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The LINK June 2021

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Photos courtesy of M.R.& S-A Jarvis.

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2 As I put nger to keyboard ‘step 3’ of lockdown lifting has just kicked in, we are allowed to meet other people indoors, hugging is allowed and things seem to be getting towards some semblance of ‘normal’. This sense of ‘normal’ does allow us to reect on that which we take for granted, what we look upon as a right or indeed a necessity. A home, clean water, heat when it is needed, education, the right to travel without hinder-ance, the list goes on. Over the last year we have had some of these things restricted or removed and slowly they are be-ing returned. But I wonder how much of what used to be normal we would still wish to see? Something which we always take for granted is that of something which is quite mun-dane, yet, if removed we would notice almost immediately. Fresh water. The United Kingdom has a bit of a love/hate relationship with rain and the water that it pro-duces: we love the green and pleasant land which we inhabit yet dislike the disruption that the rain produces. We enjoy the river yet live with the risk of ooding. But how much would we miss this if our climate became arid as in the northern reaches of Africa or indeed Palestine. When we see rain clouds we are often disappointed that our plans may be disrupted, or we can’t hang the laundry out to dry. If we look to the bible however we can see a different view point. Rain is a sign of new life. The desert of Judah (where Je-sus spend the 40 days after His baptism), which lls the space between the Mount of Olives and the river Jordan, is a rocky baren expanse with ribbons of green where the wadis thread down towards the Jordan valley and it’s ultimate destination, the Dead Sea. Here life centres on water, from those who herd goats and sheep, living in the desert to those who drain the river Jordan to irrigate the large fruit and vegetable plantations water is key to existence. When we read about Christ’s transguration we read about clouds enveloping the top of the mountain before Christ is seen shining with the radiance of God. The clouds then, as now, are seen as new life. When the rain does fall in the Judean desert the plants waste not time and will sprout and bloom. In Genesis, the rst book of the Bible, we hear God separating the water from the land. In Exodus (the book of the bible where the Israel-ites leave Egypt and head for the promised land) we see Moses separating the Red Sea, he strikes the rock to water pours forth. In the Gospels we hear of Jesus being baptised in the River Jordan, Jesus washing the feet of the Dis-ciples at the Last Supper, the blood and water owing from the wounded side of Christ on the Cross. The references are endless. Water, is something which is so important to all life. The surface of the planet is about 70% water, we are of a similar constitution. As NASA will say, where there is water, there is life. The search for signs of liquid water, on the Moon, on Mars, is the search for life. Water is used in all aspects of our life too, to clean ourselves, to cook, it transports goods around the world, it absorbs carbon and pro-vides an abundance of life. Water is used also within Christian services. Baptism, that welcoming into the family of Christ is by water and the Spirit, there is a ritual cleansing and new birth. At wed-dings, the rings are blessed with Holy Water, a symbol of God’s blessing upon the couple as they are joined together in law and the eyes of God. At funerals the cofn is often sprinkled with Holy Water, the remembrance of the person’s baptism and their relationship with God. As things progress back to ‘normal’ it’s important not to forget those things which we have, and have in abundance, but also that which we have let go of and that which we should not return to. There has been such immense change in the last year, we have stopped so much: as we race to go back, we need to be careful not to take up that which does not enhance us or our lives. Let us never take for granted those things which have been consistent in our lives, let us be grateful for what we are able to do and let us rejoice in being able to see family and friends again. With climate change I can’t say how water will impact our lives in the future, but we need to be grateful for this life-giving, life-sustaining and life-enhancing substance. God Bless Fr Darcy Flowers on Mount Tabour Plants in the desert

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3 DYNAMIC PRINTMEDIA ARE THE PRINTERS FOR THE LINK As we go to press this time, there have been signs of a positive growth in the communities of Datchet, the wider country and the world, like little flowers of Spring bravely pushing through the dense cold (- the fears, isolation and frustra-tions of Covid 19 pandemic) of the past months. Despite the growing concerns for the scheduled complete release on June 21st from this ‘final’ lockdown going ahead as planned, due to the rise in R rate from the new virus variant it hasn’t stopped the bright hope and light springing out from under the dark blanket representing life during pandemic months, and pushing their way through as each stage of the road map has so far, successfully, been brought to fruition—just as summer is finally here (apparently - we have yet to believe the sun knows this, as it has been playing away from home rather a lot recently!) I feel very privileged in being the first to read the articles and I appreciate the commitment their authors have in their production. The content reflects the hope and the sprouting of new begin-nings in living through, and into post, lockdown: It has shown me clearly how resilient people have been and what a very special and amazing Community Datchet is —the wealth of Spirit and the richness of activity, the willingness to share, help and more, perhaps most importantly reminding us all that many things can carry on, and us through, just slightly differently to our usual ways. This sense of ‘Being Community’ - part of a whole yet separate, shining, has been demonstrated especially during the darkest months of the Lockdowns, when the uncertainty was having such negative impacts on everyone and the easy option was to opt out of trying to keep things going: people rallied to support, to give a little of their experience and gifts no matter how small, or how little they felt what they had could make a difference. No act of kindness is ever too small and always ripples beyond to a bigger flow. Little ARKs (acts of random kindness) sailing the Covid 19 sea, were and are essential vessels of hope and light to us all, but it is only now we are seeing some of the positive outcomes of those small ripples. This edition is no exception in bringing together in one place a strong reflection of the Spirit of Community and the founda-tions it has been built upon. Who’d have thought a popular High street shop would have housed a Chapel once? To find out read Janet Kennish’s article pages 14-16. On the topic of history - you can take part in contributing to a modern historical event, ‘the Windsor Memory Box’. This is a project organised by the Windsor Museum, more information can be found on p12-13. The WI also have a historical element to their article find what it is on pages 8 &9 . The history of something we take for granted is revealed in a more fun way lies within the pages of Matthew’s Object with Tales - page 20 & 21. The wildlife & nature we pass by everyday, often without really seeing it is brought to our attention in the Wild About Datchet article (p10 &11). Many have rediscovered Nature this past year, and there are ideas and tips on what to do and look out for to keep interest growing during the summer months. Or, if you prefer to go away, Trading Standards have some useful travel hints and advice—pages 34 & 35 The report from DPC (p18 &19) updates the latest Parish news, council-lors’ responsibilities and the work being carried out on your behalf. Datchet Neighbourhood plan (p24 & 25) report on the latest phase of development and how you have helped to shape this, as well as next stages to be completed. Other ways where you can participate in helping to shape the future are The DHC Patient Participation Group annual survey (page 6), There is also information about the two events held Satur-day 22nd of May on The Green—so good to see it alive and full of energy - this is page 32 Churchmead (p 26) and Eton End (p28) Schools share their amazing achievements during the past term and plans for the future. We wish the pupils sitting exams the very best - and think you all and the schools staff have been amazing through these most difficult times. It is good to see the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are swinging back into action and looking for things you may consider helping with page 35 Another group deserving of a BIG thank you is Datchet Corona Volunteers—read about them and their recent activity and plans for the future on p22/23. Don’t forget the big news it The Bridge is now OPEN! Do go and share a coffee and cake with friends if you can, and maybe read The LINK whilst you are there - page 27 gives all the details! We wish you all the very best for a healthy, happy and vibrant summer and beyond…….

