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The Insider | Q4 - 2024

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I S S U E N O . 1 6Q 4 | 2 0 2 4INSIDERINSIDERC O N N E C T | E N G A G E | I N S P I R E | E M P O W E RC O N N E C T | E N G A G E | I N S P I R E | E M P O W E RT H E O C O N E E C H A M B E R

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Chamber Executive BoardChairman of the BoardBrad Tucker, Look Ahead Business ConsultingChair ElectPaige Fuller, Mary Kay CosmeticsTreasurerMichael Gill, Michael Gill State FarmSecretaryLorie Petersen, BankSouthAt-LargeCharlie Upchurch, Coldwell Banker Upchurch RealtyImmediate Past ChairAmy Parrish, Highland Trust PartnersPresidentCourtney Bernardi

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INSIDERwww.oconeechamber.org55 Nancy Drive, Watkinsville Georgia 30677Oconee Chamber of CommerceQ4 | Issue 16

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Courtney, Andrea & Caroline

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It seems like 2024 has gone by in the blink of aneye. While it was an interesting year, hello electionyear, it was also a year filled with great success.The Oconee Chamber remained a vital resourcethroughout the past year, meeting the needs ofover 530 business partners and beyond. Ourorganization remains an integral piece of thesuccess of our community and our region. We continue to be amazed by the power andstrength of partnership here at the Chamber. In2024 we welcomed over 90 new partners to thechamber family– WOW – what a reason tocelebrate! We look forward to the momentum continuing intothe new year. 2025 will be an exciting year with acontinued focus on fostering creativity, enhancingand diversifying delivery channels, identifying andimplementing additional avenues of collaborationand so much more! We can't thank you enough for your unwaveringsupport of the Oconee Chamber and look forwardto leveling up in 2025!Courtney Message from our Chamber President

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Our dedicated and tireless Ambassadors make new Chamber Partners feel welcome and help get them involved in Chamber activities.Our Chamber Sponsors put time, energy, effort, and money to work so that our events are both possible and successful. ll of ourChamber Partners, through word and deed, help make the Oconee Chamber the voice of the business community in Oconee County.Most of all, our Chamber Staff, Caroline, Andrea, and Courtney, put in the thought, planning, and effort to create and realize the manyevents, programs, and initiatives that are the visible results of Chamber activity. Thank you all for your commitment and participationin the Oconee Chamber! Because of these efforts, people see and experience an organization that serves its members and thecommunity in valuable and enjoyable ways.I would like to single out a particularly significant example of this idea of invisible but critical effort. The Fall Festival is the Chamber’sbiggest and most important event of the year, both for what it does for the community and for what it does for the Chamber. OurFestival is the only one of its kind in Georgia that is not managed by an outside professional organization (at significant expense). Thewillingness of the Chamber Staff and Partners to execute this event without outside help is extraordinary! After many years of terrificwork leading this event, Julia Estess handed over the reins to Andrea Reese last year. In addition to 2023 being her first year runningthe event, Andrea and her team had to deal with creating a completely new process for managing the event logistics, due to therenovation of Rocket Field. The team created quality solutions that made the event a great success, in spite of these challenges. Thatalone is impressive, but that’s not all. This year, Andrea could have been satisfied with tweaking the processes and going with the flow,but that’s not Andrea. She reviewed and remade the vendor selection process with a strategic eye towards getting the best mix ofquality vendors and avoiding duplication of offerings. Andrea researched vendors online, invited new vendors and products to the fair,and made hard decisions regarding some legacy vendors (and made those decisions stick!). The result was a successful and smoothrunning 50th Fall Festival, attended by over 25,000 people.As Chamber Chair for 2024, I have felt that my primary role has been as head Chamber cheerleader. It’s been an easy gig; there is somuch to cheer about! The best part about the role has been the opportunity to see and experience these invisible activities andprocesses that go into making the Oconee Chamber the valuable, effective, fun organization that it is. As we all move forward into2025, I encourage all of our Chamber Partners to thank the people who make our Chamber go, attend events, spread the word aboutthe value of Chamber membership, and engage in being one of those people who make our processes invisible and our resultsexceptional.Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve the Oconee Chamber!A Word From Our 2024A Word From Our 2024CHAIRBrad TuckerBrad TuckerLook Ahead ConsultingLook Ahead ConsultingWhen an organization is functioning well, its processes are invisible. All that clients/customers andthe community see are the end results of its efforts. The Oconee Chamber is one such organization.Chamber Partners see great events, a steady stream of new Partners, and a Chamber that is engagedwith the Oconee County community in many ways, including Economic Development and support forworthy area causes. What we don’t see is all of the hard work that goes into making these excellentresults possible. I would like to take a minute to recognize and acknowledge the people behind thehard work.

