2「妹妹,你係咪做project呀?我成日都幫嗰啲社工㗎。」「真係㗎?係呀我做功課,你介唔介意我錄少少片?」「唔介意,錄啊錄啊,你可以拍低我個樣。」(在一旁的街坊説:把他拍得英俊一點!)為什麼你做地攤小販?(在一旁的街坊説:「地攤大老闆呀!」)因為我是一個很窮的人,需要維生,唯有做地攤。他們是你們的朋友嗎?(説笑)我不懂他們的,這裏是攔開的(作攔開手勢)。你這些貨品都是拾回來的嗎?是婆婆叔叔給我的,他們知道我做地攤小販,就會把有用的物件收集起來,然後送給我。有些人會幫我把整堆貨物一車車過來,然後問我「呀叔叔你要不要啊?」,他說「你要就要,不要就賣給其他人了。」你通常什麼時間在這裏?七點半到八點,大約一個鐘至個半鐘。放太夜會阻礙其他人,我也很害怕食環來驅趕我們。他們經常過來的,其實我們始終都是犯法的。那麼你們地攤小販會互相照應嗎?(説笑)不會的,那些人經常欺負我。他們不給我位置,經常要霸地盤。總之做地攤小販十分艱難,生活艱苦呀。你還有甚麼想說的嗎?如果這個世界是文明的,就不會有這麼多舊的東西掉出來,全部掉出來然後拿去堆填區。如果這個是一個文明社會,是不會有人擺地攤的。你看人家日本會不會有人“Sweetheart, are you working on a project? I always help with the social workers.”“Really? Yes, I am working on an asssignment. Do you mind I shoot some videos?”“I don’t mind, you can shoot videos. You can even take photos of my face.”(Residents next to him said, “record his handsome face!’Why you work as a peddler? (Residents nearby called him as “Booth Big Boss”)It is because I am a very poor man, I need to sell on the street in order to earn a living. Are they your friends?(Kidding) I don’t know them. Here is the boundary of my area.Do you collect these stu from somewhere?They are all given by some old ladies and uncles. They know I am a peddlers and in need of these objects, so they will collect them and give them to me. Some people even organize a large bunch of goods and transport them to us by van. When you usually at here?7.30pm to 8pm, around 1-1.5 hours in total. Working too late will aect people living here. In addition, I am afraid of the FEHD ocers to catch us. They come frequently. After all, these are all illegal activities. Do you guys help with each other?(Kidding) No, I am always being bullied by them. They don’t allow me to do a business there. That’s why we often need to mark and occupy our area. In short, doing peddlers are very dicult to live. Do you have any other thing to say?If this world is civilised, no old things would be thrown out. If this world is civilised, no peddlers will do business at the street. Is there peddlers in Japan? In 霸地盤
4擺地攤的?香港窮的越窮,有錢的越有錢。(期間有居民搭訕)行地攤就好像尋寶一樣,你適合就適合,好像我喜歡玩玩具一樣,我有時在這裏都會找到自己的心頭好,妹妹跟你分享一下......------------------------------------------------------------你們是否經常在這裏擺地攤?對啊,我們每天都在這裏。你們是家庭主婦?是的。你們這些貨物是怎樣來的?我們都是靠附近的清潔工幫助我們收集貨品,在再拿過來擺檔。食環經常來驅趕你們嗎?當然了,他們負責任呀嘛。(笑)他們巡視得頻密嗎?都很多次,所以我們都要很快速把攤檔收起來。通常他一過來叫我們收東西,我們便在他面前收拾。當他們離開了,我們又會把貨品從新放出來。速度是十分重要的,例如我們用布把貨物展示,另一邊廂又可以快速地用布把貨品包起來然後立即離開。你們地攤小販會互相通傳嗎? 會的,通常一見到其他人開始收拾,我們就會立即跟着他們腳步。剛才也有食環來巡視,我也立即收檔。你看現在我們又可以繼續擺檔了,「搵食就是這樣的了,搵食艱難啊!」你們會擺檔擺到什麼時間?我們擺到10點便離開。你們知道現在還有天光墟嗎?天光墟不是在這裏的,是在橋底那邊。不過好像又沒有了,加上疫情,因為現在也沒有什麼人流。這裏的地攤大多擺到十點十一點,有一些比較勤力的小販,會擺到十二點。
5Hong Kong, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. (A resident came to us) Walking at these booths are like having a treasure hunt. I play with toys, and I sometimes nd some rare toys here. Let me share with you…----------------------------------------------------------Do you always sell at here?Yes, we are here every day. Are you two housewife?Yes. Where do your goods come from?We rely on the cleaners working nearby to help us collect the things, then we sell them here. Do FEHD ocers always drive you guys away?Of course, they are very responsible. Do they inspect frequently?Yes, so we need to pack our things swiftly. Usually, we will pack the things once the ocers come. After they leave, we will display our goods immediately. Speed is the key for us being a peddler. For example, we use a fabric to quickly display and wrap up the objects. Do you guys communicate among yourselves?Yes, we will follow each others’ footsteps. If we see other start packing their stu, we know the hawker control team is coming. There are inspection just now. We close our business immediately and re-open again now. That’s the strategy of earning a living. It’s not easy. What time will you work until?We work until 10pm.Do you know are there still any dawn markets?Dawn markets are not located here, should be under the bridge. It seems that there are no those markets anymore, probably because of the low ow of people, especially during COVID. Street booths here area usually operated til 10pm or 11pm. Some hardworking vendors may work until 12 midnight.