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4 The Link: June edition Update from Slough Foodbank Sue Sibany-king Manager, Slough Foodbank #HungerFreeFuture We want to see a hunger free future where food banks are no longer needed in our local community. That ’s why we contacted all candidates standing in the Slough local elections to ask them to pledge their support to end the need for food banks. Slough Foodbank opened our 5th Distribu-tion Centre in March, which is based in Iver Slough Foodbank has provided support to Iver since we started in 2010, however during the Covid-19 pandemic the people of The Ivers had been further supported by The Ivers Parish Council who had been providing food parcels primarily through schools, to families who found them-selves in need. The community of The Ivers made generous food donations but these had to stop due to lockdown restriction. The Parish Council secured Dear Friends Slough Foodbank would like to extend our sincere thanks to you for your ongoing support of Slough Foodbank. We continue to see hopelessness as many just do not know what the future might hold and struggle with benefit delays and changes, low income, debt, job losses and homelessness. Sadly, our statistics show there is lots for us to do to ensure we can provide food during a time of crisis and contin-ue to help raise the profile of food poverty and lobby for those who are in need. It is vitally important that we remain committed to supply food, home fuel and share our hope and encouragement that the community cares. I have outlined below some key updates so far this year and also updated you on food and toiletry items that we are in need of currently. Thank you once again, emergency Covid-19 grants to cont-inue the support, but these funding streams were coming to an end. Representatives from The Ivers Parish Council approached Slough Foodbank to explore if a more permanent solu-tion could be found. From the begin-ning of March, Slough Foodbank has been operating a distribution centre in The Ivers Parish. With our knowledge, expertise, processes, relationships with referral agencies, volunteers, warehouses and existing support of The Ivers, we were best-placed to provide this support. The volunteers within The Ivers com-munity continue to be involved and received full training and support from Slough Foodbank. The opening of the Iver Distribution Centre means we are now open 6 days a week, operating from 5 different locations. Whilst we are committed to helping and supporting people in food poverty, the opening of this Distribu-tion Centre is not something Slough Foodbank is celebrating. Foodbanks are here to support families in crisis – it is not a long-term solution; we need to see the government put a long-term solution in place. Slough Foodbank was nominated for a High Sheriff Award. The High Sheriff of the Royal County of Berkshire wrote to us and said:

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5 “Throughout the last very difficult year Berkshire residents and organisations have stepped up to support their com-munities in incredible, life changing ways. These have included both the big groups who had fed and cared for liter-ally hundreds of vulnerable people through to the individuals who have quietly and diligently supported their neighbours throughout. I feel so proud to be part of a county that has done so much to make our most vulnerable and isolated members feel so cared for and valued. I am delighted to present you with the enclosed certificate in recognition of the wonderful contribution you have made to the Berkshire wide effort .” Slough Foodbank is extremely grateful for this recognition. Slough Foodbank released statistics for the full year 2020 – the 10th year of serving the Slough community. Slough Foodbank statistics for 2020 show a shocking increase in the number of people needing help, with 37% more food parcels distributed this year versus last year. Slough Foodbank believes these shocking statistics are the result of years of aust -erity, static incomes and cuts creating difficulties for many households even before the added issues that came with Covid-19. Now furlough schemes, job losses and ill health are compounding the problems faced by so many who have been barely keeping their heads above water for so long. 38% more children reflects the increase in families who are struggling. Our Warehouse is now open again for donations and an update on our current wishlist Slough Foodbank are so thankful to everyone who has supported us through donations of food. Unfortu-nately, our warehouse had to close when we went into lockdown but it is now open again and we thought it may be an opportune time to let you know of our current needs. It may be helpful to understand that our clients often walk to distribu-tion centres and have to carry heavy bags home with them. We therefore require smaller sizes of food dona-tions, rather than bulk items. All food needs to be long-life. We provide three days nutritionally balanced emergency food and essen-tial toiletries. We have also created a wish list with Common Good found at which enables you to buy online and have this delivered direct to our warehouse. Statistics for the full year 2020, versus 2019 Item Number % increase No. of adults 4168 36% No. of children 2365 38% No Vouchers 3025 27% No of Food parcels 6533 37% WISH LISTS : We are currently in need of the following Type Item Long –life Milk Fruit Juice Rice Pudding Sponge pud-dings Tinned Fruit Meat Vegetables (NOT Sweetcorn) Spaghetti Toiletries and Basic items Razors Deodorant Strong Carrier Bags Warehouse is open for donations on Mondays 1—3pm Wednesdays 10am—12 noon Fridays 10am—12 noon Address 411 Montrose Ave SLOUGH SL1 4TJ

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6 Q1 Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone on the phone? 1 Very Easy 2 Fairly Easy 3 Not very Easy 4 Not at all Easy Q 2 How did you try to book your appointment? 1 In person 2 By phone 3 By e-consult 4 In another way Q3 How Helpful was the Receptionist? 1 Very Helpful 2 Fairly Helpful 3 Not very Helpful 4 Not at all Helpful Q4 What type of appointment did you get? 1 To speak to someone on the phone 2 To see someone at the Surgery 3 To see someone online e.g. a video call 4 A home visit Q5 How long after asking for an appointment did it take place? 1 Same day 2 Next day 3 A few days later 4 A week or more later Q6 How satisfied were you with the appointment given? 1 Very satisfied 2 Quite satisfied 3 Satisfied 4 Not very Satisfied and why not? 5 Not satisfied and why not? Q7 Last time you had an appointment how good was the Healthcare Professional at each of the following? Giving you enough time 1 2 3 4 5 Q7 Continued Listening to you 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Neither good nor poor 4 Poor 5 Very Poor Treating you with care and concern 1 2 3 4 5 Q8 During your last appointment did you have confidence and trust in the healthcare professional you saw or spoke to? 1 Yes, definitely 2 Yes, to some extent 3 No, not at all Q9 At your last appointment were your needs met? 1 Yes, definitely 2 Yes, to some extend 3 No, Not at all Q10 Overall, how would you describe your experi-ence of your GP practice? 1 2 3 4 5 Q11 Any Additional Comments? Datchet Health Centre - Patient Participation Group Patient Satisfaction Survey 2021. Please return in June 2021

