THE TIFERETH ISRAELFORUMJanuary - February 2025Tevet - Sh’vat 5785IN THIS ISSUE:January CalendarFebruary CalendarB’nei Mitzvah & Rabbi’s MessageWhy I Love Tifereth Israel &President’s MessageArtist in Residence - Charlie KramerAdult Jewish LearningReligious School & Youth ProgramsPage 2Page 3Page 4Page 6Page 8Page 10Page 11
1Service TimesWe start morning minyan at 7:20 am when Rosh Chodesh falls on a weekday:Wednesday, January 1 and Thursday, January 30. On federal holidays & Jewish festival days/Yamim Tovim that fall on weekdays,morning minyan starts at 9:00 am. There is no evening minyan on federalholidays. Updates and livestream links can always be found at and ineach weekly “Staying Connected” email. 9:30amJanuary 18 & February 15Steven Glaser & Julie Chen-Glaser25 Years on February 5thGregory & Alicia Munster20 Years on February 26thAndrew & Rachel Abeles15 Years on January 16thEvan & Carolyn Remer10 Years on February parents Justin andBrittany Neuwirt, grandparentsGary & Lisa Pavlofsky andMark & Jackie Neuwirt on thebirth of Henry Feit Neuwirt.
2SUNMONTUESWEDTHURSFRISATJANUARY 20251 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31New Year’s DayRosh Chodesh TevetOffice Closed9am - Minyan @ AA7:30am - Minyan @ TI5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - Men’s Club @ Blue Jacket’s7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services10am - Babysitting11am - Boker Tov & Boker Or9am - TI Religious School - Minyan @ AA10am - Men’s Club Brunch11am - Ani LeDodi7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - BREAD Forum - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group10am - Social Action Meeting3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services & Bat Mitzvah of Mila Lewin10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Israel Discussion Group9am - TI Religious School - Minyan @ AA11am - Parents Havurah7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA6pm - Lounge Night (Gr 8-12)7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group12pm - Lunch & Learn5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - MLK Shabbat Services & Anniversary Shabbat10am - Babysitting9am - Minyan @ AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services10am - BabysittingMLK Jr. DayOffice Closed9am - TI Religious School - Minyan @ AA - Sisterhood Purse Swap11am - LGBTQ Havurah11:30am - Boker Tov Preschool7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:20am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TIRosh Chodesh Sh’vatParshat Vayigash5:01pmHavdallah6:01pmParshat Vayechi5:07pmHavdallah6:07pmParshat Shemot5:15pmHavdallah6:15pmParshat Vaera5:23pmHavdallah6:23pmParshat Bo5:31pm
3SUNMONTUESWEDTHURSFRISATFEBRUARY 202512 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 289am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services10am - Babysitting11am - Boker Tov & Boker Or9am - TI Religious School - Minyan @ AA - Blood Drive11am - Ani LeDodi1pm - Dave & Busters (Gr. 6-12)7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA6:30pm - Rabbi Walks Into A Bar7pm - Vocal Ensemble Concert @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Inclusion Shabbat9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services10am - Babysitting9am - TI Religious School - Minyan & Men’s Club World Wide Wrap @ TI11am - Parents Havurah7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA6pm - Lounge Night (Gr 8-12)7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+12pm - Lunch & Learn5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group10am - Social Action Meeting3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Sisterhood/ Men’s Club & Anniversary Shabbat10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Israel Discussion Group9am - Minyan @ AA11am - Chazak Brunch7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Kabbalat Shabbat6:45pm - Dinner & Presentation9am - Shabbat Warmup9:30am - Shabbat Services10am - Babysitting12:30pm - Kiddush Club6:45pm - AiR Sponsors’ Happy Hour7:15pm - Havdallah9am - TI Religious School - Minyan @ AA11am - LGBTQ Havurah11:30am - Boker Tov Preschool7:30am - Minyan @ AA5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:30am - Minyan @ TI9am - Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi5:30pm - Minyan @ JCC NA & AA7:30am - Minyan @ AA9:30am - Study Circle10:30am - Short Story Group5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7pm - J101 & 2017:30am - Minyan @ TI8:30am - Rashi+5:30pm - Minyan @ TI7:20am - Minyan @ TI8:15am - Book Group3pm - Shabbat Mindfulness5:30pm - Minyan @ TI6:45pm - K-3 Shabbat DinnerJudaism ThroughThe Disability LensTu Bi Sh’vatJudaism ThroughThe Disability LensJudaism ThroughThe Disability LensRosh Chodesh AdarHavdallah6:31pmParshat BeshalachShabbat Shirah 5:40pmHavdallah6:40pmParshat Yitro5:48pmHavdallah6:48pmParshat Mishpatim5:56pmHavdallah6:56pmParshat TerumahShabbat Shekalim6:04pm
4B’nei MitzvahMila Priscilla Lewin will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on January 11, 2025. Mila is the daughter of Adam and Stephanie Lewin, and the sister of Lola and Gage. She is the granddaughter of Milton z"I and Elaine z"I Lewin, Steve z"I and Janice Poland, and Glenn & Renee Franck. Mila attends Bexley Middle School and has worked with Sadie Klaff for her Hebrew education and Bat Mitzvah instruction. Mila enjoys playing basketball, spending time with friends, and adores her extended family of aunts, Uncles, and cousins. Mila is honored to host this simcha as she shares her Hebrew name, ChayahSharah, with her MeMe, Elaine, who passed away in October. Adam and Stephanie invite relatives, friends, and members of the congregation topray with them and join them for a kiddush luncheon in Mila’s honor. Flowers onthe bimah are provided by Lola and Gage. Kiddush will be provided by the Lewinfamily.A Chapter A Day...Rabbi Hillel SkolnikIn May of 2005, Sharon and I were at Ben Gurion Airport waiting to board a flight back to the United States after visiting my sister, Leora, who was studying abroad. It wasthe 1:00 AM flight, LY 001 from TLV to JFK which meant that our time at the airport was quite late in the evening. We walked around, we shopped a bit, and then we did everything we could to stay awake so that we would hopefully fall asleep the moment the plane takes off.On that particular evening, when we sat down at the gate I found myself inconversation with a group of Christian tourists at the end of a visit to Israel. Theywere perfectly lovely people and we had a nice time chatting. At some point itcame up that I had plans to attend Rabbinical School and then somehow, forreasons I cannot recall, we ended up playing a very friendly game of Hebrew Bibletrivia. I would ask a question and they would answer and then they would ask aquestion and I would answer. As I said, it was very late at night and it was kindhearted, but it proved to me once again that which I already knew: Jews, myselfvery much included, tend to know the Torah very well. Early prophets, also good.But once you keep going further along in the Hebrew Bible, let’s just say you don’twant to get into a trivia contest with a group of Christian tourists late in theevening…Thirteen-plus years later I started my rabbinate here at Congregation TiferethIsrael and I invited those who were interested to join me in the practice of dailyTorah study by engaging in our project of “Perek Yomi” which means “A Chapter ADay”. We committed that each day we would read a chapter of the Tannakh (TheHebrew Bible) as individuals and once a week gather to discuss the sevenchapters we had read. We started with the first chapter of the book of Breishit andfinished a couple of years later with the final chapter of Chronicles II. And then wekept learning. We moved on to a “Mishna Yomi” in which we studied one Mishnafrom Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Sages. When that was finished we did “MitzvahYomi” in which we learned about one commandment in the Torah each day. Whenwe had finished all 613 commandments, we moved onto “Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi”,in which we endeavored to read a section each day of “The Observant Life,” avolume published by the Conservative movement in 2012 with guidance on theobservance of mitzvot for contemporary Jews.Continued on Page 5January 4 · February 1