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PaigeA Word From Our 2025INCOMING CHAIR Paige Fuller, Mary Kay Directorgrind, but I want us to take a minute to consider those daily activities. What is it that you do in your work daily? What are the mostimportant tasks to do each and every day? Oftentimes, those daily activities are the very things that lead to the end results that wedesire. Take a few minutes before the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve to make a list of your daily habits and activities.Could those habits propel you into something new and exciting in the New Year?Wow! Another new year is almost here! I like to think of these lastdays of December as our “transition time.” It’s a time when wecan slow down to reflect on the past year and plan for the newyear. As we plan for and dream about designing our 2025, let’sinclude how our Chamber can support and fit those business goalsinto our new year plan. When we reflect on the past year, weoften remember the significant events, the monumental occasions,and the goals accomplished. We don’t often remember the daily I read and studied a book called Chop Wood, Carry Water… by Joshua Medcalf a few years ago.It was an incredible story about ayoung man who wanted greatness – and he wanted it immediately. What he had to learn was that greatness comes in our dailyroutines. His daily routines included chopping wood and carrying water. I have noticed in several Coach Kirby interviews – most ofthe time after a Big Win – that he comments, “Keep chopping.” He teaches those young men a similar concept – that theirdaily routine helps prepare them for the Big Games. It’s a valuable concept they use in their current season, and I would venture tosay it will be a lasting, lifelong lesson. Our Chamber functions in a very similar way. The three ladies on our Oconee Chamber staffwork hard daily to present amazing events and programs to us. Their goal is to help our local community grow and become better.There are a whole lot of things that happen daily behind the scenes in the Chamber office.Their attention to detail and willingnessto change when needed creates results. Courtney, Andrea, and Caroline are very good at their daily habits and activities. As aresult, we all benefit from their hard work. I’m thrilled and honored to be your Board Chair for 2025. If we haven’t met, Ilook forward to meeting you soon. Let’s reconnect at the next Chamber eventif it's been a while. I am excited to see where this new year will take us. It hasthe potential to be our best year yet! I would venture to say that our greatnesswill be found in our consistent daily efforts, not just in fleeting moments ofglory.Has your business grown directly from the people you have met at Chamber events? Have you utilized the programs and eventsthat they make available to us? If so, keep doing what you have been doing. If not, perhaps one of your 2025 goals would be tobecome more involved in our Chamber. Do you need new contacts? Attend Chamber events regularly and/or apply for ChamberConnect, the Chamber’s new Leads Group. Do you desire more personal growth? Volunteer to help at a Chamber Big Event and/orapply for a Chamber Committee.Want to step out of your comfort zone? Sign up for a kickball team at our newest event, JustKicking It, to have some fun and help raise money for ESP and/or host a morning Coffee or After Hours at your office.

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super thingshappened in 2024!at a glanceNEW Chamber Partners!90OVER 530PARTNERS STRONG!SOLD OUT &over 25k attendees! Hosted over 50networking events!20+ Ribbon Cuttings! Granted over $10k toOconee teachers andstudents! events and marketingExpanded our visual media with our PartnerBroadcast series!ALL WIB events SOLD OUT: Record number of attendees!Helped Oconee County Businesses Grow and Expand!website20,420 visits35,434 page views52% desktop - 48% mobilereached 8,6001,600 profile visits192 new followersreached 108.7K13.8K page visits265 new page likes479 new followersemail average open rate 47-50%sent to 830+ people weekly

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Connect with us NOW, if you and your team would liketo be featured in one of our Partner Broadcast videos!Check out more on our website at LIVE ....NOW LIVE ....