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7 NOAH Noah is a famous person in the Bible and we all know him for his building of The Ark, at God's request, in order to save all the living creatures and his family from the flood. Whilst God has promised that another flood will not come and destroy the earth we all have to be more like Greta Thunberg and do our bit, however small, so that the chang-es happening to the climate won't spoil the world for everyone. What can we do? We can love one another and be good shepherds looking after God's creatures. Find in this wordsearch the following creatures that you can protect. ant, bat, bird, bug, butterfly, cat, dog, duck, frog, ladybird, slug, snail, spider, swan, toad, wasp, woodlice, worm B U T T E R F L Y F I U A O A W R E O L R B G I E D O G Z A D S W A N C G I N D S L U G D O A T U Y P A L H B S Q C D B I P E A M N K A E I D S T R L A S T L R E A O P C I U V H D R W O O D L I C E P

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8 have had to close due to lack of numbers during lockdown. The oldest WI in Berkshire is Burghfield, founded in 1917, whilst the newest are Windsor Great Park Evening and Newbury WI’s both established in 2019. In 1948, Datchet WI did not have a permanent meeting place. In 1953 George Scott, a housing / property developer bought several old properties on South Green to the east of the Manor House from the Cleversley family, including workshops, builders’ yards, and the near-derelict Old Manor House. In their place Scott built the Post Office and the shop opposite, being linked by a central alley to the rear of which was a derelict plot of land. He was so impressed by the enthusiasm and work carried out by the WI members and his wife who was President that he decided in 1955 to build a hall on this land and give it to them as a meeting place and permanent home. Datchet is one of a few WI’s to have their own meeting hall. In our first article for Datchet Link, we wrote about the history of the Women’s Institute in the United Kingdom, having arrived from Canada in 1915. We thank you for inviting us back and in this edition, we will tell you more about our Hall, located at South Green, in the centre of Datchet. Datchet W.I. was founded and has been active in the village since 1948. At that time, Datchet village was located within the county of Buck-inghamshire, moving into Berkshire under the Local Government Act of 1972. Around 75 WI groups can be found within the county of Berkshire. Our county headquarters are based at Mortimer. Sadly, some of our WI’s Workers of John Scott Building of the new WI Hall , the old PO (now Flowerz) and what is now Enzo’s Hair Design 1955 Picture courtesy of Datchet Village Society

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9 Today the WI hall is a central hub in the village and continues to be used on the Third Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm for our regular meetings and craft groups. We have been meeting via Zoom during lockdown, publishing a weekly newsletter and maintaining contact with members. More on our lockdown activities in the next Datchet link. The ethos of the WI in the 21st century continues to be “Playing a part in the Community”, something we are keen to foster and develop. Our hall is regularly hired for children’s parties and by village groups, Monday club for the retirees, Art club, Ballroom Dancing, Pilates, Sugar Craft, Datchet Morris Men, and a Folk Group to name a few. Recently, we have been able to offer a permanent home for the Outreach Post Office on Tuesday mornings. In recent years we have enjoyed opening the hall and welcoming residents and their friends to village events such as The Ellis Journey and Christmas on the Green and hope to welcome you back once again as soon as the Covid rules are lifted. We are indebted to Jan Kennish and Alison Crampin from the Datchet Village Society for their assistance with this article. CONTACT DETAILS  Email:  Kate Rayner – 01753 543487  Beverley Edwards - 01753 711543

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10                                                                                                         …                                                                                                                                             -                 -                                                                                                                                         Wild ABOUT DATCHET Elder : Flowers and berries

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11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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12 To get involved with this unique opportunity, visit the Royal Bor-ough Memory Box website to donate your memories via the online form. You can learn more about what you can put into the Memory Box by taking a look at the Collecting Tree Ideas docu-ment on the site. If you have any questions, please email Royal Borough Memory Box To reflect and record the impact of the COVID-19 pan-demic on our community, the Windsor & Royal Borough Museum is hosting The Royal Borough Memory Box. This historic project invites you to contribute your photo-graphs, videos, artwork, stories and any other items that represent your personal experiences of life during the pandemic and in lockdown.

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13 Ten Years of Our Museum Exhibition The Windsor & Royal Borough Museum also currently has an outdoor exhibition on the Corn Market at Windsor Guildhall. It celebrates the mu-seum opening 10 years ago and showcases objects and stories collected over the last decade to explore various aspects of local history. It also highlights the dedication of people who have made the museum a suc-cess; and asks for the help of the local community in creating a relevant museum collection for future generations. The exhibition is free and you can visit anytime but please remember to follow social distancing guide-lines. Online content Since the pandemic, the museum has produced a variety of online content, including Minute Wonder videos which explore objects in their collection, a series of family activity videos and a podcast series. Some podcast episodes are even designed to be used as historic walk-ing tours through Windsor. They have also created an online museum tour which has now been translated into seven different lan-guages. Find all this content and more at Coming Soon Although the museum will remain closed whilst they undertake some changes to move the tourist information centre into the gallery later this year, they will soon be launching outdoor talks and guided tours of Windsor Guildhall. Keep following them for more infor-mation and to continue to see their collections online. Bear on Long Walk ... Chloe’s rainbow

