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The Italian Girl Script

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THE ITALIAN GIRL WRITTEN BYGARO BERBERIAN AND TATEVIK AYVAZYANBASED ON THE ITALIAN GIRLBY IRIS MURDOCHRebel Republic Films 33 Beverley CourtWellesley RoadChiswickLondon W4 4LQ+447801141338garo@rebelrepublicfilms.comDraft 3, 2024The Italian Girl screenplay is made available in confidence to selected persons. Any copying, reprinting, sale or other unauthorised distribution or use of The Italian Girl without the consent of the authors will be a direct infringement of the authors' exclusive rights and those involved liable in law accordingly.Copyright (c) 2021

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Rebel Republic FilmsACT 1EXT. OVERGROWN FRONT GARDEN - NIGHT1SINGLE TRACKING SHOTA tall, slim, well-dressed MAN (34) is walking towards a severe gothic house. The building is a dark silhouette framed by the bright blue light of a full moon, her beautiful face temporarily occluded by the arrival of black foreboding clouds, rolling in from the North Sea. He walks across the damp grass, leaving grey mute prints in his trail. His thin shadow detaches itself from the bulk of his body and stealthily follows. An owl hoots, slowly, deliberately, casting out one inside the other her expanding rings of sound. Putting his suitcase down, the Man presses the front door and finds it locked. Irritated, he checks his WATCH - it’s almost midnight. He steps back to look up at the windows, the moonlight partially illuminating his face - there is not a light in the house showing.MAN (V.O.)I was stupid to come.I should have come earlier when she was ill, earlier when she wanted me and wrote all those letters which for anger and guilt I didn’t want to read. To have come then would have made sense in light of the last abstract consideration I had for her: after all she was my mother. But to come now, that she was dead, was a mere self-punishment.The Man moves forcefully through a tide of bramble and thistles to try the two front windows. The sharp thorns snag his trousers and penetrate his legs. The windows are both locked. He picks up his suitcase and walks away from the building before pausing for a moment to look at the shimmering poplars on the coastal ridge. He takes a deep breath of the old June smells he knows so well.

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 2The Man looks back at the house, now a sad reflection of its glorious past, and reluctantly turns around and heads towards the servants’ entrance, deliberately placing his suitcase down on worn terracotta tiles before trying the handle but it is also locked. Annoyed, he bashes the door loudly with the palm of his hand, releasing a swarm of bats out through the ivy-clad eaves over his head, frightening and forcing him to the ground.MAN (V.O.)(exasperated)If I went away now I was sure I would never return. My mother’s existence had been the reason for my not coming. Now her non-existence would provide an even stronger reason. The thought that I might go away and leave them all there asleep made me pause with a sort of elation, there was an air of vengeance about it.He pulls himself up onto the ledge of a bay window, looking into the hallway. A SHAFT OF MOONLIGHT has penetrated the dark interior, illuminating a framed PICTURE on the wall, a monochrome image of a rider on a horse in front of a black gothic house. Suddenly, a swift sweeping SHADOW cuts across the beam of light, jolting him back. For a weird moment, he sees what looks like a reflection of himself in the glass, but it is not. He turns round sharply and in a state of surprise and fear, standing in front of him is a figure - a YOUNG MAN (25), holding an axe. CUT TO:TITLE SEQUENCE 2WE FLY UP INTO THE SKY REVEALING THE HOUSE, MOUNTAINS, LAKES AND THE SEA, MORPHING INTO IMAGES OF WOODCARVING AND STONEMASONRY.MUSIC CUE: "Volare (Nel Blu Di Pinto Di Blu) by Dean Martin.CUT TO:EXT. OVERGROWN FRONT GARDEN - CONTINUOUS3The two men stand opposite each other. 30/04/2024 2

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 3MAN WITH AXE(In a soft voice)Ah – you must be the brother.EDMUNDYes. I am Edmund. DAVIDI am your brother’s apprentice, my name is David. For a moment you frightened me. I was just out to get firewood.I’ll let you in. EDMUNDWhere is everyone? DAVIDThey are all gone to bed.While still holding the axe, David takes a large bunch of KEYS out of his pocket and walks round to the front door which he opens. Edmund follows David out of the honeysuckle fragrance into the old stuffy foxy darkness. INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS4The door closes and David turns a dim miserable LIGHTBULB on, they look at each other. Above David, there is a memorial stone inserted in the wall above the door, depicting 6 witches burning on stakes, with a date underneath: 1564 and a letter under each witch.DAVIDSo you have come.David leads Edmund to the stairs. Edmund places a hand on David’s shoulder. EDMUNDI can look after myself now! I can always wake my brother if I need anything. DAVIDI’m sorry your brother does not sleep in the house.Good night. In the same way he appeared, David is gone, dissolving in the pale, uncertain, yellow light. The door closes.30/04/2024 3

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 4Paintings by Tamara de Lempicka, Thomas Berwick, Edward Calvert and Sir Stanley Spencer are amongst the artwork covering tawny wooden panels. Standing alone, dominating the room, high above the mantle is a large portrait of a woman. She is wearing a green silk taffeta dress with rose-point lace and pearls. Edmund pauses for a moment, taking in the view, before moving up to the landing. He puts down the suitcase and slowly opens one of the doors, turning on the light. INT. LYDIA’S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS 5The corpse of the woman from the portrait, LYDIA, lies on the bed, wearing the same green silk dress.Lydia’s face is uncovered, raised up rather high upon the pillows, eyes closed and hair undone. Her face is a yellowish white and narrowed, shrunk already away from life with a sort of soft crazed expression, a look of elated madness and suffering. Edmund closes the door behind him, leaning back against it with a violently beating heart. WE SEE SHOTS OF LYDIA’S FACE INTERCUT WITH DETAILS OF A PAINTING ON THE WALL, MATTHIAS GRÜNEWALD’S SAINT ANTONY, DEPICTING ELATED MADNESS AND SUFFERING.Lydia’s hair seems to move a little.EDMUND (V.O.)My mother's name was Lydia and she had always insisted that we call her by this name. For Otto, my brother and I, she had had as it were, a series of love-affairs, transferring the centre of her affection to and fro between us: so that our childhood passed in an alternate frenzy of jealousy and of suffocation.I had never really left Lydia. Lydia had got inside me, into the depths of my being, there was no place and no darkness where she was not. She was my self-contempt. INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 6Leaving the room, Edmund switches the light off, feeling very strange to leave her there in the dark. 30/04/2024 4

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 5He closes the door breathing a stupefaction of slumber, picking up his suitcase and moving softly across the landing to his own room. The house creeks about him as if in recognition, the inarticulate greeting of some primitive dog-like house-ghost. Opening his own bedroom door, Edmund stops in his tracks, the MOON shines clearly on to his bed and reveals the form of a YOUNG WOMAN with long glistening hair. Edmund looks at the surreal scene like an hallucination. The body stirs slightly and turns to face him, eyes still closed. FEMALE VOICE(ghostlike)Edmund.Edmund, startled, takes a step back. The clock chimes. A hand reaches out to his shoulder, making him jump. Edmund looks behind him and sees a FACE he partly recognises in the darkness. A Woman, dressed in black, coldly gestures her finger to her lips and walks down the corridor. EDMUND(confused)Oh Maggie, it’s you. Sorry, you startled me. Yes, I see. Of course, Flora is in my room. You’ve put me in Father’s old room? Yes, that’s fine.Maggie, leads Edmund down the corridor - past the oak chest and the fern which never grew but never died either, the fine but entirely threadbare Shiraz rug, the painting which might have been by Constable but wasn’t and the closed silent doors of the rooms.They pass a bookshelf with a dozen silver framed PHOTOGRAPHS of six different young women in black. Maggie removes a large bunch of keys from her apron pocket and unlocks the door. INT. JOHN’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS 7Edmund follows her in. Surrounding the tiny single bed, the room is packed with Edmund’s father’s ARTWORK - sculptures, etchings, paintings and family photographs, covering every inch of the walls and stacked up on the floor. 30/04/2024 5

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 6Maggie stands there motionless, a small dark figure, her long bun of black hair trailing down her back like a waxen pigtail. She disappears in the same way she appeared into the darkness.Edmund thoughtfully looks at the art, the photographs of his father painting, at his exhibitions and socialising with his circle of talented friends. They emanate a special and limited sense of the past.Edmund walks over to the chest of drawers and picks up a photograph of his father with Edmund and Otto outside of the Church of St Cuthbert’s.EDMUND (V.O.)John, our father, had passed onto us a measure of his talents, leaving behind two lesser men, Otto the stonemason and I, Edmund the engraver. CUT TO: TRANSITION FROM THE PHOTOGRAPH OF ST CUTHBERT’S TO THE SAME VIEW OUTSIDE ST CUTHBERT’S CHURCH.INT. GOTHIC CATHEDRAL OF ST CUTHBERT’S IN DURHAM - DAY8The SANCTUS BELL peals the news of the arrival of the dead, the arrival of Lydia, with continual rhythmical dark chimes. The nave is illuminated by large stained GLASS WINDOWS depicting battles between good and evil. The walls are adorned with Renaissance art, there is a large WOODEN CARVING OF JESUS based on Diego Velazquez’ Crucifixion above the sanctuary. NOTE: FOR EACH BELL TOLL WE CUT TO A DIFFERENT RELIGIOUS PAINTING OR CARVING, SHOWING VIOLENCE, CRUELTY, DEATH AND BLOOD, CULMINATING WITH CARAVAGGIO’S PAINTING, JUDITH BEHEADING HOLOFERNES. Edmund sits alone in the left pew at the front of the church. He is wearing a black 3-piece suit. His gaze is fixed on the door where the pallbearers supporting Lydia’s coffin stand unsteadily. His brother Otto has not arrived. FLORA (16 years old) sits in the opposite aisle next to an immaculately dressed woman in her 30s (ISABEL) who is motionless, looking forward. Flora is looking anxious, continually rising from her seat and looking beyond the open door. Maggie sits at the back of the church, wearing a black dress and lace mantilla, obscuring her distress and bloodshot tearful eyes. 30/04/2024 6

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 7David, in a sharp suit hastily enters the room, and sits opposite Maggie.The PRIEST signals the ORGANIST to start playing the sombre TONES OF HANDEL’S SARABANDE, the congregation stands to attention. Maggie remains seated and begins to sob, eyes shut, failing to restrain her tears from flowing down her cheeks onto her black lace handkerchief. The sound of Maggie crying echoes round the nave. The COFFIN BEARERS - who outnumber the congregation - move forward shuffling towards the altar. The Priest crosses himself and starts the sermon in Latin.PRIESTIn Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.Amen Dominus vob...After a moment, there is a sound of movement, a heavy tread followed by a large BANG as the church door is slammed shut. Edmund and Flora look round, Isabel still remains motionless with an expectant expression. The priest looks up momentarily from his text, resting his bejewelled stubby fingers on the bible, before looking back down. The LARGE FIGURE OF A MAN (OTTO, 32) appears out of the shadow into the dappled coloured prisms of light falling from the windows above. Holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and his cap in the other, Otto raises his arms, looking up seemingly in adoration to the multitude of grotesque gargoyles carved into the vaulted ceiling, he then starts groaning. The Priest looks up again, now realising the scandal facing him, he turns for guidance to the statue of Jesus, stone arms outstretched, hands open with forgiveness. The coffin-bearers stall and stand stiffly, looking back at the spectacle for a moment, before being commanded to move forward again. Otto sways down the aisle, bending forward, dropping his cap, he puts his hand to his mouth, ill or overcome by tears: laughing, monstrous giggles shiver his great frame from head to foot, turning into wet spluttering gurgles as he tries to stifle them. 30/04/2024 7

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 8OTTO(shouting)Oh God! Flora mutters something to Isabel. Otto has now descended silently to his knees as though to pray, now holding the bottle with both hands. David attempts to move but does not, Maggie looks at Otto with dark sardonic bitterness; Edmund gestures, encouraging, pleading with the priest to continue.PRIESTRequiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.Et lux perpetua luceat eis.Abandoning all attempt at concealment, Otto rises again and starts to rock side to side, before going off into a gargantuan fit: he laughs, he roars with tears running down his wet cheeks. As the cacophony of sound echoing round the cathedral becomes unbearable, the priest looks up, crossing the air in front of him before continuing the rite, thundering his voice down the aisle.PRIEST(Loudly)Fidelium animae, per misericordiamDei, requiescant in pace. The priest looks at Edmund to deal with the situation, but already David has seized him by the arm and marches him, still gasping and rumbling, towards the door. Isabel is standing perfectly still, as if nothing has happened.The coffin is placed on the pedestal. PRIESTAmen.The communion with Lydia is at an end. The line of coffin-bearers is in disarray whilst the priest, ruddy-faced and sweating profusely closes the bible with a finality. Lydia’s last chapter is over. EXT. CHURCH COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS9Otto sits on a stone step in the sunshine, repeating...OTTOOh God, oh my God! EDMUND Otto! You reek! 30/04/2024 8

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 9Edmund looks down at him with repulsion.Wiping his mouth with a filthy handkerchief, he is unable to stop laughing - pausing only for a moment, staring directly ahead with a humorous delighted expression on his face as if unable to endure the exquisitely comic nature of his own thoughts, before exploding again into a roar, eyes running with tears, spittle foaming down his chin. Sitting on the step above him, David - with his knee against Otto’s shoulder - pats him with a patient, almost abstracted air. Otto takes a swig from the bottle.OTTOOh my God! My God!DAVID My lord, my lord, be quiet, be still. Edmund looks at David with surprise and with an equal dislike.EDMUND(Caustic)Get him to the car. Two cars stand but ten yards off and beyond them the green trees of the Garden of Remembrance are resinous and sleepy in the sun. EDMUND(firmly)Get up. David takes one arm and Edmund the other as Otto rises between them like a giant log released from the sea bed. His face is radiantly serene as he belches and hiccups as they veer their way to the car. David opens the door and Otto falls in. EDMUND (repulsed)Take him away.David hesitates and then gets into the car. Maggie has disappeared, Isabel and Flora are now on the church steps, Edmund walks towards them. Isabel has a look of apology and appeal, something in her eyes also says: This often happens, things are like this, do not make too much of it. 30/04/2024 9

