Happy New Year!Happy New Year!It is difficult to believe that we have turned theIt is difficult to believe that we have turned thepage on another year at The Credit Union forpage on another year at The Credit Union forRobertson County! 2025 has us entering our 57thRobertson County! 2025 has us entering our 57thyear of service to our membership and theyear of service to our membership and thecommunities in which we proudly and diligentlycommunities in which we proudly and diligentlyserve, Because YOU Matter!serve, Because YOU Matter! As previously reported, a Charter Expansion toAs previously reported, a Charter Expansion toour field of membership approval by the State ofour field of membership approval by the State ofTennessee in late 2024 has enabled us to moveTennessee in late 2024 has enabled us to moveinto more areas as we live out the purpose of ourinto more areas as we live out the purpose of ourCredit UnionCredit Union – – People Serving PeoplePeople Serving People.. (continued page 2)(continued page 2)IN THIS ISSUE:A Message from Your CEOCoffee & ComraderySystem Maintenance DatesHow do you protect youraccount?“LOVE MY RIDE”Annual Meeting/BoardNomineesBANZAI! - New Year, NewBudget!Blood Drive: Sign Up Here!Our Services: Who Can Be aMember?Our Services: New ServicesComing!Rates & Closed Datespg. 1-2pg. 3pg. 4pg. 5pg. 6-7pg. 8-10 pg. 11pg. 12pg. 13-15pg. 16A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEOS e mi- A n n u a l N e w s l e t t e rS e m i - A n n u a l N e w s l e t t e r HEARTBEATHEARTBEATJanuary 2025 vol 1 January 2025 vol 1
A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO (CONTINUED)As a Community Based Credit Union, membership now will expand topeople who live, work or worship, attend school, or is a business or otherentity in Robertson, Cheatham, Sumner, Montgomery and Davidson (north ofthe Cumberland River) Counties.·Growth: As of 11/30/2024, your Credit Union has continued to grow inOutstanding Loans by a net percentage of 2.13%; Asset Size has increased2.27% since this period last year, as we see some settling of our member’sneed to utilize savings to offset the economic challenges of 2024.·Loss Management: The Credit Union’s Collections area has remaineddiligent in a very tough 2024. Net charge offs to average loans (as of11/30/2024) is 1.290%; Delinquency as of this same time was at 1.249%. Wecontinue to work with our members during any time of hardship anddifficulty they are experiencing. Our team also has Certified Credit UnionCounseling professionals on board that can work alongside you for any areathat we can assist with. ·Shares: Your Credit Union’s Board of Directors and Senior Management hasbeen very proactive to keep interest earnings at a very competitive levelwhile managing a very good bottom line.·Staff: Blessed is the word that I will share with you to have a kind andconcerned staff of employees that are here to serve our communities! Witharound 50 employees and growing, leadership continues to dedicate theemployment of professional, caring people that believe in the Credit UnionMission. Thank YOU for your continued confidence and trust that you place in us.Our purpose of people serving people has not changed since The CreditUnion for Robertson County’s beginning in 1968-Because YOU Matter! Respectfully submitted-Th e H EA RT BE AT | pa ge 02Brenda Bellar, CEO
Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 03 Coffee & Comradery starts at 8:30 a.m. every 3rdTuesday of the month at our Tom Austin branch’sconference room! Coffee, donuts and lots of comraderybetween our veterans is what you will find on this dayeach month! If you know a veteran, let them know theyare welcome to join us. No RSVP is needed!We our Veterans!SYSTEM MAINTENANCE DATESWe will be completing system maintenanceon the following dates/times during 2024: PLEASE make sure you have an alternative way to makepayment (cash, check or a different card). We do not wantour members to be without the ability to conduct business. February 1, 2025February 1, 2025 from 11:00 p.m. until 10:00 a.m.from 11:00 p.m. until 10:00 a.m.February 2, 2025February 2, 2025May 3, 2025May 3, 2025from 11:00 p.m. until 10:00 a.m.from 11:00 p.m. until 10:00 a.m.May 4, 2025May 4, 2025
HOW DO YOU PROTECTYOUR ACCOUNT ?Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 04The weekend is here and it is 5:01 p.m. You just attempted to swipe your debitcard, but it didn’t work. You do not carry cash because you have a debitcard...Now what do you do? Four out of five times when this scenario happens our fraud partner has beenalerted to activity taking place on your card that is out of the ordinary use for yourcard and halted activity. “Why don’t you get notified whenthis happens?????” you ask.We do seek to notify you of this type ofactivity sending either an email to theemail address that you have provided ortext to your cell phone number on file withus.If this information is not current, then wewill attempt to call you during the nextbusiness day, but if your telephonenumber is not up to date, we still will notbe able to reach you. 1) Keeping your account information (mailing address, email address, andtelephone numbers (especially your cell phone number) is of the utmostimportance for protecting your account, as you read in the previous example.2) Another fraud prevention that we offer is the ability to go paperless. Ourmembers can select to receive e-statements, e-receipts, e-notices, and e-alerts (ifyou allow for alerts on your cell phone). This prevents the loss of paper receipts inparking lots that might fall from your vehicle or even stolen statements or noticesfrom your mailbox. Our team strives daily to protect our members. We will ask you to verify yourcurrent account information when you visit. Please assist us, if you know youhave not updated your information, call (615)382-8255, come by one of ourbranches or login to home banking/mobile app and send us a secure messagetoday to provide your new information .