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14 Datchet’s rst groups of Christian dissenters, who did not conform to the rites and services of the Church of England, were mentioned in 1669. That year, the Bishop of Lincoln made enquiries into ‘nonconformist’ activities throughout his diocese. Datchet’s vicar Anthony Taylor replied to the question by rmly denying the existence of any such people in Datchet, nor any of their assemblies, then known as conven-ticles. Where such groups did exist they were liable to heavy nes. Revd Taylor’s actual words were: There is not any conventicle kept, the people are uniform and obedient to commands. The people might well have been dutiful in attendance at the Parish Church and to the control a vicar could impose on a parish at that time, but they would not have had to go far if they wished to sample alternative forms of Christian be-lief. In Horton there were already groups of Quakers and Anabaptists (they were against the ritual of infant baptism), including two ‘inveterate’ Baptist teachers who were excommunicated from the Church of England. Colnbrook was a positive hotbed of nonconformity: several hundred people came from Windsor, Staines and other nearby places to the Presbyterian Chapel and to a Quaker Meeting Place. This was probably due to Colnbrook being a market town on the main route to and from London, and several of the ministers who preached there lived in London. The other main group outside the Church of England were the Roman Catholics, who still had to be reported at County Courts and were ned as Popish ‘recusants’ (people who refused to submit to an authority). In the 1680s and 1690s Richard and Edward Cole, living where Datchet House is now, were ned alongside Henry Palmer of Dorney Court. There was no Catho-lic Church in Datchet until the twentieth century. In 1706, the vicar Thomas Jenkinson replied to similar questions from the Archdeacon of Buckingham: The parish is of a small extent, containing about fty families. There is no papist or reputed papist, and no dissenter of any kind or any meeting house. There is a poor woman who teaches children to read and say their catechism. There is a small almshouse of seven rooms into which they put those poor parishioners as can-not pay rent, and the parish keep it in repair. (This is now The Bridge coffee shop) Another group of Protestant Dissenters, calling them-selves Independents, registered their assembly with the Bishop of Lincoln in 1785. It was held in a barn in the High Street, part of John Fleetwood Marsh’s farm, of which only Goodwyn House has survived. In 1801 there was a house in Datchet licensed ‘for use as a Meeting House by religious dissenters under the denomination of Baptists. This house was described as: ‘the dwelling house of Her Grace the Duchess of Buccleuch, occupied by William Hughes’. That led to a later misunderstanding; that the Baptists met in the house where the Duchess of Buccleuch herself lived. In fact, she lived in Ditton Park House, but allowed rooms in Datchet’s Manor House, which she owned as Lord of the Manor, to be used by the rst group of Baptists. The Manor House has since been so much altered that it would be impossible to tell which rooms they actually used, but most likely in the western half of the now divided building, where those who applied for the license dwelt. Curiously, there were several shoe-makers and menders, working in crafts which were often associated with religious dissension. Perhaps customers tended to stay and watch while their shoes were being mended, chatting to the cobbler about local topics of interest? Names of these founding Baptists include the Hughes, Bamptons, Willdays, and Philbys, plus Charles Buckland. It seems that these early Baptists who met in the Manor House were responsible for the instigation and Datchet Manor House before major alterations of the 1870s

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15 building of a proper Baptist Chapel in 1841, on the site of their High Street barn. It was perilously close to the new railway line, which came through the village in 1850, and the effects of which could not have been anticipated by the group. As soon as steam trains were running only yards from their south wall, services were seriously disturbed by noise, smoke and rattling wheels, as well as by crowds waiting for the level crossing gates to open and close. Almost from the Chapel’s rst years there was hope of building another one far away from the High Street. That was event-ually achieved in the 1950s. This is the 1841 High Street Chapel in a photo appar-ently taken on some special occasion in the twentieth century. (Does anyone know the event or the date, please?) And the building is still there, although rather well disguised as the Candy Box and two other shops, with ats above. The four tall church-style windows and the arched doorway were taken out so that an upper oor could be inserted. To contact Janet :-   07778 455706 On the building’s south wall a small arched window, or one which had always been just a blank feature, survived after the conversion had been carried out. It too has now gone. RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION OF CATHOLICS AND NONCONFORMISTS As a nation we have largely forgot-ten the old fear and hatred of any religious practices other than that of the Church of England. In origin, the problem with Catholics was whether the king or queen followed Henry VIII’s new Church of England, of which he had been the head, or had he or she been brought up in one of Europe’s Catholic countries, aiming to win possession and control of England by war or inher-itance? From 1685 to 1688 Catholics enjoyed a brief period of religious freedom under the Catholic Stuart king, James II. The resumption of war with Catholic France in the 1690s meant that British Catholics became victims of the feelings of national hatred and suspicion by their fellow countrymen. In the Bill of Rights of 1689 Parliament declared that no future monarch could be a Catholic or be married to a Catholic, a law which is still in force today. This is why vicars and Bishops had to identify and ne Catholic recusants in all parishes; they also had to pay twice the amount of Land Tax required from all other property owners. Then in 1689 Parliament passed the Toleration Act: to unite their Majesties Protestant subjects in interest and affection’. Under the inuence of the protestant mon-archs William III and Mary, it allowed most dissenters and nonconformists

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16 the freedom to worship publicly, provided they took a simplied version of the oath of allegiance to the Crown. Although dissenters remained under other restrictions, the Toleration Act marked the beginning of a long process towards conceding full civil rights to people outside the Anglican Church. Between 1691 and 1710 over 2,500 dissenting places of worship were licensed, including those of Datchet’s struggling Baptists. Finally, in 1955, Datchet’s Baptists managed to raise the funds to build on a plot of land in what was then the peace and quiet of London Road. They had purchased the land in 1939 from the local building developer George Masters, who built and lived in Lawn Close. The tall gable on the right in this photo belongs to the original building, but with so much land attached extensions were possi-ble to the front and rear. so there is now room for a whole range of meetings, for worship and activi-ties for all ages. That must have been unthinkable during the years when the group functioned right next to the railway line – and High Street trafc jams. Datchet Baptist Church, London Road, built 1955 JOHN FLEETWOOD MARSH, THE BAPTISTS’ BENEFACTOR Going back to the original barn on the site of their 1841 chapel, there is more to say about the Marsh family, to whom the farm belonged. They were prominent yeoman farmers who built up considera-ble fortunes in land and property, as well as owning the leases of important and protable estates. In 1794, on the death of his father Daniel, John Fleetwood Marsh had inherited the family’s fortune, but almost immediately emigrated to America, following a dream of living where there was religious freedom. He would have been aware of all the occa-sions when the Baptist group had to run the gauntlet of religious and legal que-ries and licences, while America then seemed to be a promised land for those weary of restrictions and persecution. He left a huge endowment in support of the Baptist minister, while in contrast his father had left a bequest of bread for the poor in his own will, to be managed by the churchwardens of the Parish Church. Once he was in America his fam-ily determinedly contested his will and were said to have torn up a copy of it. John Fleetwood then proceeded to fund American religious causes, eventually leaving what remained of his fortune to the American Bible Society in his will. Such was his need for religious freedom, as also felt by so many other emigrants to America. Information about Parliamentary Religious Acts from To contact Janet :-   07778 455706

