Destiny inThe HobbitBILBO’SHOBBIT-HOLEAt the beginning of the novel,Gandalf, a wizard, visits Bilbo’shome to volunteer him for anadventure. But why is it that Bilbowas chosen? “There is a lot more inhim than you guess, and a deal morethan he has any idea of himself”stated Gandalf (Tolkien, Hobbit 19).Reading through the book, it isapparent that Gandalf and Bilbohave interacted in the past and thatGandalf holds Bilbo`s mother`smaiden name, Took, quite highly.Bilbo was more than likely notpicked by random luck or fate, butrather as a plan by Gandalf to helpan old acquaintance and assist hisdwarvish friends at the same time. MIRKWOODSPIDERSBilbo and Company’s encounter withthe Mirkwood spiders highlightssome of the first value that Bilbo hasshown since the beginning of theadventure. After Bilbo saved themfrom the spiders, the dwarves said,“They knew only too well that theywould soon all have been dead, if ithad not been for the Hobbit, andthey thanked him many times.”(Tolkien, Hobbit 152-3). This was thefirst of times that Gandalf hadentirely left Bilbo to assist the partyand the first time Bilbo hadsucceeded. Gandalf had beenbuilding up to when he could leavethe Hobbit on his lonesome andknew that he was likely to succeed.In short, be you a fictional characteror not, don’t allow the concept ofdestiny to affect your actions andinstead look to the external forcesthat may affect your outcome. UsingThe Hobbit as an example, know thatyour choices are your own.J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is anovel regarding the fantasticaladventures of Bilbo Baggins, anunambitious Hobbit of Bag-End.Pressured into undertaking a quest,Bilbo finds himself on the road tountold riches and unmistakabledanger. On his travels, heencounters a great manyadversaries, all in an attempt to takeback his companions’ home from agreat dragon known as Smaug theMagnificent. Across all hisadventures, one thing is clear:nothing is left up to fate.
BILBO’SHOBBIT-HOLETHE MAGICRINGMIRKWOODSPIDERSTHE MAGICRINGHalfway through the novel, Bilbomeets a creature known as Gollum. Inhis encounter, Bilbo stumbles uponwhat appears to be a magic ring thatgrants invisibility. This seems tooimprobable to occur just by chance,and it is. “It was not Gollum, Frodo,but the Ring that decided things. TheRing left him.” (Tolkien, Fellowship73). The Lord of the Rings elaborateson the details of this particular ring,along with its ability to act on its ownaccord. Clever planning andpowerful magic can create effectsmistaken for fate.
BILBO’SHOBBIT-HOLETHE MAGICRINGMIRKWOODSPIDERSTHE MAGICRINGHalfway through the novel, Bilbomeets a creature known as Gollum. Inhis encounter, Bilbo stumbles uponwhat appears to be a magic ring thatgrants invisibility. This seems tooimprobable to occur just by chance,and it is. “It was not Gollum, Frodo,but the Ring that decided things. TheRing left him.” (Tolkien, Fellowship73). The Lord of the Rings elaborateson the details of this particular ring,along with its ability to act on its ownaccord. Clever planning andpowerful magic can create effectsmistaken for fate.
BILBO’SHOBBIT-HOLETHE MAGICRINGMIRKWOODSPIDERSTHE MAGICRINGHalfway through the novel, Bilbomeets a creature known as Gollum. Inhis encounter, Bilbo stumbles uponwhat appears to be a magic ring thatgrants invisibility. This seems tooimprobable to occur just by chance,and it is. “It was not Gollum, Frodo,but the Ring that decided things. TheRing left him.” (Tolkien, Fellowship73). The Lord of the Rings elaborateson the details of this particular ring,along with its ability to act on its ownaccord. Clever planning andpowerful magic can create effectsmistaken for fate.
Destiny inThe HobbitBILBO’SHOBBIT-HOLEAt the beginning of the novel,Gandalf, a wizard, visits Bilbo’shome to volunteer him for anadventure. But why is it that Bilbowas chosen? “There is a lot more inhim than you guess, and a deal morethan he has any idea of himself”stated Gandalf (Tolkien, Hobbit 19).Reading through the book, it isapparent that Gandalf and Bilbohave interacted in the past and thatGandalf holds Bilbo`s mother`smaiden name, Took, quite highly.Bilbo was more than likely notpicked by random luck or fate, butrather as a plan by Gandalf to helpan old acquaintance and assist hisdwarvish friends at the same time. MIRKWOODSPIDERSBilbo and Company’s encounter withthe Mirkwood spiders highlightssome of the first value that Bilbo hasshown since the beginning of theadventure. After Bilbo saved themfrom the spiders, the dwarves said,“They knew only too well that theywould soon all have been dead, if ithad not been for the Hobbit, andthey thanked him many times.”(Tolkien, Hobbit 152-3). This was thefirst of times that Gandalf hadentirely left Bilbo to assist the partyand the first time Bilbo hadsucceeded. Gandalf had beenbuilding up to when he could leavethe Hobbit on his lonesome andknew that he was likely to succeed.In short, be you a fictional characteror not, don’t allow the concept ofdestiny to affect your actions andinstead look to the external forcesthat may affect your outcome. UsingThe Hobbit as an example, know thatyour choices are your own.J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is anovel regarding the fantasticaladventures of Bilbo Baggins, anunambitious Hobbit of Bag-End.Pressured into undertaking a quest,Bilbo finds himself on the road tountold riches and unmistakabledanger. On his travels, heencounters a great manyadversaries, all in an attempt to takeback his companions’ home from agreat dragon known as Smaug theMagnificent. Across all hisadventures, one thing is clear:nothing is left up to fate.
Destiny inThe HobbitBILBO’SHOBBIT-HOLEAt the beginning of the novel,Gandalf, a wizard, visits Bilbo’shome to volunteer him for anadventure. But why is it that Bilbowas chosen? “There is a lot more inhim than you guess, and a deal morethan he has any idea of himself”stated Gandalf (Tolkien, Hobbit 19).Reading through the book, it isapparent that Gandalf and Bilbohave interacted in the past and thatGandalf holds Bilbo`s mother`smaiden name, Took, quite highly.Bilbo was more than likely notpicked by random luck or fate, butrather as a plan by Gandalf to helpan old acquaintance and assist hisdwarvish friends at the same time. MIRKWOODSPIDERSBilbo and Company’s encounter withthe Mirkwood spiders highlightssome of the first value that Bilbo hasshown since the beginning of theadventure. After Bilbo saved themfrom the spiders, the dwarves said,“They knew only too well that theywould soon all have been dead, if ithad not been for the Hobbit, andthey thanked him many times.”(Tolkien, Hobbit 152-3). This was thefirst of times that Gandalf hadentirely left Bilbo to assist the partyand the first time Bilbo hadsucceeded. Gandalf had beenbuilding up to when he could leavethe Hobbit on his lonesome andknew that he was likely to succeed.In short, be you a fictional characteror not, don’t allow the concept ofdestiny to affect your actions andinstead look to the external forcesthat may affect your outcome. UsingThe Hobbit as an example, know thatyour choices are your own.J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is anovel regarding the fantasticaladventures of Bilbo Baggins, anunambitious Hobbit of Bag-End.Pressured into undertaking a quest,Bilbo finds himself on the road tountold riches and unmistakabledanger. On his travels, heencounters a great manyadversaries, all in an attempt to takeback his companions’ home from agreat dragon known as Smaug theMagnificent. Across all hisadventures, one thing is clear:nothing is left up to fate.