6Do you have a close relationship with the stall hawkers?Yes, we have a close relationship with some of hawkers and we always help with each other. We used to live nearby, that’s why we know each other well. We have moved to other place already. In the past, we need to take care of the children, so it’s hard for us to nd a full-time job. We have no choice but to sell goods at the street to earn a living. We earn as much as we could. Where do you get the goods from?They are all given by others, mainly cleaners. As long as the goods are in good quality, we will sell it, it is also a very environmentally friendly practice. In fact all of these objects are very new, some are even not yet used by anyone. These styrofoam boxes are given by the shopkeepers at the market. You two are running two separate booths? Or co-manage one booth?We are two booths here, but we put together because we are familiar with each other. In addition, our booths will look bigger if we place side by side. The more goods you display, the more customers you can attract. Two people are also benecial to taking care of each other. Are there any residents or drivers complain with the street obstruction?In fact we are all very aware of the street condition. We won’t put our goods very far away to avoid blocking vehicles from entering the street. Residents here love nding things here. I think sideway booths are one of the characteristics in Sham Shui Po. It kills two birds with one stone – the underprivileged residents can buy cheap goods while we as vendors can earn a living. Many people want to nd some weird and uncommon objects. The rst place comes to their mind would be denitely Sham Shui Po. Eventually, sideway booths become the feature of Sham Shui Po. On top of that, our neighbours also love chatting with us. Anyway they know we are all here with the same place with the same time, so we have a very close relationship. All these characteristics can barely found in any other places in Hong Kong. Do you earn much today? Especially it’s Sunday today?It depends. I received some new goods just now and I display them immediately. It’s crowded today. 你們跟排檔檔主關係相熟嗎?多交流嗎?有些都相熟的,大家向來都互相幫助。我們以前是住附近的,所以都很熟。不過現在上了樓,搬了到其他地方住。以前要照顧小朋友,不能做正職,唯有擺地攤維持生計。現在就賺得幾多得幾多,幾百就幾百,幾千就幾千。你們的貨在哪裏拿回來?都是其他人給我們的,主要是清潔阿姐。我們見貨靚、品質好,便拿出去賣,又很環保。其實這些物件都很新淨,有些甚至是新的,沒有人用過。而這些盛裝貨物的發泡膠箱,便是街市給我們的。你們兩個人是分開兩個攤檔,還是合共營運一個攤檔?我們這裏是兩個攤檔的,不過我們相熟所以放在一起,另外攤檔這樣放看起來會比較大。放多一些貨品出來,便能吸引更多人過來湊熱鬧。多過一個人也方便互相照應。有居民或車輛投訴你們阻街嗎?其實我們都很自覺的,不會阻擋車輛進入,經常避免把貨物放到很出。而且街坊都很喜歡過來「執嘢」。我覺得擺地攤是深水埗的特色,可以幫到窮人,而我們自己也可以賺一些錢,一舉兩得。很多人想找一些奇怪東西,他們第一時間都會想起深水埗,因此這變成了深水埗的特色。而且街坊都很喜歡過來「傾偈」,深知這個時候大家會在這裏聚集一齊,關係十分融洽。除了深水埗以外,都沒有其他地方會像這樣了。今日生意好嗎?今日星期日應該很多人?一時時,剛剛拿了一些靚貨,便有更多貨再放來賣,今天都尚算熱鬧。傾偈地方一齊聚集
2你是不是深水埗的居民?是的。你住了左深水埗多少年?我住在這裏33年了。你從事排檔小販多少年?都是30幾年,我一來深水埗就當排檔小販了,這30幾年都是在北河街擺一檔。你有曾經在別的地方擺檔嗎?最多都是隔一個檔位,主要因為牌照問題而搬遷位置。你通常幾點開舖和收舖?我通常九點開舖,十點收鋪,因為收舖需時,所以很夜才收鋪。可不可以講解開舖的程序?開舖和收鋪都需要兩個多小時,步驟非常複雜,首先要拉蓬,很重的,角度開得正確就很容易。之後就開傘,拉帳,擺貨品出來。你主要買什麼貨品?指甲鉗、針線、剪刀等等……始終都是賣這類型的日用品。這全都是在香港入貨。你覺得開排檔有什麼困難?當然有困難了!我做到今年就不做了,我退休了。因為生活越來越艱難,年紀又大,物價又高漲,到不知所謂。完全賺不到錢,持牌人又不斷加租。現在租金是多少?6000幾元,連同不同的雜費。