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The MySkin Baseline

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The BaselineTotal BodyPhotographyestablishes abaseline of skinhealth that helpsyou and yourdermatologistidentify changesover time forearly detection ofskin cancer.

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Image sequence ............................................................................... 4 Total Body Photography poses ................................... 5 - 41What to expect .............................................................................. 42How to prepare .............................................................................. 43

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MySkin follows the standard sequence of photographsrecommended by the BioCommunications Association.The sequence includes 38 photographs, plus any close-ups requested by the physician.The following sketches represent each of thephotographs included in the standard image sequence. After the appointment, your images will be provideddigitally. You also have the option to purchase a printedportfolio. The medical images are professionally printedand bound in a discreet portfolio for your privacy.

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The purpose of Total Body Photography is to documentthe condition of your skin in order to monitor changes inmoles, lesions, or other skin abnormalities over time. Theimages are created exclusively as an adjunct to regular,periodic, physical examinations by a physician, to providebaseline images of the areas of your body that areimaged and to facilitate an assessment of change. Your Total Body Photography appointment will generatea specific sequence of 38+ images for you and yourdermatologist to use as a baseline. When you arrive acertified-photographer will walk you through the wholeimaging process, answering any questions you may have.You will be provided a medical gown to change into in aprivate changing room. The photographer will take a standard series of photographs. Each image will document a certain sectionof the body. The photographer will ask you to stand in aspecific spot and will verbally guide you through specificposes to capture each image in the series. In addition toensuring proper lighting, the photographer will bechecking the images for framing, angle, and focus. Theymay need to retake one or more.

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In order to capture all areas of the body, the followingrecommendations are provided for you to follow at yourdiscretion.Remove ALL external body jewelry, including piercingsand wedding rings, if possible.Remove ALL nail and toenail polish.Remove ALL make-up from face and any kind of bodymake-up.Discontinue use of spray tanner for one to two weeksprior to your appointment. The color must be gone bythe day of your appointment.Remove wigs and false eyelashes.Hair should be pulled into a ponytail if it is long enoughto do so. If you have thick hair that visually obscures areas ofyour skin, consider shaving or hair removal prior toyour appointment. (This does not apply to hair on yourhead.)Wear loose fitting clothing, so that it does not leavemarks or indentations on the skin. We have a privatechanging room where you may change into theprovided medical gown. Because it is difficult to track areas of the skin thatare not visible and captured by the camera, it isrecommended that you remove all clothing, includingundergarments.You may bring a chaperone of your choice to bepresent during your appointment.

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myskinphotos.cominfo@myskinphotos.com1-844-557-7778Visit our website tobook your appointmenttoday!

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