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The Pilgrim, October 2024

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1935 Saint Clair Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-699-6886 | pilgrimstpaul.orgOce Hours: 10-3 T-Th (email and voicemail are checked regularly) pilgrim lutheran churchAn ELCA Congregation A Home for Hungry Minds and Souls A Reconciling in Christ Congregation A Caring for Creation Congregation 2Sta Pastor Jen Rome (she/her) Lead Pastor pastorjenrome@pilgrimstpaul.orgPastor Russ Myers (he/him) Visitation Pastor (10% time) russellnmyers@yahoo.comPaul Stever (he/him) Music Director, Organist and Chancel Choir Director (75% time) Anna Stolte-Huchim (she/they) Director of Children’s Choirs (15% time) Dick Hensold (he/him) Composer in Residence Micki Nyland (she/her) Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries (50% time) Cathy Salin (she/her) Business Manager (60% time) Lisa Como (she/her) Oce Coordinator (45% time) Chuck Regal (he/him) Mechanicals and Equipment Custodian (25% time) Mike Schulze (he/him) Custodian (25% time) Denika Anderson (she/her) Communications Specialist (30% time) Hana Ninow (she/her) Audio-Visual Tech (10% time) Members of the Congregational Council (also known as the Vestry) Kate Tosteson (she/her) President/Executive Team kate.tosteson@gmail.comKirsten Larsen Vice President/Executive Team Elizabeth Schoenknecht (she/her) Secretary/Executive Team eschoenk@comcast.netJason Hendrikson (he/him) Treasurer/Executive Team jasonhendrikson@gmail.comEmily Kahnert At-Large Member Phil Kaupa At-Large Member Annie Pezalla (she/her) At-Large Member Other Chairpersons/Roles Pete Newburg (he/him) Financial Secretary Barbara McCauley (she/her) Chair of Congregational Life and Care Tim Moore (he/him) Chair of Properties Committee Karie Johnson (she/her) Wedding Coordinator

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what’s in your pilgrim?3Worship ................................................................................................................4 October Worship Overview ......................................................................4 Livestreaming Update ...............................................................................4 October Worship Schedule ......................................................................4 Looking Ahead to November Worship ..................................................5 Important Information About Holy Communion ................................5From the Pastor .................................................................................................6 October Updates ........................................................................................6Music Notes ........................................................................................................7 Musical Leaders for Worship ...................................................................7 Choir Rehearsals .........................................................................................7 Evening Worship, Fall 2024 ......................................................................7Giving ....................................................................................................................9 Gratitude & Generosity: There for Each Other ...................................9Education, Service, & Fellowship ................................................................ 10 Introducing Pilgrim’s Johnson Creativity Fellow, Jess Grams ......... 10 October 8 Lively Lunch Bunch ............................................................. 10 Coee Hour Hosts Needed! .................................................................. 10 Volunteers Needed! ................................................................................ 10 More Than Happy Hour ......................................................................... 11 Classics for Pilgrims ................................................................................. 11 Random Readers Book Club ................................................................. 11 Men’s Breakfast October 7 .................................................................... 11 Interfaith Action: Bringing Faith to Live .............................................. 11 Minnesota Dementia Friends ............................................................... 12Deadline for the Next Pilgrim Newsletter ................................................. 12Children, Youth, & Family Faith Formation ............................................... 13 October Faith Formation ....................................................................... 13 Important Dates for October ................................................................ 13 Deep Dive Conrmation ......................................................................... 13 Student Spot ............................................................................................. 13Prayer Corner .................................................................................................. 15Calendar ............................................................................................................ 16