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At Core Restore, we reteach the body to use the right muscles for the rightmovements We believe that exercise is a continual process that relies on theconsistent application of strategic methods for improving outcomes. Our entirepurpose is to improve the ability of your muscular system to withstandchemical, emotional, and physical stresses. We do this by utilizing MAT® andour patented Core Restore Training System as essential tools in a processfocused on increasing proper contraction of the muscular system.“CRTS™ prepares the client’s body for motion by focusing on muscle contractionand muscle awareness to improve range of motion and function.”Chris Verdi is the owner of Core Restore, ACSM and NSCA certified Personal Trainersince 2005, an Inventor with 2 US Patents, Patent US9358413 & Patent US9700751, andis the only MATRx Certified Master Specialist (the highest level offered by MuscleActivation Techniques Headquarters) in the state of New Jersey and one of only two inthe state of Georgia. Additionally, he is one of approximately 100 plus MAT®practitioners certified at his level worldwide. Through Chris’ unique understanding ofthe muscular system, he developed and patented a movement training system—termed Apparatus and Method for Muscle Movement Training.His movement training system called CRTS™ stands for Core Restore Training system.He works with everyone from pro-athletes to regular people with chronic muscularconditions, and/or people who are looking for a way to combat the stresses of exerciseor daily living. Chris Verdi and Core Restore have had the honor of providing services toindividuals from the NHL, NFL, NBA, University of Georgia Hockey, and those intraining for the Olympics. Chris is also a distributor of Young Living essential oils. Meetthe Core Restore staff and schedule a FREE service with us today!Meet The Man Behind The Curtain1050 Barber Creek Drive, Building 100-Suite 101, Watkinsville, GA. 30677Call Us: (706) 395-6042 Email Us: info@core-restore.comWe Teach You To Use The Right Muscles For The Right Movements.We Teach You To Use The Right Muscles For The Right Movements.What Can Core Restore Training System Training Do For Me?Increase muscle & body awarenessLearn to engage (feel) the correct muscles for proper movementImprove posture & range of motionIncrease muscle toneBusiness Spotlight

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Business Spotlight

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E V E N T S C A L E N D A RE V E N T S C A L E N D A R 8 AMcoffeeFebruary 5th - Logo SurfingApril 16th - Country Financial - Bret HuettJune 24th - Blasingame, Burch, Garrard & AshleySeptember 17th - Assisted Living LocatorsNovember 7th - Stand Strong FencingFebruary 12th - OCAF May 14th - Heartland Farms Event Center August 13th - December 10th - Diamond Award Excellence Luncheon April 18th, ESP Miracle League FieldOctober 18th, Downtown Watkinsville2025Join us to network, grow relationships, engage andinspire others! Let’s Roll the Dice in 2025 and win big!June 12th, Oconee County Civic CenterApril 24th, UGA Golf CourseFor Morning NetworkersFor Our After Work NetworkersFebruary 20th - Oconee State BankApril 1st - Hope Haven (with the Madison Chamber)September 10th - The Village at Malcom BridgeWomen in Business Events Other Events to Make Note Of:January 24th - Lunch Bunch - The Grid at Wire ParkMarch 12th - State of the CountyMarch 4th - New Partner Orientation March 26th - Annual Meeting June 6th - Oconee Chamber’s Friend Friday at ESPSeptember 25th - State of the Schools October 22nd - New Partner OrientationJanuary 16th - Akins Ford ArenaMarch 7th - Reddy ClinicMay 7th - OARCAugust 21st - OCAFOctober 30th - SynovusDecember 3rd - BankSouth

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As we prepare of another amazing year for the Oconee Chamber we invite you to meet your Chamber Staff,our incoming 2025 Board of Directors and your 2025 Chamber Ambassadors. We strive to be a valuableresource for your business and help you expand your business network within Oconee County and beyond. Our mission is to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life in Oconee County and our vision is for theOconee Chamber to be the premier leader and catalyst in facilitating economic prosperity and fosteringcommunity collaboration. Thank you for your support and please feel free to reach out to any of theindividuals listed below at any time! Y o u r C h a m b e r S t a f fCourtney BernardiChamber PresidentCaroline MiddlebrooksManager of Operations & PartnershipsAndrea ReeseDirector of Events & Marketing

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Stuart WillisFarrah SinclairTrish ButcherSarah CumuzeRobert JahnJared Clarke Tony FergusonF u l l E x t e n d e d B o a r d 2 0 2 5Betty WaltonAt LargeBrad TuckerPast ChairMichael Gill Incoming Chair Lorie PetersenTreasurerCharlie Upchurch SecretaryE x e c u t i v e B o a r d 2 0 2 5Russel Willis Paige FullerChair