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 10Flora brushes past, tearing off her hat. The SOUND OF GRAVEL is heard as David drives the car out of the churchyard, an outline of Otto taking a swig from his bottle is seen in the back.EDMUND (V.O.)I simply wanted to shake them off like insects from my sleeve. In a few hours, I could leave them forever.FLORA(Angrily, to no one in particular)I’m going to walk home. She removes the pins in her red hair and lets it fall down upon her shoulders, as she recedes. ISABELCome with us, Edmund. EDMUNDNo thanks. I’ll stay here now. Don’t wait.INT. GOTHIC CATHEDRAL OF ST CUTHBERT’S IN DURHAM - CONTINUOUS10As Edmund enters the cremation hall, the coffin is slowly rolling into the furnace. The flames ignite, rapturously engulfing the coffin, its fingers caressing the wooden sarcophagus, singeing its grain, burning and erasing its circular lines.The steel doors close slowly, concealing the hungry fire in its final act.CUT FROM CREMATION FIRE TO THE FIRE IN THE FIREPLACE IN ISABEL’S ROOM. END ACT 130/04/2024 10

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 11ACT 2INT. ISABEL'S ROOM - DAY11Isabel’s room, a luscious and eclectic boudoir, is crammed with furniture and the furniture - encrusted with objects. Edmund’s heavy tread has set a myriad of trinkets tinkling like little bells. Isabel has changed into a flowery summer dressing-gown with fluffy backless bedroom-slippers. Under her elaborate curly hair, her face is small, with a little poised mouth and short pretty nose. She is thickly powdered, her eyebrows drawn in an exaggerated curve and crude greenish smudges above her big round brown eyes.Her antique gramophone, almost inaudible, is playing Sibelius.ISABELYou didn’t bring your car? EDMUNDNo. I hate driving Northward. Where is everyone?ISABELOtto would have crept back to his cave and Flora has a headache, so it’s just the two of us.Have a drink? Some whisky?EDMUNDNo, thanks. You know I don’t drink.ISABELUnlike your dear brother!EDMUNDHow long has it been going on? The alcohol?Edmund is distracted as he notices a lingering shadow under the door.ISABELQuite long, especially since Lydia got ill. She was the only person who could control him.Isabel offers Edmund a cigarette. 30/04/2024 11

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 12There is a KNOCK on the door and Maggie walks into the room with sandwiches.ISABEL(gesturing, with little eye contact)Thank you Maggie, that will do. Just put the sandwiches on the table.Isabel offers Edmund the cigarette again.EDMUND(annoyed)No! Isabel! You know I don’t smoke.Isabel playfully slides out a slender cigarette from a hackneyed Victorian silver case, delicately placing it on her pronounced bottom lip. She then lights the end with a deep inhalation before leaning back onto the mantle holding the cigarette in an exaggerated Greta Garbo pose between her index and middle fingers, a thick red smudge of lipstick is visible on the porous paper. With a smile, she blows the smoke into Edmund’s face, irritating him. ISABELPeople can change Edmund, even you!EDMUNDWell, I prefer not to. Things are generally better left alone.ISABELThen we just go on doing the same things over and over.EDMUNDLike drinking and smoking?ISABELYes, why not! Edmund, ignoring her, turns to the window. Out in the garden, slowly crossing the lawn in the bright sunshine is Flora. She has changed into a white summer dress. Isabel moves behind Edmund pushing her body tight against his, making him stiff and uncomfortable. They both watch Flora.30/04/2024 12

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 13ISABELLydia stole Flora from me. We hardly speak.(half under her breath)I wish I had other children.Flora disappears among the trees.Edmund escapes Isabel by moving across the room. He leans against the William Morris wallpaper, between two naked female watercolours. EDMUNDWhat is she doing now? ISABELShe is studying textile design at college, she has a flair for it you know. She must have inherited it from your father.EDMUND Father’s big talent draining away through us.ISABELOh, don’t be so dramatic, Edmund!The two watercolour paintings show Isabel in pose, semi-naked, semi-erotic, reclined on a Chaise Longue, reading and sleeping. Isabel walks towards the paintings, Edmund looks away, awkwardly. ISABELThey are beautiful aren't they. John preserved my youth forever. I was happy then, I loved him so and miss his company. He helped me survive here, it became very lonely when he died. These and the Spencer are all I have left.Edmund sighs and walks back to the mantel. EDMUNDIsabel, now look, the Spen.... ISABEL(interrupting firmly)It was in his will, you know that!30/04/2024 13

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 14EDMUNDWe’ve had the Spencer conversation. There was no will, was there!ISABELThat’s because Lydia burned it!EDMUNDIsabel...ISABELAfter all those terrible things she did to you... Edmund turns to leave the room, Isabel grabs his arm. They both stand in silence, she tries to hug Edmund but he remains rigid. ISABELOh don't be so grumpy. Haven’t you missed me? You’re terrible at keeping in touch! EDMUNDIsabel, there isn’t a even a phone in the house, is there?ISABELThanks to your mum! Isabel walks to the table. ISABELI’m starving, all that excitement this morning. Otto surely outdid himself this time.Isabel offers Edmund the silver tray with a plate of sandwiches and a small bowl of fruit.Edmund takes some grapes out of the bowl, plucking them individually. Even though the sun is shining brightly outside, the FIRE is burning a dazzling red and gold. Isabel takes some drooping flowers from a vase and throws them on to the blaze. There is a SIZZLING as the room is filled with a sweet pungent smell.EDMUNDIt’s like a blast furnace. Surely you don’t need it in summer. 30/04/2024 14

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 15ISABELIt’s company, like a dog. I enjoy feeding it. EDMUND I thought you only did it to annoy Lydia. Edmund backs away uncomfortably from the flames as Isabel throws on another log. He leans on the end of the mantel, carefully shifting some ivory water-buffaloes out of reach of his elbow.ISABELSit down, Edmund, you’ll break something. You’re much too big for this room anyway. At least take your tie off.Isabel’s voice with emotion becomes more Scottish. EDMUNDI am fine, I’ll stand if you don’t mind. I always prefer standing.Isabel sits down on a velvet sewing-chair which was treading upon the toes of a Georgian games-table and some ambiguous pieces of Chinoiserie.Edmund looks at his watch. EDMUNDWhat’s happening between you and Otto?ISABELOtto’s Gothic, you know.He is the North. He’s primitive, gross. Otto’s the sort of man who’ll pee into a sink even if there’s a toilet next to him.I never see him now, he sleeps in the workshop.EDMUNDSo David is his new apprentice. What happened to the last one?30/04/2024 15

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 16ISABELOh, he left early one morning with all the cash he could lay hands on and a lot of Otto’s disgusting clothes. Of course, Otto did nothing about it. EDMUNDWhat’s the new one like? She gets up from her chair and minces, threading the furniture, to the window and looks out.ISABELHe arrived one day out of the blue, he has a sister or something with him, he hasn’t done anything outrageous so far. Isabel laughs an awkward little laugh. ISABELI’ve been so lonely. She walks to the drinks table and places her glass down. ISABELI wish I could leave.EDMUNDWhy don’t you?ISABELDon’t be stupid.Isabel pours more whisky into her glass, pausing to look into the dark oaky liquid.ISABELWe all are in some way or other imprisoned, aren't we?Still looking into the glass, she now fills it up. ISABELEven Lydia was afraid to leave this place. EDMUNDWas Lydia afraid to leave or for us to leave Lydia? Isabel takes another swig of her drink.30/04/2024 16

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Rebel Republic Films(MORE)30/04/2024 17ISABELThe only thing that consoles me now is sleep. Every night is an imitation of death. Without that I would have killed myself long ago.EDMUNDNow who is being dramatic! Isabel moves from the window to the mantelpiece and begins to drop dry shaggy bits of wood onto the fire. Edmund looks at his watch. EDMUNDI have to leave and if I can get hold of Otto now, I’ll catch the five o’clock train.ISABELWhat?!Already half-way to the door, Edmund turns to her, Isabel’s plump hands are crossed at her throat. She stretches out an arm in Edmund’s direction. She seems, in her golden fiery shrine, like a prophetess. ISABELYou can’t go!EDMUNDWell, really I –ISABEL(Interrupting)You must stay. Something will hold you here. You must stay on now and help us. Otto needs you. We all need you. Who else could I have talked to like this? I was so much looking forward to your coming. You are the only person who can heal us.EDMUND (Mumbling)Perhaps no one can.ISABEL(not hearing Edmund)You are a sort of doctor. You are the assessor, the judge, the inspector, the liberator. (MORE)30/04/2024 17

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Rebel Republic FilmsISABEL (CONT’D)30/04/2024 18You will clear us all up. You will set us in order. You will set us free.Edmund is thoroughly alarmed by this speech. EDMUND(firmly)I am not a Doctor, Judge, Liberator or Inspector. I’m sorry, I don’t exactly have to go, but I intend to go. I can’t do anything for you or anyone else here. The tense prophetic little figure droops, and shambles back to the fire, knocking over a small table. One of her fluffy slippers has come off. She pours out some more whisky.ISABEL(without looking at Edmund)Perhaps you’re right. I shouldn’t have bothered you. It’s just that I’m caged, bored. I want emotion and pistol shots.EDMUND (V.O.)Emotion and pistol shots: Lydia had wanted these things too. They were just what I feared and hated. Edmund leaves the room.INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT - DREAM SEQUENCE12There is a huge TIGRESS reclining at the base of the staircase, under the shadow of Lydia’s portrait. She is scouring the hallway, guarding her mistress’ domain. A young tubby GINGER BOY creeps up quietly to the banister, squeezing his round freckled face between the hewed rails to peer down at the animal. The tigress, sensing a presence raises her head, sniffing the air for information before sharply turning and looking directly at the Boy. Rising up on all fours, she bounds with one giant leap onto the wooden steps splintering them with her razor sharp claws as she powers up onto the landing. In a state of panic, the Boy runs into a bedroom, desperately attempting to squeeze his large frame under a wire sprung bed, getting stuck on a wire with his legs protruding. ISABEL (CONT’D)30/04/2024 18

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 19A lingering SHADOW under the door is accompanied by the sound of HEAVY SNIFFING. The door is slowly pushed open, the tigress’ pink nose and large whiskers protrude through. GINGER BOY(sobbing)Please don’t eat me...Please don’t eat me...The Tigress, seeing her prey squeezed under the bed with his ruddy legs exposed, makes her way to the victim, carefully grabbing the Boy’s foot and dragging him out. He screams.GINGER BOYI didn't do anything wrong, I promise! It wasn't me, it was Edmund.With the tigress’ last tug the Boy’s shoe comes off, enabling him to run down the corridor into another room, slamming the door shut and pushing a chair behind it.The Boy dashes towards the bedside table, picking up the TELEPHONE, dialling 999 to call for help. The dial, made of marzipan, begins to melt. Looking mesmerised and unable to resist, he hungrily licks his sticky fingers. The door bursts open and Lydia is standing there... INT. WORKSHOP - DAY13Edmund and Otto are in the workshop, Otto is stuffing a sandwich into his mouth, licking his fingers. OTTO(excitedly)And of course, everything is about Lydia...As Otto continues retelling the story of his dream to Edmund, we observe the detail of his workshop: it has large slabs of worked and unworked stone rising and receding about the central space, having a megalithic solemnity, like a meeting-place for Druids. The stone gives back a peculiar marmoreal quality of sound. Otto mainly produces gravestones and memorials. The sober plain surfaces of slate or marble here and there are recorded in confident impeccable Blado or Baskerville scripts. A beautifully executed memorial tablet of dark green Cornish slate lays upon the work bench. Edmund notes with approval the neat clean array of tools.30/04/2024 19

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 20Edmund walks between the slabs observing Otto’s work: “John Harris, loving Father”, “Mary Eliot, caring Grandmother” - before hovering over “Here lies Philip Alan, an atheist all dressed up and nowhere to go”.OTTOThat’s for Philip the butcher in Gray’s road. There have been some great ones over the years, “Ashley Yeast - forgive me for not rising” is probably my favourite.A bright clear light from above shows the irregular whitewashed walls, now gauzy with innumerable cobwebs. Otto is sitting on top of his folded overcoat upon a long low marble tomb with his plate balanced on his knee. His lunch consists of crackers, butter and cheese in great quantity, and in a cardboard box beside him, a mound of herbs which he had plucked in handfuls from the overgrown garden. Otto is plastering on to a biscuit a piece of butter the size of a table tennis ball with a pocket-knife. With red bulging fingers, he adds bushy sprigs of mint and marjoram on top, home to small insects and caterpillars. His gaping mouth remains open, revealing a green biscuity mess within. EDMUND (V.O.)Feeding Otto was like feeding an elephant or a gorilla. His great size required an immense bulk of green stuff per day.OTTO(Mumbling)Odd, isn’t it... Spewing out biscuit crumbs as he chews.OTTO..that we are both practically vegetarians. I’m a vegetable man and you’re a fruit man. I expect it’s something to do with Lydia. Most things about us are!EDMUNDLike dreaming of phones and predators.30/04/2024 20

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 21Edmund, still wearing his suit, leans on the worktop covering his jacket sleeve with dust. He pats the dust off.OTTOI’ve just swallowed a furry caterpillar! Poor little bugger. (smirks)Will he poison me, do you think? I wonder what it’s like to be eaten, and... Edmund looks at his watch.EDMUND(interrupting)Otto -Otto pauses for a moment then places his dirty hand on Lydia’s tombstone in some momentary solace. OTTO(Thumping the stone)All right, all right. Things to be decided. Such as “wife”, “mother” “beloved”, “devoted”, “loving”...EDMUND All the words she detested, Otto. Why not just her name?OTTOLydia. It sounds like a little dog.EDMUNDI mean her full name, you arse.Anyway, you decide.OTTOFunny, isn’t it ... Otto is cramming a another handful of green, crumbling biscuity cheese in, chewing as he speaks.OTTO....that I’m always so constipated in spite of all the green stuff. Green seems the natural colour of food, doesn’t it? Has it ever struck you that we don’t eat anything blue?Edmund, repulsed, is brushing breadcrumbs off his trouser leg that Otto spat out. 30/04/2024 21

