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The impacts of Instagram

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YoutubeHelping in studies through online platforms YoutubeHelping in studies through online platforms YoutubeHelping in studies through online platforms YoutubeHelping in studies through online platforms Author>MANVEER SINGH

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Instagram's influence extends far beyond itsstaggering user numbers, owing to its diverse setof features. Since its inception on October 6,2010, Instagram has been a transformative forcein the digital landscape. Instagram Stories, withtheir ephemeral nature, have revolutionized theway users share their everyday moments,fostering a distinct sense of temporality in thedigital realm. The platform's filters and editingtools enable users to curate their onlineidentities and express themselves creatively.IGTV is a platform for long-form video contentthat directly competes with traditional video-sharing platforms. Instagram's Explore page,which is powered by algorithms, providespersonalized content discovery, influencing thetrends we follow and the connections we make.Its direct messaging feature alters the way wecommunicate privately and directly. My StoryYou tube helped me to score good in my academicsWhen I was in 11th grade, I suffered fromdengue and typhoid, due to which I was not ableto go to school for my classes for around oneand a half month. Later, the whole worldsuffered from corona. Resultantly, I laggedbehind and was not able to understandanything in online classes. I had no idea of thesyllabus taught in school when I was ill, due towhich I was not able to cope up with the onlineclasses during covid. But then I decided to studyfrom youtube.I used to spend about 3 hours on youtube in dayfor around one month and I was able tocomplete my syllabus which missed due to myillness and during covid. Finally, I scored 80% inmy exams just with the help of youtube.Youtube is the best learning platform as wedon’t even need to pay for studying on youtube.Not only me, but there were also many studentsin my class who used to study from youtubeduring corona and even, one of my friendsuggested me to learn from youtube at thattime. Undoubtedly, many people throughout theworld use youtube for their academics.Youtube- A learningplatform My StoryYou tube helped me to score good in my academicsWhen I was in 11th grade, I suffered fromdengue and typhoid, due to which I was not ableto go to school for my classes for around oneand a half month. Later, the whole worldsuffered from corona. Resultantly, I laggedbehind and was not able to understandanything in online classes. I had no idea of thesyllabus taught in school when I was ill, due towhich I was not able to cope up with the onlineclasses during covid. But then I decided to studyfrom youtube.I used to spend about 3 hours on youtube in dayfor around one month and I was able tocomplete my syllabus which missed due to myillness and during covid. Finally, I scored 80% inmy exams just with the help of youtube.Youtube is the best learning platform as wedon’t even need to pay for studying on youtube.Not only me, but there were also many studentsin my class who used to study from youtubeduring corona and even, one of my friendsuggested me to learn from youtube at thattime. Undoubtedly, many people throughout theworld use youtube for their academics.Youtube- A learningplatform My StoryYou tube helped me to score good in my academicsWhen I was in 11th grade, I suffered fromdengue and typhoid, due to which I was not ableto go to school for my classes for around oneand a half month. Later, the whole worldsuffered from corona. Resultantly, I laggedbehind and was not able to understandanything in online classes. I had no idea of thesyllabus taught in school when I was ill, due towhich I was not able to cope up with the onlineclasses during covid. But then I decided to studyfrom youtube.I used to spend about 3 hours on youtube in dayfor around one month and I was able tocomplete my syllabus which missed due to myillness and during covid. Finally, I scored 80% inmy exams just with the help of youtube.Youtube is the best learning platform as wedon’t even need to pay for studying on youtube.Not only me, but there were also many studentsin my class who used to study from youtubeduring corona and even, one of my friendsuggested me to learn from youtube at thattime. Undoubtedly, many people throughout theworld use youtube for their academics.Youtube- A learningplatform My StoryYou tube helped me to score good in my academicsWhen I was in 11th grade, I suffered fromdengue and typhoid, due to which I was not ableto go to school for my classes for around oneand a half month. Later, the whole worldsuffered from corona. Resultantly, I laggedbehind and was not able to understandanything in online classes. I had no idea of thesyllabus taught in school when I was ill, due towhich I was not able to cope up with the onlineclasses during covid. But then I decided to studyfrom youtube.I used to spend about 3 hours on youtube in dayfor around one month and I was able tocomplete my syllabus which missed due to myillness and during covid. Finally, I scored 80% inmy exams just with the help of youtube.Youtube is the best learning platform as wedon’t even need to pay for studying on youtube.Not only me, but there