Message LOVE MY RIDE !! LOVE MY RIDE !!closed during 2/1/25 - 3/31/25 have a chance at:1st prize = award of two monthly payments** (not to exceed $1,000) 2nd prize = award of one monthly payment**(not to exceed $500)3rd prize = paid routine maintenance items ***(with local vendors)NEW OR USED AUTO LOANS* NEW OR USED AUTO LOANS* *Membership Eligibility Required * Credit Approval Required * Cannot be combined into existing monies owed to the credit union *Completed Loans for this promotion are eligible for entry for prizes listed above *loan amount includes $50.00 loan fee **award may be utilized for payments or awarded as cash with one (1) first prize and one(1) second prize given **1099-MISC will be issued if over $600 awareded*** four(4) thrid place prizes will be awarded
Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 06ANNUAL MEETING - MARCH 21Our Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, March 21, 2025.This is your yearly opportunity to review the business and financial reports for 2024, and to vote for members of your Board of Directors for 2025. You are not just amember, you are an OWNER, so your vote is very important! This meeting will takeplace at each branch during normal business hours for the day. Voting will be available Monday, March 17 thru Thursday, March 20, 2025 thru ourwebsite at www.tcurc.org. On Friday, March 21, 2025 voting will be available inperson only at each branch location.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONThe Nominating Committee for the current year includes: Wanda Mason andMarilyn Worsham. There are two Board members up for re-election: Rhea-AnnePendley and Brenda Bellar . Bayard Shelton has been appointed by the Board ofDirectors to complete the unexpired term of Cheryl Covington.Rhea-Anne is the Senior Product Manager for CommercialWater Heaters at Lochinvar LLC. Prior to that she worked forElectrolux Major Appliances for 33 years, serving in variousroles including Project Management for new cooking products,Product Management, Account and Sales Management. Rhea-Anne is a native of Robertson County, has an undergraduatedegree from Austin Peay State University and an MBA fromBethel University. She is married to Vernon Pendley and they are parents to twoyoung adult children, Jantzen and Alexis. Last year shebecame a “GiGi” to a baby girl and soon will welcome a secondgrand girl. Rhea-Anne joined the Credit Union Board in 2010.She stated regarding the Credit Union, "It has been my honor toserve on the Board of Directors; to be a part of the CreditUnion's growth in Robertson County and witness the heart ofit's many services provided to our community."
Brenda Bellar has been employed by The Credit Union forRobertson County for fifteen years. During her time with theour organization she has served in roles of insurance,mortgage and consumer loan officer, Director of Lending,Interim CEO and currently sits as our CEO. She has served onthe Board of Directors for two years. Brenda is a lifelongresident of Robertson County where she resides with herhusband, Ronnie. She has two children, Samantha andJamie, who chose wonderful son & daughter - in- laws and sixgrandchildren. When she is not working diligently for ourorganization, her other favorite jobs are that of a “BeeBee” toher grandchildren and serving within her church.Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 07BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION (continued)Bayard Shelton is the president of S&S Precision, Inc, aprecision tooling company, in Springfield, TN since 2011.He began buying in as a partner in 2007 and become soleowner in 2011. He has substantially grown S&S Precisioninto the success it has become with the help of a great teamof employees. Bayard has worked, managed, and presidedin the tooling industry for over 30 years.Bayard is a lifelong Robertson County resident and a 1992graduate of Greenbrier High School. In 1997, he marriedKendra Shepard Shelton, who serves as the County Trusteefor Robertson County. They share two grown sons, Eli, a civilengineer, and Isaac, an electrician. The whole familyworships at Cedar Hill Baptist Church where Bayard hasserved in the choir, music ministry, mission trips, deacon,youth leader, and teacher. Additionally, Bayard has servedthe community on the Board of Directors for the RobertsonCounty Chamber of Commerce as well as a RobertsonCounty Rotarian.
