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The Lifeline HUB

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THE LIFELINE HUB 2022"DISCOVERINGTHE BESTVERSION OF ME" FOUNDATIONRELATIONSHIPS EDUCATIONWHAT IS LIFELINE?For 50 years, Lifeline has existed to provide Elkhart youth with caring role models who teachbasic life skills and develop student leaders.Lifeline does this through a variety of programs ranging from athletics, camps, and small groupmentoring to trade skills training and internships - all of which are designed in such a way todemonstrate the love of God and communicate His message to transform lives.HOW DO WE KNOW LIFELINE HAS IMPACT?All current Lifeline leadership staff areproducts of the program (formerLifeline participants and interns).Lifeline's vocational trades program hasrenovated 10 buildings with 21 housingunits and has generated $1.7M of value -in just three years!Lifeline currently serves 450 studentsper week, with a significant unmetdemand to serve more.Lifeline has a proven track record ofdeveloping connections that influencebehavioral change, facilitatingvocational development, and promotinggeneral | 574.320.4720

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WHAT IS THE HUB?THE LIFELINE HUB 2022I N C R E A S E S S T U D E N T SS E R V E D P E R W E E KF R O M 4 5 0 T O 1 , 0 0 0S T U D E N T SI N C R E A S E S H O U R S P E RS T U D E N T P E R W E E KF R O M 6 T O 1 8H O U R S / W E E K / S T U D E N TR E D U C E S C O S T P E RH O U R P E R S T U D E N TF R O M $ 3 . 3 2 T O $ . 7 4 P E RS T U D E N T / H O U RThe new HUB greatly increasesinteractions per student by expandingoperating hours and multiplying thenumber of groups served at one time.The HUB also provides more efficient andeffective delivery of services by centralizinglocation versus the current model ofmultiple locations per day. This enablesbetter productivity of staff and betterquality programming. The HUB is a new 36,000 square foot facility centrally located in downtown Elkhart (atHively/Prairie), strategically located in the center of more than 6,000 underserved school-agedchildren.The HUB will contain multiple classrooms, two full gymnasiums, and serve as the epicenter for allLifeline programs and student interactions. HOW DOES THE HUB CHANGE THINGS? | 574.320.4720

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$12,000,000 project ($7,000,000 construction, $5,000,000endowment)$7,695,000 current project commitments (64%) $4,305,000 remainingLifeline generated a net income in four of the last five years -with the 2020 pandemic year being the only exception - stillachieving nearly a breakeven year.Financial Results2020 Prior 4-year AverageTotal income $480,000 $572,000Operating expenses $502,000 $432,000Operating net income ($22,000) $140,000HUB Project ScopeOperational ImpactCurrent Go ForwardOperating expenses $466,000 $690,000Students served 450/week 1,000/weekHours per student 6/week 18/weekTotal hours of impact 140,400 936,000Cost per student $1,036 $690Cost per hour $3.32 $0.74A GOOD STEWARD OFRESOURCESTHE BOTTOM LINEWith the HUB, every operational dollar will INCREASENUMBER OF STUDENTS served by 120% and REDUCECOST to serve each student by 33%. Overall, this willgenerate 567% MORE POSITIVE IMPACT for thestudents in our community!THE LIFELINE HUB 2022+567% -33% -78% | 574.320.4720

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AFTER SCHOOL CLUBSTutoringAthletics, tripsSummer campGames, fun timeMealsCharacter lessonsSmall group mentoringINTERNSHIPS High school internsCorporate engagementConnection to collegesTraining for collegeTRADES SKILLS TRAININGRestore historical homesBeautify downtownJob incomeAt-risk skill developmentCareer preparationCAREER OPPORTUNITIESLife skill trainingFinancial trainingRenew housing jobsLifeline jobsHome provision for graduates and single momsTHE LIFELINEIMPACTTHE LIFELINE HUB 202250N U M B E R O F I N T E R N S , S E V E N B E C A M EE M P L O Y E E S :21H O U S I N G U N I T S B U I L T I N 1 0B U I L D I N G S W I T H 4 , 0 0 0 Y O U T H H O U R S ,G E N E R A T I N G $ 1 . 7 M O F V A L U EI N J U S T T H R E E Y E A R S :5:1S T U D E N T | M E N T O R R A T I O :D A R T M O U T H U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D I E SF I N D T H A T A N U R T U R I N GE N V I R O N M E N T A N D S P I R I T U A LI N F L U E N C E D I R E C T L Y I M P A C T SP H Y S I C A L A N D E M O T I O N A L H E A L T H .T H I S I N C L U D E S D I R E C T L Y I M P R O V I N GG R A D E S , P E R F O R M A N C E , A N DB E H A V I O R .60 N U M B E R O F V O L U N T E E R M E N T O R S | 574.320.4720