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2 0 2 5 O c o n e e C h a m b e r A m b a s s a d o r sLorie PetersenPaige MitchellJoy MaxeyDee WadellOonagh BensonSandra MorrisonJana LoweryWhitney SperlikDee WadellTammy GillandKailey WinnJennifer StimpsonRebecca DosterBrooke Waters2 0 2 5 O c o n e e W o m e n I n B u s i n e s s C o m m i t t e eAlana CochranMallie BraggStay up to date on all events, sponsorships, & hosting opportunities via our website! W W W . O C O N E E C H A M B E R . O R GW W W . O C O N E E C H A M B E R . O R G#oconeechamber#oconeechamber

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JUSTKICKINITOCONEE CHAMBER KICKBALL EXHIBITIONKICK ITLET’S CHECK OUT THEPLAYERSGet Excited!!!! We are launching a NEW event!! YOU will not want to miss out onthis one! Get ready to KICK IT, NETWORK and have FUN with the Oconee Chamberduring our first ever Oconee Chamber Kickball Tournament! Mark your calendars, get your sweatbands ready and plan to play! If you are moreof the supporting type, come with your pom poms and mega phones - there will be food, beverages and excitement for all! PORTION OF PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TOAPRIL 18APRIL 18 THTH*if you are no longer able to play, please let us know*

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athensseedlawnandgarden@gmail.comAthens Seed Lawn and Garden, locally owned and operated since 1929, is a retail store devoted to servicing the needs of allhomeowners, gardeners, farmers, pet owners, hunters, landscapers, and contractors, far and wide. Come on by and see us! Oconee Countyfor 95 YearsStore HoursMonday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm54 Greensboro Hwy, Watkinsville, GA 30677Our Retail WebsiteCheck Out Place Your Order Online Now

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To make the event even more exciting, we were all gatheredtogether to wish Java Joy a very happy 8th birthday! CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS & COFFEEBankSouth team welcomed the Oconee Chamber partnership for the annualChristmas coffee where more than 50 joined together to kick off the holidayseason with festive networking, amazing door prizes and the most delicioustreats!

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SPEAKERFounder of Transfit Athens & Living Transformed podcast This year’s Diamond Award Excellence Banquet introduced an exciting andenhanced program layout, truly elevating the experience for both thenominees and attendees . The atmosphere buzzed with excitement,holiday cheer, and the joy of friends reuniting as they chatted, shoppedand celebrated. With over 100 women in attendance, the luncheon markeda record turnout, featuring generous sponsorships and a transformationalspeaker poised to inspire the remarkable women present. We were thrilled to honor our nine Oconee Chamber Women in BusinessDiamond Award nominees: Diane Border, Michelle Dickens, Paige Fuller,Paige Mitchell, Dena Ollis, Amy Parrish, Jennifer Stimpson, WhitneySperlik and Brooke Waters. Our speaker, Caroline Ward, a devoted wife and mother of three who hasbeen actively engaged in community service since relocating here in 1996was our keynote speaker. Her passion for family and commitment toempowering women through her business, TransFormational Fitness(TransFit)—a faith-based personal training studio—shaped her inspiringspeech. She shared her journey as a certified personal trainer, nutritionconsultant, running coach, and yoga instructor at TransFit. Caroline alsohighlighted her two books, “Live Transformed” and “Transformed byPrayer,” motivating the audience to focus on transforming not just theirbodies, but their minds and spirits as well. She candidly shared herstruggles and stories through her talk, leaving everyone feeling uplifted.Following her inspiring talk, April Farlow, the 2023 Diamond Awardrecipient took the stage to present this year’s award to the 2024 recipient,Mrs. Paige Fuller.What an incredible day it was!

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Sarah T. Moore Designs Chambray Tea Empire South Rio Lobo Hat Bar Co. Macy Gray Boutique and Permanent JewelryApril Farlow - Author POP UP VENDORS CATERERUp In SmokeHerb Roasted Chicken with Italian Cream SauceSouthern Green BeansRed Roasted PotatoesGarden Salad with Ranch or Balsamic Dressing Dinner Roll Water Russian TeaDESSERTProvided by Oconee ChamberFrom Smallcakes CupcakeryBlue MacaronsGIVEAWAYSV. Low Properties & Duncan and Co.A Huge Thank You to all ofour Sponsors & Vendors. agreat time was had by all!

