T H E S U N O L I A NN.B. BURKE, INVESTIGATIVE REPORT etailed in a letter addressed to Sunol GlenSchool Board Trustee LindaHurley from Aisha Knowles(Alameda County Board ofEducation (ACBOE) Trustee inArea 4), Hurley wasdismissed from her positionas Secretary for the AlamedaCounty School BoardsAssociation (ACSBA) Board ofDirectors. Knowles, thecurrent President for theACSBA board, stated in herletter to Hurley that, “due toyou not being able to fulfillthe terms of the office, whichincludes furthering thepurposes of ACSBA, andencouraging andcooperating with all personsand associations whoseinterests and purposes arethe betterment ofeducational opportunities forthe children of California, theBoard of Directors voted toremove you effectiveimmediately.”Hurley was first notified inperson––by Knowles––at theFebruary ACSBA meeting, DTRUSTEE HURLEY REMOVED FROMBOARD OF DIRECTORS AT COUNTYBoard-member Linda Hurley, of Sunol Glen UnifiedSchool District, looks on during meeting lastSeptember. Photo by: Ray Chavez/Bay Area NewsGroup.Continues on pages 6with Knowles following upwith the dismissal letter inApril as a formality.To date, Hurley has nevermentioned the dismissal atany Sunol Glen School Boardmeeting.You are welcome tocontinue to attendACSBA meetings, andmay consider seeking aposition on the Boardin the future whenyour actions as a SunolGlen Unified SchoolDistrict Trustee betteralign with the purposeand goals of thiscountywideassociation.— EXCERPT FROMLETTER OF DISMISSALTO TRUSTEE HURLEY ASSECRETARY FOR THEALAMEDA COUNTYSCHOOL BOARDSASSOCIATION (ACSBA)
This newsletter is published on or around the5th of each month and is available for sale inan online subscription format only, via ourpublishing platform, SimpleBooklet. Currentyear’s back issues, including previous year’sarchives, will also be available for a feethrough SimpleBooklet. The goal of thispublication was, is and will continue to be to“Promote a more informed Sunol.” Oursubscription fees cover our production costs,while our advertising fees are donatedannually to a local organization of ourchoosing. Our objective is to provide access toall Sunolians, both readers and writers. Allsubmissions and contributions are subject toethical fact checking and verification. Allgroups in town are invited to submit monthlycolumns for publication, and we invite stories,comments, letters, photos, inquiries and otherinformation that would be of interest to thecommunity, and all contributions are subjectto approval and/or correction, guidance,delay or refusal. This paper is dedicated toproviding all points of view within thefollowing guidelines: (1) All submissions are tobe respectful, supported by factualinformation (when applicable) and signed; (2)All submissions will be confirmed by theeditor; (3) Space for Letters to the Editor islimited to 250 words maximum. We reservethe right to accept or refuse submissions andedit for context and length. We also reservethe right to refuse advertising that in ouropinion does not reflect the standards orvalues of the newsletter and Managing Team.The opinions expressed, whether by paidadvertisement or editorial content does notnecessarily reflect the views of thisnewspaper. Content submitted may bereprinted and acknowledged without consentin future publications.E D U C A T I O N N E W SZaidee Stavely,Bilingual Print & Radio ReporterEdSource, originally published on June 3(click here)T H E S U N O L I A NP A G E 2TEMECULA SCHOOL BOARDPRESIDENT TRAILING IN RESULTS OF IMMINENTRECALLJ U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4This issue was guest editedGuest Edited,Geraldine Baldassarre,Publisher EmeritaGeneral ManagerOpen until filled,manager@thesunolian.comIssue Contributors:Kristen Bobertz, Victoria Cloutier, Lisa BallContributing ReporterN.B. Burke,nb.burke@thesunolian.comGeneral Leads:nb_burke@proton.meSecure email:Neil Davies,Publisher-At-Largepublisher@thesunolian.comAn effort to recall Temecula Valley Unified school board PresidentJoseph Komrosky, shown at a board meeting last year, is imminent as of Tuesday evening, June 11. Photo by: Gina Ferazzi / LosAngeles Times.President of the TemeculaValley school board, JosephKomrosky, is likely to lose arecall election, based onballots counted throughTuesday evening, June 11according to Patch.com.After being elected in 2022,Komrosky, a religiousconservative, put forthpolicies to limit discussionon racism, ban the displayof Pride flags and requireschools to disclosestudents’ gender identitiesto parents, in addition toproposing to reject aportion of state curriculumrelated to the contributionsof LGBTQ+ residents,including Harvey Milk.Several of the policiesprompted litigation or finesfrom the state.The newspaper reports thatthe election is very close —4,674 people voted toremove Komrosky and4,477 voted to keep him inoffice — a difference of 197votes, or just over 2percentage points. About200 ballots remainuncounted.As of Tuesday night, TVUSDTrustee Area 4 voters whocast "yes" ballots in favor ofrecalling Komrosky wereahead of "no" votes by 211,or about 2 percentagepoints, according to a 6p.m. update from theRiverside County Registrarof Voters Office.