根本賺不到錢,所以我都Are you living in Sham Shui Po?Yes.How long have you lived here?I have lived here for 33 years.How long have you been stall hawker?Also around 30 years, since I came to Sham Shui Po. I operate this stall in Pei Ho Street for all these 30 years.Have you tried doing business in other area?Not really. I tried doing business at the next stall, mainly because of the license issue. What time do you usually open and close your stall? I usually open at 9am and close at 10pm. It takes time to close the stall, that’s why I o so late. Can you briey talk about the procedures of opening the stall?It takes 2 hours for both opening and closing the shop. It is very complicated, we need to rst slide out the canopy. It is very heavy, yet it is very easy to nish with the correct opening angle. Then we need to open the umbrella, arrange the cabinets and display out the goods. What types of goods do you mainly sell?Nail clippers, sewing kit, scissors etc. These are all daily necessities, all purchased in Hong Kong. What do you think are the diculties of running a hawker stall?It’s very dicult indeed. I only run the stall until the end of this year. I am going to retire. It’s getting more and more dicult to live. I am getting old, and the price of the goods are increasing. I can hardly make a prot…the license owner keep raising the rent for this stall. 生活艱難
4決定不再做了。現在擺檔只是當打發一下時間,實際上所賺到的錢其實很少。(期間有客人跟歐姑娘講價,但歐姑娘堅決不減價。)申請政府小販牌照容易嗎?現在不能申請了,我租借別人的檔口,他們都是小販牌照持牌人。我嘗試申請20多年了,但都不成功。根據政府現時的政策,只有子孫後代才能承繼上一代的牌照,「老竇傳落仔,仔又傳落孫」。現在的年輕人也不會從事排檔小販了,他們最多只是貪新鮮嘗試一下,並不是長遠地經營排檔事業。(歐姑娘回答客人查詢)為什麼你從事排檔?一開始不是我自己選擇的,是我丈夫申請我來香港的時候,順便幫我申請從事排檔小販。其實我一開始十分不願意的,但他說如果我不做小販又怎麼養活兒子,所以我才做排檔小販。你認為做排檔小販有什麼好處?沒有什麼好處的。十分艱難,又要交租。開始做了之後又不想停租,唯有繼續租下去了。如果現在有其他人想租排檔,我也會立刻把排檔鋪位讓給他們。你看現在有很多店舖和排檔都倒閉了,就知道生意有多艱難。可能做食店比較好,還有藥房......像我這些做日用品的,是十分艱難了。你認為做排檔很難賺錢嗎?我就認為很困難,以前就比較易。現在疫情都沒有人逛排檔,他們買完餸就立刻離開。加上我買針子的,你看現在也沒有人使用針線。你知道有其他排檔都是買相同的貨品嗎? 大家互相有競爭嗎?有的,你看看那邊都有很多間賣針線和日用品。當然有競爭,「同行如的國」,有些檔口賣得比較便宜,有些比較昂貴。客人通常喜歡到哪間檔口就光顧哪間檔口。「好死㗎啫,多數都是做熟客生意。」你跟其他排檔檔主關係如何,大家相熟嗎? 不是全部都很熟,隔離這檔就比較熟。隔離舖頭是賣底衫的。間中都有合作的,例如她會介紹我不同的貨源,在哪裏攞褲呀衫呀等等,有時都會互相介紹客人,不過主要都是介紹貨源多。
5How much is the rent now?$6000 dollars, including a bunch of miscellaneous costs. I decide not to continue on running a stall because of this reason. I operate the stall to kill time only. As a matter of fact, running a hawker stall only earn a little. It is easy to apply for a hawker license?It is not possible to apply in this day and age. I rent others’ stall, since they are the license owner. I have tried to apply for one for 20 years already, yet it is not successful. According to the current policy, only the descendants can inherit the license of the past generation. “Dad passes to the son, and son passes to the grandson.”Teenagers nowadays won’t run a stall anymore. Well, some may only because they want to try out some new things, but they do not plan to operate a stall in the long run. Why do you work as a stall hawker?It’s not my own choice at rst. My husband apply me as a hawker at the time applying me for Hong Kong residency. Actually, I am not willing to be a hawker at rst, but in order to raise my son, I have no choice but to work as a hawker. What do you think are the advantages of being a stall hawker?No, there are no advantages. It’s very dicult to work as hawker – the rent are very expensive. However, I don’t want to give it a halt after start renting it. In fact if there is someone interested in running my stall, I will release my stall to them. You see, many shops and stalls are closed down now. It is very dicult to do a