5Dr. Jerry Winer Husband of Susan Winer; Father Dr. Kimberly Diamond (Brian Sullivan) andJennifer Goodstein and her former husband, Dr. Ronnie Goodstein; Grandfatherof Abigail, Ethan and Zachery, Madison and Justin; Brother of Betsy Kagen(Harvey Kagen) , his brother Dr. Marc (Sara) Winer; Brother-in-law of Dr. Kenneth(Adrian) Kronberg and sister-in-law Debra Diane.Ronald Gary KlaymanHusband of Barbara; Father of Jeff Klayman, Julie Pearlman, Marcy Blen(Michael); Brother of Steven (Gale) Klayman; Grandfather of Erin Mizrachi (Josh),Adam Pearlman (Austin), Max Blen, Sydney-Ellen Blen, Drew Klayman; Great-Grandfather of Jacob Mizrachi and Brooke Mizrachi; and Uncle of MelissaKlayman.Bernard BernsteinFather of Susan (Fred) Siegel, Amy (Eric) Polacek, and Joshua Bernstein.Grandfather of Elizabeth (Jaxson), Rebecca, and Ilana.In MemoriumAs of December 20, 2024Continued from Page 4...That version of our class, “Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi,” is about to come to an end andwe have decided as a class that we would like to return to the Tannakh and doanother round of “Perek Yomi.” The exact starting date has not yet been set butfor those who have interest in doing a careful and prolonged study in our mostsacred text, I welcome you to join us. Our class meets on Tuesday mornings at9:00 AM both in person and on Zoom. Any copy of the Hebrew Bible will work -some of us will use “The Jewish Study Bible” edited by Marc Zvi Brettler andAdele Berlin, some others might use Robert Alter’s translation and commentary.But we will start once again with the beginning of the Torah and keep going untilthe end. Is it a long-term commitment? Yes. Do people miss weeks? Absolutely.Is it worthwhile for us as Jews to really read and know the Hebrew Bible? Withoutquestion.I invite you to make 2025 a year of Jewish Learning in your life, be it “Perek Yomi”or any of the other excellent classes we offer at Tifereth Israel. We look forwardto learning with you.
Why I Love Tifereth IsraelIt has been my privilege to be a member of Tifereth Israelfor over 80 years. My parents, Anne and Nathan Fox, weremembers beginning in the 1940s. I was a member of theHebrew/Sunday school in the mid-1940s and early-1950swhen our school was held in a separate building locatedbehind the temple in what is now the parking lot. Howexciting it was when a new Educational Building wasadded and attached to the main temple!I was confirmed around age 14 in a class of both girls andboys that celebrated our level of learning. This was before women were encouraged and welcomed on the bimah during Shabbat services.One of the programs that I remember was when the school gathered togetherand every child went up to Rabbi Nathan Zelizer and in-dividually wished him aspeedy return as he left, in uniform, to be a chaplain in the United States ArmedForces.There have been several major remodels of Tifereth Israel, including changingthe original entrance from Broad Street to the parking lot entrance. One of theseremodels came in 1956, when our wedding had to be held “off-site,” due toconstruction. We have joined friends, members, and family in weekendshabbatons held at state park lodges.As family evolved, so has religious life and practice at T.I. From pre-school,Hebrew school, to b’nai mitzvah, as girls learned to chant the blessings, tropesand haftorahs, it was just a matter of time until this practice was incorporatedinto our services. It was great