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 22EDMUNDOtto -OTTOHave some whisky, Ed, or are you still on the waggon?EDMUNDWhen have I ever been off the waggon? Haven’t you had enough for today?Otto shakes his head sadly.OTTOYou just don’t understand about addictions. You always wants more. The more you have, the more you want and the more frantically you want it. Otto gazes immobile at the cobwebby wall.Otto has a large red face with an short straight nose, a high wrinkled sweaty forehead, tracts of soft pendulous cheeks. Like Edmund, he needs to shave twice a day and unlike Edmund fails to do so. His hair, more plentiful than Edmund’s - once ginger, had aged into a ruddy brown, wig-like, very slightly curly round the dome of his head, like a middle-aged operatic bass. When he draws breath one might expect an organ-like boom. His striped pyjamas are protruding from the ends of his funeral suit trousers. OTTOYou remember the Hindu story Father used to tell us, about the two birds on the tree, how one eats the fruit and the other watches and does not eat? Well, you’re the one that watches and I’m the one that eats. I eat and eat and drink and drink. I try to swallow the world.(suddenly changing the tone to more confidential, gossipy)Was Isabel complaining to you? Well, I expect she was. She finds me disgusting. I am - disgusting! Otto swigs his whiskey. 30/04/2024 22

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 23EDMUNDBy the way, I found a lot of fine engraving boxwood blocks in Father’s room. Do you mind if I take them?Otto gazes up at the wall which is covered in ripped out PAGES from 1960s magazines - girls, art, fonts, headstones - and Otto’s school rugby team photograph where he sits in the centre, as captain, immense in size compared to the other boys. Otto approaches the picture of the Eve of Autun carving. OTTOAh, if I could have ever carved anything like this – the seductive temptress, Eve at Autun, that dreaming, swimming, dazed Eve of Gislebertus. Did you know, they had to hide the stone for 500 years, to save men from their carnal thoughts. But I’m good for nothing, just provincial tombstones.He takes another swig of whiskey. Edmund look at his watch. EDMUND I’ve got to catch my train. Did Lydia leave a will?Otto stares at Edmund, his mouth gaping, his eyes round and blood-shot. OTTO(speaking softly)Poor Lydia is just dead and you are looking at your watch and speaking of wills.Edmund stands silently.Otto looks like he’s going to erupt, Edmund takes a step back. However, tears well out of Otto’s eyes and he bows his big head into his hands. A red flush spreads down his neck.Edmund reluctantly sits on a block of Portland stone.30/04/2024 23

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 24EDMUND (V.O.)In a strange way I missed her too. But I felt an iron intention to postpone my grief until I get back to my own house. Here it would be, somehow, too dangerous. I did not want to catch some last infection from the shade of Lydia.Otto wipes his face with one of the rags he used to clean his chisels, leaving black marks across his cheeks. OTTOI haven’t found the will yet. At least, Isabel hasn’t found it, and she started looking as soon as Lydia had the first stroke. There may not be one.EDMUNDThat wouldn’t be Lydia would it, not to make one. Isabel is still hankering for the Spencer.OTTODo you think she is right about Father’s will, that Lydia burned it?EDMUNDIt wouldn’t be Father not to make one either, would it?There is a sound of a creak in the background, Edmund looks up.A figure suddenly emerges from behind a tombstone. It is David, carrying a tray. It is unclear how long he had been there. Edmund stares at him. David walks over to Otto, who gives up his plate and the greasy remains of his meal. David packs the tray neatly. He looks at Edmund with a slightly coy air, stretching his long neck like an animal, his big lips impudently pursed.David tosses his longish blond hair forward to veil his eyes as he leans over deftly removing the fragments of biscuit and cheese which had formed a milky way down the front of Otto’s jacket. He gently removes a lump of butter from Otto’s cheek with his finger, balances the tray lightly on one hand and stands springily to attention. 30/04/2024 24

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 25DAVIDAnd when I get back, my Lord Otto, to work?OTTOYes, David. Otto hauls himself obediently to his feet with a grunt while David, with another coy look at Edmund, disappears among the stones.EDMUND (Irritated)Why do you let him address you in that stupid way?Otto picks up a wooden mell and balances it in his hand. OTTOHe’s a good boy. EDMUND You say that about all your apprentices, usually in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary. I don’t like him.Why is he touching you like that? Well, I’ll be off –Otto shambles after Edmund, they climb over a little suburb of marble blocks and open the door. It is cool and grey in the workshop with the clear northern light from above. The door opens upon the damp sunny jungle of an English summer. EXT. GARDEN - CONTINUOUS14Edmund and Otto walk past one corner of the house where the Virginia creeper hangs like light green cutout paper upon the blackish-red brick, the edge of a triangle of lawn seems almost golden in the sun. Flora stands in the midst of this haze of gold. OTTOInnocence, innocence. Yet we were there once –Edmund crosses the lawn, eager to pack his bag and order a taxi. 30/04/2024 25

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 26Flora is waiting for him under Isabel’s open window where SAD SOUNDS OF SIBELIUS creep across the lawn. Isabel’s silhouette is visible from behind the net curtain. Flora looks up. FLORAEdmund, could I speak to you for a moment? Shall we go over there? Edmund looks at his watch before following Flora across the garden.EDMUND(exasperated)Yes, if we are not too long.The trees at the edge of the lawn are a mix of conifers and birches, very tall with long bare silver stems and high feathery foliage. The stream skirts the lawn and the trees create an archway, through which could be seen a shimmering of bamboos of a deeper golden green. The waterfall distantly murmurs. Wild flowers and grasses covers the bank and makes the path invisible and all but impassable as Flora pushes on ahead with determination, in the half-light. A MAGPIE appears.FLORA(reflective)Do you remember Grandma always said that magpies were the devil’s birds, carrying a drop of his blood in their tongues, sent from the underworld to play mischief upon man?Edmund, still wearing his suit and feeling the heat, is sweating and anxious to turn back.FLORA(darkly)If you were to cut out the tongue and release the blood, then the bird would be capable of human speech.EDMUNDThe only magpie around here that I know has the power of speech is your mum, and you can’t stop her talking.30/04/2024 26

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 27Another magpie appears.FLORA(happily, pointing them)One for sorrow, two for joy.Suddenly there is a SOUND OF A CLICK, promptly followed by a rustle from the undergrowth of the nearby copse. They both turn their heads. FLORAIt’s best we go down to the beach. Edmund looks back to the house, its sour blackened brickwork encapsulating a rectangle of warm moving light, Isabel’s silhouette still discernible. Flora walks on.EXT. BEACH - CONTINUOUS15The cascade falls from a shelf of rock at the base of the hill, vertically 100 feet straight into a black pool, swirling before bleeding between two large rocks onto the sandy beach. They walk down to the water’s edge, the ruins of a castle are visible in distance.One more magpie appears. Flora stops and stares at the bird.FLORAThree for a girl!Long pause. FLORA(nervously and softly)Edmund…I am pregnant.Edmund is shocked. Flora gently rubs her face all over with both hands as if moulding it.FLORAAnd you’ve got to help me.You’ve just got to.You’re the only person.Edmund stares at her, paralysed.EDMUNDWho did this?FLORAIt’s a boy at the college.30/04/2024 27

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Rebel Republic Films(MORE)30/04/2024 28EDMUNDWho?FLORA(after a pause)Charlie Hop-good. But he’s not important.EDMUNDHave you told your parents?FLORADon’t be stupid!You know my father. He would want to murder somebody.And mother is useless.And Lydia... is not here anymore.Flora is standing wearily.FLORAThere are ways, aren’t there?There is a woman in town who does this sort of thing for a fiver.EDMUNDAre you insane?!What, an abortion with an old witch poisoning you with some potion? Do you know how many girls are killed every year and if you survive, you can end up sterile or damaged for life.It’s illegal, Flora!FLORA(Desperate)I know. I just don’t have the money.Can you then find me a doctor away from here, no one needs to know.EDMUNDNo, don’t do it, you shouldn’t kill the child.FLORAYou don’t know what it’s like, you men!I have this thing inside me, like a monster growing and growing. I hate it. Why should I ruin my whole life at its very start? (MORE)30/04/2024 28

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Rebel Republic FilmsFLORA (CONT’D)30/04/2024 29I’m young, I want to have my youth and my freedom and get away from this place.I don’t want a child now and I certainly don’t want this horrible thing.(after a pause)You wouldn’t understand.EDMUND(Pauses)I understand more than you know.It’s not the child’s fault, it’s innocent.You would be destroying a whole life.A life like your own.FLORA(violently)Look, if you won’t help me then I will deal with it myself. So go and catch your bloody train and leave me alone!Flora looks away. An awkwardly long silence follows.EDMUNDOk.FLORA(relieved)Come to my room at eight o’clock, that will give us time to get ready.Flora tramples and climbs through the tall reeds, disappearing instantly behind a curtain of green.Left alone, Edmund closes his eyes for a moment as he takes in the fresh sea breeze.CUT TO BLACK.EXT. BEACH – EDMUND’S DREAM SEQUENCE 116NOTE: WE SEE THE SEQUENCE THROUGH EDMUND'S POVEdmund opens his eyes revealing that the bright blue clear sky has turned to a stormy foreboding grey, fusing into the Stygian sea. It’s very cold and white FLAKES OF SNOW are falling.FLORA (CONT’D)30/04/2024 29

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 30Edmund opens the palm of his left hand catching a flake, the prisms melt on the warmth of his exposed skin.A fourth magpie joins the others.Edmund shuts his eyes again.CUT TO BLACK:YOUNG WOMAN (O.S.)(echoing, transitioning between Flora’s and another young woman’s voice)You must help me... you must help me...CUT TO:A young woman is next to Edmund in the beach, her hair is obscuring her face.YOUNG WOMAN(Not discernible)You must help me, Edmund.CUT TO:Looking through the bedroom window, Edmund sees policemen BANGING on the Narraway family home front door.CUT TO:A group of boys approach and aggressively push Edmund over in the school yard.SCHOOL BOYFucking poof!CUT TO:TWO POLICEMEN are with Lydia, John and Edmund in the kitchen.POLICEMAN 1We have been informed a that a serious criminal act has taken place.CUT TO:A student enters the school’s cricket pavilion and finds Edmund being intimate with semi-dressed boy (JAMES, 16). CUT TO:30/04/2024 30

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 31POLICEMAN 2Under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885.Of gross indecency.Indecent assault.Underage sex.Unlawful sex.CUT TO:A hospital room. DOCTORYour mother made the right choice. Prison is no place for a young man like you. CUT TO:A group of men in medieval peasant clothing is shouting, closing in around a long-haired redhead woman in a simple robe, a Latin chant is heard. CUT TO:Edmund and a young woman are on the beach.EDMUND(Not discernible)You can’t kill the child.CUT TO:Hospital, Edmund’s legs beings strapped down DOCTORIt’s for your own good.CUT TO:POLICEMAN 2... Acts if proven in a court of law would lead to a prison sentence of up to 10 years.CUT TO:YOUNG WOMAN(Not discernible)I beg you Edmund, please help me.CUT TO:30/04/2024 31

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 32Edmund walks down a dark corridor towards a door, it is slightly open with light and sounds of laughter spilling out. He looks through the narrow gap between the door and frame. A MIDDLE-AGED LYDIA is standing by her bed, wearing a black silk dressing gown, she lights a cigarette and takes a drag. Maggie, in underwear, is sitting at the dressing table, undoing her hair. Lydia leans over her, caresses her, moving one hand across her breast and down between her legs whilst holding the cigarette to Maggie's lips with the other.She inhales, with a fixed gaze at Lydia's reflection in the mirror but then catches a glimpse of an eye peering into the room and turns round to look at Edmund directly.We see Lydia’s POV of Edmund standing by the door. EDMUNDPlease help me.QUICK JUMP CUTS BETWEEN THE CHARACTERS FROM DIFFERENT DREAM SCENES.FLORAPlease help me. YOUNG WOMAN(looking directly at Edmund)Please help mePOLICEMAN 1(looking directly at Edmund)Criminal act...EDMUNDPlease help meDOCTOR(looking directly at Edmund)Sick and perversePOLICEMAN 2(looking directly at Edmund)10 years prison sentence. CUT TO:Edmund is with the psychiatrist.30/04/2024 32

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 33PSYCHIATRISTSoon these urges, these thoughts, these perversions, will make you feel sick and disgusted.CUT TO:Edmund, packing his bag in his bedroom, he is in a state, throwing cloths quickly in and slamming the lid shut.CUT TO:The psychiatrist's attaches electrodes to Edmund's legs and head. There is a MALE orderly standing behind Edmund pulling a leather strap around Edmund's chest and arms, locking him into position on the chair. Edmund screams. CUT TO:Rope is pulled around the redhead woman’s body and arms, tying her tight to a stake, surrounded by dry sticks. She screams. CUT TO:Edmund pulls the leather straps around his suitcase, the movements repeating the orderly's movements. Edmund is in the garden walking away from the house, he looks back to see Lydia watching him from the window.CUT TO:An orderly forces a rubber stopper in Edmund's mouth. The psychiatrist raises a card of a naked man 6 inches from Edmund's face.PSYCHIATRISTWe will make a man out of you, yet.He presses a red button to release the current to the electrodes, we hear Edmund's muffled screams.INT. JOHN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT17Edmund sits up sharply, breathless like an awakened corpse staring at the unfamiliar window, while his heart races. There is a hint of light in the room, the first light of morning.The house is very still and yet alive as if it breathed softly with the breath of sleeping women. Edmund shivers, and creeps to the wide-open window. 30/04/2024 33

