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The Real Estate Investor Playbook

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Greg Gale/ NMLS 19428 / BK 0902429/Nova NMLS 3087Equal Housing OpportunityNova Financial & Investment Corporation,dba Nova Home Loans NMLS 3087

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Welcome to The Real EstateInvestor Playbook , your go toguide for diving into the lucrativeworld of real estate investment.This book is like your playbook ina game—the difference is, thegame here is building wealth.INTRODUCTION

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1. Advantages of Being a Real Estate Investor2. Tax Advantages3. Cost Segregation4. Appreciation5. Someone Else Paying Your Mortgage6. Financing Options Galore7. Assembling Your Team TABLE OF CONTENTS

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WHY INVEST IN REAL ESTATE?Imagine a garden. A garden where moneytrees grow. That's what real estateinvestment can be for you. It offers a ton ofperks: Cash Flow: Think of this as your monthly"allowance" from your property. Leverage: Use a small amount to controlsomething much bigger. Stability: Real estate is often less shakythan other investment types. IT is a “Real”asset, that you can visit, touch, sell, etc. Different that a stock or bond, that is apiece of paper.1. ADVANTAGES OF BEING A REAL ESTATE INVESTOR

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UNCLE SAM AS YOUR SILENT PARTNERIn the game of Monopoly, there's nothingbetter than passing 'Go' and collecting $200.In real estate, tax benefits are your 'Go'. Some key tax advantages include: Mortgage Interest Deductions: Kind oflike a discount on your loan. Depreciation: A fancy word for sayingyour building gets old, but you get tax breaksfor it.2. TAX ADVANTAGES

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THE ART OF SEPARATING APPLES FROM ORANGESCost Segregation is like breakingdown a fruit salad into its parts. Youseparate your property into differentchunks, like land, building, and evencarpet. Why? More tax savings! Your CPA will help you with this andyou’ll keep more of the rentalprofits. 3. COST SEGREGATION

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YOUR SILENT WEALTH BUILDERAppreciation is like watching your kid growtaller every year. Your property value grows,too. It might not happen overnight, but giveit time and you'll be amazed at how muchyour property’s worth goes up. Overtime,the compounding effect of appreciation ifwhat leads to accumulating MASSIVEwealth 4. APPRECIATION

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THE SWEETEST DEALImagine if someone else paid for yourmeals, all the time. That’s what havingtenants is like. They pay rent, and thatmoney can cover your mortgagepayments. You own a home, they payfor it. It's a win win. 5. SOMEONE ELSE PAYING YOUR MORTGAGE

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PICK YOUR PLAYJust like there are many ways to score atouchdown, there are tons of ways to financeyour real estate investment: Traditional Loans : Your regular, run of themill loan from a bank. Non Traditional : These are options thatPrivate Banks and Brokerages have accesstoo. Seller Carry : The seller acts like the bank.Cool, right? Wraps : A new loan that "wraps around" anold one. Subject To : Buying a property "subject to"the existing financing. 6. FINANCING OPTIONS GALORE

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A. Real Estate Professional Your Point Guard on the FieldYou wouldn't go treasure hunting without a map, right? A RealEstate Professional is your map. They know the lay of the land. Role : Finds properties, gives market advice, analyzes rents& demand, and negotiates deals. B. Mortgage Professional The Power Forward of FinancingThis is the person who helps you figure out how to pay for yournew treasure chest of a property. Role : Helps you get loans and find the best rates. This iswhere the power of leverage comes in. You put up a little bit ofmoney to purchase a LARGE asset, that appreciates over timeand someone else makes the payment! C. Property Manager The Coach Behind the ScenesYou've got a property, great! But who's going to manage it?That's where your Property Manager comes in. Role : Takes care of day to day stuff like rent, repairs, andannoying midnight calls. 7. ASSEMBLING YOUR TEAMYOUR DREAM TEAM FOR REAL ESTATE SUCCESSThink of real estate investing like playing basketball. You can't win the championship alone; you need a dream team. Let's talk about who should be in your starting lineup.

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D. Title Company The Referee of Real EstateYou don’t want to buy a property only to find out someone elsesays they own it. A Title Company makes sure that won't happen. Role : Checks property history and makes sure the title isclean. E. Variety of Subcontractors Your Special Teams UnitThis is your go to squad for everything from fixing a leaky faucetto installing a new roof. Role : Experts in plumbing, electrical work, roofing, and more. 7. ASSEMBLING YOUR TEAMYOUR DREAM TEAM FOR REAL ESTATE SUCCESSThink of real estate investing like playing basketball. You can't win the championship alone; you need a dream team. Let's talk about who should be in your starting lineup.

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There you have it, your all starteam that will set you on thepath to real estate glory. Eachmember plays a critical role inyour journey. So make sure youpick your team wisely, keepthem close, and aim for thatchampionship ring in realestate. THE FULL ROSTER

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You've now run through some key plays in theReal Estate Investor Playbook. Remember, thegame isn’t won in a single play. It’s a series ofwell executed moves that lead to victory. Readyto run your plays?By following this playbook, you're setting yourselfup to win big in the real estate game. So, whatare you waiting for? Let's get that ball rolling. The next step is to set a time to talk Strategy andCreate your next Play to Run.Scan this code or click on the link to scheduletime to Create your PlaybookClick here to book your time!CONCLUSION