OPINIONThe opinions, views, and perspectives expressed inarticles, editorials, and letters to the editor withinThe Sunolian are those of the individual authors anddo not necessarily reflect the official stance oropinions of the publication, its editorial board, or itsstaff. The Sunolian is committed to providing aplatform for–and to seeking out–diverse voices andopinions, fostering open dialogue and discoursewithin the community. However, the publication doesnot endorse or take responsibility for the accuracy orvalidity of the viewpoints expressed by contributors.Readers are encouraged to critically evaluate thecontent and form their own informed opinions.This issue was Guest EditedNeil Davies, Publisher-At-LargeT H E S U N O L I A NC O M M U N I T Y M E M B E RSubmit your request to join ourEditorial Board to help determine thispaper’s position on local issues:editor+board@thesunolian.comE D I T O R I A L B O A R DT H E S U N O L I A NEditorial deadline & publication scheduleSubmission guidelines for Opinion (Guest) EssaysSubmission guidelines for Letters to the EditorP A G E 3J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
AdvertorialNeil DaviesDenise Kent-RomoPeggy CarpenterGuin Van DykeVic Cloutier Liz Monti-Hall Don BallBob FosterFormer Sunol Glen Trustees Endorse YESon Recall of Ryan Jergensen and Linda Hurleyin the July 2Special Election RecallT H E S U N O L I A NA school board’s measure of successOver the years, previous Sunol Glen trustees activelyworked to improve academics, ensuring a world classeducational environment with access to cutting edgetechnology and curriculum. Together, these trustees accomplished a wide-range ofgoals that to this day are still leaving an impact in theDistrict, including:Acquired laptops for every student and teacher,taking the educational environment from a 3:1 deviceratio to a 1:1 device ratio––well ahead of surroundingschool districts at the time of implementation.Built digital curriculum for students long before COVID.First district in the state to implement technicalupgrade + digital curriculum with existing districtcash flow, not with technical bond.Added a math teacher to provide advanced Algebrain middle school.Added electives including civics, language, arts,technology, and game theory.Implemented digital board policies & automatic updates.Introduced updated language, arts and mathcurriculum.Bought equipment: a kiln, 3D printer, and telescope.Built theater, music, and art programs.Launched new Social Justice committee.Upgraded all WiFi APs in the school, fortifyingconnectivity and broadening the coverage area bydoubling the number of APs on campus.Worked with Sunol Business Guild, CERT, and SunolRepertory Theatre to oversee record monetarydonations.Equipped Sunol Glen as first in the county to safely offerin person classes during the Covid pandemic.Updated library and media center materials.Supported STEM and arts curriculum updatesLaunched successful bond to plan for another 100years of SGUSDFounded Dillon’s Garden, an award winning schoolgardenAligned Sunol Glen for the honor of CaliforniaDistinguished SchoolInstalled new track, playing field, ball wall, and sportsequipmentSent teachers to NYC and to multiple curriculumcourses/trainingEnsured excellent fiscal health and budget due tocareful spendingMaintained a productive and healthy workingrelationship with the administration, teachers, andstaff at Sunol Glen.I t ’ s t i m e t o g e t b a c k t o w o r k .FormerTrustees say:‘Vote Yeson Recall’Former Trustees havethe training andexperience to be anaccurate gauge ofethical and professionalbehavior on the schoolboard, and they arevocal in notifying thecommunity howJergensen and Hurleyare not only failing attheir positions, butactively damaging theP A G E 4 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4Mike Picardschool with their decisions.Nine Former School Board Trustees thatknow the role and understand theresponsibilities associated with serving onthe School Board denounce TrusteesJergensen and Hurley. No formerTrustees publicly support Hurley andJergensen, and none defend them.