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 34The faint dawn light, scarcely less than darkness, shows only the silhouette of the birch trees. The moon is down, perfectly spherical, large but mute behind the misty haze.Edmund leans out a little, looking down. Something appears on the lawn, something bright and coloured in the middle of the greyness. He stares at the apparition. He can’t make out what it is or even where it is. It might have been on the ground or in mid air. It moves a little, seems to recede, and disappears. Then a sound comes, the sound, very low, a kind of moan or sigh.UNKNOWN PERSONAaaahThe coloured thing reappears and Edmund realises that it is the light of a torch shining upon the grass. Beside it gradually discerns the shadowy figure of a woman.EDMUND(whispering, scared)Lydia!Edmund dons his trousers and jacket over his pyjamas and puts on shoes. He descends the stairs in darkness and fumbles with the chain on the front door. As he quietly opens it, he feels both hunter and hunted. To his alarmed relief, the figure is still there. She looks up in his direction. EXT. GARDEN - CONTINUOUS 18As Edmund moves into the lawn, the figure shines the torch straight into his face. Stepping to avoid the light, he finds himself very close to her. She has still not moved, and her silhouette, stands in silence. In a tense atmosphere, Edmund stretches out a hand to reassure her, she takes a step back. EDMUND(speaking softly)What are you doing here?UNKNOWN WOMAN(speaking slowly)I have come to see the worms dance.Her face is still shrouded in shadow and her strange words make Edmund feel as if he is still dreaming. Her long dress is in fact a nightgown.30/04/2024 34

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 35UNKNOWN WOMANYou see, here they are, so many of them.She shines the torch on the ground. The lawn is covered, strewn, with innumerable long glistening worms. The lawn is thick with them. They lay extended, long, thin, translucent, their tails in their holes; and as the torch comes down, approaching nearer to them, they draw in their length and then whisk back into the earth with the quickness of a snake. The Unknown Woman drops her torch, Edmund picks it up.EDMUND Who are you and what are you doing here?She does not respond.EDMUND(louder, more officiously)Who are you, what are you doing here?Edmund then points the flashlight to her face, long strands of metallic silver hair covering her eyes reflect the light. She runs off, vanishing as if she has wrapped herself in the layers of morning light, as the eastern sky begins to glow with the colour of an iridescent rose. Edmund chases after her.EDMUNDStop, stop.Turning back, the Woman sees that she is being pursued, a VOICE calls after her, a flashlight catching her, triggering her deepest, innermost fears and dark memories of the past. Edmund’s calls are merged with the sounds of dogs barking and shouts in another language. CUT TO:EXT. NIGHT FOREST - ELSA’S FLASHBACK 19She looks round again and starts to run franticly, the shouts become louder and now it is clear the language is Russian, that of soldiers accompanied by dogs. RUSSIAN SOLDIERSOstnovis’ o to budem strelyat’(Stop, otherwise we will shoot) 30/04/2024 35

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 36UNKNOWN WOMANPapa, papa! Gde ti? (Father, father, where are you?)RUSSIAN SOLDIERSOstonovis’! (Stop!)SOUND OF GUNFIRE, The soldiers chase after her, they head towards the darkness of the forest. CUT TO:EXT. GARDEN - NIGHT - PRESENT20Barefoot, she splashes through a boggy marsh, she slides and slips over in the mud. Looking round and in a terrified state she sees a soldier rapidly approaching, she enters the summerhouse in panic. She tries to slam the door shut. A heavy boot blocks her thrust, followed by the nose of a snarling, barking dog, ferociously pushing through the gap. Their force is too great and as she falls backwards, the door is flung open, revealing Edmund standing there, panting, rubbing his bruised foot. INT. SUMMERHOUSE - CONTINUOUS 21The summer-house was originally a round building, with two rooms up above and a kitchen annexe below. Wooden stairs ascended from the lower space. EDMUNDI’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Edmund Narraway, Otto’s brother. Are you David’s sister?Rising up from the floor, Elsa stands motionless, covered in mud looking like a terracotta statue from some ancient temple. Her long nightgown is yellow, her feet now brown with mud and blots of blood from a bleeding knee are dirty and bare. Her metallic platinum hair looks almost greenish now, falls to her waist, lank and straight. Her face, blurred in the sudden glare seems dead white. After an prolonged period of silence Edmund turns off the torch.ELSAYes.Yes, I am Elsa. 30/04/2024 36

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 37Elsa looks around, while catching her breath and turns towards Edmund. ELSASorry, I thought you were... something else.(after a pause)Please, come in.Edmund hesitates, then follows her path of wet prints across the floor and up the dusty creaking oak steps. The first room has the air of a landing, with nothing in it except a huge oak chest and a ragged sagging sofa. Shivering, Elsa turns her back to Edmund to peel off her nightgown, revealing her porcelain skin, pale and waxen as if it would be cold and not quite human to the touch. Edmund notices a large scar on her right shoulder. She pulls on a very large tatty jumper, falling comfortingly over her knees. Taller than her brother, her lips are scarlet, her eyebrows are two thick black triangles, and a turquoise-blue pencil line is drawn around her eyes. Her exceedingly dark gaze make Edmund feel like he is in the presence of a sorceress or an artificial woman. Elsa points to the sofa. ELSATake a seat. EDMUND(in low voice)I was just surprised at seeing you on the lawn. I don’t want to wake your brother. Edmund remains standing as Elsa picks up a PACK OF TAROT CARDS from the table, she spins around and sits cross-legged on the floor, shuffling vigorously.ELSADavid does not sleep here. ELSAAs above, and so below As in water and as in snowAs in light, this magic churns As in flame, this magic burns. 30/04/2024 37

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 38Elsa then separates the cards into three neat stacks on the floor before combining them again and after another quick shuffle, with a sweeping movement, she fans the deck out across the wooden boards.With eyes shut, with her left hand, she slowly slides three cards away from the core. ELSAYour left hand is your feminine side, the seat of intuition and closer to your heart, controlled by the right side of the brain. In the ancient times they believed the left hand was controlled by the Devil. Elsa turns the first card over.ELSAThe Page of Swords, both Boy and Girl. The diplomat, to facilitate sensitive negotiations but also sometimes a double agent, playing one side against the other. The watcher who needs to be watched.Elsa, staring at Edmund, turns over the second card.ELSAThe Moon, not everything is as it seems, an illusion, a deception in the shadows of night. Many things are hiding in your subconscious, Edmund, things affecting your ability to accept the truth, the truth in life and love.Elsa carefully turns the third card over.ELSA(looking concerned and directly at Edmund)The Tower - upheaval, chaos and even destruction. She pauses.ELSAThere is no escaping this card, not for any of us. You need to surrender to the card no matter how painful it will be. 30/04/2024 38

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 39Elsa continues with an ironic smile. ELSAAnd we all thought you were here to save us, but maybe we are here to save you.She swiftly changes the subject. ELSAWait, I must show you something. After all you are the brother.And we have waited for your coming. Elsa moves towards the closed door and throws it wide open. INT. SUMMERHOUSE BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS22Sprawled upon a low bed and lying half naked in deep sleep, is Otto.Elsa senses Edmund’s unease and smiles.ELSAHe won’t wake up, he’s drunk. He’s my big pig. Moving over to the bed, Elsa prods Otto violently in the ribs with her bare foot. Otto groans and settles his head more deeply into a pile of female underwear. She looks at Edmund as if for approval. Otto is wearing two very dirty round-necked vests rolled up in tubes about his chest and a pair of equally long woollen pants pulled well down upon his hips. His thick soft waist is revealed, covered with ginger curly hairs and below it the bare white protuberance of his stomach and the black cup of his navel, seemingly full of earth. The floor is covered with a mass of clothes that encumbers ankles like sticky sea-weed. A half-empty WHISKY BOTTLE stands upright in one of Otto’s shoes. Elsa sits down on the bed and gestures to Edmund to sit too. Very cautiously he sits down, the odorous bulk of Otto rising and falling between them. He stares at Elsa, she seems solemn, cool, with an air of ceremony. ELSAEdmund from the South, will you have some whisky?30/04/2024 39

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 40EDMUNDNo! ,Thank youWhere are you from? Elsa picks up the bottle from Otto’s shoe and tilts it to her lips. ELSAWe are not from here nor there. She pauses.ELSAOur parents were famous musicians from Leningrad, activists, they fought against the state. She takes another swig. ELSA...and lost.We escaped across the northern forest to find freedom, but they were waiting, someone told them, mum got captured and father was shot in the hand. Their bullet found me too.Elsa runs her hand across the scar.EDMUNDAnd where did you go?ELSAFather looked for work in Finland, Germany, France but no one wanted to employ a crippled musician. Ever since we left, he desperately tried to find a way to contact mother but there was only silence. EDMUNDWhere is he now?ELSADead.After a pause, in a calmer, brighter tone, Elsa extends her hand towards Edmund, showing her rings. 30/04/2024 40

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 41ELSAYou see these rings? They have been passed on through generations and this yellow one is from Siberia and it is my favourite.I believe for everything bad there is something good, you just have to look for it and you will find it. EDMUNDAnd have you found it?Elsa looks at Otto.ELSAYes, his heart is kind and beautiful, like a child. Look, he gave me this.She picks up the POLAROID CAMERA and immediately takes a picture of Edmund. The flash makes him reel back. She pulls the strip from the back of the camera and peels the photo from the paper. ELSA(cheekily)I now have my missing piece. You were not here, I looked for you, now you are and like this picture - soon everything will become clear. She leans back on the bed and lifts up the photograph towards the ceiling. As the image starts to develop, the weak flush of morning light seeps through the window. Drawing her knees up, she thrusts them into the crook of Otto’s knees before closing her eyes. Otto moves slumberously at her contact and for a moment the two bodies quiver and shift in sympathy before settling down conjoined, her head against his neck, her bloodstained knees within his, her muddy hand in his hand. They look cosily conjugal. Edmund carefully takes the picture from her hand and continues to watch it develop. As he goes to put it down, he notices a dozen or so polaroids on the table, Edmund cautiously picks them up, ensuring his impropriety is not seen. He starts to look at the pictures one by one: There is a picture of Otto asleep naked on the bed — Edmunds pulls a disapproving face; worms on the lawn; the full Moon; Elsa’s own selfie in the mirror; John’s room; Isabel in her window — unaware she is being observed; Otto mooning; and the Castle. 30/04/2024 41

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 42Two polaroids of an old photograph of young Edmund and a friend make him pause. He rubs his thumb across the picture, across the friend, putting it to one side. Then a photo of Lydia’s hallway portrait with her face cut out; Edmund and Flora by the beach taken the day before — Edmund looks uncomfortable and annoyed, also putting the picture to one side. He pauses again, seeing a picture of Lydia lying dead in the bed. He’s about to put the pile down, but then decides to continue. There is a picture of Maggie unaware, through the kitchen window — standing next to a mannequin with a partially sewn red dress and talking to a grey-haired man in a suit, writing notes on a document. More Polaroids — rings on Elsa’s fingers; a blurry dark figure at night on the beach by the rocks; another blurry image of the same figure but closer. Then another photo of the same person, this one sharp — a grey-haired woman looking directly at the camera with her piercing eyes, surrounded by magpies. Edmund quickly shuffles through the pictures to see if there are any more of this woman before settling back on the same picture, looking like he has seen a ghost.He carefully puts a few of the photos in his inside pocket. A shadow grows large across the bedroom wall. Edmund looks around, startled. David is standing at the top of the stairs, smug, pouting, spinning his bunch of keys around his middle finger.DAVID(Irking)So you have discovered the love birds! Edmund moves away from the bed and passes David without looking at him. He rapidly heads down the creaking steps.EXT. GARDEN - MORNING23The sun is streaking the birch trunks with a pure and scarcely spotted white. David follows Edmund out.DAVIDHow long were you watching them? EDMUNDGo away.Edmund keeps walking on, still not looking at David. 30/04/2024 42

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Rebel Republic Films(MORE)30/04/2024 43DAVIDDo you normally rummage people’s personal things?Edmund angrily turns to face David, he opens his mouth to speak but takes a breath.EDMUND(Controlled)What are you after, Levkin?DAVIDMy name is pronounced Lyevkin. It means “little lion”. As he speaks, David slowly walks into Edmund’s space.DAVID(seductively)Do you think I am like a lion, Mr Edmund? Edmund angrily turns and walks away, David follows him.DAVID(goading)Did my sister tell you her stories...? The story of escaping the Russians...? And our father’s hand hit by machine-gun bullets...? He died of a broken heart...? All made up, just like story of the rings. Edmund aggressively turns around to face David. EDMUNDAnd the scar on her shoulder? DAVIDA childhood accident. EDMUND(Seething)Whatever you’re up to, don’t think you’ll get away with it. I am not a gullible as my brother.I’d advise you to keep your mouth shut, you haven’t been long enough in this country to be able to take any chances. (MORE)30/04/2024 43

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Rebel Republic FilmsEDMUND (CONT’D)30/04/2024 44I don’t suppose you’ve even got a British passport. DAVID(Theatrical)A British passport?! Why do you think so, because I have an accent or is it because I look different to you? Mr Edmund John Narraway, I am as British as you are, and speaking of being British, don’t you know it’s awfully bad manners to be late for an appointment with a lady. Good day to you. Edmund, face flushed, realises he is an hour late to meet Flora. He starts running towards the house. INT. FLORA’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS24Edmund runs into Flora’s room, shaking the place, hoping she must still be there waiting. The little table is laid neatly for breakfast with two plates and several bowls of fruit: apples, bananas, oranges, apricots. There is also bread, butter, Swiss cherry jam, and a big jug of milk. Having laid it all out with loving care, Flora herself is gone.There is a note propped up on the table. I waited and you did not come. F. Edmund sits down heavily on the bed, annoyed with himself. He looks up and sees someone looking at him. EDMUNDOh, Maggie, didn’t see you there, sorry. So she’s gone. You say she looked for me everywhere? She went to catch the bus, just before ten, of course.Maggie looks at Edmund with the distant air of a servant. EDMUND (V.O.)It seemed to me that I had undergone some sort of dubious enchantment, captured by magicians. I knew, this was just an excuse. Edmund takes the pictures out of his pocket and looks at the poloariod of him and Flora, Then he looks at the one of the woman with magpies. EDMUND (CONT’D)30/04/2024 44