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worship4October Worship Overview The basic pattern for Sunday mornings: • 9:30 am Worship with live streaming• 10:45 am Special Events like Coee Time, Learning Forums, Connecting ConversationsWorship each Sunday morning includes “Point for Pilgrims” — an opportunity for children and their families to experience the Bible story in an engaging way. Livestreaming UpdateFor the foreseeable future, the worship livestream will be broadcast to YouTube only. This allows us to have a secure livestream that is not visible to the general public, and helps us keep our community safe while we continue to address safety concerns. If you receive the weekly emails from Pilgrim on Saturdays, you are on the mailing list for the livestream link. Look for an email from Pilgrim shortly before worship each Sunday with the link to join the livestream.October Worship Schedule Sunday, October 6 — Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost9:30 am Pilgrim Anniversary Sunday. Pastor Jen Rome preaching. Y’all Come Choir singing. Reading: Mark 10:13-16. Holy Communion. New Member Welcome. 10:45 am Coee Time; PreK-12th grade Faith Formation.Sunday, October 13 — Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost9:30 am Rev. Chris Smith preaching. Children’s Choir singing. Reading: Matthew 20:1-16. Tanzania Bega Kwa Bega partnership celebration. Land Acknowledgement. Point for Pilgrims.10:45 am Coee Time; PreK-12th grade Faith Formation; Forum: Karen Lansing, honorary member, and Sharon Lennartson, Tribal Chair, of Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community sharing about history, culture, goals, and community center.6:51 pm Celtic Contemplative Communion. Word Weavings by Reva Rasmussen. Featuring Celtic Musicians. Sunday, October 20 — Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost9:30 am Pastor Jen Rome preaching. Chancel Choir singing. Reading: Mark 10:35-45. Holy Communion. Gratitude and Generosity sharing. 10:45 am Coee Time, PreK-12th grade Faith Formation.

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WORSHIP (CONT.)5Sunday, October 27 — Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost9:30 am Reformation Sunday. Diaconal Intern Kate Kennedy preaching. Chancel Choir singing. Brass Ensemble playing. Reading: Romans 3:19-28. Point for Pilgrims. Gratitude and Generosity Sharing.10:45 am Coee Time; PreK-12th grade Faith Formation; Forum: Baptism Curious led by Diaconal Intern Kate Kennedy and Pastor Jen for adults, youth, and parents/caregivers of children considering baptism as well as anyone curious about what baptism means to us as Lutheran Christians in our cultural context. 6:51 pm Nordic & Taizé Heart Songs. Word Weavings by Elizabeth Ankeny. Prelude at 6:40 pm by Earthtones Choral Ensemble.Looking ahead to November WorshipNov 3 9:30 am All Saints Sunday, Pastor Russ Myers preaching, remembering people of Pilgrim and loved ones who have diedNov 10 6:51 pm Celtic Contemplative CommunionNov 17 9:30 am Generous Commitment SundayNov 24 6:51 pm Nordic & Taizé Heart Songs with Tenor-Bass ChoirImportant Information About Holy Communion • We typically celebrate Holy Communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays, with some exceptions. • For the distribution of Holy Communion, ushers release the worshiping assembly row by row. Communicants come forward to receive the elements. Those serving Communion will cleanse their hands immediately before serving. Communicants will rst receive the bread, then dip it into the red wine or the white grape juice, and then eat it. • Gluten free wafers and individual sealed, pre-packaged communion kits are also available. If you need communion brought to you in your seat, just let your usher know.• ALL people are ALWAYS welcome to receive Holy Communion.

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6from the pastorOctober UpdatesBY PASTOR JEN ROMEOver the last month or so, I have been reecting on how faith at its heart is trust. Trusting that God will be with us. Trusting that God has a future with hope for us. Trusting that we are loved no matter what. Trusting that we are forgiven. Trusting that our work for justice is not in vain. Trusting that we can come together to care for one another and our neighbors like Jesus taught us to.At its heart, ours is a community of trust. At the largest scale, there is trust in God, in God’s ways, in hope, in the future. At the smallest scale, there is trust in each other and ourselves. With all we have going on as a faith community, both kinds of trust surround us and ll us.Since our congregation was brought into the spotlight in August, I am actively trusting in God and in you. As we all have our ideas, feelings, and reactions to our experience of the last couple of months, imagine what it might be like to put trust at the center. Trusting that this is temporary. Trusting that everyone is doing their best in a situation that is more complicated than we realize. Trusting that even when we have dierent experiences, opinions, and feelings, we are still one in Christ, drawn together to be each other’s people. Trusting that our call to care for others is strong and alive in us.I trust you. I trust us. And I trust God. This trust is not naïve, but hopeful and brave. This trust IS faith. It is an honor and a joy to live entrusted to God, each other, and our neighbors.

