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The Signature Series at Somerset Bay Look Book

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The Signature Series at SOMERSET BAY

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Welcome Home to The Signature Series at Somerset Bay — Vero's first new riverfrontcondominium residence in over 20 years. Engineered and designed to live like a single-family house in the sky and eliminate common objections to condominium living.

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Redesigned living room to maximize privacy and to increase glass, natural light and wide river views.

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We’ve created house-like spaces with broad expanses of glass & river views.And carefully engineered our plans toeliminate many of the old reasons youmay not have considered a condo...

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A homeowner association for the finaltwo buildings only, with contributorymaintenance for full use of othercommunity amenities, such as pool,clubhouse, day dock on the river, accessto the jungle trail, gated entry, andprivate community beach access.Having an association limited to the twobrand new buildings built to the mostrigorous Miami-Dade codes means thatthe 12 owners will not have exposure orliability for issues that arise in the existingbuildings that are now 20+ years old.2-BuildingCondo Association

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...that offers a “WOW!” foryour guests for a sensationalfirst impression.Redesigned & Reimagined Front Lobby

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Redesigned and expanded storage and closets within the residence and garage.

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Redesigned East Guest Wing to bring in natural light and a functional terrace for guests.

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Private, professionally outfitted fitness centers in each building instead of a fitness center for multiple buildings and hoping you can get on the equipment when you wish to.

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Individually climate controlled, garages withstorage included in each garage; penthousesenjoy three Bay garages!Full concrete slab construction, not theprevailing method of post tension, construction,to offer fortress-like surety and storm hardinessagainst the elements of coastal living.Impact resistant glass that will have a secondlayer of protection in hurricane storm shuttersthat will be both beautiful and functional tooffer a double layer of protection and furtherprotect the structure from the rigors of coastalliving and storms. Plumbing re-engineered to be located on theexterior perimeter of the building. No moreworrying that a problem in your neighbor’sbathroom over your head becomes yourproblem.

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Right Floor Plan

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Left Floor Plan

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SALLY DALEYThe Daley Group at Douglas RO BE AC H. CO MNow Taking Reservations!BOB McNALLYPresident Palm Coast