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18 especially for our Clerk Katy, who has been working from home. Even before the pandemic, Katy was saying that her job is becoming busier than ever and that the sheer volume of work is increasing all the time to such an extent that there is just too much work for only one person. The current situation with Covid has only highlighted our need to increase the workforce in the parish council office, and also to find someone able and will-ing to learn and carry out some of the roles of a clerk, which will also provide cover for holidays etc. So, we needed to find someone who is looking for a long-term job with a view to learning new skills. We had three applicants, any of whom would have been able to fill the post and the interviews went well. So now we have a New Assistant Clerk who will work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, alongside our other office staff Her name is Jija Saeed, and she started at the beginning of May. She told us that she is looking forward to the new job and learning about local government which is a new area of work for her. Another result of the pandemic has been our greater dependence on technology, not to mention how to use it! So we have had to upgrade some of our IT hardware in the office, some of which is becoming out of date. The meeting with the Borough Library officers went well. They are working to make savings, and will not need the same amount of space as they are paying for at the moment since the Library services across the Borough are all being reviewed and changed, part-ly because people now use libraries in different ways now. We plan to be able to make better use of the space by encouraging other groups to use the space for differ-ent activities – this could be reading stories with singing and actions for young children, gentle exer-cise for any age, regular meetings for small groups, Knit & Natter, music groups etc. So that the Library becomes a centre or Hub for any group needing Datchet Library—A new Start More complications resulting from Covid 19 Many local authorities, including Datchet, have, over the last number of months, been holding official council meetings virtually by using Zoom or other similar platforms. This enabled time critical decisions as well as payment of bills and wages to continue to be paid in a timely manner. In the early weeks of the pandemic as I remember, there seemed to be a feeling that it might all be over by Christmas. So when it was decided that a temporary legal arrangement was needed to enable local councils to continue to function within the law, the new laws made were time limited, and made to last only until 7th May 2021, which at the time, seemed like a very long time in the future. This means that after this date, no local council meeting can be held except by holding them face to face in a single room, with access for members of the public to be present, and take part, if they so wished. Local councils are all required by law, to hold an Annual Statutory Meeting (ASM) within the month of May, where decisions are made as to which members will be responsible for which parts of council activ-ities during the next year. In Datchet our ASM was held on 5th May this year instead of 10th May as was originally planned. Decisions regarding Lead and Deputy Lead members, along with Chair and Vice Chair, are shown in the table below. Having been a member of the parish council for over 20 years, I have seen many changes in the way local councils are run, and also the expectations that are expected from them, especially at parish level where we are closer to all our residents. Obviously as with all other organisations, dealing with the pandemic has created extra work, and Datchet Parish Council web-site address:  CLERK TO COUNCIL DPC ADDRESS Katy Jones ASSISTANT CLERK: Jija Saeed Contact :-  Tel: 01753 773499 È Mob. 07862 013161 e-mail: Datchet Parish Office 1 Allen Way Datchet Berkshire SL4 6PL DPC Website  : Help in the Office Chair: Linda O’Flynn Vice Chair : David Buckley Lead Member Deputy Lead Finance and Administration Tim O’Flynn Andrew Clemens Highways and General Purposes David Buckley Mary Fitzgerald Properties Monica Davies Amit Verma Planning David Buckley Pamela Barnes-Taylor Grounds Ian Thompson Denny Loveridge Events Allen Corcoran Andrew Clemens Flooding and Drainage Ian Thompson Ewan Larcombe

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19 necessary works to repair and restore the building so that it could be used safely. So now that there is heating in the Library, Cllr Davies is turning her attention to the problem of the roof. Like many of our older buildings there comes a time when complete replacement of critical parts (such as a roof) is the only option, and certainly can be cheaper in the long run, by avoiding the need for frequent and/or emergency repairs once winter weather is upon us and materials can become difficult to find. After discussing this with other councillors, our Clerk, Conservation Officers at the Borough and a few contrac-tors known to her, Cllr. Mrs Davies has come to the con-clusion that complete replacement of the roof is the most sensible and practical way to deal with this. This building is not Listed but it is in the conservation area, and so will need agreement from the Borough Conserva-tion Officer about such things as types of materials. It appears to me that Monica is becoming quite an expert at dealing with these ‘elderly’ buildings! That is lucky, be-cause there are a few more of them awaiting her atten-tion! Play Areas: Following a regular inspection of the play areas and equip-ment, there was the usual amount of work to be carried out. Unfortunately, it was fairly obvious that at least some of it was the result of vandalism, and not just acci-dent or wear and tear. This work should be nearly com-plete by now. At least this indicates that our play equip-ment is popular and well used! Parish Yard break in : Follow-up As is usual with insurance claims, things are moving slow-ly, but progress is happening. Repairs to the fence are being reinforced by using several large steel posts secured inside the yard fence. We are also reviewing relative costs between employing our own groundsman and using contractors with their own equipment, as part of the overall review of Grounds maintenance. On a personal note, I am very pleased to see that Spring finally appears to have arrived, though I’m not quite sure what has happened to the temperature! And why so much wind!? Maybe Summer might follow. Now that we can all visit family and friends, even inside our homes, let’s make the most of it, and enjoy what Nature offers us. But at the same time, let all of us be careful as we learn how to socialise gradually with our friends and families once again. Enjoy the Summer! Linda O’Flynn Chairman Datchet Parish Council somewhere for their activities. This will help us to reduce the amount of money needed to keep the Library service for Datchet, and so we are looking for any ideas anyone has to make this building more useful than it is at present, also remembering that currently the Library is not used by the Borough every day of the week. It does not have to be related to ‘traditional’ li-brary activities – just think of it as a flexible space which can be adapted internally for a variety of different purposes. One other thing which has been suggested from other similar groups is to have more involvement from local volunteers – possibly by a group set up to support the use of the building, perhaps calling it ‘Datchet Library Friends’ or some similar name, so that the build-ing becomes visible as an important part of the village and is also more in the control of the community. So , please let us know any of your ideas on the subject –( even silly ideas can be help-ful!) - either by email to or to me directly to : or by phone to the parish council office ( 01753 773499) where you can leave a message if there’s no answer and someone will ring you back. Traffic delays at level crossings– update. As we all know, the longer trains going towards London has resulted in a significant increase in traffic delays in the village, since trains travelling towards London always leave several car-riages extending over the crossing, so making it impossible to raise the gates until the train moves on. This usually happens twice in every hour. Over many months and years, we have had various meetings, emails and conversations with the Borough, Network Rail and South West Railways about this problem – with no result so far. However, we did have a meeting with Borough Cllr. David Cannon along with some recently recruited officers to investigate the possibility of extending the platform on the London bound side, so that the carriages do not extend over the level crossing. We will wait and see! Post Office in the Village - !! GREAT NEWS !! There seems to have been somewhat erratic progress with this on-going saga. It would take far too long to relate the whole tale, but the latest information is that the Post Office service will be up and running in the WI Hall every Tuesday morning from 08.30 – 12.30, so please let us show our appreciation by going and using the service. With thanks to Cllr. Allen Corcoran who has been utterly tenacious in his approach to this matter, and says that all things being equal, it should continue every week from now on. Routine maintenance has to continue, and so Cllr Monica Davies has had all the gas boilers in the Village Hall and 8 Horton Road (the Library building) serviced and safety certified, and damaged pipework under the stage in the Hall was replaced. 8 Horton Road – Library building This building was originally provided by some wealthy Datchet benefactors to provide a Working Men’s Club for workers who lived and/or worked in and around the village. I think it must be at least 100 years old, and over the years as peoples’ tastes in social activities changed a few times and so the use of this build-ing for its original purpose also changed until in 1998 it was adapted to its current use as a Library provided by the Borough and a Police point on the upper floor for Thames Valley Police. Datchet Parish Council took out a loan to cover the costs of Grounds Linda O’Flynn Chairman, Datchet Parish Council e-mail: or Properties Highways & General Purposes