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Paige Fuller2024 Diamond Award Recipient Paige was described by her peers as an encourager. Someone whoselflessly pours into others and who is committed to helping those aroundher grow. She inspires, motivates, and builds up others and her leadershipsets a powerful example of what it means to lead with both strength andheart. As a devoted business leader, wife, mother and friend – Paige’s outfit ofthe day includes many hats, all of which she wears styled beautifully.Though her hats are aplenty, her greatest accessory is the joy she shareswith all she meets. From serving her church family to serving hotdogs insporting event concession stands to serving alongside others on nonprofitboards and committees, she leaves a little pink sparkle wherever she goes. The impact of her service is far reaching. Though she empowers and serves many in our community in major ways,one of the greatest impacts Paige has made has been the gift of givingback to those battling cancer. As a cancer survivor herself, she knowsfirsthand the impacts of the battle, thus each year she rallies troops toprovide care packages to cancer patients in the Athens area. This selflessact of kindness has provided comfort to over 2400 individuals since 2017. She is an encourager who embodies strength, resiliency and compassionand boldly colors the lives of others in our community in the mostmeaningful ways. Congratulations, Paige!

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“Paige Fuller greets everyone she encounters with a smile and a kind word. She looks for ways topartner with her fellow businesswomen and aid in growing their businesses throughconnections. Paige sets a beautiful example of how to do business in a community andencourages everyone to take part.” - Rebecca Doster “Paige Fuller reminds me of sunshine...always bright and warm and cheery. I just love thepositive energy that exudes from Paige. She is a wonderful collaborator and has helped mebounce ideas around and is always so supportive of me and my business. She is an amazing andtrustworthy friend and so, so funny!” - Farrah Sinclair

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ARTISTARTISTARTISTMeet Kaitlin Bradshaw! The amazingly talented artist of our 202450th Oconee Chamber Fall Festival Commemorative T-shirt. BackFrontNow residing in Monroe, Georgia, Kaitlin, a native of Metro Atlanta moved to thesuburbs 7 years ago with her husband Matthew. Since Kaitlin was in elementary school she has had a love for art. Her love grewinto a passion, and after high school she attended the Savannah College of Art &Design, where she graduated with a degree in Illustration. While in school sheinterned at Disney in Orlando, FL. Contact Information KAITLIN BRADSHAW Graphic Designer/IllustratorCell: 770.500.4636 | Website: graduating, she has worked for local businesses in her community as well as sold her artwork on Etsy, andcreated custom designs for customers in and around Northeast Georgia. Her favorite mediums to work with arewatercolor, color pencil, & digital art (Adobe Creative Suite & Procreate). In her free time she loves being with herhusband, two beautiful children and being involved in her church.

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Get Your 50th Oconee Chamber FallFestival Commemorative SwagBE PART OF HISTORY!BE PART OF HISTORY!www. 50 WITH US!CELEBRATE 50 WITH US!

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Help Us CongratulateHelp Us CongratulateO u r f o u r t h Q u a r t e r A W A R D r e c i p i e n t s

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March 26, 2025March 26, 2025Program Begins at 5:45Program Begins at 5:45Presenting Sponsor Recognition on all Social Media and Digital MarketingLogo on Website Sponsorship PageRecognition in the Annual Meeting Article, March Digital Magazine Review Full Page Ad in the March 2025 Insider IssueSocial Media Shout OUt Newsletter Recognition for the annual meeting Host SponsorSpecial recognition at the Program in Slide ShowOption to speak During program Awards SponsorAwards SponsorinHeartland Farms Event CenterHeartland Farms Event Center Monroe, Georgia | Doors open at 5:00 PMMonroe, Georgia | Doors open at 5:00 PMHost Sponsor | $2250Host Sponsor | $2250Decor SponsorDecor SponsorFood and beverage SponsorFood and beverage SponsorJust 5 minutes fromJust 5 minutes fromNorth Oconee High School!North Oconee High School!