T H E S U N O L I A NLOCAL, LONGTIME ACFD FIREFIGHTER SUSTAINS BURNSBAY CITY NEWS SERVICE, PUBLISHED JUNE 10The Alameda County firefighters union started aGoFundMe account for one of its members who wasseriously injured during a wildfire containment earlierthis month.According to the GoFundMe page, Brandon Franco, a22-year firefighter with the Alameda County FireDepartment, suffered burns to multiple parts of hisbody while battling a fast-moving grass fire on June 1.ACFD previously reported two of its firefighters wereinjured during the initial response to the Corral Firebetween Livermore and Tracy.“These burns have already required surgery and willmost likely require additional procedures. AlthoughBrandon is expected to make a full recovery, this willtake time and support from all who surround him,”the page said.“Brandon needs our support as he undergoesongoing medical treatment. The funds will be used tocover essential supplies to manage his ranch duringhis recovery. Your donation will ensure his animalsand property are well cared for, allowing him to focuson getting better,” the page added. As of earlyMonday morning, the “Support Brandon Franco’sRecovery” account has raised more than $16,000with a goal of $20,000.Search GoFundMe for “Support Brandon Franco'sRecovery” to donate.A view of the Corral Fire as seen from Tracy on the night of June 1, 2024. Photo by: Cristina Chiarenza HollowayP A G E 5J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
I'm not aware of Linda ever informing the Sunol Glenboard of trustees at any board meeting in March,April or May of her removal as of Feb. 28, 2024 fromher role as Secretary of the ACSBA Board of Directors.— SUNOL GLEN SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE TED ROMOHURLEY NEVER MENTIONED REMOVAL FROM ACSBABOARD––DISMISSAL LETTER HINTS AT REASONT H E S U N O L I A NContinues from page 1While the verbal dismissal cameto light for Hurley at the Feb. 29ACSBA meeting, she then had theopportunity to share theinformation with her fellow SunolTrustees at no less than 3 regularschool board meetings. Thismight have allowed the board towork together to devise a planthat would intervene on herbehalf.March 12 School BoardMeetingReporting out under Item “5j.Alameda County School BoardsAssociation Report”, Hurleyprovided a lengthier report than usual, stating “We met....the 29thof February.... and they had a lightdinner––charcuterie board,”Hurley continued, adding “thestate is coming up with a numberof programs as well as quite a bitof money that will be available toour school as well for mentalhealth programs as well.”After expanding further on themental health programs, Hurleyconcluded her update saying “Thenext meeting....will be in April, butI don’t have any specifics yet.”April 23 School Board MeetingAt the April 23 school boardmeeting, when Hurley was askedto report on the standing agendaitem “5e. Alameda County SchoolBoards Association Report”, shetold those in attendance that“There is nothing to report. PennyPeck [Treasurer] never got backto me as to the next event.”May 14 School Board MeetingThen in May during Item 5f,Hurley reported h aving emailissues as possibly why she hadbeen unaware about an AprilASCBA meeting, stating “theinvitation came in my email as aninvitation from an unknownsender––and the person thatwas typing that report out wasnamed Taraneh, and I had notmet her.” Hurley then jumped toproviding an update of the Aprilmeeting, quizzically adding thatshe did end up attending afterall, stating “I did make it andtalked to Aisha Knowles––I didmiss the program however.” Theprogram went over the benefit ofhaving a full-time nurse on staff.Hurley stated she would reportback further at the June boardmeeting regarding the District’snursing options. Sunol Glen Trustee Ted Romo,when asked for comment on thematter, had this to say: “the fullSGUSD board of trustees has nothad any discussion that I'maware of regarding the eventssurrounding Linda's removal, norwhy she did not inform the boardpromptly following itsoccurrence. However, I haveasked that such a discussion beincluded as an agenda item forthe upcoming June 18 SGUSDboard meeting. I look forward tolearning more about why thisoccurred and why it appears tohave been hidden from the fullboard, as I would have expectedthat, as a trustee with fiduciaryresponsibilities to the Districtand board, Linda would haveexplained what happened andgiven the board an opportunityto correct any missteps she mayhave made with the ACSBA.” P A G E 6 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
T H E S U N O L I A NP A G E 7J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