were also many studentsin my class who used to study from youtubeduring corona and even, one of my friendsuggested me to learn from youtube at thattime. Undoubtedly, many people throughout theworld use youtube for their academics.Youtube- A learningplatform Instagram's influence extends far beyond itsstaggering user numbers, owing to its diverse setof features. Since its inception on October 6,2010, Instagram has been a transformative forcein the digital landscape. Instagram Stories, withtheir ephemeral nature, have revolutionized theway users share their everyday moments,fostering a distinct sense of temporality in thedigital realm. The platform's filters and editingtools enable users to curate their onlineidentities and express themselves creatively.IGTV is a platform for long-form video contentthat directly competes with traditional video-sharing platforms. Instagram's Explore page,which is powered by algorithms, providespersonalized content discovery, influencing thetrends we follow and the connections we make.Its direct messaging feature alters the way wecommunicate privately and directly. Instagram's influence extends far beyond itsstaggering user numbers, owing to its diverse setof features. Since its inception on October 6,2010, Instagram has been a transformative forcein the digital landscape. Instagram Stories, withtheir ephemeral nature, have revolutionized theway users share their everyday moments,fostering a distinct sense of temporality in thedigital realm. The platform's filters and editingtools enable users to curate their onlineidentities and express themselves creatively.IGTV is a platform for long-form video contentthat directly competes with traditional video-sharing platforms. Instagram's Explore page,which is powered by algorithms, providespersonalized content discovery, influencing thetrends we follow and the connections we make.Its direct messaging feature alters the way wecommunicate privately and directly.

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My life is affected by technology inmany ways। It allows communicationon multiple platforms, providesinstant access to a wealth ofinformation, improves productivity atwork or in education, offers a varietyof entertainment options, impactshealth and wellness, offersopportunities for continuous learning,raises concerns about privacy andsecurity, allows me to connect withothers through social media, and canaffect my mental health and dailyroutines। My individual choices,interests, and circumstancesdetermine the specific ways in whichtechnology impacts my life। To makeinformed decisions abouttechnology's role in my daily life, it'sessential to balance the pros andcons of it।What impact hastechnology played in your life? Corona devasted theeducation:Youtube helped thestudentsDuring Covid, everything was shutdown, including institutional centres.You can check the data of closedschools from World bank andEducation Covid site. Although therewere online classes but that was newfor every student, and it was gettingdifficult to cope with the situation.Along with this my illness made itmore difficult for me to complete mysyllabus. But somehow, I managed todo it!! It was just because of youtube. Corona devasted theeducation:Youtube helped thestudentsDuring Covid, everything was shutdown, including institutional centres.You can check the data of closedschools from World bank andEducation Covid site. Although therewere online classes but that was newfor every student, and it was gettingdifficult to cope with the situation.Along with this my illness made itmore difficult for me to complete mysyllabus. But somehow, I managed todo it!! It was just because of youtube. Corona devasted theeducation:Youtube helped thestudentsDuring Covid, everything was shutdown, including institutional centres.You can check the data of closedschools from World bank andEducation Covid site. Although therewere online classes but that was newfor every student, and it was gettingdifficult to cope with the situation.Along with this my illness made itmore difficult for me to complete mysyllabus. But somehow, I managed todo it!! It was just because of youtube. Corona devasted theeducation:Youtube helped thestudentsDuring Covid, everything was shutdown, including institutional centres.You can check the data of closedschools from World bank andEducation Covid site. Although therewere online classes but that was newfor every student, and it was gettingdifficult to cope with the situation.Along with this my illness made itmore difficult for me to complete mysyllabus. But somehow, I managed todo it!! It was just because of youtube. What impact hastechnology played in your life?Instagram's effects aren't restricted to privatelife; they may also apply to my businessactivities. I can increase the visibility of yourcompany and connect a larger audiencethrough keeping an engaged and activepresence on the platform . I can increaseawareness of my brand and customerengagement through disseminating contenton a regular basis and strategically usinghashtags. Furthermore, the social networkadvertising options like photo ads, videoadvertisements, and Stories advertisementsallow me to concentrate on particular groupsof people, drive traffic to my site, andeventually boost sales. The online shopintegration feature of the platform allows tostreamline the purchasing process, makingit easy for customers