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4 Player Golf Team | $1000Each Player includes 1 Par-ty Player Pack Per Golfer1 Par-ty Player Pack Includes:18 Holes of Golf 2 Mulligans per playerGolf Cart Transportation for TournamentBreakfast Biscuits and Coffee from Java Joy Access to Beverage Carts from 10 AM - 1 PM1 Boxed Lunch1 Raffle ticket1 Putting Green Contest Shot 19th Hole | $8501 player on a team for golf tournament including a Par-ty Player Pack for GolferCompany logo signage at 19th Hole Reception.Logo inclusion as 19th Hole Sponsor.Two boxed lunches provided (must reserve).Raffle Sponsor | $100Company listed at the Raffle Station during the welcomeceremony and at the 19th hole awards ceremony! Company listed on the Chamber golf event page onwebsite.UGA Golf CourseApril 24, 2025 8:45 AM Shot Gun StartAwards Sponsor | $20001 (4 player) team for golf tournament including 1 Par-ty Player Pack Per Golfer Opportunity to present awards to winners during 19th Hole Reception (Lunch)Company logo signage and a 6ft Promotional table at 19th Hole Reception.Logo inclusion on digital and social media post as Awards Sponsor.Half page ad in the June Issue of the Insider digital magazine.Breakfast and two boxed lunches provided (must reserve).Putting Green Sponsor | $22501 (4 player) team for golf tournament including 1 Par-ty Player Pack Per GolferOpportunity for promotional tent on putting green during tournament.Company logo signage on putting green.Host the putting contest and interact with those competing.Logo inclusion on digital and social media post as Putting Green SponsorHalf Page ad in the June Issue of the Insider digital magazine.Breakfast and Two boxed lunches provided (must reserve).Java Sponsor | $10002 players on a team for golf tournament including 1 Par-ty Player Pack Per GolferCompany logo signage on site at Java Joy trailer.6 foot table at welcome area and breakfast area. Company logo on social media and website for Chamber. Logo Inclusion as Java Sponsor on marketing material. Presenting Sponsor | $40002 (4 player) teams for golf tournament including 1 Par-ty Player Pack Per GolferLogo inclusion as Presenting Sponsor on digital marketing leading up to and dayof tournamentLogo and bio on the Chamber golf website page, with link to webpage!Full page ad in June issue of the Insider with tournament coverage.Business Spotlight in the Digital Magazine June Issue Option to speak at Welcome Ceremony at Shot Gun Start.Opportunity for premium placement of promotional tent on Hole 1 Tee Box.Option to present logoed promotional items at lunch.Breakfast and four boxed lunches providedBeverage Cart Sponsors | $1250 Per CartBeverage Carts must be driven by Licensed Bartenders for 2025Logoed Koozies or Golf Towels for Bartenders to distribute while drivinglogo carts on course for tournament. Your Logoed Gear for the Bartenders to Wear while driving Golf Carts Logoed inclusion as Beverage Cart Sponsor.Tee Sign with Logo at Tournament Half page ad in the June issue of the Insider digital magazine. Tee Sign | $125Company logo signage displayed around clubhouse.Eagle Hole Sponsor | $650Opportunity for placement of promotional tent on course. 2025 sponsors can not serve Alcoholic Beverages on the course during thetournament at tents. Company logo signage on course.Logo inclusion as Exclusive Hole Sponsor.Breakfast and two boxed lunches provided (must reserve).Transportation Sponsor | $17502 players on a team for golf tournament including 1 Par-ty Player Pack Per GolferCompany logo signage on ALL TOURNAMENT GOLF CARTS.6 foot table at welcome area and breakfast area. Option to provide 2 logoed Water Bottles for every cart.Logo inclusion on digital and social media post as Transportation Sponsor Full page Ad in the June issue of the insider digital magazineCloset to the Pin Competition Sign | $500Your company will have signage with your logo at the designated tee box. A giftwill be given to the winner in your name.Qtr. Page ad in the June issue of the insider digital magazineCash Prizes for the WinnerLongest Drive Competition Sign | $500Your company will have signage with your logo at the designated tee box. A giftwill be given to the winner in your name.Qtr. Page ad in the June issue of the insider digital magazineCash Prizes for the Winner

