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The PSPH Gazette

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A U G U S T 2 0 2 4 | V O L U M E : 1 I S S U E : 1THE PSPH GAZETTEThe Newsletter of Prasanna School of Public HealthPATRONSDr Ramdas M Pai - Chancellor,MAHE, ManipalDr Ranjan Pai - President, MAHETrust, ManipalDr H S Ballal - Pro Chancellor, MAHE,ManipalLt. Gen. (Dr) M D Venkatesh - ViceChancellor, MAHE, ManipalDr Sharath Rao - Pro ViceChancellor, Health Sciences, MAHE,ManipalDr Giridhar Kini - Registrar, MAHE,ManipalShri D A Prasanna - Chief Patron,PSPH, MAHE, ManipalProf Rajani Prasanna - Benefactor,PSPH, MAHE, ManipalCONTENTSMessages1.Meet our New Director2.PSPH Stories3.Outreach4.Our Programmes 5.Certificate Courses6.Our MultidisciplinaryCentres7.Upcoming Events8.

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MESSAGESThe Prasanna School of Public Health hasmade significant strides over the pastyear, demonstrating unwaveringcommitment to excellence in publichealth education, research andcollaboration. I am happy to note thatPSPH is bringing out the first edition of itsnewsletter. I would like to extend my bestwishes to the PSPH Newsletter, and TeamPSPH for all their endeavours.Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M. D. VenkateshVice Chancellor, MAHE, ManipalHearty congratulations to the entire PSPH team fortheir unwavering dedication towards societal impactand outstanding accomplishments. I wish the team,the very best to the enterprising efforts towards thePSPH Newsletter.Dr. Sharath RaoPro Vice Chancellor – Health SciencesI would like to sincerely appreciate the PrasannaSchool of Public Health, for the experiential learningexperience in alignment with our MAHE aspirations. Ibelieve the PSPH Newsletter will have moremilestones, and success stories in the years to come.Best wishes for this initiative!Dr Giridhar Kini PRegistrar, MAHE

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MESSAGE FROM OUR PATRONI have been associated with the Manipal Group for the last few decades and, inparticular, with its flagship university, MAHE, in its pursuit of global excellence inthe dynamically evolving public health ecosystem. I have witnessed significantefforts by the institution to become a leader in public health education, producinginnovators who make impactful contributions globally.Last year marked PSPH's entry into international rankings, now recognized as thesecond-best public health school in India by the Shanghai rankings. Our MPHprogramme has gained visibility through international accreditations by theprestigious Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation, and the MSWprogramme has emerged as the top among emerging colleges for social work inthe India Today rankings. These achievements underscore our commitment toexcellence in education, research, and innovation.The “PSPH Gazette” will capture the essence of the School's efforts and stand as atestament to its milestones and societal impact. It will expand the creativeboundaries of our students, researchers, and academicians. I appreciate theinitiative led by Prof. Dr. Varghese Cherian and congratulate the team on thesuccessful launch of the inaugural issue of the PSPH Gazette. I wish the Schoolcontinued success in all its creative endeavors and look forward to following thePSPH Gazette.Shri D A PrasannaChief PatronPrasanna School of Public Health

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MEET OUR NEW DIRECTORDr Cherian Varghese joins as Professor andDirector – PSPH, MAHE, Manipal effective July04, 2024. Dr Varghese joins PSPH, MAHE,Manipal after a distinguished career of overtwo decades at World Health Organization(WHO) where he last served as Coordinator –Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) &determinants and Acting Director - HealthierPopulations and NoncommunicableDiseases(HPN), WHO South-East AsiaRegional Office, New Delhi, India. He initiatedcardiovascular disease control throughSEAHEARTS and established SEACANGRID forimproving cancer control in the region.With over 90 publications to his credit Dr.Varghese has received numerous prestigiousfellowships and awards. Welcome to the Prasanna School ofPublic Health (PSPH) at MAHE, wherewe are dedicated to promoting healthand achieving disease control throughcomprehensive public healtheducation and capacity building. As wenavigate the rapid epidemiologicaltransition in India and South Asia, ourfocus is on equipping individuals withcritical skills through our data science,biostatistics, epidemiology, healthpolicy, health and hospitalmanagement, social work, regulatoryscience, and related areas. At PSPH,we offer meticulously designedMaster's level courses that create aworkforce 'fit for purpose,' ready tomeet the diverse needs ofgovernments, industry, and academia.Our school has emerged as a leader inpublic health education, and we arecommitted to reaching new heightsthrough innovative learningapproaches that emphasize hands-onexperience.I would like to extend our heartfeltthanks to Dr. Helmut, the FoundingDirector of PSPH, for laying a strongfoundation and guiding us with hisvisionary leadership. His contributionshave been instrumental in shapingPSPH.Dr Cherian VargheseDirectorPrasanna School of Public Health