to buy directly from theInstagram posts. Collaboration withinfluencers can also help to use theirpopularity and the reliability in order toadvertise the products or services. Moreover,instagram offers too much opportunities toenhance the business What impact hastechnology played in your life?Instagram's effects aren't restricted to privatelife; they may also apply to my businessactivities. I can increase the visibility of yourcompany and connect a larger audiencethrough keeping an engaged and activepresence on the platform . I can increaseawareness of my brand and customerengagement through disseminating contenton a regular basis and strategically usinghashtags. Furthermore, the social networkadvertising options like photo ads, videoadvertisements, and Stories advertisementsallow me to concentrate on particular groupsof people, drive traffic to my site, andeventually boost sales. The online shopintegration feature of the platform allows tostreamline the purchasing process, makingit easy for customers to buy directly from theInstagram posts. Collaboration withinfluencers can also help to use theirpopularity and the reliability in order toadvertise the products or services. Moreover,instagram offers too much opportunities toenhance the business

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I took several steps to monetize your photography: my personal taleAs a student with a passion for photography, I've took the plungeinto the world of Instagram business possibilities by showing MYcreative talent. I was obsessed with capturing moments, and MYInstagram feed was a showcase of MY most effective shots,ranging from landscapes to portraits and creative still-lifephotographing. On a particular day, I observed an increase ininterest in MY photos, with a growing number of followersadmiring my work. I recognized there was a market for myphotography skills. I began by creating my Instagram feed to focus on particular areas of photography inwhichI performed and was passionate. I began to gain followers who shared my enthusiasm forthese niches, whether it was landscape photography, portrait photography, or an individualstyle.Offer PhotographyServicesSell PrintsCollaborate with BrandsMy following grew over time as I consistently deliveredhigh-quality content and offered services that met theneeds of my followers. As the demand for my photographyskills grew, I discovered myself generating a consistentstream of business-related profits. My Instagram pagebecame a showcase for my art, and I turned my hobby intoa viable source of income.Also after getting wages I caninvent on instagramto get profit. . Youtube have various features which makes learningflexible. Students can learn from various platforms andfrom professors they understand better. Moreover, viewerscan change the speed of video, they can change adjust theresolution of video. All these features makes learning easier.Concept of MOOCThere are thousands of videos on youtube from MOOC,students can learn from these videos.What is MOOC: Watch these videos(click on the links)fromYOUTUBE to know about MOOC Features of youtube makes study joyful t Youtube have various features which makes learningflexible. Students can learn from various platforms andfrom professors they understand better. Moreover, viewerscan change the speed of video, they can change adjust theresolution of video. All these features makes learning easier.Concept of MOOCThere are thousands of videos on youtube from MOOC,students can learn from these videos.What is MOOC: Watch these videos(click on the links)fromYOUTUBE to know about MOOC Features of youtube makes study joyful t Youtube have various features which makes learningflexible. Students can learn from various platforms andfrom professors they understand better. Moreover, viewerscan change the speed of video, they can change adjust theresolution of video. All these features makes learning easier.Concept of MOOCThere are thousands of videos on youtube from MOOC,students can learn from these videos.What is MOOC: Watch these videos(click on the links)fromYOUTUBE to know about MOOC Features of youtube makes study joyful t Youtube have various features which makes learningflexible. Students can learn from various platforms andfrom professors they understand better. Moreover, viewerscan change the speed of video, they can change adjust theresolution of video. All these features makes learning easier.Concept of MOOCThere are thousands of videos on youtube from MOOC,students can learn from these videos.What is MOOC: Watch these videos(click on the links)fromYOUTUBE to know about MOOC Features of youtube makes study joyful t I took several steps to monetize your photography: my personal taleAs a student with a passion for photography, I've took the plungeinto the world of Instagram business possibilities by showing MYcreative talent. I was obsessed with capturing moments, and MYInstagram feed was a showcase of MY most effective shots,ranging from landscapes to portraits and creative still-lifephotographing. On a particular day, I observed an increase ininterest in MY photos, with a growing number of followersadmiring my work. I recognized there was a market for myphotography skills. I began by creating my Instagram feed to focus on particular areas of photography inwhichI performed and was passionate. I began to gain followers who shared my enthusiasm