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 45INT. HALLWAY - DAY - OTTO’S DREAM 25A TEENAGE OTTO is awakened by a noise, he comes out of his bedroom to the landing and sees a GIANT SNAKE slithering up the staircase, causing him to panic. The snake chases after him, Otto reaches a room slamming the door shut, causing the key to tumble onto the floor. As Otto reaches down, the snake flicks its forked tongue under the door gripping his wrist tight. Leaning back with all his weight, Otto releases himself from the beast’s slimy grip and he scrambles to the TELEPHONE, but the dial is full of insects, and wherever he put his fingers, vast quantities of beetles and woodlice cascade out...INT. WORKSHOP - AFTERNOON26A beetle swims in a water jug. Otto observes the creature as he talks to Edmund.OTTO...and I couldn’t dial properly without crushing them. So I didn’t dial, and then this snake atte–EDMUND(interrupting)Where’s Flora gone? Otto carefully pours some of the water into a glass, trying to retain the animals in the jug. He then adds some whisky.OTTOI’ve no idea, has she gone? I imagine she’s gone back to college. You’d better ask Isabel. Otto then sits down on a bale of packing straw. The bale sinks abruptly in the middle, leaving Otto sitting almost on the ground. He looks helpless, like an enormous baby. Edmund dusts the surface of some blocks of Westmorland slate with one of Otto’s dirty rugs before sitting down.OTTO...and as I ran back down the stairs to the hallway with the snake slithering after me, I fell backwards into this huge black hole and then as I looked up, the snake turned into Medusa and Medusa’s snake heads were Lydia.30/04/2024 45

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 46EDMUNDOtto, last night –OTTO(reluctantly)Yes, I know. I woke up to see your photo on my pillow. She left it as a present for me. I think I’m the first thing Elsa has really loved. Perhaps she can only love a sort of Shakespearean Caliban, half human, half monster. I am so very sorry for her and the things she has gone through - whatever they may be. With a great thrashing of straw, Otto scrambles up and stands, his clothes covered in yellowy wisps, his arms hanging limply, his head jutting, like an untended puppet rather precariously standing upon its feet. Holding the bottle of whiskey in one hand and the glass in the other, he looks like he is about to deliver a sermon. Edmund stands up too. OTTOI am completely changed, I feel radiant, as if I had an angelic body.Edmund rolls his eyes. Otto pauses, raises up his glass to the fading light, searching for any invisible creatures who had managed to slip into his vessel, before pouring in some more whiskey. OTTOI married Isabel with one big lie, because of Lydia, because of the guilt, but she is gone now and Elsa is like a sort of redemption. EDMUND(interrupting)Who knows about this?OTTOFlora doesn’t, of course, thank God, she’s been away and Isabel has no idea.EDMUND(cautious)Did Lydia?30/04/2024 46

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 47OTTONo. Otto pauses again, looks down as he continues.OTTOThough, I could not go on making love when Lydia was dying. I felt I wanted to disown my body it’s that eternal guilt she gave us. Even now I think she is watching me.Otto swayed to and fro as if someone were now agitating the strings. OTTOSometimes I think Isabel might just run off.EDMUNDWould you blame her? The big skylights are an intense evening blue, a full moon is creeping into view, looking down, gazing intensely into the now dark golden brown interior. A shaft of the moon’s light falls onto one of the large unfinished monoliths, exaggerating the crevasses with harsh shadows. The monolith now stands alone amongst the uncertain receding forms of the stone city. Otto’s face can not be seen clearly. Edmund looks at his watch and leaves the workshop.INT. ISABEL'S ROOM - LATE EVENING27Isabel stands on a stool in front of the fireplace facing the large gilded mirror. She wears an apricot-coloured dress, half finished. Maggie is at her feet with pins in her mouth tacking the hem. Edmund enters the room, Isabel sees him in the reflection.ISABELWell, how much has our Inspector found out?EDMUND(gloomily)Everything, I should think. Do you know where Flora is?30/04/2024 47

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 48ISABELIs she not in the house? You should ask Otto. He will know. EDMUND(sarcastically)When I find her be assured I will let you both know. The RECORD PLAYER plays Wagner, but so softly that the quiet parts are inaudible and the loud parts are a sort of crackling buzz.The room is lit only by the hot fire which throws great waves of light and shadow across the scene, thick dust fills the air. Edmund sneezes.In the soft mobile light, Isabel looks pretty, younger. ISABELMaggie is making a dress for me. Do you not think it is a pretty colour?Is it quite the right length? Edmund sees her face, a trifle flushed by the heat, reflected in the mirror in intermittent blazes of light as she rotates upon the stool as Maggie carefully measures the length. A golden impression of a plump little midinette spinning around like one of her little musical box ballerinas. ISABELMaggie, that will do, it’s time to eat. Are you hungry Edmund? I am really quite famished. Maggie, do we have those succulent clams from the bay?Seductively looking directly at Edmund, she takes a sip of her whiskey.ISABELFigs! The ones from the market are very sweet and juicy.Maggie rolls her eyes, Edmund looks awkward.ISABELThat’s settled then.Thank you Maggie.Edmund can help me tacking the dress now.Edmund, on your knees.30/04/2024 48

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 49Isabel laughs as Edmund stoops down to the floor.ISABELYou just need to follow the chalk line Maggie has started and make sure the hem is pinned correctly otherwise you will have to do it all over again.Edmund carefully picks up the box of pins and starts to insert them following the line.EDMUNDI suppose Lydia’s will hasn’t turned up?ISABELNo, you know it hasn’t, I’ve now looked absolutely everywhere. Your mother was a control freak, Edmund, you and I both know she would have made one, it’s all a bit dubious if you ask me.EDMUND(trying to be funny)Maybe she left everything to the dog’s home people, they were always sniffing around.ISABEL(smirking)That seems a bit far-fetched to me.They both laugh.EDMUNDIsabel, I had a sort of talk with Otto this afternoon –ISABELAbout what you saw last night at the summerhouse?EDMUNDwell-yes-I –ISABELDon’t worry, I know all about it. Only a man as stupid as Otto would have doubted it.EDMUNDBut how did you know?30/04/2024 49

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 50ISABELI saw you eagerly rushing off in pursuit of Otto’s slut. One can’t have moaning girls on the front lawn without knowing something’s amiss.Really, Otto’s pathetic if he imagines it’s all a dark secret!Edmund choosing his words carefully.Isabel turns abruptly on the stool, Edmund pricks his finger and drops the pin box, spilling the needles on the rug.EDMUNDSorry Isabel. How long have you actually known?Edmund starts to pick up the pins carefully one by one.ISABELOh, ages, since the start.They make so much noise, for one thing.EDMUNDNoise?ISABELHe treats her like the dog that Lydia would never let him have. I’ve heard them whining and barking at each other! And l more or less underneath my window.Not that I mind what people do. I read in the paper about a man who couldn’t make love to his wife unless he had her all tied up in brown paper like a parcel.Edmund looks embarrassed.ISABELI don’t care about Otto having an affair. I’d be delighted. But I wish he’d have a decent sensible affair with that sort of demented little tragedy queen. EDMUNDI think Otto could only have an affair with a girl like that.Edmunds starts to pin again.30/04/2024 50

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 51ISABELAs opposed to some of the boys!EDMUNDBoys?ISABELThe apprentices...Well, he may as well do - he loves them more than he ever loved me.Look Edmund, can we please talk about something, you’re sitting all alone in that miserable flat in London and I am trapped here.EDMUND(mumbles)Everyone is trapped in one way or other.ISABELBut we don’t have to be, do we? Do you want to stay all alone? You told me you loved me once, have you forgotten that?EDMUNDThat was a long time ago.ISABEL(exasperated)That’s enough, take the scissors and cut off all the threads.And don’t cut the material!Edmund begins to snip and pull at the white threads at the hem of the dress. Isabel moves her plump nylon-stockinged legs towards Edmund’s face whilst pulling up the white serrated tip of her petticoat. Edmund tries to keep his hands steady.ISABELThat will do.Edmund looks up.Isabel, having undone the linen dress all the way down to the waist and displays to Edmund two pink round bare breasts.She stands quite still looking down at him with a sort of dazed ferocious expression, with vague yearning eyes. Edmund looks up at her breasts, at that moment it is also clear that there is someone else in the room.30/04/2024 51

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 52Edmund immediately drops the SCISSORS, clattering them onto the floor and the box of pins scatter widely. In an attempt to stand up quickly, Edmund causes Isabel to lose her balance, toppling the stool over as she falls onto him, enveloping him under her hem. Edmund, blindly trying to prevent the catastrophe, reaches out his hands from under the skirt. He grabs her hand with one and her breast with the other. They freeze in position.Edmund feels her little hand fluttering inside his.Maggie places the tray on the side table before exiting the door.The door closes.INT. WORKSHOP - DAY28Edmund is looking at blocks of boxwood. They range from plain to half finished, some with beautiful carvings. EDMUND V/OThe best way of curing a crack in boxwood is to leave the block in a cool damp place for twenty-four hours or so; usually the patient makes a miraculous recovery from quite a severe split. Those who do not work with such material, may not quite imagine the way in which a piece of unformed stuff can seem pregnant, alive or inspiring. I can imagine how a sculptor might feel about a lump of stone, though I have never felt this myself, but pieces of wood can quite send my imagination racing, even in the handling of them - for instance there is the lovely difference between boxwood and pear wood, the male and the female of the wood-engraver’s world.ELSAWhat do your bits of wood tell you?Edmund, deep in thought, is unaware that Elsa had entered the room. She sits down crossed-legged on a large slab of Verde granite. 30/04/2024 52

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 53EDMUND(thoughtfully, lovingly)Each one of them is full of a different picture. Elsa is shuffling a pack Tarot cards.Otto walks into the room with a large trunk.ELSALet’s see what the cards will say today.OTTOThat Lydia is coming back.ELSA(seriously, with conviction)She is actually still here. OTTOBlimey, think it’s time to catch your train, Ed.ELSAAfter death, the spirit exists on earth for 40 days...Elsa cuts her sentence short and continues playing with the deck of the cards. OTTOAnd? Elsa looks up. ELSA... and If she does not find her peace - she’ll be trapped here for an eternity. OTTOCrikey!Edmund does not respond. ELSA(looking pleased with herself)I have my complete set now.She shuffles the cards again and lays them down one by one. 30/04/2024 53

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 54Elsa turns over the Devil card with Otto’s photo cut out from his polaroid.Whilst Elsa continues to turn over the cards, Otto and Edmund go through Lydia’s possessions. OTTO(Speaking quietly)I couldn't find Lydia’s mother of pearl jewellery box, you know the one - that father made for her, with all the rings. EDMUNDIsabel?OTTOProbably, she has already nabbed a couple of father’s paintings from his room.Elsa turns over The Lovers card and Eight of Swords card, depicting Isabel.EDMUNDDo you think the Will is here? Otto shrugs and Edmund starts to help him look through the box. In amongst the pile of papers are old receipts and invoices, also ones marked up from Newcastle County Court and papers from the Northumberland police. Edmund looks uncomfortable. OTTOLet’s burn these, Ed. Otto opens up the glass door on the front of the stove, and throws the paperwork in.Elsa turns over The Fool card depicting David, The Knight of Cups and The Hermit with Edmund’s picture on it. Otto picks out and old brown envelope with newspaper cuttings, one with the headline “Lost Spencer Discovered in Attic by Northumberland Artist”. OTTOLook, the article about the Spencer.EDMUNDImagine if they knew the fact he actually won it in a card game!30/04/2024 54

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Rebel Republic Films(MORE)30/04/2024 55Otto picks up a small book, it is very old, leather-bound, with tarnished gold embossed text, ‘The Burning of The Seeress 6: 1564 - The Great Northland Witch Hunt’. On the first page a black and white wood block illustration depicts their rectory, showing the castle and the beach, with 6 women tied to stakes where the lawn is now. They are surrounded by a crowd of men with flaming torches, and at the top of the picture is the moon.Otto turns the page, ‘Seeresses Bewitching The Moon’, showing 6 witches with their arms up, putting a spell to control the moon.On the next page, there is an illustration of Bernard Tropin - Witchhunter General, holding a Bible in one hand, whilst burning a witch with a flaming torch with the other. The witch is tied to a stake, above her there is a full eclipse of the moon accompanied by the text which Otto reads out.OTTOAs the 6th day became night, the last Witche Hexton was tried to die.As flames engulfed her evil brow, the moon fell dark, the sky went down.She spoke in tongues, she cursed and sang, she jinxed God's people across this land.The next pages says ‘Witche Hexton cursed the people’: OTTOThose false prophets, Those forked tongues,Those with crosses who burn eyes,Mother Nature, Father Earth turn these devils into earth...ELSA(Serious)You should not read this. Otto ignores Elsa, enjoying the moment and continues. Elsa stops turning over her Tarot Cards, listening attentively.OTTOFor blessers' spirits to be free,Innocent sacrifice there must be,(MORE)30/04/2024 55

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Rebel Republic FilmsOTTO (CONT’D)30/04/2024 56A Seemess child from the Northern lands, whose magic will befuddle man,The moon will live, the Sun will die, 400 cycles of the sky,But resurrection there shall be,Earth, Fire, Air, WaterA new queen will be.Next to an illustration of the Eclipse, there is a caption. OTTOFor 7 days and 7 nights, the sky turned black. Otto chuckles. ELSA(Angrily)Men burn women for the sins of Men. Otto then picks out a small wooden box containing erotic photographs, dramatic and theatrical. He then playfully thrusts one of the pictures of a naked man in Edmund’s face. Edmund reels back. Otto, oblivious to his faux-pas, paws through the pack finding photos of Lydia in semi-nude and intimate positions with other women and a very intimate one with Maggie. He slowly places them back in the box, fixing the catch carefully.Elsa turns over The Hanged Man and The Queen of Swords depicting Lydia. ELSA(In a hushed voice)Lydia!Edmund pulls out two bundles of letters the brothers had sent Lydia from boarding school, Otto’s tied with a blue ribbon and Edmund’s tied with a pink ribbon.OTTOWho would have thought.Elsa turns over her ninth card, The Eclipse card. OTTO (CONT’D)30/04/2024 56