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PSPH STORIESTraining Programme on Social DefenceIssues, New Delhi: training program toequip social work educators with thenecessary skills and knowledge on socialdefence issues.National Level Workshop on CBRNDisaster Management: This five-dayworkshop held at the National Institute ofTechnology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal.Training Course on Qualitative ResearchMethodology: Organized by ICMR-NIREHBhopal, this hybrid event aimed to providehands-on training in qualitative researchmethodologies with a focus onenvironmental health.Guest Lecture on Public Health andEconomy: A guest lecture titled "TheClinical Foreground and IndustrialBackground: Global Context Policy andPractice Interface in Public Health andEconomy" was held at PSPH.Guest Lecture on Nature-BasedInterventions: Dr. Justin Lawson fromDeakin University discussed theapplications of biophilia and nature-basedtherapies for holistic health in a virtuallecture.AcademicAn interactive session on "Covid 19 – Promoting Mental Health throughCuriosity, Creativity, and Compassion" - conducted by Dr. Abraham Francis fromJames Cook University, focusing on mental health awareness and strategies .PSPH Career Conclave held on June 1, 2024 Organized by the Placement andCareer Counselling Cells of PSPH, MAHE, the event featured workshops on CVpreparation, alumni interactions discussing job opportunities and expectations,and sessions on professional communication skills and research opportunities.Workshops on Survey Methods and Data Analysis using Jamovi: PSPHorganized two workshops focused on survey research and data analysis usingJamovi software.Certificate Course in Evidence Synthesis – Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: The Centre for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (CEIDeM) at PSPH , conducted hybrid certificate course a with 45 participants including faculty,doctoral scholars, PG students, and researchers,

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PSPH STORIESCo CurricularThe Cultural Coordination Committee (CCC) atMAHE organized the annual Utsav fest fromApril 01 to 05, 2024. PSPH students and staffparticipated in various events. Mr. Praveen Kumar, First Year MHAProgramme won the Third Place in SpotPhotographyMr. Abhinav Phophalia, Ms. Minal Sharma,and Dr. Ankita Sengupta won First Place inAntakshariPSPH students Mr. Simon Thomas, Mr. ShibinShaji, and Ms. Nandana B excelled in thecompetition, securing the First Prize at National Conference on "SamudayaSambrama" at the School of Social Work,Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru. The Quiz, titled"Storm your Brain on Environmental Protocols,Issues, and Policies" PSPH organized a series of contests to markWorld Disabled Day. The contests includedMarket Mania, Digital Poster, and TechSolution Presentation, with enthusiasticparticipation from PSPH students. Ms. RatnaSuvarna, the District Disability Officer forUdupi, as the Chief Guest. Dr. Teddy Andrews J, Coordinator of the MSWProgramme at the Department of Social andHealth Innovation, was the Chief Guest at TheInternational Centre for Applied Sciences,MAHE Annual Sports Meet.“Launch of ”Climate Change and Public Health: Governance and Challenges"provides an insightful overview of the intricate linkages between climate change andpublic health, emphasizing the governance aspects at global, national, and state levels.This book emerges from the ‘Professor Rajani Prasanna Endowment Lecture series onClimate Change and its Impact on Public Health,’ supported by Prof. Rajani Prasanna, adistinguished art historian and philanthropist. Prof. Rajani is the spouse of Mr. D. A.Prasanna, Chief Patron of the Prasanna School of Public Health.

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PSPH STORIESDr. Varun Kumar S G from theDepartment of Data Science, PSPH,won the Best Paper Award for hisresearch at Seventh InternationalConference on Green Economy andSustainable Growth through StrategicChange, MAHE, Dubai.Ms. Rashmi Bhat, our PhD student atPSPH, won the Best Poster Award forher study at Fifth ManipalInternational Infectious DiseasesConference.Dr. Navya Vyas from the Departmentof Health Policy, PSPH, was awardedthe Best Poster Presentation at 51stAnnual National Conference of IndianAssociation of Preventive and SocialMedicine.Dr. Brayal D’Souza from the MHAProgramme, PSPH, won the FirstRunner Up Prize for her research atCAHOCON conference.Mr Sudhindra Poojary, Associate,Office, PSPH, received First Prize inthe MAHE Inter Collegiate Staff(Teaching & Non-Teaching) ChessTournament. Bandhavya P and Acharya SinchanaGangadhar from the M.Sc.(Biostatistics) secured First Prize inthe poster presentation competitionorganized by the Department ofMathematics, MIT Manipal. Awards

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PSPH STORIESThe Global Health Symposium, held from April 21 to May 3, 2024, was a vibrantconvergence of students, doctors, and researchers at the PSPH. Kicking off with awelcome dinner, the symposium unfolded over 13 days, offering a mix of academicand cultural experiences. Key activities included workshops, team-buildingexercises, field visits, and insightful presentations from global health experts. 180students from 12 international universities participated in GHS-2024.internationalisationMPH Students Ms. Ayman Fathima Baig, Dr. Deeksha Singh, Dr. Divya Narayanan,and Dr. Utsha Ghosh, engaged in courses such as Health Economics, Ethics inHealth Research, and Health Systems by embarking on a transformative studentexchange program at Tampere University, Finland.Students and faculty from the University of Maryland visited the PSPH at for aStudent Immersion Programme from January 4 to 20, 2024. This exchangeincluded classroom sessions on public health, field visits to relevant institutions,and cultural excursions.As a part of the SPARC project titled "Promoting Adolescent’s Resilience: Evidence-based Integrated Approach to parenting and adolescent mental health", twoscholars from PSPH, MAHE - Ms. Dezma Savina Fernandez and Ms. Nikitha SibilRebello visited University of South Australia, Adelaide and James Cook Universityat Brisbane.Dr. Teddy Andrews J.J. was recently invited to deliver a keynote speech at theAnnual Conference of Aged-care Research and Innovation Industry Australia (ARIIA)on July 4th, 2024. The conference was held at the prestigious Adelaide Oval,Australia.