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music notes7BY PAUL STEVER, MUSICAL DIRECTORMusical Leaders for Worship10/6 9:30 am Y’All Come Choir*10/13 9:30 am Children’s Choir 6:51 pm Dick Hensold, pipes and Celtic musicians10/20 9:30 am Chancel Choir10/27 9:30 am Chancel Choir and brass 6:51 pm Paul Stever, piano; Peggy Larson, cantor; Rachel Jensen, ddle*On Y’All Come Choir Sundays, any singers are encouraged to show up at 8:30 am to learn an easier anthem and help lead worship from the Chancel. Contact Paul at if you’d like to receive music ahead of time for services at which you may be interested in singing.Choir RehearsalsPilgrim’s Children’s Choir, open to all children and youth in grades 1-8, rehearses on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:20 pm and is directed by Anna Stolte-Huchim. This is a change from the previous rehearsal schedule. Paul and Anna have opted to combine the existing Jubilee and Junior Choirs to ensure we have a sucient number of singers. The Children’s Choir will sing for worship next on October 13.Pilgrim’s Chancel Choir, for high school and adult singers, rehearses Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm.Pilgrim’s Contemplative Choir, open to tenors and basses of all ages, sings next in November.Chime Choir, open to interested ringers of all ages, rehearses Sunday October 6 at 10:50-11:30 am.Please be in touch with Paul at for more information about these ensembles.Evening Worship, Fall 2024Contemplative Prayer services provide quiet music, readings, candle lighting, and more. Please join us and invite your friends and neighbors! These services are meant to be an especially welcoming entry into Christian/ecumenical worship life, for people with all types of worship backgrounds and experience to quickly enter into community.Contemplative Communion (Celtic)2nd Sundays, October 13, November 10, and December 8 at 6:51 pmIncludes original music and texts by Dick Hensold and members of the community.

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8MUSIC NOTES (CONT.)Nordic & Taizé Heart Songs4th Sundays, October 27 and November 24 at 6:51 pmShort, meditative songs and refrains from Taizé as well as a variety of music from Scandinavian traditions. Led by Paul Stever (keyboard) and varying groups of musicians: Tenor-Bass Contemplative Choir (9/22 and 11/24), Rachel Jensen (10/27 and 11/24 on ddle/violin), and Peggy Larson (10/27, vocals). Extended prelude by guest musicians Earthtones Treble Choir, October 27, beginning at 6:40 pm.About Earthtones Women’s Chorus: The Earthtones Women’s Chorus specializes in singing World Music, that is songs from all over the world. We sing 2-5 part harmony, accompanied by a drummer and a ukulele (for some songs). We have been singing together since the fall of 2000, and now have a project that goes from September to December, then performing concerts up until early December. We have become good friends and love the opportunity to sing together each fall. This year we are singing songs about “all kinds of People”. This will be our last season singing together! We are led by Peggy Larson, cantor for Pilgrim contemplative services.

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9givingGratitude & Generosity: There for Each OtherJAIMEE LUCKE HENDRIKSON, LOUISE ROGNESS, KIRSTEN ANDERSON, & TIM DYKSTALTherefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.-1 Thessalonians 5:11In these times, when calling oneself a “Christian” may evoke a mess of cultural signiers, it is good to get back to basics. The theme of this year’s Gratitude and Generosity campaign—“There For Each Other”—aims to do just that.The Scripture verse that inspires the theme comes from 1 Thessalonians, the oldest (with Paul’s letter to the Galatians) book in the New Testament (scholars estimate that it was written around 50 A.D.). In it, the Apostle Paul urges the members of that budding Christian community to “encourage one another and build up each other.” That’s it: no banning or prescribing of books; no posting of commandments; no declaring who belongs and who doesn’t belong. Simply encouraging one another, caring for one another, knowing one another.Pilgrims have always encouraged one another, but that theme — and that more-than-gesture — is receiving even more attention these days. Coee hours are more frequent; groups of Pilgrim “mamas,” “papas,” and elders are congregating and supporting each other. And a team of Pilgrims studying “future church” is looking ahead to how we can better become “each other’s people” in the years ahead. The G&G team will be tapping into this renewed energy as we explain during this year’s campaign how your generosity is needed to maintain this community of faith.If you are interested in helping, we’re interested in hearing from you. Perhaps you have a story to tell about how a Pilgrim was there for you during a dicult time. Perhaps you could host a gathering of Pilgrims, inside or outside of church. Perhaps you have a question that could break the ice during coee time. If any of being “There For Each Other” strikes your fancy, just let a member of the G&G team know.