NEW YEAR, NEW BUDGET! What is a budget?A budget is a financial spending and savings plan that’s used to helppeople meet their financial goals and/or find financial wellness. Everyone’s budget is different depending on their situation, but therules of a budget are always the same-assign a portion of yourincome to a variety of specified expenses (all different percentages)and only spend the amount set aside for that expense. What are some useful budget categories? Budget categories are different expense groupings. For example,gas, parking, and vehicle maintenance would all go into onecategory-transportation.Should I use net or gross income when calculating my budget?It’s very important to use net income (after-tax income) to calculateyour budget. The idea is to get a good idea of all your spendableincome, which means it’s the amount that is entered into your bankaccount every paycheck and not your full gross salary. Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 08
NEW YEAR, NEW BUDGET!CONTINUED)How can I properly record my monthly income andexpenses?Understand that expenses range from fixed or constant monthlycosts- rent, loan payments, etc.-to variable expenses which arealways changing. While creating a budget, it’s important to knowhow much money is filtering in and out of your bank account. What qualifies debt?Any dollar amount that has been borrowed from an institution orperson would count as debt. This includes credit card balances,mortgages, car loans, personal loans, and so on. How do I track my monthly expenses? Tracking monthly expenses takes dedication, but, with the amountof technology we have today to help us, it’s also not hard. To keepsimple, start by tracking these 3 categories: Bills, Shopping, and Debt. Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 09
Creating your budget is easy with the Banzai BudgetCalculator. Click the picture below to start using thebudget calculator today! How can I apply the 50/30/20 rule to my personal budgeting?According to the 50/30/20 rule, a balanced budget allocates 50% ofincome to needs (rent, utilities, food, etc.) 30% of income to wants(unnecessary clothing, jewelry, restaurant food, entertainment, etc.)and 20% of income to savings (emergency funds, retirement ,etc.).All you’d have to do to apply this to your budget is divide yourincome into these three categories and stick to them. Th e HEA RT BE AT | p ag e 10NEW YEAR, NEW BUDGET!(CONTINUED)
Friday, February 14th8:30 am - 4:00 pm 3564 Tom Austin HighwaySpringfield, TN 37172BloodmobileSIGN UPHERE!bloodassurance.org/tcurc1-800-962-0628BLOODDRIVEOne donation can save three livesRemember:- Eat a good meal - Bring your ID - Avoid energy drinks- Drink extra water
OUR SERVICESOUR SERVICESWe h ave bee n so e xcited to bring the n ews of our field ofmember ship expansio n to our members, but what exactly doe sthis m ean?The expansion now pr ovides an easy way to qualif y indiv id uals tojoin our credit u nion i f they LIVE, WORK, WORSHIP OR ATT ENDSCHOOL in (not on ly ) Robertson County but also Sumne r,Cheath am, Montgome ry and Davidson (n orth of the Cu mb erlandRiver) Counties . A busine ss or other enti ty also has th e samequalif iers. Prior to th is w e were limited to a 25 m ile ra dius o f ourmain office and fewer ways to qualify individua ls fo r ourextrao rdinary ser vices and p roducts. With th e e xpansion i t i s n ow easy for you as a m ember to sh ar ewith o thers your great exper ience with our organ iz ation and i nviteTh e HEA RTB EA T | p age 1 2WHO CAN BE A MEMBER OF THE CREDIT UNION FOR ROBERTSON COUNTY?them to shar e th e sa me greatservic e that you receive andknow that they can qualify tojoin ju st based on where th eylive (you r n ext door neighb or isa grea t example).We want to brin g service &produc ts t o all who desire tohave them, not just ordina ryservic e... but EXTRAORDINA RYSERVIC E! We ho pe yo u wil lshare ou r excitem en t!
OUR SERVICESOUR SERVICESTh e HEA RTB EA T | p age 1 3KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THESE GREAT NEW SERVICES!Contactless CardsKeeping our members’ money safe isat the forefront of what we do eachand everyday. Contactless cards isanother layer of safety that is beingadded this year to assist with keepingyour card information safe. With acontactless card, a new number isutilized each time the card is tapped. This creates a unique code for making it a much safer way to conduct businessas skimmers cannot capture this information. These cards will also speed thepayment process as they retrieve the authorization approvals faster than swipedor inserted chip cards. We are excited to bring our members this feature!
OUR SERVICESOUR SERVICESTh e HEA RTB EA T | p age 1 4KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THESE GREAT NEW SERVICES!We Make Membership Easy!We are excited to let you know thatnot only can we make the process ofqualifying new members easier, wecan also make the process of joiningeasier. We currently have an onlineapplication that allows an individual tostart the joining process withsubmitting information and necessary documents can be submitted as well. We will reach out to these individuals with a phone call and complete theremainder of the process in one of our locations, which ever one is convenient forthem. Please refer your friends and family to www.tcurc.org/membership tocomplete an application to join today!MARK YOURCALENDARS!!Annual Shred DayAnnual Shred DayFriday, April 18, 2025Friday, April 18, 2025
OUR SERVICESOUR SERVICESGet the money you need to help make highereducation happen. Student loans from The Credit Union for Robertson County inpartnership with Sallie Mae could help!Th e HEA RTB EA T | p age 1 5HOW MAY WE HELP YOU?NEW STAFF MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTDuring the month of February we willbe adding an additional new look toour website. You will now be able tochat with a member servicerepresentative and we will also havethe ability to text with you duringbusiness hours. We will also beintroducing you to the newestmember of our staff. Our new virtualassistant is currently top secret, butwe know you will LOVE the service youwill receive during our non-businesshours!Watch for our new addition at www.tcurc.org. Please be patient as ournew staff member learns the ins and outs of our business. There will bea learning curve, but we have no doubt that you will be given the greatservice we expect!! Did you know we have optionsfor student loans?click here to learnmoreApply Now!