for our family to be a first in this practice in 1973when Cheri, our daughter, was the first girl welcomed on the bimah as a Torahreader.What an active dance group and USY we’ve had, with wonderful Camp Ramahand Israel pilgrimage groups, followed by Hebrew High School. Then camemarriages, Brit Melah and baby namings and beyond! Study; learning; practice;and community involvement are the hallmark of life at Tifereth Israel.6Evie WeinerPresident’s MessageLee Rosenthal, PresidentSeveral months ago, I stood before you on Rosh Hashanah to wish you a Happy 5785, our Jewish New Year. I now wish you a Happy 2025, our other new year.I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions as I believe if you want to make changes in your life, just do it, regardless of the date on the calendar. I am, however, going to approach 2025 differently than in the past.We live very busy and stressful lives. As we enter 2025, I think about everything we will be facing in the coming year that will cause many of usdistress, including a new administration in Washington DC, turmoil in the MiddleEast and war in Ukraine, climate change and continued severe weather events, andthe Cleveland Guardians taking the field this coming season after trading two all-stars and getting nothing in return. I, however, am not going to let this stressme out.As of January 1, I have retired from the practice of law after forty-two years (toolong). I figure this, at the very least, will cut my stress in half. This will also free upmore time for my second job, as president of this congregation. Additionally,following November’s elections, I decided that I will greatly limit my time looking atmy news feeds, watching the news, listening to podcasts, and following punditswhose predictions are never correct. I’ll check the headlines to see if somethingimportant has occurred, otherwise I’m going to limit my stress by not obsessingabout things that I can’t control. Continued on Page 7
7Continued from Page 6...limit my stress by not obsessing about things that I can’t control. I’ll continue todo what I enjoy – work out at the gym, ride my bike when it warms up, follow myfavorite sports teams, read non-fiction books (primarily history, biographies andmemoirs), and my greatest joy: being Poppy to my four grandchildren, ages 5 andunder. I’m going to live as stress-free as being a synagogue president and fan ofthe Blue Jackets and Guardians allows (it’s much easier being a Buckeye andCrew fan).That’s enough about me. What are your plans for 2025? May I suggest that youtake advantage of the many programs and opportunities that Tifereth Israelprovides. Join us for prayer, on Shabbat, during the daily minyan, or both. Enjoyour adult education courses. Learn how to read Torah. Enjoy our cultural artsprogramming. Become involved in one of our many committees that help keepthis place vibrant. Deliver chicken soup and challah to an ill member who isunable to leave his/her/their home. Participate in Sisterhood or Men’s Club.Attend family programs that are offered throughout the year. Send your childrento our religious school. We offer so much more and if you are looking forsomething to keep you balanced throughout the year, we’re here for you.May you have a happy and stress free 2025.
13Annual Giving ContributorsCongregation Tifereth Israel gratefully acknowledges the following contributors’ gifts from 10/21-12/31/2024:“Anyone who performs charity and justice is considered as though they filled the whole world in its entirety with kindness.” - Babylonian Talmud: Sukkah 49bBruce & Nancy GurwinFlorence GurwinScott & Pamela GurwinMark & Sandy HackmanFlorence HazenBrandon Hensley & Jake FreisthlerRichard & Jill HermanMarc & Margery HollanderTrudy HorkinGerald & Francine JacobsArthur & Elizabeth KamletRachel KarpmanAlfred & Sandy KassHoward & Beth KatzLauren KatzMarvin & Susan KatzHannah & Franklin KaunitzNicole & Gabriel KaunitzSteven & Gale KlaymanJudith Korn OppenheimerDebbie KrantzJodi KrautYuriy & Helen KushnirHoward & Jenny LevitinMark & Cynthia LevyDavid LincoveStuart Mangel & Rebecca GurkStephen ManosMark & Soneta MasserMelody Goldsholle & Scott KennedyJeffrey & Alison MerzelRex Moskovitz & Debra MarcusMichael & Linda MarlinGregory & Alicia MunsterDale & Karen NashJayne & Rick NathansJustin & Brittany NeuwirtEugene PatlashenkoMichael & Susan PodellJoel & Julie PolitiEric & Pamela PollockEdward & Bari PollyeaL. Robert & Marsha PolsterMichael & Janet PriceMark & Rebecca PsigodaJessica & Lydia RebackClayton & Janice RhodesPaige & Matthew RichardsDarryl & Harriette RobbinsGary & Ellen RogersLeslie RosenWilliam & Barbara RudnerAlbert & April SalomonHoward SchlezingerMichael & Ginny SchlonskyMary SchmertzMichael & Naava SchottensteinCarole SchwartzJanet SchwarzCarly & Jordan SeiferasBernard & Sandra SenserRobert Shalwitz & Paula KrasnoffSemyon & Rosalia ShostakJoshua & Laura SiegalJonathan SingerJoseph & Ruth SnidermanSheila SokolRonald & Donna SoloveScott Spira & Cynthia Weiss-SpiraMatthew Stanley & Julie Tilson StanleyDavid & Dee-Ann SteinRob & Carol SteinerLola SteinhartLawrence & Rosa StolzRobert & Susan StoneIra & Nancy SullySpencer & Amy TannenbaumSusan Tanur EllmanMarvin & Marilyn ThomasRandal & Rochelle TopoloskyArthur & Judith UhrmanEdward & Rosalie UngarBob & Lisa WajnrybJoan WallickJulie Wallick & David SeldenBradley & Julie WasserstromJames & Nancy WasserstromRodney WasserstromWasserstrom FoundationGerald & Stephanie WatermanStephen & Emily WatermanPeter & Ruth WeissmanHoward & Gwen WermanLawrence & Faye WillenJonathan & Susannah WolmanBarry Yaillen & John FisherJack & Judy YalowichSara & Chris ZeiglerAllan & Susan ZelmanAnonymousFrancisco Bataller & Elaine Spatt BatallerAlan & Margaret BerlinerRabbi Harold & Beth BermanBradley & Susan BlairNicolette & Daniel BlochCathy BloomfieldRhonda BoganteAnne BonowitzRandy & Paula BotkinScott & Rachel BotkinLauren BrandonRabbi Alex Braver & Alex WeislerStephen & Andrea BritcherLisabeth BrownMarvin BrownMildred CaligEmmie Cheses & Daniel JonesCantor Jack Chomsky & Susan GellmanHelen ChronisterRobert & Gail ClarkSusanne CobeyAron & Rivka CohenRobert & Wendy CohenJeffrey & Corinne CovelEric & Suzanne DavisDanny & Lisa DraginZachary Duberstein & Rebecca LancasterLynn & Sheryl EdelmanSharon EisenbergEstate of Seymour & Fran LuckoffMarcia FeldsteinGoldie FisherAlan & J. Lynn FliegelTamar ForrestDaniel Frank & Adena TanenbaumRobert FredmanMarilyn GalinkinNelson & Carole GenshaftAlfred GerbsGary GillettGary & Sandra GitlitzSteven Glaser & Julie Chen-GlaserJack Gold & Jeff GrissLinda GoldsmithJames & Jennifer GoldsonArnold Good & Lisa NewmarkHilary & Brian GriffithJonathan Grischkan & Jennifer SlateJonathan Groner & Cathy Levine
14In order for an acknowledgment to be sent from our office and acknowledgment in The Forum, the minimum donation to ourvarious funds is set at $18. Donations to the Prayer Book Fund are set as follows: Siddur Lev Shalem-$36/Chumash-$50Donation Listings“As a torch is not diminished, though it kindles a million candles, so will one not lose who gives to a good cause.” - Exodus Rabbah 30:3Congregation Tifereth Israel gratefully acknowledges the following contributors’ gifts from 10/22-12/22/2024:ADULT JEWISH LEARNINGIn Honor of:Teresa Lauderdale from Audree MoisonBobbi Knight from Audree MoisonMichael Price receiving a CJN Difference Maker Award from Helen ChronisterMarilyn Fishman becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Jackie, Dan & Family, and Sally TruexCarol Luper receiving a CJN Difference Maker Award from Lawrence & Dr. Rosa StolzCatherine Derrow in celebration of her adult learning journey to becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Sarah FerrinAshley Simon in celebration of her adult Jewish learning journey to becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Sarah FerrinIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from Betty Klapper, Trudy Horkin, Renee & John WeismanJack M. Stone from Carol & Steve HandlerHy Mandelbaum & Irving Suszner from David MandelbaumMorris Alan Gold from Dr. Jack Gold & Jeff GrissPhilip Sherman from Marilyn FaisBUILDING FUND In Memory of:Bea Levinson from Mildred CaligMarvin Horkin from Trudy HorkinCAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Appreciation of:Sunday minyan from Susan Tanur EllmanIn Honor of:Liav Skolnik becoming a Bar Mitzvah from Wendy LakeCLAUDIA RINKOV FUNDIn Honor of:Cobi Abeles becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Bob & Clemy KeidanIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from Carol & Steve HandlerShirley Waterman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanPaul F. Sarver from Paula Sarver GrossCULTURAL ARTS FUNDIn Honor of:Susan Mott’s special birthday from Linda & Michael MarlinIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from Carol & Steve HandlerShirley Waterman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanPaul F. Sarver from Paula Sarver GrossEDELMAN-ZISSER FAMILY USY RUACH FUNDIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from Jason, Julie, Randy, Sheryl & Lynn EdelmanEDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from Dr. Marc & Margery HollanderHOWARD LYNN FUNDIn Memory of:Myer Schecter from Marvin & Sharon PaineeJACK ROTH MASORTI FUNDIn Memory of:Phyllis Cantor from Barry & Debbie AdelmanKIDDUSH FUNDIn Memory of:Frimi Sagan & Paul Katz from Andrew Katz & Susannah SaganJack Schilling from Stuart & Susie SchillingLOU & SHEILA CHODOSH FUNDIn Memory of:Edward Ghitman from Joel GhitmanMARK STEIMAN SPECIAL NEEDS FUNDIn Memory of:Ronald Klayman from Sandy & Bernie SenserMEN'S CLUB DONATIONIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from the Sophir FamilyMILDRED POLSTER SIMPSON FUNDIn Memory of:Elaine Lewin from Marvin & Susan KatzPhyllis Cantor from Marvin & Susan KatzJerry Winer from Marvin & Susan KatzMILTON & ELAINE LEWIN FAMILY FUNDIn Memory of:Elaine Lewin from Dr. Steven & Annette Paine and Joyce BlochRABBIS DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Appreciation of:Rabbi Hillel Skolnik for his assistance with the memorial for Len Merzel from Alison & Jeff Merzel & FamilyIn Honor of:Susan H. Mott's 80th birthday from Amy & Alan Immerman, Cathy Levine & Jon GronerLiav Skolnik becoming a Bar Mitzvah from Carol & Norman Guttman, Carol & Steve Handler, Cathy Bloomfield, Charles & Linda Freidenberg, Corinne & Jeff Covel, Dr. Adam & Laura Weiser, Dr. Gary & Ellen Rogers, Judy Canowitz, Sheila Sokol, Steven & Elaine EdelsteinElizabeth Petuchowski's 100th birthday from Dr. Bonnie Katz & Dr. Carl TishlerMarilyn Fishman becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Linda & Corky FreidenbergRabbi Yoni Nadiv’s help in preparing me for my Bat Mitzvah & Rabbis Skolnik & Braver for making it so special from Marilyn FishmanRabbi Braver from Yale & Lauren LevyIn Memory of:Steven Craig Weinstein from Barry & Carrie RosenDr. Morris A. Krakoff & Leonard Schottenstein from Brad & Susie BlairSamuel Luper from Carol LuperAnna Shaevitz from Corinne & Jeff CovelAlbert Shaevitz from Corinne & Jeff Covel
15Sanford Shaevitz from Corinne & Jeff CovelRonald Gary Klayman from Corky & Linda FreidenbergLouis Greenberg from Dr. David Greenberg & Dr. Susan HodgePhilip Gibson Hodge from Dr. David Greenberg & Dr. Susan HodgeHarry Van Tosh from Dr. Jack Gold & Jeff GrissRuth Waterman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanAnnabelle Erlichman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanSigmund Munster from Gregory & Alicia MunsterCharles R. Weinstein from Herbert & Diane GlimcherJanet Schwarz's grandfather from Karen BenjaminHank Kalette from Karen BenjaminLouis Greenberg from Karen BenjaminJerry Winer from Laura Wagner, Terry & Lenny Janis, Linda & Corky FreidenbergDavid Galinkin from Marilyn