forthese niches, whether it was landscape photography, portrait photography, or an individualstyle.Offer PhotographyServicesSell PrintsCollaborate with BrandsMy following grew over time as I consistently deliveredhigh-quality content and offered services that met theneeds of my followers. As the demand for my photographyskills grew, I discovered myself generating a consistentstream of business-related profits. My Instagram pagebecame a showcase for my art, and I turned my hobby intoa viable source of income.Also after getting wages I caninvent on instagramto get profit. . I took several steps to monetize your photography: my personal taleAs a student with a passion for photography, I've took the plungeinto the world of Instagram business possibilities by showing MYcreative talent. I was obsessed with capturing moments, and MYInstagram feed was a showcase of MY most effective shots,ranging from landscapes to portraits and creative still-lifephotographing. On a particular day, I observed an increase ininterest in MY photos, with a growing number of followersadmiring my work. I recognized there was a market for myphotography skills. I began by creating my Instagram feed to focus on particular areas of photography inwhichI performed and was passionate. I began to gain followers who shared my enthusiasm forthese niches, whether it was landscape photography, portrait photography, or an individualstyle.Offer PhotographyServicesSell PrintsCollaborate with BrandsMy following grew over time as I consistently deliveredhigh-quality content and offered services that met theneeds of my followers. As the demand for my photographyskills grew, I discovered myself generating a consistentstream of business-related profits. My Instagram pagebecame a showcase for my art, and I turned my hobby intoa viable source of income.Also after getting wages I caninvent on instagramto get profit. .

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2.SELF EXPESSIONPOSITIVE IMPACTS 1.Networking Instagram provides a wonderful mirrorthrough which I can see my genuine self,my interests, and my creative spirit. I'vefound a magical canvas to express myinterests, from the worlds I explore withinthe pages of my beloved books to themesmerizing beauty of nature, through thecaptivating photos and eloquent captions Ishare.Instagram is a great place toconnect with other photographers,prospective customers, andbusiness experts. You can networkwith compatible people and learnfrom other people in the field youwork in. On youtube students can learn in aninteresting way. Creators usually add variousvisuals such as pictures, graphs etc.I got amazed when those topic becameinteresting for me in which I had zerointerest, it was just because of the way oflearning on youtube.The combination of visual and audio makesuse of the visual and auditory sides of thebrain, which helps to manage the cognitiveload (Berk,2009)Videos on youtube make it interesting to learn On youtube students can learn in aninteresting way. Creators usually add variousvisuals such as pictures, graphs etc.I got amazed when those topic becameinteresting for me in which I had zerointerest, it was just because of the way oflearning on youtube.The combination of visual and audio makesuse of the visual and auditory sides of thebrain, which helps to manage the cognitiveload (Berk,2009)Videos on youtube make it interesting to learn On youtube students can learn in aninteresting way. Creators usually add variousvisuals such as pictures, graphs etc.I got amazed when those topic becameinteresting for me in which I had zerointerest, it was just because of the way oflearning on youtube.The combination of visual and audio makesuse of the visual and auditory sides of thebrain, which helps to manage the cognitiveload (Berk,2009)Videos on youtube make it interesting to learn On youtube students can learn in aninteresting way. Creators usually add variousvisuals such as pictures, graphs etc.I got amazed when those topic becameinteresting for me in which I had zerointerest, it was just because of the way oflearning on youtube.The combination of visual and audio makesuse of the visual and auditory sides of thebrain, which helps to manage the cognitiveload (Berk,2009)Videos on youtube make it interesting to learn 2.SELF EXPESSIONPOSITIVE IMPACTS 1.Networking Instagram provides a wonderful mirrorthrough which I can see my genuine self,my interests, and my creative spirit. I'vefound a magical canvas to express myinterests, from the worlds I explore withinthe pages of my beloved books to themesmerizing beauty of nature, through thecaptivating photos and eloquent captions Ishare.Instagram is a great place toconnect with other photographers,prospective customers, andbusiness experts. You can networkwith compatible people and learnfrom other people in the field youwork in. 2.SELF EXPESSIONPOSITIVE IMPACTS 1.Networking Instagram provides a wonderful mirrorthrough which I can see my genuine self,my interests, and my creative spirit. I'vefound a magical canvas to express myinterests, from the worlds I explore withinthe pages of my beloved books to themesmerizing beauty of nature, through thecaptivating photos and eloquent captions Ishare.Instagram is a great place toconnect with other photographers,prospective customers, andbusiness experts. You can networkwith compatible people and learnfrom other people in the field youwork in.