business, maybe food stalls and pharmacy are easier to operate……But for me, it’s super challenging. Do you think it’s hard to make a prot for running a hawker stall?I think its very dicult, it’s far more easier in the past. Under COVID, no one will walk the hawker stalls. They back home as soon as possible after buying groceries at the market. On top of that, my shall sell sewing kits, there is no one using needle. Are there any other shops or stalls selling similar products? Do you have any competition?Yes, you see there are a lot of stalls selling needle and sewing kits at that side. Of course there are competition. Some shops sell goods at a cheaper price, some more expensive. It depends on the
6customers, they only go where they like or they frequently go. We all serve for old customers. How would you describe your relationship with other stall hawkers? Is the relationship close?No close with everyone. I am more close with the next stall. She is selling underwear. We collaborate among ourselves such as introducing customers and exchange for source of goods. Where do you usually store your goods?I mainly store them here at my stall. I will purchase goods depends on how much storage space I get, especially during COVID, I didn’t take a lot of goods now. I will store some of the tiny goods at my home, such as headgear. How is the relationship between you and street shops?We have a good relationship. We see each other every day. Do you know peddlers?I know some. Most of the things the peddlers sell are second handed, collected by the cleaners. They can only operate their booth at night time, like 7pm or 8pm, running 1-2 hours. They open when we close. Some of the peddlers we are familiar with borrow our place to place their goods. Have you participated in the market activities held by other organisations?No, I don’t have time to go.What do think about Sham Shui Po?There are many poor people. It is meaningless to say if we like this place. We are so poor that we need to stay here anyway. 你的貨品通常貯存在哪裏?我主要都是放在這裏,有多少位置就攞多少貨,你知道這裏空間有限,尤其現在疫情也攞少了很多貨。有些細小的貨品,例如頭飾就會放家裏。 (歐姑娘詢問客人買甚麼?)你跟地鋪關係如何?我們關係也很好,大家日見夜見,不時都會打招呼。你和排檔檔主關係如何?有一些都認識的。地攤小販賣的貨品大部份都是用過的,那些貨品都是拉垃圾的清潔工給他們收集的。他們很夜才可以擺檔,七點幾八點才開始買賣,擺1—2小時。我們收檔,他們就開檔。有些相熟的地攤小販會借用我們的地方放置貨品,每天都在差不多的位置擺檔。你認識地攤小販嗎?例如有人用假銀紙,我們都會互相通知:「他是長得怎麼樣啊?要留意啊要注意啊,這裏有賊啊!」都是希望街坊街里互相關照一下。你曾經參加過其他機構舉辦的墟市嗎?沒有,我都沒有時間去參加。你覺得深水埗是一個怎樣的地方?都是窮人多,無錢人多。「鐘唔鐘意都冇得講㗎啦,都冇錢都要留喺度。」持牌人不斷加租
2你是否住在深水埗?我原本住在深水埗,但後期去了荃灣住。為甚麼你繼續在深水埗開鋪?因為我一向都在深水埗長大,在這裡工作,覺得這裏比較容易做生意。加上你也喜歡深水埗的文化和環境?我一出生就在深水埗,了解深水埗的一切。(邱先生向顧客打招呼:「隨便看,姐姐。」在這了解下我十喜歡深水埗。至於另一個區域,不是不喜歡,而是不習慣在那裏生活。我搬到荃灣住,但我也甚少在荃灣逛,我分不清不同的街道。如果我要去另一個區域做生意都真是很困難,這是適應的問題……你認為深水埗與其他區域有甚麼分別?深水埗這個平民化的區域,物價比較低,租金也比較低,做生意沒有那麼吃力,換轉另一個區域就很難做生意了,租金大約是深水埗的三至四倍。如果你賣的貨物是一般價位,根本是難以支撐。深水埗很多基層人士,對嗎?是,大多都是基層人士,很少有錢人,就算有,他們都不會在這裏消費。他們通常到旺區,這裏做不到他們生意。深水埗有私人地產發展嗎?有的,鄰近海邊的位置。那些舊樓被拆卸作重建,當然整個區域重建後會變得美輪美奐,但是重建後窮困人士可以住在哪裏呢?發展是需要的,但我希望政府可以慢速發展,好像大陸所說的「先讓一部分人先富起來」。但現在政府起樓的速度又追不上舊樓清拆的速度,窮人可以怎麼辨呢!現在的檔房租金五千、六千元一個月,差不多一半的人工都用來交租,如何生活?如果四處都是重建項目,窮人就沒有地方住了,想找兩餐都很困難。