GalinkinMorris Feuerlicht from Paul RehmarJulia Wasserstrom from Rick & Jayne NathansGladys Hefter Berger from Robert BergerAnne Press from Robert BergerFannie Shkolnik from Ronald & Laurie ShkolnikEric Feinstein & Meyer Feinstein from Sherry FeinsteinRELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUNDIn Appreciation of:The Skolnicks from Ari SteinIn Honor of:Liav Skolnik becoming a Bar Mitzvah from Brandon Hensley & Jake Freisthler, Stephanie HukleIn Memory of:Fannie Stern from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanLouis Kramer & Henry Fisher from Goldie FisherJacob Liebling & Jean Davis from Goldie FisherMildred Klein from Leslie RosenMarvin H. Merrick from Scott Kennedy & Melody Goldsholle KennedyGertrude Grob from Sheila SokolJerry Winer from Zachary, Jennifer, Sydney, & Joss Patten FriedmanROBERT & SHERRY GOLDENBERG FUNDIn Memory of:Richard Golden from Sherry GoldenbergPhyllis Cantor from Sherry GoldenbergSECURITY FUNDIn Memory of:Richard Bloomfield from Cathy BloomfieldJoyce Feinberg, Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Dan Stein, Melvin Wax & Irving Younger from Jess NockCathy Stone from Jodi KrautSam Rubin, Lore Rubin, Harry Elson, Miriam Elson, Leon David Elson & Linda Elson from Rabbi Jeffrey & Karen ElsonSISTERHOOD FLOWER FUNDIn Honor of:Loved Ones from Charles & Debbi SugarmanMarshall David, Edwin Frank David, Ruth David, Esther Quint, Milton Quint, Edward Martin David & Miriam Quint David from Dr. Avraham & Joy BenatarIn Memory of:Emmy Gross from Bernard GrossLoved ones from Bernard & Reta SigalRuth Cooper from Bradley & Julie WasserstromEvelyn Nyman from Bradley & Julie WasserstromHy Mandelbaum & Irving Suszner from David MandelbaumLoved ones from David & Barbara GurevitzEleanor & Burton Weiser & Manuel Freeman from Dr. Adam & Laura WeiserJeanette Friedman from Dr. Alan & Ireena WeinbergRuth & Lawrence Robinson from Dr. Gerald & June FrankelSanford Benis & Joseph Benis from Dr. Jerry BenisMartin I. Krauss, Evelyn Krauss & Bernard A. Krauss from Edward KraussIrwin Winer from Fred WinerItzy Zieler from Fred WinerJerry Winer from Gail Schwarz & Adam RajczykLoved Ones from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanWilliam B. Callif & Jean Robbins Mellman from Harvey & Shelley HandlerNatalie & Henry Kalette from Howard & Linda SchottensteinBernie Sully, Helen Sully, Howard Pryor & Opal Pryor from Ira & Nancy SullyMarjorie Friedman from Jerome Friedman & Sue TopoloskySara Rosenstein from John & Beverly KoenigsbergDavid Bunin from Judi DuffyPhilip Sherman from Marilyn FaisPhyllis Golden, Flora Katz, Abraham Katz, Walter Katz, Evelyn Sherman Polster, Lawrence Polster & Robert Vannorman from Marvin & Susan KatzRhea Scheinbach from Mary SchmertzMoisey Zuravel, Riva Zuravel, Zus Tzfasman & Sholom Katznelson from Mikhail & Lidiya ZhuravlevHaya Katznelson & Grigori Zuravlev from Mikhail & Lidiya ZhuravlevAlla Bilenko from Mira BilenkoGreta Haas from Miriam DavisChristopher Hasenzahl, Eileen Hasenzahl, Jeanne Jefferies & Josephine Muller from Eli Asher Balkin & Christine JefferiesPeggy Freed from Pamela SwartzPhillip Gurwin from Sarah, Josh, Harper & Piper KirschnerHelen Resnick from Sheila & Lou ChodoshMatthew Marx & Nathan Marx from Sheila & Steve HirschEsther Black from Sol BlackGoldye Okun Black from Sol BlackLoved ones from Stephanie HukleFrimi Sagan & Paul Katz from Susannah Sagan & Andrew KatzAllan Conison from Theresa ConisonBoris Rif from Viacheslav & Sofia BelousovSOCIAL ACTION FUNDIn Memory of:Aaron Edelman from Neal Hoffman & Joyce EdelmanSYNAGOGUE FUNDIn Appreciation of:Yom Kippur aliyah from Lawrence & Faye WillenIn Honor of:Marilyn Fishman becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Joyce Bloch, David & Julie Fishman, Gloria Zwelling, Stephen Manos, Steve & Gail Master, Harriet Burack, Sue Segal, Ruthetta Topolosky, Susan & Bob Stone, Charlotte Kapla, Charlotte Beckman, Evie & Herb Harmon, Myra Sharfin, Terry