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3.Passive income:4. IndependencePassive income can begenerated by selling printsor licensing photos. Onceyou've created anduploaded your work, it cangenerate revenueindefinitely.As a student-photographer onInstagram, I have thefreedom to set my ownprices, choose myclients, and run my ownbusiness. This autonomyenables me to pursuemy vision and values. Flexible features of youtubeFeatures of youtube are very flexible as anyone canchange the resolution of the video, speed of the videoand rewind the video. This is my favourite part ofyoutube! When I study from youtube I usually slowerthe speed of video and watch it on highest resolution,due to which I am able to understand each and everyconcept very well and see every content clearly.This learning can be made more effective:(See the video below by clicking on thelinks) Flexible features of youtubeFeatures of youtube are very flexible as anyone canchange the resolution of the video, speed of the videoand rewind the video. This is my favourite part ofyoutube! When I study from youtube I usually slowerthe speed of video and watch it on highest resolution,due to which I am able to understand each and everyconcept very well and see every content clearly.This learning can be made more effective:(See the video below by clicking on thelinks) Flexible features of youtubeFeatures of youtube are very flexible as anyone canchange the resolution of the video, speed of the videoand rewind the video. This is my favourite part ofyoutube! When I study from youtube I usually slowerthe speed of video and watch it on highest resolution,due to which I am able to understand each and everyconcept very well and see every content clearly.This learning can be made more effective:(See the video below by clicking on thelinks) Flexible features of youtubeFeatures of youtube are very flexible as anyone canchange the resolution of the video, speed of the videoand rewind the video. This is my favourite part ofyoutube! When I study from youtube I usually slowerthe speed of video and watch it on highest resolution,due to which I am able to understand each and everyconcept very well and see every content clearly.This learning can be made more effective:(See the video below by clicking on thelinks) 3.Passive income:4. IndependencePassive income can begenerated by selling printsor licensing photos. Onceyou've created anduploaded your work, it cangenerate revenueindefinitely.As a student-photographer onInstagram, I have thefreedom to set my ownprices, choose myclients, and run my ownbusiness. This autonomyenables me to pursuemy vision and values. 3.Passive income:4. IndependencePassive income can begenerated by selling printsor licensing photos. Onceyou've created anduploaded your work, it cangenerate revenueindefinitely.As a student-photographer onInstagram, I have thefreedom to set my ownprices, choose myclients, and run my ownbusiness. This autonomyenables me to pursuemy vision and values.

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REFERENCESIMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN OUR LIFE: IN OUR DAILY ROUTINE: HAPPENED ON: USING INSTAGRAM CAN BE A SOURCE OF INCOME : INSTAGRAM: STRATEGIES : The education systemhave changes since1800s. Before, theeducation was just aperson in front of theroom teaching thewhole. But now,education is not justthis, there aredifferent ways tolearn, youtube is oneof those.Watch video: scenarios Nearly 60 percent of people aged 14 to 23 prefer YouTube asa learning tool, while 47 percent prefer printed books,according to the study. Fifty-five percent of them also saidthat YouTube has contributed to their education, the studyfound.The Pearson study, conducted by a New York-based globalmarket research firm, The Harris Poll, looks at thedifferences between Generation Z and Millennials—definedas ages 24-40—when it comes to their outlooks, values,experiences in education, and use of technology. The education systemhave changes since1800s. Before, theeducation was just aperson in front of theroom teaching thewhole. But now,education is not justthis, there aredifferent ways tolearn, youtube is oneof those.Watch video: scenarios Nearly 60 percent of people aged 14 to 23 prefer YouTube asa learning tool, while 47 percent prefer printed books,according to the study. Fifty-five percent of them also saidthat YouTube has contributed to their education, the studyfound.The Pearson study, conducted by a New York-based globalmarket research firm, The Harris Poll, looks at thedifferences between Generation Z and