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OutreachField visits to PartnerorganisationCommunity Radio OutreachMHLU WebinarsWorld Earth Day Soft Skills Training Programme atLombard Group of Institutions, Udupi

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OUR PROGRAMMESMASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTHThe MPH program at Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH) features a diversecurriculum that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical applications across fivespecializations: Environmental and Occupational Health, Epidemiology, Maternal andChild Health, Global Health, and Health Policy. Students gain hands-on experiencethrough internships and field placements in public health organizations, community-based projects, and a capstone project or thesis, ensuring they are well-prepared to tacklereal-world public health challenges. MPH is ranked 4th in SCIMAGO Institution Ranking2024.MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINSITRATIONThe MHA program at Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH) strives to prepare healthprofessionals to become knowledgeable, ethical, and innovative health administratorswho can contribute positively to the healthcare sector. The program aims to createcompetent personnel in hospital and healthcare management, offering electives inFinancial Management in Healthcare, Branding and Customer Relationship Management,Healthcare Analytics, Health Technology Assessment, and Health Policy.MASTER OF SOCIAL WORKThe MSW Programme is been ranked 1st among Emerging Colleges in Social Work and15th overall by India Today-MDRA Best Colleges Rankings 2024. The program offersspecializations in Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations, Medical &Psychiatric Social Work, and Community Development. It features a competency-drivencurriculum with a student-centered learning experience, integrating theory and practice. M.Sc. in Data ScienceMSc Programme in Data Science at the Department of Data Science offers a unique blendof Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Statistics, and Biological Sciences. This programaims to equip students with interdisciplinary expertise to tackle complex data challengesacross various domains.M.Sc. in BiostatisticsMSc Programme in Biostatistics at the Department of Data Science is a unique andspecialized course designed to prepare students for careers in health and biologicalsciences by integrating statistics as a key decision-making tool. This program nurturesinterdisciplinary expertise through a robust curriculum and practical training. The students will develop competency in multiple programming environments, including R,STATA, SAS, SPSS, Python, and EPI Info.

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M.Sc. in Digital EpidemiologyMSc Programme in Digital Epidemiology offered at the Department of Data Science isdesigned to equip students with the skills and knowledge to analyze dynamic and large-scale epidemiological and non-epidemiological data. This program aims to achieve data-driven, evidence-informed policy impacts for the global community.M.Sc. Health Technology AssessmentAdvancing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and health innovations. The programcovers critical areas such as HTA Diplomacy, Governance of HTA, Health Systems andPolicy Research, and Econometrics. Students and researchers engage in methods forevidence-informed policy making, health assessments, and explore the normative aspectsof HTA.Multidisciplinary CentresTransdisciplinary Centre for Qualitative MethodsCentre for Digital Health, Applied Research & TechnologyCentre for Evidence-Informed Decision MakingCentre for Health DemographyCentre for Regulatory ScienceCentre for Health LiteracyCentre for Regional DevelopmentCentre for Planetary HealthCentre for Health SystemsCentre for Health DiplomacyOUR PROGRAMMESCERTIFICATE COURSESCertificate Course in Biostatistics, Epidemiology & ResearchMethodologyCertificate Course in Research MethodologyCertificate Course on Scoping Review (ScR) Methodology Certificate Course in Qualitative Research MethodsCertificate Course in Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews andMeta-analysisCertificate course in Meditation and Conscious Living Course

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Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH),Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE),Manipal-576104, Udupi, Karnataka, India. 2923157psph_mahePsph_Mahe@psph_mahepsph-mahe@psphmahe5528Website:Email:Phone:Linkedin:Instagram:Facebook:X:Youtube:Alama Shines:psphalumni.manipal.eduEDITORS Prof Dr Cherian Varghese Director, PSPHProf Dr Asha Kamath Associate Director, PSPHDr Vani Lakshmi Editorial Coordinator, PSPHEDITORIAL TEAMUPCOMING EVENTSAugust 7, 2024 - Certificate Course onScoping Review (ScR) Methodology August 19, 2024 - Meditation and ConsciousLiving CourseNovember 28 & 29, 2024 - Asia - PacificConference on Adolescent Mental HealthMr Alric DsouzaAssistant Professor, PSPHDr Rahul Sheshan ClareCoordinator- Centre for DHART, PSPHMr Manu VaramballyDigital Coordinator, PSPHMs Sanjeevani SinghStudent Editorial Coordinator PSPH