Bornstein, Sandy Cohen, Marilyn & Marvin Thomas, Carol Borovetz, Bobbie Izeman, Shirley Yablok, and Gloria Sinai Liav Skolnik becoming a Bar Mitzvah from James & Nancy WasserstromMike Price receiving a CJN Difference Maker Award from Lawrence & Dr. Rosa StolzCatherine Derrow on becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Stephen ManosSteve VanSlyck on becoming a Bar Mitzvah from Stephen ManosAshley Simon on becoming Bat Mitzvah from Stephen ManosEllen Homeister on becoming a Bat Mitzvah from Stephen ManosIn Memory of:Jerry Winer from Alan & Carol Radnor, Brad & Susie Blair, Carol & David Pariser, Judy Canowitz, Melinda FrankHarry Van Tosh from Albert & Louise SiegelZisel Lantsman from Alexander Nudelman & Inessa OstrovaRuth Gerbs from Alfred GerbsElaine Lewin from David & Julie FishmanSigmund Munster from David & Julie Fishman
16Ellen Magen from Dr. Robert & Sally BrownTina Danzansky from Dr. Steven & Gale KlaymanRobert Fryxell from Eric FryxellSamuel Waterman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanIda & Louis Kramer, Evelyn & Jack Fisher, Henry Fisher & Annlea Glass from Goldie FisherFrances D. Soule from Harriet FelsenthalLucille Schlezinger from Howard & Linda SchottensteinOrlando "Chuck" Behling from James & Nancy WasserstromSara Robbins from Jo RobbinsMartin Glassburg from John MillerBetty Bloom from Leland Chinn & Nancy BloomIsadore Moses from Marc & Donna FriedmanArmin Klein from Martha WidlusBea Mindlin from Trudy HorkinHenry Moss from Neil & Karen MossRonald Klayman from Bob & Clemy Keidan, Robert & Marcia NacdimenFred Greenfield from Robert & Susan StoneCathy Beth Stone from Robert & Susan StoneJerome (Jerry) Cohen from Sandra CohenLeonard Furman from Shelby & Jill FurmanMartin Black from Sol BlackBluma Rudinsky from Sophia PesisVILMA LINDER FUNDIn Memory of:William B. Callif from Harvey & Shelley HandlerJean Robins Mellman from Harvey & Shelley HandlerWILLA SNIDERMAN FUNDIn Memory of:Sam L. Gurevitz from Michael & Luann GurevitzYOUTH PROGRAMSIn Memory of:Deborah Erlichman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanMax Erlichman from Gerald & Stephanie WatermanSara Dobrow from Gerald & Stephanie Waterman
17Our bi-monthly Forum Newsletter is digital. If we can better serve you by sending you aprinted copy, please email Nancy atNGurwin@TiferethIsrael.orgLee Rosenthal Ted Borkan Jess Reback Jamie Goldson Mark Rosenson Bonnie Bloom President1st Vice President2nd Vice PresidentTreasurerMen’s Club PresidentSisterhood PresidentRabbi Hillel | 614-928-3297Rabbi Alex | 614-928-3294Rabbi Emeritus Harold | 614-253-2438Cantor Emeritus Jack Nancy Gurwin | Executive | 614-928-3269Amanda Cohen | Marketing & Comms | 614-928-3286Stacy Grossman | Program | 614-928-3272Brandon Hensley | Accounting | 614-928-3287Stephanie Hukle | Membership | 614-928-3291Thelma Jimerson | Kitchen | ext. 104Wendy Lake | Administrative | 614-928-3295Navah Moore | Administrative | 614-928-3284Juan Pineda | Facilities | ext. 101Paige Richards | Director of Family Life & | 614-928-3289Congregation Tifereth Israel1354 East Broad StreetColumbus, Ohio 43205614.253.8523 • TiferethIsrael.orgInfo@TiferethIsrael.orgAdministrative Office HoursMonday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pmFriday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pmThere are no administrative office hours on Sundays.Office ClosingsWednesday, January 1 - New Year’s DayMonday, January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. DayReminder Regarding Check DonationsPlease make all checks out to Congregation Tifereth Israel, andinsert the name of the fund you wish to donate to in the notes.
18ADVERTISING SPACESTILL AVAILABLE!Get the word out about your localbusiness, event, or program byadvertising in The Forum!If you’re interested in learning more,please reach Amanda Cohen or614.928.3286.
1354 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205 • 614-253-8523 •