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 57ELSA(speaking in hushed tones)This is a bad omen!EDMUNDLet’s burn them, we shouldn't keep them.As Elsa turns over the tenth card, Death, Otto grabs the letters in both hands to throw them on the fire.Elsa stands up.ELSA(Shouts)Stop, do not do it, do not do anything! The bundle hits the back of the stove, the corners of the letters singe whilst the envelopes expand as though taking a final deep breath, producing a hissing sound as air escapes the glued folds. Edmund’s pink ribbons twist and turn before bursting into golden flames.ELSAThis is very bad, there will be a death!Elsa, upset, runs out of the room, Edmund and Otto look down at the cards on the table. EDMUND (V.O.)With all my preoccupation with the past, I had forgotten about the present and Flora. Elsa’s game of cards predicted an inevitability I knew was true, Lydia would not be the only death. Edmund anxiously leaves the workshop and heads over to the kitchen. END OF ACT 230/04/2024 57

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 58ACT 3INT. KITCHEN - DAY29The kitchen is a large room with a big black and white checked lino floor. The Victorian range, a great iron machine glows and purrs in a shrine of Dutch tiles, surrounded by dead-beat wicker chairs and a huge old table, its surface bleached and pitted by relentless scrubbing. Maggie is gathering, cutting and sewing a heap of cherry-red silk into a dress on a mannequin. Edmund enters the room.EDMUND Maggie, have you seen Flora?Maggie shakes her head and leaves her sewing to get back to cooking the evening meal. Edmund takes a seat and watches silently. A chicken sizzles softly in a pan while with quick small fingers Maggie plucks the soiled skins from big mushrooms revealing the fleshy discs within. Then on an oval chopping board, she quickly chops celery and dices a large onion. The sharp smell of it pricks Edmund’s eyes. Maggie then peels plump yellow cloves of garlic, crushing them with the flat of a knife before tossing them into the pot. A strong arabesque at Maggie’s nostril is echoed in the curve of the long thin mouth. Her copious hair, pulled harshly back, falls in the long looped bun, black as onyx, shiny as lacquer. She wears no make-up. There is a sudden bang followed the sound of someone quickly going up the stairs. Edmund turns sharply and catches a quick snapshot of Flora. He leaps up and is out of the kitchen in a second.INT. HALLWAY - OUTSIDE FLORA’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS30The DOOR of Flora’s room shuts in Edmund’s face, followed by the key turning in the lock. Edmund presses the door. He is panting with anxiety. EDMUNDFlora, Flora – Please let me in. After a moment the door opens quietly. 30/04/2024 58

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 59INT. FLORA’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS31Flora has thrown off her coat, her hair is tied up in a mass behind her head. She looks older, more mature, standing very self-consciously straight and upright, defiantly. She wears no make-up and is pale. FLORAWhat can I do for you?EDMUNDI’m so sorry Flora I didn’t come that morning. I came lat..FLORA(Interrupting)It wouldn’t have made any difference anyway. I’m fine. I can look after myself. I don’t need anyone.Flora’s expression reveals her true feelings of disappointment in Edmund. She turns away from him to unpack her bag.EDMUNDWhat happened? FLORA(matter of fact)I had an abortion. I’m no longer pregnant. Edmund sits down heavily on her bed. FLORA(sounding older)I decided to follow my own instincts and tear that thing right out of me. EDMUNDYou have killed it!Flora turns back to face Edmund angrily. FLORAKilled it?!What the hell do you know about IT? You’re a man. You can’t imagine what it’s like to feel that cancer inside you, to feel it eating you up. 30/04/2024 59

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 60EDMUNDSo who did this?FLORAThe very best Northumberland can offer! There are plenty of girls like me — you know, young, stupid, knocked up by some charlatan, abandoned by their families. Edmund is shocked at Flora’s coarseness and remains silent. FLORALet me tell you what happened. First, they gave me a large mug of some disgusting liquid, which made me feel sick, while I waiting for my turn in the corridor. I could hear the other girl inside. I wanted to leave, but I didn’t. Then it was my turn, they told me to undress and then they replaced the bloody newspapers on the mattress. Flora now picks up a metal coat hanger from several laid on the bed, slowly bending the hook so it’s straight and with both hands pointing the sharp point towards Edmund’s face. FLORAAnd they stick this inside you like this...Flora thrusting it forwardFLORA....and they keep doing it....EDMUNDIt’s enough, Flora!EDMUNDPlease stop Edmund moves towards Flora in an attempt to comfort her but Flora, shaking with emotion continues.FLORA... until you bleed and it’s dead ...30/04/2024 60

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 61EDMUND(Forcefully) Stop!Flora stops suddenly but it is soon clear not because of Edmund’s words but her gaze is beyond him, towards the door. David is standing behind them, it is not clear how long he has been observing them. He looks concerned. Flora throws the hanger to the floor and pushes past David, muttering. FLORAFuck off, David!David tries to follow her out of the room, but she slams the door shut. EDMUNDSo it was you!David stops for a second and composes himself before slowly turning to face Edmund. DAVIDIt is none of your business!EDMUNDI think certainly it is. Look what you’ve done to that child, Otto trusted you.DAVID(Interrupting)Lord Otto is deaf and blind. He has other fish to fry. As for you, why should I submit to you? Why should I not draw your blood a little too? Speak daggers, daggers, Edmund I deserve it!David laughs and with a dramatic gesture throws his arms wide revealing his torso under his unbuttoned shirt. EDMUNDYou don’t seem to care what you’ve done – 30/04/2024 61

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 62EDMUND (V.O.)I choked over the words. I wanted to cover him with leeches and scorpions, I wanted to make him cringe and whimper.David moves forward, closer to Edmund. DAVIDOh, but I do, I do! What does it say in the gospels? “Who so shall offend were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” I am that man! I am that man! David gabbles the quotation delightedly. DAVIDBut what else does it say in the gospels? “Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone”.EDMUNDLeave this house right now.Edmund begins to tremble with rage.DAVID(speaking softly)Fair flowers and wild apples, dear uncle, we like them both, don’t we, we enjoy them both. And when we fall, we know where we like to fall. David, now with his shirt fully unbuttoned, is in front of Edmund and pushes him backwards on the bed.DAVIDBut no – you don’t really like girls do you, you don’t really like boys either, you don’t like anything at all. Isn’t that right? EDMUND(stuttering)Clear off Levkin, or I’m going to kill you. 30/04/2024 62

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 63David half turns towards the door but remains - delighted and fascinated by his power to enrage Edmund. DAVIDHit me then, punch me! If a man strikes you on one cheek offer him the other. I offer you both.Edmund lifts the chair, pointing the legs towards David.DAVIDAh, not here - outside. But make no mistake, I can fight, I can wrestle. David grabs one of the legs of the chair pulling it out of Edmund’s hands.EDMUNDI told you to leave.DAVIDOh, Edmund, how I enjoy you! You are a buffoon just like your brother, but you don’t even know it! He at least, he knows that he is a perfectly ludicrous animal.David opens the door, luring Edmund into the corridor.INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 32David walking towards the staircase suddenly turns and with both hands grabs Edmunds by the collar pressing him hard up against Isabel’s door. He pushes his face into Edmunds.DAVIDSo what now for the Doctor, Assessor, the Inspector, the Liberator! EDMUNDI’ll tell Otto what you have done.DAVIDAnd when that time comes, I shall not resist him.David’s puts his left hand between Edmund’s legs, releasing the door handle. The door swings open, Edmund falls backwards into Isabel’s room, landing on the floor at her feet. She has been listening near the door. 30/04/2024 63

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 64INT. ISABEL’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS33David, enjoying the moment bows to Isabel with a smile and then heads off swiftly. Edmund, embarrassed, unsteadily clambers to his feet, Isabel grabs his arm to help him up. ISABELWhatever is going on? Why did David push you in through the door like a dog! EDMUNDIsabel, we have to talk about Flora.ISABELThat Flora was pregnant? And she’s had an abortion? EDMUND(shocked)So you knew?ISABELYes. Of course. Edmund is taken aback by her coldness. Isabel moves casually across the floor and picks up a log of wood. The dry powdery bark dusts her sleeve and floats in the air.ISABELI lost Flora years ago - Lydia made sure that she turned her against me. Isabel places the log onto the glowing embers, releasing a mass of swirling grey smoke. She moves towards Edmund, she reaches out and holds his hand. There is a long and uncomfortable silence.ISABELI’m sorry about the other day. But please take me away from here.Edmund sighs, struggling to reply to her request. ISABELIt’s not just about getting away from Otto and this place. Edmund looks confused. 30/04/2024 64

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Rebel Republic Films(MORE)30/04/2024 65ISABELI love him. EDMUNDWho? She points to the door with her eyes. EDMUNDYou don’t mean –?ISABELDavid, yes.EDMUND(exasperated)Please don’t tell me anything happened.ISABELOf course it did.Edmund stands up. EDMUND(overwhelmed)How long has this been going on?ISABELEver since he came. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him in Otto’s workshop. Since you left, you can’t imagine what a lonely idiotic life I’ve led. I somehow wanted it all to be miserable and dreary to punish Otto and Lydia. But then when David came, it was a vision of life. Can’t you see how beautiful he is? Can’t you at all imagine being in love with him, Edmund?EDMUNDWhat about Flora, don’t you care?Isabel is calm and rather deliberate. ISABEL(softly)I had him first, you see. It worked wonderfully! Otto with the sister and I with the brother.(MORE)30/04/2024 65

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Rebel Republic FilmsISABEL (CONT’D)(MORE)30/04/2024 66He only took up with Flora because I tried to break with him. He did it to spite me. She turns to look at Edmund now with a dreadful bold calm. Her face shines with a resigned, broken beauty. ISABELLydia was dying in the house, practically in the next room and of course, I was scared absolutely stiff of Otto finding out. EDMUNDI presume he doesn’t know? ISABELNo. He can think of nothing but that girl. It was never good between us, we weren't meant to be together, you know that and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life a prisoner in this room. Both brother and sister were a godsend for us.EDMUNDWhat now? Why don’t you leave with David? ISABELIf I leave with David, Flora will never forgive me. David told me he’s made her pregnant but he returned to me, he came back to me with that confidence, with that simplicity. Isabel looks pale and small, her arms hanging limply, as if she were already pinned helplessly to a wall. ISABELI even thought of having Flora’s child as my own but all this mess with David - I thought would be better to set her free. Isabel looks sullen. ISABELLife is repeating itself, isn’t it Edmund? ISABEL (CONT’D)(MORE)30/04/2024 66

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Rebel Republic FilmsISABEL (CONT’D)(MORE)30/04/2024 67If I leave - it will be to break with David - not to go with him. She stands slowly, like an old person. ISABELI have no money, no property, no rights, I have never worked, I don’t even know how to cook. I am worthless, useless. TEARS were coming to Isabel at last, big slow tears such as you can only weep for yourself.Edmund approaches Isabel to console her.ISABELDo you mind if I kiss you? You asked to kiss me once, remember - when we were young? I know when you left, you wanted to forget everything about this place, all of us. But to erase the bad, you shouldn’t forget the good. Edmund takes small, tear-stained Isabel in his arms and kisses her hot eyes and her brow. Her arms clutch his neck violently for a moment and he lets her find his lips. INT. KITCHEN - EVENING34It is a dark rainy evening and the light in the kitchen is constantly moving and shifting.Maggie is washing, there is an intimate smell of warm wet wool from the steaming pile of clothing and underwear in a big blue plastic mesh laundry basket. One by one she stretches them into shape, laying them over the slats of a wooden drying-rail which is lowered from the ceiling by a pulley. Maggie, with quick rhythmical movements, lowers another rail, adding more garments on the lowered bars.Edmund looks at Maggie - her eyes, with that damp strange animal look, seem forbidding and suspicious.He moves abruptly and switches the light on. There is a miserable glow, more like fog than like light. Maggie stares coldly at Edmund and then returns to her task. EDMUNDYou can’t sew like this. Lydia was so mean. Are there any stronger bulbs in the cupboard? ISABEL (CONT’D)(MORE)30/04/2024 67

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Rebel Republic FilmsEDMUND (CONT’D)30/04/2024 68Ah yes, a hundred watts, that’s better. Could you turn the light out again? All right, I’ll take my shoes off.Edmund mounts the table - pushing Maggie’s scissors and sewing box to one side - his head touching the ceiling. Maggie moves to the door and a very bright light dazzles them. Edmund covers his eyes. The garden outside is suddenly a dark blue square, misty and insubstantial, withdrawn. Edmund pulls the red and blue William Morris curtains shut. Maggie spreads out Otto’s large shapeless, patched underwear upon the rail. Edmund sits on the edge of the table and picks up an orange.EDMUNDIt’s funny, isn’t it? You must have been taller than me when we first met.MAGGIENo. You are thinking of Vittoria.EDMUNDVittoria, oh yes. Was she from Verona? MAGGIENo, that was Giulia. Most of us came from the orphanage in Rome. Lydia gave us a home when we had to leave. EDMUNDI wonder where they all are now -MAGGIE(emotionless)Married.EDMUNDNow that Lydia’s gone, do you plan to go back to Italy?Maggie doesn’t respond, and hauls the rack up to the ceiling, Otto’s enormous underwear sways in the warm air from the range.EDMUND (CONT’D)30/04/2024 68