Millennials—definedas ages 24-40—when it comes to their outlooks, values,experiences in education, and use of technology. The education systemhave changes since1800s. Before, theeducation was just aperson in front of theroom teaching thewhole. But now,education is not justthis, there aredifferent ways tolearn, youtube is oneof those.Watch video: scenarios Nearly 60 percent of people aged 14 to 23 prefer YouTube asa learning tool, while 47 percent prefer printed books,according to the study. Fifty-five percent of them also saidthat YouTube has contributed to their education, the studyfound.The Pearson study, conducted by a New York-based globalmarket research firm, The Harris Poll, looks at thedifferences between Generation Z and Millennials—definedas ages 24-40—when it comes to their outlooks, values,experiences in education, and use of technology. The education systemhave changes since1800s. Before, theeducation was just aperson in front of theroom teaching thewhole. But now,education is not justthis, there aredifferent ways tolearn, youtube is oneof those.Watch video: scenarios Nearly 60 percent of people aged 14 to 23 prefer YouTube asa learning tool, while 47 percent prefer printed books,according to the study. Fifty-five percent of them also saidthat YouTube has contributed to their education, the studyfound.The Pearson study, conducted by a New York-based globalmarket research firm, The Harris Poll, looks at thedifferences between Generation Z and Millennials—definedas ages 24-40—when it comes to their outlooks, values,experiences in education, and use of technology. REFERENCESIMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN OUR LIFE: IN OUR DAILY ROUTINE: HAPPENED ON: USING INSTAGRAM CAN BE A SOURCE OF INCOME : INSTAGRAM: STRATEGIES : REFERENCESIMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN OUR LIFE: IN OUR DAILY ROUTINE: HAPPENED ON: USING INSTAGRAM CAN BE A SOURCE OF INCOME : INSTAGRAM: STRATEGIES :

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REFERENCES1.Berk, D. (2009). What comprises a successful educational science YouTubevideo? A five-thousand user survey on viewing behaviors and self-perceived importance of various variables controlled by content creators.Frontiers in Communication, 5, Article 600595.Noticia Text).2.Gillis, N. (2010). What is a MOOC? [Video]. YouTubeNoticia Text3.The New York Times. (2013, January 8). Welcome to the Brave New Worldof MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) [Video]. YouTube.Noticia Text4.The World Bank. (n.d.). World Bank Education COVID-19 School ClosuresMap (Interactive Resource)Noticia Text5.Pahr, K. (2020, March 04). 9 Awesome Educational YouTube Shows.ParentMap.(Image)Noticia Text6.IAOFR. (2021, April 7). Now Published: Volume 9 – Issue 2 – IAFOR Journalof Education – COVID-19: Education Responses to a Pandemic. IAOFR (Image)Noticia Text7.Study Skills Videos (MORE Coming Soon!). (2020, October 2). How toEffectively Watch Videos for Learning [Video file]. YouTubeNoticia Text8.RSA. (2010, October 14). RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms[Video file]. YouTube.Noticia Text9.Genota, L. (2018, August 24). Generation Z Prefers Learning From YouTube,Not Books. Education Week. Noticia Text10.Global Research and Insights (August,2018) Noticia Text REFERENCES1.Berk, D. (2009). What comprises a successful educational science YouTubevideo? A five-thousand user survey on viewing behaviors and self-perceived importance of various variables controlled by content creators.Frontiers in Communication, 5, Article 600595.Noticia Text).2.Gillis, N. (2010). What is a MOOC? [Video]. YouTubeNoticia Text3.The New York Times. (2013, January 8). Welcome to the Brave New Worldof MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) [Video]. YouTube.Noticia Text4.The World Bank. (n.d.). World Bank Education COVID-19 School ClosuresMap (Interactive Resource)Noticia Text5.Pahr, K. (2020, March 04). 9 Awesome Educational YouTube Shows.ParentMap.(Image)Noticia Text6.IAOFR. (2021, April 7). Now Published: Volume 9 – Issue 2 – IAFOR Journalof Education – COVID-19: Education Responses to a Pandemic. IAOFR (Image)Noticia Text7.Study Skills Videos (MORE Coming Soon!). (2020, October 2). How toEffectively Watch Videos for Learning [Video file]. YouTubeNoticia Text8.RSA. (2010, October 14). RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms[Video file]. YouTube.Noticia Text9.Genota, L. (2018, August 24). Generation Z Prefers Learning From YouTube,Not Books. Education Week. Noticia Text10.Global Research and Insights (August,2018) Noticia Text