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The MedDent Practice Success Toolbox

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AN INTERACTIVEWORKBOOK FOR NEWAND EXISTING PRACTICESTHE MEDDENTPRACTICE SUCCESSTOOLBOX “If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.” ~W. Edwards Deming, Total Quality Management

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HOW TO USE THIS WORKBOOKThis is a comprehensive list of systems a healthcarepractice should have. This is intended to be a guide forreview in an existing practice and for consideration in astart-up practice. As technology improves, systems willbe added to or removed from this list. As we begin our partnership, it is a perfect time toevaluate systems, make adjustments, and monitor theirperformance. Please note that there is ‘bleed through’ betweensystems. No system stands completely alone. Thesesystems are meant to work in conjunction with oneanother as a finely tuned machine to produce arepeatable and profitable result that we call “success.”

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SOMEONE MUST BE THE LEADERThe list has been organized to help break down thebusiness of healthcare into more digestibleareas/components, which might be areas ofresponsibility/ accountability to different individuals. The following questions should be asked for each of theseitems/systems: ● Do I Have This System? ● Do I Need This System? ● What Problem Does It Solve? ● Is What I Have Working? ● How Do I Know That It’s Working? ● What Are The Metrics? ● How And How Often Is The System Monitored And Reviewed? ○ Who Is Responsible? ○ Who is Accountable● How Are They Monitored? ● Is There A Better System Out There?For example, the “online store” is listed under Marketing andWebsites. You probably do not currently have one, as fewpractices do. However, you should ask yourself, “Do I need this?”Perhaps you currently sell things in the practice or recommendsome products or devices you could sell through your website oran affiliate, thereby generating some passive income. This Practice Success Toolbox may be used as a checklist.Before takeoff, a pilot will go through an exhaustivechecklist. Even the most experienced pilots do this. WHY?Because checklists work!

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THERE’S NO BETTER TIME THAN NOWThe Practice Success Toolbox should be reviewedregularly to ensure that practice systems are up todate, working effectively, and yielding the desiredoutcomes. Sound systems are the foundation of a STABLEpractice. Success comes from OPTIMIZINGsystems and GETTING EVERYTHING YOU CANOUT OF EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. This can also be used as a workbook. It has beengiven to you in a form that allows you to enter youranswers and comments as you go through it. Please print this out and distribute it to keystakeholders for review, comment, andsuggestions. You may find that you need to add toor modify some areas. You can also use it as adigital outline with descriptions of YOUR systemsand processes added to each relevant line. Use this toolbox during strategic planningmeetings!

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Not every system listed must or should be in-house. It mightbe necessary or advisable to have some of these systemsoutsourced. Legal, Accounting, Financial, Insurance, medicalbilling, HR, and other professionals can provide requisiteadvice and assistance. There are significant advantages to outsourcing. ● Lower Labor Costs ● Minimize Payroll expenses ● Larger Talent Pool ● Improved performance by focusing on core strengths and competencies● Flexibility (adjustable hours) While having and implementing systems is great,documentation is also required. Ideally, each system shouldhave either a written or video description. Such a process willfacilitate training and eventual transition, providing a value-added benefit for a potential buyer. For example, an office manual should be available in writtenform in the office but can also be digitally transmitted toattorneys and HR professionals for periodic review andmodification.

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The toolbox is divided into seven categories. NO category isan entity unto itself. This is done to make things easier toreview. We purposefully started the toolbox with MARKETINGbecause while your skill as a healthcare provider is essential,and the quality of your care is, too, today, your ability toMARKET your practice is the single most significantdeterminant of success after your skill as a leader. And, like everything in business, having a system thatfunctions well is more crucial today than ever. And, it’s critical to STABILIZE, thenOPTIMIZE, in preparation for EXPANSION. Systems are best designed, implemented, and evaluated byan active strategic planning process that engages the criticalstakeholders of the practice and answers the followingquestions: What problem does this solve? You can contact me at Angela@MedDentConsulting.comAs you go through the toolbox sections, you’ll checkmarkthe items you already have in place for your practice andprovide more context in the area beside each.