N.B. BURKE,INVESTIGATIVE REPORTBob Tuerck, Chief LegalCounsel, District andCounty Offices LegalServices at CaliforniaSchool Boards Association(CSBA).Photo from csba.orgIt is not accurate to say that CSBAsolely directed this statement to thedistrict and the school board. Ouroffice provides resources, legaladvice, and counsel to the district,but we do not direct the activities orstatements of the district or theboard.— BOB TUERCK, IN REGARD TO THE MAY 14 SUNOLSCHOOL BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM ‘7F‘ ANDTHE ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLED“CBOC STATEMENT“DISTRICT’S LAWYER RESPONDS TO CLAIMS....Board members are the decision makers––not attorneys, says CSBAT H E S U N O L I A NMany members of the Sunol Glen communityhave grown increasingly frustrated, speaking outduring public comments at regular school boardmeetings and via email to express that it isunclear to them who exactly is making decisionsand providing direction for the school district.While governance and decision making should beexpressly lead by the board in conjunction withthe Superintendent, Board President RyanJergensen has repeatedly made statements to theeffect that it’s the district’s legal team––the legalbranch of the California School BoardsAssociation (CSBA)––that has lead the charge onmaking decisions for the board and thereby, thedistrict.When reached by email, Bob Tuerck, Chief LegalCounsel at CSBA, offered the followingclarification, saying “Our role is to explain the lawand advise on potential outcomes that couldresult from district actions. The district and theboard are responsible for deciding what thoseactions will be.”However, after reviewing a couple of the mostrecent school board meetings, a repeatednarrative put forth by Jergensen––in which heoften attributed board direction at the behest ofCSBA––seemed to be at the crux of the issue:Continues on next pageP A G E 8 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
Ryan Jergensen, BoardPresident, Sunol GlenUnified School DistrictBoard of TrusteesPhoto from sunol.k12.ca.usWe do have one statement that wasincluded on the agenda that was writtenby the attorney for our district.”— BOARD PRESIDENT RYAN JERGENSEN,REGARDING THE ‘CBOC STATEMENT‘ INCLUDEDON THE MAY 14 AGENDA, ITEM ‘7F‘T H E S U N O L I A N....AS TRUSTEE RACKS UP MORE ASSERTIONSBut Jergensen seemingly points to CSBA’s Tuerck as leading the chargerecommendations.” He then said, “I also specificallyasked them about the last meeting and said ‘do youthink it was appropriate for us to take action at thelast meeting––they said no it was not; it is somethingthat needs proper complaint and investigation. It isnot something that we as a board should be judge,jury and executioner, and make decisions quickly. Weneed to do it in an appropriate process, so that wedon’t bring liability to the district––that was thedirection from legal counsel.”Sunol Glen Parent, Kelly Goldsmith, addressing theboard in public comment while quoting an email shereceived from Jergensen (regarding an agenda itemby Trustee Ted Romo to censure Jergensen): “Youreplied–and I quote–‘Our district’s attorney madethat decision based on the law’.”May 14 School Board MeetingJergensen: “Discussion and possible action toapprove Sunol Glen Unified School District boardbylaw 9124, which was recommended by ourattorney to update and clarify some issues.”Jergensen: “I’m just accepting Mr. Tuerck’srecommendation and in the meantime, we’ll gowith this.” Jergensen, when asked about the drafting of theCBOC Statement for Item 7f: “We do have onestatement, that was included in the agenda,that was written by the attorney for ourdistrict.”April 23 School Board MeetingJergensen: “As far as the Bond Oversight Committee....Idid talk to the attorney,” after clarifying it was CSBA hespoke with, Jergensen continued, stating “I askedthem if they think it should be on this agenda––they told me no. So the best I can do is, I can talkwith legal counsel and follow theirContinues from previous pageP A G E 9J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
T H E S U N O L I A NCALL FOR ARTISTS & VENDORS IN LIVERMORELIVERMORE BANKHEAD THEATERJoin us at ComicCon Livermore, where fandomscollide and imagination knows no bounds! This year’sevent promises to be an exhilarating celebration of allthings geek culture, showcasing a vibrant tapestry ofartists in all genres including graphic novel, manga,crime/noir, sci-fi, horror, fantasy, slice of life,adventure, humor, and romance.In addition to showcasing the artists, there will be anexciting cosplay contest, anime and toy vendors, andspecial guest appearances. This is the ultimatedestination for fans of all ages to come together andcelebrate the magic of comics. Join ComicCon Livermore and experience theCostume Contest On Stage, Face Painting, PhotoBooth, Comics, and Anime at the Bankhead Theater.To sign up for the costume contest you must registeron the day of with Ziggy of O’Hana between 11am –12pm. The contest will take place on the BankheadStage from 1-2pm. Free for all participants. P A G E 1 0 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