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20                                                              ‘’,  ‘’).                       -  -           ---                                             -                                             ‘’.               …          ’‘-’        -                                   

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21                                                                                    “”          -     -                                                          (17351803)     (17231800)    -       -                          

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22                                       -                  -          -                                  -                    ’                        ’    ’                       -                 ’                                                                                      ’                 -       -       

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23 Physiotherapy Jon Cooke MCSP SRP AACPChartered & State Registered PhysiotherapistHealth Professions Council registeredQualified AcupuncturistAppointments available locally within: Thames Valley Athletics Centre Pococks LaneEton Recognised by most major healthcare insurers077 3333 57046 yrs+ experience in Elite Sports Injury Treatment and RehabilitationAll Conditions Treated Evening and weekend appointments available. Please call: Contact details for Datchet Corona Volunteers: Support line: 01753 905247 Email: Windsor Foodshare drop off points can be found around the village but here is a link to where you can get a map to show where to make your donations.

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24  protecting and enhancing the areas of signifi-cant biodiversity that exist within Datchet for the benefit and enjoyment of future genera-tions - in particular the Local Wildlife Sites which are often overlooked - and ensuring that wildlife can move between these areas.  preserving and improving green spaces of value to the community, ensuring local people have access to nature in their daily lives.  ensuring that new housing responds to the needs of the community and that its design reflects the high-quality local vernacular in terms of building style, materials and density.  promoting sustainable design which minimises flood risk, mitigates climate change, and reduc-es pollution and our carbon footprint.  improving and expanding the range of provi-sion of play and leisure infrastructure.  enhancing key movement routes through the village to create a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists. There are many issues facing Datchet but a Neigh-bourhood Plan must confine itself to those which are part of RBWM’s planning process. It cannot contradict national planning policy or promote less develop-ment than the Borough Local Plan, and its scope is framed by the flood zones, Green Belt and Conserva-tion Area. This means that it cannot do anything directly about planes, trains, pollution, traffic or flood schemes - topics which are frequently raised in public consultation - as these are Environment, Transport and Highways issues. But it can identify issues of a non-planning nature as separate projects or ‘non-policy actions’ for Datchet Parish Council to follow up with relevant partner organisations. Non-policy actions might include, for example, working Creating a neighbourhood plan takes time because it involves consulting widely and gathering supporting evidence but, with your help, work on Datchet’s Neigh-bourhood Plan has been progressing during the pandem-ic as we’ve been able to keep in touch with Zoom, online surveys, and articles in The Link. We’re pleased to report that a first draft of the plan is coming togeth-er well. Community involvement A neighbourhood plan has to be accompanied by a ‘consultation statement’ showing there has been an extensive engagement process with the local communi-ty. In Datchet, this has included: introductory leaflets delivered to every house; six parish-wide surveys and surveys at local schools; 15 Character Area Assessments with residents; a Drop-in Day at the Village Hall and Clean Air Day event on The Green; awareness-raising sessions at the Railway Station and Tesco; involvement of community groups; information stalls at village events and open days including the annual fetes, Christmas fairs and The Ellis Journey veteran car event on The Green; as well as community meetings on Zoom during the pandemic to discuss topics such as downsiz-ing, and the Datchet Design Guide consultation at the village with supporting leaflets. In addition, we’re indebted to the editors of The Link who have enabled us to keep you informed of our progress with quarterly updates. We also publicise our work and findings online, on the D a t c h e t N e i g h b o u r h o o d P l a n w e b s i t e ,, on social media including and Datchet Eye, and we’re hoping that it won’t be too long before we can meet residents again, face to face. Planning guidance The purpose of Datchet’s Neighbourhood Plan will be to provide guidance to anyone wishing to submit a planning application for development within the parish. The different topic areas covered in the plan reflect the matters which you’ve told us are important to Datchet, its residents, businesses and community groups. The plan will consider how Datchet can accommodate growth and change while maintaining and protecting its natural and historic environment in order to keep the village character and identity for future generations. In our various consultations, you’ve told us what is most important to you. This includes:  conserving and enhancing the Conservation Area, heritage assets and the historic riverside setting. . Character Assessments No-one knows an area better than the people who live there and your help in compiling Character Assessments has been invaluable. If you haven’t done so already, you can read the Character Assessment for your area on the DNP website. We have been able to use these as 'evidence', ex-tracting relevant information for topics in the Neighbourhood Plan. If you have any further comments about these, please get in touch. We welcome your feedback. See: w w w . d a t c h e t n e i g h b o u r h o o d p l a n . o r g /character-assessments.html