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10education, service, & fellowshipIntroducing Pilgrim’s Johnson Creativity Fellow, Jess GramsJess Grams (she/they) has been producing justice-centered lm and theater projects for over 20 years. She also serves as the President and Board chair of the Capitol River Council, facilitating, organizing, and advising around land use policies for Saint Paul. She loves writing and performing innovative music, and is the proud mom of two young adult Pilgrims, Alicen and Adeline. Jess is pursuing a Divinity degree in Theology and the Arts at United Theological Seminary, and they are presenting a portion of her latest work, a sacred queer super hero story about Katherina von Bora, Katzemann, later this fall. Feel free to reach out to Jess for details at October 8 Lively Lunch BunchThe October Lively Lunch Bunch will be held Tuesday, October 8 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall at Pilgrim — please consider joining us! Our menu will be a variety of Indian food, made authentically by Helen Kuruvilla! Bring your appetites and your own drink — water provided. $15 per person, in cash or check, at the door. Please keep in mind that when you make a reservation, we will be ordering food for you, and your payment is counted upon and appreciated. Reservations can be sent to Ann Dyellig at or (612) 720-4403. Our presentation this month will be given by Dave and Jane Toeniskoetter, to familiarize you with our sister congregation, Luganga Lutheran Church in Tanzania, answer your questions, and listen to your ideas about how we can strengthen our relationship with our Luganga sisters and brothers.Feel free to come a bit early to visit with your friends, and meet new ones!Coee Hour Hosts Needed!Thanks to many volunteers, we have had Coee Hour nearly every Sunday this summer! In order to continue this, we need volunteers to host Coee Hour on Sunday mornings. Are you interested? Sign up ateehour! Thank you to Kirsten Anderson for organizing our volunteers! Volunteers Needed!We need you! Pilgrim is in need of volunteers to assist with various roles in and surrounding worship, both for morning and evening services. You need not be an experienced volunteer to sign up! Contact for more information.

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11EDUCATION, SERVICE, & FELLOWSHIP (CONT.)More Than Happy Hour Thursday, October 24, 6:30 pm, Groveland Tap on St. Clair AveMore Than Happy Hour is a once-a-month space for young adults to gather and talk about life, church, and the world. We focus on a discussion theme. Anyone and everyone is welcome or bring a conversation topic. Contact Claire Kaiser at with any questions.Classics for PilgrimsClassics for Pilgrims will gather on Thursday, October 24 at 7 pm to discuss Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. All are welcome to join in a diverse conversation about this classic title written in 1886.Contact Barbara Taylor at (651) 699-1095 or for location info or with any questions. Random Readers Book ClubThe Random Readers Book Club will gather on Thursday, October 17 at 1:30 pm in the Fireside Room at Pilgrim. We will be discussing Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley. We hope you’ll join us. Contact Lynda Hirschboeck at (651) 698-7399 or for more information. Men’s Breakfast October 7Men’s Breakfast will meet Monday, October 7 at 8:00 am at the Coee Cup, 1333 Randolph Ave, St. Paul. Please join us for food & fellowship. All men are welcome! Contact Mark Hirschboeck at with any questions.Interfaith Action: Bringing Faith to LifeJoin us for the 20th annual Bringing Faith to Life fundraiser for Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul!Tuesday, October 29, 8-9 am, Centennial United Methodist Church (1524 West County Road C2, Roseville, MN 55113)The event is free, but you must register by October 16.From its beginning, Interfaith Action has been inspired by our faith partners whose eyes are always open to the needs of the community. Our world is better when people of all faiths connect and commit to building opportunity for our neighbors. Join us to celebrate and support the work our faith compels us to do.Register online at

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12EDUCATION, SERVICE, & FELLOWSHIP (CONT.)Deadline for the Next Pilgrim Newsletter The deadline for sending in materials for the November newsletter is October 10. Please send items to Dementia FriendsWant to learn more about making Minnesota morewelcoming for people living with dementia and their loved ones?If so, there are a couple of opportunities coming your way in October. Think about community broadly – where you live in the Twin Cities Metro, where you work, play,and maybe even our church.Friday, October 4 is a one-day opportunity to learn more, hear what is going on across Minnesota, connect with others and celebrate 10 years of work in Minnesota to make communities dementia friendly. It’s open to people with all levels of familiarity with the Minnesota Dementia Friends initiative. To learn more and sign up, visit Thursday, October 10 at 7 pm, Renee Kidney is headed to a Dementia Friends Information session to learn more. It’s part personal, part professional, and a learning experience. Sign up for the session atnd-session.If you would like to carpool, please reach out to Renee at