現在還有二十零元的兩餸飯,或者有慈善家派飯,Do you live in Sham Shui Po?I was living in Sham Shui Po before, but I have moved to Tsuen Wan now.Why do you continue your business in Sham Shui Po?I was living in Sham Shui Po before, but I have moved to Tsuen Wan now.And you also like about Sham Shui Po’s culture and environment, right?I was born in Sham Shui Po, that’s why I am very familiar with this place. (Mr. Yau greets his customers, “ feel free to take a look, my friend.”) In this sense, I love Sham Shui Po very much. As for other districts, it’s dicult for me to get used to living there. I moved to Tsuen Wan, but I seldom walk and shop there, not to mention distinguish the streets. If I need to move to another district to do my business, I think it would be very dicult for me. It is matter of adaptation.What do you think are the dierences between Sham Shui Po and other districts?Sham Shui Po is a district for common people, the price is low, so does the rent. This is easier for people to do business here. If you do business in other districts, the rent is 3-4 times of that of Sham Shui Po. Imagine you are selling cheap good, it is very hard to sustain the business. There are many grassroots in Sham Shui Po, right? Yes for sure, many of them grassroots. There are not many rich people, even if there is, they do not spend money here. They usually go to the busy area, Sham Shui Po is not their interested area. Is private property development happening in Sham Shui Po? Yes, the area near the sea. Those old tenements are demolished for redevelopment. Of course the whole district will be gorgeous, yet where will the underprivileged live? Development is necessary, but I wish the process to keep slow, like how the Mainland said “the rich rst pushing those being rich later”. 平民化區域
4但如果租金太貴,怎樣派飯給窮困人士?他自己也應付不到租金。例如明哥派飯,他之所以做到派飯是因為租金便宜,如果租金昂貴,他怎能派飯?我希望政府多照料窮困人士,給地方他們住。你經歷過沒有地方住的生活嗎?當然有,小時候我們沒有錢,所以攤開蓆在街鋪門口睡覺。人家第二天開鋪當然趕走你,但收工後就任你睡,當作夜晚有人幫他看鋪。賊人都不敢打草驚蛇,害怕你睡醒,所以以前即使窮困,也可以睡在人家舖面,總之你不要把地方弄髒就好了,例如你憋尿,就不要在人家地方泡尿。不過這都是六十幾年前的事了。我們大多人都經歷過窮困,我們試過租一個床位,那不是一個單位,連門口也沒有,只拉着布帳。可以形容一下深水埗的排檔嗎?小販牌分為兩種,一類是固定小販,令一類是流動小販。不論是固定還是流動,牌照擁有者都把牌照租出去。法例規定牌照是不能轉租的,而政府是知情的,不過他們隻眼開隻眼閉。你會問排檔租金幾多錢?我跟你說,人流不太旺的地方$5000元,比較旺的就$8000,如果十分旺的就$20,000元租金。一個檔口三尺乘四尺 $20,000元租金,在哪裏?在花園街啊!我曾經也有想過做一個檔口做生意,擔心未來地舖做不住。政府無視他們犯法,任由他們申請助手牌照。當政府人員來查看牌照時,排檔持有人解釋他們因年紀大,而聘請助手幫忙,就能避過法例。既然政府知道牌照持有人以高價租給有需要的擋主,那麼政府應該自己租給有需要的人士,不應該讓牌照持有人從中牟取暴利。我聽聞過有些牌主自己已經有幾層樓收租,你說多麼不公平!我認為政府應該重新審視小販發牌制度,一方面不應該有太多灰色地帶,另一方面樣有真正有需要的擋主租借排檔維持生計。即是現時大部份排檔檔主都不是牌照持有人?不是啊,全部排檔都是租出去的。我大膽一點說,十個小販牌照持有人仲有九個都把排檔租出去,有些更租幾個牌 。 他們都變成「財主佬」,擁有過億身家。你以前做過小販嗎?我也曾經做過小販,我們上一代是租小販排檔做生意的。以前有80%的排檔檔主現在都變了有錢人,因為他們勤力,生意容易做,利潤深,因為他們不需要繳交昂貴的租金。現在政府只象徵式收幾千元租金,以前只是幾百元一年,是一年,不是幾個月。我爸爸曾經時小販,他沒有把牌照租出去,他因為勤力都擁有幾
5However, the demolition rate can’t catch with that of construction. One thing you should know is that the rent of the subdivided unit is around $5000-$6000 per month, almost half of their salary, how can they survive? There are cheap two-dish mealboxes nowadays, some philanthropist may even give out lunchboxes for free to the needy. However, if the rent is too expensive, this charity event can’t happen too. I hope the government can take care of the underprivileged, give places for them to live. Have you ever experienced without a place to live? Of course, we are very poor when we are very young, so we lay down a mat in front of others’ shop and sleep there. They turb us away in the next morning, but allow us to sleep overnight after they close the business, because we can help him guard the shop, as long as we don’t make the shop dirty. But these are already 60 years ago...... we all experienced poverty, we rented a