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25 with RBWM and Network Rail to resolve the issue of trains overhanging the platform, and working with RBWM to reduce the high pollution levels which the DNP team discovered in the village What happens next? The Datchet Neighbourhood Plan team is working with a professional planner to bring together your feedback and supporting evidence in a draft plan. There are a few gaps to fill — we’re finishing off work based on your responses to the most recent survey — but when it’s ready, the plan will be publicised and you will be able to comment on it. As with any new planning policy, there is a formal procedure to follow. The proposed Datchet Neighbour-hood Plan will be submitted to RBWM to confirm it com-plies with relevant legislation. If it does, RBWM will pub-licise the proposal and invite representations/comments. An independent examiner will be appointed to review the plan and issue a report to RBWM, recommending whether or not the plan can proceed to referendum. RBWM must then reach its own view about whether to send Datchet’s plan to referendum. In the referendum, Datchet residents will be asked whether they would like RBWM to use the Datchet Neighbourhood Plan to decide planning applications in our area. If more than 50% of those voting in the referendum vote ‘yes’ then Datchet’s Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the statutory development plan. Its policies, which you have helped to formulate, will then be applied to subsequent decisions made by the planning authority. Datchet Design Guide Update As well as working on Datchet’s Neigh-bourhood Plan, the DNP team has put to-gether a Datchet Design Guide working alongside a professional town planner and RBWM’s planning officers. Its purpose is to help ensure that any new development in Datchet is visually attractive and sympa-thetic to local character and history, and maintains a strong sense of place. In the last issue, we reported that the Datchet Design Guide was due to go before RBWM’s full council. We’re delight-ed that the council has officially adopted the Datchet Design Guide as a Supplemen-tary Planning Document. This means it will have to be considered when applications for development in Datchet are submitted. The Design Guide can be found on the RBWM website, on the DPC website under Community Life/Helpful Planning Infor-mation, and on the DNP website: w w w . d a t c h e t n e i g h b o u r h o o d p l a n . o r g /datchet-design-guide.html Generous grass verges are a key characterisc of Datchet which residents enjoy but these are oen degraded. The DNP can ask that new development maximises the provision of green verges designed to be less likely to be damaged by day-to-day acvity.

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26 Churchmead School Believe to Achieve Transformation has been a key theme throughout our return to school. I would like to thank parents for their support in ensuring our school can return to “life in all its fullness”. We have been delighted with the uptake after school clubs including the Duke of Edinburgh award programme. Year 8 students are currently in the process of selecting options for their stage of study here at Churchmead. We had a very successful taster programme for the students to introduce them to new courses alongside courses they are already familiar with. As our school continues to grow and ourish, we are currently nalising our plans for September. Our new school library will be open next term with brand new ICT and learning facilities. We are also looking forward to welcoming the new Year 7s in July for an induction day. It has been a pleasure to host Eton Porny C of E First School over the last term whilst their school had building works carried out. Various departments such as Drama and Design Technology supported their Year 4s whilst they enjoyed some taster sessions! Year 11 have had an unsettling year although they have handled it with maturity and resilience. We wish them every success for the future. Chris Tomes Headteacher

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27 Caroline Cole Chair of The Bridge Management Committee June Monday 7th Term STARTS Churchmead & Eton End Tuesday 8th Term STARTS DSM July Friday 9th Term ENDS Eton End Friday 16th Term ENDS Churchmead Sunday 18th Pat Peirson Memorial Friday 21st Term ENDS DSM

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28 The Summer Term is now fully underway and with the sun out and cricket in full swing, it really is starting to feel excit-ing and, dare I say it, normal. At Eton End we are keen to start looking forwards to new initiatives and this summer we are excited to announce we have a new development coming, in the form of an enhanced provision for Food Technology, which will enrich the Eton End learning experience further. We are building a multi-purpose space which will enable the children to develop essential life skills, as well as add to the dining experience at lunchtimes. Food Technology is no longer just cooking as it encompasses health, hygiene and nutrition as well as food science and food preparation. So many skills that have to be learnt as an adult or, if you are lucky parents will have passed on. An Eton End education is about prepar-ing children for life in the 21st Century and for some of our younger pupils maybe now even the 22nd Century. An in-creased understanding of how to eat healthily will definitely help some of our pupils survive well into the 22nd Centu-ry. With cookery themed television programmes such as ‘MasterChef’ and ‘The Great British Bake Off’ on the in-crease, there is so much for us all to learn from the skills required to inspire, create and present food. Something we may not have all realised whilst baking in lockdown, but it is proven that baking enhances the cognitive activ-ity of the brain, encouraging superior use of ones sense of taste, smell, sight and touch – now can you see why Food Technology is being enhanced within our curricu-lum! I know the children will be extremely excited by the increased opportunity this will bring and we hope that parents will be treated to culinary delights, if they actu-ally make it all the way home at the end of the day. Watch out for an Eton End child on the next Junior Bake off – we will be giving it a go!

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29 The Arts Society Windsor is an amalgamation of two local societies, afternoon and evening, who have united together to offer online lectures and virtual tours on Zoom until their normal venue (the Old Windsor Memorial Hall) reopens . Roger Askew, co—chair of the new society said “ Once Covid –19 struck, both the afternoon and the evening societies were faced with losing members due to the social distancing and shielding restrictions , so the two joined forces. The summer lectures have proved to be popu-lar and a great success . We now have more than 100 members and visitors attending every event. “ The exciting programme on offer covers a range of diverse subjects, from Mozart in London to La Belle Epoque for the benefit of art-lovers in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead , and further afield. Why not visit their website at www.theartssociety, to see the highlights ahead, or book in for a lecture or tour. If you have any questions, please e-mail the Membership Secretary on j in nym elv il le@gm ail.c om The former Rose Cottage Bible Study has been unable to meet since we have moved house. We have met a few times at the Baptist Church when regulations permitted it and we have two meetings arranged for June. After the 21st June, regulations permitting, we will begin meeting at Number 4. Robin Wilding the Baptist Minister has retired and moved away; he has been a great asset as our lead-er and we will miss his fellowship, knowledge and encouragement. Fortunately Father Darcy will be joining us so we will be able to move forward with new leadership. The group is ecumenical with members from Datchet Baptist Church, St. Mary’s, St. Augustine’s and St. Thomas’s Colnbrook. We are continuing the study of Matthew’s Gospel using a commentary by Tom Wright. The evenings are a mixture of study, discus-sion, prayer and of course Christian fellowship. We meet on alternate Wednesday evenings, if you are interested in joining the group please ring me on 07957188401. Host: I always knock on the fridge door before opening it Guest: Why is that? Host : Just in case there’s a salad dressing !