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WebsiteOnline StoreOnline PaymentsOnline SchedulingSEO/ PPCGoogle AdsLead GenerationLead Capture Lead Nurture / RetargetingTraffic MonitoringFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.MARKETINGNotes/ Comments:

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Review GenerationReview Monitoring For items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Reputation Management Social MediaTicTokInstagramSnapChatFacebookTwitterLinkedInYouTubeNotes/ Comments:

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EmailTextingPhone TrackingHIPAA Compliant SolutionsOtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Patient CommunicationDirect MailNew MoversPostcardsValPakOtherNotes/ Comments:

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Influencer MarketingBlogNewsletterEventsRadioMagazine/ NewspaperTVWebinar / Seminar SystemPodcastOther MediaFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Content MarketingNotes/ Comments:

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Practice Management

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Training TrackingNew Patient Call SheetInteroperability with PMSAutomationOtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Phone SystemsNotes/ Comments:

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Online RegistrationIn-Office (iPad)Case PresentationPatient EducationTreatment Follow-up/ CareHomecare/ MaintenanceRemindersReferral Generation/Management Loyalty PlanMembership PlanComplaint Resolution/Customer CareFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Patient-Focused AppsNotes/ Comments:

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DailyWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyYearlyOtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Office Meeting SystemsNotes/ Comments:

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IntercomPhoneTextMessaging (Google,Messenger, etc) OtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Interoffice CommunicationNotes/ Comments:

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DashboardsCopying/ ScanningFaxingTask ManagerReferral ManagementFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.ProductivityNotes/ Comments:

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Clinical Systems

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EHRSOAP Note GernerationData CollectionVoice Recognition Condition Monitoring/Treatment ProgressDashboardFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Clinical SystemsNotes/ Comments:

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Provider ContractingDental PlansMedical PlansPre-Auth SystemsBilling Management For items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Insurance Qualification/SubmissionNotes/ Comments:

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EquipmentMaterialsConsumables(syringes, needles,etc) EducationalMaterialsGifts/ GiveawaysVendor RelationsFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Supplies Notes/ Comments:

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Pre-TreatmentIntra-TreatmentPost-TreatmentE-prescribingDrug InteractionMonitoring Lab TrackingTreatmentTrackingPhysician ReferralReportsRecallPatient EducationPatientEntertainmentFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Patient Communication

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X-rayCT/ CBCTMRIUltrasoundBody ScanningFacial AnalysisItra/ Extra OralScanningMilling/ PrintingLab SystemsOtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.ImagingNotes/ Comments:

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MonitoringTraining Staff ChecklistFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Sterilization/ Infection ControlNotes/ Comments:

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Continuing EdCE TrackingOSHAHIPAACDC/ InfectionControlRadiationMonitoringWasteManagementSharpsPrecious MetalLicensingMaintenance PA,RN, MD, etcOtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Compliance

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Financial Systems

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Written TrackableBudgetDashboardExpenseManagement/VendorNegotiation BillingOtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Comprehensive BudgetingNotes/ Comments:

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YearlyUpon CostIncreaseUpon ContractualChanges OtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Fee ReviewNotes/ Comments:

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In-officeOutsourcedProviderCompensationAccountsReceivable ReviewAccounts PayablePayrollBenefitsBonus SystemAccountingReportsBankingFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Finances

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Credit CardsLine of CreditIn-office FinancingCreditMaintenance &ReviewTaxesRetirement 401KEmbezzlementProtectionInsuranceEmployee HealthMalpracticeOverhead/BusinessInterruptionFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Finances - Continued

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WorkmansCompensationDeath/ DisabilityFinancial Status/P&L ReviewDailyWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyYearly OtherFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Finances - ContinuedNotes/ Comments:

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Rent/ MortgageMonitoringService/RenegotiationFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.FacilitiesNotes/ Comments:

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Federal, State, CityCDCOSHAHIPAAADAFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Compliance Management Notes/ Comments:

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Monitoring/ComplianceFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Waste RemovalNotes/ Comments:

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DailyWeeklyMonthlyYearlyRepairMonitoringInsurancePropertyFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.MaintenanceNotes/ Comments:

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Human Resources

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Yearly Review w/StaffUpdateFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Office Manual Notes/ Comments:

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Yearly Review UpdateHiring ProcessJob PostingProcessFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Job DescriptionsNotes/ Comments:

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In-officeOnlinePhoneForms - In-officeForms - OnlineTracking/ScorecardFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Interview ProcessNotes/ Comments:

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Welcome PacketOrientationPaperworkFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Onboarding ProcessNotes/ Comments:

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In-officeOnlineProgressMonitoringTime ReportingPerformanceReviewCompensationReviewBonus/ IncentiveSystemBenefitsDisciplinary ActionSystemExit SystemFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Training

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FederalStateCityFor items you do not already have in place, you’ll use the larger commentsections to write out your plan for addressing them very soon. Use thesenote sections to comment on the items in each section and assign futuretasks to members of your staff or yourself.Compliance and PostingNotes/ Comments:

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YOUR ADVISORY BOARDAn explanation is in order here. After all, you run ahealthcare practice, not a Fortune 500 Company! While that might be true, the principles of allbusinesses are the same. No single individual isknowledgeable enough in all fields related tobusiness. Do you, for instance, do your own taxes?Or do you have an accountant? The items listed here are not “systems” in the puresense. This is a list of people that you should haveon your team. What position they occupy in yourboardroom will differ by practice. This is a useful and certainly not exhaustive list ofpeople you might need and/ or use as resources.Their performance should be subjected to the samelevel of scrutiny and review as any other system. ● ACCOUNTANT ● ATTORNEY● BANKER ● FINANCIAL ADVISOR ● INSURANCE AGENT ● HUMAN RESOURCES ADVISOR ● DENTAL SUPPLY/EQUIPMENT AGENT● MARKETING ADVISOR/AGENCY CONSULTANT ● COACH

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VIRTUAL SYSTEMSThe 2020 COVID-19 global Pandemic opened up bothfoundational cracks and opportunities. Many, myselfincluded, opted to employ virtual clinical systems(Telemedicine, Telehealth) to communicate with andenable patient care. The original intent was to serve as a release valve,freeing emergency rooms from the burden of dental-related visits. Ultimately, it morphed into something quite a bit morevaluable. It became a way of offloading physical visitsas well as identifying issues so that physical andclinical visits could be more productive.

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Many have become aware of telemedicine's success,and it is estimated that 2025 telehealth will generateover $193 billion in revenue, up from $159 billion in2024.Obviously, many things require a “hands-on” approach.The Global Pandemic opened many eyes to thepossibility of removing some activities from the dentaloffice to the “virtual” world. Outsourcing will be agrowing trend as dental practices seek to become“meaner and leaner.” Many already employ some “off-site” processes andsystems. What other “virtual” systems can you deployto benefit you and your patients? ● TELE DENTISTRY ● TELEHEALTH ● TELE MEDICINE/DENTISTRY ● VIRTUAL HUMAN RESOURCES ● VIRTUAL FINANCES (CFO)● VIRTUAL CREDIT AND FINANCING ● VIRTUAL BILLING ● VIRTUAL INSURANCE MANAGEMENT ● VIRTUAL FRONT OFFICE● VIRTUAL MARKETING

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CONCLUSIONWe hope you’ve found this toolbox to be helpful. In fact, thebiggest complaint we hear is that Doctors wished they had thistoolbox sooner. Our experience has shown us that using and reviewing such atoolbox at regular intervals helps keep systems fresh andproductive. Systems make everyone’s life easier. Most importantly, it buildstremendous value in the practice. A practice with SYSTEMS is worth more to a potential buyer thana practice without. Systems can facilitate transition and transfer. Few practices have such comprehensive systems or at least arecord of them and a User’s Manual, which this document shouldbecome. MedDent Consulting is dedicated to making every practice withwhich we interact the BEST it can be.

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