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13children, youth, & familiesBY MICKI NYLAND & JEN ROMEOctober Faith Formation October is already upon us! Hopefully we’re all feeling settled into the rhythms of fall and ready to start peeking ahead to the holidays. Christmas program rehearsals start October 6, the rst Sunday in October! All Christmas program rehearsals will take place during Faith Formation. PreK-5th graders will meet with Anna to start learning songs. 3rd-5th graders will spend part of their Sunday School time assigning roles and practicing their lines. Any older youth who would like to participate in the Christmas program are encouraged to talk to Micki or Anna! Important Dates for OctoberOctober 13: PreK/K Families in Faith: Faith5. Parents/caregivers and children learn a devotional practice to use at home. Receive candleholder for family devotions (and Spark Story Bible if your child does not yet have one). Families in Faith will take place during Faith Formation. Parents/Caregivers should join their kids in their classroom Blessing: Sunday, October 20 during worship. October 20: No Faith Formation (MEA)Deep Dive ConrmationOur next Deep Diver Conrmation event is Sunday, October 20, 1:00-3:00 pm at Waldoch Farm Corn Maze Etc! in Lino Lakes, MN.Location: We will travel to Waldoch Farm (8174 Lake Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014) to connect with creation this fall. We will experience a corn maze, feed barn animals, observe beehives, jump in a corn pit, and enjoy many other outdoor games together. Parents/caregivers are welcome! Cost: $18. Please purchase your own ticket in advance on the Waldoch Farm website at Buy a Weekends Fall Fun Pass. Tickets at the entry cost $5 more. Please bring the downloaded ticket on your phone or bring a printed copy.Please bring comfortable shoes that are okay to get muddy/dirty, weather-appropriate clothes, quarters to buy animal feed, and $5-10 for a snack if desired. Carpooling: Pilgrim can’t arrange the carpooling for you, but you are encouraged to connect with each other to help each other out, be earth friendly, and give our youth some time to talk and connect in the car.

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14CHILDREN, YOUTH, & FAMILIES (CONT.)As this event is o-site, we need a current completed permission form for your youth. If you registered your youth for faith formation this fall, we have a permission form for your youth already on le. If you have not registered, please do so, as that registration includes the permission form we need to accompany youth o site without parents/guardians. You can register/complete the permission form for your youth at contact Pastor Jen with your needs and questions, who will be the Pilgrim adult present during the event. You can email her at or text/call at (612) 396-0829.Student Spot: A Safe, Loving Place for Kids when School’s OImmanuel Lutheran Church, in partnership with Macalester College and area churches, is oering free childcare on certain days when St. Paul Public Schools are closed. This year’s Student Spot registration is open, and many of our participants from last year are coming back. This is a testament to the great work last year. Open to: School-aged (preK-grade 8) children (high-school-aged children may attend as volunteers)Scheduled Dates: Thursday, October 3; Friday, October 25 (preK-grade 5 only); Friday, November 8; Monday, January 20; Monday, January 27; Monday, February 17; Friday, March 7; Friday, March 28 (preK-grade 5 only); Friday, April 18Additional Dates: when weather or other unexpected events force buildings to closeAddress: 104 Snelling Ave. S, St. Paul (just south of Grand Avenue on the A Line and #84 bus line)Times: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Register: parents must consent to a child code of conduct. Activities will be age-appropriate and non-religious. Each child should bring a bag lunch. Snacks will be provided. Devices should be left home except on digital learning days. We cannot provide secure storage for valuables. All sta and adult volunteers have undergone a background check and training in safety and behavior management.Contact: Director Emily King,, (651) 699-5560Saint Paul Public Schools is not sponsoring, endorsing, or recommending the activities announced in this yer and no child will be turned away due to inability to pay.