bed before. It’s just a bed, not even a unit. There’s no door, only enclosed with a cloth.Can you describe the hawker stalls in Sham Shui Po?Hawker licenses can be divided into two types - xed and mobile. Nowadays, license holders rent out their licenses, be it the xed and mobile. The law stipulates that licenses cannot be subletted, the government is aware of it, but they turn a blind eye to it. Do you know how much for renting a hawker stall? The rent is $5,000 for a less crowded place, $8,000 for a relatively busier place, and $20,000 for a very busy area, Which is in Fa Yuen Streeet. I tired to apply for a hawker license, to prevent the shut down of my business. However, I realised that the Government turn a blind eye to those illegal acts. As long as the license owner explained that those hawkers at the stall are their assistant. It is so sarcastic that the many of the license owners have already rich people now because they make excessive prots by rent the license out, that’s so unfair! I believe that the Government should re-examine the hawker license policy. They should ensure the license are rent to hawker in need of the stall.You mean most of the hawkers running a stall now is not the license owner?No, I have to say, 9 out of 10 licenses are rent out, some even rent several licenses out. They all become rich men now. Can you describe the hawker stalls in Sham Shui Po?I have been a hawker before. Our last generation rent stall to do business. As long as you work hard, you can earn a lot, since the rent are cheap and the
6goods are inexpensive. Are all generations of your family selling umbrella?Yes, we all sell umbrella. My dad did business in hawker stall while I opened this shop on the street. Our brand is with 180-year history, since Qing Dynasty. Our signboard has a couplet and it implies that all customers at our shop are all very rich. However, I think it is very sarcastic since the words were written in 1842, when Hong Kong was ceded to Britain. I guess the words are written to satirise the society since it was very chaotic at that time.How about you introduce you store to us?Our shop is small in scale. We mainly sell umbrella. I tried to sell other products in the past, but I didn’t sell them anymore since getting old. I am too old to do expand my business now. My only wish is to earn a living by selling one or few things. You do help residents repair their umbrella, don’t you?Yes, these are the umbrellas they take to me. You see this sheet, telling who this umbrella is owned by. There are many residents come to me every year especially during rainy seasons. I am here to ask everyone don’t come to me with a broken umbrella anymore, because I am too old to repair this huge amount of umbrellas. Why do the residents like repairing umbrella?They usually think the umbrellas are with precious memories, be it given by friends or another half. Some of them are super silly, despite that the umbrella cost only $20 dollars, they are willing to spend $80 dollars to repair it. That’s all because of memory. There was once a teenager came to me with his umbrella. I return to him after a while, but he did not want the umbrella anymore. It’s because he was broken up with his girlfriend because he dismantled his girlfriend’s umbrella. I said, ‘why don’t you tell me earlier. I should have help you repair the umbrella as fast as I can.’ In fact I want to help him get her back too, yet it’s too late.I heard from you that residents like helping with each other, can you share with us?Sham Shui Po residents are willing to help with another. For example, this kettle was given by a neighbour. She said I should drink more water since I am very old. The kettle is very new, has been used less than one month. She said it was given by her boss but she has a lot of similar appliances already. That’s why she gives it to me. Another example is that some neighbour will cook meals to me. They cook so well. I enjoy those delicious 層樓了。你們幾代都是賣雨傘的嗎?是,我們幾代都是買雨傘的。我爸爸在上一代是做排檔做生意的,而這間地舖是我這一代開的。我們的招牌有180年歷史,我們在清朝已經開檔,但到我爸爸的年代已經沒有用那個招牌,斷了一段時間,有我再重新開鋪。我們的招牌有一句對聯:「新姿滿城顯氣派,藝彩盈市露風華」。這句對聯暗喻只要經過我們鋪頭的人都非富則貴,都會光顧我們。這句對聯寫於1842年,即是清道光22年,當時香港割讓了給英國,當時八國聯軍入侵中國,我們的祖先怎麼會有生意呢。我猜當時我們的祖先寫下這對聯是為了諷刺社會。「新姿滿城顯氣派,藝彩盈市露風華」,我憑記憶把它重寫一次,這句對聯表面上形容社會十分太平張燈結綵,人民都很高興,實情卻是亂七八糟!不如你介紹一下你的舖頭?我們這裏地方比較少,規模不大,最主要是售賣雨傘。你可能會問還有其他東西買嗎?沒有啊!你看,整個舖頭只有這麼多地方,為了適應自己,所以規模也很小。你看,全部都是雨傘。我們這麼多年都是售賣雨傘,以前有嘗試售賣其他東西,但因為我年紀大,所以現在也沒有賣其他東西了。我年紀大不想做更多生意了,只希望隨便賣一種東西,能夠支撐生活就足夠了。你有幫助居民維修雨傘,對嗎?無錯,這批就是幫助居民維修的雨傘。你看這張紙就說明了這是居民拿來維修的。妹妹,這把也是,你看。每一年都有很多居民來維修,雖然這段時間比較少人,但雨季就十分之多。你可能會問這麼多雨傘我一個人怎能維修全部啊?就是維修不了,所以我就此呼籲大家不要再拿雨傘過來了,我年紀也老邁了,最好就不要再拿來。為甚麼居民都喜歡維修雨傘?維修雨傘的人士都覺得雨傘有記憶性、有紀念性,或者是朋友送的,又或者是拍拖弄壞了對方的雨傘,令到對方不開心,所以希望把它維修,他們都有各式各樣的原因。有些朋友很愚蠢,雨傘價值$20元, 卻願意花$80維修雨傘,這都是因為回憶。曾經有一個年輕人把雨傘拿來,我一段時間後才維修完給他,他說他已經不要了,我問他:「你付了錢的為何不要?」他跟我解釋因為這把雨傘他是跟女朋友吵架而弄壞了的。我說:「你應該早一點跟我說,那麼我就盡早把雨傘維修給你。」結果最後雨傘都給我扔走了。我不斷叫他拿回雨傘,但
9meals a lot. Some neighbour will put their children in my shop and they go buy groceries nearby. I don’t mind to take care of the children. I am super free anyway. I see some art installations outside your shop. Can you introduce them to us?My umbrella store is very special, because there are a lot of pinwheel. I want to make everyone happy through placing these pinwheel along the street. Residents always very afraid being “robbed”, I mean they need to spend money when walking the street. I hope these pinwheels can be more energetic, more colourful and with dierent appearances, so that people will feel happy after seeing or even playing with them. I see the fruits stall owners also help you with the art installation set-up?Yes, she is very nice. She knows I can’t handle so many things. Therefore, she helps me save some time and energy to help me display the art installation. We all take a care of another in this neighbourhood. You see the lady having lunch there, she always treat me meal. Her boss is also very nice. He doesn’t mind his employee to give me free meals.Can you describe the relationship between you and the stall hawker?We often chat and take care with one another. I remember there are some people using counterfeit banknote. We all report to each other how the suspect looks like and remind among ourselves to beware of the issues. Do you know booth vendors?Booth vendors do their business like this because they have a hard time to earn money. They goods are free of charge, very often collected the cleaning sta working at the residential buildings nearby. These are all underground trade. Since they are without hawker license, they are always driven away but the hawker control team. No matter how the ocers drive them away, they still can’t stop them from doing street vending, because they still need to earn a living! The 他說避免傷心而不來取回。