair, Carol & Rob Steiner, Dr. Steven & Annette Paine, Howard & Linda Schottenstein, Myra Sharfin, Pauline Newman, Rob & Christina Cochran, Robert & Susan Stone, Susan & Lee Smith, Jared Smith & Annie Ryzar, Taylor Smith, Kelsey SmithJudith Van Tosh from Albert & Louise SiegelRita Munster from Andy & Carrie MadisonBruce Yaillen from Barbara & Jim Dowell, Barry & Debbie Adelman, Brandon Hensley & Jake Freisthler, Faye, Larry & Hayley Willen, Howard & Linda Schottenstein, Susie & Carl SeletzBernie Hirsch from Bob & Lisa WajnrybKathy Green from Bob & Marsha PolsterBen Fireman from Brandon Hensley & Jake FreisthlerThomas Patrick O'Brien from Brandon Hensley & Jake FreisthlerRobert Hensley from Brandon Hensley & Jake FreisthlerBernard Bernstein from Carol & Rob SteinerMarc Katz from Carol & Steve Handler, Howard & Linda Schottenstein, Rob & Wendy CohenMyer Ackerman, Helen Ackerman & Sylvia Kaplan from Charlotte KaplanKenneth Weinberg from Dr. Alan & Ireena WeinbergGerald Winer from Dr. Howard & Gwen Werman, Ira Brandenburg & Anne Wolf, Mark & Sandra SteinerRonald Klayman from Dr. Howard & Gwen WermanBarbara Garber from Dr. Rob & Carol SteinerFrederick Gottlieb from Eddie & Laurel BloomHenry Kraut from Edward KrautJoan Frommer Bloom from Edward KrautSarah Kohn Newman from Esther PassMarc Wolff, Harriet & Karl Hacker from Ethel Wolff & FamilyAaron Gurwin from Florence GurwinMaryann Felsenthal & Monroe B. Felsenthal from Harriet FelsenthalMeyer Schottenstein from Howard & Linda SchottensteinToby Schulman from Jo RobbinsFlorence Litt from Judy CanowitzRichard J. Solove from LaDonna SoloveDr. Arthur M. Goldstein & Jean Goldstein from Lawrence LevyEsther Moses from Marc & Donna FriedmanBeatrice Friedman from Marc & Donna FriedmanSamer Rosenson from Mark & Martha RosensonArlene Rossen from Martin & Debra RosenthalWilliam Rosenthal from Martin & Debra RosenthalRichard Rossen from Martin & Debra RosenthalPauline Miller from Martin & Debra RosenthalBeatrice C. Berman from Rabbi Harold & Beth BermanAlan Greenfield from Robert & Susan StoneLeonard Gutter from Rochelle GutterPyotr Bromberg from Sophia PesisMiron Golod from Zinaida GolodBoris Betser from Zinaida GolodWILLA SNIDERMAN FUNDIn Memory of:Dr. Bernard Reiff from Elliot & Eileen ReiffJoseph Meglen from Michael & Luann GurevitzYOUTH PROGRAMSIn Appreciation of:Rabbi Skolnik’s kindness to our family with the passing of our father Stanley Katz from Michelle Katz GreyRabbi Berman’s kind words at our father Stanley Katz’s funeral from Michelle Katz GreyIn Memory of:Kathryn Green from Mick and Joyce Rings
17Our bi-monthly Forum Newsletter is digital. If we can better serve you by sending you aprinted copy, please email Nancy atNGurwin@TiferethIsrael.orgLee Rosenthal Ted Borkan Jess Reback Jamie Goldson Amy TannenbaumMark Rosenson Bonnie Bloom President1st Vice President2nd Vice PresidentTreasurerSecretaryMen’s Club PresidentSisterhood PresidentRabbi Hillel | 614-928-3297Rabbi Alex | 614-928-3294Rabbi Emeritus Harold | 614-253-2438Cantor Emeritus Jack Nancy Gurwin | Executive | 614-928-3269Amanda Cohen | Marketing & Comms | 614-928-3286Stacy Grossman | Program | 614-928-3272Brandon Hensley | Accounting | 614-928-3287Stephanie Hukle | Membership | 614-928-3291Thelma Jimerson | Kitchen | ext. 104Wendy Lake | Administrative | 614-928-3295Navah Moore | Administrative | 614-928-3284Juan Pineda | Facilities | ext. 101Paige Richards | Director of Family Life & | 614-928-3289Congregation Tifereth Israel1354 East Broad StreetColumbus, Ohio 43205614.253.8523 • TiferethIsrael.orgInfo@TiferethIsrael.orgAdministrative Office HoursMonday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pmFriday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pmThere are no administrative office hours on Sundays.Office ClosingsMonday, April 14 - Pesach Day 2Reminder Regarding Check DonationsPlease make all checks out to Congregation Tifereth Israel, and insert thename of the fund you wish to donate to in the notes.ADVERTISING SPACESTILL AVAILABLE!Get the word out about your local business,event, or program by advertising in The Forum!If you’re interested in learning more, pleasereach Amanda Cohen or 614.928.3286.
1354 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205 • 614-253-8523 •