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30 and muscles affected. They are very weak. For us, our re-entry to normality will be a relief, but for others it will be a scary and anxious time. We cannot wait to meet up with loved ones; but for some, their dear ones have died. Our world will not be what it was. We have been living in a strange time and space, which has affected us all differently. Even Tim Peake needed assistance and support to walk and get back to normality on his return from the space station. We too need to take time to adjust, but how wonderful that the end is on the horizon! Let’s be patient with ourselves and each other as we move into this new normal. At the time of writing, we are on the verge of a return to some sort of normality. Coming out of lockdown could be compared to a space crew re-turning and re-entering the earth’s atmosphere; it’s a tricky business! Perhaps this seems dramatic, but does give us pointers as we return and “re-enter” life and start meeting up and being together again. The space crew need to take many things into consideration as they come back to earth: the forces of gravity and drag, together with the intense heat as they come through the atmosphere. A great many calculations and variables! When they leave orbit, the fly backwards for a period of time to control their speed and slow down, and to prepare to approach at a pre-cise angle. Once they have returned, they will find their bodies have changed – bone density depleted “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” Colossians 3.12

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32 ----  ’’   ‘’’’ ------ ’ 3  3.00 

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33 A message from Fr Darcy It cannot have escaped your notice that the past year has been hard on lots of businesses, organisations, and venues. Sadly the church is no different. The Church of England is a curious organisation, every parish (e.g. Datchet) is a separate and stand alone charitable organisa-tion, despite being part of the national Church we are entirely dependant on the generosity of parishioners, those who live within the parish or attend the church. St Mary’s is lucky in one respect, The Barker Bridge House Trust, which has been in existence since the time of Elizabeth I, does support the fabric ( i.e. the building) of the church, this means that the building is water-tight and the lights remain on, however it doesn’t allow us to do the actual work of the church… We haven’t been able to run our fundraising events, the Panto-mime has been cancelled twice, the St Nicholas Fayre as well as other events have not been able to run. The Church Community Centre has also be unable to operate. We need your help and support, If you are able to, please can you sign up to the parish giving scheme. This is a way to give regularly to the church, to support our work and ensure that the work of the church can continue, ministering to those who are in need, those who are approach-ing the end of this life, in uniting couples in matrimony and celebrating the birth of babies. If you are able to support us, please can you sign up to the parish giving scheme. You can contact them via or call them on 0333 002 1260. You will need to quote parish code 270627654. If you are a taxpayer, the payment will be increased through Gift Aid which adds 25% to your gift. If you would rather make a one off donation, please can you make cheques payable to ‘St Mary’s PCC’. Your church needs you; please support us in any way you can.

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34 Many are turning their thoughts to a much-needed holiday, including travelling abroad. Yet, last year we saw travel firms attempting to break the law by refusing to pay refunds when trips were cancelled due to those pandemic travel rules and ever changing ‘safe lists’ of what Countries could be visited or not. From 17 May 2021 Government set out a new ‘green’ list and clarified rules about travelling. The Regulator, namely the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), has made sure the travel firms will play fair this year, so with a few tips to protect yourself you can confi-dently book package holi-days again. Refunds will be quickly issued when due, and consumers will not be misled over their rights. The CMA has taken significant action in relation to Teletext and secured refund commitments from LoveHolidays,, Virgin Holidays, and TUI UK. The TUI intervention includes First Choice, First Choice Holidays, Marella Cruises, Crystal Ski, Crystal, TUI Scene, TUI Lakes and Mountains and Skytours. They have now given a formal undertaking to provide better up-front information to consum-ers about refunds. has issued over £7 million in refunds due to action taken by the CMA, and Teletext are currently facing court action unless they pay consumers the £7 million in refunds they are due. Some of the companies were putting unnecessary delays, burdens and hurdles in the way to stop consumers quickly and easily getting refunds they were due. On 13 May 2021 the CMA published an open letter to all package holiday companies to remind them of their legal obligations and the need to ensure refund options are clear and accessible. A copy of this letter was also sent directly to the 100 package travel com-panies that they had received the most complaints about. From March 2020 to April 2021, the CMA received over 23,000 complaints from consumers about refund issues relating to package holidays that could not go ahead due to the pandemic. In acknowledgement of this, the letter to the package travel sector sets out what businesses should provide and what customers can expect:  Holidays cancelled by package holiday compa-nies must be refunded within 14 days under the Package Travel Regulations (PTRs);  Any offer of a refund credit note must be accompanied by  the option of a full refund. Customers should be able to exchange their credit note for a refund at any time;  People have a right to a full refund where they decide to cancel their package because unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances at the destination significantly affect the holiday they have booked or their travel there;  If the FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) is advising against travel to the package holiday destination when the consumer is due to leave, that is, in the CMA’s view, strong evidence that these unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances are likely to apply. If the consumer is refused a full refund, the package holiday company should fully explain why it disagrees that the holiday or travel is significantly affected. So, the tips from Trading Standards are:  Book a package holiday rather than separate components yourself as you get extra protec-tion  Check guarantees and flexible booking terms for information on refunds, especially for what will happen if a country is moved from the

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35 We remember those who have recently departed this life Michael Lillywhite, Mandy Wright Joanna Malins. Memorial Service for Pat Peirson ( St Mary’s Church, Covid permitting) Sunday 18th July 2021 At 3:00pm If you wish to attend, please contact beforehand in order to help with catering and any covid restrictions that may still be in place. green list to amber, or if lockdowns, quarantine or other disruption prevents travelling;  Make part of the payment (£100 at least) on credit card for extra protection;  If treatment feels unfair, or information seems misleading – report it;  Check the latest green, amber and red list restrictions here:; Read up about the action already taken against travel firms and your rights at: Trading standards can be contacted at Get Involved!  - We welcome new members and are always looking for volunteer helpers.  ’’’  Sounds interesting? Just send an email  ! USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS Editor Assistant Editor Sally-Anne Jarvis Matthew Jarvis  0175 385 7403  0771 126 9545 Children’s Editor Jane Simpson  0175 354 0948 Advertising & Treasurer Justine Elmore  0771 034 7484 Distribution Vacant  VICAR: Revd. Darcy Chesterfield – Terry Vicar of Joint Benefice Colnbrook and Datchet  0175 358 0467 0744 219 @ StMarysDatchetChurch Parish Administrator Fiona Norton  0175 358 0467 Churchwardens Elaine Eastham  0796 085 9697 Treasurer  0175 358 0467 Via Office Datchet Parish Council Clerk : all enquiries Katy Jones  0175 377 3499 

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