他真是「蠢豬」,假如他早一點跟我說雨傘是用來「補鑊」,我一定立刻把幫她維修,我也希望他能「補鑊」。我之前聽你說居民都會互相幫助,可以分享一下嗎?深水埗居民都樂意互相幫助,例如這個水壺就是街坊送給我的。他說我幾廿歲人,應該煲一些水喝,於是送了這個茶壺給我。這個茶壺還很新淨,用了不夠一個月,我問她為什麼不要,是他老闆送給她的,她不需要於是送給我。有時有些街坊煮飯煮多了,也會送給我吃,他們煮餸十分好吃。他們不收錢,裝滿白飯和餸菜給我請我吃,不只是吃一餐,經常也有得吃。有些街坊會把小朋友暫託在這裏,然後到附近買菜,我就幫助他們看照顧小朋友,我也沒有所謂,反正十分空閒。我看見你店舖外面有一些自製的藝術品,可以跟我們介紹一下嗎?我這間舖頭十分特別,有很多個風車。我希望用這些藝術品來令大家行到這條街的時候都有歡笑,因為居民逛街的時候經常害怕要付錢,有種「被打劫」的感覺,所以他們經常沒有歡笑。(路過居民詢問雨傘價錢,由先生回答:「$48。」)我希望製造一些會轉動的風車,使人路過時都感覺開心一點。(邱先生帶我們近距離欣賞他的藝術裝置)我希望這些風車可以生動一點,彩色的,又有不同的款式,希望路過的人都能夠欣賞。你看,「壽比南山,福如東海」老人家看見這個都十分開心,寄寓他們長命百歲;另外這個是幫可口可樂賣廣告,希望他不會話我侵犯版權,這個也是風車來的,當它轉動時人們見到都很開心。我剛才旁邊生果檔的姐姐也幫你把擺設拿出來?對啊,因為她知道我做不了這麼多東西,於是旁邊賣生果的女士看見我這麼忙,年紀又大,於是幫個忙,不希望我這麼辛苦。大家互相照顧,左鄰右里經常互相幫忙。你看那邊正在吃飯的姐姐,他也經常請我吃飯。雖然她是打工的,但她的老闆也容許她送飯給我吃,老闆是姓梁的,他經常請我食麵包,他人很好。左鄰右 里互相幫忙
10vendors and ocers have an ecosystem – I will leave when you come. When you leave, I will come again. Do you know booth vendors?Booth vendors do their business like this because they have a hard time to earn money. They goods are free of charge, very often collected the cleaning sta working at the residential buildings nearby. These are all underground trade. Since they are without hawker license, they are always driven away but the hawker control team. No matter how the ocers drive them away, they still can’t stop them from doing street vending, because they still need to earn a living! The vendors and ocers have an ecosystem – I will leave when you come. When you leave, I will come again. What do you think how can these problems to be resolved?It’s dicult, everyone on the earth do the same. It doesn’t happen in Hong Kong only. Trac obstruction is the truth, yet everyone should try to compromise among one another. Do residents like the hawkers and peddlers?Yes, they like them, since the residents like about cheap goods. It is in fact a a environmentally friendly practice. Of course some of the residents hate them, because the vendors obstruct the street, making people walk uncomfortably. Be that as it may, I think we should have sympathy for the peddlers. They just earn a living, but not to commit robberies. They have no choice but to violate the law in order to earn a living. You get a plenty of goods, how much time you spend every day for setting up the store?1 hour, almost 3 hours in total for opening and closing the store.Do this display board help promote other organisation ?Yes, some organisation contact me occasionally and ask for promotion. I don’t mind to let them post their posters here. We should assist each other anyway. 你和排檔當主關係如何?我們有時也會傾談,互相關照一下。可以分享一下居民和店主的合作事例嗎?例如有人用假銀紙,我們都會互相通知:「他是長得怎麼樣啊?要留意啊要注意啊,這裏有賊啊!」都是希望街坊街里互相關照一下。你認識擺地攤的居民嗎?擺地攤的居民都是因為他經濟困難,他們的貨物全部都不需要用錢,靠附近大廈的清潔工幫他們收集有用的物件,再給他們一些小費,這都是地下交易。(邱先生向顧客介紹不同的遮款:「這是自動遮,這些是手動。」)地攤都需要「走鬼」,市政經常叫他們不要擺,否則便罰他們錢,但你怎樣趕他們,他們都堅持要擺,因為他們需要生活。唯有大家互相遷就,你出更的時候,我就隱形。你走開的時候,我就開檔。他們很快就能開舖收舖,一塊布放在地上,一走鬼的時候,拉着四隻角,就能把貨物整袋拎走離開。其實他們都只是「搵食」,又不是打劫。不過基於市容和交通問題,所以政府不容許他們這樣做。你覺得可以怎樣改善這些問題?很難改善,全個地球的人都是這樣做。不只是香港,而是世界各地的人都是這樣做。阻塞交通是事實,但希望大家可以互相遷就,不要太過分就可以了。居民喜歡這些小販和地攤嗎?喜歡。因為有便宜東西執拾,人棄人取,而且十分環保。但有些居民十分討厭他們,因為他們阻塞街道,令人們難以行走。但我希望我們應該多同情地攤小販,因為他們只是為生計,而不是打家劫舍,他們是好人,為了生活他們不得不踩界,踩法律的界線。(顧客詢問有沒有細的雨傘,邱先生返回做生意。)你這麼多貨物,平日開舖花多少時間?1小時,開舖收舖總共花費差不多3小時。這告示板是幫助其他團體宣傳嗎?對,有時有些組織希望放一些宣傳物品在這裏,我都不介意,讓他們張貼一些海報,互相幫忙一下。