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 69Maggie picks up a pile of dry laundry and starts to fold them on the table.MAGGIEAnd when are you going away?EDMUNDSoon, when can I no longer help anyone by staying.MAGGIEPossibly yourself.Edmund pauses, thoughtfully peeling the orange as he considers the weight of Maggie’s statement. EDMUNDI suppose you know more or less what’s going on in this house?MAGGIEI know altogether what’s going on in this house.Edmund, perturbed, gets up and OTTO’S UNDERWEAR slaps him damply in the eye and he irritably thrusts it off. The door opens and Flora enters the kitchen.She looks flushed and untidy, walking towards the table, she places notes and coins carefully in the middle. She addresses Edmund. FLORASo now you know. Maggie gave me the money. Well actually David gave it to her to give me, because he was too cowardly to give it to me himself. Isn’t that right, Maggie? Maggie does not respond.FLORACat got your tongue? Maggie’s large dark severe eyes narrow with a fierce but restrained expression on her face. MAGGIEIf you must know, Isabel gave it to David to give to me. He is not the only coward around here.30/04/2024 69

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 70Flora goes red with anger. FLORASo she can have a clear run with David now? You all make me sick, just wait till Otto finds out. MAGGIELike he is any better. Flora looks puzzled. Maggie continues.MAGGIE(in a patronising tone)The sister. (in disdain)Lydia would not have put up with any of this.FLORAFather with the sister?! David’s sister? MAGGIEYes indeed. Your father with the sister, mother and daughter with the brother. You are all no better than farmyard animals. Maggie grabs the money from the table and attempts to leave the room quickly. Flora flies into a rage. She seizes Maggie by her hair and jerks her backwards, the money scatters all over the kitchen. Edmund attempts to intervene but before he can stop her, Flora picks up the SCISSORS with the other hand and with one swift movement, shears Maggie’s braid at the nape of the neck. With an exclamation, Flora drops the oblong KNOB OF HAIR on to the table, where it unravels into a black snake. There is silence.Flora stares at the limp dead length of hair, still holding the scissors high up like a weapon, frozen in motion. Maggie draws her hands slowly about her shorn neck.At that moment Otto comes in from the garden.Flora now lifts the severed hair with an almost ritual gesture to Otto. Maggie is metamorphosed into some quite other being. Otto at once takes in the essence of what had happened. 30/04/2024 70

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 71He enters like a master, moving straight into action. In two strides he reaches Flora, taking the scissors from her. Maggie turns away with a dazed look, her hand still exploring the nakedness of her neck. FLORA(screaming at Otto)You big idiot! Don’t you know who goes to bed with your wife?Or your daughter? Flora throws the braid of hair in Otto’s direction. FLORAAnd you’re making a fool of yourself with that whore – Otto is very quiet, he looks a little puzzled like a large animal which has run into a confined space; his face becomes wrinkled with anguish like a child about to cry. David walks in from the hallway, closing the door behind him and leaning gently against the frame, tapping it rhythmically with the palms of his hands. His face has an extraordinary peaceful radiance.OTTOIs this true, David, about you and – Isabel – and Flora – ?DAVIDYes, my lord!As Otto takes a step forward, Edmund swings the end of the table, interposing himself between Otto and David. Flora mounts onto the windowsill, enjoying the scene. David stiffens, the palms of his hands turning outward in a gesture of donation, his expression blank, he closes his eyes. Otto with a single hand pushes the table to one side, trapping Edmund against the wall and advances. Otto takes David by the shoulders. He stares at him for moment, then with a sort of savage gentleness sets him aside, as he goes slowly out of the door. Edmund drops his half-eaten orange to the floor, escaping the table, moving quickly after Otto.INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS35Otto starts to run too, they pound up the stairs together, shaking the house. Edmund reaches Isabel’s door first.30/04/2024 71

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 72Isabel stands near the window, wearing the blue dressing-gown, she looks both terrified and dignified. CUT TO BLACK:There is a SOUND OF BREAKING FURNITURE and feet thundered across the room. We hear CRIES. INT. JOHN’S ROOM – NIGHT36Edmund sits up in his bed abruptly awoken by the SOUND OF CRIES from the lawn. Elsa moves across the dark green misty landscape, casting a long shadow on the grass.Edmund puts his clothes on and goes down the stairs, taking a moment to look at the portrait of Lydia hanging in the hallway.The cries break Edmund’s hypnotised state but as he returns to the act at hand, he realises she has gone, vanished into the darkness leaving only a trail, a spiralling vortex of moonlit particles down towards the beach.Edmund walks across the lawn, down through the reeds and onto the sand dunes. The calm enclave of the garden is replaced by the blustery northern wind and crashing surf, he pauses to catch his breath absorbing the reassuring salty air. The Castle is silhouetted by large the full moon. In the distance her hooded silhouette is partially discernible against the Obsidian rock and inky dark water, she stands at the edge of the surf in a long black cape that has become fused into the sand and water. There are 5 magpies. EDMUND(Calling out)Elsa!Edmund walks down. He hears the rhymical sounds of A NURSERY RHYME wafting between the surf, waves and crashing rocks.EXT. BEACH - EDMUND’S DREAM 3 (CONTINUOUS)37ELSA(in rhythm)One for sorrowTwo for joyThree for a girlShe looks round back towards Edmund while speaking, her piercing grey blue eyes cut through the air with a harsh anger, Edmund has not felt since the day he left Lydia.30/04/2024 72

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 73LYDIA(in rhythm)And four for a boy.There is a short pause. They stare at each other. LYDIAI have been waiting for you. (sarcastic)Still suffering from the weight of that cross upon your back?Lydia approaches Edmund and runs her fingers through his hair.LYDIAHead bleeding with your crown of thorns?Nailed to the cross like Jesus?Lydia takes a few steps away from him.LYDIADid you really think you could do without me?Lydia stares at the sea, there is a moment of silence.LYDIARemember the legend?For blessers' spirits to be free,Innocent sacrifice there must be. She turns to Edmund, slowly approaching him with every line. LYDIAA Seemess child from the Northern lands, whose magic will befuddle man,The moon will live, the Sun will die, 400 cycles of the sky,Lydia stops in front of him. LYDIABut resurrection there shall be,Earth, Fire, Air, Water...She pauses and stares at Edmund, who seems under her spell, who finishes the curse. 30/04/2024 73

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 74EDMUNDA new queen will be.The magpies all start flapping and swirling around Lydia, transforming into young women, the young Italian Girls.FADE TO BLACK.OVER BLACKLYDIAEdmund!The sound of Lydia’s voice fades and merges with Otto’s.INT. JOHN’S ROOM - DAY38OTTO(just hearing the voice)Edmund, Edmund! Ed, open your eyes!Edmund wakes up. He is lying in his bed. It is the next day. OTTOEd, are you all right?Edmund attempts to open his eyes. The left eye is almost entirely closed. A BLUISH-BLACK STAIN has spreads across his brow and down the cheek as far as his mouth. He groans.OTTO(louder)Are you all right, Ed?EDMUNDNot especially, you’ve probably broken all 22 bones in my head.(dramatically)I shall never be the same again. OTTOI see you have the good old-fashioned bit of raw beef there. Can you see out of that eye at all?EDMUNDI’d rather not try!Where are David and Elsa?OTTOWell, they’ve now gone.30/04/2024 74

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 75EDMUNDThey –?OTTODavid and Elsa. Gone.EDMUNDYou mean they’ve just suddenly cleared off?OTTOWell, I cleared them off. I’ve dismissed them both, sent them away, made an end of it. I was up all night. And not drinking either. I realised it was simply an insane situation. Somehow after I’d bashed you I didn’t feel angry any more. I just felt what a bloody mess it all was. There was Isabel crying and all the furniture broken and you lying there as if you were dead.Otto sits on the edge of the bed, sitting on Edmund’s foot, causing him to recoil in agony. OTTOSo I wrote them a letter saying they must go away at once, and I put in a cheque for David’s pay, and Maggie took the letter, and she said they were packing their things anyway. EDMUND(mocking)Oh Maggie took the letter? Edmund opens his other eye, but shuts it again promptly. EDMUNDHow’s Flora?OTTOPoor little thing. I had a long talk with her last night and she told me everything. God, I should have seen what was happening, I should have looked after her! David had me under a spell.30/04/2024 75

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 76EDMUNDI think I’ll go home today or tomorrow. Edmund tries to sit up but his head is heavy with pain and any movement brings twinges of anguish. OTTOWell Ed, you might want to wait a bit. A note was hand delivered this morning from a lawyer, Mr Crispin Hogg, it seems Lydia had organised her Will with him months ago and he is coming here today at 3pm to read it. Apparently it is stipulated we should all be in attendance, you, me, Flora, even Isabel. We will meet in Isabel’s room at 2:50.As Otto gets up to leave, Isabel enters the room. She looks radiant. Otto goes to say something to her, then fumbles his words, he then exits the door, embarrassed. Isabel joyfully ignores him.Just like Otto, she sits on the bed on his foot causing him to recoil. She apologises and gently holds his hand.ISABELHow are you feeling? I thought that brute had taken your head off. EDMUNDSo they have gone! ISABELYes, Otto sent them away. It was inevitable things would come to this. EDMUNDDid he speak to you? ISABEL(smiling)No, Maggie brought me his letter. He just said he was going abroad. I dare say it’s America. I don’t expect to see him again. You know, I think it was Otto that David really loved.Isabel sadly sighs with the look of a forlorn child.30/04/2024 76

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 77Edmund puts his other hand on hers.ISABELBut you know, I am happy now, I feel full of life like electricity is running through my veins. Isabel breaks a smile. EDMUNDWhat are you going to do now?ISABELI have to leave, go back to Scotland to my father. Also I need to let Flora in peace, she needs time to mend. That can’t happen if I am here. Hopefully one day she will forgive me.Isabel picks up the bag she brought with her.ISABEL(Initially thoughtful)I got some Cox’s Orange, especially for you.She holds up a perfectly spherical orange-red APPLE in front of Edmunds’s face. The sun, shining in a luminous blue sky, sends a long beam through the window and kindles her bright face and hair. INT. ISABEL'S ROOM - DAY39Edmund holds an apple. It’s 2:50, Otto, Edmund and Flora have assembled with Isabel in her room. The wreckage of the day before is piled in a corner and the place seems less cluttered, a mismatch of chairs and armchairs in various styles and sizes have been arranged for a meeting. The BIG FIRE, murmuring, climbing and subsiding with its own life illuminates the room in contrast to the cold dripping greenery of an English rainy afternoon. Isabel, small, tired and neat in a plain grey coat and skirt, sits in an armchair. She wears the detached, rather weary air of an attendant secretary. Otto, making an effort, is wearing an ill-fitting old sports coat and trousers, hair from his belly protrudes between the buttons of his checked shirt.30/04/2024 77

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 78He leans at the mantel with a comforting arm over Flora’s shoulder. Flora pointedly ignores her mother. OTTO(nervously laughing)Who would imagine that Lydia had gone to a lawyer? She was so tight with money. ISABELWhatever it says in the Will you all know very well that John promised me The Spencer.Edmund and Otto look at each other in dismay.Edmund then looks at his watch and paces by the window, caressing his afflicted eye. OTTOI had a dream last night that I was being followed round the house by an enormous black teapot. Edmund and Isabel look at each other in dismay.OTTOI tried to telephone for help but the telephone dial was made of tissue paper –Otto is interrupted by the sound of the DOORBELL, the group stand to attention. Otto is unable to button his tight jacket. Edmund looks at his watch again, it’s 3.00 pm. The MUFFLED SOUNDS of Maggie’s voice, followed by the closing of the front door are heard. Well heeled footsteps and an approaching shadow reach the bedroom door. A longer than expected pause and whispering is followed by a firm KNOCK. The door is opened without waiting for a response. Maggie and MR CRISPIN HOGG (61) enter the room. Maggie is completely transformed: she’s wearing the red dress she had been sewing, her hair is in a stylish pixie cut, she is donning a gold pendant and a diamond ring on her wedding finger and her nails are freshly manicured and painted red. Mr Crispin Hogg is a tall, grey-haired and lean gentleman. He is wearing a tailored checked 3-piece dark blue suit with a maroon tie. He has a blue and maroon polka-dot cotton handkerchief, neat and symmetrical protruding from his top left jacket pocket. 30/04/2024 78

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 79Maggie takes a seat next to Mr Hogg, facing the Narraways. MAGGIEI would like to introduce you to Mr Crispin Hogg, he is the lawyer handling Lydia’s estate. The group looks bemused. Isabel gestures at her wedding finger to Edmund. MAGGIEMr Hogg, please begin. OTTO(interrupting)Maggie, thank you and Mr Hogg, you know why we’ve summoned you –This sounds rather menacing, so he hastily adds.OTTOI mean we are honoured for you to be here. This sounds too permissive. He blunders on. OTTOI mean we just felt you might want to tell us what is in Lydia’s will–Otto recoils almost to the window. His big hands scuffle round the neck. CRISPIN HOGGThank you Miss Magistretti and Mr Narraway. I am pleased to meet you today. Your mother spoke so fondly about all of you. I had known both your parents for many years and was fortunate to have known such a fine woman as Lydia, it’s so very sad to hear of her passing.On the 5th of May this year Mrs Lydia Margaret Narraway asked me to record her last Will and Testament. She also told me that I was to contact you exactly 7 days after her death. I was notified of this sad fact on the 15th June by Miss Magistretti. 30/04/2024 79

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 80There is visible confusion and noise in the room, with Otto, Isabel and Flora turning questioningly to Maggie. Crispin Hogg continues, unfazed. ISABELAnd how did Miss Magistretti know to contact you in the first place?Mr Crispin Hogg looks surprised at the question, glancing at Maggie and then back to Isabel.CRISPIN HOGGMrs Narraway, Miss Magistretti is the Executor of the Will.Audience are shell-shocked.FLORAExecutor, meaning?CRISPIN HOGGIt is her duty to ensure that the instructions of Mrs Narraway’s Will are carried out to the letter.Shall I continue?Mr Crispin Hogg carefully places his attaché case on his knees, methodically rolling the numbers on the combination lock, before releasing the latches on the right and left hand sides simultaneously. He then slowly raises the lid and removes a CRISP ENVELOPE. CRISPIN HOGGSo now to the matter at hand and the reason why we have assembled here today.Mr Crispin Hogg holds the envelope up.CRISPIN HOGGThis is Lydia Margaret Narraway’s last Will and Testament. There is an protracted pause as Mr Hogg slowly removes his glasses case from his inside pocket, opening it and removing the glasses within before placing them on his nose. Then using his thumb he slowly and carefully breaks the seal of the envelope, removing the LETTER from within. A short paragraph of text has bled ugly spots of ink through the back of the page. 30/04/2024 80

