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The Massive Monster of the Moon

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The Mossive Monster of the Moon Written ond fllustrqted by River Gionnini 1

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One night on the moon o little monster ond oll of his friends were ploying moonboll 2

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Moonboll is bosicolly bosketboll but better becouse th ey shoot stors into the bosket insteod of s regulor boll 3

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All of q sudden they heord o mossive yown which mode o sound like a 4

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Then o mossive monster come out of his house E 5

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He wos so big thot his steps mode the moon shake ond it sounded like thunderl 6

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r i t 4 fT t i ttt l tl I i B t q rt q by4 a The little monster ond qll of his friends we e so scored They yelled f or him to go owoy ond leave them olo nel 7

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E fs J I att he big scory notice monster wos crying ond wosn t that scory But then t ofter oll Hejust wonted to ploy moonboll too 8

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The mossive monster soid f don t hove onyone to ploy with becou se everyone is scored of me just becou se T om so big ond my voice is so deep qnd loud 9

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The little monster thought everyone should to ploy with so he soid you con be on my teom ond threw him o stor hove someone ir i ffi ffi ts 3 li r O r a 10

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t i t _t B tJ _ I Fq i t t I I v Lh t t I I W4H l a j i The mossi ve monste wos so big he borely hod to jump to score ond the little monster ond oll of his friends cheered 11

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_ t1 Then the mossive monster went bock into his house to get some monster snocks ond monster juice to shore with his new f riends t2

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Then they oll p ayed moonbqll together hoPp ly ever ofter The End 13

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The meoning of this story is trying to teoch other children thot no motter the size of o person or whot they look like we con oll be f riends Everyone is diff erent in their own woy R iver About the Author River is 8 yeors old ond loves to dreom ond write stories He likes to build forts qnd moke new f riends He hopes to ploy moonboll on the moon sometime 1 4