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GUESS WHO? That’s right! It’s time again for Summerfest fromthe Oconee Chamber of Commerce! so to T R O U B L Eyou but we are taking big RISK this year to bring you a full filledevent with CLUES, TWIST, CHUTES AND LADDERS leading all theway to real LIFE opportunities just waiting for you! UNO!!! Wait,we have one more surprise leading you PAST GO, and to theBOARDWALK to celebrate with games from board to the screen.We believe the PRICE IS RIGHT, and this event is the best way tospin the WHEEL OF FORTUNE and get involved with thecommunity and be part of this chamber event! Don’t PRESSYOUR LUCK, or get into a FAMILY FEUD, just join us! The chamber's new and improved "Business Expo" with atwist! SummerFest is an ideal way to showcase yourbusiness and your products/services with an exhibit booth.SummerFest will not only provide your business theopportunity to get in front of the local community, butstretches your investment dollars throughout the year withexposure on the chamber website where your business namewill be posted; as well as on social media, and through theevent program. This year there will be giveaways, foodtasting, and more! Each vendor is encouraged to decorateand fill their booth for Family Game Night for the attendees!$185 Standard Booth | $350 Premium$850 Sunshine SponsorPresented By:BEGINSJune 12, 2025Oconee County Civic Center

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51stPremium placement and promotional double tent space at the festival.Exclusive rights to distribute branded bags at the entrance gates of the fall festival.Your logo and website link featured on the fall festival page of the Chamber website.Logo displayed on the Vendor Hub as the Presenting Sponsor.Prime banner placement at festival gate entrances on Second and Third Streets.Recognition as a sponsor through multiple social media mentions.Logo acknowledgment on all marketing materials and fall festival social media posts.Your logo on the front cover of the Digital Fall Festival Program.Logo recognition in the third-quarter edition of the Insider festival preview.Full-page advertisement in the third-quarter Insider digital magazine.Business Spotlight in the September Issue of the Digital magazine The InsiderFull-page ad featured on the front inside cover of the fall festival program.Your logo included on the school festival flyer distributed to over 4,000 OCCS students.Promotional recognition in all printed marketing advertisements for the festival year.Inclusion in the promotional radio advertisement on Joy FM.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of Chamber WebsiteFeatured in the printed Lake Life ad for the Fall Festival.Included in the Fall Festival advertisement for the Summerfest Program.Your logo prominently placed on the Vendor T-Shirt.Standard Booth at Summerfest Expo the next Calendar Year!Presenting Sponsor | $8,500Sponsorship OpportunitiesSponsorship OpportunitiesPremium placement & tent space on School Street at festival.Listing on fall festival page of our website to include your logo and link toyour website.Premium Placement of your 3x5 banner at the fall festival.Logo displayed on the Vendor Hub as the Presenting Sponsor.Multiple social media sponsor recognition posts on social media.Logo in festival brochures with business description and link to business.Logo on back of vendor fall festival t-shirtLogo recognition in the 3rd quarter issue of the Insider festival preview.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of Chamber WebsiteBusiness Spotlight in the September Issues of Digital Magazine The InsiderHalf page ad in the 3rd quarter Insider digital magazine.Half page ad in the fall festival program.Standard Booth at Summerfest Expo the next Calendar Year!Harvest Sponsor | $5,000Promotional tent space at festival .Logo recognition in the 3rd quarter issue of the Insider festival preview.Half page ad in the 3rd quarter issue of the Insider digital magazine. Listing on fall festival page of our website to include your logo and link to your website.Placement of your 3x5 banner at the festival.1 social media sponsor recognition post on social media.Logo in Festival brochures.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of Chamber WebsiteSponsor recognition in the festival brochure with company description and link to website.Logo on back of vendor fall festival t-shirtScarecrow Security Sponsor | $3375ALL NEW PRICING!ALL NEW PRICING!