NILES CANYON UPDATET H E S U N O L I A N e are set to begin work repairing Niles CanyonRoad (SR-84) between OldCanyon Road and MainStreet in Sunol starting theweek of June 17, 2024.A new bridge on piles will beconstructed at the location ofthe slip-out in the eastbounddirection, where a portion ofthe lane collapsed into thecreek four months ago.WWork Hours: 8pm-5am,Monday through Friday(June17-21).Full closures will be ineffect during these hours.Motorists should detourvia Interstate 680.The roadway will reopenwith one-way trafficcontrol every morning.Work is scheduled tocomplete by the end ofthe year.P A G E 1 1J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
T H E S U N O L I A NFREE ENTRANCE TO NATIONAL PARKSF R O M E B P A R K S D I S T R I C T A N DN A T I O N A L P A R K S E R V I C EJuneteenth (June 19th) is the oldest nationallycelebrated commemoration of the ending of slaveryin the United States. Cultural events like Juneteenthcelebrate the diversity of our nation and unify thecommunity. Juneteenth National Independence Daywas signed into law as a national holiday on June17, 2021. The word “Juneteenth” is a Black Englishcontraction, or portmanteau, of the month “June”and the date “Nineteenth.” Juneteenth celebratesthe date of June 19, 1865, when enslaved people ofAfrican descent located in Galveston, Texas, finallylearned of their freedom from the slavery system inthe United States.The East Bay Regional Park District is honoringJuneteenth this year with a Free Park Day onWednesday, June 19, and naturalist-led publicprograms to celebrate and reflect. The District iscommitted to enhancing diversity, equity, andinclusion, and making our parks and agency morewelcoming and reflective of the communities weserve.Park District fees waived on Juneteenth include parkentrance, parking, dogs, horses, boat launching,and fishing. However, the fee waiver does not applyto swimming, camping, reservable picnic facilities(due to capacity limits), District concessions, statefees for fishing licenses, and watercraft inspectionsfor invasive mussels.The National Park Service also invites all visitors tocommemorate Juneteenth National IndependenceDay by visiting any National Park Service site thatcharges an entrance fee for free on June 19, 2024.P A G E 1 2 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
T H E S U N O L I A NP A G E 1 3J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
T H E S U N O L I A NAS TEMPERATURES RISE––SO SHOULD AWARENESSWith the potential for sustained heat related impacts this week, take some time to review the heat safety tipsbelow. If you work or play outdoors, be sure to stay hydrated, take breaks, and wear loose-fitting andlightweight clothing. Also, never leave kids or pets unattended––Be sure to look before you lock as the interiorin cars can reach lethal temperatures in minutes. From US National Weather Service San Francisco BayArea/Monterey CaliforniaP A G E 1 4 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
T H E S U N O L I A NP A G E 1 5J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4
February, Vol. 7, Special Issue https://midd.me/shLWMarch, Vol. 7, Iss. 2 https://midd.me/shLWFebruary, Vol. 7, Iss. 1https://midd.me/QAtZBe sure to alsofollow us onFacebook wherewe also announcethe publication ofour next issue.Click or scan below for our 2024 issues availableonline:T H E S U N O L I A NWE GOT ISSUES: CHECK IT OUT ONLINEOur 2024 issues are now available in print and online. Ouronline format includes interactive, multimedia andembedded videos, and is presented as an onscreen,digital, flippable booklet. Our digital version convenientlyincludes reference links throughout.April, Vol. 7, Iss. 3 https://midd.me/ICLxCONTACT PUBLISHER TO ADVERTISEAdvertising Rates for the 2024 Feb, Mar, Apr and May editions are on the house during our inaugural re-launch. You may contact the Publisher, Neil Davies (publisher@thesunolian.com) regarding advertisingrates past the May issue. For advertising sizes and artwork requirements, contact the Editor & LayoutDesigner, Cammie O’Connor (editor@thesunolian.com) for specs and file types. P A G E 1 6 J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 4