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Message My check is enclosed, payable to Serving Seniors. Charge my debit/credit card. Please ll out the form on the back. Gi Catalog of Miracles<Contact Name><Company Name><Address1><Address2><City>, <State> <Zip>GIFT GIFT AMOUNT QUANTITY TOTAL GIFTPlease select your gift item(s), ll in the quantity and amount, and total your gift. If you are making this gift in honor of a friend or family member, you can download an ornament card at To make a gift online, go to or scan here: Please return this entire form along with your contribution in the enclosed envelope. GIFT FORM Miracle in a Meal You choose the amount. How many miracles can you create for seniors this holiday season? $____________ ($4 per meal)Healthy Lunches $20.00Gift Card $40.00General Store Gift Bag $45.00Bingo Bonanza $50.00Winter Essentials $65.00Welcome Home Basket $80.00Group Fitness Package $85.00Birthday Party Package $100.00Home-Delivered Meals $140.00Wellness Bundle OR CONTRIBUTE A PORTION OF THE COST $250.00 $125.00Emergency Assistance Package OR CONTRIBUTE A PORTION OF THE COST $1,000.00 $500.00Rental Assistance Package OR CONTRIBUTE A PORTION OF THE COST $6,000.00 $1,200.00Year of Transitional Housing OR CONTRIBUTE A PORTION OF THE COST$10,000.00 $2,000.00 TOTAL GIFTS ENCLOSED $<Donor Code>

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Serving Seniors is a 501(c)(3) nonprot organization, federal ID number 95-2850121. Your kind and generous contribution is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. VISA AMEX MC DISCOVER Card # ____________________________________________ Exp. Date___________________CVV__________ Name as it appears on card ________________________________________Signature ______________________________________ Phone_________________________Email _________________________________________________________________________Please deduct $____________ from my checking account each month. A check payable to Serving Seniors for my rst monthly gift is enclosed. I understand future monthly donations will come directly from my bank account.Signature _________________________________________ Date_______________________Phone ________________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________ If, for any reason, I decide to suspend or update my monthly donation, I may do so at any time by calling 619-487-0701, or sending an email to, or writing to the address below.Charge my gift to:Make this a monthly gift. I’d like to join the Full Plate Club:Please send me information about including a gift to Serving Seniors in my will. I'm interested in making plans today so my values live on for decades.I'm including a matching gift from my employer. To see if your employer will match your donation, please visit'd like to donate monthly via my Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or Qualied Charitable Distribution (QCD). Please contact me at: _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________Other ways to give:525 14TH ST, SUITE 200 | SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 | 619-487-0701 | SERVINGSENIORS.ORGCharge my monthly gift to my credit card. Please complete the form above.

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Just print, fold, cut, sign, and hang!FOLD HERE FOLD HERE To: ____________________________________In your name, I made a gift to Serving Seniors to help San Diego seniors in poverty live healthy and fullling lives. _________________________________ _________________________________From: __________________________You can make your holiday donaon in honor of a friend or family member. Print this ornament, sign it, and give it to your chosen recipient with love!

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