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To Secure Your Sponsorship or for More Information, contactAndrea Reese at areese@oconeechamber.orgOconee Chamber of Commerce | 55 Nancy Drive, Watkinsville Georgia 30677 ©2025Promotional tent space at festival.Logo recognition in the September issue of the Insider festival preview.Half page ad in the September issue of the Insider digital magazine. Half page ad in the Fall Festival Program. Listing on fall festival page of our website to include your logo and linkto your website.Placement of your customized 3x5 at the festival.1 social media sponsor recognition post on social media.Logo in Festival brochures.Sponsor page recognition in the festival brochure with companydescription and link to website.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of Chamber WebsiteListed on back of fall festival t-shirt.Standard Booth at Summerfest Expo the next Calendar Year!Level 5 Sponsor | $2,500Logo recognition in the September issue of the Insider festival preview.Qt. page ad in the September Insider magazine.Listing on fall festival page of our website to include your logo. Placement of your 3x5 banner at the festival.1 social media post on social media.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of ChamberWebsiteLogo in brochures with company description. Listed on back of fall festival t-shirt Level 3 Sponsor | $1,000Logo on fall festival page of our website.Placement of your 3x5 banner at the festival.Logo in printed brochures.Business Card Ad in Fall Festival ProgramListed on back of fall festival t-shirt.Level 2 Sponsor | $500Listing on fall festival page of our website.Placement of your 3x5 banner at the festival.Listed in the brochures.Listed on back of fall festival t-shirt.Level 1 Sponsor | $250Promotional tent space at festival.Logo recognition in the September issue of the Insider festival preview.Qtr. page ad in the September issue of the Insider digital magazine. Qtr. page ad in the Fall Festival Program. Listing on fall festival page of our website to include your logo and linkto your website.Placement of your customized 3x5 at the festival.1 social media sponsor recognition post on social media.Logo in Festival brochures.Sponsor page recognition in the festival brochure with companydescription and link to website.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of Chamber WebsiteListed on back of fall festival t-shirt.Standard Booth at Summerfest Expo the next Calendar Year!Level 4 Sponsor | $1750Promotional tent space at festival.Logo recognition in the 3rd quarter issue of the Insider festival preview.Half page ad in the 3rd quarter issue of the Insider digital magazine. Listing on fall festival page of our website to include your logo and link toyour website.Placement of your 3x5 banner at the festival.1 social media sponsor recognition post on social media.Logo in Festival brochures.Recognition on the Sponsorship and Hosting Page of Chamber WebsiteSponsor recognition in the festival brochure with company description andlink to website.Listed on back of fall festival t-shirt.Annual Shirt Sponsor | $2250ALL NEW PRICING!ALL NEW PRICING!

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Ad FormatAll Ads are to be submitted in JPEG, JPG or PNGformat, to Andrea Reese at Ad Design can be provided by the chamber if adsare submitted no less than 10 days prior to addeadline . Yearly Ad PricingFull Page Deluxe PlacementInside Covers, Adjacent Inside Covers$550Back Page$650Standard Full Page$425Half Page - H Half Page - VHalf Page$325Quarter Page $250Quarter Page- V8W x 10.5H5H x 8W4W x 10.5H4.25W x 5HQuarter Page- H3 H x 8 WAd DeadlinesQ1 | February 20thQ2 | May 20thQ3 | August 20thQ4 | November 20thAds do not auto renew, pricing is per year. The Insider is aquarterly digital magazine and will update each quarter.Email Ads To Andrea at 2025 | The Oconee Chamber of CommerceINSIDERC O N N E C T | E N G A G E | I N S P I R E | E M P O W E RT H E O C O N E E C H A M B E R Secure your 2025 Ad before December 30th andreceive $100 off the yearly price of the ad!

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It’s the Reel Deal! Join us!2024 Chamber Connect GroupJennifer Stimpson, Co-ChairClick Below to Chamber Connect, our Partner Prospect Group is a business developmentnetworking group designed to enhance business development and fosterrelationships across all industries. Lead generation is a collection of strategies youuse to attract potential customers and move them through your funnel. ChamberConnect is a free benefit only available for Oconee Chamber Partners and meetstwice monthly. The group provides exclusive access to group details, references andresources through the Connections Hub located on the Chamber website. A networking group is crucial to the success of your business for several reasons:Building Relationships: Networking provides opportunities to build relationships with other professionalsin your industry or related fields.Access to Resources: Networking groups often consist of individuals with diverse backgrounds andexpertise, granting access to valuable knowledge and insights.Business Referrals: Networking groups create a supportive environment where members refer clients,customers, or business opportunities to one another.Professional Development: Engaging with a networking group exposes you to different perspectives,experiences, and expertise, contributing to your personal growth.Increased Visibility: Active participation in a networking group raises your business's visibility within yourindustry and local community.Support System: Being part of a networking group provides a support system of like-minded individualswho understand the ups and downs of business and entrepreneurship.Collaboration Opportunities: Networking groups often foster an environment of collaboration andcooperation, leading to joint ventures and shared projects.WHY JOIN?

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2024Until Next Year...