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15prayer cornerWe pray for God’s loving presence for these Pilgrims who need healing, hope, comfort, and care: Concerns: We pray for the people of areas torn by war and violence, including Sudan, Gaza and the West Bank, and Ukraine, for peace and safety. We also pray for those who are refugees eeing violence seeking help and hope.We pray for the loved ones and communities of all victims of gun violence across our country, especially those of the Apalachee High School Community in Georgia.We pray for all elected ocials and public servants. Guide them and support them in their work to care for our cities, our state, and our nation. Guide us all in this season prior to elections and provide safety and care for candidates and their loved ones.We pray for those whose lives are altered by climate events. We pray for creation and for an increased will to care for it.We pray for all in the LGBTQIA+ community who face bias, rejection, and violence. We pray that we may all grow in acceptance and each become a voice for acceptance, advocacy, and support as an expression of Pilgrim’s status as a Reconciling in Christ community of faith.We keep in prayer our Native, Asian, Latino, and Black siblings who continue to face the legacy of racism. We pray for change in systems of oppression and injustice, and that we all may learn to follow the path of anti-racism, and each become a voice for inclusion, equity, and justice.We pray for our Muslim and Jewish siblings, as well as our siblings of other religions, in our country, state, and community facing prejudice, threats, and destruction of their places of worship.We pray for our companion congregation, Luganga Lutheran Church, of the Iriniga Diocese of Tanzania. They specically asked that we pray for their country, for continued peace that they are experiencing now; for their plans and projects as a church, that they succeed in them; for our congregation’s formal mission partners: Saint Paul Area Synod, Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul, ISAIAH, Lutheran Social Service Refugee Services, Lutheran Campus Ministry — Twin Cities, Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, and Reconciling Works.In Joy and Thanksgiving: Emily, on successful defense or her dissertation; Mabel and family on her baptism; Leif and Katie on their wedding. Current Concerns: For Joi and family, friend of Jaimee, serious health concerns; Linda, sister of Barbara, treatment for liver cancer; For Kristen and Henry, friends of Dan and Renee, as they manage health and family needs; Pat, recovery from surgery for leg fracture; David, father of Karla, recovery from surgery; Laura, Georgia, and Vivian, friends of Kirsten; Catherine, hospitalized; Peggy, upcoming surgery; Jane, mother of Karla, continued healing after complications from knee replacement surgery; Brant, brother of Zig, health concerns.Ongoing Health Concerns: Tom, friend of Russ, cancer treatments; Jan, mother of Leslie, cancer; Ana, friend of Sam, healing from cancer which has returned; Bob, father of Elizabeth, treatments for cancer; Mike, son of Chuck, ongoing care as a result of a serious motorcycle accident; Judy, health concerns; Roger, father of Ann, declining health; Dennis, uncle of Sam, health concerns; Carolyn, health concerns; Jolee, sister of Jess; Lisa, continued healing and recovery from serious illness; Merle Strom, who is homebound.Christian Sympathy: For Kris, Steve, and family, on the death of her father, Don; The family of Matt, friends of Renee and Dan, on his death; Del, on the death of his son, Karl; Pat, on the death of her sister, Bonnie; Gary, on the death of his brother, Leonard; Carol, mother of Jen, on the death of her aunt, Mary Lou. Ministry Partnership: The ministry and people of our sister congregation, Luganga Lutheran Church in Tanzania and Pastor Bimbiga; Pilgrim sta members and Pilgrim lay leaders. In and beyond the congregation: For peace in our world, for healing in our country, for the invisibly ill, for the mentally ill.You are encouraged to send greetings to those you are moved to communicate with. Let us know if you are expecting or adopting a child. If you wish to add or remove a prayer request, please call the church oce, ll out the form on our website, ll out a white prayer request form located in the pews, or contact the pastor.

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16calendarOctober 2024October 1 7:30 pm Executive Committee meetingOctober 2 8:00 pm Gratitude & Generosity Team meetingOctober 6 10:45 am Christmas Program rehearsals begin 10:50 am Chime Choir rehearsalOctober 7 8:00 am Men’s BreakfastOctober 8 11:30 am Lively Lunch BunchOctober 9 7:00 pm Church Culture Coaching TeamOctober 10 10:00 pm November newsletter deadlineOctober 13 10:45 am Forum: Karen Lansing, honorary member, and Sharon Lennartson, Tribal Chair, of Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community 10:45 am Families in Faith, preK-K 6:51 pm Celtic Contemplative CommunionOctober 15 7:30 pm Vestry meetingOctober 17 1:30 pm Random Readers Book ClubOctober 20 10:45 am no Faith Formation (MEA) 1:00 pm Deep Dive ConrmationOctober 24 6:30 pm More than Happy Hour 7:00 pm Classics for PilgrimsOctober 27 10:45 am Forum: Baptism Curious led by Diaconal Intern Kate Kennedy and Pastor Jen 6:51 pm Nordic & Taizé Heart Songs