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 81CRISPIN HOGGI hereby will and bequeath all of which I die possessed... my beloved, faithful and devoted friend and partner Miss Maria Magistretti.A sound of a GASP is followed a cascade of intelligible words. EDMUNDLydia’s sense of humour, indeed.FLORANo, no way, no way, Grandma wouldn't have given everything to - ISABEL(acerbically)Maria Magistretti -Otto takes a firm step forward like a statesman about to deliver a grand speech.OTTOMaggie, we have known each other for a very long time, in fact since I was in nappies -MAGGIENo, that was Carlotta.OTTOOh yes, yes since my first school. MAGGIENo, that was Vitoria.Otto goes bright red with embarrassment, Flora looks up at her dad with pity. OTTOOh yes, Vitoria of course from Rome. MAGGIENo, that was Giulia.OTTOYes, yes, Giulia... 30/04/2024 81

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 82ISABELShut up Otto, you have made enough of a fool of yourself already. You’re delusional, I know you imagine she pushed your pram, but she only cared for Lydia, and it’s quite clear Lydia only cared for her. Mr Hogg, as you knew John Narraway so well, I am sure he mentioned to you when making his will that he was leaving me the Spencer. A will, Mr Hogg, that seems to have gone up in smoke! CRISPIN HOGG(irritated)I am not at liberty to discuss any of my confidential client matters. I should also like to make it absolutely clear that Miss Maria Magistretti is now the sole owner of all of what has been bequeathed to her and this includes all properties, lands and assets, including the artwork and the painting “St Francis and the Birds” by Sir Stanley Spencer. Mr Crispin Hogg looks at Isabel whilst removing another letter from his pocket.CRISPIN HOGGAlso, I must inform you that Miss Magistretti intends to be the sole and single occupant of this premises and thus she is serving you all a notice of possession and you must vacate the premises in the next 24 hours! There is a huge kerfuffle in the room and the noise of shouting from Isabel, Otto and Flora becomes inaudible, Edmund stands with a wry smile in silence staring at the commotion. Maggie sits, smug, gloating, crossing her legs and tucking the red dress neatly round her before gently placing her hand with the diamond ring on her lap. She looks contentedly across at Mr Crispin Hogg. CRISPIN HOGGWith that, I will wish you all farewell. 30/04/2024 82

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 83As Mr Crispin Hogg attempts to rise from his seat, there is a LOUD SHOUT from downstairs. ELSAOtto, Otto!The cries are followed by a bang as the door is flung open and Elsa stands there. She looks dishevelled. For a moment the room is in absolute silence. FLORAI thought you got rid of them!Otto looks perplexed and does not respond. Elsa looks directly at Otto. ELSA Please, Otto, you must leave, come with me, I love you. All of you are in great danger now.ISABELGet out of here! Elsa drops to her knees and turns over 3 TAROT CARDS from the pack on the floor. The Tower, 10 of Swords and Death, The Tower, 10 of Swords and Death.ELSAYou see, the cards do not change and it is the sign of great danger, you must all leave the house, the cards do not lie. OTTOWhat danger, Elsa?ISABEL(shouting)Otto, forget your delusional hippie tart!Maggie has just stolen the inheritance behind our back, what are you going to do about it?MAGGIEDoing things behind other people’s backs seems more your speciality, Isabel. Is there not something you should be telling the family, your daughter - about your lover boy?Maggie taps her fingers rhythmically on the wooden arm of the chair - coaxing, prompting, demanding a response from Isabel. 30/04/2024 83

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 84FLORAWhat, about David?ISABELI am sorry, Flora.FLORAWhat else have you done?ISABELI am...FLORASpit it out! ISABEL(whispering)Pregnant.Flora’s face contorts, clenching her hands into fists before she explodes with a roar of anger. As Isabel starts to cry, Flora grabs a PORCELAIN FIGURE and hurls it in Isabel’s direction, missing her and smashing the large casement window. The projectile’s impact causes a chain reaction in the room. Otto, trying to prevent Flora’s initial action, leans forward to grab her, inadvertently toppling a Roman column crowned by a Ming vase which explodes on the floor, sending hundreds of shards across the room. The column clatters into the fireplace. FLORAI hate you all so much, I’m going to drown myself! Flora runs out of the room as a multitude of BURNING LOGS are released from the fireplace onto the floor, like hungry devils spitting flaming ash as they scamper into the crowd. Isabel’s dress catches fire from one of the logs. Edmund moves towards Isabel but Elsa gets there first, trying to put out the flames. Otto grabs a jug of water and throws it towards Isabel's dress.The front door slams and Edmund deliberates, looking at the room and back to the door. He runs out in a hurry.INT. ISABEL’S ROOM INTERCUT WITH EXT. GARDEN - CONTINUOUS40Flora runs across onto the lawn, Edmund runs down the stairs.30/04/2024 84

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 85Embers singe and smoulder the Persian and Moroccan rugs. Suddenly the base of the velvet curtains ignites causing panic in the room, Maggie kicks an offending log back in the direction of the grate. Otto then pulls at the curtain. Mr Crispin Hogg escapes the room.Edmund chases Flora across the lawn, it’s raining heavily.EDMUNDFlora please, please stop.Flora suddenly stops running, places her head in her hands and stands motionless before bursting into tears. Edmund pulls her towards him and holds her tight, she buries her head in his chest. The falling curtain erupts into a searing mass of flames. Otto tries to pull Isabel out of the room. We hear a SCREAM.At that moment a great tongue of YELLOW FLAME issues from the window, the house is on fire.Edmund and Flora run back to the house.Paintings, carvings, furniture in the room are alight, Elsa’s Fire, Tower and Death Tarot cards are burning on the floor. END OF ACT 330/04/2024 85

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 86ACT 4INT. HOSPITAL - AFTERNOON41EDMUNDIs he still in there?OTTOYes.Otto picks up a BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE with a blue ribbon and the words “Congratulations on the Birth of your Baby Boy”. They have been for some very long time, shut in that little white hospital waiting-room. With a bandaged hand, Otto releases the cork which strikes the ceiling. There are empty bottles of alcohol on the floor. Otto drinks hastily and then begins to pace, turning and returning in the confined space like a caged animal. There is a mark upon the wall where he brushed it each time with the swing of his shoulder. OTTOHer dress burned so fast, I grabbed her at once and tried to put it out. She can’t have suffered much, can she, Ed? EDMUNDShe wasn’t conscious, the doctor said. Edmund leans wearily on the table as Otto slides down the wall onto the floor. Like two men in a prison cell they inhabited the little room during the long terrible time of her unconsciousness. Now at the hour of departure, they can not depart. EDMUNDDo you want to talk to him?OTTONo, you see him. Find out what he wants done. A FIGURE passes quickly behind the glass panel of the door. EDMUND(standing up)I’ll be back soon.30/04/2024 86

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 87OTTOYes, go, go.David has already disappeared. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS42Edmund runs along a white corridor and down some stone steps by a lift shaft. David is far ahead. He turns towards the main entrance and is gone. Edmund starts to run faster down the empty, clean, white hall.EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS43Edmund passes between pillars and emerges into a busy street, a yellow sunny light shows buildings vivid and near against a leaden sky. Edmund chases David across the road, he is running, holding a suitcase. Although David does not look back he seems like a man pursued. Edmund is stopped by traffic at a side road and David disappears into the crowd. Edmund stops to scour the view, David’s head suddenly reappears distant among many others. Edmund quickly dodges across in front of a lorry and begins to run along the edge of the pavement, springing back into the road in the face of the slow, swarming, home-coming crowd.EDMUND(Shouting)David!David turns abruptly into a red-brick courtyard at the railway station. There are fewer people now. EXT. STATION - CONTINUOUS44Edmund shouts after David. EDMUNDDavid!David stops running and turns around to look at Edmund, he is still absorbed in his own thoughts. Edmund and David they walk slowly together into the hall of the station.David consults a timetable on the wall then goes to the ticket office. 30/04/2024 87

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 88EDMUND (V.O.)The idea that the boy might now simply disappear and never be heard of again filled me with a sudden feeling of anguish.DAVIDPlatform three. Twenty minutes to wait.EXT - STATION PLATFORM - CONTINUOUS45Edmund and David walk over the bridge in silence. David has wept so much that his whole profile is altered, his cheeks and nose shining and swollen. The mask of his expression is different too. The lines of his face are dislocated and incoherent - as if the inner spring, which had used to cover his narrowed eyes with beaming wrinkles, is broken. EDMUNDDavid, I am sorry, so very sorry. I can’t say anything that will help. Do you have to go now?DAVIDYes, I have to. EDMUNDDo you have you any special wishes ... for the funeral?DAVID(tearfully, with pain)Please let Otto arrange it. David places his suitcase down and puts his two hands to his face as if to cool it. His fingers caress the swollen disfigured cheeks. Edmund looks tearful, observing the actions of a sad vulnerable boy. DAVIDI pushed everything to the point of destruction.Elsa did not deserve this, she always believed in the good in people - something I could not. EDMUNDSo where are you going now?DAVIDHome. Leningrad - 30/04/2024 88

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 89EDMUNDLeningrad? USSR? DAVIDI want to find my Mother - she is the only family I have left, and I need to tell her that I’m the only one left too.EDMUNDSo Elsa’s story was true? DAVIDAll of it. But why should I wear that story round my neck and be such a figure to the world?EDMUNDDavid, you can’t go back, you will be put in prison or worse. DAVIDIt’s my home and we must suffer in our own place. ANNOUNCEMENT for the train to Newcastle is heard. David pauses and breaks a faint smile. DAVIDDon’t worry about me, after all, I am David Levkin. Goodbye, Lord Edmund.A figure appears. Isabel stands on the platform with a suitcase. INT. HALLWAY - DAY46The RAVENOUS FIRE has swept out of Isabel’s room, its flames consuming the parched oak balustrade and staircase down to the panelled hallway. The advance was only halted by the arrival of the firefighters, alerted by Mr Crispin Hogg. Flora waits for Otto to return from the hospital, standing on what was once the hallway’s herringbone floor, now fractured with charred parquetry. The burned banister rails debris lie in pools of water like the skeleton of a giant leviathan washed up on a beach. The firemen's hoses, like tentacles, still protrude out of the rectangular hole in the wall, once a window.30/04/2024 89

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 90The hallway’s wooden panels, now blackened with soot, have a myriad of burnt, empty frames loosely hanging from their perches. A few perfectly symmetrical rectangular patches are evidence where the paintings once belonged. The small rare Calvert wooden engraving had become a solid black rectangle. John’s riverside watercolours, The Spencer, Tamara de Lempicka’s pencil drawing, the Northumberland landscape are no more. Only Lydia’s portrait survived undamaged, now illuminated by a shaft of light through the roof. Otto’s long hug with Flora explains the bad news. Edmund walks in. Maggie carefully descends from the landing on what remains of the burnt staircase. In contrast to her surroundings, she looks immaculate - wearing Lydia’s green dress from the painting and high heels. Maggie stops halfway down the staircase, standing parallel to Lydia’s portrait.MAGGIEIs that poor girl dead?Edmund nods with sadness.MAGGIE(harshly)You killed that girl!(Pointing at Otto)All of you!Maggie stares coldly, unwilling to continue any further interaction. She turns around to head back up but as she ascends onto the next step, her heel goes through the charred wood, getting stuck and causing her to grapple onto the bannister rail which cracks, releasing several spindles over the edge. Maggie, holding onto dear life, throws herself back onto the stairs as the hand-rail tumbles onto the floor.She sits motionless for a second, covered with black soot, looking completely dishevelled, her white bare foot incongruous to the scene. She catches her breath and rises angrily, erupting, screaming with howls of bitterness. She rips out the shoe from the step, breaking the heel in the process and throws it down at the congregation.MAGGIEAfter all the years I cleaned and scrubbed after you – look at this bloody mess! You destroy everything you touch.30/04/2024 90

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 91You all think Lydia was a monster but in reality, the only people in this house that are monsters are you. You were nothing without her!Otto opens his mouth to say something but Maggie launches back at him.MAGGIEShut up! I didn’t have a voice for 17 years, it’s my turn to speak now and you, you stupid man, are still trying to speak for me because I am a woman. Now clear off!An almighty argument erupts between Maggie, Otto and Flora.Edmund zones out, through the hole in the roof, the moon is visible. It’s a waxing crescent moon.EDMUND (V.O.)Maggie was right, Lydia was the reason for our being. The fire – like Lydia – consumed everything, consumed us all but with that same very simplicity, I was finally free.Whilst the argument continues Edmund turns to leave. He sees a SILHOUETTE in a haze of the bright summer light at the open door. The figure stands there for a moment before taking a step forward.It is Lydia.CUT TO BLACKINT. TRAIN - DAY47We hear the SOUND OF METAL WHEELS of a train clatter on steel track. Isabel sits opposite an OLD GENTLEMAN, talking to him. She has a suitcase and a PACKAGE wrapped in brown paper placed on the seat next to her. ISABEL...I’m off to Edinburgh, to see my father. It’s been many years since my last visit and now that I’m going to be a mother, I want to be home for good. Isabel then picks up the paper wrapped package and carefully removes the strings.30/04/2024 91

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Rebel Republic Films30/04/2024 92ISABEL(with a mischievous smile)I can’t resist showing you something. It’s called “St Francis and the Birds” by Sir Stanley Spencer. This wonderful gift is from my very dear family. They insisted that I have it.Magnificent, isn’t it? She holds up the painting. On her finger she wears Elsa’s Siberian yellow diamond ring. THE END30/04/2024 92